The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-23, Page 14Page 14 The Thres-Adypeate, January 23, 1958 Official Of Legion Installs Executive Twenty-seVen inembers of the Legion Auxiliary met in the Le- gion halls -'1'hursclay. for the in- stallatien of the offtcers by M. Dwight Ball, past president :the Lucan Canadian Legion. President is Mrs, Mary Ball, ,vice-presidents, Mrs. Marjorie RUmmella and Mrs. Veda ,Smith; treasurer, Airs. Helene Stocks; Seeretary,, Airs. Val Brown; ser- geant -at -arms, Mrs. Barbara Knight; .executiv.., Aim Ethel Bgan, Mrs. Doris Butler, Mrs. .i'ancis Bell, Mrs, June Weller. An,out-cloor barbecue was pre- sented to the retiring president, Lucan Arena Schedule THURSDAY, JAN. 23 5;30-4130--Pti 1)1 lc Sett tint S Ka Ong 4:30-6 :00-1,epra nos Pee IN ee Hockey) 713o -south, idti tesex }turkey ( gnitilex) FRIDAY, JAN. 24 4 :00-(i Iris Pee BacheS 5 40-7 o r it ale Pa bile School S;30-Lti;tn Irish t. Pt. Edward SATURDAY, JAN. 25 :00-10 :00-0 a hr itige 34 Inor 11 10300-12 t0i4-lin mita rt Ile j'bIj 12:30-1 :30.-1,114.:1 n Sika t n I u 1 :30-2 :30 Lacari Pee V% erg 11%. Cra 2:30-3 :30-lidertuti SI,41144a .13/111 thins 5:30-4 i30-1.at:1111 AS it II nmi P4 Tn. 1.011d on .Bit eons R:00-7 00-1111 es !locker 7 :00-S ;15-0 ah rld g Acre:. Midgets vm, Zurich. 8113 -10:00 -Public Skating', 9:00-12 :00-718 in The Hail 10 Canadian Pia yboys SUNDAY, JAN. 26 3:00. -3:00 -Public Skit 1 ing MONDAY, JAN. 27 400-0 :W. -Med IVA y High School Practise ;013--Sto I II Middlesex „Hockey (3 nmen) TUESDAY, JAN. 28 4:00-6 :00 -Luta n 1,e p ra eh au as Pra et bre I/ :00-5:00-11r11 Telephone S:30-hnci,n 1 ei V lliterton. V4 Mica ti WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 2:00-4 :00-R.C.11 4:00 -3:00 -Public School ?Mating 5:00-6:00-Lucan Rant/1ms 7 :00-11:00-11 etirrny Hockey an ni es 0010-10 :00 --Pa bile kri t THURS. JAN. 30 . 3:440-4 :30 -Pub I lc Nchnol A ka ling' .; 7 ;30 -Son t to IM id diem. x 1 League (3 games) Mrs. Gladys Reilly. The lunch conveners were Mrs. Mary Ball, Mrs.. Gladys Itelily, Mrs. Mar- jorie Rummell. Airs. Loraine Smith arranged an attractive table, ,centred with two cakes, one in honor of the past presi- dent .and the other in honor of Airs. Dave Egan who that week celebrated a birthday. The mystery prize - a .cup and saucer, was won by Mrs. Kay Hagar, Eve.ning" :Auxiliary 'Airs. Art Black was hostess for 14 members of the United.Church Evening Auxiliary last Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. A. E. Reilly, presided. Two hundred and eighty dollars was voted to be sent to the Presbyterial secre- tary. Appointed to the nominating committee were Mrs. Jens An- dersen and Mrs. Ivan Hearn; finance, Airs. Bass McRoberts, Mrs, Charles Sovereign. Mrs. George Thomson, Airs. Jens An- dersen and Mrs. Bert Thomp- son; membership committee, Mrs. B. J. Roberts, Mrs. Dave Park, Mrs. George Paul and Mrs, J. B. Ready. Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. Art Black, Airs. Howard Kew assist- ed with the worship service and Mrs. George Paul continued the study book on ancient Japan. Mrs, A. E. Reilly poured tea at the buffet luncheon which fol- lowed the meeting. Robert Smythe Born In England Robert Smythe, 86, after a• lengthy illness, died in Westmin- ster Hospital on Sunday, Jan. 19. He lay at rest in the C. Has- kett and Son funeral home, Lu - can until 9 30 Tuesday when he was taken to St. 'Patrick's church, Biddulph for Requiem High Mass at 10 a.m., Rev, J. A. Mackesy officiating, Inter- ment was in adjoining cemetery, Pallbearers were John Wheli- han, Jerry Whelihan, Harold Ryan, Don Revington, Joe Has- kett and 1Vm. McIhargey. Mr, Smythe was born Feb. 17, 1871 in Ipswick, Suffolk, Eng- land. He came to Granton at the f 16 working on the C.N.R. between London and Stratford. He was a veteran of the Boer War. He married Mary Jackson in 1905 and moved to Lucan in 1914 where his wife predeceased him 10 years ago, also one daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Cough- lin, in 1955. He is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Clifford Calcott of Lu - can, three sons, John Smythe of Byron andWilliam and. John of London also 11 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. iiiiii 11,11,1111111111111 iiiii 11111111111111111 iiiii illimitml,111111111111111111111111111111111110111111 iiii llll $1111101t. 1 Front -End Alignment And Wheel Balance COMPLETE WHEEL -.SERVICE IS A MLST FOR YOUR CAR! if Let our expert mechanics turn your car into its best performance yet. Bring It In Today! Hunter-Duvar & Sons PHONE 38 Limited EXETER 1111111111111111111111111M11101111411111i11111111111111111111111111111111M11111.111111111i1111111111111111111111111111t1111111111111. NOW DEDUCTIBLE Canadian Government Annuity pre- miums may now be deducted from income for tax purposes, within certain limits. This means that any taxpayer - including self-employed persons -is now allowed the tax advantage which was formerly available only to em- ployees contributing to registered pension plans. SAMPLE TAX SAVINGS tf" 61,7°Z1resdtitgnii::::!11/6soxeires/;:sldentl Earned Interne $ 3,000 5,000 7,500 10;oao Contribution Tax Saving to Savings Plan* $ 300 500 75o 1,000 $ 39 95 150 240 Isniatimein dedudieri alley/ad ler lo eurptres) For full information and assistance in selecting the plan best suited to your needs; null this coupon, postage free, ir:61.i‘...iii,...a...........ii.i..ii....-f I Ti: Oirecioi, Conodion deiounment AitnUilint, DoOartinerif Of Labour. OnOVia (Piiiiiiiiii iffici '0V2,1 II I Nine Mild ilif6tAbtithi tfiewitio 16W8 teilit tAiiA botosistsgat Amoy r edit brief/ tea refiteieetd Ifiteienii of IOW ash- i Mr ?le i h '4 i iir l .,! ll .. ,. ll ,..”.r. ...Ir. v.,. ria.fliii'*#11#1,10,6.4t, I Veir.ar411.'/Mitlf ttbtRAI. Im46/..-...„..,....,... lll . l ........,,,,,,..."....... , OEPARtmENT4 11.1,1VIIVAII VP11-6.1,01.1”....1,160# a iirth..........,„„„„. 1 OF tA (5U11 Abo lohtft AiShatit Ya 1.104006nd (161 iAteYfiitilliii61( fliVOti• will bt herd ilpiAty theAtiteniat 1 re sue es,,see,,,,ess.ssisee.,,as see we, ses se, ,ies /se/seise ese sassy seissi 0.. see i Lucan And District News Corresponsientt Miss Lino Abbott Phone 109 Lucan vvi ears Girl Guide The January meeting of the Lucan Woman's institute was held in the Community Centre i last Thursday afternoon with the vice-president, Mrs. Wes Hodgins, in the ehair, owing to the illness of the president and Mrs. Sheridan Revington at the ' Thirty members answered the ; roll call by repeating 'a. poem ; learned at school. These ran- ged from. "Mary had a little !iamb." to "The quality of mercy ; is not strained." Achievement Day will he held at Medway School. February 15. For the Home Economics and III:coati meeting Airs. Jack Steacy reported she had se- cured a representative from the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ito give a demonstration on Feb- ruary 20 not 21 as printed in the programs. The vice-president reported that Mr. Harold Ribson and Mr. Merton Culbert had wrapped all the shrubs and that the new record player had arrived and was proving satisfactory. It was decided to leave the arrangement for the trip to the cancer clinic, in the hands of the Children Perform !PS Patro At Church Supper - - The AMMO. pot -luck supper of Holy Trinity Church congrega- tion was held in. the church basement last Friday eVening. The turn -out wasn't quite as large as usual due to the cold night and the great amount of siekness, Following the supper, films and a program were presented in the Parish Hall. Rev, Prest had charge of the former and Miss Lina Abbott presided for the latter. The little people staged an enjoyable program un- der the leadership of Miss 'Bette Leake and Mrs. Clarence Hardy. Lucan children are particularly proficient as soloists and pia- nists. Numbers by four little tap -dancers added much to the program as well as Tommy Har- dy with his guitar. The pre-' school children, as usual were appreciated. A silver collection was taken at the end of the program and the seven dollars will be given to Missions. Men's Club Speaking on "The Definition of Man," Dr. Duncan McTavish, pastor of the Oakridge Acres' United Church was the guest k 1 J r executive. spec er t anuaD meeting Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. Gor- of theLucan Unitod Church Elects Officers Mens Club in the church par- don Banting Mrs Jack Steacy Aids Safety The recently organized Public :School Patrol began .operating last Tuesday morning in front of the school and just north of the Anglican rectory. The original sponsors of the project were the members of the Lucan Lions Club who pur- chased the wince belts but it , wasn t until the .principal Mr. ;Wesley Clow and trustees con- , tacted the Ontario Safety League that mech headway was made. ' I Mr. Carl Laybburn, Field Rep- ; resentative of Toronto visited ithe school explaining to prin- • cipal, .trustees and local police ; the splendid results of similar ;patrols in other places. Application forms were sent t out to parents and 23 were re- turned, Of the 23 Mr. Clow chose the ten which in his estimation would be most reliable; Captain, Bob Chown; first shift, Michael Murdy, Dana Culbert, Shirley E.merick; second. shift, John Ribson, Ilene Donaldson, Carole Davis; third shift, Ward Hod- gins, Mae Cobleigh and Judy Haskett, Granton Lodge , . • and Mrs. Wes Hodgins, were tors last Wednesday night. nam ed to purchase material to ake layettes for the Unitarian iThe film "The 8th Sea" show- mng the St. Lawrence Sea -way Service, Anyone having used or project was shown by 11r, Har - new sweaters for children 3-15 old Whyte. ' years is asked to phone Mrs. The president Mr, Clarence Scott or the president, Mrs. Mur- Stanley presided and Mr. Alden ray Hodgins as soon as pos- Walker's group had charge of sible. program and refreShments. * A goodly number signed up for the millinery course, Mar. 13, London M A CT h' 1 Ed em ers 14 17. s izens anc tie a. tion convener, Airs. Cecil Robb took over. She spoke briefly on Entertain YPU • Mrs. George Wilson's report, then gave a resume othe The regular LUcan-Clandeboye f , Scotch hook, 'Wee Gillis' before YP.U. meeting was held in the introducing the guest speaker, Lucan United Church on Sun - Miss Grace Legg of Birr, who day evening with a splendid at - spoke on the Girl Guide Meet in tendance of 30. Owing to the England, July 9 to August 10, absence of both president and Miss Legg was fortunate in be• vice president, Lynette Walpole ing one of the 99 Canadians to presided. be chosen as a delegate from During the business session it Canada. Of the 99 Guides, 45 was decided to accept the in - went to England and the re- vitation of the Lieury to mainder to Switzerland. Miss attend, Monday, Janfiary 27 their 'riff Night" (Training, Inspiration, Fun and Fellow- ship.) The executive of the London Y.P.U. put on the program, Wilma Wilmore, president pre- siding. Loraine Galbraith, secre- tary, conducted a sing -song, Alice Brooksbank led in the I brought back from England in- games and Yvonne Clipperton, eluding manv pins and souve- the educational leader, told a guides from other countries. nirs which she had traded with missionary story. IMrs. Erwin Scott was lunch Mrs. Irwing Gibson, Mrs. Erle Young, Mrs. ,Tack Steacy and Mrs. William Brownlee. Anne Marie Davis Dies At Age 98 Anne Maria Davis • 98, passed away Monday, January 13 in Kingsway Lodge, St. Marys, I Ont. She lay at rest in the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Hoine i till 2 p.m.. Wednesday. Inter- ment was in St. Marys Ceme- tery. Her only survivors are ne- ; phews and nieces. iCoursey School Euchre Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and I Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins were I hostesses for a five table euchre at the Coursey School last Fri- day evening. High score prizes went to Miss Loreen Hodgins and Mr, George Hodgins. Second high score pri- zes were won by Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mr. Toni Coursey and the lone hand prizes by Mrs. Evan Hodgins and Mr. Allan Rya n. The next euchre will be Jan- uary 31 with Mrs. Harold Cour- sey and Mrs. Chas. Huggar as hostesses. Lucan Loses To Oakridge In a 0.M.H.A. South Middle- sex Midget League game here Saturday Oakridge Acres de- feated Lucan 5-3, Hugh Conlin, Vic Neil and Paul Conlin were Lucan's goal getters, Two injuries marred the gaine. Jim Cairns of Oakridge Acres suffered a four -stitch gash over his left eye and Keith O'Neil a broken wrist and head injury. The scores for games at Lu - can Monday evening were: Lucan 7 Byron 2 Oakriclge Acres 4 Ailsa Craig 1 Lambeth 12 ilderton 1. Birr Gets New Minister Thomas Griffen a student minister at Huron College, Lon- don will have charge of Thiel. - ton, Grace Church, Birr, Trinity Church and London Township, St. George Church. Mr. Griffen, a married man with one (laugh - Ler, Lynn, became a deacon last December 21. He will be or- dained in May. Legg gave an interesting account of her trip over on the Empress of Britain, places she visited in England and camp life in gen- eral. She was one of 100 girls in the choir to sing for the Queen. At the conclusion of her talk' Miss Legg displayed many articles of interest which she convener and was assisted by Shower of Cards Mrs, Dave Eyan, who ceiebrat- f ed her birthday Aionday„Ianuary, 13, was surprised and delighted ; to receive a shower of birthday cards from members of the Le- gion Auxiliary and other friends, Lucan Players Assist Medway Th the senior Medway -Tech game at Lucan Wednesday the score was 4-2 in favor of Pea , but hi the junior game the score was 643 in favor of Medway. Paul I COfflift scored a goal in each game. Barry 131ack scored two junior goals, Frank Mgati and Don Laokin roach scored a senior gamgoal. Please Titrii to Pao. 15 ,4 Officers elected by Court Carl- ton Foresters Lodge included PCR, John Bryan; CR, Fred Cook; VCR, Malcolm Spence; financial secretary, William Legg; recording secretary, Ken- neth Hodgins; treasurer, Walker Gibson; chaplain, Hamilton Hodgins. Conductor, George Jameson; SW, Roberts Garrett; JW, Elwyn Bryan; SB, Gerald Bern; JB, Eldon Westman; auditor,. Clare Westman; court physician, Dr. F. S. Kipp. Medway Euchre The Medway Euchre Club held a four -table euchre at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Lewis* last Friday. High score prizes were won by Mrs. Earle Mid- dleton and Mr. Wilbert. Stanley; consolation prizes by Mrs. Wm. McComb and Mr. Earle Middle- ton and lone hand prizes by Mrs. Otto Daley and Mr.. Bill Stewart. The next euchre will be held at Mr, Bill Stewart's Feb. 1, Personals Mrs. Tom Brooke, who has been confined to her home for the past four months, with a. heart condition, had Mr, Harold Brooke, of London, as a weekend guest and Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and Mrs. Greta Hodgins, of Exeter, as Sunday guests. 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