HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-30, Page 1REVISITS CENTRALIA—Wing Commander C. F. Wattie, DFC, CD, former officer commanding Pre -Flight School at RCAF Station Centralia and a former resident of this: area, returned to visit his old command on the occasion of a recent graduation parade. W/C Wattie was congratulated by numerous friends on his promotion to that rank since leaving Centralia. Shown chatting after the graduation parade are, left to right, W/C E. C. Likeness, CD, present officer .commanding PFS; G/C A. G. Kenyon, C.D., commanding officer of the station, and W/C Wattre, —RCAF Photo RESIDENCE PROGRESSES—Ctinstruetion work on thenurses' residence' for South Huron Hospital is woceeding ahead of schedule, officials of the board reported this week. The building, which ,will house 1.4nurses, is being erected on Huron street op- posite the hospital. Contractor is .Clarence McDowell, Centralia. —T -A Photo Council Endorses Police, Grants.Increase To Chief 'Exeter Police Chief Reg Tay- lor ordered a new uniform for hiniself Tuesday .morning. This action signified the end of a four-month investigation into the police department by council and reflected the final outcome, At a special meeting Monday afternoon, council gave the de- partment a unanimous vote of confidence, granted the chief constable a raise in salary and determined to adopt a new at- titude towards the town force. The new attitude, as expressed by some members, will be to stand behind the department in the face of petty public com- plaints, seek co-operation be- tween the police and the council and forget about past differ- ences. At the end of the two -and -one- half -hour session, councu voted unanimously to give Chief Tay- lor a raise in pay from $2,800 to $3,000. Several members in- dicated they might be prepared to increase his salary still fur- ther another year if certain problems of administration were solved during the year ahead, Council also rnet the chief constable half -way in his request for additional manpower for the force. It authorized the employ- ment of a part-time constable for the corning year to assist during busy periods. This type of operatiOn has been in effect on a temporary basis since De- cember. Chief Taylor, who had request- er a salary .„ ad- ditional full.time man, said Tues- day he would accept the council decision and agreed to work t�- vards reorganization the dd pertinent in co.operation with the police tonimittee. Thus ended the controversy which began in October when council decided to seek applica. Lions for a new chief of pollee, This move was abandoned when council learned :it could not dc. mote the present thief witliont a hearing, The issue was left to the 1958 mind] and wee 1 • embroiled by the ajring Of bete complaints at the last collar:II meeting. Chief Taylor, Called in te answer the chargee at MOliclay's meeting, admittod neglect in two of the three specific ta!in; plaints )tit. •state( ill tether had beet taken h both Cases. Satisfied With the elliers planations, Council Moved to clean up the Sittiatibil as seen its possible, MemberS veted tin- aniin�usly In support of a trietion bY Deplity.lteeve Chetter Ma. '01111110i and' Councillor RaIpli 13ailey to reappoint Chief Tayler thd Constable Min A. Mean And giVO authority for the hiring e of a part-time man. Council split, however, on the question of a raise in salary. Councillor Bailey, new chairman of the police committee, request- ed that decision be postponed until the next meeting in order i that he might meet with the chief. His request was support- ed by Councillors Ross Taylor and Murray Greene. Three other members — Deputy -Reeve Ma- whinney and Councilors Claude Farrow and Glenn Fisher — wanted the issue settled im- mediately and deadlocked the vote, thus defeating it. I All members supported the final motion to raise the chief's salary.. Constable John Cowan's the rate of pay for the part - salary will remain at $2,600 and time man, Ernest Wells, was raised from 90 cents to $1.00 an hour. Reeve Bill McKenzie, who had a county council meeting the ' same day, and Councillor Bill , Musser, who was out of town, were absent, Major complaint considered by council was one from Arnold Gratton, Grand Bend, who charg- ed in a letter that police had been reluctant to act on a hit- and-run incident which occurred on the Main street on December 21. He said charges against the negligent driver had not, been laid until he had gone to the county crown attorney himself over the incident. Council did not review the case, which had been explained at the last meeting, but accept- ed Chief Taylor's admission that the department had been negli- gent. "We made a mistake on it," the chief said, "but I think you'll agree that anyone can be wrong once in a while," The chief reported that Mike Kelly, of Brucefield, had been charged with failing to report an accident. He said Constable Cowan had been reprithanded over another —Please Turn to Page 3 Eighty.Socond Year icatincAttuoca- EXETER 'ONTARIO, JANUARY Price Per Copy 10 See P.ryc e 1.1ospital Cortaint ...., Option Land Near I doubt that the provincial hospi- heart condition in January. A tal.school for retarded children , was reliably reperted here that for which the late Tom Pryde I Premier Frost, Wile eonsidered' pressed so hard, will become a !Mr. Pryde a persdnal MOO, told reality. There appears to 'be little'Prycle who eaccumbed. to 1. 1 riding officialthe hospital And the building will Probably ' would be erected in Enron as ea late MFP who represented this Originally, t h e Meriting?* be named as a memorial to the tribute to the MPP. riding in the legislature for a i planned one large hospital.schoet Close to 200 municipal offi- flat refusal to pay its assess- Through the Ontario Water Be- decade. i but so many areas pressed for, eiala in the Ausable watershed ment but questions indicated at sources Commission, it is xnak. Reports which circulated- a- it that the geVererneet reviewed' beard Authority officials Pre- least some officials felt it. was ing other plans to get water. maim top government officials , the Project and decided •i,f. sent a breakdown of costs for out of their reach. The Authority p r o p o s e s to at the time of Mr. Pryde's lune- ; would be better to build three ritiolema good one and that it would be proposed million -dollar dam Everyone seemed to be agreed, ' t was jec spread payments over a three- ral here were strengthened con- smaller hospitals in ordert year payment. There is also a siderably this week by confir- , spread them out through the; . in Parkhill Wednesday after- however, that the proall distinct pos. matron that between 10. to 200 'province so children could bit ment will provide financial as- near Goderich had been op- I iNir. Huron ; closer to their parents. The breakdown, which assesses of tremendous benefit to the sibility that the federal govern- acres of land along Lake individual municipalities as meal area.Pryde enlisted the sun'. as $137,775, is to be considered by The proposed dam, over 1,000 sistance, which would lower the tioned by Department of Labor .port of many organizations lit ially. it is riot expected, how. cost to municipalities substant- officials for the government. The site is about three miles 1 the county in his active .canee town, village and township coon- feet long, would be built just ells, who have until February north of Parkhill and would , paign for the school, Re rei acres. ever, that the federal decision south of Goderich. 11 to decide if they wish to pro- create a reservoir covering will be made in time to meet 482 One report •suggested the hos- , 1 ceived petitions from .ceuntx: teed with the plan. and municipal councils and . ve. Reason for the urgency of the the deadline set by the depart- pital may cost in the neighbor - it was difficult to determine how fare, No municipality gave a the conservation project will Highways must build a bridge From the immediate reaction, , project is that the Department of over the river and is prepared to contribute a substantial sum ties: ment of highways. Allocation of Costs Chief benefiting municipali- hood of $2,000,000. ment of Health announced that ' three hospitals for retarded chit- it. Last year the Ontario Depart-jrious private groe.;,s. Hurei ! Junior Farmers circulated tition throughout the county and. secured thousands of names tor! Following Mr. Pryde's earn! .,.,. towards the dam if a road is Bosanquet chil- dren will be built in the prO- . Grand Bend ..... .„ . 137,775.75 vince. An area near Chatham ' • Stores Alter b . over . The highways department will McGillivray , has already been chosen as a , pressed for the school. 'London' „. . 3,817.00 paign, other neighboring areas • contribute $248,000 to the pro- Parkhill 65,327.50 site for the first hospital.. Stratford and other cities 'sent ; 61,710.25 At that time, Health Minister petitions to the government: .. Night Hours. jeet, which is its estimate of Stephen how much it would cost to build East Williams 35,357.00 Mackinnon Phillips said one of ;1 7,633.50 the other hospitals would probab- The Midwestern. Ontario De. Twenty merchants in Exeter - West Whams 8 722 00 y • • ' velopment Association, wnose. have agreed to open Friday • nein aining municipalities : 2 068 Huron region. , head office is in Stratford, for-, l warded a recommendation fe nights and close Saturday nights Adelaide 50 1,029,00 Healsotold Huron del da- , the government to build the hos- Arkona 756.00 tion that if Huron was selecred pital somewhere in the four. Ailsa Craig for the months of February and March only. as a site the hospital would be ' county arca of Perth, Enron; Starting . this weekend, the Here are the cost estimates: Blanshard 3,207,75 designated the "Tom Pryde Wellington and Waterloo, which 100,000 Hay . 5,869.50 288.75 Memorial Hospital" as the group , stores will stay open Friday eve- nings until nine o'clock and Land. close Saturdays at 6. p.m. Dam & Structures 10,000 Hensall 1,764.00 had requested. it services. On Saturday it was ,reported $760,750 Exeter Fencing 1.806.00 There was no further specu- that owners of three farms on, Contingencies 77,250 lation over the Huron hospital A spokesman for the group said Highway 21 had received $301 the move was taken to give —Please Turn to Page 3 until after the death of Mr. each for signing options on their merchants a Saturday night Total properties. The three were 'deter $948.000 "holiday" for a brief period • , tified as Kornelle Vandenheuvel, "We feel we give our custo- Don't of Highways $248000 IF .our Make Donations tilers all of R.R. 2 Goderich. . '. during the year. Grants expected are: : Otto Fangrad and Charles Mi. niers gond shopping service .1 . Mr, Pryde originally pressa during the, rest of the year and for a location along the Blue: that they. won't mind lettine us $598,000 0 Nurses esi ence i water Highway in the vicinity dt Total . spend Saturday nights at home This leaves $350,000 for the :St. Joseph but engineers front with our families for a couple municipalities in the watershed of months.'" to raise. of schedule on the $60,000 nur- other organizations who indi- area near Goderich more suit As construction proceeds ahead has been approached by several : the health department found the The stores intend to return to Five minicipalities, judged to ses' residence for South Huron, eated they are planning fund- 1 able. Saturday night opening at' the receive direct benefits, will bear Hospital, four organizations have raising projects to make simi- 85 percent of this cost under the first of April. agreed to furnish rooms and lar donations. proposed breakdown, These are others are seriously consider- Each organization who con-.., Bosanquet, which has the lion's; UneMPIOYMent ing the project. Board Chairman A. J. Traquair announced this • through the erection of a pia-' will be recognized 1 • US Hunters share of $137,775; McGillivray ($65,327), Parkhill ($61,710), Ste- ' Down Slightly phen ($35,357), East and West week. The four groups who have don- pleted. quo when the building is coin- 'Bag' Counts Williams and Grand Bend. The other 15 percent has been aced $250 to buy furniture for There are 12 individual nurse's : slightly since the beginning of I Unemployment has dropped the rooms are Exeter Legion, building in ad.: the year in the area served by spread over all municipalities of Legion Auxiliary, Exeter Lions quarters in the the watershed on the same . dition to accommodation for the ' the National Employment Seri population -assessment ratio on and Kinsmen. which the annual Authority levy Mr. Traquair said the board ant. ' On Thursday of last 'week the superintendent and her assist- vice office at Goderich. . . . I is collected, The Hospital Auxiliary has as-, total seeking employment stood would be freed relief for the Bank Manager ing the living room in the build- !beginning of the year was 1,119 sumed responsibility for furnish -1 at 1,038 whereas the total at the Major benefit from. the dam valuable marsh lands in Bosan- . This is a drop of 80. ouet, whose vegetable- growing ' Assumes Duties ing at a cost of $1,500. The building, which will cost Among those listed as uneme . day. areas are developingrapidly. $60,000 before completion, meas- ploycd are 24 machinists; 25 The hunters — some of whom Other benefits include those of New manager of the Bank of drive here in Cadillacs — drew recreation, wild life, water table Montreal here, Charles L. Smith, ures 56 feet across the front and welders; 60 carpenters; 119 sea! protests from farmers in the etc. . men; 61 truck drivers; 200 e'en, . . . . commenced duties Monday. He extends 103 feet. Parkhill, who at one time con- has been transferred from theConstruction has reached the struction laborers; 52 food pro district because they came in lumber in - such large numbers. sidered the dam as a source of Blenheim branch, where he was plastering stage. Contractor is cessers; 27 unskilled conservation officer, of Clinton, from that aspect at the moment. ceed the late Cedric E. Shaw. C. A. McDowell, Centralia, I dustry employees. . .. Roy R. Bolinger, Huron County water supply, is not interested manager for six years, to sac said he clid not know how long a e area but he has received a Zurich Accident of a staff of 19 at the local trstWomanCandidate they have been coming to this ' Mr. Smith will be in charge • • • number of complaints this week. branch, one of the larval' rural He has charged the hunters n with infraction of a section which r prohibits more than 12 persons from hunting in a party unless written permission is obtained from the fernier on whose land they operate. Mr. Belinger said he did not count the number of rabbits they had bagged when he found them but he intimated the hunting was good. A number of foxes bacl been shot. The group, which hails from the Detroit -Dearborn -Farmington area of Michigan will appear in Exeter court on February 5. The section provides a minimum fine of $10 and costs and a maxi- mum of $100 and costs. Study .Cost Breakdown. Of Million Dollar -Dam • a bridge. Authority engineers say it will only cost $100,000 to erect the road over the, dam, so the other $148,000 would go to- wards lowering the cost to the authority. Biddulph Ontario Gov't 350,000 United States sportsmen have been making regular visits to north Middlesex and south Hur- on areas to shoot rabbits and foxes, it was revealed this week after 17 American hunters were charged with infraction of a Game and Fisheries Act Tues - T -A 'Champion Spelldown' Open To Seventy Schools Although there'll be no pro- Inca of Webster's New Interne- the number of contestants to a Lionel Dictioeary, imanageable size. All school winners who enter The oral competition will be the competition will be awarded a sleek black.ancl-silver Script(' push-button ball point pen with the engraving, "Sehool Chain. -pion, The Exeter Tinies-Advo- cate Spelling Competition." Inspector Goman announced the competition in a memoran- dum to all principals in the dis, ti:ict-last week, in which he in. vitecl entries to the monster bee. In order to simplify adminis- tration, the entire competition will be confined to ono big eve- ning. No elimination contests will be held ptior to February 11 eX- cent in the individual schools. 1( entries arc heavy for the "Champions' Spelldown", there will be a weilien competition at 7,30 p.m, February 11 to trim vin clal spelling competition this year, public school children in. this district will still be able to match their wits in a local contest in February, The Times.Advocate, assisted by Exeter Home and School As- sociation and Public School In - Spector G, .1. Gornan, spon- sor on February 11 a "Cham- pions Speidown" to determine the public school winner in the district, I Eligible for the competition will be students of /0 public sailor& in the district, including those in eight surrounding town:. ships and six towns and \all - Nos. Each school will declare its own winner end the champions will. slash in a monster down in Exeter Public School. Al, stake is over $100 worth of prizes ;arid the Times -Advocate championship shield which the 1 a 11 l• • for p. Present holder is AIM Ethering. tee, of Ilsborne. In 'additien to the shield, the district amnion. reediVe for permanent possession a world.globe valued at $11,D5 Meng with a 90 -page booklet en. 1 titled "See the World MI a Globe." Autinergni Will reeelve a• $1,93 copy Of Webster's Dietionary, an illustrated 1,2OO•pago abridge. Church Reports Show Progress Mott churches this dis. trict are faring better than they ever have before. This is evident. in the Mini. °tons reports congrega. lienal meetings whieh appear this week's edition. AlMost all elittreheS port a suddosstuf yoar, both financially arid spiritually, rompts Charges operations of the bank! . In Huron Park Election. The new manager, whose home is Waterford, has had 33 years Russell Manson, 45, R,It, 1 experience in banking and served Zurich, has been charged ' with as manager at Athens and Luck- A woman is running for a man Bray, following tabulation „, careless driving as a result of now in addition to Blenheim, park -wide r kw- \i'l;icdhe each nominationadult rperso; council post in Huron Park for gofraian an accident in Zurich Saturday He is immediate past presi- the first time in the RCAF coin - which caused $300 damage. dent of the Kiwanis Club in munity's history.. dent was asked to name fou.r Mr. Manson, who had parked Blenheim and was a member of Among the 24 candidates seek- persons for the posts. on the south side of No 84 high- the board of managers of theW/C Bray said he was please ing office is Mrs. D. 1-1. Wood, way to allow a snewplow to Anglican church there. His in- wife of a flying officer, who has to see a woman m the field pass, made a U-turn across the terests include skating, curling been at Centralia nearly three wives on the station had- been road in front of a vehicle driven and golf. ,years, She is women's editor of urged to take a keener interest by Grant Smith, 28, Hensall. The Mr. and Mrs. Smith have one the Coronet, the station's monthly in the council. Smith vehicle' skidded into the daughter, who is teaching school magazine, Four candidates have been.se- lural mail delivery vehicle two man skidded into the rear of a miles north of Exeter Saturday, Zurich. causing $650 damage. east 'of the main intersection ini The mail car, Manson car. driMrs, i The accident occurred just main in Blenheim -until acco- 1 Wednesday by the in the park. Each ward is ret A car driven by a Michigan . I in Paris. Mrs. Smith will re- Names of the candidates were lceted for each of the six ward.* modation is arranged here, - . • •::-., • ....• :::::„.„..:-„.....r..."..................... . . ::.-:•:.,: .:-.,::::.,....,4%,:i.,.,:...e. ': - • • ' .!: -, ',:ka', •-7:•a..aiA!!;.V:07 mayor, Ving Commander Nor- presented by two persons .on OA .•-•::.,- ...,.:„....,...„:•A::.:,,A council, .. February 11 and the established custom at Centralia of taking the ballots to the voters will pre; veil, The ballots will be ven by up the following day for tabula, The election will take place ort .: ••'. . :i:,..!, ? Murray Scott, Exeter, had stop.: tion. Afich., was proceeding north be- ... ' 'APVPAIS, .1 ' „A....Ni','. • . , .• - •-•,?: ::. ..„.•,.,..,........›.:?:.• Candidates were selecteil frOnl ped to deliver mail to a box on ' James J, Woods, of Ypsilanti, • . --"'"'''a':l,';4',.'-:0001!1!te . . voters. Except in the case where the east side of the 'highway. i , 7, A:- '...:-, ,.., the nominations filled by the IWAii:*;A hind the Scott car and \vas un- awi,,,,,,--,:,,, post for personal reasons,. this a person could not accept this able to pass because of on, ... keN• .• four who received the maid Mrs. Scott, who delivers R.R. 1 Centralia's council is not; t coining traffic. neminationS were ehosen.. . Va•:•:":-..... Br municipal body and does not ,tarhandle public funds. It raises its own finances through \loin& y activities. „:. Candidates are: a. Ward one— Flt. Sgt. R. .T. W.• ' ?...,...% Banks, Fit. Lt. J. 13.. Leach, PO damage in Exeter Friday when .. .e.., D, Y. SnOgroVe, eFlt, Lt. .T Ward two—FO D. roadbenti it collided with the reer of a N.. J. Losnick, W02 T. J. O'Reilly. Walker, W02 J. A. X. Burnett, W02 E Ward three — PO A. J. Ayr* PO A, E. Birkett, Fit. Sgt. 41, Ki Lowry, Mrs. D. H. Wood, - Ward four — Sgt. .1. W.Bradt ley, LAC R, L. Dtincas Sg,t.' Ar S. Garner, Sgt. b. P.' L. no* bins, Ward five — Sgt. :11.• W, Colei Sgt. E. N. ifenwood. Sgt, L. Mountford, Cpl, 'r. A. Teuthette; Ward six -- LAC G. 'F. tn. than, Sgt, M. W. Fergustni, Sgt. N. IL Kay, Cpl, G. 13-. Nose4 worthy. Fit, LI, it. E. Welker is 111 thargd of the tleetien. Among the candidates conatai pitting terint Oh douneil art Pit, LI, Walker, W02 Losnick, Heniall ,. . .: .. ',',7" 6 ill chaigo of the BlenheiM branch for six yoars, this ,rvook Fizi. nitkott, Pit, Sgt .T X Lore Leaking In With Liz 8 n ssunied, — . 6 duties as manager of the txOttr branch Ot tho 1yl Sgt. A. S. Ciaranpr.„.Bgt. Pi Loan A 11 tank of Montreal. tie succeeds the late Cedric. 1, Shaw 11,,,...)Ithwooti, Iffid CO" "NaeW01" • SPOrt§ Went Adi . /with ... ..11 *all " a a 1 °Y 0 , ',. is1 Campaigning ia eXPetted • ti ' — d will had 8t. ft Of 10 el* e s here Ile si own *" with accountant Don Itobertson, -TA Photo matt mom, held in conjunction with the 1 Exeter, has not been involved meeting oExeter Bonn and 10 an accident in 12 years as f School Association and the pro• mail courier. gram will be open to the public, ve0srigPateCdontsitiaeblaceelTidaennkts,Reid in- ti1 Schools eligible for the coin- etition includethose in the A car owned by Jacob Reeder, townships of Stephen, Usborne, Tuckersmith, Stanley, Rib- bert. Biddulph and McGillivray as Well As those in Exeter, Hen- sel', Grand Bend, RCAF Station Centralia, and Lucan, R.R. 1 Bayfield, suffered $250 a The provincial spelling bee, \vhich has taken place for the past tWO years, was sponsored by the Ontario Educational As- sociation and The Toronto Tele - I gram. The competition has been caneelled, it is understood, be. cause the OEA plans to 0111' bark on a project of a different nature. Interest in spelling competi- tions in this area WAS meting the highest in the nebeitlee. be'," o.t. The Tinies-Advocate shiold 1956 was Carol Gib,: bens, Exeter, who was succeeded by john Ettieringterilast year. Both winners entorod zone Toaehora and parents agreed that the dOnipotitieri WAS att &Merit Mit And niatty were 415' appointed to Team that it had been cancelled. Department: of Highways truck driven by Harold Harness, Ex- eter, Both vehicles were travel- ling South on Main street when the truck made a left hand turn onto Alexander street. Chief Reg Taylor investigated. Where To, Find It Announcements 1 Church Notices 15 Coming Events , 15 Editorials 2 Entertainment , 15 Filrill News „ , 9, 10 NEW BANKER—Charlos L. Smith, seated, who has been 2