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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-16, Page 12
Page 12The 1 tm *s Alt vOC I At Hurondal'e Articles for Institutes' exhi- bits at Exeter Fall Fan* were announced at the postponed De- cember meeting of Hurandale Women's Institute held al the home of the president. Mrs. Roy- lance Westeott on Wednesday afternoon. Articles include ladies fancy flannelette nightgown, pair men's Taney, knitted sox. three piece :crocheted chesterfield set, ladies cotton sun. dress and a chow. Tate cake filled and iced. "ALL WISDOM MAY BB BEDUCBD TO TWO WORDS .— WAIT AND HOPE" ,e- (Author's lame Below) Eventually, research scientists will find the answers that will enable physicians to treat any disease successfully. Un- fortunately, there are still a few for which a complets cure is un- known. No one should give up hope. About forty new medicines are being re• leased each month. All of then are not "Miracle Drugs" but eaelt one has special merit. Leading pharmaceutical manufac- turers send their newly perfected drugs to us as soon as they are clinic- ally proved. M YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 WHEN YOU NEED © A MEDICINE • Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we' com- pound yours? • Andrew Johnston Drugs Main 5t., PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •uotation by .M xe.nder Dumas (1S03-1870) Copyright 1357 (17.W1) Oat J4nuery ti! �IlE To Aid Residence It was decided to contribute toward the furnisliin of the new nurses' residence of South Hu- ron hospital the amount -lo- be tobe decided later, It was announced Aehievet~.te,nt Day for 4•H Homemaking dribs would be held in :Exeter I,egioii Hall on February 1. The Institute directors, Mrs. H. Dougall, .Mrs. 0. Seaver. Mrs. Siliery and Mrs. William Lamport convened the program. The story of the "Christmas Por- ringer" was told by Mrs. Clara Wellington. Mrs. 'William Lam- port and Mrs. DougaI1 gave readings and Mrs. Harold Jef- fery a piano solo. A sing song Was directed by Alrs. Robert Jeffery and Mrs. Harry Strang. The January meeting will be held an the last Wednesday af- ternoon of the month at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, James St, Group Notes Increases . Annual reports given at 'l10 January meeting of the W.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary of James Street United Church on. Thurs• day afternoon showed an in- crease in every department --in the amount of contributions, in membership and in interest. The installation of officers for 1958 was conducted by Rev, H. J. Snell. The missionary for prayer in 1958 is Miss Frances J. Buckles of Indore, )India. The fourth program in the study of Japan on "Students in the News was presented by Mrs, Herman Tawe. She stated that the graduates of Christian schools have made a great con- tribution to the local Churches and communities but are ham- pered by, ancient traditions and lack of jobs. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Lee Armstrong assisted by Mrs. Robert Duncan. Mrs. R. Shapton and Mrs. B. Andrew rendered a vocal duet. A New Year's reading was given by Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg, Winchelsea Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Horace Del - bridge, Bruce and Fred, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons of Hibbert on Friday evening last. Mr. Fred. Delhridge returned to Ridgetown Agricultural School after spending the holidays at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day - man of Kippen to celebrate Gary Dayman's sixth birthday, Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress dries 20 pounds at once—yet costs as little as z2.39 A Week To Own ew w� ooe' all1fabrits dryer at all�time law price' You cant go wrOr1g . , fabric Guide tells you which of trig three heata to select for safe dry - log Of anytlilegd ]well tiylon'is tefe And you're right ort prick, tee, beeaube this ie lawerit eves for bili tic), will rtioL Cu tont • dryer! fteirrrertd crude ;sten%. °IPbrrtPol n.rad AYtder to»mat' tied ay tfrx .euil drF�y SagX reee'Poei-er Cotteleti& (tRasrrured 1 Ude Yk , S.nc:Igrove's Pff NE. TB EXT THE PRICE OF PASSAGE -- Material in the patchwork coverlet, owned by Mrs. Ecl. Hocking, R.R. 1 Cromarty, is a little more that 100 years old; it was made nearly 100 years ago by a Crimean War veteran, who cut up his uniform, made the coverlet, and raffled it to get money to laring his wife and children to Canada. Mrs. Hocking's grandfather, the late Andrew Whitehead of the Mitchell district, won the raffle; ownership then passed successive- ly to Mrs. Hocking's mother, the late Mrs. Thomas Baird, and then. to Mrs. Hocking. Colors in the ,patchwork are still vivid—red from the tunic worn by British redcoats, black .from the trousers, white from the gaiters, -yellow from the stripe down the side of the trouser -leg, green from the facings, grey from the shirt. At the time he won it, the late M. Whitehead was told tnat $2.00 worth of linen thread had been used in the sewing; the coverlet measures 72 inches by 80 inches, and its single 'thickness weighs six and a half pounds. Douglas Hocking, on the floor, Mrs. Hocking's grandson, is the great -great-grandson. of Andrew Whitehead. --Stratford Beacon -Herald. „H. iill11111111111111111111111111 i111111111n11111111,,,1„1111m1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111„11,111111111 i Llinville InstituteTHIS r� THAT Discusses Health Heine "Economics and Health meeting of Eliinville Women's Institute was held on Wednes- day with Mrs. James Miller as program convener. The guest speaker, Mrs.. Arn- old Wiseman, Kirkton, spoke on health and was introduced by Mrs. Charles Stephen. The motto "Homes are made to live in,- not to look at” was discussed by Mrs. Theron Creery. Readings were given by Miss Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Norman Jaques. Current Events were presented by Mrs. Gilbert Johns. During the business period it was decided to have afternoon euehres with the first one being held next Tuesday afternoon. Hostesses were Mrs, Harold Taylor, Mrs. Harold Bunter, Mrs. Verne Pincombe, Mrs. Wil- liam Ellerington and Mrs. Bev P arsons. Circle To Provide Valentine Treats The first meeting of the new year of James St. Mission :Circle was held . on Thtfrsday evening at the home of Mrs. H. 3, Snell. ltev. Snell was the speaker and installed the officers for 1955. President is Mrs. Garnet Shipman; honorary presidents, Mics. Snell and Miss May Jones; vice president, Mrs. Howard Holtzman; _ secretary, Mrs. Ger- ald Glehn; treasurer, Mrs., Cal- St(*ted eatitla thI'° idta peaPa ti fr + >w>fC`1 unlle,1,11111111 i mak, �IIII�Ii`� AYISit i •••4- twitter + tent ter young' 4tet*it pe 1; s . dahity dna , atS By MRS. A release from the Poultry Products Instituteof Canada , this week suggests that an egg be added to our cooking for flavour, nutrition and extra appeal. An egg added to some of our recipes adds a bonus of valuable protein, vitamins and minerals without adding too many extra calories. An example is in making a gelatine whip. Prepare a pack- age of gelatine dessert accord. ing to directions. Let cool until thick and syrupy, then add a whole egg an beat rapidly until mixture is light and fluffy and increased in volume. Chopped fruit, fresh or canned and nuts may be folded in if desired. Pour into individual or one large mould and chill until firm. The egg gives a light texture and creamy flavor to the gela- tine dessert. For variation beat in only the egg white and make a soft custard with the yolk. Another inexpensive flavorful dessert to satisfy the sweet tooth of both junior and senior mem- bers of the family is Chocolate Spanish .Cream ... 2 tbl. gelatine A cup sugar isn, salt 4 tbl. cocoa 2h cups of milk 1 egg tsp, vanilla Mix gelatine, sugar, salt and cocoa together thoroughly. Grad- ually stir in the milk. Beat to boiling point and boil 1 min., stirring frequently. Add vanilla and chill until thick and syrupy. Add slightly beaten whole egg and beat until light and fluffy. Pour into tine • large, or 5 or 6 individual moulds. Chill until firm. # * * * We never seem to have too many cookie recipes. and here Elect Anna Hern Juniors President Miss Alma Bern was elected president of the Junior Institute at the January sheeting on Wed- nesday night. - Viee president;; areShirleyMorley and Marilyn Marshall; secretary, 'Barbara 1t;t+r elek: district representative. Mildred Bell; pianists, Agnes llray and Maegaret Breek; emergency fund Marliyn Hicks, Margaret Webber; cress reiitii•t.er, Barbara Tter,ici.. Past president is Doris Brock. The theme Ter the meeting was "tieing Creative." the topic nn Oil Painting was taken $,v linris Rr'nck, Current )Events were diseussed by TCzthrvn 14f1ks. The roll call "What'Hobby have Yore chosen .for the vearr; in Conte" was artswered by 23 girls. viii Wein; stewardship stey, Miss Betty. C5ItIe1oates; Inuit sec'y, Miss Pat �y; piafifat, nits. ben 1S,avey. The Sunup decided to sed Valentine treats to p'retestant Orphayis NOM& Articles for a layette vera brought to the iteetirtg arid it i5 to be donated to South, 11uton 1ttatlitel. Mrs,Gerald Mcll'ailswas its theta of the Meeting, The 1;'eb• ruary meeting la to ho field at The nary. of. 1411as 141.ay Jelite With Mist Maxine Reeder ail 1di5 Oliv+, ?AMU hi thew, J. M. 5. is another one from Mlrs. Wil. liam Rendle, at Grand Bend. SwedishPastry wedis Balls Mrs. William Rendle 3 cup butter ` 1 egg yolk - A cup white sugar 1i cups sifted flour few grains salt Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolk. Beat well. Add flour and salt a little at a time. Form in small balls. Roll each ball in egg white that has been slightly beaten, then roll. in chopped pecans. Flatten by placing a hall cherry on top of each. Bake on a greased sheet in a moderate oven, 375 degrees, for 10 mins. This makes 2i dozen cookies. yell -LINE Beauty Salon V.?(:;! , Locates! In Cook's Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750 -W -I EXETER Marg Coward, Prop. Main St. Groups Plan For Supper The ladies of Main Street W.A. and W.M.S. made plans for the annual congregational supper for the end of January' at their meeting on. Thursday afternoon. President Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer conducted the business. Mrs. Earl Russell led in the devotional period. Appropriate nt readings were contributed by Mrs. E, R. Hopper and Mrs. E. Carter, 1tev. A. Rapson pre- sented the message on "The Un- folding Drama of God's Love." Huro.ndale Group. 'Y Works Cir,. Skirts Beauty Oar Members of Hurondale .lolly ,Tills 441 Homemaking club :and their leaders, Mrs. Arthur Run• dle al:tld Airs.. Alvin Mir, took advantage of the Christmas Dolt days to holct two meetings at the leaders' homes alternately. At the meeting. on Saturday following Christmas Mrs. Moir told how to remove spots and cle- menatrated the making of bound buttotlholes .and distributed' leaf- lets 4n same, Mrs. Rundle shoved how to sew in: a zip- per. At the seventh meeting on the day following New Year's Mrs.Moir showed how to put en the waist band of a skirt and Mrs. Rundle, how to Hein it. Miss Shirley Patterson, home .eeono- mist for Huron, was present and helped each girl individually with her problem in finishing ber skirt. Another meeting was 11101d la.Vt Saturday at the home of Mrs. Moir with 15 members present.. tjrs. Moir told how to store skirts or any woolen garments and invisible mending was de- monstrated by Mrs. Rundle. The girls discussed their part in the Achievement Daly program being held in Exeter Legion Hall on February 1. Myrl.and Strtith, PrP.p, ' Hair Tredtments, Tlntina: Intevlduat Styling, Perpte.nOnt4. Manicures, Faelalee 409 Main ,ft. P.hon ..ZZ Marjorie Dikes YOUR HAIRDRESs..R • Permanent Waving Hair Styling and Shaping Tinting and Cold Wavinp • Phone 144 Modern Beauty Salon 314 Mein St, Phone 349 HIGH STYLING PERMANENTS HAIR TREAT MENTS Pearl Henderson, .Prop, Closed Monday ' Tues, And Wed, Next Week 41 "Out of my way -- we're having lemon pie tonight" • You can't blame the man, if it's pie made with Jell-O Lemon Pie Pilling — the fresh -tasting, satin. smooth pie filling that's sure to be wonderful every time. So easy -- n0 lemons t0 squeeze ... no double - boiler needed ... takes only minutes to make. (Jell-O is a registered trade mark.owned in Canada by General Foods, Limited.) - JELLO LEMON PIE FILLING Anima neiriemscaesswerovmsemasemom TANGARINE JUICE Donald Duck, 48 -oz. tips iiiiiii.. 310 AYLMER TOMATO SOUP 10 -oz. tins 2 for 230 PURE STRAWBERRY JAM St. Williams, 0 -oz. jar ..-. 240 ELLMAR. PEANUT BUTTER 16 -oz, jar. .........1111 330 ICING SUGAR Save at , 2 lbs. 270 TULIP MARGARINE Real value at 4 for $1.00 KOUNTY KIST PEAS 15 -oz. tins GOLD SEAL SALMON 73/4 -oz, tin . 470 CRISPY 'CRUST LARD 2 f""210 or 21 0 Genuine saving 2 for 45¢ BALLET TISSUE Family favorite 2 for 25¢ GOULD & JORY 'PHONE 974 EXETER WE REPEAT SII VERWOOD'S ICE CREAM v. ill ALL elN 89c Including Special Cherry Vanilla StHNEID'ER'S. 2 r :3 tC .l5 Pic*Nic Hams 490 Cottage Rolls 69c Dry Bacon 65c FROZEN FOODS "Pi 5 POUND PACKS Peas '1',25 Green Peas i.l 5 Kernel Corn `I.30 Ail Fruits, Vegetables, f=ish, Pies etc, bought in ONE DOZEN LOTS (n6 singe item less than di aro sold at SPECIAL DISCOUNT. '.'hese are event day real savings. Last week we sold out of ice team and some bulk pack Vegetables; We will have a new and larger supply this weekend. Exeter frozen.. . Foods PHONE 70 MAIN 1111. , a KELT