HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-31, Page 54 Grand Bend Institut Considers SHH Plan T1'e Grand Bend Wonten's In.- the past two 'Weeks. • stituteheld their. regular' Meet -1 The Grand Beiui .branch of the. 4114. .011 Thursday afternoon with Legion sponsored a Christmas. a good attendance. [party. for About 400 children A letter was. reAd from SoUth' .Caminenity Thursday after, Iuron liespitat Association .40 noOn. in Akin Theatre. CartoonsArisng that cement had been; were shown and each- child re- laid for the extension to the ;ONed a. beg of .caudy, mita, and hospital fer-A. naraes' residenee, ' apples. • and which also gave a report on The MO= Bible School held what had been aeeemplisbed at their regular party on Saturday the 'hospital le the past. tve ,:aftereeen in the town, hall when years since being organized. I games were played and :a .Christ. There was an, appeal iii.the let- IMO tire shovel, eta which ter for assistance with the fur- bags of candy and mita were 1. rushing of the 'new eurses" hoine, distributed to the kiddies. of 'the 6 peat until the .jeireary meeting., ed by' the WOrnen's Guild a the It was decided to. Wile this ap- 1 sehool.. The party.was.soneg- p Mrs. Idorenz gave *Irch. report, on the visit of her group 1 Mr., And Mrs. Ken Randall and and other members .0- The in family, of Sylvan, spent ,Satnr. stitute to Twilight Raven at .day evening with Mrs. Olive Petrol* and the president ask- Sturdevant. 4 ed any wlio had the opportunity 1Vir. and IVirs, C, K Love, of to visit the home at any time. Shipka, mr. and Mrs, Arthur 4 Mrs. Max Turnbull gave a :Baker and Mrs. Mary Gill visit - report. en the project for her ed on Sunday with Mrs. Eliza. grolip. The meeting was then both Cliff at Strathmore Lodge, turned over to the convener of Strathroy. the committee for the Christ- Mr. Robt. L. )3ramlon, teach- maprograin, Idrs„ Alec 'Harrill- er- at Grand Bend Public School, ton.. , Carols were sung, after is spending the helidays at his ',which Mrs. "erne Ridley read home M Barfield. the Scripture lesson from St, Mr. Ian Desjardine is spend - .Luke's Gospel. trig the holidays at his home in Mrs, .Harold Wainer spoke on Exeter. the mato "God gives us mernor. Misses 'Pauline. and Patsy les so that we might have rose Adams are speeding the hOli, in. December," Mrs. Hamilton days with their grandparents, read a legend .oit Christmas Mr. and Mrs, Henry Devine. trees and their -trimmings.. Mr. Verne MAY is looking after Rev, A. E. Boiler was called the Young hardware while Mr, upon to give the address for the Ken Young is in hospital. - afternoon, bringing en inspiring Christmas 'message on the real Christrnil .Visitors' value of the greatest Christmas Miss Nancy Broderick,niirse- gift, jesus. Christ, "It's not the in -training at the Sick Children's v.alue, but the -Ilse or meaning Hospital, Toronto, with her • moth.. we Make of ,it that puts the er, Mrs. Gladys Broderick end value on it," .said the speaker. -Little Beverley Beer recited 'The Night Before. Christmas." Mrs, Mansell. Mason rendered a 0010. Mrs, Holley read a legend about a rose, after which Mrs. played the grand Old C, Reeves piano solo, "Star Of The East." .4, The .program was in ' charge of the branch. directors, .Mrs. Carman Lovie, Mrs, Art Fink - boner and Mrs% H. Wainwright. Personal Items Mrs. W 11 I m Patterson is spending the Christmas week With her faintly in Sarnia. 4' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond .Eng- lish; Mr., end. Mrs. Mansell Ma- i s son and Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Turnbuil,. left on Saturday to spend a few months in Florida. • Mr. and Mrs, Rendle are spending this week with their 'daughter, Mrs. Ted Brooks and family in Sarnia. • .4 Mr. and Mrs. H. 'leen and faniily. left this week to spend '4 4 the -winter season in Florida. Mr. - and Mrs. E. Keown are spending this week with friends and 'relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Earl Firma fell and frac- tured her wrist. - Mr, Ross Desjardine hasbeen. confined to his bed. with flu, for 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 All •11000111011111111001 %%%% t 1101111 tttttttttt 011011111111111014 Garage • Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening thrpughout the week. • Exeter Motor Sales. 4.0 ,;.0101111101111111011111111 ttttttt 11110 lllllll 01110 ll 1 llll 111111111 David, IVIr. and Mrs, Minis Flear .and family will). his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Flow, also Mr, and Mrs. Ken Flear, Lon•• don, for Christmas on Tuesday, Rev. and Mrs. .A: E. Volley with her mother in London. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamb and family in Brantford. • Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Danner, Mr. and Mrs. .Billy Baird, Mr. Delbert add Arnold Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mason and Dianne with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Tetreau, Port Huron, Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Devine and family with Mr. and Mrs. Henry De- vine. With Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer were Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Barr, Judith and P'aul of Sarnia, also Mrs. L, Moore of. Toronto. With. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stan - lake. Mr. and. Mrs.. A. Oultram, London, Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Thomas and family, Ailsa Craig, Mr. W. Zabavitz, London, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanlake and family. Mr. and Mrs. Colin. Love and Serry,Shipka, and Mrs. Mary Gill with Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. Mr. and 'Mrs. Milton Russell, Hensall,. with; Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bossenberry. 1dr. And Mrs. Gordon tilens,, London, on Boxing Day with' Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hell.. Mrs. Holt was able to be up for her Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs.Wilfred Math- ers with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mathers. 1VIr. and Mrs, Doug Fletcher and babe of Burlington with her parents, !dr. and Mrs. Henry Greene. Mrs. Sol Pollock is spending the holidays with her family in the States. Mr. and Mrs, George Yeo with his sister, Miss Mary Yeo. Mrs. Lennen Statton and Lynn in London and Strathroy. LEGION EXECUTIVE FOR '58 ----This group was installed Thursday night as the execu- tive of Exeter Branch of 'the Canadian Legion for 1958. Seated are Lloyd Reynolds, first vice-president; Graham Mason, president; Harry Holtzman, past president; Gerald Campbell, second vice-president; standing, R. E. Pooley, Garnet Shipman, sergeant - at -arms; Bill Johnston, Bruce Biggart, Pete Durand, Bert Ostland, treasurer; Reg. McDonald, secretary; Bob Sanders, 'Harry Page. —T -A Photo Report From Parliament Explains Terms Of Bill To Clear. Up Confusion By W. H. A. THOMAS, M.P. The parliamentary, mill kept grinding all day Saturday, De- cember 21, and opens again for business on Friday, January 3. Closing on a Saturday and re- opening on a Friday is somewhat ut of the ordinary, and no one seems to have. a• satisfactory explanation as to why the House should net have closed on Friday and opened on Monday. It might. be said ,that the House saves three days; then the question might be asked, "what for?" ill 365 days al the New Year be filled with health, happiness and prosperity for you and your family. t 1. MacLaren Pharmacy ' PHONE 149 • GRAND BEND Highway Affects McGillivray PS. Two representatives of the On- tario Department of Highways met with members of McGilli- vray Township School Area Board on December 18 to discuss the new survey which interferes with S.S. No. 15, Decihion on the problem was postponed until after the new year. Lloyd Durr, the board's repre- sentative an the North Middlesex District High_ School Board, re- ported on the management and financial standing of the secon- dary school. ("May I would estimate that the House has used most of two days a week since the session opened "talking out" resolutions sub0 mitted by the members of the opposition when it was generally understood by members of all parties that the said resolutions would be "talked out." This is the accepted way .of disposing of resolutions which are an em- barrassment to the government. The government hoped to get this session over before Christ- mas and put on considerable pressure to attain its objective, That became impossible; but it seemed . as if the government cannot get over its rush. As this is written, the most widely discussed subject con - Untied to be the farm Price stabilization legislation. T li e minister of agriculture has ex- plained the legislation three times; first, when the original resolution was presented. Second, when the bill itself was present- ed for first reading, and third, when the bill was presented for second reading. The debate on the resolution lasted all one day. The debate on the first reading of the bill lasted one day, and the debate on the second reading has occupied one day. Now there is an amendment by the C.CJ'., noloonn.14.4400..".. .111 44t2e4A14"1 00.41t4 16..„ • Gratton &.Hcitson ,Appliances Wet end ',Service PHONE 136,W GRAND SENO Groups At Dashwood Active Over Christmas The Dashwood E,U.B. Sunday at Merner's meat market and Bob Stormes of St. Thomas won the quarter of beef. School presented its , annual Christmas service on Christmas Sunday night. The church was well filled and decorated with a Christmas tree and evergreens. The Junior department of the Sunday School centered its mes- sage around the- theme, "Christ- mas is worth living." The chil- dren. took their parts in recita- tions,. exercises, solos group singing and musical numbers. Directors Were Mrs. J. M. Tie - man, Mrs. Donald Geiser, Mrs. IL 3. Kellerman, Miss Ruth Schade and Mrs. Ralph Weber. The Young People presented the play, "Ile who walks in Love." Participants were Fay Ford, Nona Kellerman, Joyce Haugh, Carole Schade, Joan Guenther, Lynda Tieman, Mary Jane Hoffman, Shirley 'Bender, Belen Rader, Ronald Snell, Stan- leyHeist, Donald Bender, Jack Geiser, Jack Schade, Eric Wolfe, Gary Eagleson, Jimmie Rader, John Cameron,Donald Weigand, Larry Wein, with .Mrs, Ken Mc- Crae at the organ, Walther "League Christmas Party. The Walther League of Zion Lutheran Church held their Christnias party on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Croldnole was enjoyed. Winners were Brenda and Jim Becker; consolation, Ilse". Gulens and Donald Rader. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mr. Fred Weiberg were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Latta, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg, Howard Weiberg and friend. Pack Christmas Boxes' Zion Lutheran Ladies )id packed twenty-five boxes Or the shut-ins on Sunday, Dec. 22. The children of the Sunday WW1 accompanied 'by their teachers also visited the sick and sang carols, Dlshweed Merry Maids Masonic Lodge filstaills Officers The oeWly-elected icars of! Lebanon Purest Lodge,. AJ. 44 A.M., were ..nstalled for the en-: suing year no pow evening last. The installing roaster was. Wor, lisro. 'William Cann, who - with. his ,effieers. 'did a very :fine job. Following theinstallatiant Wor. Bre. Rev. WilSon, OS Thames. Boad, sPolte- on St. John's Day, the day set aside fer the.. installation of new °Meets. The officers are Wor. Bro. Ernest Oers.on; -• Bro. Arthur Laser; Sr, Warden, Aro, Harvey Pfaff; ,Jr, Warden,. Bro. E. it. Seaver.; ChAPlain• Wor. Bro. K. llodgins; treasurer, V, Q. W. E. MiddletOOV secretary., Wor 'Bro. C. Idewhin. eey; dir—er, ceremonies, Wor, BBrr°0*. .Gerald E. PLa°,wlsee,Yrit 4dee;rn: Bro. Lion.el Kendrielt; inner guard, Bro. Robert Dinner; Sr, Steward.. Bro. George Bother; , Jr. Steward, Bro, Donald Eaetteril Tyler, Bro. Herbert Bream. For a number of years a joint, installation of officers was Mid with Irving Lodge, Lueon, alter- nating between the two lodges. Such an arrangement wasvetoed' by Grand Lodge, and the debate may p• en indefinitely, There still continues tq be much confused talk about the workings of this legislation. My own opinion is that one or two more • suitable terms than are now used in describing certain pricing 'functions 'provided for in the b11, should be devised and standardized so that people ,can more clearly define what they are discussing. LA. and W.S.W.S.. Meeting The' Christmas meeting of the L.A. and W.S.W.S,•of the E.V.B. church was held with Mrs. Carl Oestreicher presiding. The meet- ing was opened with Christmas carols. A Christmas playlet was given with Mrs. Chas Snell and Mrs. Donald Geiser taking the lead- ing parts of Scripture, Miss Nor- ma Wergand gave several mu- sical selettions and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher gave a reading. The Christmas program of the Lutheran SundaySchool was presented on Christmas evening to a capacity audience. The Dashwood Merry Maid net at the home of Carol Bec- ker for their seventh reeetieg with 12 girls present and leaders Mrs. Sid Baker and Mrs. B, De- vine. Miss Shirley Patterson, horrid ecorloiniat, was preaent. She ex. ;Unified the banks and gave lielre ful, critielem out the Skirts where neceseary, 'Thegirls decided on green and white for the tovers of their books and roll Will for net niett- ing will be 4-• bring suitable design. Mies Pattison infornied the girls that Achievement day would be held Pth„.1 at the Le- gion Hall in Exeter. Xt, Siegfried Miller a wato. Joe spent 'the weekend with Mr. end Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr, and Mit. Gerald Wil. helm and Carolyn spent Sun- day with 10. and, Mrs. John lIecknian, ChristMai braWS ob Rottman won the easy -chair in the draw at Tientatt's furniture stint, Margaret. Men.. et made the draw. Jim Itofftalat mu% the drew The words "guaranteed" and "support" and to a lesser extent "floor," can be used in describ- ing any of the three price func- tions outlined in the legislation. For the sake of clarity, it is essential that a standard term be devised and accepted ,for each so that when people speak of any one of the three price functions, there will be no confusion. The "base price" for any com- modity is the average price of that commodity over a term of years. Its function is to serVe as a "base" for computing (a) the "forward preicribed price" which: is a guaranteed support price for any designated or named commodity prescribed for one year in advance, and (b) the "floor price" which is an auto- matie minimunt or floor under "named" commodities at 80 per cent of the base price. The opposition is accusing the government of reneging on their promises but this is not se. Thee accusations are arising out of misunderstanding due largely, I believe, to confusion c>f terms. Many protesting telegrams and letters have come' to me princi- pally from farm union locals. I have suggested to them that meetipgs be arranged while I am at home on December 30 and 31, where there can be an oppor- tunity to explain and discuss this legislation and receive sugges- tions as to how it can be im- proved. This opportunity is taken to wish all of our readers a HaOpy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Letter From Steve of Hermit, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams, Harvey and Gloria with. Mr, and. Mrs. ROY Morenz and family. Mr. and. Mra, Wm. Sweitzer of Grand Bend, Mrs. Louise Moore and Miss Nancy .Clarke of TO- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke and sobs of Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. D. Barr and family of Ser. nia, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweit- zer and Brian of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer, Ron and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. E, Duncan and, Peter, Stratford, Mr. Toni Lam, port, Mrs. BO Lamport with Mrs. Walter Baxter at Parkhill, ' Mr. and Mrs, Irvin,Ratz, Larry and Glen with 1Vfrs. T. Isaac at Greenway. Mrs. Milton Ratz with her par. ents,. Mr, and Mrs. P. Fassold, in Dashwood. mr, and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner, Bill, Bob and David with Mr, and Mrs. H. Kerslake in Elimville. Mrs. J. Coleman and Miss Shirley Coleman with Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson and family at Seaforth. Mr. and. Mrs, Ted Deitrich and Glen of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, T. Breen and Norman of Parkhill, and Mrs. Emma Deit- rich of Dashwood with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Deitrich and family. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Strokes and john, of London with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Betz, David and Judy. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Desjar- dine with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datare, June and Janet of Grand Bend, Miss Maude and Mansell Hod- gies with Mr. and Mrs. R. Love, Clare and Kathryn. Miss Joan Ratz is visiting this week at the home of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert *Scott in Leaden. Misses Hilda and Helen Levy of St. Marys are holidaying with Miss Barbara Sveeitzer, Mr. John Guenther of Chat- ham is, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Karl Guenther and Janet. Mrs. L. rietbeiner and Mise N. Batson of London, Mr. and Mrs. T. Rosser and family of Stratford spent Boxing Day with SMor.sand Mrs. H. Fiakbeiner and Sons. • Mr. John Lamport of Toronto was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. E. Lampert. Christmas Visitors Miss Theresa Zimmer and Joe of London with Mrs. Harvey Zimmer. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Weiberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Weiberg and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Etvin Latta, Mr. and Mr's. Gordon Weiberg, ldr. Howard Weiberg and friend all of•Water- too and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin De- vine with Mr, and las, Fred Wei - berg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes of St. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. gervyn Tiernan and Li- da, Miss Erma Wein of Clinton with Mrs, Herb Wein and Ray- mond. Rev, and Mrs. Bruce Seebach of Hanover with Mrs. Cora Gei- ser. M. and Mrs, ryin Rader and family at St Joseph's Bospital, London, with Miss Marian Ra- der, who is taking treatments. Me. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and family .with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Resternayer. Mr. and Mrs. trvin Rader and family, Mr. and Mrs. M- iner Rader and boys,. lfr. and Mrs, Lennard Prang End family of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Taylor and family and Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Weiberg arid fain. ily of Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Rader, Mr. and Mrs.Edmund Kraft and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kraft arid family with Mr. ad Mrs, Elgin Rader and boys. Mr. and Mrs, 'Neil Witmer and dhildren. Of GOderich, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berner ainl fainily Mr. and Mrs. Blake Berner and Robert ot zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Edith Honor and Stephen and Mrs, Bertha Horner, thiewater, Mr, and Mrs. Harris Schbeh acid daughters and Mr. Carl Wtther- f Ailsa Craig with Mr. aria Mrs BO/in Shade. Mrs, Nelda Bttthledge of Lon- don OA Mr. and Mrs, Melton Walper and girls of Ingersoll with Mr. and Mrs. Pinlip Vas. told. Mr, and Mrs. John Neeb and girls of Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and boys, Jr. and Mrs, Wm. Haugh and Shirley and Miss Ellen Gilbert of 'Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs, Court- ney Burmeister., Shipka Oh the bells are ringing out the Old and Vinging-* in g in the new, and brand, Ilew, 'bright new 1958 bows in. We're hoping it will be the happiest of ,New Years for yon. May it he a year a answered hopes and dreams come true, a year abounding in good hea1th and warmed by good friendship. Our most sincere best wishes for a grand 1950. Ray C. Mills Representing Caned* 1.14 EXETER . 4 ONTARIO • Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guother, Janet and John; Mr. And MrS, Herbert Barltori with Mr. and Mrs. Clyae Nicholson, Brigden. Dr. C. B. Sanders, Mrs. Sand- ers, Janet and David of 'Wel- land; Dr. B. Sanders and Mrs. Sanders, Toronto, Mrs. I, Sand- ers, London, and. Mr. and Mrs. RI, N. Creech of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner and Mrs. McAvoy. Mr. and-1VIrs, B. Scholles, Mr. and Mrs. 13, Hay, and Mr. Stew- art Giro. of London with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz, Don and Harvey. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt and sons of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jeffery and family, }teasel,. with Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Mr, and Mrs. A. Comfort, Roy, and tlsie of renwick, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer and Sand- ra, Mr. and Mrs. Sack Picker- ing and Terry with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Jim and .Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Dave with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson and family at Lieuty. Mr. and. •Mrs. Earl Pickering and fetidly, Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor and John, Mrs, W. Latta and Gerald, Mr, and Mrs. V„ Denemrrie and Mr. Harvey Pick- ering of London, Mr, and Mrs. 0. Trueinner and Nancy of Grand Ilend, Mr. Glen Pickering and Miss Bitten Morton of Ailsa Craig, Mr, and Mrs, L. Scott, Shirley and Larry of parkhili, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Plater - Ing and family. Mr. and Mrs, 1tatt Sweitter of Grand Bend, MiSS. Eleafter Sharpe and Mrs. N. McCAIltitri of London, WitliNar. and Mrs. Vertle.Sharpe and Glen. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickerieg, Stan, Michael and Susan with Mr, and Mrs. Cell &tithes and family at GreenWaY. Mr. and Mrs. Chris„Battingar, ten. with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown at Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell, Doug, Tom and. Snide with Mr. and Mrs, W. Russell at BS86X. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rats, Jean and Paid 'with Mr. and Mt* Robert Scott and family at Lori,: don. Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams ;rid Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Chap. man of London Mn'. and Mrs. ;lek Corbett, Connie and Al, Mr. and Mrs, Boss Corbett and Exeter Motor Sales AND STAFF ' Phone 200 Exeter, • Tip Top Tailors Annual Made -To -Measure LE Starts NOW Limited Time Only 25°f0 OFF Reoutar FREE .Extra .Pants: YOU'VE BEEN WAITINWFOR THS •.• : THE CLEARANCE SALE OF THE YEAR!' And here it 1.1 4 spectacular "election of fine imported WorritEd rioneeiv, TtrIet tweeds and Novelty WOrstedl, Add the tailoring eiteelletriti one outstanding' .tyle that hai triode VIP TOP l'Altt)11,14 'fOntotr and you have 1 tailored t• nietinure !mit that ad one eine rat liantOh. Come In Atut.See For Yourself TIP TOP Clothes Reg. $654° FLEET STREET dieffel *A2S Rte. $75.00 *ow es. Solt OVertessfS, Sport ebetio Slocitie • and Ladies' custom folioed 'suits also at 25% off . Phone Elceter.