HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-16, Page 6gage . ► The T ,res•A 1vocate January 16,, 19.5,8 Hensall And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie. McGrcgor, Phone 6822r.31 • Ladies Install New Kinsmen Members \A/ Deputy governor Les Parker,' ♦ 7 l Plans finitiate /� oExeter, .officially initiated d "'!1 H Club New Officers four crew member's into. member ship in the Kinsmen Club at The 1958 officers of the Eve- their dinner meeting. New neem- 1%orking with Wool" was ning Auxiliary of the United hers were Tony Charrette, Earl highlighted at the January meet Church were installed into office S- o anGeorge Beer and Jack ing of Hensall Women's lnsa- by Rev, C. D. Daniel at their tute, when Miss Shirley Palter - January meeting Monday eve- niPeitz' son, Home Economist for Huron g. Bill Mickle, past president, . County, was guest speaker. She Mrs. Milton Lavery conducted • presided, and Conrad McRoberts had an interesting display of the devotional, assisted by Mrs. won the raffle prize. skirts, jumpers,and ensembles, made by some of the girls who Robert Cook and Miss Maryhad been dilligently working on Goodwin. membership pin by Mrs, Wu -the p • roject. Annual reports of various corn- ; tiara Mickle, Miss Patterson said "We hope mittees were presented. Mrs. Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mrs. {he girls will learn homemakingJack Drysdale, past president ; Glen Christie were hostesses for skills which they will make use for 1957, was presented a life the meeting. of later, There is a feeling of • +1111111I111111111111n111111111111lllll1111,111111111111111111111111111111,n11111nn11111n111111111111111n,111111111111111111nn11/ satisfaction , iii accomplishing something, and the joy of hav ing it after it is finished. All who do their best are equal is an old Danish Proverb. Learn to do something well and get some special training a little culture and refining. There is a great tendency today for young pco• ple to go along with the crowd. Keep giving a little encourag- ment to the girls and leaders. Have the girls exhibit their work at meeting." Miss Patterson' urged Women; institute members to attend Achievement Day for South Hu- ron which will be held in Exc- ter Legion Hall Saturday, Febru- ary 1. Mrs. Edward Norminton, presided in the absence of the president, Mrs, Carl Payne, and had charge of the business. Mrs, j Gordon Schwalm and 'Mrs, Len Purdy are to have charge of , getting a 4-H Homemaking Club organized. ` Mrs. George Armstrong spoke :on the Tweedsmuir History book and the work entailed in pre- paring it for the competition. At the February meeting the amen are to be entertained, pro- gram conveners are Mrs. Wil- lliani Brown, Mrs. R. A. Orr, Hostesses Mrs, Edward Nor- minton and Mrs. R. J. Cameron, The meeting was turned over to the program convener, Mrs. i Wesley Richardson, who con- ' ducted a lively sing -'song with I Miss Greta Laramie at the pia- no. .A piano duet was rendered by Airs. J. C. Goddard and daughter, Beth. A ladies guar.! I tette composed of Mrs.T C. • Coates, Mrs. George }cess, Mrs. William Fuss and Mrs. Pearl • Passmore sang. Hostesses were Mrs. Pearcy Graham, Miss Mattie Ellis and their committee. Personal Items Take Advantage Of Our January Savile ROW TAILORED -TO -MEASURE Suit Sale In need of a new suit? if so, this is the time for the wise buyer to make his purchase, We have many fine fabrics in which to choose the suit of your choice. Why not stop in today? WATCH for our BIG CLEARANCE SALE starting JANUARY 23 SHOP AND SAVE AT T. C. Joynt 6 Son PHONE 62 HENSALL 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111,1111111111111111111111111111, PIIII11111, •., I11111111111111111111111,ll111l11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111,1,111111,11111,111111ll 1,111111„ Annual January Starting January 18th EVERYTHING IN THE STORE WILL BE SACRIFICED TO A 20% Discount This Is Your Chance For Some Real Buys Open Every Saturday Night Closed All Day Monday W. 0. Goodwin PHONE 16 HENSALL. ,'/n Wnlnnulitunn11nlunnmublunln118unmulununulu lnulnllinwhuuUulInn1Ilthn unnulliin,anlht 1 UC Minster ns.taUs Mission Society Slate I Mrs. N. E. Gook Mrs. °. Charles D. Daniel can- D. Daniel, , Rei. ducted the installation of efft- Wilbert Pilling andMiss Mattie tiers at the January meeting of Ellis. Reports for 1937 were sub- Hensall United Church Woman's matted by the various secreta - Missionary Society which was ries and, treasurer showing a held in the Sunday School rooms successful Year. The allocation Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. B. was $625.94. ('ross presided and Mrs. T. J. After installing the officers. Sherritt was accompanist for the for 1958. Rev. Partici gave a singing. New year's message. "We must The devotional was taken by, .have a distinct belief in roan 11 Mrs. Albert Alexander and Mrs. we are 'to meet the demands in. E. T. Rowe. Mrs. Sim Roobol missionary work, if we hold in rendered a solo. our hearts prejudice towards 'iThe president, Mrs. George other nations eve couldn't ble mis- Ar'mstiong, presided for .the bu sionaries such as Christ filtendect sincss. Boll eau was responded us to be. It is very necessary to by payment of membership that we have a fundamental be - fees. Mrs, Noran Jones, the 'lief in man. All along the path, newly elected supply convener, way of life lamps are being lit discussed the quilting projects. in Peoples lives because the, 11 was decided to make blocks Woman's Missionary Society 18 inches square, made up of prayed and worked" said Air. six inch blocks, seams to allow Daniel. for. Lunch will be served after Visiting committee for ;farm - the meetings except "in May. ary and February is Airs. Laird The group leaders are Mrs. C, Mickle and Mrs, E. T. Rowe. Miss Betty Moir of London was a weekend visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Elsie Case and her sister, Miss Wendy Moir. Mr. Clare Zuefle of Toronto was a recent visitor with his aunt, Mrs. Ellen Buchanan. Air. Harold Bell of Toronto visited during the past week with his father, Mr. \y. R. Bell, and brother, Robert Bell. Mrs. Edna Corbett was a weekend visitor with her son- in-law and daughter, Air. and Mrs. Harold Parker and family. Mr. Gerald Funk of Bramp- ton visited last week with his grandmother, Mrs. F. Funk and with Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Funk. Mr. Harold Brathron attended the furniture convention held in Toronto this week. Miss Jean Lavender of Hamil- ton was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavender. Mrs Rathwell of Moose Jaw is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Alberta McBeath. Queensway NURSING HOME Hensall Vacancies for Men and Women. Reasonable Rates for up or bed patients. Graduate nurse in charge. PHONE 222 HENSALL r Hensail Store Hours For January, February, March Open Everyday' Except Monday Open Saturday Evenings Until 9:00 P.M. FREE SKATING In The Hensall Arena Every. Saturday Afternoon Mrs. N. E. Cook and her eom# 11Irs. T. C. Coates. mittee served tea while a socialIPress secretary, :Mrs R. E. time was enjoyed. Peckass't, Mrs. A. K ,Clark; Officers. installed were: Ilono• .Mission. Band leaders, ATrs. r'ac'y president, Miss Mattie El- Clenn Christie, Hit's. Jack Cor - lis; past president, Mrs. W. B. ,nett, Mrs. gait Dignan, Mrs. Cross; president, Ars. Ue rc Ernest Ghr csc • Baby Band Armstrong: vice presidents .superintendents, Mrs. George Mrs, N. E. Cook, Mrs. C. D. !loess, Mrs. Blighton F erg, assis- Daniel, Airs, 1Vilbcrt Di.11in ,'tants, Airs. Ernest .Chipchase, Miss Mattie Ellis; treasurer, Airs. Ross Richardson, Air's. Mrs. 1t'. 131. Cross; recording Stanley Mitchell, Mrs, Hugh secretary, Mrs. llugh McMtix' AlcHwan Jr. tyre; assistant, Alrs. 11:ai-1 Sproat; corresponduig secretary, Mrs. William fleury. Christian stewardship, Mrs. A. D. llowcliffe;.community friend' shill secretary, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Earl Sproat, Airs. Melville Tracluair; supply secretaries, Mrs. Norman Jones, Mrs. W. 11. Dougall, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. James Smillie, Mrs. William Forrest, Airs. Al- bert Alexander, Mrs. Jarvis Horton; associate helpers secre- taries, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Airs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. T. C. Coates; literature secretary, Mrs. Earl Rowe; missionary monthly,Mrs, Laird Mickle; pia- nist, Mrs, T, J. Sherritt, ass't, .Personal .items. ATi . and. Mrs. pill Consitt were honored AC a .reception in the town °hall Fridayevening, and were presentedwith a purse of money. Presentation address was read by Grant Webster, anSU c by.Gordon presentation made G Coleman. Murdock's orchestra l.rovidecl music for the dance. The hall was filled to capacity.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford of London were recent visitors with. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chap• man, , 1 111 1 1111 11 1 1111.nn11u111111u1111unu11111111111111111n111111n1.1nn11n11n111n1111M11oto1111111.1114111 ,; Headquarters For VETERI NARY SUPPLIES Wilson's Rexall Drugs PHONE 20 s HENSALL Ilntl11111IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIUI111111polllllnnl l„1111111not1 ll,1111,lnl111111,11111iimeitimiti111n11111111111111111111pa: c, I Are you choosy about meat? Choosy about Quality and Cut? Choosy ebout Value? Then shop at SUPER SAVE because the CHOICE is yours at our meat cases. Here, you get CHOICE QUALITY—the top grades inspected and marked for your protection. Here, you get CHOICE CUTS—for our meats are cut the way you like them with excess bone and fat trimmed off before weighing. Here, you get CHOICE VALUE — for our meats are low -pried to give you more good eating for your money. MIX 'EM -- MATCH 'EM! Any 6 Units in Any Colors KLEENEX TISSUES DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE 6 VARIETIES HEINZ 2❑❑'S Baby Cereal . . ALL PURPOSE Five Roses FIou'r KRAFT Velveeta 'Cheese SOUTHERN CROSS Tuna Flakes QUICK COOKING, FANCY QUALITY Niblets Corn Green Peas. 3 SQUARE DEAL BRAND CHOICE QUALITY Golden Peciches 2 SUPER $AVE BRAND Inst Coffey45, 2 -oz. jar FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! BIRDS EYE French Fries 3 SUPER SAVE COFFEE '. Red Label . • SUPER SAVE COFFEE Yellow Label • For 13 -oz , pkg. • 19c FOR' 5 -lb. bag 1/2 -Ib. pkg. 9c 1/2 tins 29 14 oz, tins FOr 33c FON FOP. 15 oz, tins 2 15 oz. tins C 33c 5 oz, jar sic 9;oz, pkgs. F O r 49c lb. bag 89c Ib. bag 73c Hamburg 3 lbs $1 Shoulders Smoked Picnic Smoked Picnic Beef Or Pork Liver Piece Or Sliced e a e e Bologna Birds Eye Frozen Cod Fillets Birds Eye Frozen • L. • LS. • Le. 12 -DZ. MCC,, 39c 29c 29c 25c Haydock ■ illets 12 -DZ. PKS, 29c GRAPES ORANGES LEIS. 113'S DOZ. POTATOES MARSH 5 LEI ONIONS'SPANISH 2FOR TURNIPS CABBAGE 33c 57c 27c 23c 5c Lt7, HEAD 10c