HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-30, Page 5i
FormerOffjcjai In Ha�
Oscar --: Io74,i
Home, followed by :a. public
service in. SL Peter's Lutheran
Church, Zurich, with. alaeAstor.
Rev. 0. Winter, officiating. Bur -
lel will, be in the Goshen Line
Item . Reviews Work
A1rs. Geo..Grunau of llirzuinl;
Oscal'lupp, 7#, former dep-
ttty'reeve and ceuneitlor of 1 -lay
township, died suddenly at his
hone in Zurich early Tuesday
morning. It is believed be suffer-
ed a heart attack,
1sjr. Klopp, was ,deputy eeev.e
trf Hay in. 1.9$7 and served as.
councillor the year before, lie
was defeated by a f:lose margin
in the election fpr .this year's
He served as director of the
Hay Mutual Fife insurance Co.
for nearly 40 years and had the
longest terns of service on the
hoard, 1t is believed this may he
a record for Canada,
lie' served as president of the
company for a number of years.
For the past '2S years, Mr.
Klopp has operated. .an imple•
meet business in Zurich and
was Well-known as an auction-
eer. Earlier he fanned two and
ono -half miles west of the
He was the son of Mr. and
Mrs.William Klo ai was
pp and w
born on the family homestead,
one ratite west of Zurich, now
operated by Herber/4 Klopp,
Air, Kropp was married to the
former Louinda Walper, who
died some years ago,
Surviving the deceased are
three sons, Harold, Grand Bend;
Hawar.d, Zurich; and Wilfred,
London; .three daughters, Beat.
i t Detroit;
rice, AZrs.' Len Heist,
Edith, Mrs. Earl Yungblut, Zur-
ich; Delores, Mrs, Arthur Rick,
Detroit; five brothers, Elmore,
Herace- d Will
a an i lam
Zurich;Pio.. ,
Stratford; Leonard, Waterloo;
Lambert, Washington, D.C,;
three sisters, Mrs. Wagner, Kit-
chener; Mrs. Church, Zurich,
and Mrs, Flora Beiber, Glidden,
Iowa, and 17• grandchildren.
funeral se v be
held Thursday afternoon at 2
p.ni, at the Westlake Funeral
Local Doctor,
Active. In City
While Mr. Robert Williams of
town, was in Toronto, for a few
days over the week -end he had
the pleasure of calling on Doc-
tor Byron A. Campbell and fam-
It was around 1920 when the
Campbells went to Toronto where
the doctor established a practice,
which he still maintains, although
in his 89th year. He is still very
active and. smart on his feet. Un-
fortunately Mrs. Campbell was
not enjoying her usual health.
',1,11111111,1,11111/1 tlllttll1/111/1111/1111twrt/1,11111/11111111$1 1
i*ST BiaSki is 1900ZI)RICK tiERALD
t �, it«ii111iTN.
Lutheran cemetery, T�►�'i
Personal It
The January meeting sof theHo!
Blake.,School „Red Cross
tSt-,CiL .kV,t: i
home of B. i
ant Mrs. l w 1 Partyhing
� 1.Ia d a ast
Tuesday evening.
The topic —' "We look at our -
hani, Mich. is spending a week
at the home of her sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut,
Mr's, Harvey •Clausius is spend-
ing several days in Detroit with
her sister, Mrs. Bedard, also
visiting her son, Patrick O'Brien,
e patient et the hospital in that
.city who is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes 111411111 and
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lawrence re-
turned from their trip to Florida
and other ports of the southern
Mr. and Mrs, Orland Gerber
and family of Baden were Fri-
day visitors at the- home of the
former parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Val Gerber and other relatives.
Miss Pearl Wertz returned
after spending some time at the
horne of her sister, Dr. and Mrs.
H. H. Cowen, Exeter,
Alrs. Houser of Rodney is
spending several days at. the
home of her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Laird Jacobe, P'arr Line.
Mr. Robert Williams has re-
turned home after spending a
few days with relatives W t in To-
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Stinnesen
and sons of Goderich were Sun-
day guests at the
home of the
o. 's brother, Mr. n 7
€ rme • i e , a d Mrs,
Jerry Stinnesen and also called
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Chester L. Smith.
Mr. Carl Decker made a busi-
ness trip to Chatham one day
last week,
Mr. Wayne Greb of Centralia
spent the weekend at the home
of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Greb and son Glen,
Babylon Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oestricher
of Crediton were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, John Brown last
Mrs. Clare Geiger and Mrs. A.
Kalbfleisch motored to Clinton
one day last week . where the
latter visited with her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Hurlbert, a patient
in the . Clinton Hospital for a
fractured hip. Mrs. Hurlbert is
progressing :favourably and able
to sit up and enjoy reading.
Miss Grace Kellerman of To-
ronto was a Saturday visitor at
the home of her cousin, Miss
Pearl Wertz.
1lt11$t11$1111$1$1$111,1111111 *111!1/11 H11$1/1.l1$„I, I I t I I„f l ll 1,
Lorne Rader and Ted Mittelholtz, Hardware
Merchants of Zurich, regret to announce that due to-
i1T health Ted Mittelholtz is retiring from the firm
• which will in future be Carried on under the same
name by Lorne Rader. Ted. Mittelholtz will still be
employed by Lorne as his health permits,
Ted and. Lorne wish to thank their many
friends and customers for their patronage.
Due to the dissolution of the partnership it
is necessary to have all outstanding accounts of the
firm settled without delay,
Rader & Mittleholtz
Phone e3
selves, was presented by Mrs.
Norman Fleischauer. The week
of various sontmittees was •dis-
cussed; Mrs, Ed Deters on Mem-
bership, Miss 1. Y.ungblut on of-
feriug, Mrs. Len Prang on.
Christian service and Mrs, Mil-
frect Schilhe on education.
Two new members were re-
eeived and welcomed.
Blake School held their Iced .1.i1$e, is spending •sonic time with
cross program .on Friday after -Hier daughter .and son-in-law,
noon with k MMA Yanlee s greUn; Mr. and Mrs. John Seotchiner,
in charge,Corriveau, Don -,on the Blue Water *Highway
aid -Gingerich and Allen Erb near Bayfield. g
eompasing the group. Evelyn! Miss De'lphine Erb who. is em-
Ducharrne, :first vice president, 1ployed at the Waterloo Trust,
conducted the meeting in the } Company spent a%eouple of days
absence of the president, Marytre.eetitly with her parents, Mr.
Margaret Oeseh. iand Mrs. Gordon, Erb and sisters
Business was discussed, A and brother, Charles.
Valentine party is to be held on; Alin Ist.ary Brubaker and Miss
February 14. A. piano solo was , Edith Schantz,. Kitchener, spent
given by Mervyn Erb and a a couple ' of .days recently with
Good Peat`
O h
u h
The annual meeting of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich,
was held on Thursday evening,
with a fair attendance and much
enthusiasm manifested.
During 1957 this congregation's
treasury showed receipts of $8,-
666,16, and the year closed with
ala ce
ba n on hand of $1,681.45.
Twenty were received into church
membership; there were ten
baptisms, three marriages, and
seven deaths 'The uof$3,-
h sin 3-
0 .74was raisedfori '
S 8 m ssions,
The Ladies Aid with a member-
ship of 57, 'shows receipts of.
$900.34, and the president is Mrs.
Annie Finkbeiner.
The Sunday School with an en-
rolment of 176 shows receipts
of $731.65, Mr. E. le, Klopp is
president, and Mrs, E. Laidlaw
is secretary, The Luther League
and Choir also had a good year.
Rev. Otto Winter is the efficient
pastor and the church council
consists of Victor Dinnin, chair-
man; Karl Haberer, vice-chair-
man; Earl Weido, treasurer, H.
Stade, recording secretary; Nor-
man Fleischauer, benevolence
treasurer; Albert Deichert, fin-
ancial secretary; and Earl Thee -
bard, member.
The two former, V. Dinnin and
Karl Haberer whose term of of-
fice has expired have been re-
placed by Fred Haberer, Jr,, and
Glenn Weido. The auditors for
the year were Henry Eickmeier
and Theodore Steinbach.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb
spent Monday in London,
The Story in
St. Joseph
Mrs, Sarah Jeffrey of the Blue
Water Highway South was a vis-
itor on Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Jeffrey.
Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Plante
of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Etue of Seaforth were
Sunday visitors in this neighbor-
hood calling on Mr: and Mrs.
Leon Bedard and Mr, and Mrs.
Ed. Corriveau.
Mrs. Wilfred Corriveau was
hostess to 27 neighboring ladies
on Friday last when a miscel-
laneous shower was tendered
Mrs. Ted Robson.
Saturday evening Mr. and. Mrs.
Pete Jeffrey entertained at din-
ner at their home, Mrs. Sarah
Jeffrey, Lucille Max, Mr, and
Mrs, Dominique Jeffrey.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Sienion, St,
Joseph, were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfaff,
London, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pfaff
of the Blue Water resort. Mr. L.
Pfaff accompanied by ,Harold
Pfaff, Max Jeffrey and Avila
Ducharme on. Sunday visited the
--kittettetteleetemetu,nnntereeUulgnituutunnnnlntetreelemesii letelemete tele lmumetec ski runs south of. Grand. Bend.
This is
Observe Minor :Hockey Week by making it a point tri See at least one
gape- this week. And while you're there, why not make it a point to
give the manager and coach a pat, on the ba& for giving Canadian
youth ail opportunity to participate in this healthy and character -building
Spats tontributi+
In The Sondes Of
"rhe tommunity By
Jahn LAiift i "�Iriitatei
duet by Pearl Ann Erb and Faye; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cinge-
eS(. ' rich.
Sleigh riding was enjoyed on
Mr. :Herold f+iniay's hills on his
farm. The sleigh riding .contest
was won by James Finlay who
rode the farthest.
The program committee for
February is Mary Finlay, Rosa-
lee Ducharme, Doreen Duehare
and Judy Oesch, lunch
nch commit-
tee, Mary Lou Erh, Evelyn Du-
eharme, Katherine Erb and
Robert Gesell.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs, Amos Gingerich
accompanied by Jerome Cor-
riv eau and MGustan Bohn,
Mr, Gu
spent a social evening with Mr.
and Mrs, Harry Westbrooke in
Goderich recently,
Mrs. Christian Swartzentruber
has returned from Victoria Hos-
pital, London, where she under-
v n treatment.
t t tea meat.
Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benedic-
tus, Sarnia; spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs- Amos Ginge
rich and Miss'Betty.
Mrs. Mary Jane Hey is at
present visiting her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Archie Mustard and• sons 'of
Wildwood Motel near Bayfield.
Mr. Manna Steckle and daugh-
ter, Miss Rebecca, and Mr. John
Steckle, Sr, visited relatives
with Mr; and Mrs. E. Martin,
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Penhale,
Bronson Line North, were visit-
ed by their son and daughter-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs.eThomas Pen -
hale of Kippen.
Miss Pauline Steckle, nurse-
in -training at the Kitchener -
Waterloo, Hospital,. Kitchener,
spent the weekend at the home
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Allen Steckle.
Mrs, Jean McKinley, Goshen
'Trip To South
Messrs. Ed, Mittleholtz of Zur-
ich, harry Couglow of Goderich
are enjoying a month in the
sunny south, at the home of the
forrner's sister, Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Hillburn at Fort Lauder-
dale, Florida, Mr. and Mrs..Ted
Mittieholtz received a card from.
their son, Ed., stating that the
weather was warming up and
Retires After 22 Years
Mr. George J. Thiel who has
been rurat mail courier for R.R.
2 Zurich for the past 22 years,
bas retired. His route has been
taken over by his son, Earl,
Mr. Thiel will continue as
courier on the Zurich to Hensall
route which he has served since
1922. At 70 years of age he is
very active.
Celebrates 75th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston',
entertained friends in honor of
the former's mother, Mrs. Mel-
Johnston who was celebrat-
ing her 75th birthday, She is in
good health.
Church Members
At Conference
Thirteen men from. Zurich
Mennonite Church attended a
provincial conference on church
financing en Kitchener recently,
Various typos of planned bud•
gets were discussed by some of
the leaders of the Mennonite
church from. the United States.
Those who attended from Zur-
ich were Pastor Albert Martin,
Alvin Gingerich, Roy Erb, Neil
Gingerich, Allan Steckle, Gerald
Gingerich, Kenneth Gingerich,
William Steckle, Lewis Ginger-
ich and Curtis Gingerich,
Automatic Switch
Controls Lights
Exeter office of the :HEPC of
Ontario recently installed an
electric -eye switch to control the
operation of street lights in the
The automatic' switch, which
costs around $2,000, will turn the
lights off and on according to
the amount of light,
Mr. Maurice Weber intends to'
erect a home in the near future
on a lot he recently purchased
from Maurice Weber, on the
east side of town.
Personal sterns
Mrs. Hervey Cowen and 111rs,
Milo Snell of Exeter visited at
the home of the former's sister,
Miss Pearl Wertz one day last
week. •
Mr. Ed, Edighoffer, that, mer-
chant of town, celebrated his
birthday on Sunday. Among the
many congratulations he received
a phone call from hie son in
Sesl(atoon, Sask., who mention-
ed the weather was real spring.
like Out there and invited his
fatter td cerate and visit thee.
On Thursday evening the Girl
Guides of Zurich enjoyed a skat-
ing party in: the arena, after
which they were 'treated to tot
dogs and pop.
Mr, Hervey Clausius motored
td Detroit, Oh his 1•etutt home he
will be accompanied with his
wifeY who has spent several days
in that city with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman tt'l:eisch.
anter ehtettsined relatives Ana
Etiends be Saturday evening in
honor or the tatters birthday,
A social evening was enjoyed. 11
WO a real surprise tot Mee. Thie,,
t Misses A
ima and Beta Martin
spent a couple of clays at the
home of their father, Mra. Joe
Martin and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Stokes of
Ailsa Craig spent Sunday after-
noon with their friends.
Miss Emma Dinsmore of Lon-
don spent a week with relatives
in Seaforth and a few weeks with
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore
and friends left an d of Saturday
afternoon again for her duties
in the city.
Air. and Mrs. Elmore McBride
and Mr, and Mrs, Walter 'Mc-
Bride li: d of Exeter visited their
cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Bride recenely,
Mr, Elmore Oesch, and sisters
Misses Agnes, Mary Margaret
and Linda visited Mr, and Mrs.
Tony Etue and son, Douglas,
Goderich, took in
G ch, and oo the CKNX
Barn Dance in Goderich Satur-
day night,
Mr. Elmore Oesch is trucking
Reliance gasoline now,
Mr. James Dinsmore slipped
and fell on the ice Friday night
and hurt his shoulder.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Ginge-
rich and daughter, Norma Jean,
accompanied by his twin broth-
er Mr, Keith and Mrs. Ginge-
rich and son, Harold, and daugh-
ter, Audrey, visited on Sunday
afternoon with relatives at Kitch-
Mr. Charles and Gerald Sr.ee-
nen of Drysdale, and Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Oesch and son,
David, and Mr. and Mrs, James
Dinsmore visited Mr. and Mrs,
Leon Jeffrey on their forty-eighth
wedding anniversary on January
18 which they e-lebated quiet-
Mrs. Robert Mcleride of Kip -
pen, a former resident of the
Goshen Line, North, is ill with
a heart condition.
Mrs. Oscar Ducharme of Sar-
nia is ill.
!Bethany h:Sisters
.. t any
Appoint C# cots
Thi ^TimitMivocoti, Jo yorx 1 $
Thi* Wisk In.
fi!I: ti« ARt M.c8R,lDE
Quite a number from the vi••
einity ,attended the Fe,nbale-
• 'abe.r reception field in the hay-
field Town Hall on Friday night.
Desjardine orchestra supplied
the musig,,
Bethany Sisters Sunday School John McKinley- visited
class of the U.B. :Evangelical Mrs, Jean McKinley last Thurs.
church, Zurich, held their elec., day at the home of the latter's
tion of officers on Sunday morn• daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
ing, Rev. A. M. Arnacher, pastor, and Mrs, John ;Scotchnter, Bay -
being in charge, field, ,
President is Mrs. Chester L. Berne 11IclCiniey, T .o ;r o n t o,
Smith; vice president, Mrs, bites spent the weekend with, his par -
Merrier; secretary, Mrs. Herb rents, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Mc.
Des•iardine; ass't, Mrs. T,ee Kinzer.
Hoffman; treasurer, Miss Jane Patricia, Carolyn and Connie
Lamont, ass't, Mrs. Clara Ja- Robinson spent a day with Mrs.
mmittees Mrsare. Ptoeartbe Meithe- Anson McKinley and a day with
as last year. TheMelvin annualElliottc,ongregational
rubs• Merano Steckle is the meeting of Goshen United Church
teacher, will be held on Friday evening,
E.Y.F. Cencltict s,S..Service Jan. 51, commencing with .a pot
The Evangelical Youth Fellow- IuMs. Austin S. t
M urdy, Godericha
shlp of the U.B. church took Township, mother of Mrs. Doug -
charge of their Sunday Sehool on las Robinson, Goshen, and Cites -
Sunday in class teachings of ter, Goderich Township and sis-
well as opening the school. ' ter of Mrs. Will (Della) Clark,
On Sunday evening Lorne Goshen, and Mr. Clifford Keys
Amaaber took charge of the of Babylon Line died and the
service with the Youth Fellow- I funeral was held Tuesday front
ship choir giving their message the Stiles funeral home,
in song, i The Young People of Varna
and Goshen net VA M
night at the holne of Via E
A sleigh hide Weir ;the big i e
et the eveiti ig« M.
14tis:A Clara Giestr$cl *z Af
sor .speot a few 401 at
home of per sister,, Mr- ago. 1
J .n Prawn.,
siSN. {,D E CMAN T
CA4L 'Pp t Y
�i'°"� 66. FLE(TRICAt RfPAikinl
34 MOTORkEWItrWn(,
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