HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-31, Page 12The, The**. Mese** neeenthee 190-
Les Talk
Sport* 'Editor
These days one has to take more than a
quick glance at the hockey schedule to find out
What's on tap for the tribe. With Old Man '68 upon
uss a spy -glass report of the MOI schedule
bows that on only TWO oeeasions throughoet the
„Math of January the tribe will play league games
befere home -town fans. Although six road games
have been slated, the tribe may have to use their
good looks in the credit department to keep operat-
ing until February. It's peculiar how ft happens but
t alwaye does. First you have a flock at home games
and then you don't see your local arena for so 1eng
that the town folk think .you're hibernating.
Ir trying to get over the lengthy absence of
borne games, BILL MUSSER , tribe manager, tried to
get MITCHELL LEGIONNAIRES in for an exhibition
game on January 4, jest when it looked as tnough
they were coming, the plans tell through, so now
an attempt is being made to have RCAF CENTRALIA
Melva in on the same night. if you recall, Centralia
won the RCAF TRAINING commAmi ciumnoN-
. SHIP• from MacDONALD, MANITOBA, last year in
BILL FRANKLYN, who Avlieeleci, a stick for
the 11,1011AWKS last year, is one of the main spark
plugs on the club along with. MQE VBEIL, CHUCK
So as this column goes to press, it looks like
a definite exhibition game will take place in , the
local arena on January 4 either with. RCAF CEN-
TRALIA or the Mimic° Mice .for sure!
Peering into tbe O.iLA. SENIOR. "B" picture
for a moment to look at the standings of DeceMber
28, We firtd it has "the new look". First of all, tile
*Ad situation shows the WOODSTOCK ATHLETICS s-enecesTorPPlayllig Coach "Red"
e was without. e
perched on, top of the league with the once -powerful Loader, Gib Sabourin, Gar
WALLACEBURG HORNETS in second place. Last
. Baker, Dick McFalls and Bill
Oberle but a fine stand-in job
0, ks. I d
Egete'r Mohawks will be 'as.
Scarce to the heMe. IOWA fent
through the month at :January'
as the :Chicago Black ilawka
have been celebrating A Stanley
Cup championship over the past
.six years!,
With, the newly inaugurated
chedule into .effect,, Exeter fans
witi only have theopPOrtunity. to
witness. the local Braves on two
occasions through league gaMes,
While this takes place over the,
tdaYthe tribe. win matte
s at* . p 0.
Although the Mohawks .are sat-
tiog op in first place in .the loop
standings with a boastful 70
win -loss record, they will not
have a .eluioce. to .add to their
total at home until January 10
when the tailJend Pt. Ethyrd.
Merchants pay their only visit of
the season to the local WilgWkol.,
Meaowhile, Exeter will tangle
with Zurich on the eighth, day of
January and will Make en int--
y1%14a jaunt to Clinton on the
Clinton Coltswho haven't
been loSing moth time .Since the
league started, will do battle
with the ,third..plaee Pion Irish
in the rembunctious Irish toile
on the third day ea the New
Year. The game should be.,a reel
thriller front start to finial), .400
there is no love 10$t between tale
COtts Meat Pratioctivel
The Colts have scored the
Meat, Allinher Of goals irt the
league to •date at 62 but the,
titg "irre V?feee49
ide are
heels With 16.
The best gea's-aeainst average
castles Mit ,Exeter where -the
tire e goaltenclers used in the
seven game* have allowed 23
pucks to pis* into the net.
The worst defensive Club mil
record is Blackwell. ,The
daYS, who have been in .on 40
Miring plays, °have let the op,.
positien bleat 84 unto their cage
in 10 games.
of liderton at eo. A recent win
Fewest Vela gored cornea out
wiped out of the standings,
'against Hensall, who folded, iSJ
one Of the main reasons for the
low scoring total.
Tribe Nips Blackwell
ForSeventh Straight
Exeter Mohawks, playing with- tance of the Tribe, but the Mo -
out the aervices of three regular has& defensive play peeved too
minders, rose to the occasion in Erratic shooting hankpered
Blackwell Holidays 6-, for their club throughout the game.
ferwards and two. regular net- reach for the htimesters,
Forest Monday eight to down goal -scoring attempts by each
seventh victory in a snw. On two occasioht, IVieliawk
Captain Larry Heideman waltzed
le oti top of taloa in the Black. -
well net, only to be foiled once
with the puck sliding by the open
corner alit! another' with the red-
, year at this time, the A's were parked in third place
with 14 points compared to the Hornet's nest on top
of the heap with 22.
Secondly, STRATHROY ROCKETS, who seem
to have money to ham and who started off like the
American Sputnik only to explode 60 feet off the
„ground, find themselves in fifth place in the eix-
,team grouping. Twelve months ago they were on
iWallaceburg's heels with 17 points.
Getting back to Wood-
stock, we find that quite
a little success story crops
up from the ambitious
town. A chap by the name
been very instrumental in
p u t ti n g them on their
lofty perch. 'Woody" has
his club hustling all the
way and above all he has
his forwards feeding the
disc back continually to
the bliteline brigade for
goals. With power to burn
on the points, Woodward
18 putting it to excellent use as the scoring statistics
will reveal. -
A pair of ex -Mohawk performers in the per
sons of JACK DWYER and DOUG THIEL are a
shining light in the mastermind's eyes. Thiel, who is
wearing the "C" on his sweater, and Dwyer are con-
tinually denting the twine with their whistling slap-,
shots much to the delight of the ,fans who have been
turning out in numbers from 1.200 -to MO a game.
Iii fact, the lowest crowd to witness u game there
this year was 900. To get the people out in hoards
such as this, something must be rolling in high gear
and from the looks of the way their paying their
players, it Ls! Each team member is given so much
for a win and loss. On top of this, there is a $25
bonus each week to split between. the players who
figured in the scoring statistics. However, if you
were on the ice when a goal is scored against you,
a deduction of a point is made. So you see it works
both ways. It keeps the boys working all the time.
As long as the fans keep coming the bonus stays -
in operation. Not a bad idea from where we sit.
(brOottiball variety) started the season4off on the right
foot with a 4-0 victory over JACK FULLER'S MERRY
MAIDS. (Will not be held responsible for the name,
heir!) William "Mustard" MUSSER stepped right
back into his last year's form by scoring three of
the four tribe goals. MURRAY BRINTNELL, over
from his hockey goaltending chores, took time out
to score the other goal.. Dangerous JACK and TOBY
"The Coat" BRINTNELL stood out (somewhere) for
the losers . • How does RUSS SNELL get away
with it? They tell us he uses at least three skips a
game to keep in the curling win eolum.n. Pretty
60011 the rocks will have to be guided by traffic lights
with the players led by safety patrols when the Snell
rink is on the ice. The imports must really cost a
pile 'of dough! (They're all jealous, Russ.)
* * * *
BILL McKENZIF2—"Witt more money ori the links
next'yeer than AL BALDING!" . . BERT HORTON
—"Sell more Bromo Seltzer than ever' „ Bunn
MOHAWKS (baseball variety)—"Win a game!"
AMOS DARLING—"Mark the card deekl" — KEN
IIOCKEY—"No head pins?" HAROLD libleTZ-
MAN---"Strikes galore!" . GERRY SMITII---"Grow
• more hair!" . CASEY suNGt1.4---"The Champion-
ship!" DIZ DEAN—"Final stud into second base
retirement!" , , WILLIE SHOEIVIAXElt—"Stay on
the horse!" . GLEN MICKL—"Have the team to
touch the pigskin he one of the games this fall!" .
MISS SEIGNERe--"Less headaches—more champion.,
ships!"* . ?MEP. McFALLS—PScort goals!"
LAII,ItY11EIDEMAN—"IVitiele Makers '58 tune up-ior
the wedding march!" . . BOB BEAVERS --"Need
Inore goals'!" HILLY BEAVERS—"Try not to
missany Mohawk home genies!" MOItLEY
AANDERS-14Will a tournameet!" MOHAWXS
(baseball)—"No more night genies in Deshwoodr .
Anti O'NEIL—"teat the Mohawks by ten goels!"
HAROLD IIMSON--"Get people into the arena be-
iddes when the, Mohawks play there!" (Ilope we got
your quotation correct, Itibby/ ha!) , . ALVIN WIL-
LEM-PNo tag ill public skating sessions and raise -
the family!" „ Lad but not leest, our owtt—"to
touch the puck iti one of our future Mohawk games!"
AlkaSeltzer time is here again, so while an
eyes focused -on this column are as clear as
al (we hope), we Send along our very best
between the pipes by Murray
Brietnell and some double duty
up front was all that was needed
to take the Blackwell club for a
sleighride 'arid Make aclean
sweep of the licne-and-hoine
When the firing had ceased,
statistics ,showed that Don
Gravett led the scoring parade
for the winners with three goals.
Latry Heideman followed closely
behind with two, while JirrapY
Russell sank a solo marker for
the victors.'
Holidays Take Early Lead
Holidays, who started the
game with only tWo reserves on
the bench (more arrived later),
grabbed a, 2-0 lead, thanks to
wiry Stan. MasOn'a efforts. s,
Mohawks came surging back
to tie the score with Eeideman
denting the twins at 14.32 on a
pass from Bill Waghorn, and
"Boom" deflecting a pass into
the net from Bob Coates who did
a nifty bit of forecheeking in the
BlackWell end with the Tribe
shorthanded at 19,03.
beaded netniiiider getting his
Stick iit the Way.
Only abed 50 fans turned out
to see the cOntest.
“Makei It A )Iapn-t New Yeast!,
EXETER - Cleat, Brintnell; de-
fence, Witgltern, COatee: .entre,
Freidman; Butisell, Pin-
combe; alternates, Rundle, Del-
brid$se, MacDonald, laienimaert,
Batten, Jehnston, MuSiser, Gra-
BLACKWELL - Goal, Ba4nes;
defence, wales, Lehner; centre,
Randall; wines, liliteori. 1`.'artia;
a.lternatets, Flitzley, Blake, Rink-
er, Griffon, Gardiner, lioorehouse.
lefrrit Period
1-Bl5ek*411, *Main 3:30
Merlon (Blake) 9:24
8--Exitter, Haider/11A
Goals by the same pair in the
'second period, with only one
Holiday 'tally, gave the Tribe a
4-3 lead to carry into the final
stanta. Mason scored his third
goal from a scramble at 18.27 in
front of the Mohawk net in which
Farris and Wales drew assists.
With a little aver five Minutes
played in the final period, Right-
winger Jimmy Russell came up
with a picture goal to sheet the
leaderS into a 5-3 lead.
Taking a pass front Heideman
at ,erase ice, the lanky winger
pulled around Ken Latiner on the
blueline to roar right in en a
helpless Ted Baines and haat-
hand the puck into the top left
hand corner of, the cage for his
fourth goal of the year.
"Boom" gave the visitors a 6.3
lead at 7.22 by backhanding a
passout from JIM MacDonald
into the cage.
Late period goals by Hap Ran-
dall and Jim Farris brought
Blackwell to within striking dis-
Coach White
Sparks Irish
'wait Irish, on the strength
of two goals in each of the sec-
ond and third periods, spanked
the visiting Blackwell Holidays
5-3 in a WOAA Intermediate
"B" hockey game in Lucan
arena Friday night.
Playing Coach Bob White, who
Move4 up froni his defence no.,
sition to pivot •wirigers Allan
Elsoe arid Steve Sterey, sparked
the victory with an mitts
(Waghorn) 1432
4-Eketer, Gra-vett
(Dikter') -.4- 15:03
renames - Bundle (elbowing)
2:05; COrtteis (bolding) 6;46;
Lather onterrereoeo
Ituesell (trIPPing) 18:46.
Second Period
5 -Exeter, Gravitt
(1‘111.0170nald) -- _ - _ 6:46
6-EXpter, Heideman
(Pincortbe), 8:07
7.-Bleckwell, Mason
, (Farris, Wales) 18;27
Penaltiet-•Piricenibt (holding)
8:24; Randall (e 115 0 w 1 rt g)
Third Period
8-txster, -Russel!
(Heideman) 5:1/
9 -Exeter, Gravett
(MacDonald, Heideman) 7:23
19"-Blackweli, 10:26
(Mahn) 1314
Penalties -Gardiner finterfer-
Once) s:43; alioDonald
• ing) fi:65.
,Clintono F
Goaltending's the Gamel
Murray Brintnell was the brave
warrior who donned the goal-
teeding eqeipment for the' Tribe
in Forest Monday night when the
two regular nettinders failed to
show up. hlurr, who put on the
pads Ur the first time this sea.
soo, was a major factor in the
Mohawks posting their seventh
ateaight win. The result: sore
arin, shoulder and leg muscles
the next day. He welts' to return
to the minor leagues!
Loot Week'S Score's'
Exeter 6, riackweit 5
Lucan 5 Blackwell 3
LuCan Forest 6
Forest 7, Zurich 4
Exeter 7 0 0 5333
Clinton 6 1 0 62 32
Lucan. '5 3 0 53 26
Irdretst 5 5 0 61 58
Blackwell 3 7 0 4064
Zurich 1 4 0 27 44
Ildertert 1 4 0 20 42
Pt, Edwar-cl - 8 0 27 33
District Masons
Defeat Visitors
Exeter Masonic Lodge, spelt
ed by George Glendeening:a 756
triple, defeated the visiting
Irish Masonic Lodge from Len.
don on Boxing Day by ••a 5.2
sore on the loci' alleys .in a
to Mr. Ctlibert he lived .or a
The visitors won. the first
game with a pin total of 1122
to Exeter's 1031 but the locals
can back strong in. the final
two games to win the niateh.
Exeter Masohit, which. was
composed of Chester Mawhili-
zieya Howard Truemor, Bill Mc,
Kenzie, George Glendoning and
Exeter's Mayor Ted Poeley
recorded 1129 and 1143 total pins
in the last two games for the
London Maionic "had Harry
RoSsettes, .0. &Unifiers, M. Lake,
Max Etabeau and 11, Canip on
their five -man team. -
No Skunks
is Week
first period marker atid an as. Th.
Fred eevingtot, storey, Gary For the first time this season,
Vowels and defencernan Ray the Exeter Ladies' II 0 w li n g
Yelle were the other Irish riterks. League has rolled off its 12
nen. • games without .otie team gettitig
Ed *
Moorthouse, Start Mason skunked. Every team in ea th of
and Ted Wales blinked the light the "A" and "A" groupings et
or the visitors, least picked up two points as
The Victory was the second the first half of the schedule
Within the week for the Loin wound up for the yuletide Sea
loSs raenedoedgivine6thtliedinstandi5n1s.win. St:VirtitiPylotipipetitieastioens8 thdettstrtertpgiteli,
eittimat etm
iists AGAIOnt „
, Merl up a 5-2 victory Over the
dettinAdet,1"!, 11.11kkljer-', 1?."10o,13rdttiriueri tra„hdicApiers to maintain a nine»
centre, Randall: wing& ittaleir, lent Ida over the seCond Idace
hatnots who clectrocuted the
Meorehoute; alternates', S. atasen,
I.Lights 342, on the loeal alleya.
P. Griffin, Varris# Pritsley, Lat-
mtr, 11, Blake,
a;c N 4, temiee., de. The *test game of the week
tow, welipinp, derittt, in the "A" class came 'when the
Whits; wiega. storey. Bisen: al. PiI1 edged but the Lollipops 4-3
iernitters, L. Bevington, tirbehott,itta battle right down to the
Ttevtogtee, Vowels. nastnharn,
/Article, ReadY, P0•Ics Conlin•
Failure Garners'
30 -Clinton at Blackwell
Lucan at Ilderten,
3 -Clinton at Ltican
6 -Blackwell 84 Forest
7.-ZUrielt Ilderton
8 -Exeter at Zurich
Lucett at Clinton
:Forest at Pt. Edward
6-1.1darton Foreet
10 -Pt. Edward at Exeter
11 -Exeter at Clinton
a- ev r.„ e le P
7 6 1 0 36 11 12
7 4 3 0 10 42 8
7 2 5 0 32 44 4
7 2 5 0 28 38 4
COMbines ---
Tech-Wing -
Future Gamest
Jan 6 (7:30 P.m.)
Ca,datis vS. Tech.Wing
Jan. 0 (6:45 p.m.)
PFTS vs, Combines
'Heildeman 'Sparkplug
.•Of Mohawks' Streak
First Period
1--411ack*S11, Wales ---- 6;53
2-.-Lticrtn, White 14:28
Perirtitie6 •-• Larilrin--(11-0(sking)
*atone Period
2-Luta:ft, V. 1'16'4100bn
Veweltr) 2:05
4.-4.11•Oart, Storey
(tirbilhOtt, "White) 10:01
Finish Sked.
For Holidays
With one-third of- the WOAA. 1 • and three assists '
lioniebrew -Jotermediate
hockey schedule under .their
bells, • Exeter Mohawks* have
beee. .able.eo retire for the boll.
day season with one -of the best
early season. records set by an
Exeter eke) ie some year.
The tribe has run up seven
consecutive victories withoet
suffering a setback to nail down
the top rung with a perfect
Looking ever (ile lfoliawk
scoring statistics, it is easy to
determine the main reason the
tribe is perched in their lofty
position, M o h a w k pivotrnan,
Larry Heideman is the golden
package that has ignited the
spark behind the club so far
this season,
The lanky centre, who- directs
plays for his wingers, Jim Rus-
sell and Pineombe, has
managed in each o the seven
games ploed to sore at least
one goaL
...against Blackwell Holidays in
the seasou's opener and against
Ilderton Wildcats in the third
game of the schedule, the sharp-
shooter filled the nets, with four
goals in each game. As well as
blinking the red lights behind
the goaltenders, Heidie has
Picked up eight assists to go
with his 14 -goal productien for
22' points.
Only on one oceasion, which
was against Lucan Irish in Exe-
ter, did the tribe's leading point
maker fall to register at least
one assist With. his goal per
game. In this encounter, he
_scored 'one of the four Mohawk
tallies but failed to add to the
assist column. In. the penalty
department, Ileidie has been bit
tor three to-rninute• minors.
The Exeter-Cettralia . Minor
Hockey League schedule has
been released ter the baliziee of
the Christmas -New Yeatrs' hol)-
day season.
WO we, squee gee and six
pee -wee teams will play right
through until January' 4 with the
wee wee and squee gee teams
winding ,up the holiday schedule.
An added attraction In Recre-
ational Director Larry Heide -
man's plebs is skating and girls'
• tem WEIE1
Lest' Week,* Scorers!
Roolte.ts 3, ROYals Iv I,
Whirs 3, Terriers, 55,
11111twi ega[c:rkib(8trrt: 1412, lat
'Pee Wee TOP Ten
Scoring Leaders
1 11
1 9
1, 7
2 6
0 2
Allen Saul 11 2 13
Larry Brinttell 10 1 11
Stanley Lesnick, 3 11
Mike Halter 5 2 7
Mike '0111'hr:tan 4 2 6
Ronald Oke 3 28
Don Bray 2 3 6
Bob Hoffman 3 2
Ricky Fletcher 5 0 5
Don Cooper 2 2 4
Future Gamest
&Wintry 2-
0:30 -10:30, -Wings vs. Bulldegs
10:30-1110-RoYals Alt. Terriers
January 3.-
10:30 -11:30 --Marlboros vs, Rockett
January 4-
10;00 -11:00 -4W -4e Wee and, Suttee
Gob .
Lett Weelea &torte!
Spitfires 8, ACM' 5
Mercury!' 8, Wolves 4
Mercury!' 2 0 2
Spitfiret 3 1 1
Acee. -----------------3 2 0
"IgolVe 0 3 1
Irsattore amnia!
Decetriber 20-
7:00-8:00 'P.M. -Acts vs. WOlve,a
11:80-9:00 pan.-SPItfiret Vs,
Midget' 66 Bantam
TOP 'Vet* Scoretit
Llbyd Moore S 4
130b ,Arrnstreng __ _ 2
Bob $
headtam. Prat* Payte
Ups & DOwes continued te -------- 5
stay up in first place id the "B" ,y;A ___
section with a tight 4-3 victory lAtis 2
over the /toilettes, but the Arian ------------4 1
seeond place ivtighty Mice gain- Dt416 2
VI a. point it the leadees when
Following closely is linemate
Jim Russell on four goals and
two assists for six points.
Jim MacDonald and defence.
Mall Bill Waghorn are tied for
seventh place with five points
each with GUI Sabaerin and Bob
Coates following with four and
three respectively.
Most penalized player on the
club is aggressive Bob Coates.
.Bob has been thumbed to the
sin bin 1,1 times fez. misdemean-
The schedule opener saw him
sit out three miners for six milt-
tates against Blackwell with
eight more minutes heing served
against Forest in the second
game in a close 4-3 victory for
the tribe.
Throe Netminders
Three, goaltenders have guard-
ed the nets for.the Exeter -club
in the seven games to date, Gar
Baker has seen action four
times and has alloWed 13 pucks
to OP Past him while Dick Mc -
Falls was scored upon five times
in two games,
Murray Brintnelj, the third
custodian the 'Mohawks have
used, had five pucks slide past
him to bring the Exeter goal-
tending totals to 23 against in
seven games for an average of
3,28 goals per game.
romr PARADE:
Ga G A P Pim.
L, Heideman --,. 7 14 22 0
Don. Gravett ---- 7 9 10 19 0
Bill Cherie 6 17 10
Jim Loader 4 10 4
33111 Pincombe — 7 7 6
Jim Russell 7 6 2
aim MacDonald - 5 11
Waghorn33111 ....,- 6 5 6
Gib Habourin ..6 4 8
Bob Coates ' 7 3 22
Mur Brintnell 1 4
Al Rundle 4 1
Kevin Delbridge - 6 '0 12
Second in the tribe's scoring
race is Don Gravett. "BOom'
has turned in two "hat -tricks"
in the seven games played to
spark his nine goal total. The
rightwinger also has ten assists,
most on the club, to give him
19 points and the runner-up spots
He is also the only member of
the tribe who has played a reas-
onable number of games to hold
a clean penalty retort!.
Leftwingtr Oberle, who
has dented the twine eight times
and has collected nine assists
for 17 points, holds down the
third slot.
"Obie" collected three of his
goals against Blackwell in the
opener at Exeter, added two
against Forest 'and sank single
tallies against Forest in Forest
and against Lucan in a home
and home series. Merton kept
him off the scoresheet in the
third game of the season. •
Pincombe Leads Rookies
Bill Pineombe leads the rook-
ies, with seven poles on four
they dumped the Mit Degt 54 e
Bantam s, Midgets
haled Betty WilsOn's teiele,
Ohly Otte laeintS sereirate the
m„dttutri ye" third plate With 58,
'ping) 12:65, 141010 Olbowitit) Ups & troWnas Eusy tees led tockts„ eeths ea These up. yule.
11:20, Merry edeids 'duptietted the gat tide schedule by pleying double -
In Doubleheaders
two aire. w th Ally link
pewees -4e IleVitiiteT (trip- Re J4 th 4 I
-51-eS -3t ---6 kettt tiotarri tied etidget
10:30-11:30-ROftl3 vs. Terriers
10:30-11:30-Maighores VS, Rockets
1:30 -2:30 -GIRLS' HOCKEY
Jostens', 4
10:00 -11;b0 -Wee Wee 'vs. Scitles
7:00 -S00 --Spitfires vs. Wolves
8:00-9:00-Aoes ve, Mereuryt
Jana:try 8
7:00-8:00-Mercurys Wolves
.8:00-9:00-Spitflros Vs. Aces
V004 04004 elf& their .0epreeeeta. Headers bi the teeter Meek Mt
1.*Llican, Yetis 3 Ilift;:di'dSCDUtbattottailtilkt:dli tthbhittitEhtlesAYpielt6ivr65: jaftnittrgYialli
(rteolligtolltI3syraiani) :4 a
, 7 05
("1611°166) "r7=1;/17.- 1415 -teAlt10 fti d‘t# frt Oightfg the hours of /4 0,to. between
. „
Sebedule 16 As 10110WS*
Olfirettal;:g1 tti:Ittnitgatr:tnall4 *4hedille f"g 611.4WS1
tstall) Ift0141, high billotk *et% of ,hilt oott
14'144 .4' mei Turn to Page la 0;t040:30-w1tt5 vs, laultatese
Reedy fttlititrilig) 121 5,
4 6
3 1
0 .3
1 0
0 1
0 0
s s leading Mohawk sniper
Bill Batten 2 0.0 0
Jack Parsons ....- 1 0 0 0
Goalkeepers', laccord
Ga, flA
Gar Baker 4 13
Dick McFalls 2 5
Murray Brintnell 1 8-
Average - 3.28 goals per game.
11 You're TIRED
Everybody gets a bit run-down now and
then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe
bothered by backaches, Perhaps nothing
seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic
condition caused by excess acids and
wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's
Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate the kidneys,
And so help restore their normal action of
removing excess acids and wastes. Then
you feel batik, sleep better, work better.
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for
the blue box with the red band at ail
druggists. You can depend an Dodd's. 52
Once again, tbith
the approach the New Year, we resolve
to serve yew cheerfully, courteously,
and to the best of our ability.
Huron Lumber Co.
Phone 48.
Special New Year's Sale
Of Late Model, Low Mileage
OK Used Cars And Trucks
'56 Oldsmobile
4 -door sedan, air conditioning heater,
C ust 0 m radio, washers, two - tone
finish, low mileage, new car condi-
'55 Chevrolet
2 -door sedae, air coetlitioning heater,
turn sigriale, chrome wheel dises,
special two-tone, less than 15,000
miles, new tar condition.
"56 Chevrolet
2 -door sedan, 8-cyl. engine, radio,
rear seat speaker, windshield wash-
ers, back -tip larops, chrome,. wheel
discs, white wall tires, 16,000 miles,
new ear coridition.
56 Studebaker
:2-cloor sedan, radio, turn tgnals, air
ceeditionitig heater, two4One
'55 Chevrolet Vs -Ton Pickup 1
,Heater, corner windows, good condition,
Get OurPrices Before You 84'
/ •
Snell Bros. It
Chev and Olds
le •
I i
4 i
4 , a
, •
* .
4 t.
. . A
0 e
a •
• P .4
g ! I
$ -ee
e 1
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f 1
Christms Visitor
Mr. and Mrs,
4114 Ms. Tom
sell, with Mr.
Miss Ethel W
Mr. And Mrs. W.
Mr. John Rion
Bill, with Mr. atm
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Ben- Wilson
Gordon, ,with Mr
les.. Et, Marys.
Mies Noreen W.
mother, Mrs, Wal
Eric Clayb
with itis parents,
Toro Coward And
With Mr. and
Switzer on Sunday
It's time once agen
you for your past
and our best wis
Happy New Yeari
4 /. Men* 538