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Pape 16 The Times-Advocate4Ponuary 16, 1958
Dashwood Area Band
Elects Gerald Martene
The annual band meeting was
held Thursday eVeumg, with
Mr. Harry Hoffman presiding. It
was decided to hold the animal
band banquet in February ant
to hold more social evenings.
Officers eleeted were: Presi-:
tient, Gerald Martene; vice-
presidents, Lloyd Eagleson and
.Sid Baker; seeretary-lreasurer,
Eleaeor. Becker; assistant,
Marie Salmon; librarian, Ruth
'Salmon, and Lynda Tiernan;
band equipment, Arthur Rader,
Ronald Desjar_dine and Ronald
Leader is Harry Hoffman.
Assistants, Melvin Stade and
Stewart Wolfe; social commit- •
tee, Marian Rader, Elaine
Deters, Barbara Koehler, Ruth
Zimmer and Jack Gaiser, New ,
Members are especially invited,
to join the band.
Ladies' Aid Meeting
The January meeting of Zion
Lutheran Ladies' Aid. was held
-•tast Wednesday evening with
Group II and Mrs. .lames Hay-
ter, convener. Margaret Merner
And Jimmy Hayter sang a duet.
A Christian growth session
was conducted by Mrs. Albert
Miller and Mrs. K. Zorn on
°Deepening the true spiritual
Mrs. Merner presidedfor the
business. An Epiphany family
night will be held January 29.
An invitation from the E.U.B. '
Church Ladies' Aid to attend a
Social evening February 14, was
An attendance drive was or.
gani7ed with Mrs, Elgin Rader
and Mrs. Lorne Becker captains.
Several by-laws- were added to
the constitution,
Entertain Church Board
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martene
and Air. and Mrs. \Tyne Weido,
retiring members of Zion Luther- •
an Church board, -entertained
the remaining trustees, wives,
and F'astor and Mr. K. L. Zorn
at kir. Weido's home at a dia-
ller Sunday evening. Others
.present were Mr. and Airs. Earl
Deters, Mr. and Mrs. James
Hayter, Mr. and Airs. V. L.
Becker and Mr. Ken Kraf.
Mrs. William. Pitt. of London.
and jafant son, are spending
sometime with her parents, Air.
and Airs. Charles Snell.
Mrs. Rudolph Miller is a pa-
tient m St. Josephs Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nunn&
of London, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb.
• Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and
family, spent Sunday at Water-
loo, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Taylor and family.
Dashwood W.I. held their reg.-
ular meeting Tuesday evening
with 24 members present. Mrs.
Arnold Kuntz presided for the
business. Eighty-three dollars
and eighty-five cents was report-
ed in the treasury.
A letter was read from Miss
S. Patterson, Huron home econ-
omist, inviting the members to•
attend , Achievement Day in
Exeter February 1. The Institute
is to provide transportation.
Some very humorous ineidents
were reported in answer to the
• 11 rall, earliest e flee -
tion of school." Mrs. J. rtacler
displayed the cover she had pur-
chased for the Tweedsmuir
History Book. She distributed
questionnaires to help with farm
Mrs, C. Irwin, convener of
citizenship and education, was
in charge of the program. Mrs.
Howard Klumpp showed several
films of local happenings. The
remainder of the evening was
spent playing court whist. Win-
ner was Mrs. Letta Taylor; low
score, Mrs. Ted Rader. Mrs.
Klumpp was presented with a
small gift.
Personal Items
Miss Erma Wein, of Clinton,
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Herb Wein.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon•Weiberg
and Mr. Howard Weiberg, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Weiberg.
.Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Blaek, of
Zurich, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Hayter add Mr. and Mrs. Elmee
Rader were guests with Mr. and
Mrs. William Haugh and Shirley.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert and
Miss Ellen Gilbert, of Stratford,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Airs. Courtney Burmeister.
Mr. John Bender is a patient
in South Huron Hospital,
_CH -014,1 DICKY. BEEN
_wenotimo Pim< FROM
Fixes Dram
At its inaugural meeting last
week, MeGilliVray TowuSIIIP
Proved repair of a small drain
m the lintmeier property.
Council iequested 4, W. .Archi-
. bald, London _engineer, to pre-
, pare plans and specifications
for repair of the drain and to
include this work in the Burley
drain report.
A by-law was -passed authoriz-
ing the diverting of the old
gravel road situated in part al
the west half of lot 30. -Ponces-
sion 5, WCR.
New Reeve Earl Dixon sub -
Scribed to the oath .of offiee,
administered by Clerk W. J.
Amos, who also :swore in Coun-
cillors Earl AlorleY, Thomas
Hall, Dunean Drtumnond and,
Ben Thompson.
Rev. B. J. Menzies, Parkhill,
gave the inaugural address.
Donations of $25 and $10 were
'Ileac to the 'Salvation Army and
St. John Ambulance Corps, re-
Fax bounties of .$3.00 were
Paid to: W. J. Trevethick and
Harold Scott, two ,each; Bruee
Morley, Delude Donnelly, Erwin
Fhompson, Ronnie Mawson, Car-
men Pickering,. Hiram Dixon.
A relief bill of $95 was Ap-
proved. Allowances. on the
Pickering drain included Grant
Amos, $144; David Sheppard,
$247; T. O'Rourke, $235.
Township officers were re-
Elect Officers
At Cromarty
'Elect Schoo
For Central
The .annual Meeting of the
United ,Church Sunday - School
room was held in the school-
room of the ehurch on 'uesday
evening of last 'week.
• Rev. -J. T. Clarke ,presided, for
the meeting ,and the glection of
.officers. Superintendent is Air.
R. ficlgson; asseeiates, Messrs.
K. Hodgins, R. Laramie, L. Mor-
gan; S. Skinner; secretary, Ka-
ren Esserr: ass Gavot Me.
Curdy; treasurer, Blanche Mer;
I gap.; ass Mrs. N. Morgan; h-
brarian, _Margaret Bowden: pia-
nists, Eleanor Hodgins„ Wre.a.
tha. Sholdice; home ,dept. see.,
Mrs. O. Daynham; .cradle roll,
Mrs. J. McAllister, .1$irs, F.
Beginners, MI'S. (4.
McFalls, Mrs, F. Bowden; 'Fri.
mary, Mrs, O. Langford, Mrs. B.
• Powe; junior boys, Messrs, -K.
Hodgins, W. Osborne, N. Igor-
gan and P. Noels; junior
I Helen McFalls, Marina Bowden;
intermediate girls and .hoYs,
Mrs, R. Hodgson, Mrs, K. Greti,
Mrs. C. McCurdy,
W.A. Meets
The January meeting of the
)Voinan's Association was heli.
in the basement of the church
on 'Wednesday afternoonof las
week, Mrs. Lloyd Morgan pre,
ided for the Worship Servicc.
The theme was "thohlits for
the New Year." Mrs. Morgan
gave a reading "Another Way:"
Mrs, A. McFalls spoke on the
"Open Door of the New Year,"
Mrs, A. Essery favoured with ,a
- • piano solo,
Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson preside
The annual business .meeting
of the Ladies' Aid was held at
the home of Mrs. W. Harper
with 11 members present. Mrs,
Harper presided. and opened
the meeting with a suitable
poem, followed with the wor-
ship period.
A reading was given by Miss
Olive Speare, Reports, given by
the secretary, Mrs. John Wal-
lace, and the treasurer, Mrs. K,
McKellar, showed an encourag-
ing year.
When all the business had been
dealt with, Mrs. Houghton was
elected to the chair for the elec-
tion of officers. Past president
is Mrs. W. Harper; president,
Mrs. Will Miller; vice-presi-
dents Mrs. J, M. Scott and Mrs.
Mervin Dow; secretary, Mrs.
John Wallace; assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. j. M, Scott; treas-
urer, Mrs. K. McKellar; assist-
ant, Mrs. T. L. Scott;
Work conimittee, Mrs. E,
Allen, Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. J. M.
Scott, Miss Olive Speare, Mrs.
W. Harper and Mrs, E. Brooks;
flower committee, Mrs. C. Me-
llllll 1111111111111 lllll lllllll Kaic. mra. M. Houghton and
Mrs. K. McKellar; card commit-
tee,Mrs. Sarah Scott and Mrs.
Frank Allen; organists, Mrs,
Sorsdahl and Mrs. Moore
Lunch was served by the
hostess, assisted by Miss Olive
Speare, and Mrs. T. Laing,
Mrs. James Grant
Mrs. Earl Kinsman, of Cro-
marty, received word from
Alameda, Sask., of the death of
her sister, Mrs. (Mary) jameg
Grant, of Carlyle, Sask., who
died in Regina Hospital.
Surviving are four sisters,
Mrs. Windfong, Estevan,
1.0“ingneafffltiffinlneiny_..: saak.: LillyMra. Ally McCall,
llllll (Gertie) Airs. Gordon young,
Phone 156 Grand Bend
'57 FORD SEDAN $2,500
Low mileage, Reg's car.
'56 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP lllll $2,250
Automatic, radio, power steering, etc.
'56 FORD CUSTOM COACH, radio . . lllll $1,800
'55 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN, a real gem $1,800
'56 METEOR COACH, radio, six cylinder $1,700
V8, low mileage.
Radio, 16 small measlics ($1,600),
Auton3atic, radio,
'54 METEOR "NIAGARA" SEDAN, radio $1,300
'54 CHEVROLET SEDAN ,,•., $1,195
'53 FORD SEDAN, radio 995
'52 FORD COACH, automatic $ 895
1 '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN . ll $ 895
1 '53 PLYMOUTH SEX WAGON, has music box II) 700
'51 MONARCH SEDAN, overdrive, radio . l $ 650
'51 PONTIAC SEDAN .. . . $ 550
Anyone for a good one of these?
1 '50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, overdrive.
Make me an offer -1 may take it!
'49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN .. . ... „,,Y1011*.t ........ $ 275
The "D" thing's good!
'50 AUSTIN SEDAN $ 125
1 '48 CHEVROLET COACH -It must be worth $ 125
'55 FORD 700 C & C
25 shall measlies ($2,500).
'54 FORD 3 TON DUMP ..... .......
'49 MERCURY DUMP, solid! .
We are checking the motor * it may be
Buy it for the wife. Use it for the girl-
'-0 ''$ ... .
$ 500
$ 550
Larry Snider Motors
Ford .Edsel Dealer
PHONE 624 Safes and Sorvico EXETER
Alameda, Sask.; and Mrs. Kins-
man, of Cromarty.
Personal Items
i Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
entertained a few friends at a
fowl dinner on Thursday eve-
ning, the occasion being their
29th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. H. Shute, Kirkton, visited
!with her mother, Mrs. David
Gardiner, last week.
The annual congregational
meeting of Cromarty Church will
' be held on Thursday, January
16, at 2 p.m,
Several members of the
W.M.S. attended the annual
meeting of the Stratford Pres-
byterial in Knox Church, Strat-
ford, on Tuesday. Those in
attendance being Mrs. T. L.
Scott, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. W.
Harper, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs.
for the business part of the
meeting, The yearly reports
were read. The secretary re-
viewed the work of the year re-
porting 232 visits made. The
treasurer reported a balahce of
S321 in bank. Plans were out-
lined for the coming year, in-
cluding a bazaar in the fall.
Mrs. Harry Wilson was wel-
comed as a new member.
The hostesses were Mrs. A,
Smith, Miss Davey and Mrs. 0.
Personal Items •
Mr, and Mrs, Orval Cann of
Exeter were recent visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden,
Marina, Margie, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Allison and Mr. R, Jaques
were Saturday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Paynter in
Kirkton in eelebratton of Mr.
Bowden's birthday!
Mr. and Mrs, G. 0. Thompson
of London were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodg-
Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart
and Mrs, Herr of Exeter spent
several days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Lammie.
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Smith of
Consul, .Sask. accompanied by
their son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Smith of Kitchener were Satur-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
J, Thompson. (Mr. and Mrs Lee
Smith are parents of Mrs. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixon,
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hartry and
Marla of London were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn-
ham visited over the weekend
with their son, Mr. and Mrs,
Fred taynliarn in Detroit.
My,. and Mrs. F. Bowden were
Sunday evening visitors with Mr.
and Mrs'. Harold Taylor.
Richard Shoebottom visited
during the holidays with his cou-
Sales and excise taxes remit-
ted to the federal government on
new car production in the first
nine months of this year totalled
$138,601,099, an average of the
$450 tax payment on each of the
307,298 vehicles produced in the
At the Y.P.S. meeting on Sun-
day evening, Margaret Ann Wal-
lace presided, and the Scripture
lesson was read by Margaret
Coleman. Rev. S. Kerr led in
prayers and also had charge of
the topic.
•arf., 4 .
ettl, aktdat
marks of the purebred Holstein have been white stock-
ings but the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada is
considering -altering the registration so that black marks
on the legs above the hooves will not disqualify all ani.
mals. Some members of the association feel that milk
productionatid quality should be the only deciding factor
: and the black' markings will be a )najOr subject for dis
cussion at the association's convention itt Tonto next
month. This Arlitlial i Luke Jonkers of the J. M. Prager
1 farm of Streetsville 'and is being examined- by joint
is Churc h.
sin Larry 41011$011 in London,
January Meeting of the
Centralia C,G.1.T. group was
held in the parsonage on Tues.
day. The worship service was
conducted by Cathy Hodgins As-
sisted by Margaret Hirtzel.
Theme of the service was "At
the gate of the year."
Business was, conducted bY
Shirley Dollings, president for
1957. President for 1958 is Owen
Lightfoot; vice president, Carol
McCurdy; secretary, Blanche
flollings; treasurer, Joyce me.
Falls; ass't, Margaret Hirtzel;
friendship seeretary, Karen Vs-
sery; pianists, Shirley Dollings,
Allison Clarke,
Leaders are Mrs. ,T. T. Clarke,
Mrs. J. Essery,. Mrs. F, Hicks
and Mrs. C, Hollings,. The group
will meet again next Tuesday.
During ecreation period the
group enjoyed , a sing song,
marshmallow roast and refresh-
This Week In
W.A. Plan For Bazaar
On Wednesday afternoon • the
ladies of St, Patrick's W.A. met
at the home of Mrs. Heber
Davis, During a 'devotional per-
iod Mrs. W. J. Dickins, read the
scripture and Mrs. Tom. Kooy,
secretary, called the roll which
was answered with New Year
resolutions. The roll call for the
February meeting Ls to. be ans-
wered with an article for the'
bazaar. , • • :
Plans were made for Work in
the corning year and the con-
gregational supper to be held
on Saturday, January 18 follow-
ed by the vestry meeting,
The afternoon was spent in
sewing quilt blocks donated by
Mrs. Raymond Greenlee. A cup
of tea was served by the hostess.
Mrs. Harry Carroll was obsefv-
ing a birthday and the members
enjoyed a birthday cake.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Carroll'
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carroll
of London and attended the
Dale -Hardy' wedding at Crumlin
United .chtirch.F"Mrs, Earl ,green
lee, MES. sugh DaViS and, Mr:
and Mrs. Jim Barker also at-
tended, Mrs; Barker was Max-
ine Dale's only attendant and
Mr. Leroy Revington was best
.man for his brother-in-law,
Harry Hardy. Mr. and Mrs.
James Barker were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hardy, Lucan, for the reception
which followed the ceremony.
Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey God.
bolt, Mitchell, we,re Saturday
evening guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Heber Davis.
Mr, and Mrs. George MeFalls
were Sunday guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Hugh Davis.
A good representation from
this community attended the so-
cial evening and dance sponsor-
ed by the 1957 council, held in
the Lugan Arena last 11tonday..
The --council :consisting of• Messrs,
rnond,Greentee.. Lorne Bark-
er, Pete Wallis. and Tim Toon oy
CglInciii0VS, :and Austilt Hinigiost
'two,: assisted by their wives,
served. lunch to All .present-, •
Mr. .anct Mrs. Mnnrice Mc.
Donald .and Mr, and Mrs. Barry
Carroll -wpm .Snnttay evening,
gusts with Mr. :and Mrs; Heber:
Miss Jean 13er1cer .spent the
weekend with. her grandp.arents,
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Bartter and:
Gary Barker with M. and. Mrs.
Bober D:
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