HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-16, Page 15tibrart ir ton y Down To Eath rLucan Per ponsors Concert An enjoyable evening's Catera contest, Mrs. Bissau beteg fins tainmerit was held in Aberdeen WiPnert 1 Lunen Was Served bY Hall Friday °Yelling to a large Garth Blackler, AL'S. Maerice au:hence, svhen the Library 4iiilacider, Mrs. 4 Pavia and the .Load Sponserecl a program conhostess. sisting of dialogues, musical ,14,c.„ 444103 convene rumberS and reeitatienS, 1The Wornan's Misstonar); vided by pupils from Salem yin- vie y itoa w,A. .of the uni e. town, wktqn, Anderson .and chn-reh held their regular meet. a in lbG P,loasant ;Wheels, under Ow . l't lle04071 Of their teaCilers, Mrs. neociay afternoon P_ ,e 00on Wed Waghorn, Mrs, Keith, Miss Wet. with twenty scm, gr. Johtid, n 134ron amx,s. five le attendance.'AIrs. F. Swil- 1 z.,er opened the meeting and PQn- Levy, Ohairinan fox the evening was 141ifte4 the W°L.Shi° serVlee. I Therwerewere interesting reports Alr. Alvin Crage. Mr. Lorne Al- ',11:ont the varioes departments. len favoured with violin selec.• ; D A etiginIc1564A1 tlehrethetreart:dgraon itt:e ha+y!li,d6e riceaP'119srst4til: 4ettIrtlencri, w$T5oh0net: 134stenas,,,r; Cream bars. 1f3and has twenty five members The Class That C junf$ and sent away $2S.35. The W.MS. treasurer reported sending $804 The ClaSs That Counts met at the home (If mrs, Norman Amos, i to the Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs. Elliott conducted the word AIrs. Elliott presented the ship service, assisted by Mrs, study concerning the efforts of Fred Roger and Mrs. Chas the Japanese Cnurch to enlarge RaileY, her borders. Rev. T. Elliott con- ' ducted the installation service Te secretary, Drs, W. Paton for the dedication of the iza gave a summary of the he,t*i-officers Mr. P ter eon. • pastmlYear. "'"“; eluded the meeting by reading Ern Cowdrey read a poem, 1.4 poem on beginnings, The guest speaker, Mrs. George _ • . Wilson, gave an interesting ac- i rersenal items count of the people whom she Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ren- net on hor trip around the son and Mrs, Breedin of 'Totten. world. ham visited last Wednesday and St. Paul's Ladles Meet I Thursday with Mrs, Ed, Atthill. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Routly S. Paul's Anglican Church spent the Weekend with their W,A, was held Thursday eve' daughter Mr. and Mrs, George fling at the IMMO of Mrs. T. A. Ellacott and SO» of Paris, Wiseman. Mrs. Burns read 'hal scripture passage, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson of St. Marys; Mr. Wm. Ward, Mr, Study Book Introduction was Elgin Ward, Mr, and Mrs, Frank rad by Mrs. M. e ur y. I Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Victor At Guild meeting it was de. I Ward, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Ward tided to have a congregational ' of Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. Ern meeting Jan. 17, supper the night of the vestry Cowdrey and Freddie were Sal- urday evening guests with Mr, After the close of the meetin,,c, , and Mrs, Clifford Scott and Mrs. Burns Blackler conducted i family, tvosionlosolmo JJJJJ OH J / JJJ / JJ IIIIIMIlte/MIIIIIIIIIIIMIII(111/1111/111/111111111.101111/1111 JJJ I llll II/II/III/IIIIIIIIIIII/6 , S . ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW $T„ EXETER. PHONE 719 .i-feafing, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work -Oil .Burners . . niiii 11110 DON1T- ARGUE When It's So Easy 1 To Beautify Those Olci Floors I airot our eosy-ro-uto equicustint and re.finfsb dull, worn gears *Ws lustroUs beautiful surfaces. Do yourself with our easy.fis•Ine Rental toulotoent and save time and money -.change these dull, worn surfaces Into floors that ore beautiful and lustrous. OUR LOW COST RENTAL PLAN FURNISHES EVERYTHING YOU NEED Famous Clarke Speedy sand- ers, edgers and pblishers - sandpaper, varnish, stain, Mier ond brushes-4Ni, instructions. PHONE TODAY FOR AU 1 INFORMATION A. Spencer & Son "For All Building Supplies" PHONE 102-W HENSALL Plumbers Quality Oil Heating INSTALLATIONS HOTWATER. WATER. . and WARM AIR PLUMBING Is A Specialty Lorne Kleinstiver PHONE 145 DASHWOOD Electricians , GARFIELD 11401%450N Con'iinertial; industrial and Doniestie installation PHONE 232-M EXETER emineemeemeimmlomdenederammemmodorgommilmiiminsoimi Plastering Interioe Exterier New Work 4 Repairs Thore's No Substitutt Foe Good PleSturing ORNAMENTAL WORk A SPECIALTY Guaranteed Werkittanihip Al Peva & Son tot- -NO.1 '100110014. Phone 11-44 sonal items. ter only etteuriant iveri Jas. Darker,. if .1,41,1014 Who oheSea waitz-length gown. 0 Ice • hive crystaiette wlth Matelting headdress and 7 aceeSadrie5. tier flowera were- pink And White feathered vatitatiOna, reentred with a pink rote, The best Matt MIS Leroy Rev oaten, o Locan, :and the -Prgan. ist, Airt..Jitek ByerS, Alt .9, Len - don. A receptlen wet' held at the home of the grooms par.ents. where Mrs. Hardy received. in -A green. shot taffeta gown with matching accessories and pink Continiied lironl regia 14 1 Mr. and IsIrs„ Mita Hod$init While you aro walking- with and Pen were SUndAY ginsts Of f someone, you .also have A Vein. ntr. and Aft's. Sam a'1 0 panion. Woodstock ,and: the 1ormer'S "Our neighbours, Adele ,and new grandson, Robert 'Wiiiiatn Frank Ramsey, Itad a big family Earle. i strapping, broad 5)104140;04 liftip Trinity h:re„j7,g, sons. II', 'av:citghleociaveiliVmeTbitlYv: rsie 1111filhAil WmelniesCical3u''b (;InallmutrnY who've ridden tractors .and coin- d4 ..an ,,.,,,e ,.., en4 bines, laughed and. wrestled all 441.Y, "c"“4".' 20, overeivtohnep place. c, oh, 1, Ito zgl Lw e an tit 9 into 21:::plia0.6CtArrOlmi rO: „0$.1:41114:1;;C::$ toot was a •wed. Mid fittest Witt) In "P. Zn 'ski al farm .04 -younge 1 ii P. p Iti P 4S• .;‘, $ * left for the air force MY heart A rni.,i. Mr,s, Tack Dickins went out to her, for 1 have often, anst Mrs. will. Ls.ieron$ spent vs.:. brooded. desolately toward the daY in Seringfield, guestt of Mr day when our only son will be 4nd Mrs' I.OrrY N0l$ .44° falit Striking Out for himself. Haw ilY. zeosug Illehat Atispnti The tonal- Rev.,... and Mo. Fred' 'Thehl" , arid miss Margaret Ei2enge (A ..,50 1 went In visit, I found »y delogite) attended the (Mader' friend matter-of-factly mixing a 116ntte05t41 'cOnforene in Chat eake. 'What's up?' she ASked barn last Saturday et the Chet hair district elturchea. one of the iatcst t hiciceu,pox viLetei:ise, carling, grade one, iS Mr, E. F,who have e/tridgera d farni, living . "Adele just laughed. 'What's have returned to thdir home on all the fuss about? Our boys are Beech street here. doing important work. You •think Mr, and AIrS. W. J. Smith and we brought them up to be par, family were Sunday guests -o e»1 -sitters?' Mr. and Mrs, _John Richer, of She carried her logic fur, Iiillsburg. tiler: 'It was Frank and 1 who Last year's all high aiteridanee wanted to farm, not the boys, T at junior congregation in 'Holy Now ,that we've lost our help, Trinity Churdh was 43. Last San. we'll farm on a reduced scale, day the attendance was 44. These We've got plenty of good meter. young people, with some outside ial left lo cut a new Pattern for astistance, will nut on A Program liv,1.11g•well understood her ex, ninlilgth,e Parish, Hall, Friday ave. January 17, following the ample, for Adele and 1 are both congregational pot.luck supper in accustomed to turning collars the basement. and making a new garment Hardy.Dsio 4.1.°mwthhe% get°hcle ebloythse aerci" their. A 4uiet wedding was ,soleMn. wives—arid children, 1 hope._ , ized la the Crumlin United come to visit,' she went on, Chinch at 2:30 P.m, on Saturday, 'what picnics we'll have!' "My friend had turned the i tv(nitietendtlitne R:avr,riGagoredo AaGn. EPtlictekieoll. son Dale and Harrytables, I had gone to walk a. -Gordon. • rine corsage, 1 - For a wedding trip to Florida the brine changed to a blue wool n• sheath gown with rose aeeea- A odes and rose carnation ror, y Sale. , The COUPle will inake their . home an the groom's farm just . Perth of Lucan. 'Oh, Melia' I -wailed, for- saking cheerfulness, 'How VW YOU and Frank stand being by yourselves?' Men's Club Picks Slate f At the supper meeting of et.O.T.S. men'sclub of James St. United Church Monday night Gerald Godbolt presented the slate of officers for 1958. Mervyn Cudniore was re. elected president, Vice-presidents are Robert Southcott and Har. vey Pollen; secretary, Bill Bat. ten and treasurer, Glenn Fisher. Rev, H. J. Snell installed the officers. Devotional excercises were conducted by Gordon Cudmorg and .1. M. Southcott. President AI, Cudmore briefly reviewed the activities of the past year, piece with her; instead, she had walked with me, showing how ! The bride is the daughter of could get over rough spots a - bead, "Once, on a shopping trip to the city, I discovered a little girl trotting along beside me, Her dress was skimpy, her face no cleaner than it should be. If I paused to look in a window, Mr. Duncan Hutchison and the late Mrt. Hutchison, of Chipman, New Brunswick, and the groom is the son of it and Mrs. Frank Hardy, of Luean. The bride chose an ensemble of ia waltz.length, petal -pink crystalette with lace bodice and .she waited, As I reached my , three-quarter length sleeves. She car and opened the door, id, wore a feathered headdress and said: carried a cascade of pink roses looked up at me shyly and 'I've been making believe you and white feathered carnations. were my mother.' "Such a brief, little walk with such a poignant ending. It show- ed me that sometimes we may be going a ways with someone without even knowing it, "The big yellow school -bus comes back at day's end, spill- ing forth childree. Johnny, the little boy next door, stops to visit. He says lt'and3r took a hammer from the kindergarten room.' " lie did?' 1 say. " 'Mama Made him take it back, and Randy cried.' "I agree that sometimes it is hard to make right a wrong 10:00 a.m.—The Church School you've done, and Johnny shrugs his shoulders with vast second 11:15 cm.—Worship Service grade assurance.. 'Shucks, I Nursery Class up to three years wouldn't have minded taking in the Primary Department, that old hammer back, But Mom Beginners, ages 4-6, will with - said Randy had to put it back draw during the second hymn. all himself. So I went with 'him as faras the door and stood.' , Worship God As A Family Every Sunday ' "I guess I needn't worry that our younger generation won't practice the golden rule of THE ANGLICAN "walking a ways." As for me, CHURCH OF CANADA as I grow older it seems more add more important that I should Triviit Memorial, Exeter A group discussion on Christian citizenship dealing particularly with racial discrimination was A feature of the meeting. Group findings on "How we learn racial discrimination" was reported by Hugh Love; "why do we practice racial discrimi. nation" by Don Taylor, "where do we practice it" by Gerald Godbolt and "what light does the Bible throw on racial dia• crimination?" by Bill Batten, All members took part in a discussion as to what the group 1 Would do to overciame this wrong, t4EW CLERK — James Mawhin ney, Crediton, has succeeded Freeman Morlock as clerk Aril Stephen township. TA Photo Thi Timos,Afivortf 4anumry ft MO Pp f 15 toftor From ANNUAL* ShiPk0 MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Milo Preaapt: and Mrs, M. $uflh o Grand lead, n1ey:yr, pktrhiltp. and vve, Mrs. Arthur GgiSer ,0131rtained on Tlieffivr ,after000nin: how ..,Or ter Mother, liers• V%, Denton., of Victoria, 'who is visiting at present :with Mr. and 1s. Arthur Geiser, Dianne and ,..tanMrindenpdoot147.0tiqjefdagircitonC.iiianrl. d. gr. :and Mrs. Rayburn Steeper and Annolo, of Brinsity, visited, Saturday with Mr, .and Harry Sheppard and DAY -0, W.A. Meeting The W.A. Meeting was held at the home •,of Mrs, C, jc, Love. ' Mrs. Bess Pickering and Mrs, floss Love were in charge of hn worship .tervice, Assisted by Mrs. Les Adams, A reading -was given by Mra, R. Love. ' Mrs. M. B.atz conducted the 12tiStriesS. Happenings ln, Hurondale y MRS, MERVIN DUNN Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer McDon- ald, of Bampton, spent last weekend with Mrs. McDonald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudrnore, Jack and Ruth Anne IMcDonald, who spent the holi- idays with their grandparents, t Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore, returned !home. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Sehmet- ,zer and John, of Kitchener, were weekend guests with Mrs, Schmetzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Sims. Mr, and Mrs. William Sims attended a family gathering on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lee ' Wilson, in Exeter, where Mr, Sims' mother, Mrs, Eliza Sins, !celebrated her 94th birthday, Church MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Ripon Organist: Mrs, A. Willard go out to meet and greet the folks who pass by niy spiritual Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector with them on their way home." houce. Robert Cameron, organist 'And perhaps walk a piece 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer • ,••••••••• Tradesmen Directory Consult this Directory for expert work in construction or repair. Your local tradesmen are qualified to give prompt, efficient service at reasonable prices. Repair 'DON JOLLY • TELEVISION SETS' • ELECTRIC WIRING • SOUND SYSTEMS ' PHONE 187 Exeter Masons For A Good, job call JOHN WEBSTER Masan PHONE 20-W EXETER Suppliers LH. TURNBULL AND SON CONCRETE DOCK & TILE SAND 4 GRAVEL ExceVitirtir and Grading PHONE 223.W GRAND BEND Contractors ELMER WEBB CONTRACTOR "Buildings A Specially" Phone 70 GRAND BEND JOHN MINDERLEIN STEEPLE JACK ROof building for ChUrchei Remodelling and Building of H6111,8 Phone 90•r4a ZURICH Repair POWER MOWER , • • Sales 4, Service General Repair All Cars LAING'S SERVICE Phone 72 Exeter ,„ bee Your Local Tradesmen Pirst THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER. Sunday School - 10:30 to, 11:30 a.m. "Teach Me Thy Truth, 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday Schnell 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Souder, Exeter CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, January 19, 1958 10:00 a.m.—"Worthy of the Gos- pels, 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STRRET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farow*, Minister 2; D0Outpc.hn)i .—Afternenn Worship 3:30 p.m. --.Sunday School Friday Evening—Catechism and Youth Meeting. VON LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHW000 Rev. K. L. 'Zorn, Phone IS 10:00 a,m,—Stinday &hoot 11:00 cm.—Service 2;15 p.n.—Annual Vote' Meet- ing ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Clt E DI TON 'Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship 11:I5 a.m.—Church School tz30 p.m.—Evniting Service CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, tattoo ktorr,, B.D. Minister Mrs.J & Cochrane, Organist am.—Suadas, School 11b� a.M.4frornint Worship Sera Subject: "The: SoWet, T he Seed, and Tile Soll"—Iritst in scriat n th6 Parables of Jet:tit. Nursery fer children tip 't6 six sttars. Mutual Afeeting- nt the tongrega, 'Lien on Pridast, January it 'Withsupper at 7 JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject; "Your Claim on the Church" Anthem by the choir. Duet: Sandra Waiper and Mar- lene McBride. 7:00 p,m.--Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "Jesus Meets Human Need" A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All • Annual Meeting SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Sat. Jan. 18 2:00 p.m. Hensall New Commercial Hotel Directors and' Members are requested to attend. Earl Dick, President Jim McGregor, Secretary SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL LADIES' AUXILIARY Annual Bridge & Euchre PARTY HOSPITAL AUXILIARY ROOM Thurs.,...lon. 30 SOS p.m. Sharp Admission 150 Lunch Wffl Be Served BANQUET and Annual Meeting I4AY AND STANLEY FEDERATIONS OF AGRICULTURE Zurich COMMUNITY CENTRE Thurs., Jan, 30 4:30 Guest Speaker: JIM JACKLIN, OFA Fieldman Entertainment EveRstre-mittis, moition bona ticket% $U0 Lloyd 'HiMetriCky Pte* Hay Alex Nialeth, Pret Sterilitie Mr. and Mrs. Flarry Dougall and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Strang attended the directors' banquet of the Huron Branch of the Soil and Crop Improvement Associa- tion at Clinton on Thursday evening. COMING EVENTS BAKE SALE —Trivitt Memorial Ladies Guild will hold a Bake .Sale, jaeuary 25, at 2:30 p.m, in the Central Hotel. 16:23c Presentation and Dance LUCAN ARENA Fri., Jan. 17 FOR MR. AND MRS, BOB TINDALL Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Brines Lunch 4 Arena Activities THURSDA), JAN, 16 61110-10 g110-11CA FRIDAY, JAN. 17 4 :(10.5 tOO—Skit t 5,00-10100--fligb School ShOiloir Po el r SATURDAY, JAN. 18 8mo-c2:00-1111nor }locker 1:30-3 :110-Polt1 lc Skating* 130.3 sa0-Fisrts re S ICA ttn 92b1)--41Olinwk norkty MONDAY,.JAN. 20 0 410 -10180 --Rt 'A a' • TUESDAY, JAIL 21 2 t00 -4100 ---Loa lex ('Ii rl to g• 4 611/45 t140-.-1-1101 Yelo ool CO el log t60-1111:10-4'or11oicr WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22 t00.4 sl)9-.-1-16.srlone Mk/4110k 41110,•51011-.-Skn (Eng. 7 tO0.9 .100- On n in t }locker U.C, Men At Broadctst Rev. H. J, Snell, Carfrey Cann. Cecil Henderson, Mervyn Cud. more and Bill Batten were in Wingham Sunday afternoon as. sitting in the broadcast of Uni. • led Church men over C.K.N.X.. TV. This broadcast is being tele. vised by United Church men within the radius of C.K,N.X.- TV and Radio each Sunday af- terneon, They hope to continue this feature indefinitely. e/110.1111/MIIIIition111111/1AM/1/ lll l lllllllllll l .114 lllll HURON DISTRICT • z• • 3 • I are urged to attend. llll , ll titif Clit4intilf #1, llllllll LIMMtlflettlt1101( ll I llll itittft lllllll otrIASItlIfItittit lllll 114L‘II 'WATER ONSERVATION. cittfit, DOMINION 149011 Zurich Fri,, Jan, 17 liring Your otestestions. for't. jpetterrnent of the AI* -InJ sards to hunting and fishing, Fred Hahorer, President" Len Urania, Secretary Albert C, Hiss, Treasurer - Reception Dance HENSALL TOWN HAL friday, Jan, 17 far MR. 4 MRS. IRWIN FORD • (nee Elaine Bell, )(ippon) Desiarcline's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Luncji Form Union Week January 20-24 Special Meetings at 8;30 p.m, • JAN. 20—ELIMVILLE (Tow▪ n Hall) JAN. 23—DRYSDALE (St. Peter's Parish) JAN, 24—CREDITON (Community Hall) GUEST SPEAKER: Albert V. Cormack, of Arthur, Hon. Pres. of 0.F.i.l, All farmers, their wives, and business men * EXETER.BRANCH Cancer Society Meeting Friday, Jan. 17 8:00 p.m. Exeter Library Basement Help Fight Cancer — Attend Your Branch Meeting 111.01i lll lll I llllll llllllllll Exeter Lions Club PAPER DRIVE Wed., Jan. 22 Starting at 1:00 p.m. Please Note Newspapers and magazines must be securely tied in bundles, as this is the only way scrap dealers will take it off our hands. Proceeds For Service Work Please Save Paper For Putt/re Drives if toe it i 111 • Gospel Meetings GOSPEL HALL, GRAND BEND Week Nights ,-yff 8 p.m. (Extept SatUrclayS) Sunday---000ie 730 p.m. SPEAKERS MR, FRANK PEARCEY AND -MR. ALBERT. RAMSEY totjkitirring messages that of* peeving very in fereifirtg lb many, such a8 "Wh6f DOGS The Tliotute fietil?"0 don We Be'Certain Of Anylliiingl", ate, Bibla AntWeri dbItifit ydue presence he appettiatail, No alleetiOti*