HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-16, Page 11Announcements BIRTHS COLLIN§ON-Mr. and Aire. Johi CoUlnae% 585 Main St., rrAIT. nottlice the tile' h or t fere. IdavY ami Alyea, at South :Huron Heapitel, JanuarY 13, 193e, DENN1S-Mr. and lira. Robert r. Dennis, Hollywood. Caif., an'• flounce the birth or a datighter, at Cedars or Lebanon Hospital. Los Angeles, January 3. 193s• YLELD-Nr. and Ales. Paul Field, • Wilton Grove, wish to amtounee the birth of. a daughter„Tanire Elizabeth. at Victoria Hospital. London, January 9, 1933-a a15 - ter for Judy. HEDDEN - Nr. and Aire. Harold Iledden, Dresden, are happy to annotinee the birth of their deughter, Marjorie Dianne, wt. ri lbs., 13 °es., at Wallaceburg. C euera 1 Hose it al, .1 a 'uteri 6, 193e -e, sister for 'Bobby, Alm- ritY and Debbie and grand- clattglitee for Mrs, Catherine Redden, Hensall, NeCORN LOW -.Cpl. James and Airs, MeCormick (nee Margaret Maingot), 310 Algonquin RCAF Centralia, announne the birth of .a daughter, jank, at South Huron Hospital, January 9, 1958-asister for Warren and Marie. PESZCATOR-Are, and Mee, Wit- niol' Preszcator, R.11. 1 4:crlP1', allTI011acT the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, January 14, 11118-a brother for Barbara, and Wayne. SCHROEDER -Mr. and Mrs, rel, Schroeder, South Bureaby, B.C., announce the birth of a son, Kenneth Wilson, on January 5, 1933, TETREAU - Donald and Audrey Tetreau, RR. 2 Dashwood, an- nounce the birth of a daughter. Sharon Hone, at South Huron Hospital, January 10, 1958-a sister for Barry and Janice, CARDS OF THANKS To all the kind friends and relatives of Lucan,who by their sympathetici manifestations have lightened ina. sorrow, during this time of my bereavement, I extend my most heartfelt thanks and will ever cherish the respect and honor paid to my departed hus- band, Earl, Special thanks to the Rev. Edgar Iteuleton and the Aturdy Funeral Horne. -Margaret Collins (wire). 16e We 'wish to say "thank you" to all who remembered us with carde, flowers,' gifts and visits while in St. Joseph's Hospital and singe returning home, Special thanks to Dr. Frank 3. Hutson. - Baby .70an and Grace Pym, 16* The family of the late Thomas Prvde wish to, extend their heart- felt thanks to alt those who ex - Pressed their Sympathy In so many thoughtful ways during their recent bereavement. Your kindness has meant so much to us. 16e IN MEMORIAM FLETCHER-In 1 or ing memory our sister, 1111ea. Fletcher (God - bolt), who passed away sudden- ly, January 19, 1957. Deep in our heaets there's a picture 1932 BUI('t - Privately owned Ofs dear one gone to rest, and in good condition. (Tr, close For memory's sake we will keep an estate.) Apply to Samuel it, Dougall, R. rt. No, 1 Hensall, Because she was "one of the :Mere 669-r-22. 16* best." -Ever remembered by Lulu and Wilbur, 16* FLETCHER - In loving memory of a dear wife. mother and grand mother, Rhea Fletcher, who passed away s u ddenl y, January 19, 1937. She wished none a, last farewell, Nor even said good-bye, She had gone before we ,knew And only God knew why. Asleep in His beautiful garden, Away from all sorrow and pain, Some day when life's journey is ended We shall he together again. -Fiver remembered by her hus- band Ray and faintly. 16' JOHNS -In loving memory of a dem- Mothei, Call Jo ins, w to passed away one year ago, January la, 1917. 200 PULLETS -MLR.. been lay- Bea.utif memories or one so Mg 4 montharho.ne 68S -r-11 Hen - :16t: sail. C16.ssified Directory FOR .SA4.br DRAIN 4 inch ----------113- .per M Del'd 5 inch 45, per Ai fled 0 inch , 110 per JAI DeCtF 7 inch „ 145 ;per Al Dcl'a 8 inch 173 per Id Pel'el T's. Y's and ElbeWs. in Steele Prices: for 111". 13" and 14" 4111 Request RYDA1,4, BRICK AND TILE utcnpru.p Eiginfield Phene 103 Lueen TOYS', TOYS: Heavers .Desernent Toetown is open' all year round. Gifts for children's parties. birth- days etc. for all Ages. Beavers Strn Hardware, ELECITRIC STOVE - 4 - burner, apartment size, good condition. 9:160 learl Zimmer, Zurich. . . F011 BEAUTY, comfort and econ, only, Bee your 'Spencer dealer about a new support and bras - In the new Dobby nylon. 13% off for Januar).- Mrs. D. Woods, 11.11, 3 Exeter, or phone 164 -r -S Kirkton. 130.K -UP TRUCK -1934 GAIC, le ton, 21,000 guaranteed actual mileage. Apply Don Ciaiser, Dash- wood. phone. 53, 16* 7 1vEANED PICIS--6 weeks old. t, phone9:136; Apply to Bert 'Becher r-11 Zurich, Ont. FIC41.711.13 S AT ES-Ladl ee*, white, size 6, never worn; price 97.00. Phone Hellman 683-r-3:, 16* CHAIN SAW - Pioneer, in good condition, used only one season; also maple eyrup evaporator, Pall slze about 24x96. Mrs. 1Velgancl, Dashwood, phone 58-r- 11. 16• 2 OIL BURNERS -Coleman, one large size, ono small size. ..Apply Lloyd Spark. Waterloo St., Ex- eter, phone 497-W, 16c MAN'S SUIT - Brown, size An several ladies' dresses, size 40. flay be seen at Brady Cleaners. 1 6:23. 1,4 TON PICKUP Trtucx -Ford; also parts from 1943 Ford ear. Apply S. Deelstra, R.R. Cen- 16* 1937 BUICK Special 2 -door hard- top, 3,000 miles,: 1955 Ford Fair - lane sedan, 24,000 miles; 1911 Dodge ri ton pickup; 1951 Ford ton pickup; Jubilee Ford tractor, 1,200 hours; 44 Massey - Harris Special with live power takeoff, good condition; 1947 Ford Ferge- eon and some tractor Implements, (Farm rented.) Apply Wally Wein, phone 51 Dashwood. 16:23' COOKWARE -Stainless steel, at a, big reduction, Apply Box. "WS" Times -Advocate, 16* ';',2 METEOR COACH -Radio, alr condit ionipg, one owner, Phone Hensel'. 24 days, 1SG evening's. 16c • • .1 I trumnFortp BULL -Registered 3 - year -old, purebred. quiet, used to being out. in summer, Apply A rthe Finlayson, 11. 11. No• 3 Kipper. 1:16tfc 'REEF - Two quarters of good beef available. Your choice of hind ; or front. Phone 602-r-$0 Hensel'. Frank Parsons. 16" GIRL'S WINE COAT - Size 14. May be seen at, Mid -Town Clean - 160 SAVE $2,00 A TON -Order Co-op Fertilizer now for January de- livery. Cash discount additional. Guaranteed not. to cake up. Ex- eter District Co-op, phone 287. 16c dear, Tr e a s 1 r e d forever with love sincere. Her end was silept, her thoughts unknown, But she left a memory I ant proud to own. We spent some happy days to- getber. 'We spent some sad ones too. But the saddest day of all, dear CRIB -Large size, 1».0 -ern 113 tal, good condition; boy's English; racer bleyele; also fire screen., Mrs. 'Wooden, 134 Andrew 1st., phone 769-11, 16e Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson. wMother - as the day the l' lost yen. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn -Always remembered by her son, and family of St. Marys, Mr. Tennyson. 16* John Rinn, Howard and Bill and Miss Noreen Walkom of Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family were Sun- day evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thomson. - Mr. and Mrs, Jack Thornson and family were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Happenings In • Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER .1.1,0WYWWW,..WW...W.**MONOW.MY Mrs. T. Waugh, of London Dann, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pettis" was a Su" - Mrs. Leonard Thacker. . day evening guest of Mr. • and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Park- Mrs. Percy Hodgins of Granton inson and family were Satur-A„, in honor of Joan's ninth birth- day evening guests of Mr. and ""' Mrs. Malcolm Spence, Mrs. LOttie Jones of Rannoch Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomson spent the weekend with Mr. and spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Wm. Jones. Mrs. Jas, Mossey of Clinton Mrs. Wm. Jones was hostess General Hospital, to the silver anniversary club Mrs. Alvada Hopkins spent of Granton on Tuesday evening. ......... . . . .South End Service Used Car Buys '57 Meteor "Rideau" Sedan - Automatic transmis- sion, tri -tone paint, radio, whitewall tires, snow tires backup lights, window washers, full chrome • disc, '57 Meteor Custom 300 - Automatic transmission, radio, tear seat speaker, whitewall tires, snow tires, full chrome disc, blue and white. '56 Plymouth Sedan - Automatic, push button trans- ! 1111SSI.011, radio, snow tires, green •and white, '54 Ford Sedan - Blue and white, snow tires, I . • '53 Chevrolet Bel,Ahd Sedan -- Radio, blue and white, automatic transmission, '52 Meteor' Sedan Automatic transmission, now i paint, blue and whitt, '51 Austin •Sedan - Perfect, condition, dual heaters, new tires, bettor than lieWl South End Service •Russ and Chuck Snell ° ExtteR PHONE SIR lemictimurattritheonnitifieratIMPUtnitelinnitiniliMITAIMMitinniffetialimeminiminnitiffnitiniatut FOR SALE SERVICES 4:„ILABEI Jr,w,F,,,i, nANGE- 'White 'SOMA fi TANKS isempr,o - lm. n0t•rela.ln, reservoir and water mediate service, flutie.r Droe., front, excellent condition. ApplY1...,40an, photo 130-1v or 103 Euiran, Daval Blackwell, Parr ,Line, Phone 1 ;9-3:13c Zurich 8S-r.S. 16;"3* „ ..,.... ... .. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT .. Sk1WING MACHINES --e Electrie Portables, hy the week. Hopper, FORRENT eter. • Hockey Furniture, phone 99, 16x. Stfc CHAIN S.511.-5 11.p. direct drive, In exeollent condition. Exeter loam Tgrotinment. STORE on Afaln Street, opposite the rest Office. .Available now. Apply at Times-AcIvoca.te. 9:191rc APARTMENT. upstairs, '3 cheer)" rooms, overlooking corner of highways 4 and 83; $35.00 month- ly including beer' and water. Phone 7. 13.:31fn APAR'l'AIENT-2- or 3-roopi, part- ly furnished. Apply 1.0 Times - Advocate, 0:16e 3-1100A1 APARTMENT - Modern, newly decorated. Apply 113 Alain St., Exeter. 16* OFFICE SPACE available, lle rooms, well located at Intersee- tion of Highways 4 and 83. Phone 7 13:81:1n AiPARTMENT-3-room, downstair, bath, including electric stove, Apply at house next to RCF A Station Cenralle„ 16c APARTMENT - Doyrnatat r. A pp 1 y at house, next to 'RCAF Station, Centralia. 16e B A C1.1 ELOR A PA rtTALENTS-Sult- able for 2 girls, Apply Newton Apartments, Exeter phone 061. evenings. 16* APARTMENT -Ground floor, un- furnished, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, use of laundry for washing. 'Private entrance, Blatchford Apartments, 16* BED -SITTING TIOOM-Partly y f ur- nished. Available now. John Ward Apartments. Apply Mrs. Gladys Henry, phone 348. • . . 16* APARTMENT - Sma.11, cosy, steam heaterl• apartment, suitable for 2 people. Elliot .Apartments, plume 476 Exeter, 1:l6tfe 6 -ROOM AP.ARTAIENT - Heated, clean, private entrance and ba,th. 1101 water supplied, available February 1, Phone 602-W Exeter. , 16c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE PULLETS? Bray has many breeds, including Ames. Dual purpose cockerels. February -March broil- ers should be ordered. A. fetv started pullets, Complete list, Dray agent Erie Carscadden, Ex- eter, phone 246 -WI or 13 r a, y Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. 16c LOST HOLIND-Lost in the wieinty of Cromarty, small black and tan bound. Phone George Beer, 123-11 Eensall, 16c EMPLOYMENT WANTED PART-TIME carpentry and re- pair work of any kind. Phone Centralia 40S. .16' MISCELLANEOUS EVENTIDE VILLA; a home for elderly citizens, is now open at 30 Sanders St.. Exeter. The Villa Is under the management of Mrs, L. Desjardine, Exeter. leatfe WANTED HORSES -Will buy any kind of horses, heavy or light. Buy, sell or exchange. Call 138, Frank Taylor. Exeter. • 5tfe Used Cars For Resale, For Parts Or Scrap EXETER, AUTO W11ECKEUS And Saler§ Phone Exeter 872, Grand Bend 8 133 Wellington St. W. (Across f rom Canadian Canners) 11:14trn GARY & RODNEY OATS suitable for seed. Highest -prices., paid. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., Flensall, phone 24. 16:23:30e 2 -WHEEL 77 RAILE - Light. Phone Centralia 408. 16* HELP WANTED SINGLE MAN 'wanted to work on farm, with experience, for one year, starting .A.pril 1, Apply in person. .Ray G. Jones, R.R. No. 1 Centralia. 16* LADY to train as Beauty Coun- selto,', town or surrounding eountry. Excellent ea.rnings and, advancement. Contact Ruth M. Geiser, 111.11, 2 Crediton, phone r-2 Credit on. 1 6:23:34c Applications Wanted Applications are Invitee for the position of Assessor for the Vil- lage of Hensall at a salary of $350,00 per year, All applications to be in the hancls, of the Clerk - Treasurer on or before January 31, 193S: JAMES A. PATERSON, ClerksTreasurer Hensel], Ont, 1 en IMMEDIATELY Tractor Salesman Expe.einnee with Ford Teaantora and Implements preferred, GROUP INSURANCE rTINSION PLAN Apply in Leery or Herm LARRY SNIDER MOTORS PHONE 624 EXETER 11A3111MY Stock Man Parts' rxperienee ?referred GROUP INSII51ANCII PONSION PLAN M10011.1112''G Timrgnitc,Nen Opo' PreArrit Stork 81itfiagri, Trx Datinv Promoted 'To Sala 'Pore*. Apply Larry *r rtek LARRY tfiltitik Nigioitt PlIONB 421 11.M.Ont:ft Floor Sanders FIoot Vdgers, Floor Pellsbers Vaentun Cleaners, 17•201, BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER NOTICES Huron County Council The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Gode- rich, on Tuesday, January 21, 1958, at 2.00 p.m. 'All aeco,unts, notleeS or depute, Uensil, etc. should be • in thc hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Japuary 11, 1958, A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron, 9:16c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LARGE 'UNITED STATES ancl Ca n ad tan Alanula.cturing Com- pany requires Field Representa.- live in Hay, Usborne and. Stephen townships. Exceptionally h 1 g earnings. Guaranteed repeat busi- ness. Automobile essential, Agri- cultural or farming background most important. Sales training given, Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario, 31:9:16e A BUSINESS of your 'own in 19581 You too can enjoy a. conttnuous growing income by supplying. f el ends and neighbours with Familex, products, Attractive way to make money. Selling exper- ience unnecessary. Act now, write for our,free catalogue. T. Gard- ner, Dept. 6, Station C, 1600 De- lorimier„Montreal. 160 REAL ESTATE 50 ACRES CHOICE LAND - miles from town, on paved road, good barn, 3 -bedroom house with 4 -piece bath and oil furnace; good water suuply, Phone Zurich 96-r- 1:9tfc FRAME HOUSE, 7 -room, 3 bed- rooms up with S -piece bath; 1 bedroom 0.1' den and 2 -piece bath down; hardwood floors clown; oil heat; adjacent to schools. Apply 236 Andrew St. 12:19:26c 1 FLOOR, bleu' brie, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath. Mee kitchen. full cellar, furnace, hot water tank. centre.' location. 2 -STOREY HOUSE. large furnace. 3 -piece bath, bot and cold water, heavy duty wiring, garage. Early possession. 11:23tfc FRAME HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, in good condition, less than half cash, balance by month like rent. Why rent? 9:12tfc NEW 1 -STOREY frame, partial basement, 3 bedrooms, full bath. Write, phone or come, W. C. Pearce. Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parsons. phone 507, Fred Cole, phone 536-1V. Sales- men. lltfc HOMES ' FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter 2 -STOREY !BRICK - Four bed - r001118. Living room, dining room and good kitchen. Three-pieee bath. This is a, comPaet, well- built home. Good roof and par- ticularly fine basement with steel furna.ce. For a short time this home can be bought for $6,000.110 cash or $6.500.00 on very easy terms. SMALL HOME in very choice lotation. Convenient kitchen and 3 -piece bath. 011 heated. L'verY- thing in good condition, Suitable for couple, or small family. Low price. Terms. IIEDLTCED PRICE -Choice, brand IICW 3-bedfoom home with at- tached garage. Nicely finished kitchen. le a t 11 o o 111 in colour. Floors covered. High basement with 01 1- burning furnace and tubs. This house is beautifully finnsherl, $4.000.00 cash will give tyeorumsp.6ssession. Balance easy APARTMENT HOLTSES - Let us give you the details. FARMS -We have several we will be pleased to shote you. To buy or' sell, see C. V, Pleka.rd, Realtor and General In- surance, 394 Alain St., Exetee. phones 165 and 628. 11:11tfc FOR SALE' OR RENT - Good 3 - bedroom rug brick house. Very central lera,tion. 11. E. BeAkwill, phone 69-J. IR" Guaranty Trust HENSALL One of Hensall'e finest homes. Solid bidet:, beautifully land- scaped, 611 heat. with garage. Price far Immediate sale - mort- gage available. liENSALL Three-bedroom frame 'tense With testi] brick siding-wieely dot -prat- ed through:Mt, modern cupboards, and oil heat, Priced to sell. IIENSALL Two-hedroom brio; home. !Steely located? Will Accept reasonable down payment. .5nIall country general atort with aceemmorlation and emelt Acreage, `Weill for older cettple. Priced for iturnediate salt. 'We have additional town Anti farm Bating's fee our ceneldera.- tioh. Guaranty Trust Broker R. B. PATERSON Phone 31 Iletisall, Ont. 1:16tfc TENDERS WANTED FURNACE FUEL OIL staled imuitts will be ee,ceieod by the South Ifuren HeepRel As- Aoclittioo /Or 'Ott ettOply of fur - 111106 Nei 611 foe the Month Hum 0 HOSPRIti and Nur8i3 11.rtudoner. Terideril to be In the lizotO of the Sdertirtity not later than Feb' nary 1, 193g. M.rcrATERI SteretttrY 16.23 Tim TitnesAdvocitef January IL 195BPas U SECOND ANNIVERSARY . . Two years ago we joined 'ttlio IGA Organizati9n tO bring you greater savings, greater quality, greater variety. Since then, we've proven to thousands of customers why it pays to shop at DARLING'S IGA, ThiS SELLEBRATION is our Way of saying -"A MILLION THANKS". SPEcIALI Sunny Morn Coffee 75c SPECIAL Heinz Catsup 1loz. 2. for 45c SPECIAL! Hereford Corned Beef 35c SPECIAL! Cake Mixes Betty Crocker 3 for 1 .00 SPECIAL! Colored estminster Tissue Roll in SPECIAL! Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 1/2 lb tin 43c TENDER - LEAN - PEAMEAL 'TAGE ROLLS Bologna 29c Sliced Pork Liver . Pork Neck Bones . 4 'Tabk Rite' Skinless Sausage Extra Special BY THE PIECE LEI. •Le, SLICED LEL L sea, 33' 29c 29c Ls 45c read Lewis or Royal Guest 15c Margarine 2 kr 49c Save Two Ways At Darling's Low Prices and Free Gifts SAVE IGA BOMA GOLD CASH REGISTER SLIPS FOR VALUABLE GIFTS - NOTHING EXTRA TO PAYI Grapefruit Celery Hearts Brussels Sprouts • App/es DeLicrous • • 29c 25c /9c 35' RtZER FEATURES ---------7_-_---L-7 Frozen Peas •39c Cod Fillets Ftjta 1±1 UNL-ei • 3 Lnsj, PHONE 08 4 979 RL EXETER?, ONTARIO Open Feittay Saturday:tit 10. DELIVERY