HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-16, Page 8Neel The Thnes•Aslvoeate, January ib, 1:955 ITrans.Cana cia Progresses SIowly accept anything that might be, come the thin edge of a wedge which might tend in anmSway to separate them from the euttur- al.and religious guarantees.made 1.0 them by ',the rest of .Canada at the time of Confederation. Any proposed "Bill of Rights" submitted so far in the parlia- mentary debates of recent years have run into this .obstacle and no acceptable compromise to the problem: has been found, The weather in Ottawa is just wonderful; the -streets are dry and bare, and the temperature not much below freezing. It Is an unusual winter for these parts, .1f ! olosi immilitantl.grromt1m1.U,urimuiu m•1lr40.limotinali.{Irrtaii.1.nni 115111mini UurmiIlrltl itchy fall Your Dependable Fina ;Dealer • for Stove Ori And .Furnace Oil Prompt Service! cIai..d a Farrow Phone 126 Exeter •111uu11111,1101,u101u1,01,01011m01n1illIM ,011,1,n1uuo,1n01u11,1ng1,ut„1!„1,11,01,1111nuu,,,01n.011u101010111. 'DISTRICT HiGH SCHOOL BOARD—Members of SHDHS .Grebb; back row, Edward Chamber's, W. F, B, MacLaren, Board are shown here following their first meeting of C. A. .Cann, 1. H. Johns, Ted Geoffrey, Secretary E. D. the year Tuesday night. Bottom row, left to right, J. C. ' Howey, Principal H, L. Sturgis. New member this year Smillie, W. A. Fraser, Williaan Ellerington,. Chairman H. is Ted Geoffrey, who replaced Alex Masse, Zurich. • L. Snider, Vice -Chairman E. L. Mickle, Roy Morenz, Oscar; —T -A Photo Letter From Brinsley Form Club For Skiers By.MRS.CECIL•ELLWOOD Pn Grand Bend District Comments About Biddulph By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Personal Items 1 Something new has developed • who died in London on Sunday, Personal items Mrs. Harry Yearly and Billie ' in • connection with the Grand 1 A social evening will be held Mr, and. Mrs. Lloyd Johnston spent Sunday evening with Mr. t Bend Ski Club in the way of! on the next meeting night, Jan. and family of Ailsa Craig spent free ski - fundamental lessons' 27, to entertain the wives of the Sunday with the hatter's mother, and Mrs. Gordon Allison.. ! given each Saturday and Sunday i service men residing in the Jessie Lewis and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Weather ;afternoons from 1:30 p.m. to ;village, and the wives of the spoon visited with Air, and Mrs. 300 m. by Messrs. Bob Cham-{ Legion members who are not Mrs. Dean Gibson attended a George. Prest on Saturday eve bers p and Bill Roushorn, who mem of .the Auxiliary. bridge party in. the Lodge at •n]ng., i have spent a month of instruc- • The names of the the members Woodeden Camp, Byron. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haskett of tin at Abelboden, Switzerland.; of the entertainment committee Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mordush of Denfield visited with Mr. and; The".ski jumps are owned by were then read, and the social London spent Sunday with their Mrs. Cecil Elwood on Friday Mr. Fred. Walker of Grand Bend, t arrangements left to thein. parents, Mr.. and Mrs.. C. Fisch - evening. ` who states that two tows' are in I The meeting was handed over err • Mr. Earl Morleyis on the sick ' operation and one more is ex- : Lo Comrade Clayton Mathers to Mr. and Mrs, Larry • Cronyn asset and also an important i install the officers for the year and family of Centralia spent 'Milestone in our national de - •list. � � peeled to start soon. 111 d M • Tack Trevethick 1 Membership to the club is'; 1958. By W. H. A. THOMAS 'There is mueh discussion this week about whether Parliament avll .close down for the Liberal Convention — all of the .time, part of the time, or not at all. It is easy to clo something of this kind! •when all parties,. are agreed but if there are differ- ences of opinion a minority Go- vernment has ,to be careful, The Government mat „have decided but if they have, they are not talking, There is also much interest as to who will be the new Leader for the Liberals. Most political litic l prophetsrwill ave been pre- f'earsen, but as the Convention draws near, they are . not so sure, This week, the 14finister .of Public works made his annual report on the progress of the Trans -Canada highway, '.0 h e Trans -Canada Highway Act was passed in 1949.. It provided that .the Federal Government would pay half of the cost of building a hard surfaced road across Canada from coast to coast and across Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. The provin- des were each to pay half of the cost of the road within their, own boundaries and be, respon- sible for the building of it, The road was to be finished in 1956. The provinces all signed R.. a i ement except Quebec. the o c p @ b Progress was slow, however, be- cause the provinces ran into dif- ficulties. When it became appa- rent that the road 'could not be finished within the time ex- pected, the Federal Government made a new deal with the pro- vinces, extending the time and also agreeing to pay more than the original share of the cost. It is now agreed that the road will be finished by 1960. The first agreement provided for one hundred and fifty mil- lion dollars of Federal money. In the last agreement., the amount was increased to two hundred and fifty million. There is some very ••difficult country to build through -northern On- tario, in the Rocky Mountains and in . Newfoundland. It will be, when finished, a great tourist Mr. an is. " welcomed, and with more snow, i After the installation eere- speeFare evening with the f • all skiers should experience' mony, Comrade Mathers, of the haeter'e parents, Mr, and Mrs.many hours of enjoyable skiing , Legion Branch, spoke a few George Neil of Parkhill. down the club's 11 trails.• kind, encouraging words to the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and members of the Auxiliary, Carolyn were Sunday guests of : W,M.S. And W.A. thanked them for the support Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. The Woman's Missionary So- they had been. to the Legion it - Mrs, Earl Dixon has been on . ciety and Woman's Association . self, and asked them to consider the sick list with a cold. t held their regular monthly meet- the second floor of the new hall Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Prest spent ing on Thursday afternoon, with • as their home, and its care was Sunday evening with Mr. and I thelipGill, of the the chs rA , Mrs. in their charge. He also advised Mrs. Elmer Shepherd. getting as many new members I Rev. A. E. Holley conducted as possible, for the more mem- s,.,,1,1.1+1.,011.,,,,,.,,1.,,,.,.11,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,..,1,1,1...,, 1 the installation of officers for bers, the stronger the chain. Garage . Sunday And Evemng 1' xervice Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Snell Bros. Ltd. Garage 411111111..1..1u1n1.n.11111. MST RELIEF FOR the two societies for the year The meeting closed under the 1958. Mrs. Henry Devine took direction of the new president, i the worship service and Mrs.' Mrs. Burton Green. Ezra Webb led in a discussion Mrs. K. H. Hunt group. Mrs. A. E. Volley spoke on Mrs. Margaret L. Hunt, of the chapter from the study London, died on Sunday, Janu- • hook, which isr on schools in ary 12, in Beck Memorial Sana - Japan, .Christian and non -Chris- torium, London, in her 40th year. than. Mrs. Hunt, along with- her A letter Was read from. Rev. husband, Kenneth H. Hunt, con - :Mrs. Irwin, missionary in Kor- ducted a restaurant business in ea, acknowledging the parcel Grand Bend for several years, .sent to them for Christmas. under the name "Hunts For The The meeting was turned over Best.” Mrs, Hunt had been in • to . ..Haini•lton, • vice- failing health for some time be - president of the W.M.S. Mr. Hunt sold his business, •Mrs C Tavener read an in- and moved with his family to teresting paper . on citizenship, ' London, when Mrs Hunt was and segregation, which was dis- adm tte o re ana or um. cussed: Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were ac- tive workers in community ac- eg i on Auxiliary 'tivities, while residents in the Bend, being charter members of Installs Officers the local Branch of the Cana- dian Legion and.. the Ladies RHEOmATic.The Ladies .Awd]iary to the :Auxiljary. Mrs. Hunt also bowled 'with the' "Westerns" t In the new Legion hall PAIN local Branch of the Canadian Legion No. 498, held their first team until she was taken ill. Hunt leaves on Monday avenin her 'loss, her husband, The meeting opened with the two daughters, Beverley Ann president, Mrs. William. Rath, and Sandra, and one son, Ken - in the chair, and 19 members neth R., all. at home, and three present. Two new applications ; brothers, Gordon S. Houghton, for membership were received i of Calgary, Frank, of Manitoba, and approved by a unanimous and Harry, of Prince Albert, vote. , llIrs, Hunt was the daughter It was reported that the treas.- °f Mrs, Houghton, who survives, urer's books were audited by : and the late Robert Hunt. Comrade Mathers, and found, The remains rested at the correct. It was decided that a I Needham Memorial Chanel, and wreath would be sent from the: was Hien taken to the Church of Auxiliary, along with the Legion,1 the Redeemer where the funeral Comrade AI Hunt, ,Has held on Wednesday • after - mea meeting l The late Mrs. to mourn for oc< the late mrira a un , noop. Interment was in Wood 1u111..1.nuu.nuluuun...Munn.uuuu111111nunu.unrnnnuuuuuinunw..11111..1.11111...111.... i land Cemetery. Personal .Items . Dn. Saturday evening Mr. and r Mrs, Willis Gill ettentertainedaentertainedMr. See. Dobbs For Dodge 1 and Mrs. Wellwood Gill, Mr, and George Lateta, and Mr. and _'�►.:e� � 'Mrs. John Lovithoccasion 1 being to celebrate the birthdays I of Mrs. Willis Gill, Mrs: Well- Woed Gi11, Mrs. Geo. Latta and the 41st, wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Desjar- dine, Misses Inez, Grace and Darlene, Mr, Alec Desjardine, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Ridley and Miss Jean, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Smith and Judy and Mrs. George Winegarden attended a turkey dinner on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Des-' J1ardine at Forest, the occasion being the celebration of their son, Michael's birthday. The T.W.S."group of the ignited Church will hold their monthly meeting ori Friday evening, This meeting will take the form of a business. meeting, to make plans for the programs for the �ye1dl rhe `Lamhten 'County Library made their periodic exchange at the loam library on Menday at- t ernoon. The annual library board meet - big will be held an Tuesday evening, . in the library,at 8.30.. New permanent residents in notch 0' Pines are Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tupholrne of London. t4tn Tupholme las'boen engaged in specializing in hearing aids Mr. and Mrs. James neat anis family. Mrs. laical was former= ly interested in. Public lteaith at Woorlstaek and is Public Health Nurse in the Mal school; and 1 iss A. At, Webster who is a retired superintendent of the diet 1citCheri •tat Vreteria Hes. pilaf, Lonrloin, Mrs, I3ridget Mannex, o'i lade- Ntea.sa tuft to 'Page 13 '56 DODGE "REGENT" 4•DOOR SEDAN ... $2495 '56 STUDEBAKER 2-DO6R VaaSPCIAL ..... $1,695 '55 DODGE "REGENT" 4 -DOOR SEDANS (2) .Each ... $1,695 '54 DODGE "REGEN'1t". 4-DOOIt ,SPECIAL . $1,395 '54 PL" MOUTH 2•DOOIt HARDTOP ............. $1,495 '54 DESOTO, 4 -DOOR SPECIAL ..................... $1,995 '53 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN . ......,,,1,...,...,.,... $1,245 'SS-PON"TAC 4 -DOOR SEDAN ...rt.,rr,..,..r........ $1,095 '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN ............. ........... $ 105 '49 DODGE 4 -DOOR, SEDAN ..a.......r.....1,.rr,r.,.. $ 445 ihifffiffiinn ftl 8 Exeter Mofoi ales Prod bobby, Prop, .1 PHONE HO NIGHTS' 762.W -of ' t9.M •. 1Nie1'li�'IYYrr7alrTrrtrrrlY rrrrr,11111r+rrrtrir,iiniirir1nrrnErrrrrlYfflvrrrr011V liff1n1nrnrirrn79rrriilrrrrribilirrtrrrfnit r y' Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister and boys spent Sunday in Bel - ve.lopment. One of the most interesting debates this week was the ques- tion as to whether or not we grave with Mr. and Mrs. Ken should include in our written constitution, a "Bill' of. Rights" Mason. constitution, would affirm in modern Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston language some of our modern spent Friday with their cousins, rights in the same manner as Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Needham some of our ancient rights were and their aunt, Mrs. Garfield written into the Magna Charta Needham. of 1215, the Bill of Rights of Mr, and Mrs, Sam Skinner, 1684, and. the Petition of Rights Karen and Garry spent Sunday at the time of George Third; with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Morley, such rights as freedom of speech. Whalen. freedom of religion, freedom of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston, the press and others. Sheila, David and Wendy were This idea has been debated guests on Sunday with Mr. and on several former occasions in Mrs. Marcello Du Gre, Central- Parliament, but ,.nothini has been ia. done 'about it. Most of the mem- Annual Meeting bers in all parties who spoke, The annual meeting of Christ a i ressed themselves as being Church Anglican Guild, Central- in favor 'of. such an •inclusion ia, was held at the home of but there are serious difficulties Mrs. Ken Smitli, P M Q, Cen- tralia on Monday evening. The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Art Andrew. After the regular business period the :election of officers for the coming year took place. President is Mrs. Art Andrew; secretary, Mrs. Ken Smith and Mrs. Ralph Kipp. inthe way of such a change in our Canadian constitution. Our French-speaking compat- riots in Quebec are unwilling to treasurer, Mrs. Pat. Reece. During the service on Sunday evening a solo was rendered by SALE PRICES On Suburban Coats. Sport Coats Stock Suits Boys' Jackets Tip Top Tailors' Made -To -Measure SUIT SALE Ends Saturday GET YOURS ORDERED NOW! Discounts on Leishman and W. R. Johnston Suits Continue until January 25. FREE! EXTRA PANTS PHONE 81 ALPER' • EXETER Si of FINER FOODS to me goy Fee/ so ng a SongBright .Everything for Happy Meals You ll find dt RED 8r WHITE! . \ i 7Y =..J qtr f .. Ladies .FREE, NYLONS With Every "29 In Cash Register Receipts BUY ALL YOUR . GROCERIES AT 'DRURY'S AND YOU'LL NEVER HAVE TO BUY NYLONS Swift's Peamealed Cottage :Rol Is • Swift's Premium, cello pkg.. Bacon. Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee • 118: 49C SHOP SAVE at Budget PRICES Le.. 79c 1;1.O9 Cohoe, i/�•Ib. si:e -Salmon • , 3 FOR1 Vegetable or Tomato :Aylmer Soups Aylmer Choice Peas 3 F C1R Stokely's Cream, 1S•oz, tins Corn 2 FOR 1D -0Z. TINS .3 FOR 47c 33c 34c DRURY'S MYSTERY SPECIALS :On•Disple'y in Stere Guaranteed to Save Yeti Money Top Value leu WHITE PNut Butter Javex • 5 JAt9 1S -G12. IbIJTTLC 0 List weskit mystery specials: 10 lb. sugar ii90 S' tins Tomato Soup 490 rurv's Market OPEN TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & ,THURSDAY, rO 6' OPEN PRiDAVI 4 TO 9 OPEN, - ATURDAY, 9 TO YB CLOSED MONDAY .... ')FREE PARKING • EVERY DAY LOW PRICES! • Kraft 8 -oz. CHEESE SLICES ......... 350 350 Blue Bonnet, Yellow Quick MARGARINE, Ib. .................. Sun Pep Frozen ' ORANGE JUICE ....... 2 for 290 Orange Pekoe, r/z•Ib. SALADA TEA 670 LARGE TIDE 410 Full Line"of Heinz BABY FOODS - 3 tins 310 Full Line of Gerber's BABY FOODS 3 tins 310 Heinz, 11•oz. bottle CATSUP - 2 for 250 CARNATION MILK .... 2 for 310 FARMER'S WIFE 170 Sunblest Standard CORN, 15 -oz. 2 for 210 Garden Patch, 15 -oz. CHOICE PEAS 2 for 290 Campbell's 15•oz,. PORK 'N BEANS 2 for 310 Libby's 20.oz, SPAGHETTI 250 Hersey 48 -oz. ' ORANGE JUICE ....,,•310 Maple Leaf SALMON 490 Brunswick. SARDINES 3 tins 290 DOG FOOD, Tops 3 for 290 Jello JELLY POWDERS .... 3 for 290 Red & White JELLY POWDERS .. 3 for 250 Aylmer, 11 -oz. CATSUP 210 JAVEX, 32•oz, 260 KLEENEX for 2 for 39 0 Blue Bird, TOILET TISSUE 2 for 190 Save All WAX PAPER 31� d CORN STARCH ........... 180 "CORN . SYRUP, 2.Ib, 310 MAZOLA OIL, Ib. 410 Kellogg's 8•oz. CORN FLAKES 2 for 37'0 BREAD 170 SHREDDED WHAT . 2 for 390 These Are Our Regular Shelf:Prices r we Invite you to shop MA eompitre, •