HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-16, Page 10P e 10 The Tilnes•Arlvocate n & y 'I i, :1955
:.S.,17140,414. .H.141NE FLQC.i
ci•bla ;capers
•Woociham Army Doctor First Week 9.39%... 12.24% :
17.85'0 85,
40.Pen—Se eliee as laird*
Windowlessslat Fleet' single fin IVO).
cam fa2a
a. *SecondWek R 20;6,7 29.30. 39.23 41:6Fla With UNEP Sick
Third G1 27 504 52.38
Capt. ',Grant Mills, son of Mr. Worship service "The Second
and Mrs, Ray Mills, Exeter, Mile," lesson was read by Mrs.
:formerly of Woodham, and a Fred Doupe.
Canadian Army Medical officer Study book w.as taken by
lvith the United Nations, Enter, Croup.1 with Mrs, Mervin Cape•
gency f'''orce. in E ypt, is fast ever arid. Mrs. Fred.
becoming a
veteran air tele. Dopecaid' Mrs. Robert Rundle.
eater. Personal Items
Capt. Mills recently .accon -
parried i2 sick Scandinavian Mrs. Nelson Knox and: Miss
soldiers who were .evacuated by Joyce Knox. St. Marys, were
air, to military hospitals in their guests of Mr. and I4rs. Lawrence
home .countries of Sweden and Mills en Sunday.
il;orway. Miss Marilyn Hrine. London,.
Asa RCAF crew, flying a white- spent the week from Wednesday
painted United Nations Dakota until Tuesday with her parents,.
aircraft, transported the men to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine.
Athens, Greece, on the first leg nlr, and Mrs. Don Rixon and
of their trip home. „ children a London wtre Sunday
The trip was clubbed the hep visitors with Misses Blanche and
flight, because almost all of the
.Scandinavian soldiers were ill
from.infeetious hepatitus, A few
were stretcher gases, and one
Soldier was recovering from
severe burns.
Language problems en route
were handled by the senior medi-
cal staff officer of UNEF, Col.
B. M. Kraftstrohm, and a Nor-
wegian and Swedish medical
-. Evacuation of hepatitus cases
was decided upon because the
Rhea. Mills.
Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Mills and
Heather of Kirkton visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques on
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurna
and John of Exeter were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson
and family.
Air. and Mrs. Archie Chatters
of London visited with his moth-
er, Mrs. H. Chatten, on Sunday.
necessar six-week recuperative Miss Norma Hera, nurse -in-
y training at St. Joseph's Hospital,
period and several weeks con- was at her home on Wednesday
valescenee would tax hospital evening,
facilities. Complete rest and Mrs. Harry Ford visited with
special diet can best be provid- her sister, Mrs. Harry Sperling
ed in the homeland of the troops in London on Sunday,
concerned. Mr. Wm. Dickeyis a
One of the members of the patient
aircrew making the flight came in Westminster Hospital, London,
from Goderich.
On the trip back to Egypt,
Capt. Mills visited Sweden, `Den-
Mark, Rome and Naples, and
!Spent four days in. Geriiaany.
* Capt. Mills, is the medical
Officer of the Queen's Own Regi-
ment, Calgary, and he was
posted to UNEF in Egypt in Sep-
tember. His wife and four chil- girl arrived home from Memor-
dren are living in Calgary. ial Hospital, St. Marys.
the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rinn,
Cheryl and. Marie of London
were Saturday evening visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Vic Chatten.
The Woodham rink was in full
swing on Saturday afternoon and
Mrs. John Tipping and baby
W.A. Meeting
” On Friday afternoon a meet-
ing of ' the W.A. followed the
W.M.S. meeting withthe presi-
dent Mrs. A. Dewar presiding.
Lesson was read by Mrs. Vic
Chatten, A reading was given
by 'Mrs. R, Rundle. '
It was decided to have a sup-
per on March 14.
Y.P.U. Toboggan Party
The Young Peoples Union held
a tobogganing party Friday eve-
ning on the hills in St. Marys
returning to the house of the pre-
sident, Mr, Don Brine, where
Iunch was served.
Personal Items
Miss Jean Copeland was host-
ess to a Stanley Party when 20
ladies met, Mrs. Olson of Lon-
don demonstrated the various
articles on display.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann and
family of 'Toronto were weekend
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
ris Webb.
W.M.S. Meeting •
The W.M.S. meeting was held
in the Woodham United Church
Sunday School room on Tues
day with 16 present. The presi-
dent, Mrs. McCurdy presided.
`.,,441414114,11414.1„1,14, 414141411414144114111141
Huron County
Crop Report
Fotutl • Week .. 78,57 60.93 60.71
Fifth Weep . 76.3,1 74:34 61.90
Sixth Week .....81.57 76,53 53,311
:Seventh 'Week 80.45 86,45 58.33 41,
Eihth Weep.. 82.33 83.3.8 80;95 47:83
Ninth Week; . 80.07 79.30 06.66 62.11
Tenth. Week; ,. 78.19 79,59 61.90 57.76
111th Week .. 78,31 86:59
12t11 Week 71.0 61.19 65.47. 61.42
13th Week ,.., 77.4'3 81.34 71.42 . 70.18
14th Week 77.43 79.73 73.80 62.73.
Average .... 67.98% 68,62 'Q 54.49`•"0 4945
*No Record
Windowless Fen 4.2 lbs. per doz. Ca; 3.4-14.280 doz.
Slat Floor .. , 4.3 lbs. per doz. (i: 3.4¢.--..14.62 402,
Single Cages 5.3 lbs. per doz. (ct, 3.4¢, 18,,021 cloz.
Double Cages .. 5.1 lbs. per .doz, la, 3.4.-17.740 doz.
Mo mortality to date.
..,..D.....w,1,11m444,.pm111µ11tm,n4,Illl iul1m...,.,114,n1,4Hm,1m,14,0m...1114!4„11111,1,4„11.,,.,1411
Qrga.n l a N...eve Group
Ifl Church. �:,t Crediton
Mrs. Howard Lightfoot con- • hire, Lloyd England suffered
ducted the dev>ational period a fall in the post office on Fla -
when. the amalgamated Weinan's day, injuring her spine, and has
Association l}ni Woinan s. Mas* been, a patient in South Huron
atonal), Society u►,et in the Uniteci 11espitel since that time.
lcliurch sennet room$ on T'hurs• 1 AIr. , Herbert Young who has
61 day.. ! been ill fog: so a. a tinge is stall
Scripture was read by Mrs. G r i
Zwicker .and the study book re: confined to leis neons.
viewed by .Mrs. Nelson Lamport. Mrs. Janes Mawhinney is im-
proved following a severe attack
President,• Airs. Edward Lain- , of pleurisy
,Dort presided for the meeting.
Many reports were given and Mrs, Albert ,Geiser, who leas.
society was massed the Women'a
spent some time at.the home of
Auxiliary. A twenty -fire• dollar ; tier sola, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mor-
dotiation. was„ vatec! to the par-, lock,, returned, to St. Joseph's
sonege fund and members de- i hospital, London, last week•
aided bi favor of again planriinQ
for a bazaar. Plans were macle 1
for rho annual congregational omments
• ilaeetin being held the las week
in January. t — Continued From Page 9
Afternoon hostesses were 11 1 Looking ' 5
f e a WG a.Tis i g into 188,. I hope that.
Jahn .Galloway :and litre, Russell' farmers all across Canada, as
Finkbemer. well as Ontario, will include in
fvangelicai .Ladies Meeting their New Year's resolution, a
Ladies' Aid and }}'.S,W,S. decision to join their fellow
meeting was held it thefarmers and become a direct
ane g 1 1 is Evan" dues paying member in the
gelical church Thursday eve" leariners' Union,
ning with I1irs, Hugo Schenk in All farmers will have this op -
charge of devotions, portunity during the week of
Chapter in study book on January 20.24, which will be
"Crvasoss given and
yC1liiss Nola in n Foist, known as "Huron County Farm
Jean Krueger, Janet Moriock
and Mrs. E. Wenzel, Scripture
portions were read by Miss Lil-
lian Maier and Mrs. .Nelson
Down To
The following article is taken
from The Farmer's Wife, Jan-
uarY issue, and when I read it
somehow it struck nae that all
of us could take this little story
and apply it to ourselves for
1958. It would be a good resolu-
tion for the New Year.
Maybe a lot of us practise this
already, some consciously and
others unconsciously, but it can
be done by anyone from the
littlest to the biggest, poorest
to richest because it doesn't
cost money, only a little bit of
yourself — and somehow when
you give a little bit of yourself
there seems to come back more
During the past two weeks we to give away next time, Try it
—and maybe 1958 will be a hap-
pier some of the cold- pier year forall of us.
est weather so far this winter. When the big yellow school•
As usual this created problems bus comes down the street stn
wses ifrzen watsr sandybarns all stms over the in ping at the corners to street,
county, up the children and whisk them
Farmers have had little diffi-
culty in keeping their laneway
open with the little snowfall
which we have had so far this
Farmers and lumbermen have
been taking advantage of the walk was almost unbearably
fact that we have little snow
to harvest this year's crop of "id* Iaina and Grandpa did
timber, It has been ideal wea- everything in their power to pro -
fr for transports to take the woodlots to the saw- logs itect us—made toe -warmers; of
mill. Those who use hard wood soft eiderdown to' wear inside
for fuel are taking advantage of. ( our shoes; bundled us in sweat -
open weather to prepare for els, mufflers and mittens. Seine
next years supply of fuel. days we'd carry small rocks,
Plans have been made to hold heated in the fire -place, to keep
this year's seed fair in Clintonour 'hands warm for a little
6n March 7 and 8. Now is the ! while anyway. Still our fingers
time to prepare samples of seed 'would freeze and our cheeks
for showing at the seed fair. grow numb.
away, I like to sit and reflect:
"How different things were
when I was a child! We lived
three miles from our school,
and we kids—my sister Lou and
I—walked every step of the way.
When winter froze . down, the
11114111„111111111111111111111,1411111111, Iltlldll l 11, 11,11111, "There was zeal danger of
'= frost -bite, or of some winter-
time accident like slipping on
1I the swinging bridge and falling
,.... For Sale c in the icy creek. Our parents
worried about us; but not too
__ much, because they knew that
a succession of neighbors would
conic out and "go a piece” with
ea Straw Ensilage
$2.00 P(R TON
Stack Open Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dashwood Stack Open
Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m..
Canadian Canners Ltd.
.44IIII,111111II If U,.,i111111l111111114111441414114411144141144(141,4144141441141414111414444,444,144
'IIITITIIilfliilill ,1111111111111,11111111111If11f1f 11111111t111111111ii111111111111ti1111111111,141141„11111111 If ilial l lllllilili
Save Money
By Prepaying
The Following Discounts Will Be Allowed For Th.
Prepayment of Taxes in Exeter:
Discounts ellewed if paid on Discounts allowed If peed on
or beforet or befolli
w. February 1 3% . Febrfrarl 1 ..., ......... ... 4%
1. March
ar chl5 11%e March 1'' ...,,..4,,...., 31%
P..............44..,,..... 1% April 15 .,4.,,......,...,,.... 3%
f,., • Payments` may be made to grit Carlcadden, Tex
1. Collector, In the' Town Hall, Friday, January 31,
1s30 to 5:00 and 7:30 to 9:00. part,, and Saturday,
February T, 1:30Hto 5':00 p.mr and 730 to 9:00 pan,
"Their confidence was justi-
fied. Seeing us Bell kids trudg-
ing valiantly through deep snow,
someone (a mother, father,
grandparent • or older child)
would doing out to help us along
until we'd be in sight of the next
farmstead. By the same system
we, were affectionately relayed
Report On
Mr. and Mrs, Maxime Du-
charme were in. Sarnia during
the week to visit the former's
mother, Mrs. Oscar DucharmE
who is ill in the hospital there.
Miss Evelyn Ducharme . who
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Denomme of Hay,
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey
celebrated their forty.- eighth
wedding anniversary quietly on
Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Gingerich
and Melvin are ill with the cold.
Some relatives from this vi-
cinity attended the . funeral of
Mrs. Moir of Kitchener on Mote
Mr, Ephriam Gingerich, is
teaching at the Kitchener • Bible
Institute for the' month of Jan-
Mrs, Harold Finlay is suffer-
ing with a sore back after miss-
ing .a few steps coming down
Stairs the other morning.
Mrs, Meant' Steckle and Miss
Rebecca • took part in the In-
stittite meeting held in Zurich
Hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs.
Steckle gave ae interesting talk
ori New Years while Rebecca
played on her accordion.
Mr. aiicl MrS, Harold Finlay
and family called on M. and
Mrs. Robert Madge at, Hills -
green one evening lett week,
.. the Story In
St. oseph
Mr. and Mrs.:Peter Milee and
family, Luce!, were weekend
visitors witt the tatter's par�enits',
Mr. and Mrs, Leon Bedard of
the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. timer Sherlay,
Marine, City., Mieh., were Sat•
urday last visitors With U. And
Mrs. Ed. Corrtveatt
Mr, Arid Mrs. Alex Mose
Metered to SAatartii, reoently, .to,
visit with the latter'sr Mother
and outer relatives,
along the frigid trail homeward
in the late afternoon.
"What a kind, brother's -keep•
er thing that was—"goin' a
piece"! Even in summer, when
folks came to visit, we'd walk
a ways with them on their way
home -as far as the big gate
or the bridge.
"Now, during my morning re-
flection, I find myself wishing I
could again go a 'ways with
someone, ,It would give rase a
good feeling to help someone
along the road of life that pass-
es by my door.
"Occasionally something hap-
pens which makes me feel that
I have walked a step or two
with someone . . . . .
"For a number of years I
worked as a public accouptant.
Strangers came to me with their
listings of income and expenses.
I've never forgotten the man
who, after figuring was done,
sat on. I made some courteous
small•talk, waiting.
"Soon it came out. 'We had to
operate on nay youngest girl,'
he said. On and on he talked,
telling about the difficult heart
operation performed by a great
surgeon in Chicago after other
doctors had given up the case.
How financial aid , appeared
magically, a gift of friends and
neighbors. And how they—the
child's another and father—had
got lost in the city while going
from hotel to hospital. (Ile laugh-
ed at 'this last, to relieve the
raggedness in his voice.)
"After he was drained of his
need to talk, he took a deep
breath, gathered up his papers,
smiled wryly and." said: 'I guess
that's all.'
This is it, I thought, This is
bow you go • a ways. You listen
while someone talks.. You're in-
terested, -
I cannot provide • a pattern or
directions for this going -apiece
way of life; but it gets to be
a sort of game, keeping an eye
out for someone who needs the
boon of companionship at a par-
ticular moment.
"The game works two ways:
— Please Turn to Page 15
Union Week,"
Yours sincerely,
Director of Huron Dis-
Schenk. Mrs. E. Wenzel favored trict Farmers' Union,
with a vocal solo and Mi s, C.
Sims gave a reading,
Business was conducted by the
president. Used sta?lips - arc to
be saved and brought in at the
February meeting. A donation of
Na.rker Attacks
Stratford, Ontario
The Editor: •
pro -
$10 was received from Aladeline Ontario's coanpulsory hog was
in rived brahce of her ducers co-operative have inspec-
ma tlier, Mrs. Annie Hoist, ,Meet- tors who try to lova at authority
books without a valid authority
for ' so doing. Communists took
over China with compulsory co-
operatives, please do not let
that happen here.
ing closed with a social half
Personal Items
Mrs. Harry Brough and son,
Desmond of London visited re- The Federation of Agriculture
cently at the home of Mr, and presented a brief recently to the
Mrs. Charles Green. Ontario .cabinet criticizing ''Sub -
Mrs. William Haviland who sidized prices for western feed
spent several weeks with rela- gram. coining into Ontario and
tives in New 'York and Toronto they Want to increase the Fed -
returned home last week. •
Mrs. Martin Moriock, Guelph,
and Mrs. Harry Quehl of Kit-
chener visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Young.
Sgt. Charles Mattice of Monc-
ton, New Brunswick, • presently
taking a training course at Camp
Borden,* spent the weekend at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
King and called on several other
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mattice
resided in Crediton during the
former's appointment at RCAF
Station Centralia, and ' made
many friends in this community.
Mrs. Wesley Sisson of Mon-
treal spent some time this week
with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs.
Lloyd England.
— Continued From Page 5
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jarrell
of London spent • Friday at the
home of their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Foster.
-Mr.. Ivan Kalbfleisch has been
elected as a delegate to attend -
the Liberal Convefition. from
Huron County 'to be held at Ot-
tawa on Januarrl4, 15 and 16,
Miss Robin Smith of Exeter
was a weekendguest at the
home of her friend, Miss Janet
Miss Gloria Dietz of London
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Dietz
and other relatives and friends.
Mr. arid Mrs. Harvey Pfaff
and children of St. Marys were
'Sunday visitors at the honie of
their parents, Mr.. and Mrs, Lee
eration rate to one mill on the
assessment; of the farmers of
this province.
. There are 29 board directors
of the federation, These • men
call themselves • governors. I
wonder if they are not more
concerned of the cushion jobs.
they hold than for doing some--
thing of value to help producers.
The Federation has a minority
group trying to direct the ma-
jority, so ridgy should we listen
to them and pay fees? I would
like to see the good hard-work-
ing farmer go down the river
with the Federation in the same
manner as they have taken the
Ontario government. The reason
for compulsory marketing laws
in Ontario is because the On-
tario Government has had to
loan a lot of money to market-
ingbard and co-operatives
o s and
there is no other way of getting
R back. Now it has back -fired
on thein, It makes me' wonder
why anyone would support. com-
pulsory marketing boards be-
cause that gives a board the
power to run a mortgage against
that regulated product which
farmers sell once that authority
is .given away.
So vote against all compiil,
sory marketing boards and keep
our freedom..
This reminds me of my boy-
oyhood days when the old red
rooster was prominent in all
farm yards across Ontario. He
crowed so much but laid no
eggs and has practically dis-
appeared. Perhaps this .will also
happen if, we keep Ontario free
of compulsory marketing legisla-
Yours truly,
Thcodore Parker
,.,,,,114.4 ..,,,, 4m,1mi1„ IA1,11,4m,wm411„..,p4W1411,,,,,,,,..,1,4411n1U4p44441d1,,m,,,,11,1,.,,i,„,
Graham Arthur .Morels Offer
oQual.t UsedCars
`56 Studebaker Commander V8 Sedan
Radio, whitewall tires, snow tires. Has had only
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'55 Studebaker Champion Coach
Spotless, tutolle Paint, overdrive transirliSSiol1,
OM owner :car,
'50 .Meteor Coach - s dandy.
'53 0uick Convertible
Power windows etc„ aUtomatie tr, ansmissicn,
This Week's Special
'55 FORD SEDAN- Snosy tires, cream in color,
clean, new slip' covers.
ONLY $1,425
Several Older Models ''To Choo;e From
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