HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-23, Page 16Pap '1-6. The Tltrtelx.Aslvc te, ,angary 23 1958 Wooc.han. cornnien.t: .By MRS. ARTHUR RUNpLE ,Evening. .,Auxiliary. Supper On Tuesday evening of last Week the members of the Eve- ning Auxiliary numbering 22 gathered in the church basement and bad supper. Afterwards the Worship Service was taken by 'ISrs.° L. Thacker assisted by 'lira, G. .Hooper and stirs. Harry Webber. A number of items of business were discussed inelud- .ing the Valentine social in Feb. •rUar:y.. Personal: items AM. and Mrs. Roy McCurdy *lid Brenda of St. Marys Mr. and Mrs. Freston Morrison of Xirkton were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Ira McCurdy. Miss Norma Hern, nurse-in- fraining at St. Joseph Hospital, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. ,anrl Mrs. Arnold Bern. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Payne of London visited with Mr. and DAIRY f 4 I SEE A VERY BRiLLIANT:II HEALTHFUL AND HAPPY FUTURE FOR YOo–PROVIDiNG- WE. DRINK PLENTY OF GOOD WHOLESOME MILK FROM HIGHLANDRILL A4IRY Mrs. Robert trundle on Sunday i afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ball. l athi and Debra -of Dundas. Mr. and !Mrs. Henry Small and Thelma i of St. Thomas were Sunday visit- ( ors, with Mr. and Mrs. Norris ( Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Calm, Airs. Delmar Johnston of Kirk - ton, Mrs. Morris Hern of 2:ion West tnotored to Croswell, Mich. ! and attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Howard Carom on Monday. Air. and Mrs, troy Ballantyne and Helen of Thames .Road were Wednesday evening visitors with. Aar. and Mrs. Clarence Knight, also Mr. Howard Rinn and Wil- liam, Aliss Noreen Walkout on Tuesday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda Thursday evening guests with 21 Ir. and Mrs. Clarence Knight. Judy and Linda Blommaert were weekend visitors with their grandparents, 'Mr. and Airs. Hiram !Hanna, Kirkion, Misses Marie Levy and (grace Doupe of the Teacher's Train- ing College in Stratford spent the weekend at their homes. This week they are practice ,teachers in Guelph, I Mr. and Mrs, Enos Hutton of !Uniondale were Saturday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. ILlovd Smith. I Miss Shirley Rundle was host- ess to a Stanley party on Mon day evening when 15 ladies gathered. Mrs. Olson of London was demonstrator. Family Reunion Marks Birthday On Saturday evening a family birthday dinner was held for Mrs. Frank Coates at the home sof her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Alf. 1 Dickins, London. Other members of the family included Mrs. Richard Dickins, a TNE'AMSTE*DAM SYNDICATE Inc. •1 Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman and Mrs. Will Dickins, !Liman, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 1 McFalls, St. Thomas. 1 On Friday afternoon neigh Ibor ladies gathered at Mrs. Coates' home to celebrate her EXETER, birthday bringing with them a birthday cake beautifully decor- ly;Iated by R. Cowen, baker at ;RCAF Station, Centralia. lylIM#1111##IIIA N111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111#111 tttttt1111111I1111t111,111„ IIIN111111111111111111/1111111111111/, :_ r ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER PHONE 719 Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work — Oil Burners .0111 # t I l# I1 t 11111 t U 411,111 tun R 11,111,11,1111,11 N N111111111.1111111111# 1111111111111111111,1111111111# 1111.11111# I I.11111111111111111. •Town To pi s Mr, Clifford Quance. 111t'• and Mrs. Harold Preszcator and family visited in. London on Sun- day with Mr. and Ms. Don Preszcator, t+li 1 and Mrs. Roland 13rint. i nell are visiting their da ghter in Saskatoon, Sask. Mrs. R. E. Pooley visited. in! Landon a few days last week ate the home of her daughter, Mr.! and Mrs. Charles Cowen and family. .41r. E. A, 1-lowald returned from victoria 'Hospital:, London, on Saturday, +111111NIN.LININIINIIN1I11111III INSIIIINITIIIN #IAN11111.111TI(MINTTNI NITININNSAAStdIinsu-muNTSSILS.IIItIS1 S. W LAKE RIA�..ESTATE BROKER i,ondon, Antsrip. Cash Bvyer Wants to purchase a 150 to 200 acre farm. Must be good farm with good buildings, Farms Wanted For .Spring --50, 100 and 200 acre farms are needed for spring. if you have one to sell, contact. SIP EMERY -- SP,EOIAL FARM SALESMAN Phony 151 P;erkltill .. ANNINIIII MITINNIIN111NAA11111NN1 WINIIINAI1111N11NIINITI/III#IIININNNIILNSSSIl11S11IONININIINIIIINN1' A fuji,, PIONEER ckii'i,,oait: weep FORM SKI CLUB—Popularity of the Walker Ski Hills at Grand Bend has led to the formation of a club for enthusiasts of the winter sport. Three girls about to test their skill are Esther Ravelle, 15; Joan Chapman, 18; and Judy Blewett, 16, all of the Grand Bend area. There are now eight hills in operation and four tows have .been established. —Noseworthy Photo Describes Trip To Adult Class Mr. Howard Kerslake showed pictures of the recent trip to the West, which he and his fam- ! ily took, at the annual meeting of the Young Adult Bible Class of James St. United Church held in the church Friday evening, Air, Carfrey Cann, Sunday ;School superintendent presided ' for the election of officers when the 1957 officers were re-elected. President is John Schroeder, ;vice president, Mrs. Hedley May; secretary -treasurer, Frank i'Lostell and social committee, Mrs. Elsner McBride, Mrs. Lloyd I Cushman and Mrs. William IJohnston. A social hour closed the meet- ! Ing. Continuing Our Big January LADIES WEAR 25% Off Ladies' & Misses' -Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts Special Racks of Dresses -Values to $17,95, now only $2.95 Values to $19.95, now only $4.95 Values to $2.2.95, now only $6.95 Children's Snow .Suits, 3 to 6X, Regular $14,95,'now only $5.00 Girls' Station Coats, sizes 9 to 14X, Values to $15.95, only $9,95 Junior Spring Coats, sizes 9 to 14, Values to $22,95, only $8,95 Nylon Hosiery, Reg. $1.25 to $1,75, On sale at 98¢ pair All wool ankle sox, Regular 79¢, On sale at 49¢ pair Slips, Panties, Blouses, at greatly reduced prices Brassieres and Corsets, 1/2 -price and less DRY GOODS Drapery, Regular $1.98 to $2.98, On sale at 98¢ and $1.98 yard Dress Materials—Silks, Cottons, etc.—at greatly reduced prices Cotton Pillow Cases, Regular $1.5,0, On sale at $1.19 Washable Plaids and Tartans, Regulir $2.35, cut to $1.98 yard Kroy 3 -ply Knitting Yarn, nylon reinforced, Reg. 55¢, now only 39¢ ball BABIES' WEAR See Our Bargain Table for Terrific Buys 15% Wool Vests, Regular $1,25, On sale at 50¢ Sweaters, Regular $3,25, now clearing at $1.39 Nylon Dresses and Rompers, Regular $2.98, On sale at $1.98 Mitts, Regular 98¢, now selling at the low price of 39¢ HOUSE FURNISHINGS Kurly Twist Mats, 24x45, Regular $6.95, on sale at $4,95 Gold Sear Congoleum, 2 yards wide, Reg. $1.90, now $1,39 running yard 3 yards wide, Reg. $2.85, now $2.00 running yard inlaid Linoleum, Regular $3,70, now clearing et $2,75 MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 25% Off All Men's Made -to -Measure Suits by Fashion Craft 25% Off All Men's Suburban Coats andJackets 20% Off All Men's Topcoafs, Boys' Jackets and Coats Stetson Hats, Regular $8.95, on sate at $3.95 Men's Sport Shirts, Reg. $4.95 to $6.95, Now $3.9$ and $5.95' Men's Dress Trousers, prices reduced to one'ltai dr less Boys' All•Wooi Sweaters, Values to $3:915, cut to $1.98 Boys' Dress Pants, Values fo $5.50, selling out et $1.98 F.A may ot, PHONE 190 Tuckersmith Names Ass't Tuckersmith council, at its in- augural meeting last week, named Clerk -Treasurer, E. P. Chesney clerical assistant to the road superintendent at a salary of $400 per year. A grant of $25 was made to the Salvation Army., The treasurer was instructed to rebate $158 charged in error to the McKenzie Drain: • A by-law was passed author- izing location of underground cables for the Bell Telephone Company, Roy Bell was re -appointed member from the township to the Ausabie Conservation Auth- ority. Council joined the Association of Rural Municipalities, Ontario Good Roads Association and As- sociation of Assessing Officers. The reeve and clerk were authorized to apply for the bal- ance of subsidy for 1957 under. the Highway Improvement Act. During inaugural ceremonies, Reeve Ivan Forsyth and Council- lors Frank Falconer, Victor Lee, Elgin Thompson and Arthur Var- let' subscribed to the oath of office before Clerk Chesney. Dr. James Semple, of Egmond- ville United Church, asked for divine guidance. Seaforth town council attended in a body and presented a mo- tion hoping for the same cordial relations between the two bodies as had existed in the past. Accounts passed included: dump, $17.50; roads, $1128.28; membership fees, $35.00; drains, $60.00; grants, $25,00 Egmond- ville street lights, $546.75; Bruce - field street lights, $100.00; Eg- mondvil]e water pump, $9.31; printing and advertising, $64.96; legal, $68.75; fox bounty, $12.00; schools, $24.89; salary and al- lowance, $232.16; Ontario Mun- icipal Board, $25.00; supplies, 51.25; supplementary allowance, $10.00. Topics From Zion By MRS. J. DYKEMAN Personal Items Mr. Wellington Brock attended. the funeral of Mrs. Hodgins in Yale, Michiigan, last Friday. Mrs. Ross Hern who spent the past week at her home, return- ed to Detroit, Michigan, on Tues- day, Mr. Ross Bern returned home from. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and children, Thames Road. Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Jud Dykeman and fancily to celebrate Jane's birth- day were: Miss Ruth Meikle, Exeter, Mr. Allen Smith, Zurich, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dykeman, I1- t,-;rton, Mr, Gary Vowel, London and Mr, Bruce Coleman, Sca- forth. The W.A. will hold a social evening in the Sunday School this Friday evening, Mrs Gerald Bern was a pa- tient in St. Joseph's llospital. London, kr a coupe of days last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Spence and Bill, Woodham, were Sun- day evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Johns and chil- dren, Congregational Meeting' Zion West held their annual greeting last Wednesday._ eve. ning, Rev. Lovelock of Foliat- ion assisted Alt. Streiek in con, ducting the meeting. ' The same slate of officers as of last ytar were rc-elected with the exception of Mr, Norman Armes being the new elder, Mr, Tom Hern, the treasurer• and Mr. 17oss Hern, the M do At treasurer. Worker — "Would you iiicresse my wages? 1 was married Yea - !tetchy.'" I "Soitv,'Y said the foreman. "hitt we Art hat res'poiisible for aeeftieiils otitsidd the factory," Council adjourned' to meet on Feb. 4 at 1 p.ni, NW max/mm protection for your chaJn saw profits! Years of peak -profit cutting efficiency are built into your rugged Pioneer chain saw. Our factory -approved service methods -- our full stock of genuine, top- quality Pioneer chain parts are your assurance of getting all the profits you paid for ... and 'then some: R, D. Jermyn PHONE 508 EXETER • \-CA4D-7 PIONEER v7 INDUSTRIAL. ENO,NIIeRINO LIMITE!! 1 L,,,cop,., CO,CIYC,T OI TOC ONTO 0.11-M.6INCROroIOI, 0/ 6/0410111 Exeter Farm Equipment IIIIIIIIllfl fl1111il111111il III1111UIliflh1(IIIIIIIiIIIUIU(UIIllalls 1i�j1111111,' II1•II 1h irlirell" 1 1,111 Id1111 •I ,, , 1 IIllillilli,-,,,u 4 11. 4111'1 'i'! L.� :L'LL mn l;i),l!!!1'1.11111111 1111i111I II!;11 it l� lltnunmlunmlll111muuU11111111111 111nI1n11nl11n11nuu1ni mnnn'Inll llm II m1111Miil Nnnu I 11111 11111111,11 1111117/11 1111 IIS 111111IIII11IIIIII ��r1i;11—M u!aIUNui-OsINIiIluUi:IlnUIUnIup°pi#131uIl1I111111 II1I1U1111 Us1I1UIuI.11IimIUII11I �II#III „I`IM 11I11f11' 111111I I� 411114 ��� 11.I�1 4IiI1hI6IiI!IIIl�llI1I1IlIIIIIIIIu IU11 1{ I: 1 1„ UIIUIUIi 111111114111'44r11111111114"41";' II #III°j^IIpI^� nM;NII INII111hIIIIIpull. 4l11li14"41 m i ll All appliances regular '57 Models Similar to ilustrations , oae . II r , ;lnl ''I!� I lull 1 - li 111ry Ib it IItli IUIIIIIIIIUIii1 °i � 1 Illi; li 1 LL'i'1' II 1., 1 SAVE $90 30" Deluxe RANGE RUSSELL ELECTRIC brings you GE's annual clearance sale! The world's largest appliance manu- facturer has "rounded -up" all the "Odds & Sods" accumulated during the past year and have SLASHED PRICES ... for a quick cleanup. HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES , ..Iii 10 Cu. Ft. Completely Automatic Refrigeator REGULAR $339 with panel light, automatic clock• timer, push - button switches, automatic surface elements. Griddle Pain FREEI $2,49 24" Deluxe Range Panel light, clock, push-button switches. REGULAR $299.00 s225 21", Claremont TV' Price includes Legs and lnsfallation A truly • terriflo buy of All the exclusive GE features including .Magt.etic Door, Revolving Shelves and many more! SAVE $120 Regular $419 General Electric Wcish.ing Machine With pump Save $64.50 REGULAR $189.50 *1 25 , BUY NOW AT RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES wires SERVICE • EXETER PHONE 109