HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-31, Page 7eat
• fly M145
The first daY 0 the Year has
been celebrated on different
dates in different coentries. It
wasn't end], 1751 that England
aecepted the Gregorian calendar
ef tele year. From very early
tirnee it has been a time of We-
btation. Even tocleY in most
uropean. ceentries it is mere
generally observed than Cheist.
e For New Year's parties, A big -
fit meal is easy to manage.
-.Quests relax more, and the hos-
eess has time to enjoy herself.
Tor one item on the menu wd
It can be made ahead of time
Id refrigerated Until the very
niolnent mire ready to serve,
It'e festiVe be appearance and
delicious. •
ow Year's Sandwich Coaf
Trine off all crusts from a leaf
dey-old bread. Slice off round-
tep: Get lengthwise Into fair
Hee platter apd spread with
utter and" then with a filling.
lace secOnd sliee Of bread on
',different Repeat pro-
wich third slice. Butter last
ee el :bread' With better, end
'Prose sides- and. Alin with
le eheeee for, decorations. Tint
Witie Ireen or red food color.
Write Haft New Year with
And trim With bails Or Other
Tender, luscious
Aylmer Bartlett
Pear Halves ,
flavouyed pears in
health,. , to your
lo.yoUr good
fortune in the
.yeat, ahead.
[grate 'at least three hours or
-tentil needed.
I 1. Minted 'ham ehicken, sal-
mon er .crabeneat mixed .with
- - 2. One layer 'et Weed tomatoes
40a. lettuco,
3, Chopped bard -cooked eggs,
eelerY and mayonnaise.
4. ChoPped olives and Inds with
enough mayonnalse_to moisten.
S. Tuna fish and crisn bacon '
and‘ Moistened with• -chili eAuce.
For appetizers make miniature
cream. ,puffs ' either front your
own, reppe or from a eream .puff
IniX lo be. feend. at your ilecal
grocers and fill with a hot meat
mixture, These same tiny puffs
can he used- for dessert filled
with ice cream, custard, or
. ,A tray of- assorted cheese
snooks and Potato chips eentred
ler preferred to..sweete. .
Here's a chocolate cake recipe
e.. topping. that. le different,. baked
Fein) butter •
e cup cocoa
1 tsp. baking soda
2 tspa. instant coffee
With 1. cup milk with 1 tsp.
vanilla Added. Pour batter into
9 -inch square 'pan. Sprinkle 1 cup
choeolate chip -its and e cup.
-cheeped nuts Over batter. Bake
-sprinkled with icing sugat while
To all the , readers Of this
column may we -wish you e full
measure of peace, joy. and pros-
perity end good 'cooking in 19'58.
Hensall Church
Scene Of Vows
Jean Isabel Armstrong, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geotge Arm-
strong, Heneall, and Merlin Johe
Love, son of Mr. and Mrs, Har-
old Love, Stratford, were united
in marriage in a CeremonY 'per-
formed in Hensall United Church
on Friday, December 21 by Rev.
1-1. „Love, brother of the groom,
end Rev; C, D:Daniel, minister
of the Chdrch.
Miss Greta Lammie, organist
of the chutch played traditional
weddiNirmusic and accompanied
the soloist, Kenneth Flear, Lon-
don who sang' "Two Shall eBe
Ode", "The Lcied's Prayer" and
"Where'er .you Walk."
Given in marriage by her fath-
er the bride .word a formal
Own ef Italian Duppione
styled with sabritia neeklihe
outlined with simulated pearls
and irrideecent sequins, long
tApered sleeves and skirt extend-
ing ilito a chapel train. Her veil
was .imported French illusion
and she earried a bouquet of
red roses.
Mrs. Gary Corlett, ,Tokonto, at-
tended as matron of lranOr and
Mrs.. John §inimons, HenSall,
And Mies Berbera MacDonald,
Torthito, as bridesmaids were
kowned in red shot "taffeta' fea-
turing long sleeves and bouffant
skirt. White fur hats and match-
ing white fur muffs completed
Groomsman for his brother
was Hugh Love, Niagara Falls.
Ushers were gaymorid Mulford
The wedding receptiOn was
held at Armstrong'i restaurant,
For teavelling to the North
Atiaetic States the bride donned
a tweed suit with brown Coat
And matching accessories,
Mr. and Mrs. LOVe Will make
their home in Landon. The
groom a graduate of the Linie
versity of Western Ontario,
-4)-us W000 rAtr-
ilt1614T AND 1:421Nk' PLENTY
14 Main St,
GIRL WINS KINETTE DRAW—Debra Higgins, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Higgins,
Exeter, won the linens raffled by Exeter Kiriettes in one of the numerous Christmas
draws in the district. The winner is shown here with Mrs -Irvine Armstrong, presi-
dent of the Kinettes. The club used proce eds front the draw to provide clothing and
food for a needy family in the district,. —T -A Photo
71.EGiON AUXILIAR* OFFICERS—Marion Frayne, seated centre, is ',the new president
of xeter Legion Auxiliary. Nfembers of her executive aree seated,, left to right Elia
Triebner, treasurer; Hazel BeaVer, past pr esident; Isa Campbell, ',first vice-president;
Vera Mason, second vice-president;. standing, Dorothy Reynol,ds, Mrs. Carrie Nerry,
'sergeant -at -arms;. Gladys Bierling, Dora McTavish, secretak y; Mae Brintnell,' Grace
Wurm and Rhea Greene. All are wives of Legion members. —T -A Photo
Hensall Christmas Visitors
• .
.'gr. and .111rs. Clarence gel
Jerry and Allan with MM.. Ma
jorie Helm and family, at Tive
. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Co-rbet
r- Connie and Al and Mr. and Mr
r- Ross Corbett and Steve with M
and Mrs. Roy Morenz at Das
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn 'eel
Marion, Earl and Mervyn an
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell an
daughter .spent Christmas wit
Mrs. Margaret Vair, of Bruce -
field, this week with her sister,
Mrs. Louis" Simpson.
Miss Sharon MacArthur this
week with her grandmother,
Mrs. Ida Willis, in London.
of Sarnia with the latter's par -
eras, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
Mr. and Mre., Harold Elder
and family with Mr. and. Mrs.
. Archie Wrench. in London.
Miss Ruth Soldan, Hamilton,
and Miss Jean Soldan, nurse -in -
training at St, Thomas . with
their parents, Mr. and' • Mrs,
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Flannery,
Terry, Jimmy and Ray of Ko-
moka, and ,Mr, and Mrs. Dick
McKellae of Thedferd, with Me.
and Mrs. Alfred Smith.
Jim, with Mrs. Louise Gilbert
and Donna at London,
Dr, and Mrs. D. J. MeRelvie
strting wedding on Friday.
Personal Itemt
Wilbert Parker won the teddy
bear in a draW at Bert's Snaek
Mr, and Mrs. McLaren
are spend* Christmas with
their daughter, Mrs. Dorland
Evans and family of Waterloo,
Rev, John elcEwan, of Mid-
land, and Mrs. William Speare,
of Highgate, were recent guests
with their sistee and brother-in-
.1eYed a Christmas part Tuesday
evening with dinner at the
With a theatre party.
Mrs. Robert 1‘10Kenzie, Hee.
sell evae the lucky wineer of the
teddy bear drawn at Thiel's
Serviee Station.
Homy Singe, iiine-year.eld son
'el Mr. And Mrs. Howard SMAle,
Clinton liosPital during Chritt.
Inas week.
drlek and faintly, Mr, arid Mil.
Aloic geBeatle And tinnily, of
Xippeti, spent Christmas with
!Vit. and Mrs. Wilfred Httilltia,
WAA the Welty Winner .of the
6Itettle train &Meal for at
1:"hiet'S ServIde Station Monday,
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd
eand family, London, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Consitt and family,
Kippen, with Mr. and Mit. Wil-
liam Shepherd.
'Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett
and Bryan of Toronto, Miss Ruth
Alexander of Exeter with Mr:
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pfaff and
Miss Alma Pfaff, Zurich, with
Mr. and MrS. Gordon SchWalm
and family.
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mc -
Ewan, in London.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess
With -their -daughter Aed son -in -
Cloy and family, in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Robins of To-
ronto with Mr. and Mrs. William
The Mimes Amy and, Greta
Lanni* visited in Centralia this
week 'with their brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. nay
Laminie, Bobby and Jean.
Mr. Fred Kenniegs is spend-
ing several weeks with his
daughter and son.in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Redden and family
of St. Catharines.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MAOLaren
with their daughter, Mrs.' D.
EVahs arid family, Waterloo.
Mist Joyce Peters, of London
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Peters,
Miss Jean Lavender, Hamilton,
with her parents, Mr. and Mre.
Thomas Lavender.
Miss Phyllis. Dougall, Toronto,
with her -Iiirents, Mr. and Mrs.
William R. Dougall.
Miss Berniee DIEM& Sarnia,
with her parents, Mr, and Mre.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Dillieg
and son ok Sarnia with the for.
mer's parents, gr. and Wt.
Wilbert flitting, '
Mr. Otero Otterbehe Prestee,
with his tether, Mr. VVilliarn
Mrs, C, COok with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Co*. in Windsor.
Mr..and Mrs. George Sawyer
and family with relative§ at
Mt. and gra. /van Stenhehsto
and family Of St. CitharineS
With the tornett'S oaten% Mr,
and Mrs. Stephensee.
Mts. Elsie Coed With gre.
MArY Henpessev, in London,
get and Mrs, Pidget
OlindbeY And Jerry with. gr, aed
.Mr, and Mrs. (leo Corieft
and son tr 'Potent() 'thiS
with Mrs, Corlett's Inifeete, Mr,
and Mrs, Nortnari Cook.
t, A Christmas 'Arty for the
s. Kinsmen, Kinettes and their
r. families ,was held Sunday after-
h- noon at the arena. Films were
shown and candy and gifts dis-
1, tributed.
d The children of the staff and
d employees of General Coach
h Works of Canada iyere treated 'to
n Christmas party on Monday,
December 23, held at the plant.
Films were shown and the gifts
of candy given out. The sports
edinmittee of the plant arranged
the event.
Mrs. Don Robinson and Wendy,
London, spent Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. W. B. Cross.
Mr. and Mrs.. William Smith,
Jane and Scott were recent
visitors with relatives in Mar-
lette, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. George, Hess
visited this week with their son-
irl.law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. McCloy and family, in
Mr: and Mrs. Robert Baker,
Jr. spent the weekend with
relatives in Fergus..
Mr. and Mrs, Bari McKellar
and family of Chatham seent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
Archie Noakes.
This Week In
Mr, and Mrs. Clyne Dobbs and
family of Glencairn spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Brock and Mrs. Dobbs. On San -
day a birthday eelebtation- Was
held for Mrs. Dobbs when visi-
tors Were Mr. mid Mrs. Lloyd
Dobbe and girls, Mrs. E. - SteA
phens and boys, Mt. aed Mrs.
Win, Dobbs and family, all of
Langton; Mr, and Mrs, Cliff
Ilreek and boys of Crediton;
Mrs. Wog MOO and Mr. and
Mrs, Junior Dame and habY
ter And family of Andersoil. Mr.
don and Mk, and Mrs. jeck
Mr. eed Mrs, Howard /MY'
Mari kid family of Kippen Were
'Sunday visitors With Mr.
Mrs. William Walters.
Mr, kid Mrs. jaek Wide and
Lori of Stratford and .Mrs.
Walters df London were weekb
fid Visitors with W. ahat Mrs.
Fred• Walters,
Mrs. Harry Pord Weodhant
Wee weekend visitor at the
halt Of Mr. and Mrs. Preemith,
UWO .Students
s4 Patera le e, tber an
-Church, ZOniek On ,S4ierdy.
bath elaughtfer Of
Me, lied- efee. Ivan XAlit-
thtisvit, Zurich, heearae 'the bride
Dr. and, Mrs. Albert Letta,
L. Kalblfelsch, uncle
of the 'bride. officiated, assisted'
by Itev. C. VI/inter, pastor Of the
Ctiveit in _marriage by 'tier
father, The bride those a gown
Aar eitk -styled with tapered
lilynoint sleeves and a mane
neekline ,enhanced .by a yoke of
belinv the .scuiptured Prin-
cess. bOLliCe, inverted pleats ere.
ated. fullness for the houlfant
skirt featuring .a deep 11=00
etched with lace appliques And
lace headdress sprinkled with
Pearls .441d -sequins held ner
double fingertip.. veil of silk
lusion_She gamed a bouquet of
white 'roses.
.The maid -of honor., Miss Ar-
lene Habercr, Lendon, And
bridesnraids., Marie Hodgson, of
Exeter, and Miss Eleanor Preng,
Zurieh, were dressed alike • in
cocktail -length dresses of im-
ported red velvet with matching
boeeshaped bandeaux And ear-
ried .cascades of white mums
with variegated green foliage.
Susan Letts, . Alba Craig, was
frocked in Chridtmas green vel-'
vet. • She carried A white :muff
adorned with British Columbia
holly and red carnations. .
Mr. Bruce Letts,,,Ailsa
was best man: and ushers were
David and Jobe Letts, .of Aliso
A. reception 'was .heici. at the
home of the bride's• parents,'
mint green silk brecade
deem_ with matching accessories
mut orsage oe Sweet-
heart roses. The groom's mother
Assisted in '4. geld wide black
French- lame. sheath dress .with
blending accessories and corsage
,of Johanna Hlil roses..
For .travelling the bride. •don-
ned a gold and brown tweed
Suit with ,brown velvet collar
and blending brown „accessories
and. a white gardenia corsage.
Mr., and Mrs.- Letts, wili make
their home in Londen. Both .are
in their final year at the Uni-
versity of. Western 'Ontario -and
the •bride is a meneber of Pi
Beta Phi.Yraternity.
torority Presents
SerVice Of Carols
Following the Sunday evening
Christmae servicet the Beta'
Sigma Phi Sorority sponsored a
carol servine for the cominunity
in James St, United church with
Garnet Hicks a s chairman,
Lawrence Wein as organist and
Mrs. Roy Dykeman at the piano.
Interspersed with the singing
of carols were. solo§ by Mrs.
Cecil Kipfer, trio coniposed et
Gerald Skinner; Harold. Skinner
and Rohert gusset' and spied -
tins by the .Dutch choir.
There was a good attendance.
Elaine Marie Bell
Weds Irvin Ford
St. Andrew's United Church,
Kippen, was the setting for the
wedding. of Elaine Marie Bell
and Irvin Joslin Ford en Satur-
day at 12 o'clock noon when Rev.
D. A. McMillan performed the
double ring ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. eVilliam lames Forsyth
Bell are the parente of the bride
and the groom is the bnly soh
of 'Mr. ands Mrs. Arther Ford,
Exeter, The church was decor-
ated with baskets of white
mums and candelabra. The pews
were marked with. white satin
bows centered with bollye
Miss .Tean Ivison provided the
traditional wedding neusit and
aecompanied the soloist, Mrs.
gay Lee, of Get, who sang
"The Wedding Prayer" and "Iell
Walk Beside You."
Given in marriake by her
father, the bride was lovely' id
a floor -length gown of silk chif-
fon , and rosepeint lace. The
snugly -fitted bodice was of rose -
point lace with scalloped port
rait neckline encrested With
opalescent sequies and long. lily
point sleeves. The billowing
*floor -length skirt wae layers of
chiffon over satin sweeping into
a chapel train. Her fingertip
veil of French illusion *as at -
lace outlined with tiny seed
pearls and sequins. She carried
a white Bible covered with lag
over satin crested with red
Attending the bride were Miss
of honor; Miss Gladys MOir, of
Ilensall, and Miss Marilyn
Mousseau, London, as brides,
maids, who wore iientical gowns
of red velvet, with three-euatter
sleeves and full pleated skirts,
vhite feather headdress mid
gloves And carried bouquets ef
White intitTISi
The grooinsman was Purl Rep-
)er, of Staferth. Sack tell, bro.
her of the bride, and Dalton
kinner, cousin of the greet;
The reception was held in the
hutch pArloes, attrattively dee-
rated with rod and white
treamere, red candles and white!
inins. Receiving the gueste, the
ride's mother word a hobo?.
dith lace sheath with beige
etessories and a 'Otsego of
ellovv roses. The groom's mo-
lter those royel blue crepe with
The groom's gift to the beide
as A rhinestone set. 'The btide's
eetted OrlYX ring; to her
entlants, pearl eeeklaces And
And to the pianist and
Pot travelling, the bride don -
td a winter white., wool sheath,
at and gloves. beige -coat with
yellow VMS, The bony
able left for a herityieboil
4)n thrill. return they win
de hi txtter. *
Kinettes Aid
CAS, Famity
.At. the December Intainese
held at the ihome of Mra. tloyd,
dren's Aid .Society, Godortch.,
and an equel .suro to a needy
fondly in the. ,district. New end
fruit were taken to the eanle
family the week before Cltrist-'
, 'The March of DimeS for in-
fantde paralysis and the furnis.h,,
resicleriee were.discussed but the.
final decision was lett tuitii. the,
next „meeting,
President Mrs. Irvine Arm.
strong .VVaa in 'charge .44 the
meeting, .
The December .social ineeting
:•fa.mily party with the Kinsnlen
Grandma was giving the recent
bride a- heart-to-heart talk.
"Child, I hope your lot's goin't'
be easier than mine," she said,
"All my Wedded days I've car-
ried two burdees, PA and the
fire,,Everytime I've turned to
look at one, the other had gone
vont patronage 1.ve.,-have enieYel.
Goed-will and friendship, too
Our gratitude we try to show
We'd like to have yoU know thee
Our efforts we will strive
To heep your valued friendship
Good -Will with us, alit el
wAnd no* e wish you one and
OW' /warty wish sincere;
Have Prosperolie New YearI
tay,the carefree piety'
but a sma11 sample of the
happinest you will enjoy
throughout the New Year.
And Their Steff .
May your New
Year dance with
gala occasions and
sioarlda with
Go By BeAuty Bar
Best Wishes From The Staff
New Year s
At Maehlilian's
Skirts, sizes 4 fo 12 at 1/2' Prima
Dresses; siies 6 months to 14X at 1/2.;, Prite
Years to Sub leibi sNo.turrs