HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-23, Page 3RenovationWork
Ven Highlight
Menthprs of Coven Presbyter -
int aurch met on Friday night
for their R1111134 lilecting which
was preceded by a supper at
7 p.m.
A film used in the sector proj-
ect, "The Stranger in the House"
Encouraging reports of the
Various ergani4Liens were given.
A program of renovation W48
Suecessfully carried out during
the year,
Newly :appointed to. .he nine -
Member Beard, o Management
for a three•ycar tan) NVAS Harold
Harness and reappointed for
three YOar$ were F. O. Simmons
and W. G. Cochrane.
Rev. ••S, Kerr conducted the
devotional period. Mr, Norinan
S4.anialce chaired the 'meeting
\011ie Mrs, !SI:41110M WAS Secre-
Frost. Backs
Premier Frost said last week
his government has no dinten-
Lion of backing away from its
support of Ontario's farm mar-
keting program.
He said his administration
plans at some future date to
make the farm products mar-
keting board more independent-
ly representative, comprising
farmers as well as civil .serv.
But the time was not ripe and
in any case this did not mean
the government should with-
draw from farm marketing lcg-
He said his administration is
satisfied the legislation is the
only way to give farmers social
Mr, Frost said he made these
statements to correct an im-
pression which had been gain-
ing currency that the govern-
ment was going to abandon
farmers to their own devices.
A woman was consulting a
tombstone dealer with regard to
a memorial for her late hus-
band. •
"How would a simple 'Gone
Home' do?" asked the dealer.
"Perfect," said the widow.
"It was always the last place
Lost Per" od $pturge
Gives Flyers -5 Win
On the strength of three last
period. goals, Zurich Flyers .,pra-
duced a hard fought 7-5 victory
over Point Edward Merchants
before their hometown fan...
Friday' night in Zurich,
Playing Coach Don Hesse will
the big gun for the winners by
scoring three Mites. DOA O'Brien
scored twice while Ken Parker
and defenceman Bob McKinley
Pa011 tallied one,
The game was .only 18 seconds
old when Frank Free blinked the
light for 'the visitors for a short
lived 1-0 Iced. Zurich came right
back an Don Ilesse's first goal to
tie it up two minutes later.
Don Baines took a ;pass from.
Ted Wright just as the period
neared completion to score the
Town Topics
Mr. William Alderson, of
Stanarer, Sask., has returned
home after visiting for two
months with his brother, Roy
Alderson, and other relatives.
Mrs. H. .A. Wood .and Cindy
Lou have returned to Red Deer,
Alta., after visiting the past
four months with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cornish,
Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Mrs.
Cornish accompanied Mrs. Wood
to Toronto on Thursday and re-
turned home on Friday.
Mr, Ken Hockey attended the;
Furniture Mart in Toronto the
beginning of this week. Mr, and
Mrs, Irvin Armstrong attended
the latter part of last week and
M. and Mrs. R, M. Southcott
and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. South-
cott were in Toronto on Satur-
Misses Marguerite and Trudy
Pickard, Hamilton, visited at the
home of their parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. C V, Pickard,•
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack.
stetter and family of Guelph
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Horney,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grove
and family, Toronto, visited over
the weekend with Mrs. E. Grove
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith
and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kading,
Dashwood, visited on Friday
evening with Mr, and Mrs. Wil -
he ever thought of going," ham Harney,
Merchants', !second goal Of the
Trailing ?4 at the .start of the
second, .44001.04111e back strong-
ly: on a pair .of goals by Hesse,
and a single Marker by BO Mc-
Kinley to :outscore the opposition
3-0 and take a 4-2 lead into, the
final period,
.Three third period goals in the
first six minutes of play by Bob
Free, Frank Free and Fitzpat-
rick .001100 the picture .onee
again as Point Edward took a 5-4
Deo .0.14rien Comes Through.
Centre Den 'O'Brien turned
out to be the actual star of ;the
game as he scored two very im-
portant goals late in the third.
period to put the game on ice.
O'Brien's two -goal performance
sandwiched a marker off the
stick of 'Ken Parker at 17:10.
Referees Bill. Gatenby and Har-
old, Heinbuck, of Mitchell, issued
penalties throughout the con,
test with one -being a 10 minute
misconduct to Zurich captain
Doug O'Brien.
etaist Period JjalI,y Poem UM •
Ter. 'EDWATI.D Goal, Purdy;
defence, Baines, :Fink; .centre,
Eitspatriek: Bain. :10. Pree•
alternates. IL Free, Leaver, Scott,
Z.117111(11, - Goal, Geoffrey; de-
fence, Vungblut. Bedard: centre.
Don O'Brien; wings, Runlet, Doug
O'Brien; alternates, Hesse, Big -
(lac, Theander., Gascho, Rennie,
Baker, Parker, McKinley,
Virst Prritut
1 rt. .Edward, F, Free 113
2 -Zurich, Hesse (Baker) - 2;54
Tildward, Baines
(11,rIght) 1.5115
'Penalties-Yungblut (kneeing)
3.42; Ti eand e r (triiming)
ft ripp in g.) 17:35; Wright
(slashing) 19:05,
Second Period
4 -Zurich, Hesse (Baker) - 5:25
5 -Zurich, :McKinley ____. 12;52
6 -Zurich, Besse (Parker) 15:56
Penalties - Free. ((nteller-
ence) :IA; Bedard thigh s(ick-
ing) and Leaver (high stick-
ing)• 17:13.,
Third 'period
7 -Pt. :Edward, R. Free ... 2:95
.8 -PI, Edward, F. Free _ 4:15
9 -Pt. Edward, Fitzpatrick
(Baines) 5:51
10 -Zurich,% Don :-O'Brien
(Doug O'Brien) 9:13
11 -Zurich, Parker (Baker) 17:10
12 -Zurich, Don O'Brien
(Yunghlut) .13;51
Penalties - Free (honking)
4:37; McKinley and Leaver
(r ou ghin g) 11:16; ,Doug
O'Brien (elbowing and 10 -
minute misconduct) 13:45,
Unknown .Drivers
Cause Accidents
Two unidentified :drivers were
.41)(Q11/00.. in ciletriet crashes syhzcb
resulted in .dainages of over
;GOO 111.1s week,
Douglas •Lep, •Shepherd, 23,
A.B. 1 Dashwood, escaped se-
rious injury^ .Ater his car rolled
Several area and turned end
over end in a ditch along No,
0.3 a 1111.10 west of Paal1W004 on
Shepherd, who Was travelling
weSt, said. he WAS forced off the
road by an eastbound car. lie
went into the shoulder en the
south side, lost cePtrol. and ,ear-
eened into the ditch on the
north side.
An unidentified driver was lo-,
volved in a prash south of Exc.
ter Tuhrsday when cars driven
by Robert Scott 1
Exeter .and
• • •
Lorne Genttner, Dashwood,
south of the town limits on
_ „ 4, .
The unidentified. car, travel-
ling north, slowed down quickly
to turn into Drery'a Market. The
car following, driven by Gentt-
ner, went out of control when
the brakes were applied and
skidded broadside into the west
lane. Scott, who was travelling
south, hit the Genttned vehicle.
The micientified ewe swung
out Of the entrance to the food
store and back on the highway,
The Genttner ear suffered $500
damage;. the Scott car $125,
There were no injuries.'
Damage amounted to $50 in
on January 15. Lawrence Ziler,
a minor accident in Dashwood
Hensel], who was backing, out
of . the lane of Elmer Keller,
Dashwood, struck the Keller ve-
hicle which was parked beside
the road,
Lodge glects Officer* '
Orval Ael1ki was reelected
vilistrict master at the annual
Meeting of Distriet of Iliddelph
Loyal Orange Lodge held in
;L 0 13 A Hall in .ucan
Deputy Master is Leonard1,4111.
burn, Eilgewood; recording Sec-
retary, Herman Powe, Exeter;
financial sceretary, Emmen
Paton, Woodhaml treasurer,
Lloyd Hero. Wooclharn; lectur-
ers, Lorne Hodgins and Clayton
Abbott, Bidduleh; ebenlaills 13.
Biackler; marshal, J. II. Paton,
Annual Meeting
The Clandeboye United Church
held their annual congregational
meeting last week with the Bev.
Edgar Itoulston, Presiding and
Rae Neil, secretary,
OMeers elected to the Ste-
ward Board were Gordon Eaton,
Gerald Lynn and James Donald-
son; elders, Wad kiotigins and
Rea Neil. ushers, Ralph Lynn
and Jim Scott; auditors, Mrs.
Rupert Williams and Mrs. Wil-
mer Scott; pianists. Mrs. Ker-
mit Thompson and assistant,
'Mrs. Lloyd Lynn.
Following a pot luck supper.
George Simpson gave the church
!treasurer's report and other re.
ports were given. Mr. Roulston
istated he was pleased to note
' an increase in the chureli's or-
ganizations balances.
1 During last year the chur6h
auditorium floor had been re-
l finished and a new sign board
erected, new cupboards had
I been built for the choir gowns
and a new roof put on the shed.
I Plans were made for the anni-
versary of the church to be held
i in June also to start the early
Question Authority,
Complaint Handling
Question of a member's au -
Warily to order Work done with-
out consultation with council or
committee was raised Monday
night during committee reports.
No criticism was voiced of ac-
tion which had. been taken but
several members wished to have
the point clarified.
After Councillor Sill Musser
announced that painting was
being done in the town hall,
Councillor Claude Farrow asked:
"When was this authorized? I'm
on that committee and I don't
know anything about it."
Musser indicated he and Mayor
Pooley had discussed the paint-
ing project.
Reeve Bill McKenzie pursued
the point. What was the rule, he
asked, in regard to the amount
of money which could be author-
ized by any member of council,
He understood several years ago,
the limit was set at $50.
Clerk C. V. Pickard said he
could not remembersuch a regu-
Councillor Ross Taylor felt it
would be a good idea to set a.
Mayor Pooley said that, tech-
nically, he didn't think any mem-
ber had the right to authorize
any project without consent of
council. It had been the prac-
tice in council, however, for com-
mittees, or committee chairmen,
to approve projects of a minor
nature, particularly those in
which decisions were required
before a scheduled council meet-
The matter was dropped there.
Councillor Farrow also brought
up the question of how com-
plaints should be made to coun-
cil. Asked during committee re-
ports lf he had received any
Post Mark
For Ladies
Doreen Tiernan, of the "red-
hot" Hot Dogs, posted a new high
triple for the season in the Exe-
ter LadiesBowling League laSt
The active bowler in the fourth
place Hot Dogs lineup, trundled
the pins for a nifty 704 three -
game total to top the league and
replace Betty Wilson who held
the honours for several weeks.
Happy Gals, Lollipops and Pin
Poppettes all survived as seven -
point victors this past week in
the "A" grouping while the Jolly
Jilts'.Mighty Mice and Hot Dogs
did the same in the "13" cate-
High triple awards went to
Norma Coleman, of the Happy
Gals, with a 684 'triple, and Nor-
ma Caldwell, of the Wee Hopes,
who rolled a three -game total of
"A" Group
Pin Poppettes (D. Wein 551)
Nite Hawks LT, (1owel 506) -.L. 0
Lollipops (b. Brock 585) 7
Goofera (E. 'Pinder MI) .-
HanPY Gals (N, Coltman 681)
AlleY Cath (K. Ray 512) . n
Be 130118 (W. Be)tallell 819) ,
811 Lights (D. Durand 501) --..2
Pills (L. Brintnelt 551)-_ 5
Bloweltes M. Prance 171:0 2
Whatnots (Mary Cronyn' 614) -5
Handicappers S. Wright 553) -
;folly Sit (1). rrayne 594) 7
'Cps & DoWnS (81, 'Rader 540)
1tik111Y 11I1C'e -
Green linens (.1. 'Taylor 551) - n
'Elot noee (91. Pernne 586) -
nollelles (Pat Veal
Woo Vones Calmwell 588 5
:lolly Jilts (A. 1.40'11,10th 011
Ai•ort'Y :Maids (V. Mason 5(9)
Busy Bees (G. Webster 654) .. 2
Buttercups (t. Stapleton me) ,
VtiSky SIX 41 Vitt 199) 2
"A"Group Standing'
Pira Pncuettes
What Nota IT
llahuy Ga.'s
vr-f,ights• 511
Alley Cata 58r
Bloivettes 43
traVkS ;13
Geoferts 30
4tho Greet* Staaithfig
Mighty lititc
Jolly .1111S. 33
ups k Downri*11
Vet Dogs
Atorry Maids 57
WeO J16065 ...... 55
!Buttercup* 130
ri'itikY Rik 49
'Rimy 14ccee,. 43
Green item); —
11011etteff ......
from ratepayers, the new mem-
ber expressed surprise to learn
that complaints were brought to
council through members. If
anyone has a complaint, he
should be prepared to present it
to council in writing or in per-
son," he said, "That's the way
we handled them on the public
school board," •
He suggested that complaints
heard on the street were just
"hearsay" and that council
should not deal with them as
A member suggested that if
ratepayers presented their com-
plaints to council in person, they
"would fill the council chambers
and we would be here all night."
Councillor Bailey felt there
would be fewer complaints if
they had to be made before
Mayor Pooley said it has al-
ways been the policy of council-
lors to present complaints which'
they had received between count
cil meetings.
morning 3ervicfer then too.
Tile Sunda)? School superin-
tendent is Cordon Eaton with
Marilyn Eaton, orgarost, Sup
day School teachers, Rev. Ttoul-
store Sen. and Junior's Bible
Class; Intermediate class, Mrs.
Arnold.Blake And Mrs, David
Kestic; Junior glass, Mrs. Peter
Voison and 14rs. Rupert Wil-
liam; prim a ry class, Mrs. Wil-
mer Scott and Mrs. A. Mac-
Intosh; kindergarten class, Ruth
Donaldson and Jeanette Iake
At St. James Church next Sun-
day is Theological College Sun-
day. Mr. Herb Herring, a ,student
at Seagar Hall, will be the spe-
cial speaker.
Personal Items
At Clandeboye School the re-
legious instruction from January
to Easter is being conducted by
the Rev. J. P. Prest.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Carter on SUnClaY.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer of
Petrolia visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Lynn on Sunday
also visited Mrs. Emily Tomes
in Victoria Hospital, London,
Russell Frayne
Born In Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jory, Asa
Penhale, Mr, Leslie Thomson
and Messrs. Leland, Ray and
Donald Jory and Mrs. Keith Mc-
Laren, Cromarty, attended the
funeral in Brantford on. Tues-
day of Mr. Russell Frayne.
Mr. Frayne died Saturday at
the Brantford General Hospital
in his 73rd year. He was born
in Exeter, the son of the late
Peter and Elizabeth Frayne. He
was educated in the Public and
High school of Exeter.
Going to Brantford in 1904 he
was connected with the Mas-
sey -Harris -Ferguson Plow Com-
pany for 16 years, after which
he was a representative for the
Monroe Calculating Machine
Company for 22 years, .After
leaving the road, he was asso-
dated with Millard, Rouse and
Rosebruagh, chartered accoun-
tants, until his retirement in
Mr. Frayne was a member of
Colborne Street United church.
Surviving besides his widow
the former Ethel Merkel, Brant-
ford, are one son, Percy, of St.
Thomas; one daughter, Mrs.
Norman (Hope) Shaver of Cains-
ville; two sisters. Mrs. Samuel
(Ella) Jory, Exeter and Mrs.
Lillie Smith, London; four grand-
children and one greatgrand-
The body rested at the Bec-
kett funeral home where a pri-
vate funeral service was held
on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment
was in Mount Hope cemetery.
Pall bearers were, Leland, Ray
and Donald Jory, Exeter, Bert
West, Elmer West and William
The Time; -Advocate, January 23, 1958 00
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After 22 years of friendly and honest car
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1958 the BEST YEAR yet for ourselves and our
We start off with .some good USED CARS,
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their field for 1958.
Backing our sales with service, we have parts, t.
equipment and service personnel equal to any dealer-
So let's work together through 1958. Let us
sell you a good Used Car that will be worth every
cent you pay for it!
Exeter M tor Sales
Fred Dobbs, Prop.
PHONE 200 NIGHTS 762-W or 769-M
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BIG, 3E3 OLD, 3E3 MAITI'IPTJI_., arid low-priced, tool
441111 . ellsalets
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4 -door Sport Suburban, Just 3 of 21 beautiful Dodge models for '581
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A winter buy is the best buy
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Why watt toe springtime to COMO when now'e the smart tittle to go
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Come see how :Dodge '58 Torsion-A/RE suspension seems 1.0
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Dodge Total -Contact brakes lring you safer stop -control.
Come try new Dodge NA -8 spirit that powers you through deep
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Get a real winter buy an a beauttfully built new '58 Dodge, and
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Dods push-button Torque -e ote tranernits power
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Grip differential automatically assures better
traction In tallow and mud — lots you pull out
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tHitYBIAlt tt)113005tATION or CANAtIA• Littilltt5
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Exeter' Motor Sales
Exefor • .Phone ZOO
1,4'' ?z.4ilsid4ifinteat ':.
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This Season's Fashions — Terrific Buys
One Rack . . .
. Half Pruce
Others . '. . . 253to Off
Car Coats . 25efo Off „.. ,..
Children's, ' "'" •
o. '•-...
Snowsuits , . 254:Yo Off ,... •
,,. , „.„..,, i
, ...... Men's And Boys Jackets
Fall And Winter
•,,, Sport Shirts
, . •
0414,i,, . Winter Mitts & Gloves
2 5 To OFF
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Winter Footwear
For All The Family — 10% Off
Counter of Men's, Ladies'
and Children's , 1
Half Price ......,
48 oz. tin 290
Clover Leaf, 73/4 az. tins... 3 for $1
Stafford's, 4 lb, pail 750
15 oz. tins 2 for 350
16 Oz, 370
1/2 -ib, pkg. . 390
20 oz, tins 3 for $1
20 oz. tins 2, for 350
WHITE SWAN TISSUE .... 2 for 230
e '
Unknown .Drivers
Cause Accidents
Two unidentified :drivers were
.41)(Q11/00.. in ciletriet crashes syhzcb
resulted in .dainages of over
;GOO 111.1s week,
Douglas •Lep, •Shepherd, 23,
A.B. 1 Dashwood, escaped se-
rious injury^ .Ater his car rolled
Several area and turned end
over end in a ditch along No,
0.3 a 1111.10 west of Paal1W004 on
Shepherd, who Was travelling
weSt, said. he WAS forced off the
road by an eastbound car. lie
went into the shoulder en the
south side, lost cePtrol. and ,ear-
eened into the ditch on the
north side.
An unidentified driver was lo-,
volved in a prash south of Exc.
ter Tuhrsday when cars driven
by Robert Scott 1
Exeter .and
• • •
Lorne Genttner, Dashwood,
south of the town limits on
_ „ 4, .
The unidentified. car, travel-
ling north, slowed down quickly
to turn into Drery'a Market. The
car following, driven by Gentt-
ner, went out of control when
the brakes were applied and
skidded broadside into the west
lane. Scott, who was travelling
south, hit the Genttned vehicle.
The micientified ewe swung
out Of the entrance to the food
store and back on the highway,
The Genttner ear suffered $500
damage;. the Scott car $125,
There were no injuries.'
Damage amounted to $50 in
on January 15. Lawrence Ziler,
a minor accident in Dashwood
Hensel], who was backing, out
of . the lane of Elmer Keller,
Dashwood, struck the Keller ve-
hicle which was parked beside
the road,
Lodge glects Officer* '
Orval Ael1ki was reelected
vilistrict master at the annual
Meeting of Distriet of Iliddelph
Loyal Orange Lodge held in
;L 0 13 A Hall in .ucan
Deputy Master is Leonard1,4111.
burn, Eilgewood; recording Sec-
retary, Herman Powe, Exeter;
financial sceretary, Emmen
Paton, Woodhaml treasurer,
Lloyd Hero. Wooclharn; lectur-
ers, Lorne Hodgins and Clayton
Abbott, Bidduleh; ebenlaills 13.
Biackler; marshal, J. II. Paton,
Annual Meeting
The Clandeboye United Church
held their annual congregational
meeting last week with the Bev.
Edgar Itoulston, Presiding and
Rae Neil, secretary,
OMeers elected to the Ste-
ward Board were Gordon Eaton,
Gerald Lynn and James Donald-
son; elders, Wad kiotigins and
Rea Neil. ushers, Ralph Lynn
and Jim Scott; auditors, Mrs.
Rupert Williams and Mrs. Wil-
mer Scott; pianists. Mrs. Ker-
mit Thompson and assistant,
'Mrs. Lloyd Lynn.
Following a pot luck supper.
George Simpson gave the church
!treasurer's report and other re.
ports were given. Mr. Roulston
istated he was pleased to note
' an increase in the chureli's or-
ganizations balances.
1 During last year the chur6h
auditorium floor had been re-
l finished and a new sign board
erected, new cupboards had
I been built for the choir gowns
and a new roof put on the shed.
I Plans were made for the anni-
versary of the church to be held
i in June also to start the early
Question Authority,
Complaint Handling
Question of a member's au -
Warily to order Work done with-
out consultation with council or
committee was raised Monday
night during committee reports.
No criticism was voiced of ac-
tion which had. been taken but
several members wished to have
the point clarified.
After Councillor Sill Musser
announced that painting was
being done in the town hall,
Councillor Claude Farrow asked:
"When was this authorized? I'm
on that committee and I don't
know anything about it."
Musser indicated he and Mayor
Pooley had discussed the paint-
ing project.
Reeve Bill McKenzie pursued
the point. What was the rule, he
asked, in regard to the amount
of money which could be author-
ized by any member of council,
He understood several years ago,
the limit was set at $50.
Clerk C. V. Pickard said he
could not remembersuch a regu-
Councillor Ross Taylor felt it
would be a good idea to set a.
Mayor Pooley said that, tech-
nically, he didn't think any mem-
ber had the right to authorize
any project without consent of
council. It had been the prac-
tice in council, however, for com-
mittees, or committee chairmen,
to approve projects of a minor
nature, particularly those in
which decisions were required
before a scheduled council meet-
The matter was dropped there.
Councillor Farrow also brought
up the question of how com-
plaints should be made to coun-
cil. Asked during committee re-
ports lf he had received any
Post Mark
For Ladies
Doreen Tiernan, of the "red-
hot" Hot Dogs, posted a new high
triple for the season in the Exe-
ter LadiesBowling League laSt
The active bowler in the fourth
place Hot Dogs lineup, trundled
the pins for a nifty 704 three -
game total to top the league and
replace Betty Wilson who held
the honours for several weeks.
Happy Gals, Lollipops and Pin
Poppettes all survived as seven -
point victors this past week in
the "A" grouping while the Jolly
Jilts'.Mighty Mice and Hot Dogs
did the same in the "13" cate-
High triple awards went to
Norma Coleman, of the Happy
Gals, with a 684 'triple, and Nor-
ma Caldwell, of the Wee Hopes,
who rolled a three -game total of
"A" Group
Pin Poppettes (D. Wein 551)
Nite Hawks LT, (1owel 506) -.L. 0
Lollipops (b. Brock 585) 7
Goofera (E. 'Pinder MI) .-
HanPY Gals (N, Coltman 681)
AlleY Cath (K. Ray 512) . n
Be 130118 (W. Be)tallell 819) ,
811 Lights (D. Durand 501) --..2
Pills (L. Brintnelt 551)-_ 5
Bloweltes M. Prance 171:0 2
Whatnots (Mary Cronyn' 614) -5
Handicappers S. Wright 553) -
;folly Sit (1). rrayne 594) 7
'Cps & DoWnS (81, 'Rader 540)
1tik111Y 11I1C'e -
Green linens (.1. 'Taylor 551) - n
'Elot noee (91. Pernne 586) -
nollelles (Pat Veal
Woo Vones Calmwell 588 5
:lolly Jilts (A. 1.40'11,10th 011
Ai•ort'Y :Maids (V. Mason 5(9)
Busy Bees (G. Webster 654) .. 2
Buttercups (t. Stapleton me) ,
VtiSky SIX 41 Vitt 199) 2
"A"Group Standing'
Pira Pncuettes
What Nota IT
llahuy Ga.'s
vr-f,ights• 511
Alley Cata 58r
Bloivettes 43
traVkS ;13
Geoferts 30
4tho Greet* Staaithfig
Mighty lititc
Jolly .1111S. 33
ups k Downri*11
Vet Dogs
Atorry Maids 57
WeO J16065 ...... 55
!Buttercup* 130
ri'itikY Rik 49
'Rimy 14ccee,. 43
Green item); —
11011etteff ......
from ratepayers, the new mem-
ber expressed surprise to learn
that complaints were brought to
council through members. If
anyone has a complaint, he
should be prepared to present it
to council in writing or in per-
son," he said, "That's the way
we handled them on the public
school board," •
He suggested that complaints
heard on the street were just
"hearsay" and that council
should not deal with them as
A member suggested that if
ratepayers presented their com-
plaints to council in person, they
"would fill the council chambers
and we would be here all night."
Councillor Bailey felt there
would be fewer complaints if
they had to be made before
Mayor Pooley said it has al-
ways been the policy of council-
lors to present complaints which'
they had received between count
cil meetings.
morning 3ervicfer then too.
Tile Sunda)? School superin-
tendent is Cordon Eaton with
Marilyn Eaton, orgarost, Sup
day School teachers, Rev. Ttoul-
store Sen. and Junior's Bible
Class; Intermediate class, Mrs.
Arnold.Blake And Mrs, David
Kestic; Junior glass, Mrs. Peter
Voison and 14rs. Rupert Wil-
liam; prim a ry class, Mrs. Wil-
mer Scott and Mrs. A. Mac-
Intosh; kindergarten class, Ruth
Donaldson and Jeanette Iake
At St. James Church next Sun-
day is Theological College Sun-
day. Mr. Herb Herring, a ,student
at Seagar Hall, will be the spe-
cial speaker.
Personal Items
At Clandeboye School the re-
legious instruction from January
to Easter is being conducted by
the Rev. J. P. Prest.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Carter on SUnClaY.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer of
Petrolia visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Lynn on Sunday
also visited Mrs. Emily Tomes
in Victoria Hospital, London,
Russell Frayne
Born In Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jory, Asa
Penhale, Mr, Leslie Thomson
and Messrs. Leland, Ray and
Donald Jory and Mrs. Keith Mc-
Laren, Cromarty, attended the
funeral in Brantford on. Tues-
day of Mr. Russell Frayne.
Mr. Frayne died Saturday at
the Brantford General Hospital
in his 73rd year. He was born
in Exeter, the son of the late
Peter and Elizabeth Frayne. He
was educated in the Public and
High school of Exeter.
Going to Brantford in 1904 he
was connected with the Mas-
sey -Harris -Ferguson Plow Com-
pany for 16 years, after which
he was a representative for the
Monroe Calculating Machine
Company for 22 years, .After
leaving the road, he was asso-
dated with Millard, Rouse and
Rosebruagh, chartered accoun-
tants, until his retirement in
Mr. Frayne was a member of
Colborne Street United church.
Surviving besides his widow
the former Ethel Merkel, Brant-
ford, are one son, Percy, of St.
Thomas; one daughter, Mrs.
Norman (Hope) Shaver of Cains-
ville; two sisters. Mrs. Samuel
(Ella) Jory, Exeter and Mrs.
Lillie Smith, London; four grand-
children and one greatgrand-
The body rested at the Bec-
kett funeral home where a pri-
vate funeral service was held
on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment
was in Mount Hope cemetery.
Pall bearers were, Leland, Ray
and Donald Jory, Exeter, Bert
West, Elmer West and William
The Time; -Advocate, January 23, 1958 00
r41 �
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08 all mail, alwayS
0 Your )141419 and return 440414 ip
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Name sr 90105 miectem Telt at
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After 22 years of friendly and honest car
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We start off with .some good USED CARS,
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Backing our sales with service, we have parts, t.
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So let's work together through 1958. Let us
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