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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-09, Page 6
P020-6, Tho Times•Advocat,t danu i.ry 9 190' ensall And District News CORRESPONDENTS • Mrs. Maude Haddam Phone 5. Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone. 6824*41 • INSTALL HUSBAND AND WIFE—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, seated, were installed as Zresidents of Hensall Legion and Legion Auxiliary in a joint ceremony Tuesday night. one commanders of both organizations conducted 'the rites. Standing are Mrs. Jean . Munn, vice-president; Mrs. Irene Davis, past president of the Auxiliary; Sam Rannie, past president, and 'Phil_ McKenzie, vice-president of the Legion. —T -A Photo MP Change hoard Members Raise wages 10 Percent Major changes in personal of Lorne Ltikm the parksboard and recreation Rev. D. 11.tacDonald was ,ap- council were effected by ITensal! Pointed to the library board for council during its first meeting; a three year `tet nt> of the year Monday. .appointments were made Sia new members were appoint after considerable discussion.ed to the seven -man parks board Ten Per Cont Increase which administers the arena and community centre ground. Wil- liam Fuss was the only person retuned to the board. Appointed to two-year terms Treasurer J. A. Paterson. were Ronald Joynt, Whiner For- Reeve Jones' fee was raised Increases in salaries averaging 10 per cent were authorized for members of council, Police Con- stable Ernie paws and Clerk- guson, . C. Christie, William Mickle and Fuss. Reeve Norman Jones and new councillor, Jack Lavender will serve for one year. Three new members named to the recreational committee are Kerslake, who. resigned to accept John Baker, Trevor Wilson and a similar post in Westminster Mrs. H. Horton. Returned were Township. Salary was set at $350 Rev. C. Daniel, J'in1 Taylor and a year. Councillors Gordon Schwalm and Clerk Paterson reported tax from $100 to $150; councilors from $75 to $100; Constable Davis from $2,600 to $2,800, and Clerk Paterson from $1,300 Jo $1,400, Applications are being called for an assessor to replace A. W arrears amounted to only a little over two per cent, or $1,, one of the smallest amounts out- standing in years. Total arrears for four years :amount la only $2,465.13, Ile also reported that the vil- lage had a good cash balance at the year end. Constable Davis was Instructed to .proceed with the collection. of poll taxes. for 1957. The inauguration ceremony was held at 11 a.m., with Mr. Paterson, a justice of the peace, taking the oaths of office Rev. C. Daniel provided the devotional, Reeve Jones welcomed John Lavender to the council.and re- quested his co-operation,. Committees named included; Roads, and streets, Luke and Schwalm; property, Henderson and Lavender. ¥t. Vol Welt, reevd .ef Iib, Bert bas purchased ,a 50 Aare farm, Jo ffibbdrt Township from Lorne Hey, lieliSalL The faro, was formerly occupied by .Cal. v;n Borton. Mr. harry Hoffman, Qf to. woad, rendered a solo. ait th funeral of the late Mr. W. IL '?file, held on 11lond:ay. hltsa . Greta Jratuotle .accompanied at the piano. ownitttlntlomaitotianiltioalittan teittiontit,tu lt41AmatllflSll.Iltliteanniat•Itni tonint4#l1lAlllA halt For the Removal 0 .;worlds or large Roundworms in Swine and. Large Roundwornils in Poultry Use lne°'�.3 . Parazi � (Pliperes;ne citrlc.R) 8 Fluid Oz,.— $245. - 16 Fluid Oz, $3,95 I Lbs, (Powder .Form) — '$4,90 WHY PAY MORE? Wilson's Rexafl Drugs ,Phone. 10 Hensall t nflflUUUBH1n11V nfluMttlnllllt11t lifin ltllllttltpwwwwflluoid❑nttlttlltltlUIW lIW11111t11111111s, WE CASK PAY CHEQUES Husband/Wife Head Legion Groups1 Couple Wed Fifty Years A New Year's Day golden wed- ding was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee at the home of their daughter and son4n-law.. Mr. and Mrs. George Beer of Hensel'. Mrs. Lee. the former Florence 'earl. Maynard, and. Mr. Lee were married in Cedar S$rings by. the Rev. Harvey Kennedy. The couple spent twelve years in the Western Provinces before retiring to settle i n Ontario. They are now living in Parkhill where Mr. Lee is a barber. They .have one daughter, Mrs. Beer, and one granddaughter. The couple were entertained prior to thejr anniversary by friends and relatives in Blen- heim and were recipients of many gifts. • Personal Items Hiss Clarissa Mitchell, who has been a patient at Clinton Hospi- tal, has returned to her home here. Special prayer services will be held this week. On Thursday eve- ning the service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Charles D. Daniel will be the speaker; Friday evening in the United Church with Rev. Donald MacDonald speaker. Pre- paratory service will be held, Mr. and Mrs, E. Shaddick. and Bill, spent Sunday with relatives In Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hedden, Earl and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hedden, and baby, St. Cath- arines, spent New Year's Day with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and family. Orville Hedden, who spent the holidays here, returned with thein. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse" and family, visited recently with relatives in St. Catharines. Reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Consitt, nee Mar- jorie Dowson, will be held in the town hall here on Friday night. Mrs. Jim Sangster is a patient tri Clinton Community Hospital. Miss Bernice Dining returned to Sarnia this week after spend- ing the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert billing. A joint installation ceremony was held in the Legion Hall Tuesday evening when the 1958 'officers of Hensall Branch 468 of the Canadian Legion and Le- gion Auxiliary were installed.. .A .unique feature of the cere- mony was the installation of a husband and wife as presidents. Mrs. William Brown as presi- dent of the Ladies Auxiliary and Mr. Brown president of the Le- gion, Mrs. Luella Hall of Blyth, Zone Commander, was in charge of the installation. A social hour of cards and cro- kinole rounded out the evening, Winners of the euchre were Mrs. Harold Campbell and Wilbert Parker; crokinole winners were Ern Shaddick a n d Howard. Smale; mystery prize, Mrs. M. Hedden. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Hall and Mrs. E. R. Davis, re- firing president. Personal Items Mrs, Alda Simmons, 'who has been confined to her room, owing to illness, is improving. Miss Phyllis Dougall returned to Toronto after holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Dougall. Mrs. Pearl Case, of London, visited this week with Mrs. Elsie Case. Mr. Robert Simpson returned home after spending a few day's at Elliott Lake. Mrs. Inez McEwen spent a few days this week visiting with friends in London. Mr, Sidney McArthur is a pa- tient in -St. Joseph's Hospital, London where he underwent an operation on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hark- ness and fancily of Teeswater, Mrs. Robert Reid of Kincardine, spent New Year's Day.with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. Mrs. J. E. McEwan, who frac- tured her wrist several weeks ago has had the Cast removed and has resumed her duties at the RCAF Station, Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren returned home on Thursday af- ter spending the holidays with their daughter Mrs. Margaret Evans and fancily in Waterloo. Rev, and Mrs. McLeod, Syl- via and Catherine, of Tiverton, visited recently with Rev. and Mrs. D. MacDonald at the Pres- byterian manse. tsOttitlt1,111Utit10 lift,ltiumulllltlWtllnLlt,tllllt11,111 tltttt111111111thtltdttltlust„,llunOttltttfltttlttltl'Wit% Y�u'IISave Dollars aeiwocuiecanmaa E T, C. PHONE 61 IN OUR Savile Row TA!LORED.TO•MEASURE Suit Sale Drop in to our store today while our stock is full acid the choicest fabrics in the men's fashion world of SUITS, SPORTS JACKETS and TROPIOAI, COATS await you. It will pay yott to take advantage of this month - lorlg ",Money y sfivlrikt' sale Shop anal Sava at Joynt So.n lEI4SALL l00% CANADIAN -OWNED . _ SES PLACE _ AND OPERATED Super Save,,Sets The Pace! See how you Save on Grocery Features below Violinist, Wife SAVE 7 Mark Wedding A family dinner marked the occasion of the fourtieith anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. William Hayter, prominent residents of Varna district. The affair held at their home on Christmas Day was attended by twenty-three members of the family and their children, The honored couple were presented with a bedroom suite from the family, Their wedding of 40 years ago was solemnized at Bayfield. Mrs. Hayter is the former Min- nie Tippett of Bayfield. They have three sons, Elmer, Harvey and Mervyn, Varna; one daughter (Eileen) Mrs. Ken MacLean, Hensel' and eleven grandchildren. Mr. Hayter is a well known violinist and floor manager with the Murdock orchestra, which provides music for many den• Sfokelv' i . w Corn eeA. .. A euchre party was held is 15.nZ. their honor in Varna Town Hall Saturday, December 28 with 25 SAVE 4¢! READICUT tables in play. Winners were: r ladies, Mrs. Robin McAllister, Mrs. Stan Love and. Mrs. Win- ston Workman; gent's, Basil O'Rourke, Wilfred Shuter, E1 - mer John McBride. Gifts and a ;purse of money were presented to Mr. and Mrs, Hayter. The address was read by Mel Webster, and presenta- tion made by Orrin Dowson, There were 140 in attendance from London, Lucan, Goderich, Exeter. Auburn, Zurich, Hen- Brucefield, Seaforth and Walton in addition to neighbours and friends from Varna area, Personal Items Bill Shaddick of Londesboro, spent, .his New Year's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. 3, Shaddick and. Bill. Mr. and Mrs, Murray McEwen of London, were New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan, - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shupe and Sarann of Selfridge, Mich., were xecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Manley Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. Art O'Hara and Peter, of Belleville, spent New Year's with. Mz's.. Violet Strhwahn and Ray. ” Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes left today (Thursday) for Ari- zona, where they expect to spend three months visiting with rela- tives. The trip will be made by bus and they expect to arrive at their destination Sunday eve- ning. Miss Betty Mickle, of Toronto, spent a few days last week, in- cluding Christmas, -with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family, Mr, and. Mrs._ J. R. Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc - Beath of Brucefield, spent Christ- mas in Toronto with Capt, and Mrs. S. G. Rumble and family, and in Hamilton with Mr, and Ars. W, N. Murdock, also with Miss Beth Murdbek who is at present a patient in Nora Fran. ees Henderson Memorial Hos- pital in Tfamilten. Mrs, Ethel Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luxton and baby Jean, Enter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Laird Miekle and faintly. Mr. and Mrs, Bon Avery of St. Catharines 'wore holiday vis. Rats with the latter s parents, Mr. and WS. J66 Flynn, Gerald Gr'iwlated Sugar SAVE 90! GOLD SEAL FANCY QUALITY ' , 15 Of : a eSalmon TlN SAVE 51!I WHITE SWAN Toiletissue . SAVE'4Q¢! CHASE.& SANI3ORN . 2S¢ off offer Instant Coffee SAVE 4¢I FANCY QUALITY CREAM STYLE 5 -LEE. SAG' 6 -OZ, JAR and Joyce Miss Mae McNaughton of Lon- don it visitink' with her brother' gild sister.in-law, M. anti Mrs, • Peter ,MeNat ghton Mr. Ted Nbrininton .d West.. ern tfniversity visited during: the holidays with hi§ ptllents, aott Mt% to. Norlwxli.ntdt otYronifiiYi`ri1YY11PiolrinfilloiroffieY�YMY�Y my.illooItY01(�I��IY01111.11. ttilii,;... j.01. �y1�rYill'jY�f ooiq�YYme, ,,,, '1titsa Torii to ?ago IA TIN r" 89c R°LE49 1.09 z Ir,i.„ 29c atelirs Macaroni 2 153 1c SAVE 40! a by F °di SAVE 801 '3g OFF PACK I-IElN2 0 FOR 1.00 Id Dutch Cleanser 2 TINS 21c Pure Pork Sausage Diener e . • . Minced Ham Ib. 45,, LL.#m 79c LEI, 49c Shoulder Pork Chops L. 53t e 3g< Rolled Pot Roasts Bananas 2 LOS. 29c Lemons 6 FOR 27c Onions COOKING 3 L©S. 19c Cabbage.NW HEAD iOc Turnip L. 5c FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! Bird's Eye Fillets_ . Ocean Perch 12 -OZ. CELLO 29c Supreme Brand Split Peas Barley 12 OZ, CELLO 2. Lima Beans Kidney Beans Soup Mix 12 -OZ. CELLO z FOR -FOR 12-0Z, CELLO 12 -OZ, CELLO 12 -OZ, CELLO 29c 25c 17c 19c 15c Dried. Fruits CALIr0Iti &. BREAKFAST PRUNES EXTRA LARGE PRUNES L. CELLO, C1'LIFOR\IA NEEDLESS RAISINS 2-1502. CELLO 2 LB. CELLO 1 39c 33c 47c Health And Beauty Aids Colgate D NTAL' CREAM GUAj Shampoo BRECK, BOTTLE Lotion DEEP MAGIC BEITTLE Tampax Aspirin BAYER'S 100'S B?I. REGULAff 63c 75c 7.5c 47c 79c