HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-23, Page 15Dance Mt. Carmel Hall Thurs. Jane 23 DE$JARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Arena Activities THURSDAY, JAN. 23 11:30 -.to seo-1tcA10 FRIDAY, JAN. '4.4 4:00-3:00—Skating 8:30—C1lnlon Colts vs, Exeter Mohawks SATURDAY, JAN. 25 13;00-12:00-Hinor N'oekr r 1:30,3 i00---Publie Skating 3:30-0 :00—PlIthre Skating 6:00-10;00—Pullic Skating' MONDAY, JAN. 27 1i:30-10:30-11CAfl' TUESDAY, JAN. 28 0:00 t:011-1rndler Curling' 4:00-5.10-111gh Scltool Curling 7:00-11100—Curling WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 3:004.00-11eginners SknlL:g 4100-5 :00—Skii ting 7:00-0:00—finntn a .0 ;Ifidget }locker Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. January 23, 24 and 25 "TARZAN AND THE LOST SAFARI" * Gordon Scott * Bette St. John end on the same programme "APACHE" * Burt Lancaster * Jean Peters MON., TUES. & WED, ' January 27, 28 and 29 "JUBAL" * Glen Ford * Valerie French COMEDY CARTOON a -.'COMING :w _ "THE KETTLES ON OLD MacDONALD'S FARM" * Parker Fennelly * Majory Main • League .Aids Locan District News Shipka - .Continued.'rpnt tae 12 Lion to ;'The Canadian League," C.G.i,T..Iributipn to help in the training,Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Petrie)) the national magazine published The regular meeting. of the of illett for the ministry. Holy visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ted a Her. citric o D. i c D Jt 'n Windsor., san G 1 W not t ltheTrinity t' secured ured ki- d len , t bywasI i las c tli.G, ..'1' 1 -, Y W L he dr a G.G•i.l. heft in the United J gazine editors also request 4r. Church parlors last Monday eve- ring who is attending Segar over the weekend. titles of general interest and vo- Ring with Mrs, Chart's Sovereign Ball, (a new department of • !1r. and. Mrs. Arthur kinkbein- lunteers to review books. in charge a! the worship service Huron College) as guest speak er spent Sunday and Monday With Sand - The annual bazaar to be held. and study book on Japan. er- it daughter, Mrs. C. B. S nd- late in Mardi was discussed. Twelve members answered the Personal items ars, :D r, Sanders, Janet and Day - late were appointed for roll call. During the business it l easles leas hit I,he Cnursey � e id jn Wetland. the various tables, .there will be 1 I Mr. John Lamport, of Toronto, several new and interesting was reported $8.50 eotlected at Road. Chitdren of Mr. and Mrs, t visited aver the weekend with the vesper service would be sent Charles Grose and Mr, end Mrs,' Mrs• E. Lam ort and Torn.. tables at this year's bazaar, to the Canadian Council of Austin Hodgins are the latest ; L,S.RT. Do Love has returned Father Proulx, sub -division di- Churches. It was voted not to sell victims, i to the lUMCS Ottawa after s enc rector, commendation oof the d ,league ria- chocolates ,this year,, Plans were, M. E, C. Attwell and babe i ing leave with his parents,p Mr, zazine. The form of the maga- discussed for a skating party inof Gorrie are spending a few 1 and Mrs. J. Love. ii a has been changed,n i.the near future, days' vacation with Mr. and Rev. 11. Snell, of James street, t 1 and itsThe craft eriod was devoted Mrs, D. A. Ashworth, Exeter, took the services here style and contents are excel- p lent. Father Proulx then Ins - 'td the knitting of blocks to make Five -month-old John Hensen, on Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs, A. wered the question in the clues- l a blanket for Korean children. who was a patient in St. Jos- Rapson were in Fort William at tion -box. General discussion of "Turnabout" eph's Ilospital !or the past tending the funeral of her father. Alrs. 1 l rvisit- the laa r Sheppard is questions is an interesting For two weeks it was "turn- Rtonih �vitlr Bauble pneumon ,y informative part of the meeting. about" for (grade ?:11 boys anct was able to be brought home loghnllLamport,ekwith nit• and Mrs. Fred - girls at Medway school. Boys last Sunday. Debbie• and t red• from the industrial art class were' Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Lewis Bic in Toronto. hires Kathryn Love spent the introduced to the basic phases are happy to announce the birth of cooking and sewing while the of a daughter, Brenda Lee, at weekend with her cousin, Miss. girls in the home economics class St. Joseph's hospital, Jan, 6, a Arlene Love, at Exeter: Miss L, Mennear Miss Betty Coates received word of the death of Miss Lena Mennear of New York at the age were taught the art of woodwork: sitre for Douglas, Betty Ann, of 81 years. She was a cousin of Miss Jean Thompson had charge Helen and Joan. the Fisher, Coates and May fail- of the boys and Maurice Pearce Mr, and T'1rs, Harry Noels_ of Waterworks ilies and had frequently visited the girls. Springfield last Wednesday pick- — Continued From Page 13 here. The menu for the boys' meal cd up Mrs, Will Dickins and all She was a first cousin of Alfred consisted of mushroom soup, spent the day with Mr, and Mrs, driiting, "Why not use the Water Coates, Albert street, pork chops, scalloped poj.atoes, 'Jack Dickins, tossed salad, pumpkin pre with Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Smith and whipped cream and coffee, Mr-• and Mrs. Maurice DupuisSOUTH HURON CHURCH NEWS were Sunday guests of'Ivir, and HOSPITAL Mrs, George Leckie of Water' LADIES' AUXILIARY Pentecostal Church— loo. From Waterloo they con - The January meeting of the tinued to Malton airport where Annual Women's Auxiliary was held at Mr. Smith flew to Halifax to the home of Mrs. 'Harold Currie work on the Tcl10-communi.ea- last Monday evening with Mrs.! tion towers, beamed to Europe, Ed, Butler and Mrs. Don Gard -for the next two or three ner as assistant hostesses. The months. officers of this group are: presi- { Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis dent, Mrs. Meine Eizenga; vlee , of Mrs, Hugh Hodgins in Yale, last Friday attended the funeral PARTY president, Mrs, Rufus Thomp ! son; secretary -treasurer, IIrs.i1Iichigan. HOSPITAL Ed. Butler; devotions, Mrs„lack Five members of the Hocking Anderton and Mrs. Howard Cur- family are down with the chick - AUXILIARY ROOM tie, 30 The Young Peoples' meeting en -pox. Many children were out Thurs. Jan. of school on dayhit as measles on Fridays.evening was 's charge and colds have hit the village of Mrs. Fred Thomsons group, also. A trio composed of Misses Tena Eizenga, Audrey Gagnon and Mr. and Mrs. C. Colbert of Mrs. Thomson sang. Ilderton were Sunday guests of Using a compass to draw clif. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown- ferent size circles, Rev. Thomp- son n addressed the group and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Coleman showed how their influence were Saturday guests of Mr. and could vary and encompass a Mrs. Alfred Dickins, of London, small space or a large one. the occasion being the birthday Anglican-- celebration of Mrs. Frank Coates of Exeter, Three new members, Mrs. Mrs. A. E. Parry last Monday Jack Arnold, Mr. Graham Thomp- received a message froth her soli and Mr. Dow Wilson were husband, Corp. Parry, who .re - added to the senior choir last turned to McDonald RCAF two Sunday and two, to the junior choir, .Anne and Doris Culbert. I Sunday, January 26 will be i Theological Education Day when 1 church members will have the , opportunity of making a eon - Bridge & Euchre 8:15 p.m. Sharp Admission 75c Lunch Will Be Served Annual Meeting The Annual Misting of the Osborne & Hibbeft Mutual Fire insurance Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 3, 1958, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiv- ing the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, ' for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of one Director for a two-year term to complete the term of Harry Coates, election of Auditors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office expires are William A. Hamilton and Milten McCurdy, both of whom are eligible for re-election. . E. CLAYTON COLQUHOUN, President ARTHUR FRASER., Secretary -Treasurer x.11111111111111111111"111111IIIIII111111111111n1I11111I11nn1111Inn11111111111111111111111111111111111 iiii ll 1111111, 1111,111111111,11, ANNUAL MEETING Exeter Agricultural Society WED.,JAN. 29 8:00 p.m. Exeter Town Hall ALL MEMBERS URGED TO -ATTEND R. E. ?COLEY President Lunch Will "Be Served CLARK FISHER Secretary -Treasurer , 1n1iuunnu Onlll,1q:nnunnio1111nunnuunn1111uu 1111111unituniin1Iunniinu lunnI:IIIi111nntt COMING EVENTS BAKE SALE —Trivitt Memorial Ladies Guild will hold a Bake Sale, January 25, at 2:30 p.m. in. the Central :Hotel. 16:23c PANCAKE SUPPER — W,A, of Trivitt Memorial. Church annual pancake supper, Shrove Tues- day, February 18, in the Parish Hall. 23c ODD' FELLOWS and Rebeccas, please keep an eye on your local paper for particulars about a euchre and dance on February 12, 1958. 23c TEA & BAKE SALE—The Ex- eter Local Association of the Girl Guides and Brownies will sponsor a Tea and Bake Sale on Saturday, February 22, at the Scout Hall. Tea table- ticj;ets may be purchased from Brown- ies or Guides, or pay when you arrive. 23:20c BANQUET and Annual Meeting HAY AND STANLEY FEDERATIONS OF AGRICULTURE Zurich COMMUNITY CENTRE Thurs., Jan. 30 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: JIM JACKLIN, OFA Fieldman Entertainment EVERETTE MIRES, Magician Dance Tickets $1.50 Lloyd Hendrick, Pres, Hay Alex McBeth, Pres, Stanley .sews, Gospel Meetings GOSPEL HALL, GRAND BEND Week Nights — 8 p.m. (Except Saturdays) Sunday — 7:30 p.m. SPEAKERS: MR, FRANK PEARCEY AND MR, ALBERT RAMSEY TittieIy, soUl-stirring messages that art proving very in- teresting to nieny, such as "What Does The ',Future Hold?", "Can Wb Be Ce'tain Of Anything?", tic, Bible answers only, Come, your presk ice will bet app cietedr No collection, Resources Commission," was the answer, Representatives from the Park- hill Public Utilities were present and there was some discussion on the water problem in that town. The speaker felt the Com- mission would have a solution. The meeting was chaired by Lion President Ken Young, A lusty sing -song was led by Dave Stanton and fines were collected by the Tail Twister, Roy Flear. Dave Jackson introduced the speaker and a presentation from the club was made to Mr. Mac - Donnell by Eric Mcllroy. Grand Bend — Continued From Page 13 Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flear of London and Mr. Dennis Fin- an of Sarnia spent the weekend at the hone of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earle Finan, and celebrated the birthday of their father. Mr, Glen Brenner, who has been spending the past few weeks in Florida, returned home over the weekend. Mr. A Camp - hell, who accompanied Mr. Bren- ner to Florida, is remaining there for .the winter months. weeks ago, that he had broken Mrs, James Mousseau, who his right wrist. has been visiting her daughter, - tt on FredJackson and Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett Mr, and Mrs. Monday and Tuesday, and Mr. family in Stratford, returned to and Mrs. Clarence Haskett on her home here on Friday, Thursday attended the furniture Sunday visitors with Mr. and mart in Toronto. The display was Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer were Mrs. bigger and better, filling the Coli- Edward Lamport and son, Tom, seunt, industrial and automotive buildings at . the exhibition. grounds. Among those from Lucan who attended Open House at Medway High School last Monday and Tuesday were Mr. and Airs, Jack Steacy, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mr, and Mrs. Art Black, Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs. C. H. George, Mrs. Jack Lankin, Mrs. H. A. Chown, Mr.'and Mrs. J. E. Conlin, Mrs, Robert Kehl. Mrs. Irene. Coursey, a clerk at the Lucan Dry Goods, is sick at her home. of Shipka and son, John, of To- ronto. Mr. Arthur Haist is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Scott of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mrs. Seolt's mother, Mrs. Wnt. Patterson. Mr, and Mrs. Griffin Thomas attended the Furniture Conven- tion in Toronto last week. Mr. a n d Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz and Miss Dorene Baker of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Baker. Air• Nelson;Crigg of the Armed Forces in London spent the weekend at his home in town before leaving for his new post- ing to Manitoba. Lovie1 Mr. and Mrs, J. Q. c f London spent a couple of days last week with Mrs, Lovie's j brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown. The annual vestry meeting of St. John's -by -the -Lake Anglican Church will be held in the par- l•li • hilt. no Monday evening, ,January 27, The 1•egular business meeting of the Ladies Legion Auxiliary will be held next Monday instead of the social which was formerly announced, MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—The Church School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Service Nursery Class up to three years in the Primary Department. Beginners, ages 4-6, will with- draw during the second hymn. Worship God As A Family Every Sunday •t. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Robert Cameron, Organist 8:30 a.m.—I3ol,y Communion 7:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer Monday, Jan, 27, S p.m.—.Annual Vestry Meeting in the Parish Hall. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MiSSIO.N EXETER Sunday School 10:30. to 11:30 a.m. "Teach Me Thy Truth, 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m,—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.--Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J, Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship The service will be conducted and the sermon preached by Rev. .1. V. Clarke, B.A., B.D., of Trinity United Church, Lon- don. - Junior choir will sing two anthems. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "The Power of the Holy Spirit" A Warm Welcome Is Extended .To All N,B.—The annual congregation- al meeting will be Monday, January 27, 6:30 p.m,, com- mencing with pot luck supper. ZION CHURCH Evangelical .United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a,ru.—Worship Service led by young people. 11:15 a.m.—Church School 7:30 p,m,--Evening Service "Our Resources' Wednesday—Workers' Council CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J.' G. Cochrane, Organist CALVARY CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship Evangelical United Brethren Sermon Subject: 'The Parable of the Tares" ---second in series on the Parables. Nursery for children up to six years. DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, ;January 26 10:00 a,nt, "On the i)antascus Read" 11:05 a.m.---Sunday School PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Ferowe, Minister 2:00 p;ni.—Worship • installation of 17eacne `'TI1e God of Elijah" 3:10 Organist: Miss Marion TreibneY i0 p.r,nilt) .,,,„-SuncTay Shoot Friday l;vening 1,111.. Ladies Aid, also Youth Groups Study Evening, 7:45 p.m.— Youth Fellowship Program, In the High School. Pianist; Mrs. Don Jolly Pastor: Evang. L. Winn -Butler 0:45 a,1tt.--Sunday School 11:00 a.111.—Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p,m,—tible Study and ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Player DS zor06D 8 Friday,p.m.—Christ Anibassa- Rev, it.L ty, Phone Ks dots "Who .t'orgiveth all thine in• 10:00 tt,nl,-.—Sunda' School Willits: who t: iletlf all thy 11:00 salt, Serviee tt'it11 :ifoly diseases."—'Crsaln5a 103:3. Ctinlnluli oii The Thres:Ativec*lt,, Jantoery 23 1958 P;lg4 )5 , 1 ll, n, ,� .1 : d � 4 11 (lq ,In ! I:A null,nlnnndll.l:gnnU,g11,1nll,lll.l 111.1A,t1 n11.l ,l,A lA.tl IIA,Lb:iA IEnt , 1 J, titl.11 ikl n.-tt1 tfi _t. -_tl til Lt � • STAPLER$ 5 MODELS From $1.45 The Tames -Advocate !,tlltlf1,1111t1,11,11,,tllllltl illi,lllllil,411t11111,1n1(1,,1111,/In111111111,11111111111/1n1111,1,Inlflll,lltinf11111}IIIA,I,nll{4Ui�,all� The most -POWERFUL BATTERY ever built EXTRA BIG ALLOW SICE p gpTTEUR ��Ry Reg. List $27.501 NEW DRY CHARGE TYPE $1.00 LESS for "WET" Type --While They Last New "Dry -Charge" MOR -POWER HI -CAPACITY Bursting with fresh, long -life power— "Activated" the very moment you buy it . with surplus reserve to give a hotter spark, brighter lights and fa stest starts in any weather. Loaded with 47% more "emergency power" than original equipment — to turn your winter congealed motor over 20% faster and 25% longer, The surging power -load kindles weak or damp ignition systems in life. MOR -POWER "HI -CAPACITY" leaves other batteries standing stil I. Special "Armor -Glass" Insulation — the "extra" that retards "stored energy" loss. Guaranteed and insured for 4 full years. The most powerful battery ever built. MOR -POWER "Hi -CAPACITY" FEATURES: 51 -Plates, 165 amp, capacity. To fit: Chevrolet 1940-54; Dodge (most) 1933-55; Oldsmobile 6-cyl. 1949-50; Plymouth 1934-55; Pontiac (most) 1949-54; Studebaker 1939-55. (Similar big discounts for other makes and model cars). Save Safely—at Canadian Tire. MOR -POWER Heavy Duty GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS NEW "DRY CHARGE" TYPE— 39 Plates. Dependable lowest cost power — ample capacity for average starting and light- ing requirements. Fits most popular 6 -volt systems, Regular list price 913.50, Bigger savings at Canadian Tire. . 95 FITS FORD PRODUCTS — 1951-54 — 45 plates: 105 amp, capacity. Regular list S15.05. "Dry Charge" type. With old battery • And Your Old'- Battery 8.95 $1 .00 LESS FOR "iIVET" 'HYPE While They Last MOR -POWER Super -Service GUARANTEED-24.MONTHS NEW "DRY CHARGE" TYPE — Better 45 than original equipment Guarantee s at almost half price. Guaranteed and insured for 2 full years of "Get -up -and And Your Go" dependable service. Fits most Old Battery popular 6 -volt system, Worth 521.25, FITS FORD PRODUCTS --1951-54t Sl plates: 120 amp. capacity, Regular list 921.25, "Dry Charge" Os95 type. With old battery _----_ --- W PITS 12 -VOLT SYSTEMS — For most late model ■ {H/ ��V Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth, Pontiac and Studo• baker. Worth S27.95. With old battery , r 9°° LESS FOR"WET" TYPE While They Last For your protection MORPOWER GUARANTEE — plus Insurance CANADIAN TiRE gives you more than just a Guarantee . . Every MOR -POWER BATTERY — regardless of price — is also FULLY IN- SURED MOR -POWER BATTERIES are guaranteed against defects in workmanship and material ... In addition, each Battery tarries the exclusive MOR -POWER INSUR- ANCE PROTECTION against damage or failure of the battery —when caused by 'Fire, Accident, Frost, Breakage and many other normal driving hazards. The MOR -POWER BATTERY you buy is guaranteed and insured for 1B Months, 2 Years or 4 Years -- depending on the type. Replace- ment or money back. You pay only for service rendered. NOTE—ADD 50e TO ABOVE PRICES FOR INSTltLLATIQN 436 Main St. Exeter Phone 4151 Milton R. Robbins