HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-31, Page 1414 Tima (Om* D...mb.r 01, mr
:Groups Present
Vesper Service For Area YPU
. Dia, SUriday evening in the Twenty-two nembers of the
United Church Lucan C.G.IT., Luean-Clandeboye Y.P.U. held.
si..aSisted by the Lucan-Clande- Main- St. and side streets were. their meeting in the Llica.n unit.
boye Expiorers, Staged the ever, jail -tatted with cars last Tuesday 1 ed Church last Sunday evening.
iMpressive national Christmas afternoon as the whole country -1 In, lieu, of the regular worship
se turned oat fin' the Business ,
Vesper service, With the senior side service they .
Men's final draw at 3 p.m. i • attended the
choir. assisting with the Musie. service.
C.G.LT. Vesper
The • two leaders„ Mrs. G. E,. the ue•
IcyAlty.inniler of the $100. (The Ewen plans, were made for a .skating
During the business session,
Ne h o 1 s o n and Mrs. Charles •
Sovereign led in the worshipfamily must haVe a stand-in i and dancing party at the Lucan
, service. Ilene) Donaldson and with Dame F t • forth .oCommunity, Centre Friday, Jen.
Dana. Culbert read the lessons, the third major Business Men's ! 3,
, which young people of the
•. Donna Thomson, Marilyn Cul- draw that has. been won hy thel y willvicinit
"bert,. Erma Thompson, Judybe invited.
Raskett, Beverley Butler, Aiae
Cohleigh, Bonnie Drennan and
,Rrilla Thompson toek part inc
•Oandielightin.g ceremeaY.
. Bonnie Drennan, Shirley Erne -
rick and Erma Thompson Wok
,alp. the .olfering, • Gets Jail Term
Family. Wins, 'Choose Officers
Third .Draw
family. I
i Miss Marlene Revington read
The $25 draw was won by Mrs, ' the story of "The Cobbler and
Betty Hodgins of George St. and 'his Guest."
the $10 by Mr. Vincent Thomp- President elected for 1958 is
son of Ailsa Craig. Man Ready, Liman; vice-presi-
dent, Ruth Donaldson, Clande-
boye ; secretary, Marlene' Rev-
ington, Lucan; treasurer, Jim
Personal Items For CNR Theft Scott, Clandeboye; Faith and
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Jones Evangelism, Marjorie Sovereign,
and family were Friday guests Wilfred Chauvin, 31, of Te- Lucan; stewardship, J a n e tt e
Of Mr. and Mrs, Irving Gibson. eumseb, was contoct:d last Fri- Blake, Clandeboye; citizenship,
Gary remained over for a few day in county magistrate's court Donnie ',ankle and Jackie Park,
days' vacation with his cousin, of breaking and entering the Lucan: missions, -Marilyn Eaton,
Ronnie Woodward,
Mrs, Eleanor Erickson held
her Christmas concert in the
Southgate school last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins of
Lucan C.N.R. station October 9 Clandeboye.
and of stealing a 600 -pound safe Bes - t Decorated Homes
which was later recovered near
London. Money orders front the Lucanites responded to the re -
safe have been turning up in quest of the L.U.C.A.N. for ex -
several 'U.S. centres as far tenor Christmas decorations.
Sarnia •arrived at Mrs. George away as Rochester, N.Y, Judging was done last Monday
Ba•wden's last Sunday and will Chevening and Mr. Robert Cough
auvin was sentenced by ling won the $15 and Mr. Ira Car-
attepd the funeral of the for- Magistrate F. G. McAlister to a ling the $10 prize. /Both prize
oner'a brother, Earl, on Monday. reformatory term of.nine months Winners live on Francis St.
definite and six months d t
minate. He received a similar Many other homes were welf
sentence in 1945 for breaking, decorated, Main St. was ablaze
entering and theft. with colour.
Personal Items Mission Society.
Last week's heavy ram flooded
basements, set sump. pumps go-
ing, and water in the creek roar-
ing, At Birr, water was running
over the road. Mr. Percy Valley,
formerly of Lucan, now lives
near the Medway creek, which
Conipletely flooded his drive-
way. •
Mrs. M. Durham has again
:gone to London ,to spend the
winter with her daughter.
, Col, A. E. Parry, recently
posted to MacDonald, Man„ is
spending a couple of weeks with
his family, still on Albert street
here. ' • •
• Air. and Mrs. Les Kennedy
and family are spending Christ-
mas' at Bracebridge.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Whyte
Ind 'family spent last weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Whyte
and fumily.
Mr:* and Mrs. Erie Young and
family were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs, George Young and
family of Clinton.
Saturday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Parry were Mr. and
Mrs. James Parry of Toronto
and Mr. and Mrs. George
.Deaves and family of Rexdale.
• Mrs. Iaabel Underwood, at
present of London, spent last
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Mr. Murray Hodgins, 'Ward
and Wayne last Saturday attend-
ed the Income Tax Department's
children'sChristmas party.
, Lender', and later joined Mrs.
Hodgins at her sister's, Mrs,
Lloyd B: 11; and under. One httle lad ex -
Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas Lee claimed, "This is the best party
held their' Christmas party last I was ever at."
Sunday. Guests included Mr. and
Mrs. IlJtrold Lee and family Week of Prayer
arid Mr. and Mrs. George, Lee
and family of Brinsley, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Carter and Patricia
and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Carter and Stephen of Clande-
boye; mt. and Mrs, Stanley Lee
and fantily, of 'London, Mr. and
R, G. Parker and iamily
and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parker
of Ilarriston and Mr. and Mrs.
Leroy• Parker of Mt. Forest.
Itfr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson
and Cheryl were Sunday visitors speaker, Jan. 10 -Pentecostal
With Mrs.. Thompson's parents, IChurch, Rev. E. Roulston,
Mr, and Mrs. F, M. Brown of speaker.
St. Tbomaa.
Mr. and Airs. Alvin McLean Dandielions For Christmas
celebrated their Christmas last Last Monday, Dec. 23 Mr, M.
Tileaclay with a family gathering. 0. Smith presented, Mrs. Smith
Mr:, and Mrs. Alf Dickins of with a dandielion which he had
London were Saturday guests of picked from their lawn, Ile also
Mt. and Mrs. Bob Coleman. reported tulips and daffodils
Mrs. N. Davidson has returned were sprouting.
fe. Termite after spending a few Not to be outdone, on Friday
days ;with Mr. and 1VIrs. Harold Miss Lina Abbott went out to
•Rilogen. ' • • her lawn and picked several
MrS, Isabel Underwood of Len- daisies in bloom.
don. Who Spent Christmas with Just what has the Russian
.Mr. And Mrs.'Tom Coursey Was Sputnik done to our weather!
a Thursday visitor with Miss
Vita -7Abbcitt:- Explorer News
W., and Mrs. Levi Darling ,of , The 24th Expedithin 'of the Lu -
Parkhill _spent a few days Mat can-Clandebeye Explorers was
week With Mr. and Mrs. Ceell held in the United Church Par -
„Armitage arid family. lors last Monday evening with 28
Miss Marilyn Brownlee is members present.
pending few days in Welland, Games were enjoyed followed
1V1 -s* 3”' by supper and enchange of gifts
the gliest, of her sister, r
P. Laverty and fainily. • When they were joined by five
Mr. Erie Carling ;of the radar C.G.I.T, members and all to
line at Lae St. Denis flew home gether went carol singing. They
last* Friday to Spent Christmas visited in' all "shut-ins,"
Vatation With his parenta, Mr. leaving a decorated gift of can -
Ind Mr. Ira Carling. d,.
Mr, and, Mrs. Lyle Revington •
and family wore Sunday guests it's A Small World,•
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Sheridan Re- Airs. Virilliarn Dore, a former
vington. Lucanite, now, Of Peekskill,
Mr. and Mrs, Henry }lodging While out shopping. reeently, per -
Attended the funeral of the late chased some turning. What was
Mt% Ptallei% G, Clarke in Lon-
don last Monday.
M. George.Bawden with Mr.
'Ond Mrs. TOM CollitiO.
The many friends of Mr. Har-
ry Lewis will be glad to know he
has returned to Lucan and is ',elects Officers
now working in the J. B. Ready The Decernber meeting of the.
Hardware Store.
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Hearn and a pot -luck luncheon at 1:30 p.m.
Liman W.M.S. took the forth of
Marilyn attended the Hearn -
Shaw wedding in Owen Sound
last Saturday.
Films Acrobats
• Revington and Mrs. Alex Young
• read passages from the Mission -
Treat Children Mission-
ary Monthly,
Mrs, Ira Carling and Mrs, N.
W. Wasnidge brought in the
Under the convenership °-r slate of officers.
Mrs. Dave Egan, assisted by
Honorary presided is, Mrs.
Mrs. Cecil Holmes and Mrs. H. Edgar Roulston; president, Mrs.
T. Bond, the Lucan Legion and
Alex Young; viceLpresidents,
Auxiliary sponsored a Christmas Mrs.
Sheridan Revington, Mrs.
party for the children of Lucan
and vicinity at the Community Warner McRoberts; secretary,
Memorial Centre last Saturday Mrs. Erie Young; treasurer,
afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Cantelon; assistant,'
Airs. 3. R. Murray; correspond -
Three films, Adventures of ing
Billy Skunk, Mr. Ping and secretary, Mrs. Clarence
Lee. .
The Little Lamb, were shown
last Thursday. Mrs. Wes. Hod-
gins' group was in charge of the
program. Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
Mrs. Cecil Robb, Airs, Sheridan
Christian Citizenship and Tem -
Mr. Harold Whyte and enjoy- Christian
Mrs. Gordon Banting;
ed by the little people.
Missionary Monthly Secretary,
Sergeant Bradley, reareational Mrs. John Park; supply secre-
director of Centralia, brought tary, Mrs. Cecil Robb; commu-
down a group of club swingers nity
who gave s ever al numbers. friendship secretary, Mrs'.
H. B. Langford; Christian ste-
Three of his group later sang. wardship, Mrs. Thos. Lee;
Last but not feast, was a visit group leaders, Mrs. E. R. Pitt,
from Santa Claus who had a gift Mrs. Wes Hodgins and Mrs. Ed. -
Of treats for all children; ten gar Roulston; pianist, Mrs. E.
M. Cook.
Alex Sceli 84 .
Once again Lucan's three
churches will join in an united
week of prayer. Alex Sceli 84, died in the Eger -
Jan. 5 Holy Trinity church ton Private Hospital, London,
with Rev. g. M. Cook speaker. Friday, Dec. 27. He lay at rest
Jan. 6 Holy Trinity church with in the gurdy Funeral Home, Lu -
Rev. E. P. Thomson speaker, can, until 2 p.m. Monday, Dec.
Jan. 7 United Church, Rev, J. 30 when the Rev. J. P. Prest
P. Prest, speaker. Jan. 8, cOnducted funeral services. In -
ted Church, Rev. E. P. Thomson, terment was in St. James Ce -
speaker. jam 9, Pentecostal meterY, Clandeboye.
Church, Rev. J. P. Prest, Pall -bearers were, Sinclair
Dixon, George Barr, Lloyd Has-
kett,' Stuart Sceli, Don Banting,
and Clarence Lewis.
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
WiIliarn Sceli, he was beim on
Con, 4 Biddulph on the. farm,
now occupied by Mr. Lloyd Has-
kett, At an early age he moved
to Alice Lucan.
He later ran a Men's Clothing
Store and tailoring business
where Mr. Mel Culbert's 5011
store now is. After selling out
to Mr, Culbert he 'liver Mr a
few years, in Miss Laura Dea-
con's cottage before going to the
Egerton Private Hospital, a year
and a half ago.
Mr. Sceli was a faithful mem-
ber of Holy Trinity Church,
where he was vestry, clerk for
years, superintendent of the
Sunday School and taught a
boys' class for many years, Mr.
Sceli was particularly fond of
flowers. His windows were al-
ways full of large geraniums and
calla lilies.
Mrs, Sceli, the former Alfret-
ta Armitage, predeceased him.
Ile is survived by two sons,
Spender Armitage Stanley of
Toronto and Ross (Rosslyn) of
Port Arthur and one grand-
daughter Mrs, Russell God-
dard, of 'Water St., Lucan.
her surprise to find they had Mrs. John Cahoon
come frean LUAU, She Wrote Mrs, John Cohoon, 89, the for -
that they were -good ted; big ho trier Pearl 'Simpson, died in St.
doubt the Liken. trademark add. Joseph's Hospital, Londen,
ed ad extra flavor. day, Dee. 24. She lay at rest in
the C. Haskett and Seri Rine-
Mooting •
" The regular C.0 I T. nieeting home, IMeand until g P.m.
rriday when the Rev, Bruce GUY
was held in the titiited Church of Ilderton conducted funeral
parlors last Menday evenieg seimees
Dies In London
with Mrs. Charles Sovereign inj ,
eharge of the Worship service
Wise Men, "
and the telling Of 'the Story
oef 1 cebniteetreririye.nt rw.aalsl-bienarBeIr•rsr Ilwxiei treed,
'Robert. James, Donald and Lyle
The meeting,. began, With a Sinipson, Gorden. Wright and
ChriStrhaS parr and ..excharige 1 Charles Wright.
games, rinrs, "MoSeS Sirnpabri, Airs. CO -
of gifts at .1/1,- bSr Daughter of the late Mr. and
decided to accept the, Ex
plorers' She was married 48 years ago
At the business session It WAS ihoon was born at Weaving',
invitation to join with them in and lived on Coe. 1 London
tarot singing to Nttins 09 OWnship at Birr. Her husband
December 23, and to assist them predeeeased her xe years ago,
un fillfrig their gift eontairters, She is survived by One daugh•
,It Was .)11So" deeldOd tOo them. ter Mrs. Gerard Rollings More-
SelVeS,, fill (WO 'WOWS. thy) el Rift' and orie Sister, Mrs,
The veaper serviee was held L. 0, Hoyle (Verbal' of Meec.
In the elltlreh On Sandi,/ CIA lJaw, Sask, And throi gralidehti.
I drat.
DECORATION WINNERS IN LUCAN—Prize winners in Lucan's Christmas decoration
contest are shown, here in front of. the winner's home. Mrs. Robert Coughlin, left, won
first prize and second went to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling, right. The children are Don
and Judy Coughlin, Mr, Coughlin, who was not present when the picture wao, taken,
made most of the decorations for his home himself. —T -A Photo
Lucan Christmas Visitors
Misses Holly and Belle A
tin of London, Miriam Of Detroit,
Miss Louise Allen of Cleveland,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elson and
family with Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Hodgins for Christmas Day and
Mr. and Mrs. Celin Nugent and
family of London on Friday.
Christine Nugent remained over
for a visit with her cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hearn
family, Mr, and Mrs. K
Hearn and family, Mr. and A
Gordon McEwan and family
of St. Marys and Mr. and A
Nelson' Dundas and family
St. Pauls with Mr. and A
Ivan Hearn.
Mf. and Mrs. M. 0. Sm
Christmas eve at a family get
gether with Mr. and Mrs. N
Lacklie of Waterloo and Chr
mas day with Mr, and M
Jack Leckie.
Miss Kay Avery, who recent-
ly underwent an operation in
St. Joseph's Hospital, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ed-
wards; nee Marion Coursey,
with Professor and Mrs. Leon-
ard Edwards, Fredericton, N,13.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook of
Toronto with Rev. and Mrs. E.
M. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kilmer of
Tharneaford and Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Dupuis of Lucan with
Mr. and Mrs. M.. 0. Smith on
Mr. and Mrs. George Young
and family of Clinton and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Coughlin and
family with Mr, and Mrs. Erle
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mohr of Ox-
bow. Mich, Mr. and Mrs. H. He-
witt and Barbara of London, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Dinsmore, Bobby
and Stephen and Mr. N. Mohr
of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Laidle'y of Toronto, with .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley.
Mr, Keith Frost with Mr. and
Mrs.' W. J. Frost for the holi-
days, a
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery
and family, Sunday, with Mrs. i
Tar- I Mrs. Fred Kerr and Miss Myr- Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Bridger
tle Walker of Exeter with M
and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and fai
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cobleig
Ilene and Coralyn with Mr. a
Mrs. William Killam of Ric
mond Hill. The girls remain
over to spend part of the
Christmas holidays with Ric
and mond Hill and Brampton co
elJy sinAslr', and Mrs. Dave Park a
all family, Mr. and Mrs. John Pa
In, and family, Mr. and Mrs. H.
of Langford all of Lucan and M
Irs. end Mrs. Clinton' Haskett of
.Birr with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
ith, Park of F'etrolia.
-to- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Morley
eil and family and Mr. and Mrs.
ist- Cecil Armitage and family and
rs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armitage
and Mrs. Ken Thar of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting
spent Christmas week with Mr.
and Mrs. Miner Ranting at Bow-
manville, Mr. and, Mrs. Carl
Banting at Brampton and Mr.
and Mrs. William Killam at Rich-
mond Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlueter
and family with Mr. anl Mrs.
Stanley Gordon, Stratford.
Forty-nine descendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomp-
son and Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Thompson at a family gathering,
at the home of Wilfred, Dixon
Forty-fbur descendants of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hardy net at
their home for Christmas.
Miss Sharon Sims of Newark
a week witli Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mrs, Allan Bell of Durham and
Mrs. A. J. Ready of St: Marys,
and Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Endall
and Janice of London with Mr.
andMrs. J. B. Ready, Barbara
Ready. returned with Janice for
a few days vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. George Neil of
Kirkton, Miss Gladys MeRann
nd Miss Mary Neil of London,
Mrs. Eleanor Ernerich and lam.'
ly, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
eil and family.
Mrs. G. Patrick of Toronto and
Mr. Myron Calbert with Mr,
and Mrs. Mel Culbert, The for-
mer is making an extended vi-
sit with her daughter and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden
with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hed-
den and family of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Murdy
f Stratford with Mr. and Mrs.
a ek Murdy.
Mrs, William Prest and family
f McGillivray Township with
Ceafur Atkinson„ Frank
t. on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hod -
ins and family of London and
esars. Ward and Victor Hod -
ins of Clandeboye were Sunday
uests of Mr. and Mrs, Murray
Holiday Visitors
Jan, 17 is the date scheduled
r, and family of Lambeth called
n- Lucan friends last Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, Lor -
h, raine John and 'Paul of Toronto
nd and Mr. and Mrs, Bob Demp-
h- ster, nee Kate Graham, were
ed guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
ir Eizenga last Sunday,
h- Rev. and . Mrs. 5. A, Moore
u- and family of Rockwood spent a
few days with Mrs, Moore's na-
nd rents, Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stan-
rk ley.
B. Some of those from a 'distance
r, attending the funeral of the late
Mr. Earl Collies besides his
wife were Mr. • and Mrs. Harry
Collins of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Collins of Sarnia, Archdea-
con C. W. Foreman, and Miss
Holy Martin of London and Miss
Miriam Martin of Detroit.
Mr. and'Airs. Harold Westman
and Miss Mabel McRoberts of
London and Mrs. Warner Mello-
berts spent last Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Matinee,
Mr. Al Bromich has moved in-
to his new home on Stanley St.
Warner McRoberts. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. Collins and
family and Mrs. A. Smith from
Buffalo with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Miss Hattie Hodgins with Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Ritchie and fam-
ily of Parkhill.
Mrs. Harry MeFalls, Mrs.
Grace Welborn, Wayne and
Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Moore and Jerry all of London, 0
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of j
Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Revington and family with Mr. 0
and Mrs. Sheridan Revington A
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman,
Messrs, A. and Scott Garnett, g
with Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Gar- NE
rett and family, Edgewood.
Mr, Don Ribson of Waterdown g
and Miss Lina Abbott with Mr. H
and Mrs. Harold Ribsoa.
• Mr, and Mrs, C. F. Langford,
of ,Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
John Casey.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson, fo
Mr. and Mrs. Les Woodward gl
and Ron with Mr. and Mrs. W11- oi
mer Zones and family, Eippen.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts with fa
her brother, Mr. Theron Creery
and family of Woodham.
Mr. Wellington Hodgins of Cal-
gary who has been visiting his
two sisters, here with another
sister Mrs. Ralph Loney, Cass
City, Michigan.
Mrs. George Coursey, teacher
at Iona Station, with Mr. and
Mrs, Toin Coursey and family.
Mr. and Mrs: Richard Davis
and family of George with Mr
and Mrs. Stan Davis of Toronto.
Mr, arid Mrs. Ivan Hearn and
family on Christmas eve with
Air. J. E. Brown, IVfotherwell.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Galpin of
Sarrua with Mrs, T. D. Orme
and Mtirray.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Cummins
and family of Toronto, Mr, and
Mrs,. Jaek Graham and family
of Chatham, Mr, and Mrs, Mit-
chell Haskett With Mr, and Mrs,
Calvin Haskett,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Ford and
Robert of Detroit With Mrs,
Irene Coursey.
Mr. and Mr. jim Avery with
Mt, and Mrs. Wm, Avery for
noon dinner and Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Thaltriea for the evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Steve Storey
with Mr, and Mrs. William Rost
of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Retold derbett
and Mr. and Mrs. has Corbett
and hinny with Mrs. Norman
Stoner of Arkena.
Mr. and Mrs. Cali Hodgies
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Straaser and family, Mr, Louis
LentieUX and Mr, George Rid -
r Holy Trinity's annual con-
'egational pot -luck supper and
iildren's program.
Mrs. Eleanor Emerich and
rnily with Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Ardiel of London.
Mrs. Roy Stanley of Lucan
and Mr. and Mrs. W.' Mohr of
Oxbow Mich, New Years in Chi-
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodg-
son on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I,eonard
ciei' and family last Sunday with
Hamilton relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Atkin-
son and family, London, Dr.
and Mrs, Marvin Smout” Anna'
Arbor, with Mrs, . Wes. Atkin-
Mr. Mansell llodgins and Miss
Maude Hodgins of Grand Bend
on Thursday .vith Mr. and. Mrs.
Clarence Hardy, •
Mrs. Wes. Atkinson a feW
days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
POwers, London,
Corp. and Mrs. Sandy Hod-
gins of Springfield, with Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Hodgins,
Miss Meryl Low, Mr, Cliff
Levy, Mr: and Mrs. C. Owe,il
Poster of Leaden, Mr, and Mrs,
Arthur Hodgins and family of
ClandebOye, with Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Hodgins, during Christ.
Inat week.
Mr. and Mrs, V, 0. Xing Of
Oakville and MISS Glaclya Xing
of nitrite with Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Anita Watt and
Sharon Of Prineeten, with Mr,
and Aira. Frank Stanley,
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Praheis
o Shelbourne with Mr, and Mrs,
Mex McFarlane for Sunday,
' Mrs. 'Oscar Hodgins of Strath.
toy with Mr. and Mrs; Charles.
arose and family for Christmas,
ler all of Lunn and Mr, and
Mrs. :RalphStrasser of London
with Mr, and Mra, George Stray
Mrs. F. G. Clarke
Dies In London
Mrs, Francis 'G. Clarke, 79,
died Friday December 13 at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Per-
cy Johnston, London. She lay
at rest at the A. Millard George
Funeral Home until Monday,
December 16. Interment was in
Mt. Pleasant cemetery.
Daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. James Clarke, Mrs. Clarke
(who was the former Birdie
Stanley) was born on Con. 16,
London Township on the farm
now owned by her, nephew
Prank Stanley. She lived for a
number of years a mile south
of Lucan where Mrs. Walter
Coursey now resides. Her hus-
band predeceased her.
She' is survived by three daugh-
ters, Miss Elva Clarke, Birming-
ham, Mich.; Mrs. Percy (Ada)
Johnston, Fanshaw and Mrs.
Clif or d (Lila) MacDonald,
Scottstown, Quebec; two grand-
children, also one sister, Mrs.
Fred Bowes, of London.
Lucan Resident Breaks Arm
Mrs. J. R. Murray last Satur-
day broke her left arm. She and
Bob had parked their car in the
Market Building London. Com-
ing down, the Building,
was full,
so they decided to walk. Some-
how Mrs. Murray's heel caught
and she fell several steps.
Hockey News
Boxing Day proved lucky for
the Irish Six when they de-
feated Forest 6-5 in a W.O.A.A.
Intermediate "B" hockey game
at Forest.
Don Lankin earned the vic-
tory when he .broke the 5-5 tie
just two minutes before the bell
rang. Steve Storey scored twice
with Leroy Revington, Fred Re-
Vington and Ken Powers get-
ting one goal each.
Earl C. Collins
Dies In Ottawa
Earl Clayton Collins, 64; after
a lengthy illness, passed away
in 'Ottawa Hospital„ Friday, De-
cember 20. A service was held
in Ottawa at 1:30 p.m,, Sunday,
and then his body was sent to
the Murdy Funeral Home, Lu -
can, where the Rev, Edgar
Roulston conducted another fune-
ral servite at 2 pan., Monday,
December 23, with interment in
St. John's .0emetery, Arva,
Pall -bearers were Edgar MC -
Falls( IL B. Langford, Karl
O'Neil, Don I3anting, T. A. Hod-
gins and Erie Itaskett,
Mr. Collins was the son of
the late Robert and Eva Collins,
lie spent his childhood on Mar-
ket street, Lucan, and attended
the Luean Publit and High
Schots. He Worked for Some
years for General. Motors at
Winnipeg, London, Montreal and
Ottawa. In 1942 he began work-
ing in the Auditor Generars
parurtent, Ile Was a veteran of
Workl. War I.
, He Is survived by his wife,
the fernier Marge Clemente, two
brothers, Roo, Of Sarnia, and
Harry of Toronto: also two
uncles, Harry Collins, of `Claitcle-
boye, and Prank Collins. of Win.
nipeg, and one aunt, Mrs. GO,
tawderi, of Utah.
/andeboye Comments !:
C111.10,1185 Ur*,
On Christmas Stinday at St.
'James .Churchthe rector, the
Rev. sr. P. Prest had as guest
speaker., the Rev, R. H. Anions,
recter Of 'Trinity .Churcia, Alba
Craig, St. Marys, Brinsley and.
Christ Church, .Centralia, whe
.conclucted th^ Holy Commu-
nion Service.
The ...church was decorated with
A lighted Christmas. tree. The
flowers on the re -table at the.
altar were given by !drs H. Mur -
Less and at thechancel the
flowers were in loving memory
Of the late Mr. Paul Poole.
.1,9;0 Nowa
Mr. Jim is a patient in
S. Joseph's, Hospital • following.
An operation,
Miss Elaine Armstreng has
been- given thepart of the
Princes companion, Derwynt
in the play "Sleeping Beauty" to
be presented January 3 and 4 in
the London Little Theatre with
Mrs, OrM Miller directing.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe
visited with the Paton family on
Thursday evening.
Clandeboye School Concert
Miss Elaine Graniger and pu-
pils of the Clanciehoye .School
Church News
Last Sunday was a red letter
day in the Pentecostal Sunday
School for the attendance reach-
ed an all-time high of 60, al-
most triple whet it was When
the Rev. Fred Thomson came to
Lucan. The congregation has
doubled. For some time, once
a month the Young People's
group 'has entertained the pa-
tients at the Home fore the Aged
in Clinton. Owing to illness in
the home the visit last Friday
had to be cancelled.
The United Church was decor-
ated' for the Christmas season
with a large 'Christmas tree in
the corner, two baskets artistic-
ally arranged by Mrs. Muriel
Carling, - and two baskets in
memory • of the late Mrs. S.
Crown and the late Mrs. J, H.
Skaling (nee Luella Mowbray),
both contributed by Dr. Skaling
and Miss Skaling.
Special Christmas music was
rendered by the choir.
Rev. R. H. Anions of Ailsa
Craig was the guest speaker in
the Anglican Church. Mr, Prest
h an ged pulpits with Mr,
Anions. '
presented their Christmas con4
cert on Thursday, Dee, 19 the
Scheel Tom. Mr. Mao Hill.acted
w.raesie' t 1111. 441i:ills; TICiltilaTatythSrtfonl:thd!.:1711acjsnr°111no:aesd4.
,the Christwas. Tree,
4hristmat Visitors,
guests with the 'Paton 'fainilY
were Mrs. Aileen Rielli, Veneta
and Robby Riehl of Stratford and.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Logan and
Myrna Jane of Thorndale,
and. Ivan, Air. and Alva, Tom
Brock and Karen of Zion, Mr.
and Mrs, Ralph Lynn and Misses
Dorothy and. .Pauline Lynn of
. Mr., Stanley Tomes, Mr. 'Tom
Tomes and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Lynn were guests later in the,
day with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Raines in Dorchester.
Mr. •Elmer .Cunniugham Of In-
gersoll, Miss Carole Cunning-
ham of Detroit, • •Mr. and Mrs,.
Errol Cu.nningliarn and family of
Glencoe and Mr. and Mrs, Roy ,
Cunningham .and 504 with Mrs. "
Omar Cunningham.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred. Cunning- 4
lime entertained on Sunday Mr,
and. Mr. Arnold Harper and A
Joan of St. Paula, Air, Joe Cun-
ningham of London and Alias 1
Elaine Grainger of Zurich.
Ur. Win. Northgrave and 'Mrs.
Aggie Northgrave eatertalned on
Sunday, Mr, and . Mrs. John
Northgrave and all their fami-
lies of Ceurtland and Miss Mary t
Northgrave of Lucan,
Paul J. Poole
Funeral services were held at
the Stevenson funeral home, 11
Ailsa Craig, on Wednesday af•
ternoon, Dec. 18 for Mr. Paul j.
Poole, 50, beloved husband of
Margaret Gulash and dear fa-
ther of Harvey. Rev. ,T. P. Prest
of St. ,Tames Church, conducted
the service.
Mr. Poole was instantly killed 4
on ' Monday evening on No. 7
highway. He was born in Sas- 4
katchewan, moved to London and
was in service M the army there
Lr three years, Twelve ,years
ago be moved to his farm in p
McGillivray township. He was a
Member of St. James Church,
Interment took place in ad-
joining cemetery. Pall -bearers
were, John Hotson, John Don-
aldson, Stanley Tomes, Harold
Lynn, Andy Carter and F. Peke, 4
,01111111 ll 11 ii 1111111 llllllll 1111111i1 1;111111111 lllllllll 11111111 llll 1
otuutiatufluttuttuumut lllll mutton lllllll uttuti lll
Happy New Year!
Ittttettfloututittulutfilututututmutuommtfitutulututululututfliumt lllll ittuttititintutuittiftsu llllll IfitoF
lllll 11111111111 l lll ll 11111111110 lllllllllllll 1111111 llllllll 11;11111111111111111811111 lllll 11 ll t111 moms lllllll ll ll t lllllllll it .
appy New Year
Larry Snider Motors
Automatic, power steering, radio,
'56 FORD COACH, radio
'56 METEOR COACH, six cylinder, radio
; SEDAN, radio
'55 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, radio ;1,445500
'54 FORD SEDAN, Crestline, automatic, -radio $1,395
'54 DODGE SUBURBAN, radio , $1,350
°54 METEOR SEDAN, radio $1,295,
'52 MONARCH SEDAN, overdrive ,radio 'nice $ 995
'53 FORD COACH, radio $ 905
'53 FORD SEDAN $ 095
'52 FORD COACH, autom„atic llllllll l : ll 5
'53' PLYMOTJTH SEX WAGON, radio lll $ 795
'51 MONARCH SEDAN, overdrive, radio lll ll $ 650
'51 'DODGE SEDAN, clean '$ 595
' '50 STUDEBAXER SEDAN, overdrive lllll ,350000
'52 AUSTIN SEDAN, new motor llll $ 450
'49 PLYIVIOUTH SEDAN lll $ 275
Very low mileage.
'56 FORD 3 TON DUMP, ready to work .......„ $3,200
'54 FORD 3 TON DUMP i $1,750
'53 MERCVRY PICXUP, automatic I $ 850
DUMP $ 500
'40 MERCURY 3 TON DUMP ....„,„ lllll „...... ll $ 500
'SI Mt RctraY PicKup . llllllll ... lllll $ 500
Lally Snider Mo. fors
PHONE 624 SAW And, Sorvicir EWER
Christmai Visitors
and Mrs. dwin Mill
-Brian; garryand Barbara
Saturoay evening With Mr. a
VountY. presents Fred May,
11311Sietan-evangeliat ef 'Torn
playing the chorci Organ With
100 vomes and Mlit,ating Seel
of DIUSiC31 lptuneats, CliOt
Le$ton Hall, Saturday, Jarmo
Yellows' Rail, 2‘ater, weehn
day, Jam 11, sponsored by Cane
Polio and Tnberenlosis comm
tee of tho °Cid Vellowst and
becca .14edges, Public welcorn
Luneit provided. Admisaion
New Year's Eve
1000 p.m, to ??fl. Drees Optional
ieroyR 31
Ad'Hi, Mt+ Hawks
Enjoy A Movie
At New Year's,
December 31, January 1
* Dean Martin
* Eve Bartok
(Mitinee Wednesday, Jan, 1)
• January 2-3-4
* Audis ,Murphy
* KatheYn Grant
January 6, 7 and 8
* flab Hope
* Kathryn Hepburn
* Yvon,* DeCarle
* Berry Fitzgerald
Breeding it
"Where Better I
Our annual members'
January 9
ITIME: 10.1S a.m.
PLACE: Rosslyn Grove en Hist
and Preston. Lots of
# 1 Hampshire, past pre
National Association
the menager of an A
about the size 01 ours,
DINNER: Will be provided at th
Hear rePertS on .y00 Artificial
elect directors and diticuss ar
tabling to this
%alma lllllll Haul ll a l maw ll ll $111110111,01,11111 lllll
lllll l ll l el llll iiillility
• -Serv
JAMBS Street Church
Speaker; Rev, Alex,
Cavell Ckireh
Speaker: tRev, Richer
Math Street Churth
Speaker: Rev. Northa.
Malt Street Church
Speaker: Rev. S. Icor
IDA, JANUARY 10, 11:0(
Trivktt Memorial Chu
Speaker; Rev. 11. J. !
A ce11ectiO0 will be recoil*,
• Cailadign Council