HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-23, Page 8A , . W..." '''' I 1 .{, 5 'I , I / , on •.1 I ,..., 41, .i. , 1. IV RI 0.1.11,,,, P5, .1,/, -1.W11,31111,. ., ,.P ZS r7•, .- 41I•T4 . 1,1 4 1 MI I . .73 ,141,1,111,-.1,,,,,,,E . . Pape 0 Th Times.AelvOcate, January 23, 194t Turn Pashwood Shed Into. Ice Skating The men's olub of Dashwood •Obtained permission to provide Skating for the children of the 'community in Zion Lutheran Church shed. Weather has been ideal and Young and old. are en- 10Ying skating. There is always supervision end Dashwood Band, is to provide 4riusie every Friday night. A carnival is planned for January 24. John Bender, 84 Church Official John Bender, •of Dashwood, died at South Huron Hospital Fri- day, January 17, at the age of St .Although in falling health he was hospitalized less than two weeks. His wife, the, former Maria Battler, predeceased him twenty years ago. Surviving are two daughters, Airs. Fred (Clara) Cumungton, of Ellinville, and Airs. Pearl Faulhatifer, of Kitchener; four • sons,. William, of Crediton, Leon- - ard, London, Gordon, Dashwood, and Roy, Toronto; one sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Miles, Calgary; one brother, Henry, of Dash- wood; 16 grandchildren and sey- en great-grandehildren. He was active in the Evangel- Ica' United Brethren Church, • having been a member of the church board and cemetery board. . The body rested at the Hoffnan funeral home until Sunday CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend at noon then at the Evangeheal United Brethren ;Church where services were eonclueted by Rev. W. Krotz and interment -made in the Evangelical Vetted ,Brethren Cemetery. Bearers were Allan Becker, Lloyd Bender. Joe Caswell, How- ard Curatington, Lleyd Wigan and Keith McBride. Friends attended from Detroit, Pigeon, Petersburgh, Listowel, Kitehener, Leaden,. „Stratford, Brucefleld, Sarnia, Zurieh, and Thamesford. Personal Items Judy and Bobby Webb spent the weekend in London with AD:. and. Mrs. Thomas Nunns, while their parents spent the weekend. in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Guenther and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Guenther, also attending the Detroit -Toronto NHL hockey game. Mrs. Elizabeth Miles, of Cal- gary, attended the funeral of her brother, John Bender, and is vis- iting in the community. Miss "time Taylor, mirse-in• training et Victoria Hospital, London, underwent a nose opera- tion on Thursday. She is now at the home of her mother, Mrs, Letta Taylor. Dennis Milton Allan Keller. in- fant SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keller, Exeter, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- wood, by Rev. K. L. Zorn, follow- ing the morning service last Sun- day. The annual library meeting will be held Tuesday, January 28, at 4 p.m. in. the men's club room. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Higenell, of St. Catharines, are pleased at the arrival of a daughter 'last week, a granddaughter for Rev. and Mrs. Higenell, who were for: mer Dashwood residents. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Weiberg and family, of Waterloo, were Saturday visitors in town, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Alorlock and son, of Waterloo, were Sun- day visitors with relatives, also visiting Mrs, Gordon Becker, who is a patient at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and i boys were Sunday visitors with ...*,I11111.1/11111111111111I110/11 ttttt I Mr. and Mrs. Ervin- Rader. t t ttt tttttt llllllll llllllllll III/ llllll 1111 ll I lll 11111111111111 lllllll III lllllllll llllllll l Cornish, Mitchell & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. .1. Cornish L. F. Cornish 0. Mitchell K. W. Slade W. E. Suchard 291 DUNDAS ST, Dial 2,2651 LONDON, ONT. ommummimmum lllll mmimmumummumm lllll mmummummm llllllll lllllll mm lllll ll llllllll tiC The Story In Elects Slate • .M.R.4, ROA 1K1N.NER The annual meeting of„Central- W la United Church was held Fri- -”M And W• "-.A. day evening of last week. Tlie Elinwille W•41'-°' :and W.A. Meeting opened witr a worship held their January meeting at service conducted by the pastor the .church on Wednesday after,. Rev. J. T. Clarke. Reports of the Woman's As- noon with Airs. Filson Lynn and Mrs. .Win. Walters as hostesses. Sociation, W.M.S., Sunday School. and .C..G.LT. showed a success- Airs. Colin Gilfillen and mrs, fid year. The Missionary and Newton. Clarke had charge of Maintenance Fund is slightly the program. Roll call •WaS under last year. The treasurer answered '. reported a balance on hand. • by paying of fees Mrs. Clarke gave the - study Orville Langford and • ton. Skinner were re-elected to • book. Scripture was read by -.the Session; George Ileehurn, Mrs. Freeman Horne and Mrs. llalph Lightfoot anal Stanley Lynn. The ladies •of Thames Hicks to tre Board of Stewards. Road will be guest § for the I -Named to be representatives ip World's Day of Prayer on Fri - the Men's Council were J. day, Feb. 2t. Allister, R. Blair, J. Essery, R. Hodgson and„F. Hicks. J. Euchre Club_ Eliniville Euchre Club was Hepburn and A. Smith were WI held on F„riday evening„in the pointed ushers. Glenn Robinson with five tables playing, was re-elected secretary d The winners for the evening : Miss Flossie Davey, treasurer with Miss A. Anderson as ,„,„ were; ladies _high, Mrs. Wm. • ”" ;Johns; gents Thigh, Ur, Harold assistant. A minute of silence low score to Mrs. Del- • in memory of those who had er Skinner, • passed on to their reward der - and Mr, Wm. Roetly will be host ing the year was observed be -I _fore the close of tre meeting. next week on Friday evening. I Election of officers were held Visits Homeland mid new president is Laverne Mr Carl 'Meander left Tues-iSkinner; secretary, Mrs. Chas. day night for New York where I'Stephen; treasurer, Mr. Wm. • h wfll board a Swedish boat RaullY• •on a trip to his home in. Sweden. The treasurer's report of 1957 He plans to visit with his broth. was given andit was moved to ers and sisters before returning buy some pickle dishes and 'to Canada wrere he has been a; cream and sugars for the parties, resident for the past 27 years. W,M.S. Meets Personal Items I Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Johns, "The Second Mile” was the Mr. and Mrs. Alien Johns visit - theme for the .January meeting, ; ed on Friday evening With Mr. of the Woman's Missionary So- and Mrs. Lorne Passmore of ciety, in the schoolroom of the : Thames Road. church on Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Tari Coultis and 1 last week with Mrs. E. Powe, ;Neil of Toronto spent the week - Mrs, L. Hodgson and Mrs. Le i end with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Morgan in charge ol the pro- Coults. gram. 'Enlarging the borders" was Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Ca the topic for study andprove;rol., Mrs. Philip Murch vist- i an ihteresting and informative ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, .Kenneth Johns, discussion. The piano music, of several old and familiar hymns, Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, by Mrs. Lorne Hicks was en- Wayne and Ruth Ann of Crecii- joYed by all her listeners. Mrs, ton visited on Sunday with Mr, E. Powe led the worsrip service and Mrs., Bruce Cooper. assisted he Mrs. Hodson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs, A. smite Harry and Shirley of Zion were Saturday evening guests of Mr, read an article on Christian Citizenship. , and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Annual reports were given and Ther were nine young people from Elim ville. attended the the World Day of Prayer serv- rneeting at the home of Rev. H. ice was set for Friday evening, February 21 at 8 p.m. Nostesses were Mrs. G. Me - Falls, Mrs. Baynham and: Mrs. Lewis. Personal Items Mrs. Wells of Londesboro was a visitor last week at the home of her sister, Mr, and. Mrs. George Hicks. Mr, Larry Cronyn is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital in Lon- don. Mr, Eimer Wilson returned home from South Huron Hospital on Saturday of last week. at thee iow Mod priced •Monarch Pastry Flour 49c Tomato Ketchup,,r,E!Ne4L. 2 FDR 45c Alien's Apple Juice 4a -0L TIN 29c Kam Luncheon Meat 12-°Z' TIN 45c Nabob Insit Coffee 25C oFr s Z. JAR Baby Roll Cheese GoLoEN f3A1/4„R LB* • kiast Prunes 2-IviEnsocwG. Domestic Shortening 3 LE, Blanched Peanuts ciL4Liszlo Wonder Donuts 8 PER PKG, Solid White Tuna sAlcc3 7<tZ, PKG, Success Liquid Wax HEAveArity :Corn Brooms .,Ac 1.09 Devon BaconzwEETEMDKED•RNDLESS'L'65 Frozen Peas 'iR2t2tirm<Fritv.2 Fp/139c Snow -White Cauliflower 25c Suokist Lemons 113'9 5 PI" 19c ,Macs Or Spy Apples 3 L'd• 35c 83c 47c 39c 99c 35c 27c 27c 99c PHONE- 53 e Free bellvoy E, EXETER. • C, Wilson on Sunday in prepar- ,4111111/1.110101111/1/11MMINIIIIIIIIIIRIMM. !Rig for the membership of the -.church. The iSew.gasy 4-171 Homemak. ing Club hi eld ts meeting .on !Wednesday a 1 te rnoon ,alter heel aL nmeille. Mans were made for Achieve- ment Day an February 3. at the. Exeter Legion Hall. • Skirts and record books...were i handed in and sent to :the Home • Economist, Miss 'Shirley Patter- ' son at Clinton,. A, 1, Pym Says; Today I'm especially proud to be a Manufacturers Life man because iny Company has reported a record amount of benefit dollars paid out last year, These "dollars with a heart" that represent food, 1 shelter and clothing for thou- sands of families totalled $48,338,145 in 1957. I'd welcome the opportuni- ty to help you guarantee your family sufficient "dollars with a heart" when they need them most. A. E. PYM Box 603, Exeter Phone Exeter 671-M Representing Tee MANUFACTURERS INSURANCI LIFE COMPANY SOLID PROGRESS SOUND MANAGEMENT and steady growth have earned for The Manufacturers Lire a. reputation for strength, safety and service in the public interest. The funds we hold in trust for policyholders and their beneficiaries are profitably invested by a team or experienced investment specialists, Returns on these care- fully selected. investments help to lower the costs of life insurance for our policyholders. ASSETS OF $761,669,880 axe more than ample to fulfil our obligations to pay the sums of money promised in our policy contracts. This figure includes an amount of $59,047,558 set aside in surplus funds providing a wide margin of safety.' THE 7IST ANNUAL REPORT shows The Manufacturers Life now provides, $2,610,637,086 in insurance and retirement protection for over 500,000 policyholders, In 1957 41,000 people purchased $380,499,333 of new insurance to take care of tomorrow's uncertainties, The 71st Annual Report also shows that the Company paid to living policyholders and to the families of those who died, a total of $48,338,145 in benefits last year. MANUrAHRR INSURANCE 8:ra.P N _ • t • HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO, CANAV ^"3&•••"k.. (Established 1887) Follow The Piper To Our Mid -Winter Scotchmares SALE If You're Not Scotch — ,Or Don't Want To Save Money — Please Don't Come To This Sale! Save Up To $7.00 STATION COATS Men's & Boys' 25% OFF Save Up To $12.00 OVERCOATS And TOPCOATS ;: ogssl!:69$ 20% OFF SUIT SAVINGS! Made -To -Measure FREE Pants Oet your order in now foe a quelity•tailored W, R, JOHNSTON SUIT 10 Stock Suits eLt.mt,t-At 13.95 Ready-To-Wpar Suits 20% Off ,Sport .Coats „ , Y Price ONE SPECIAL RACK WITH PRICES CUT IN TWO—AS LOW AS $i4,95 L MEN'S SCARVES Regular $2.95 To $3.50 DON'T MISS THIS! 99c WHITE 1-11RTS. Arrow "Dorset" Sizes 141/2 to 161/Z., Regular $7.50 & $6.95 3 9 • MEN'S FELT HATS Stetson, Biltmore and Mallory •20% Off SPECIAL GROUP AT 4.00 SP/PRI SHIRTS Famous Arrow, Currie and Bluestone Shirts! • 25 To 35% Off • TIES. PRICE PANTS• '2.0% OFF BOYS SUITS 20% orr EXETER ••• fr