HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-09, Page 115111,
Improve Scnoo_,'OUSO l'AnOtinCeMentS Army 'Lamp Families
At $S N ,BiddU.l ..,TH, P311
,c4rond Bend Homes
A restoration of the Interior David zed W 1 t r and Irs c
aehoolhouse No. is un•-
fler way. .aew farnace 40-
ing. installed *and A neW floor
lad during the. ,Christmas holi-
days. A new fenee- was also
ballt Amin* the ;mends .and
,painted thia year.
Ney Year )(IOW;
Alia And Airs. .Chris Fischer
with Mr., And :i's. Lloyd' Thai-
cr, Exeter.
Mr. :awl Airs. George Meal's
and JoYee, Ur. Ana Airs. Ross
AlcFalls and David with Mr. :and
Mra. Hugh Davie.
Mr, Gordon ()Ice, grille and
littrondele, Mr. and Airs.
Herman Atkinaon and family
tvith Mr.' and Aire, Charles At-
Mr. .and Mrs, Bob Blair and
gIrts m London with. Air. .and
Mrs. Don Blair.
Mr. and Airs. John McAllister
ad boys, accompanied by Alr.
and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Exeter,
with Mr. and Mrs, Ron Den-
ham, Kirkton,
Mrs. Ella Merch, Air. and.
Mrs. Harold Bell anti .Cara Ann,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and
Floyd, Air. and Mrs. Ross Skin-
ner 411t1 amity, Air, Howard
• all of Elimville, Air, and
Mrs. Norman .Jaques and
Zion, Mr. rad Mrs. Bill Alm..
ley and familY, Whalen, and Mr.
and Mes. Don Parsons and Susij
o Henaall, with Air.' and Mrs.
Sam Skinner.
Air, and Mrs, Les Gibson, Exe'.
ter. with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Air. and Mrs, Leo Flannigan
accompanied by Mrs. Ellen Flan-
nigan, (London spent -Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Blair,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison,
London, spent the weekend with
the. latter's mother, Mrs, ;Jessie
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Davis,
Michael and Heather w.ere Sun-
day guests, vih the latter's. par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Me -
Word has been received from
Czechoslovakia that 111r5, John
Spacela is in poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. AL H. Elston
were guests of Mrs, Bob Elston
and family, St, Marys, on Sun-
day, They visited on New Year's
with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Fret] Davis, who bas been con-
fined to bed for several montbs.
'Personal Items .
31r, and Mrs. Jack Coates And
Kenneth attended a Christmas
gathering at • the home of the
latter's parents, Mr, and Airs.
Andrew Dougall, Hensall, on
Saturday evening, and spent
Christmas Day with Miss Verna
Coates, Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston,
were guests of Rev. N. D. and
Mrs. Knox on Christmas Day.
Y 0 en- u 4"r6
announce the birth -of et. ilaug'i
ter, (Ian, Ann, at South littra
hospital, January a, 1038 -
slater tor Latina.
-eYa 400- 4 Illualiler of their
fileads o Sunday. They were
Bobby Grayer, :Phillip lienweed,
Barbara. David 'and Garry Ails
,alrew All a Centralia, Dianne.
Anions, Msg. Craig, Also Wendy
and Billy Hudson, Ballymote.
Miss Marion Norman Or Inger-
soll is holidaying: will) nor aunt
and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
•Cbristilias visitors with Mr.
and Mrs., Leonard Smith and
fahaily were Mr. and Mrs, 'Clan
ence Smith. and Air. and AirS,
Lorne Hodgins, Leis 411d Drina.
Christine visitors with. Mr.
and Airs. Orville Laegford arid
Mrs. Frank Langford were: Air,
and Mrs. Roy O'Neil and family
oa Denfield, Mr. Ross McRoberts
and gra. Eldon McRoberts ..of
Linen, Alr, and Mrs. Arthur
Hera and family of Toronto and
Xr. and Mrs, David Morley of
Ailsa Craig.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Airs. ,Orville Langford were Air.
and Mrs, Leonard Thacker and
.family of, Woodham, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Pattisco, Woodhamaaid Alr. and Mrs. Percy Hod-
gins and family of Granton.
Christmas visitors with Mrs.
Role Lewis were Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Johnston and family of
Ailsa Craig and Mr., and Mrs.
Roy liarribon of London.
Mr. and Airs, Dean Gibson
visited over the Christmas holi.
day with Mr. Gibson' s relatives
at Wroxeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson en-
tertained an their home on Sat-
urday evening friends from. Lon-
don, Windsor and Wilton Grove.
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Isaac
sent Christmas with Mrs, Is.
aac s parents at Kincardine.
Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Fischer were
Air. and Airs. Tommy Thomp•
son and family, Mr. and Mrs,
'Lloyd Stanlake and family, Miss
Joyce Fischer, Air. Bill Fischer
and Miss .Seigler all of London
, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fischer
and boys of Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs, Ross McFalls
and David w e r.e Christmas
guests of Air, and Mrs. Charles
Tindall of London.
M. and Mrs, Boss Means
and David, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Davis and- family were guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tin-
dall,. Mt. Brydges on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs.- Allan Elston
were guests of Sgt. and Mrs. D.
Grayer at a Christmas party at
their home, Centralia, on Satur-
day evening.
In 1939 Canadians paid $46,--
037,205 in individual income
taxes; in 1949, $762,563,516; in
1956 $1,288,099,725.
• wee. 'WM.
e)e. VOMM.1•1% •VM., x.s:14A\ `1s,
An important message from the Ontario Department of Transport
When you apply
for 1958 licence plates ...
ONTARIO Cigii I 9 5 8
bog Akf AOF
ONTARIO ciii? l 9 5 8 ,
0 I 2 e 345
• ,you must show proof of
Liability Insurance*... .
This certifies that
steepest i et ts etentivoiatest 1.'00 ii0
D itity tot
'V V1,1 gigitroaMetortgAcVgial
et. triTttli.ii
or pay $5.00 EXTRA
into the 'Unsatisfied Judgment Fund
if you clar
not hove
this Liability ks
phone your
company or
agent today. kt
Nete's why: The additional 85.00 fee to be paid by mototiets
without Liability coverage is made necessary because of the
new inereased inaXinitun payineets aveilable from the a.
Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. The Fund was established by q
the GoVeenment te lielp.pay judgments arising out of acci- • '
dents ievolving uninsured motor vehicles. Drives bf such
vehiclemust repay the full amount tif the judgment. tat \
the Fund.
lf you do not hove Liability insuronee,,and Are involved in ah
actident, you could leae everything you own, Should a
judgment be made against you, and you do not have Liability
insurance or other Means of meeting it, you eould lose your
home, your motor vehicle, yout savings and a lane at of
your future earnings to meet the judgment,
. 0
*tlAlliLITY INStlieNet I,c your,p roteotion figetinst
legal: obt.tgations eri,ling rniit aceidenis. iit.
notoinie injury, death Or Osage to property
. of others. A polity for First Moth tool Collides it
igoOt Liability insurance.
Th ittiditio441.$5.00 paymeht is NOP
a Saba/tale fir Liab.ility Insuraned k 1
tee yetir imamate teittiOttny titlenl today end' Melte tufo
yea) hovetkibiiil Iniettinte odydurv�hide
J1ADIATIIER - Donna and Bob
liamather, Dash went!, emu/time
the birth of a daughter, Cattle -
rine Anne (Cathy) at South
Huron ai ()spite I, January 2,
'HA YTER-Mr. an(1 elm T. Harry
Hayter, of Dash wood, annottnre
the 'hleth of a eon at South
Huron Horipital, Januare 4.
1955-A brother for Joanne and
LAVENDEtt :Jack and 3 nYe
Lavender, leseeall, are tlaPPY in
a00011 the birth of their fan'',
Join) Braeley, weight 5 lbs
A namber of the army fanlille
moved into town over the Pas
I few days. Some of the familie
had been on leave Since return.
, nig front Germany, but reported
for day on No/Way at Inner -
wash Camp. Neatly eVerY
I Able reSldenee in town is being
` occupied by the serviee Men.
elebrate 4651) ,Anniversery
r Air. and Airs. -Gus Latta vele
Air. and .Aira. John Allister a:
s Hamilton ealled on 'Air. and Mrs.
W. J. Holt -on :Sander,.
ibrated their .56th wedding, anni.
e Yeller)/ on Friday, when friends
and relatives of the distriet call
ed upon them to offer congrat-
ulations anti good wishes. itir
and Mrs. John Lovie, Alr. and
Aire. George, Latta ad 50115
RAYMOnd and Ronald, and their
sOn, Erwin, a Waterloo vele.
tinted the daY with Mr. and
Mrs. Latta,
- fractures Le9
Sharon Jennison fell on Fri-
day and fractured her right leg
in two places while skating near
Mr, Harry Hamilton's residence.
Airs. Hamilton assisted in bring-
ing Sharon to her home and at
(ending to her with Mrs. ;Jenni-
son till the doctor arrived when
ozs.ft1 Clinton linseital,
December '31, 1557 - a brother
for Brenda.
LOVIE-Carman and Verna Lovie,
it.rt. a Parkhill, announce the
birth of a on, 'Randall James,
(Raney) at South Huron 1100^
plot, :tannery 2, 1958-e. bra -
1 her Lir four boys -first New
"Year baby at South huron hos
PARKER. - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
'Parker, of Exeter, announee the
.birth of a (laughter. leimberleY
Marie, at South Huron Ho/mita!
Janbary 5, 155F - sister fent
Michael anti Patty .S.nne.
P.ITT-Mr. and Mrs, William Pitt
(nee elary Snel1 e London, are
11/WY le annottnre the arrival
of their son, Barry Stewart. a
St. Joseph's Hospital, Londoi
December 31, 10e7.
saaainer,e-air. and 5trs..15. N4
Sanders, 11.11. 1 Hay, announe
the birth n ettughter at Sole
Huron Hospital, January 3, 155
--a granddaughter for elr. an
Mrs. :Robert Sanders,
STEINER - Tsjr,and Mrs. T
Steiner announce the birth n
their ,daughter, Christina Caro
lees at Methodist llospita,
Gary, Indiana, December 30
1917 - a sister for Richard
Vicki and Susan,
'W 1 LSON-Al le 50(1Sirs. Roas 1S- I I
son, '457 Algonquin Dr.'I1C.AT
Centralia, 000 110P the birth o
a eon. Murray Carneron,
South Huron Hospital, Januar
4, 1555-a brother tor Lawri
and Scotty.
The family of the late Cedri
E. Shaw wish to extend thei
beartfelt thanks to all those wh
expressed their sympathy in • so
many thoughtful ways during
their recent bereavement, 'rout
.kinclnesses have meant much to
tlrace and :Howard Pym wlt
to sincerely thane their friends
and neighbours who helped in
any way at the time of the fire
those who assisted in cleaning
tip the riehas and making ae
eommodation for the (tattle, an(
also for the many ot her hied.
*lessee too utunerous 10
I wish to titanic everyone foi
their visits, cards, flowers and
many kind deeds during my re-
cent iliness, Your thoUghfulnese
will always be remembered. -
Katherine Is:1911, 5*
To all our neighbours, friends
and relatives, we take this op-
Portitnite of expressing' sincere
thanks for the lovely flolai tri-
butes anti messages of syntapiley
in our recent sad bereavement;
special 1 hanks to the mimes of
South .Llt,roio 1(1-10. 710,1/Li:ie. 33.Taliely).e at iD.
flower bearers, Bonthron Fuueral
Chapel and all those who helped
in any way -our grateful thanks.
- Edgar MeQueen, Dorothy anh
Paul, /1Iva and Edison. 9.*
Roy ela.son wisbee to 1 lia»k hie
friends and l'elallves who helped
in any way; also for flowers,
cards, treats and visits while a
patient in St, Josentee HosPilal
and since returning home, 0e
wish to thank all my rela.
Lives and friends who remember-
ed me with cares, flowers, treats
and visite while e 'was a 'patient
,at St. Joseph's :Hospital, London.
-Marian Rader. Inc
ehirley 'NV u rm wishes to sin-
cerely thank everyone for cares,
treats and visite wbile, a patient
In South Huron Hospital:- sne(tiai
thanks to Dr. Eckel*, Miss Clay --
pole and nursing staff. 0.
,t; she was removed to South Huron
Hospital till Sunday when she
a was released and brought borne.
e Sharon is now wearing a cast
h on her leg.
s .
d ' Women's Guild ,
. I, . .
The regular monthly meeting
r of St. John's -by -the -Lake Wont-
- en's Guild was held on Monday
I` I evening at the home of Airs, H.
' 1 Bossenberry, with the president,
(Mrs. Bossenberry, in the chair.
- I The final returns of the bazaar
e ; were given, which showed over
c. I $89 realized,
y ) The members voted $100 to be
e handed over for the church
Ibudget, and $15 to •the Dorcas
secretary, Mrs. Rendle, for ma-
terial for sewing and knitting for
e the bale, to be sent to the hospi-
• tal in Pangnirtung, Manitoba.
1 R was planned to hold a en-
. , clue party in -the town hall on
• 1Thursday evening, January 23.
*1 Tbe next meeting of the Guild
will be held at the home of Mrs.
'Lloyd Baker, on February 3. It
, was planned to have two other
` • IllerelberS than the hostess to
. I provide the lunch.
1 Personal Items
• Mr. Kenneth Young has been
released from Si. Joseph's Hos-
pital and is home again.
Mr. William Love is able to
be around again after his recent
illness over the holidays.
Airs. Horace Lake is visiting
-1 with Mrs. Rose Meddle in Ailsa
Craig this week.
Weekend visitors with Mr: and
Mrs. P. Present were Mr. 'and
I Mrs. E. Williams of London and
,Air. and Mrs, C. Faust of Mitch-
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bossen-
berry and family spent New
Years with relatives in Hensall.
Miss Brenda Brenner, who is
employed in a hairdressing salon
in Sarnia, spent the weekend at
her home' in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Elliott
of Sarnia visited with Miss Mary
Yeo and other friends in town
on Sunday.
Mr. Joseph Gascho of Zurich
aspent Sunday with his sister,
Mrs. Mary itavalle.
Air. and Mrs. Elmer Webb and
Mr: and Airs. Henry Green left
on Monday morning to spend a
few weeks in Florida.
Cpl. and Airs. N. Chamberlain
had as guests on New Years
Day, Mr. Chamberlain's parents
from Arkona. While there Mrs.
Chamberlain Sr. suffered a heart
attack, and after resting for
some hours was able to be ae-
moved toher home in an am-
Atr. and Mrs, Lawrence John -
San and daughters, Neva and
NaneY, spent New Years Day
with Air. and Mrs, Wilson Sadler
at Sylvan.
Miss Phyllis Bluett and Mrs.
E. Thurston of Woodstock spent
the weekend at their cottage
T, 'tele)/ to thank all those who.
helped in any way at the time.
of tI,e fire. Spada( thanks to
ncme Centralia fire brigade, -
Jack :Reeder, 5*
I wish io thank: the rad epayers
nt the Township of :Elltidulph and
the. 'Village of Granton In elect-
ing' me as Councillor. - Joseph
would like to thank my
friends and relatives who BO
kindly remembered me with cards
and flowers while a patient In
South Huron llospltal.-alrs. Wil-
liam et/aloe. Do
I wish to express my eincere
thanks to relatives, friends and
neighbors for cards, boxes of
fruit, randy and plants sent to
me.; also to 'those who vititee
me while I was a patient in
South Huron, Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Gans, Rev': Snell,
11 ay. Down, Miss Claypole and
the staff of nurses. It waa all
deeply appreciated, - Mrs. le.
Keyes. 9,
Mr, Garnet Cr/emelt wishee lo
thank th0 ueighbors, relatives
and friends- who so kindly re-
membered him With cards, treats,
flowere a.nd visits while a patient
in St. goseph:,s Hospital, London.
Mrs. Freeman elorlock wishes
to express her sincere thanks to
relatives, ueighboure; frlende, S.S.
elas, Leeks' .eid and W.S.W.S,
and Women's Institute for flow-
ers, cards and treats while a
patient In South Huron }respite I,
Exeter, and since returning home.
13111)FO1ID-I3a loving 'memory of
our clear Mother who passed
away three years ago, January
11 195;
The 5(58 are ewiftly pasetrig,
Put stilt we don't forget.
For in the )beats of those who
loved you
Sweet memories linger yet.
-Ever remembered by 'Valerie
and Evelyn and familiee. D• loving memory of
a dear husband, father, and
grandte her. G 0 0 r go Merril in.
who paesee away January 14,
Two YPara have slioped by,
But loving indmories keep
You very near.
-LovIngly remembered by hie
wife Minnie and family, 9*
SellT11-1 n loving memory of a
dear. father, John C. Smith,
who passed away niee years
ago, Jeuttary 11, 1049.
Gene, deer (artier, gone forever,
How we miss your emiling race,
;But you left. 08 to remember,
None on rarth can take •your
A. happy brute we once enjoyed,
How sweet the memory 51 111;
But deetli has left a lenellness
Ttie. world ettri 11001'
-A w ye remembe r d hy3130
faintly, 0*
You are an UNINSURM MOTORIST if you
do not have auto liability insurance when you apply
for your 1058 licence plates—and you will have to
pay $5.00 extra. Your $5.08 will be put to better
Use if invested 111
For helpful information about auto liability
insurance, please call me!
1105.S. W. FRANCIS.
."YourtbitiO iftprallet Agent"
PHONE 34441 Kig.torat R.R„ 1 KIRKTON
C1,60eratois Insurance
iho dmoto Armory 9,
Airs. L. Mason and Diane,
Airs. Il. Pfile And Mrs, E. Neown
visited the Lambton County Li-
brary in Wyoming and,: also visit-
ed in Watford on Friday.
Alm Carol, Kachng spent New
Years Day with ber parentsand
brother, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred
Next Sunday morning emu -
minutia service will he conduct.
ed at the United Chorcla The
annual meeting -of the .congrega-
110i1 will be 'held nn. WedneadaY,
evening, January 15. •
Mr. and Airs. Elmer Desjar-
dine, accompanied by Mrs.
Amelia Peajardine„ spent their
Christmas vacation in Winnipeg,
'where they vieited 'the former's
-sisters. Mrs. Lena Stebbins, and
Airs. Edward Vincent, and other
relatives. Before returning home
the weather was 28 degrees be.
low zero.
Air, and Airs. Alert Thompson
spent the New Year's holiday
with their family in Windsor.
The Grand Bend Legion moved
into its new location. on Monday
evening, after conducting their
last meeting in the old hall,
The .auxiliary to the :Legion
will hold their next regular
meeting on Jtionday evening.
January 13. Will the members
Please take note that the Meet-
ing will be held in the new Le-
gion Hall.
This Week in
Mrs, Tames Barker held a
miscellaneous shower for Marine
Dale, London bride -elect of Jan.
IL when some 25 guests were
entertained . little Nancy
Hardy, tap dancer, and a con-
test by Mrs, Clarence Hardy,
Mrs. Merton Culbert and Mrs,
Earl Greenlee assisted the bride
with her gifts. She thanked all
present and the hostess served
lunch assisted by several ladies,
Personal Items
The congregational supper
and vestry Meeting for the mem-
bers of St. Patriek's church is
planned for the evening of Jan.
18 in the parish hall.
Billy Lucas, Paris, spent the
holidays with Leroy and Den-
nis Maguire.
Visitors in this community for
the holidays included:
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Latta
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Atkinson and with Mr. and
Mrs. Garfield Latta, London.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Magtur
and boys with Mr. and Mrs
Earl Atkinson.
Mr, and Mrs, Earl. Creentee
and boys, Mr. and Mrs, James
Barker, Joan and Gary, Mr. and
Mrs, Hugh Davis, Heather and
Michael, Mr, and Mrs. James
Young, Lucan, Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Tindall, alt. Brydgea,
Mrs, Rd. Dickins, Exeter, with
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis.
Mr. and Airs. Raymond Green
lee and Mr, and Mrs. Ear
Greenlee and boys with Mrs. A
Greenlee, Brinsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire
and boys with 'Mr. and Mrs
Earl Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs, L. Maguire and
Jeffery, Scotland, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Mugsford, Toronto, Mr.
Billy Abbott, Lundy's Lane, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Abbott and girls
and Mr. and Mrs. Maguire Sr.,
Scotland, with Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Abbott.
.Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Abbott,
Rowena and Mr. Allan Tindall,
With Mt and Mrs, Bruce Ab-
bott, also Air. and Mrs: Arthur
Abbott and Muriel.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dickins
With Mr, and Mrs, Frank Squire
of Prospect Hill.
Mrs. James Turner and Mr
Gas Weinestraum with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Davis.
Alt. and Mrs. Clifford Ings
London, Miss Margaret Burtrum
of Exeter, and Mr. Hugh Car
roll with Air, and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael with Mrs.
Arthur AieFalla, Centralia,
TAihiMu.rrsa.dhada:d Mrs. Cliff :logs arid
Carroll on
f.Mrs. Heber Davis with
Mr. and Mrs. Harty C
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
McFall's and David with Mr, and
Mrs. Tindall of Mt.
Mr. and Mrs'. Herman Atkin-
son and family with Mr. and
Mrs. G. Oke, Hurondale.
Mr. and Mrs. Denied Abbott
and girls and Mr. and Mts.
Cliff AleClean with Mt. and Mrs,
Jamet Barker,
Mrs, A, Greenlet and family
o larinsley arid Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Greenlee with Mr. aed
Mtg. Earl Greenlee.
New Year Visitors
Air. and Airs. Earl Atkinson,
Alr. and Mrs. DOn Maguire and
boys with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey
Mr. and Airs. licher Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. George AleValls
and ,ioyee, Mr, and Mrs. Ross
MeValls and David, Air, arid
Mrs. Jim Barker, Gary arid
...Than, Alt. And Mrs. Earl Green-
let and boys, Mr. and Mrs. ;Jim
'Young, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Tindall, Alt, Brydges
with Air. and Aire. Hugh Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins,
Luca, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Ab-
bott arid AnWOria, Ma Allari
Tindall, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Abbett and Muriel, Air. and
Mea, IL A. Mullins and Ruth
Ann, tended, Miss Al., Buetturn,
tseter, with Air, arid Mrs.
Harry arra
Air, and Mrs. Maurice Ale-
tvenald, ,Thy ee and award,, Lu-
taii with Mr. and Mrs. Toni
Mr. And Mrs, Clarence WAS,
Cairieren AM Shkith And Mr.'
(lett Weinestraudi With MI'S.'
iJames Turner.
Air, And Aim rattl GItcnict
And boys, Mrs. A. 5reolte slid
family0 ttinsky, with Mr. add
i• then -„----5 33 per at Derd
5 Melt i . . sa pee 51 nerd
ti inch . 119 per 51 Del d
inch 14' I*
inch 175 per 51 Derd
TO. re and Elbows in Steele
Prieets for hr. 14" eria
on Ilegeleet
1411111TED eltfn
Eig infield Phone 193 5,14.00.0
TOYS: TOYS: Beevere Basement
Toylo y 18 erten all Yea -r round.
Wfts for auldren's parties. birth.
days etc. for ell Ages, Eeavers
Hardware, 111.10
steel, at a high saving. APPlY 1305
"WS" Times -Advocate, 5:160
. .
EVENING DRESS -Size 13, coek-
tail length; evening Skirt, size 14,
cocktail length; 2 suits for men,
1 grey. 1 beige, siza 35, like 0010,
109 Empress Ave., 1,MQ Celt -
teal la. 9*
FORMAL -Ballerina length, light
blue, size 14. .excellent condit ton,
very reaeonable. Apply Box e15,
Hen:salt, phone 93 Hensel', D•
CilleSTEIWIELD SUITE -2-p ieep,
wine, rayon figured eelour, *with
matching blue (hair, all like
new; walnut library leble: bed
with springs. Clartenee etoutly,
phone 30-14 Kirkton. 9*
apartment. size, good condition
Earl Zimmer, Zurich. 0:1 tki
PIcK.UP PDX off 1 ton truck or
would exehange for flat rack.
Phone 14-r-24 Dublin or Ross
freely, Crnmarty, 9•
3 :years old, very 40100. Gordon
Rate, phone 161-0-3 Dashwood,
Finkbeiner, pbone 21 -r -e Credi-
ton, 0c
500 BALES OF HAY -Never rain-
ed on; also 400 'bales of clean oat
straw. Apply Los Hinemarsh,
phone el 1-r-3 Ansa. Craig. 9*
1 ' 5 le D HAMMER MILL -G e hi . An -
ply Bert etorland, Centralia. 9e
2 ISNOW lanais - Tubeless, size
670-15, in good condition; also
eleci etc heater, Dearly netv. Ap-
ply Times-Advocale, 9*
FOR BEAUTY, comfort and econ-
omy, see your Spencer dealer
about a new support and bras-
siere in tile 11010 Dobby nelon,
13eoff for january. Mr, 33
Woods, RR. Exeter, or phone
104 -r -e 'Kirk I on.
1, 9:19:
1956 FORD-Custom)ine sedan Ye,
automatic, 2 -tone, custom radio,
snow tires, ran be finaneed; ac-
cept older ear. Phone 558-e, Ex-
eter, or apply 233 :entirety St. 9*
2 COWS -Due. to freshen shortly,
good milkers; also 50 pullets,
starting to lay, .A pply George.
Poortinge, 1 mum south and 1
uatl eaet of Hensell. 9'
MAN'S BICYCLE - Custom built
English 10 -gear roadster. Phone
305-r-12 P.-eseter.
PICK. -UP T1111Cle. -1954 GMC,
ton, 21,000 guaranteed actual
mileage. Apply Don Geiser, Dash-
wood. phone. 50. 6*
BABY CARRIAGE - Sunsh•ine, 2-
3.0ne grey, like new. Phone 425-5
EXel er. 0,
BABY caatraaa- Gres', Lloyd,
in new condition. Phone 1-5 or
apply 74 Ann St., EXPt or. Sc
7 'WEANED PIGS -6 weeks old.
Apply to Bert Bachert, phone 75
r-12 Zurich, Ont. 9:15e
fitted, size. 12s14, worn only °nee.
May be seen at Brady Cleaners,
STOItE on Main Street, opposite
the Post Office. .Availa.b/e now.
Apply at Times -Advocate. 5:19tfe
a-rtociar APARTMENT- Furnish-
ed, heated, private bath with
shower, separate entrance; no
pets please: a.vallable January I.
P11011 400-W evenings or call at
169 William St. 39tfe
APARTMENT, unfurnished. heat-
ed. hot water supplied, 2 be(1-
room,,prIvete bathroom. Apply
Penhale Apts., 70 John St. E.
12:1 !Itre
APARTMENT. upstairs. 3 cheery
rooms, overlooking enrner of
Highways 4 and 53, $55.00 m00th-
1:v itelychug heat and water.
Phone ,. 15 ietfn
BEI) - SITTING T100.3t -. Partly
Dirnished. Available entv ; aleo
store, 429 Maid St., 11540, heeted.
Available now, Apply Mrs, Gladys
Henry, Phone 10.
APARTMENT -e- or 3 -room, part-
ly furnished. -Apply to Thnee-
3 -BEDROOM BOUSE-011. Andrew
St., furnace hea fed. Apele
Thninson, 11,11. 1 Centralia.
phone Kirk inn 10s.r.4.
VI:ttSHED COTTAGE - Suitable
foe 3 attune. Immediate. possee-
eion. Moire Exeter 215, De
3.T100ef APARTmENT atoe ern,
newly d.ectorated. Apply 113 'Main
St., Eact•er. 9*
Airs. Raymond Greenlet.
Mr. and Airs. Harry Carrell
and Air. and Mrs. Heber Davis
with Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Rigs,
Mr. and Karl Weiberg
and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wei -
berg with Air. and Ars. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott
and Modal with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Davis.
Ur. and Mrs. Hatry Carroll,
Air. and Airs, Hugh Davis and
Mr. And Mrs, Clerenee Davis
and faintly with Air. and WS.
Maurice McDonald, Lnean.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott.
Alr. and Mrs. Thigh Davis and
family With Mr, and Airs. Earl
Mr. end lite, Arthur Abbott
and Muriel with mr, and ws.
Jack Dickins.
Mr, Ed. Howald underwent an.
Operation for the rernoval or a
eataratt at St. Joseph's Hospital
on Saturday. •
Mr. and Airs, tartish,
brueefield, Aitie Cornish, Ewatt
and AAP Thempson of Clinton
spent Sunday 'evening With Mrs.
Mary Hannigan,
Mrs, Elizabeth Here and Mrs.
Mae stewati, oodbolt Apts. art
spending a ttmw daystiti Chelsea,
Where- they attendtd the
funeral' tit their brother, the
late tielni A, Catinithael,
°EPICS SPACE ayaljabhp,eka
aeome, well located at intereee.
tien 04 #itgitwans 4 4414 59, Ilione
7. 13:5ttit
BRAY 1311.015E35 for February-
elereh tshottid be 011 order. :Pullets
(limited number started*. AMPS
In-Croes 11010 01'erhear:1. Met Pee-
euctione Mixed .eltielts. Mel per-
Peee gerkerels, Lotet from Bray
agent: Erie Carevadden. :Exeter,
ph On e 246-W; or Bray hatchery.
120 John E., hamilton. ,So
wide bane, on Alain Street:, Tees.
day. December 24, in the after.
mein. Rett-ar(1 and thanks. Pleaze
phone 603-4 or apply LISS William
GIRT, wants baby-sitting or light
Itouseware. Phone 518. De
t. an e,ct i an 'Manufacturing Com-
pany requires Field Ilepresenta.
ti VG 111 Hay, l'sborne and Stephen
townships. Exceptionally 111 511
earnings. Guaranteed repeat bust -
Rees. Automobile essential. Agri-
cultural no farming background
711051 important. Sales training
get en. Reply to Etex 84, London,
Ontario, 31.9:16c
ATTENTIONI! A grealor oppor-
tunity with Famtlex. It's time to
go ahead in a business of your
own, 250 guaranteed products to
sell, including eosmeties, culin-
ary extracts, household and farm
pre/tit/Me. Write for our,
T 0
plan to-
. Gardner, Dept . Station
C. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, De
The Huron County Council irhll
meet in the Court House. .0000.
rich, on Tuesday, January 21,
1935, at 2,00 11,111.
All Recounts, nntiees of depute-
tfonsh, etc. should he in the
heeds of the County Clerk not
later than Saturday, January .18,
A. 14. ERSKINE, Clerk,
County of Huron. /
'EVENTIDE VILLA, a. home for
elderly citizens, is now open at
30 Sanders St., Exeter, The Villa
is under the management of Mrs.
L. Desjardine, Exeter. 1:9tfe
nortablee, by the week. Hopper -
Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex-
eter. Stfe
Floor Sanders
Floor Edgere, Floor Polishers
Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc,
HORSES -Will buy any kind of
horses. heavy or light. Buy, sell
or exchange. Call 138, Frank
Taylar, Exeter. 53(0
For Resale,
For Parts
Or Scrap
EXETER ALTO aviencietris
And Sales
Phone Exeter 572, Grand Bend
183 Wellington St: W.
(Across from Ca,riadian Can(1ers)
oft first mortgage, local propertee
for 3- or 5 -year emend. Apply
Box "5", Times-Myer/eat P. a.
ceEle ("HICTe. 'BROODER - Elec-
t rice 300 t,aps.ait y, immediately.
Phone 683-r-12 Hensel'. De
Domvsno 1.1tax,—At Queen.30.,7-
7'7u1atns: home, liensall fer RArt.
or fat tinto Work.. Phone 82,
hensall. 9-
CIPANIST and cuoir director for.
Grand Pend unitea .Cluirch. NOW
org141). API:117 1%$r. J. Aar! Etirre
ILE, No. 1. riashweed, -Santa net
later than Januery 13, etaelniet
quelifieatiens and sralerY ,415Peet*
ed. :For information rega1'4MS
above positeou call Mr. 31prr.
4.1**And Bend,' phone ee.r.19,
a fiddler to eompiete western
group. It interested write to
.Allan Sherwood, Centralia, .Orte
stating' experience etc.
SEPTIC TANKS pumi4) Ira.
mediate service. Eutler
Liman, phone -xv or 1p8 Linan.
Radio -TV
TV and Redlos.
Repairs to all nieltee of
Guaranteed reception 00 Ameri-
can channels No rotator needed
sviIIi this, stationary entenna. Por
free/ estimate 01- moest informa•
tion call
33 Huron St, Phone 450 -VP
miles from town, on pawed road,
good barn, 11 -bedroom hottee with
4-p1ece bath and oil furnace; gOod,
water suupiy. Phone Zurich 96.r.
2. 1:9tfa
FRAME HOUSE, 7 -room, 3 bed.
rooms up 11-1 113 3-plece bath; 1,
bedroom or den and St-plece bath,
down; hardwood floors down; oil
heat; adjacent to schools. Appl'
236 Andrew St, 12:10:26*
1 FLOOR, insul brie, living roone
fireplace. 2 bedrooms, full bath,
nice kitchen. full cellar, furnace,
hot water tank, centred location,
heaNy duty wiring, garage, Early-
3-plece bath, hot and cold water, .
2 -STOREY HOUSE, la.rge furnace,li:2stt
FRAME HOUSE, 3-badroonl,
cash, 'balance by month like
good condition, less thanhalt
rent. Why rent?
NEW 1 -STOREY frame, partial
basement. 3 bedrooms, full bath,
Write, phone or come. W. C.
Pearce. Reeltor. Exeter, Phone
Men.435; Earl Parsons. phone ii5t0f7e,
Fred Cole, phone 5$6-W, Sales -
C. V. Pickard
2 -STOREY BRICK - Pour bed.
rooms. Living rocnn, dining room
and good kitchen. Three-piece
bath, This is a compact, well-
built home. Good roof and pare
tieularly fine basement with steel
furnace. For a short 'time this
home can he J100,7,11'1 for 56,000.00
cash or e6,500.00 on very easy
SMALL HOME in very choice
location. Critivenient kitchen and
8 -piece bath. 011 heated. Every-
thing in gond condition. Suitable
for couple or small family. Low •
price. Terms.
REDUCED PRICE -Choice, brand
new 3 -bedroom home with at-
tached garage. Nicely finithed
kitchert. PI athroom in colbur.
Floors eovered. High basernent
with ni 1- burning furnace and
tubs. This house ie beautifully
finnshed. 94.000.00 cash will give
you possession. Balance easr
give you the dotage,
VAllele-'we have several we will
be pleased to show you.
To buy or sell, see C. V.
Pickard, Pea.lior and Oeneral ht.
surance 354 Main St.. Exeter, '
phones '165 and 623. 11:21tfts
... t ttt I tt tttt
Start The New Year
'Top Quality' Used Cars
For Miles of Care -Fr la Driving
Radio, whitewall tires, snow tires. Only had one
owner. Sce This One:
Spotless, tutone paint, overdrive transmission,
.one owner.
Showroom condition, low mileage, one owner.
:Power windows etc., automatic transmission.
352 vortp SEDAN
Needs 8Ome body work, tutone, snow tires,
This Week's Special!
355 MAD SEDAN—Snow tires, cream in color,
clean, 111BW Slip covers,
ONLY $1,42s
•er '- - .4.+0
Soiral Older Motors To Choose reetti
"Whoro Good Friends Meet end Leve the Some *Noy"'