HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-23, Page 12Pogo 12 Tho TimosAdvocoto, slonuary 23, 1958 ,„sillOWW.1911101IIIII1100111.4111114191.111.111111M111101104MAIMORIAIIIIIUMMIIIIIWILIBILM14WW.0,104114.441MM% 5 THIS. THAT By MRS. J. M. S. In the files of the Exeter Times Of 1.87E3 we came across a recipe which to. us was novel and in. teresting. It was in a February issue and we wanted .te shareit. with you M case you might like to try it for pancake day, es- pecially if there is a fresh fall of Snow Pudding Where cold, fresh fallen snow is used it gives a lightness all its * • 1 II:4 .1; •-,0‘ /=,47 Golden peach halves, tree -ripened to luscious perfection! • own; no amount of beating can beat it. Make a stiff batter of four ounces of flour and one quarter ounce of milk or more if re- quired. a little nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Divide the dough into any num- ber of pancakes and add three large spoonsful of snow to each. Fry lightly in very good butter and eat quickly. The pancakes should be about the size of a soup plate for this amount of snow. * Did you know that it was five years ago on February 5 that Canada's baking industry began a national program of bread en- richment as a public health in- surance measure. Every slice of enriched bread YOU. eat contains extra milk sol- ids, extra B vitamins and extra iron to help you and your family keep healthy through better' nu- trition. Enriched white bread is not a high calorie food. Each slice con- tains approximately 75 calories, the same as one large orange, one egg, one glass of skim milk or a one -inch cube of cheese. Bread enrichment is a volun. tary program except in the prov- ince of Newfoundland where it is compulsory. About 90 per cent of all white bread sold in Canada is made from enriched flour, It is not the answer to all our nutri- tion problems. No single food can claim such distinction. But, eat- en in combination with an other- wise balanced diet, it can con- tribute its share of essential food energy and important food nutri- ents like protein, calcium, B vi- tamins and iron. * * In •another article on this page is the recipe used by the first prize winner in a $20,000 baking Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving Hair Styling and Shaping. Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For LatestStyling ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress 1 t. ri "Out of my way— we're having lemon pie tonight" • You can't blame the man, if it's pie made with 3e11-0 Lemon Pie Pilling — the fresh -tasting, satin - smooth pie filling that s sure to be wonderful every time, So easy — no lemons to squeeze .. . no double - boiler needed . takes only minutes to make. (1e11-0 is a registered trade mark owned in Canada by General Foods, Limited.) JELL* LEMON PIE FILLING ..:Cooksville 'Cook Best In Canada. "Canada's' cook ,of theyear" was the title won by Airs. Ir- vin. „Barton of Cooksville in Can- ada's largest ,cooking contest. She was one of the top. ten prizewinners :who were brought to TOrOilt(1 on an all -expense -paid trip to. compete or the prize in a $30,000 ,contest sponsored by Canada Packers. Mrs. Barton won $2,500 in cash, plus an electric range, re- frigerator and automatic washer and drier. She plans to use the money to bring her mother from Nottingham, England, to Canada for a visit wineh she has been planning and saving for several years. She 'came to Canada as an English war bride in 1945 and had never cooked in her life be- fore that time. She gives credit to her mother-in-law, Mrs. Irvin Barton Sr., of Islington, Ontario, for her prowess in cooking. She now has 'three children besides her husband to cook for. Mrs. Barton's prizewinning recipe was for cookies which she called #Aprieot Toasties, Apricot Toasties 1 cup dried apricots ts cup water 1 cup shortening tz cup brown sugar 1s .cup white sugar 3. egg • 1 tp. vanilia i tp. almond flavoring 11 cups sifted all --purpose flour tp. salt 2 tps. baking powder 11 cups shredded coconut whole almonds. Combine apricots and water .and cook over low heat until tender (5 to 10 min,). Cool. Cream .shortening and sugars together until fluffy. Blend in egg and flavorings. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together. Stir into the creamed mixture together with the cooled apri- cots.Mix well. Drop rounded tea- spoons of the dough into the shredded coconut and form into balls. Place on greased sheet. Top each cookie with a whole almond. Bake in a moderate oven (375') for 12 to 15 min. or until coconut is lightly toasted. contest this month in Toronto. Mrs. Mirrel Nelson, Kelsey, Alta., won recognition and a 21 - piece tea set of Royal Albert china for her recipe for Applesauce Refrigerator Cookies 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup white sugar 1 egg 3/4 cup sifted flour 1/2 tsp, baking powder 1 tsp, baking sodi 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1:2 tsp. cloves 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 cup seedless raisins 1/2 cup quick cooking rolled oats 1 cup tart applesauce Blend all together and beat well. Drop by teaspoon on greased pan and bake in moder- ate oven (375 'degrees) for 15 minutes, Makes about 4 dozen cookies. At a birthday party, one sweet thing advanced on her hostess and presented her with a huge electric fan, "Here,. darling," she cooed, "this will help you blow out the candles on your cake." • 'Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Clark, Prop, Hair Treatments, Tinting Individual Styling, Permanents Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 HI -LINE Beauty Salon 4 Located 10 Cook's Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750-W,1 EXETER. Marg Coward, Prop. Everybody Likes It Silverwoodis Ice Cream '/z GALLON'S 89c Bulk Packs Of Frozen Vegetables CUT GREEN BEANS * KERNEL CORN * GREEN PEAS MIXED VEGETABLES * CAULIFLOWER Sold at a real saving — every day. EXETER 'BEEF Beef cattle are sellina steadily at higher prices. BUY EXETER BEEF, IT PAYS TO BUY QUALITY. This week we will have fop grade young' steer beef. Exeter Frozen Foods - PHONE 70 MAIN ST. 9999er '909‘.14, STILL BUSY AT 95 YEARS—Nrrs. Hannah Taylor, who celebrates her ninety-fifth birthday today, is active and happy in her home on Andrew street, where she lives alone and does all her own housework. She enjoys play- ing euchre with her neighbours. T -A Photo Mission Circle Elects Officers Miss Shirley Wurm was elected president of Main Street United Church Mission Circle at the first meeting of the year last. Saturday at the home of Bar- bara Tuckey, Secretary and press reporter is Ruth McLean; treasurer, Phyl- lis Merkley; pianist, Barbara Tuckey and group leaders, Shir• ley Merkley and Rena Murray. Past president, Barbara Tuc- key conducted the business and membership fees were col• lected. The next meeting will be held on the' second Monday of the month at the home of Rena Mur- ray. Elect Mary Shaw CGIT President Mary Shaw was named 'presi- dent for 1958 of the C.G.LT. of Cava Presbyterian church at their annual meeting last Tues- day evening in the church base- ment. Vice president is Judy Wilson; secretary, Carole Hogarth; treas- urer, Enid Falethorpe; press re- porter, Grace McKenzie, The leaders are Mrs. Are' 'Whilsmith. and Miss Mary Ann Erskine. ll.ev., S. Kerr installed the new officers, Chevers were presented at this meeting to the girls for attend- ance during the year at C.G.I.T. meetings and at church. Hensall Rebekahs Guests Of Lodge Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall, were guests of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge No. 338 at their meeting last Wednesday evening in the lodge rooms. Contests, euchre and penny sale were features of the enter- tainment. Mrs. Archie Ryckman was the winner of the euchre prize, Noble Grand Mrs. Gilbert johns presided. Mrs. Delmer Skinner, degree captain, was presented with a gift in appre- ciation of her untiring Work. The second game in the bridge and euchre marathon will he played after the next meeting, February 5. League Aids Missionaries By ANN THOMPSON The members of the Catholic Women's League, R.CA.F. Sta- tion Centralia, Met Tuesday, January 14 in the J. A. D. Mc- Curdy School. Mrs. Kuss, sub- division president, welcomed the new members present at the meeting. It is interesting to note that the new members are not only Joining a local organiza- tion but are ,joining a national organization of 115.00 Catholic wom en. The league and clothing, re- ligious articles, reading nt at - rials etc, to the mission fields. Mrs. J. M. Annaney read two interesting letters from mission- aries in India, One letter was received from • a laywoman who k devoting her time to poor Bin - du children in her neighbour- hood. A Wend letter was also re. eeived from the Mother Supe- rior RI Bethany whose main Work lies in the field of edueation. At Present this particular convent is operating a school for girls and is raising 011tIS for the com- pletion of a chapel. The spiritual reading was given by Mrs. L. Grafton, Mrs, Orattoit gave an excellent talk Oft the necessity of eliminating selfishness from bur liVes. She said "Very small children are alit to be selfish, hilt with mato. rity should COM6 th ability to master opt wills and conquer our selfith desires. The soul needs sadrifiee to attain perfee- tiou, and :caddy neck self-sa- crifice to attain new." Mrg. Xuss read it letter tram thd tondon (*Rowan prdqs',011. veer urging increaSe(1 suhgtriti. Most 'Torii to Page McGillivray WI Treats Officials • • . • Guests of McGillivray Wom- en's Institute for their family night on Wednesday' evening be- sides the families, were Warden Fred Heaman and Mrs. Heamait, Reeve, councillors, treasurer and clerk and their wives. A turkey dinner was served in West Mc- Gillivray Hall, A. short meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Laverne Allison when short speeches were given by the Warden, Reeve Earl Dixon, Clerk Bill Amos and couricillors, D. Drum- mond, Earl Morley, Thos. Hall and Ben Thompson. An explanation of the McGil- livray Co-operative Insurance and the Federal Insurance plan was presented by Mr, William Paterson, The remainder Of the evening was spent in playing cards. Prizewinners included: ladies high, Mrs, Bill Amos, lone hands,. Mrs. Clarence Rogers, gents high, Karl Pickering and gents lone hands, Thos. Kooy. Mrs. William' Thompson and Bill Hall gave several musical selections during the evening. The lucky chair prize went to Fraser Dixon. 44. Elizabeth Arden's new BLEMISHED SKIN KIT improves the skin miraculously. and at once The preparations in this kit go far deeper than a Mere washing away of black- heads, They are based on the most advanced discoveries in the treatment of the dis- turbed adolescent skin— whether girl's or boy's. Each kit contains 8 stientifically assembled -preparations in generous quantities, and complete directions, .6.50 Elisabeth Arden s4 provers steps 16 help eke, Me skin of blitn- pintiles, en- larged fiotes: 1, thorough, pere. rieo thawing 2. dimrdeitiOti loathing andsritoothIng 4. tied. &tile Ofinitik. NTLEY DRUG STORE " • EXETER , PhOna 19 01116 Mothers Plan Activities: The- .LO.Pal Association ,pf Guides and Brownies mot at the Scant Hall last Wednesday at• ternoon. The group planned a tea and. bake Sale. ter Thinking Day, Saturday, February 02.1 Guides, and Brownies will be selling Ileketa for this tea. The Association plan to pur- chase milk for the Brownie Parents' night, February 10. X,•ecal Associations of Hensall and :Zurich will be invited guests at the next Meeting on the eve- rting of March 5. Mrs. Robert Luton _presided for the meeting. Install Officers For Federation Officers for 1958 of the Wom- an4s,„ Federation of James St. United Church were installed by Mrs. H. J. Snell at the January meeting on Monday eveeiog. Mrs. Snell also :presented the study on Japan dealing with "Students in- the Newa." The devotional. was taken by Mrs. Bev. Skinner assisted by Mrs. Ken Ottewell, Mrs. Art Walk - en), Miss Helen Westcott, Mrs. Aubrey Tennant: and Mrs, Car- frey Cann. Mrs. Skinner's group arranged the program. Newly elected president, •MrS. Robert Southcott, conducted the business when plans were made for the congregational supper, January 27. Mrs. Gordon Koch reported on Christmas cheer pro- vided for sick and shut-ins. "THERE IS BEAUTY IN EXTREME OLD AGE" (Author's Name Below) All members of the health team have one common desire; to help you live a healthier and longer life. Old age is no longer measured in years but by how youthful you feel. It is entirely possible for you to greatly enjoy the extra years that im- proved medical tech- niques can add. to your life. Place yourself more in your physician's skill- ed care. He will, if neces- sary, prescribe one of the new sustaining medi- cines or geriatric vita- mins that asti s.t your body to stay young long- er. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • • Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, (ir let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great man people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we com- pound yours? • Andrew Johnston Drugs Main St,, Exeter PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ,Quolation bY Sir William Gilbert (1.816-1911) Copyright 1557 .(12:W2) 'James St. CGIT Selects, ..Officers Marlene McBride Was. elected President of the of .Jarnes Street United „Church at Mg. mneetbi on Tuesday „evening. Vice-president is Sandra Wal - per; secretary and press report- er, Marian May; treasurer, Bar- bara Hodgson. Worship period was taken by Dianne Delbridge and Mary Mc- Bride. Games were directed by Nancy Boyle and Jane ]'arrow. Marian May and Marlene Mc- Bride were appointed. to assist with the nursery neXt, Sunday morning; Marilyn Jory and Louise Hockey on February 0 and Linda :Wainer and Dianne „Jory on February 9. At thenext meetingthere will he a party :for each girl ACCOflm. ponied by a „friend and lunch for two with the program to be ar, ranged by the executive. icing size results at a small cost — that's want ads. A glassful of health Exeter Phone 331-J There's nothing like Ex. eter Dairy milk to keep you going strong! It's nature's most nearly perfect food . . . full of the important food val- ues you need for good health. airy Daily. Delivery WESTINGH USE January White Sale • THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THAT NEW WESTINGHOUSE DRYER AT A REDUCED PRICE:—BUY NOM During aur January White Sale, we are offering generous savings on all Westinghouse appliances. We have a number of excellent buys in good, used WRINGER WASHERS. SAVE MONEY — BUY IN JANUARY Phone 86 BEAVERS HARDWARE Exeter Dresses & Skirts Fine fashions\ at Super Savings! MIK 2 OFF Gloves . REDLIDtb 69c Pyjamas 20% Off Large Assortment of Flannelettes to Choose From RWiNSLadies W ear PHONE 414 EXETER Closed .Friday N1ht pen taiurtloo 'Th Unfit April