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Cian Clandeboye Comments
School I.mpraiteaisnte
At the annual meettng of the
Clandeboye public School, No.
4 and 12, trustees were elected
With William Simpson (chair.
Mau) Allan Hill and Wilmer
Scott and secretary treasurer,
Murray Hodgson.
Plans were made to build a
porch over the outdoor steps
and to purchase a steel filing
Cabinet for the school records,
The teacher is Miss Elaine
Grainger of Zurich"
W.A. And W.M.S,
The January meeting of the
United church W.A, and W, :s
Was held at the hone of Mrs.
Alex A1cintosie Mrs. Darling
Presided for the W.M.S. meet-
ing and Mrs. Ivan Riddell and
Mrs. Rupert Williams gave an
interesting account of the study
bnk' "Enlarging the borders of
During the W.A. meeting
plans were made to have a pot
at7•ocickfr the
luck suppero o
congregational meeting on Jan-
Mrs. J. W. . Ritchie
Active in Church
Mrs. Joseph W. Ritchie, a life-
long resident of McGillivray
township and Parkhill, died early
Thursday and was buried in
Parkhill cemetery on Saturday,
January 4,
Airs. Ritchie was in excellent
health until a few weeks ago.
On Wednesday, she celebrated
her 92nd birthday and was visit-
ed by all of her children at the
Green Gables nursing home. A
few hours later she died in her
Born Mary Ellen Carter, she
was the eldest daughter of
George and Hannah Carter, pi-
oneer farmers in the township.
Her grandfather came from Ire-
land, and she was born on the
same farm as her father, on the
second concession of McGilliv-
ray. One sister survives, Mrs.
Wellington Sceli (Annie), Ailsa
Craig. One sister and three
brothers died some years ago;
Mrs. Ed Rooke (Tillie), Richard,
Joseph and John.
In 1892, she married Joseph
William Ritchie and moved to
the Ritchie homestead at Lot 2,
Concession 7, McGillivray. They
had four children who survive:
Carl, Baden; Mrs. Wilfred Cun-
ningham (Audene), Clandeboye;
Ii2rs, Lloyd.Lynn (Gladys), Clan-
deboye and William on the home
farm near Parkhill. Stanley
died in infancy.
Thirty years ago, Mr. and
Mrs. Ritchie retired from the
farm to Parkhill. Mr. Ritchie
died in 1938.
Mrs. Ritchie was confirmed
in ,St. James Anglican Church,
Clandeboye, but after her mar-
riage, joined Centenary Church
and later, Parkhill United Church.
Throughout her life she was ac-
tive in women's church organ-
Airs. Ritchie leaves 17 grand-
children and 11 great-grand-
chillren, The funeral was con-
ducted by Rev. John B. Barrett
of Parkhill United Church from
the Box Funeral Home. Pall-
bearers were Clare Ritchie, Cliff
Ritchie, Joseph Cunningham,
Gerald Lynn, Ralph Lynn, all
grandchildren and Donald Lawn-
ence, husband of a grand -daugh-
Personal Items
Miss Helen Sigsworth and
Billie Sigsworth spent a few days
with their cousins, Allen and Ger-
ald. Wright at West McGillivray.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Sigsworth
visited on. Sunday with the lat-
ter's brother, Mr. Jim Wright
end family and brought their
family home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mardlin
of R.R. 2 Denfield were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNaugh-
ton entertained on New Years:
Mr. and Airs. Win. 'Walkom and
family of London. Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Downing, Karen and Joan
of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy
McNaughton and family, Mr. and
Mrs. A, Hendrie, Mrs. Fred
Simpson and Mr. Moore Cun-
Mre and Mrs. Allan Hill were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Hill of London.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott
and family spent New Years
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Neaman
1Ples A Car
Voir Want To
Bay ..Give
and fan)ily in Ailsa. Craig.
Mr. and Mrs, Rea Neil were
guests a Mr, and `Mrs. Ansley
Neil in Exeter on New Years,
also. Air. and Mrs, Stewart At-
kins, . nee Janice Neil,. They
motored from RCAF Station at
Moesejew to Exeter for Christ,
Inas. Mr. and Mrs. Alton N,'+11.
Mrs JasJense
and son of Whalen were also
Mrs; ErAi ly Tomes is .quite ill Born In Denmark
in Victoria Hospital, London.
Hu a Blaze
r sister, Mrs. a Henry,e s tra r,
And .p strict News
Phone 109 Lucen • Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott
came by plane :from At;aleb, Al-
berta end visited with. her
er Maurice, and family and
sister, Mrs. Gordon Marrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
and Mrs, Andy Carter attended'
the funeral of Mrs. George Ray-
craft at Milverton on, Thursday.
Guests with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mra. KarlO'Neil,
were Miss Joan Donaldson of
R.R. Ailsa Craig and Miss Mar-
lene King of Crediton. Other
visitors were Miss Patsy and
Master Jimmie Hindmarsh of
Stoney Creek, peer Hamilton.
Mr Jim Hall returned home
from St. Joseph's Hospital this
Airs. Paul Poole and son Har-
vey Wt en Thursday to take up
residence with Mrs. Aiaicolm
Hodgins on Richmond St„ Lon-
At St. James church on Sun-
day the flowers in the chancel
were in memory of the late
Mrs. Ellen Ritchie,
At the United Church the Rev.
Edgar Roulston conducted the
holy communion service. The
flowers placed in the church
were in memory of the late Mrs,
Ellen Ritchie and also for the
late Mr, and Mrs. Lawson given
by their daughter.
Mrs. Ed. Flynn underwent an-
other eye operation at Victoria
Hospital on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Scott
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hardy and ,30 members of their
family on Saturday night, the
occasion being Mr: and Mrs.
Hardy's forty-first weddingan-
Mr. Tom Tomes met with an
accident on Tuesday; Dec. 31.
While helping his cousin, Mr.
John Simpson cut wood, he suf-
fered injury which required
seven stitches to close. He has
been confined to his home.
Letter From
New Year's Day Guests
Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Hamilton
with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hamil-
ton of Lucan.
With Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim Tre-
vethick were Mr. and Mrs, Carl
Trevethick and . family of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson
and family, Mrs. Ruth Watson
and Bobby and Mr. arid Mrs.
Howard Dorman of Ailsa Craig.
With Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
were Mr. and Mrs, Brock of
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Light-
foot with Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Mr. and Mrs. George Prest
and Billie with Mr. and Wt.
Elmer Shepherd.
Personal Items
Mr. and .Mrs. Matt Duncan
and children left for Petawawa
after spending two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh.
Mr, and Mrs. Wnr. Fenton and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Fenton were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapton
of Thorndale.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Cunning-
ham spent Saturday
and girls
evening_ with Air, and 'Mrs.
George Prest.
Mrs, Lin Craven of Parkhill
spent a few day's with her soli
and daughter-in-laW, Mr. and
Mrs. WCs Watson.
Miss Audrey Darling left on
Priddy to resume her duties at
the Nazarene College of Red
Deer, Alberta after holidaying
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Darling,
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Thomp-
son and Judy spent Sunday eve-
ning with Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Trevethick
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Dorman of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. Andy ;Keogh who has been
ick list
on thes
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred. Fenton,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Daley and.
family visited with Mr. end Mrs.
George Prest on Monday eve-
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Morley are
the proud parents of a daughter
born. in St. Josephs Hospital on
Christmas Day.
Miss Winnie Keogh left for Ot-
tawa on Monday after sending
the holiday season With her par-
ents, Mr. and lifts.. Andy Keogh.
Mrs. Harvey Morley spent
Christmas with her mother in
Mr. Bev. Morley spent the hol-
idays with ,'his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Morley.
Mr., and Mrs. Garnet 7`reveth-
ick and family of St, Thomas
L don
c , Of on
and Graceevethik r
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack T'rettethick,
Mr. arid Mrs. Leslie Morley
attended the funeral 6f the let-
ter's grandmother of Auburn en
Mee Helen Amos spent a few
days in London with het aunt,
Mrs. Ray Rawdcn,
Mr. and Mrs. Herold tee .arid
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
1 Teri'! Lee of Lucan,
' fails. M
Boarder!1t s disgratc i�
ROOM "I'm sure two ruts were
fighting in riIY 8e'eiroeiti last
Mrs. Ruben: "Sol trit Io yoti
want for" $4 a Week/ BO
Mrs. James Jensen, 60, of Lu -
can, passed away in St. Joseph's Lucan residents living in the
Hospital, London, Sunday, Jan. vicinity of the ball diamond saw
5. She lay at rest n the C. Has- Lucan s 1957 Christmas trees go
kett and San funeral home, Lu- ftp in a last huge blaze of glory
can, till 2 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 6:3o pant. last Monday ,eye -
when the Rev. J. P. Prest, of Hing, when tl?e Lions Club, Cubs
Holy Trinity Church, conducted and Scouts and executive met
funeral services. Interment was for an eat -out supper of hot dogs
in St. James Cemetery, Clande and pork and beans.
boye. Lucan Man Injured
Pallbearers were Allan Scott, Krober, of•*
Allan Hill, W. J. Frost, .Roscoe Air. Rudy Siob �, George
Hodgins, W. E. Sovereign, Meine St., last Thursday niet with a
Mrs, Jensen, the former Chris-
tlna Chirstensen, was the daugh-
ter of 14r. and Mrs, Soeren
Christensen, of Denmark, She
came to Canada 28 years ago,
living in London Township be-
fore moving' to Lucan 20 years
ago. She attended the Lutheran
Church, in London.
She is survived by her hus-
band, one son, Edward, of Lu-
cie, and one sister, Mrs. Peter
Henderson, of Lobo,
Coursey School Euchre
Last Friday evening, Mrs.
Evan Hodgins and Mrs. Oscar
Hodgins were hostesses for a
four table euchre at the Coursey
School. First prize winners were
Mrs. Allah Ryan and Mr. Tom
Coursey; second prize, Mrs. Guy
Ryan and Mr. George Hodgins;
lucky chair prize, Mr, Allan
Ryan. •
The next euchre will be Fri-
day, Jan. 17, with Mrs. Charles
Grose and Mrs. Lawrence Hodg-
ins as hostesses.
Y.P.U, News
The members of the Lucan-
Clandeboye Y.P.U. and their
friends spent a social evening
and dance in the Anglican Parish
Hall last Thursday.
The regular Sunday evening
service was held in the Clande-
boye United Church, January 5,
with Marjorie Sovereign's Faith
and Evangelism commission in
charge. Beverley Butler tread
the Scripture lesson and Jean-
nette Blake the prayers. The
guest speaker was the Rev. E.
M. Cook, former pastor, who
spoke on faith.
The executive of the London
Young People's Presbytery will
have charge of the January 19
Meeting in the Lucan United
Lucan Children Go• Flying
Eleven -year-old Nancy Haskett
and seven-year-old Billie, chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence,
Haskett, have returned from a
thrilling plane trip to Cleveland
with their aunt, Miss Angela
Armitt, of London, who spent
several days there shopping.
Nancy flew to Florida last year
but this was Billie's first trip.
Pentecostal Young People
A splendid group of • young'
people attended the watch -night
service in the church New
Year's. Eve, after which they
were entertained at a buffet fel-
lowship luncheon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Meine Eizenzafol-
lowed by music and games.
Last Friday night two car
loads of young people enter-
tained at the Huron County Home
at Clinton and on Sunday night
Mr. Jack Eizenza, Misses Tena
and. Margaret Eizenza, Velma
Birch and Audrey Ganonsang
over the air from the Pentecos-
tal Holiness Church in London.
59th Wadding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram E. Thomp-
son celebrated their fifty-fifth
weddiing anniversary in their
farm home, concession 2, Mc-
Gillivray, when 47 nephews,
nieces arid their families joined
to extend congratulations and
goodwishes and to present them
With flowers.
Mr, and Mrs. Thompson were
married in the Lucan pasonage
Icy the Rev. John Ayerast, Dec.
24, 1902.
The bride was the former
Elizabeth Hotson, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hot-
son. The groom is the son ofihe
late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Thomp-
son. They were attended. by
Miss Isabel Hbtsen, later Mrs.
J. Morgan, and Mr. Leroy Dor-
man both 'deceased.
After a reception at the home
of'Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Thomp-
son, they went by horse and
buggy to thein present residence
t0 do the evening chores, and
never did have a honeymoon. and girls of Whalen, Mr, and
`!'hough nephews now operate Mrs. William Cann and Mr. and
their farm, Mr, and Mrs. Thome-: Mrs, Robert Cann and Ray of
son are in splendid health after ; Them cs Road.
a lift- of activity. Besides Perin- Mr. Jim Etherintton, student
'ung Mr. Thoitipson was an agent I at Western University, London,
for featilizer and insu.r.ante. Ile'avid I(ennetlt Moir, teacher at
served on the township tounell' Kitehener, have returned to their
for years and locked after. reads; duties after seceding the Boli-
Mid bridges. ' days with their parents and
Anglican Church fa Hite.
There was special music at Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Oke and
the Morning iiiii8 service by the Ai- family visited cluring tine holit
MO choir, clays with Mrs. Oke's parents,
At the evening service the tra- Mr, and Mrs, G. S. Dettmer
ditional.nine lesson carol service and members of. her fxtnily at
was held, with the their pro- I(Moncnlav evening guests with
v idin g g its' e.
Readers were Steve Davis, ,aiid Mrs. Carman Cann,
Mr. Leonard Pedder.- Mr, Clare 15enns� andd i hyllis were Rev,
Paton, (St, Jaynes Church),Mr.George and. Mrs. Lamont, Eliza.
Roscoe Hodgins, Mr. Clare State
and .Toho of. Mitchell and
ley (ward)
e k-R.ev J. P. Prest, fama d Alis. Harry Strang and
, 1r" W, 1fovey (Sunday
MSSMrs.1 Ether.
Sehool) and Mr. Merton Cul• , Mr, and Richard d ..then
bort, Archie
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Btherington and boys in
Pim *lona 1 Gflrth ' London with Mr, and Mrs. Harry
test F'riday's' Young People's Thar.
meeting was in charge of Miss Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Dunn
Velma Bueh and took the Thiene With Mr. and ..airs, George Dunn
of a .radio brtadcast froth L Y`:ea» at, Centralia.
» � Down, Mi.. and
1e S6
Mr. F'ran'k i1 ,
(Ltican s �toufl>f pabp s
ciety),,, Mrs. Clarence bowie, Robert
Ota Sunday night A r umber of and 1-! len with Mr. and Mrs.
the goring people went to L611- AIvie ri, nt Of Exeter.
den attii•1 took part in ..the radio Miss Marion Gill of Grand
hteadea*t front the Pentecostal Bend spent „several Jaya with
llbliiiest eliurch 'there. Miss Reim Dowii.
painful accident which sent him
to St. Joseph's Hospital with
third degree burns.
Mr, Krober, an employee of
the Exeello Co., Landon, was
working with a blow torch when
a spark ignited his clothing. A
fellow worker noticed the fire
but before the fire could be put
out Mr, Krobet was badly
burned, Latest reports are that
he is improving.
Miss T. Powe, 68
Dies.In Michigan
Miss Theresa Powe, 68, for-
merly of Biddulph Township,
passed away in Northville,
Michigan, on Saturday, Jan. 4.
She lay at rest in the C, Haskett
and Son funeral home, Lucan,
till 9:30 a,m., Tuesday, when she
was taken to eSt. Patrick's
Church, Biddulph, for Requiem
High Mass at 10 a.m., with the
Rev. Father J. A. Machesy offi-
ciating. Interment was in the
adjoining cemetery.
Pallbearers were William Me-
Ilhargey, Anthony Lampier,
James Blake, William Heenan,
Joseph Grace, Jr,, and William
Deman. -
Miss Powe was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Airs. Michael
Powe, of Biddulph. Forty-eight
years ago she went to the United
States to work.
She is survived by two sisters,
Mrs. William Peltier, of Chat-
ham, and. Mrs, Christina Regan,
of London, and one brother,
Michael Powe, of Biddulph
Masonic Ledge •
Installs Officers.
At a meeting in the Masonic
Hall, Lucan, Dec. 27, Very, Wor-
shipful,Brother D. E. Chown in-
stalled the officer's of Irving
Masonic Lodge 154 for '1958.
W.M. is Wor, Bro. H. A,
Chown; I.M.P'., Wor, Bro. 0, P.
Corbett; S.W., Bro. A. F. Mc-
Lean; J.W„ Bro. E. R. Hodgins;
chaplain, V, Wor. Bro. D. E.
Chown; secretary, Wor. Bro. J.
C. Murdy; D. of C., Wor. Bro.
C,, B. Culbert; treasurer, Bro,
U. F. Stanley; S.D.,, Bro. C, E.
Robb; J.D., Bro. W. R, McFalls;
LG., Bro, H. Cartwright; S.S.,
Bro. ,T. M, Murray; J'.S., Bro. A.
G. Jaokson; tyler, Bro. Calvin
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Corbett
with Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Orr
and family . of Parkhill for New
Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Whyte
and fancily with Mr. ,and Mrs.
Eric Armstrong at Peter's Cor-
ners for Christmas and with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whyte, Both-
well., for New Years.
Courses in copper tooling and'.
in aluminum etching are com-
mencing Monday night promptly
at 8 p.m., in the Lucan • Com-
munity Memorial Area.
New Year's Visitors
Mr, and Mrs.. Frayne Parsons,
Murray and Margaret, with. Mr.
and Mrs. Abner Passmore,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd 'Reynolds,
Shirley and Robert itT Exeter
with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rey-
• Mr, and Mrs. Ross Oke and
fancily with Mr. and Mrs,
Rheiny Heckman and family at
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore
and Alvin with Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Perkins.
With Mr. and Mrs. Carman
Cann, Phyllis and Dennis were
Mr. Anton Miller of Clandeboye,
Mr, and 'Mrs, Gordon Johnson
Mrs, L. Gibson
Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Louis Gibson, 73, the for-
mer Mabel O. Elliott died sud-
denly at her borne Concession 13,
London Township on Saturday,
December 28, She lay at rest in
the C. Haskett and Son funeral
home, Lucan till 2 pan., Tues-
day December 31, when the Rev.
George Simpson, Centenary Uni-
ted Church,London, conducted
funeral services. Interment was
in Siloam cemetery,
Pallbearers were Blake Gib-
son, Dick Elliott, •Stanley Elliott,
Clare Campbell, Gerald Gibson,
and Dalton Albrecht.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Louis Gibson, one son,
Murray, of London Township,
two brothers, Roy Elliott of Re-
gina, Stanley Elliott of Port Mc-
Leod Alberta and two grand-
Baptism And Luncheon
On Sunday afternoon, Decem-
ber 29, Rev. J, P', Prest bap-
tized Elizabeth Mary Bromwick,
small daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. ,W. Bromwick, at Holy Trin-
ity Church. Godparents were
Mrs. Gerald Lewis, Mrs, Edward
Newhook and Mr. Clare Stan.
Other guests at the buffet
luncheon which followed included
Mrs. H. S. Stanley, Air, Gerald
Lewis and family, Mrs. T. C,
McFarlane, Mr. U. F. Stanley,
Miss Marie Stanley, Mrs. Clare
Stanley and family, all of Lu -
can, and Mr, and Mrs. 14. Brom-
ick and Mr. Edward Newhook
of London,
New Years' Dance
For the fourth consecutive
year the Auxiliary to the Legion
has sponsored a New Years'
dance in the Community '.Me-
morial Centre, Each year it
grows bigger and better and this
year was no exception.
Wed Thirty-five Years
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Stan;
ley who were married by, the
Rev. Arthur Kellum at Thorn -
dale 35 years ago, celebrated
on Friday, December 27 with a
family dinner.
Mrs. Stanley was the former
Jennie Fitzgerald.
The couple have six children,
Mrs. Verne (Shirley) Towers of
Glencot, Mrs. George (Mina)
Adams of Birr, Miss Jean Stan-
ley and John Stanley of Toron-
to, Miss Joan Stanley 6! Bramp-
ton and Mr, George Stanley,
Other guests beside their im-
mediate family included Mr. and
Mrs. Horner Fitzgerald of De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitz-
gerald of Thorndale, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce German, Mrs. Aud-
rey Kelly and Mrs. Arthur Dus-
ton all of St. George, Mrs. Fred
Featherstone of London, Mr..
and Mrs. Revington Stanley of
Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Stanley of London Township.
New 'Year Visitors
Mr. and :Mrs. Gerald Lewis-
ewisand family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Lewis and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Lewis and family with
Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Lewis for
Boxing Day:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizenga
and family with Rev. and Mrs.
J. A. Graham of Milton.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire
and family of Scotland, Mr. ,and
Mrs, Jim Mugford, Pt. Credit,
Mr. Billy Abbott of Niagara
Falls, Miss Doris Wood of Oak-
ville and Mr. and Mrs, Don Ab-
bott and family, with Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Abbott for Christ-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanley
with Miss Lina Abbott Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and
family of Kitchener, the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Will Has-
kett, Barbara and. Bobby re-
maining over for some holidays.
Native Of Lucan Retires
Mr, T. Roy Osborne' born in.
Lucan, who has been publisher
of The Medicine Hat News since
1942, retired on New Years Day.
He joined the News as circula-
tion manager after it changed
from a weekly to a daily news-
paper, He served in World War
I and II.
He was past president of the
Hat Cancer Society,
and a vice president of the Can-
adian Cancer Society, Albeeta
Division. During his school days
he worked on the Listowel Ban-
ner. He joined the Medicine Hat
News in 1912,
Haliday Visitors
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Squires
of Prospect Hill, Mr, and Mrs.
George Davis of. Exeter and
Mr. 'Theron ,L'reery 'of Wood•
hath last Sunday with Mrs. War-
ner McRoberts,
Mrs, Warner McRoberts, New
Years with her sister, Mrs Mac
Lomond and family, of Crete-
Mr. and Airs, 'Clayton Has-
kott gild family with Mr, and
Mis. Ii: B. 'McFalls,
Mr, and Airs. Ben Wilcox of
Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Morley for a kw days.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Dutier
Ji'. and fainily with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Atehesoti of Atwood.
Mrs. Irene 'Coursey arid, Miss
I elrene of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ford and. Robert of Do -
troll, and Mrs, Ada Jennings. of
Parkhill with Mr and: Mrs, Met -
rill Edwards, London.
Mr, and Mrs Stewart Park
end family of Petrolia. Mr, and
Mrs, Sohn Park and fancily,
Rev, Edgar Roulston of Luean,
Mr., and Mrs. Clinton Haskett
of Birr and Mrs.. ting Hedging
of London with r, and Mrs.
H, 11, Langford for, New Years.
Mw, and Mrs. ob Colema>of Luean, Mr. and Mrs, Al!.f
Dickins of London with • Alrs,
Frank Coatea of Exeter orf Thurs-
Personal Items
ll ass Gertrude Fient, B.N. of seph, ,of: Chatham, with Mr. and
Joseph's. Hospital, 15 on the Mrs. ,1,E Conlin.
sick list at 'the home of her sis- Mr- and Mrs. Art Black and
ter, Mrs. U. F. Stanley. • family spent a few days In Osh
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibso11.
and family have all been wider
the doctor's care with severe
Cecil Hodgins, a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital, following an
auto accident last Saturday
morning, was able to be brought
home a uesday evening though
still suffering !lona shock,
Miss Rose Marie Robb, of De -
trout, recently spent se veral 1
days with her parents, Mr, and
Airs. Cecil Robb, of Elgiiifield,
Mr. Harold Hunter, of Detroit,
is spending a few days with Mr,
and Mrs. John Casey.
Airs, Clarence Haskett and
family and
Mrs. ill liaskett
spent Sunday in Kitchener,
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Cook, taking home Barbara and
Bobby Cook, who bad been holi-
daying here,
After several week's illness in
St, Joseph's Hospital, Mrs.
Charles McCallum, of Ailsa
Craig, speht 10, days with her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Sove-
reign and Mr, Sovereign,..
Messrs, Glen Revington and
Clinton Hodgins are spending a
month in Orlando, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs, James Avery,
who have been living at Cen-
tralia, have returned to Luean
and are now living in 'an apart-
ment above the Shamrock Gar-
den Restaurant. Mr, Avery is
again working for Mr. Clarence
Sharyn, Judy, Pauline and
Wendy Weir, children of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Weir, London,
spent a few days vacation with
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls,
Holiday Visitors
Mr, and Mrs, H. Bromwich,
of London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Al Bromwich, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Alyeas,
of Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Ribson, on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Noels and
family, of Springfield, and Mrs.
William Dickins with Mr, and
Mrs. Morris McDonald and
family on. Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Hedden
with Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Hedden
and family.
Rev, E. C. Attwell and family,
df Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe
Hodgins and family arid Mr. C.
Pattison, of Lucan, with Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Ashworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls
with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Weir,
London, for Christmas, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey McFalls for
New Years.-
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earle, nee
Shirley Hodgins, are happy to
announce the birth of a son in
Woodstock Hospital, Jan, 2, a
brother for Larry,'Marie and
Mr. Milton Rokinson was a
•New Year's Eve guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins.
With Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wel-
ler and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Lukings and son, . Herbert,
of Wilton Grove, Mr. and Mrs.
Les Clarke and Miss Sharon cot -
ten, of London.
Mrs. Anne Blonde and son, Jo -
awe, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. kzarroWcleugh,
Mr. and Mrs., EverettGagnon
and family of Willowdale with
!Rev. and Mrs, Fred. Thomson
and family last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drennan
and -family with Mr. and' Mrs.
Lloyd Shoel ottom for Christ-
inas and had as Saturday guests
Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Talbot of
London and Mr. and Mrs, Dave
:Linney of Windsor, ,
Mr. and Mrs, Tas. Hodgins,
a few days with Afr, and Mrs,
Pat Daley and Mr.. and Mrs.
Bernard Kerte of London,.
Mr. and Mrs, -Charles
eett and family with Mr, and
Mrs. Ronald Stoner of Thedford
for New Years.
With Mr, and Mrs, Evan Hod-
gins and family • for New `'Rears,.
Mrs, :Walter. k'ltzsipinions,• Mr.
Ed, Fitzsimmons, Joan and
Eleanor, Mrs. Agnes Ashwell
and Tommy all of Thorndale,
Mrs, Robert Wood, Pt. Elgin,
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Robinson,
London and Mr, Eric Hodgins,
Coursey Line.
Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Finlay-
son and son, Terry, of London
with. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Robb.
Air. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins
and family were Christmas
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed,
Fitzsimmons of Thorndale.
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Reilly
spent a few days vacation with
Mr. and Mrs, Earl D. Heist at
Ridgeville, i
Mrs. Frank Coates and. Mrs,
Richard Dickins of Exeter with
Mr. and Mra, Bob Colertiart last
P.Ilr$ui ltenls,
carol WU:aogene 0f :London
And Carla Revington of Moores-
ville spent Haft ..4f their vacs.
tion with Mi and Mrs. Sheri
dan Revington and family.
Mr, frank Campbell of Blyth,
Fuller brush man,.has replaced
Mr: at kion Pines 1-laApperleyven,.and is stay.
Guests of Messrs; A. and Scott
Garrett for New Years: Mr. and
Mrs, W, W. Garrett and family
of Edgewood and Mr. And Mrs.
Bob. Coleman; of Lucan.
Schedule •
zprleh 'v'e. iiuciln
—L Skating Oats
122�O,1.s30 ucgn SktS C.0► ..
Minor liocker;.
1410 --Pee Weer—Merton
'1ti eer—ltdcrton
vr, Align Craig
2;30—lianIant—Lnenn Tip,
Anna Craig,
3;30—roe Vee—London Y�r
Luenn Pee Wee
7200—i111dget--Stiruin Ts,
8;1.5-10;00—Pubiie. Skating
020042;00-11MGCLAit '1VLrrlliLX
'eaturldi c Canadian.
1'I11u11111u1111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111,11 IIII11111111111111111111n Viral lllu11i11111111111TIn11n1,11U,
S. W. LAKE •
London, Ontarie
Cash Buyer Wants to purchase a' 150 to 200 acre farm.
Must be good farm, with good buildings.
Farms Wanted Far Spring ---SO, 100 and 200 acre fawns are
needed for spring. If you have one to sell, contact— •
Phone 151 - Parkhill
111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 111111111111111 11111111II 111111lll111111111,11111111111111111111111111111110.
111111111uu111111111111111nu1111111,111111glll 111111"11111111,11111,IIlI1111111111111111,•
Kings 8:57.60 •
The Blessing Supplicated:
"The Lord our God be with us . . 2I
The Evil Deprecated:
"Let Him not leave us nor forsake us , , ."
The Result Desired—two-fold:
"That He may incline our
His Ways . • ,"
"That all people . , . may
is God."
heart' to Him, and
know that the Lord
i11O1i1111i1111111111/111\ .
1 Y ee ,
'e Made
You Get The
Our year-end inventory _shows we bought
too much stock. Out it goes at cost!
DESK SETS $2.65,
Reg, $3,98
$3195 Reg. $4,95 ,,;,...,,,.,
6 Choices of Nibs $195
Reg.$ $ 2.49, Now Only
Handsome leather edges, $4OO
i .
felt base, Re $ 7,00,pow .
With non -slip cushion
underneath •
h2.00 , ,12-in,,,1,1,1. $1.50
, Reg.$
18 -inch, Reg, $2.80 ..,;,11,,,,, $1.899
Cut as much' as One half,
Only a few
bones left 39 c to $379
Fits new -type telepif ones,
handy for home or office
Reg. $1,75 ,,,,,
Reg, 15¢ ,,...,.,...... „,,,,,.,,...IDC
v'ai'iaus sizes and binding ,....... 1 C
R. $x.95 ,
N.. er. needs filling,'bins
Never J
sheets without staples$1�p5
Reg. $4,95 ,. ,,. , ... ,, ,
Reduced fro i $2,75 to ...,.,
4- and 5 -tray legal and letter size
Reg $. $7.50 $4.95
1j 7e5itoR 10.8Uto
Reg. $ ..
Reg, $1.00 (8-incll) ..;#,,.,,.1„1,,.,.,,.
55cReg, $i,lo (10•lllch) .,,,,,,11,1,,,...
Ball points, Reg. 49 •...:. .
.stary Card rile.
Re 1 �`Q•95 ,.�, ..,, ,..,.
+ , 1
4 4
Ther� Times A vocate
PHONt )y0