HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-31, Page 11 • • orate Zuncht Herald With Times -Adv Herald Subscribers On Taiik Mailing List 10114'40;0nd Year • METER, ONTARIO, PEcEMBER 31, 1937 ere Comes Nineteen Hundred And Fifty -Eight Jus! .-Becomes : Youth Dies . What was slated to be A spee, ia 'Christmas — their first .as Panadian citizens _turned out to • be a tragic one for a slay family in Zurich,- Two days after the family proudly received their citizen-. thip• -papers • at Gederieb, the eldest • son was killed. when the • car in which lie and two other youths • were riding crashed into tree .on Goshen street in. the v:1100,• The. accident. happened Deeember 22. I • The victim was Silvestro Een- da, 18 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Toteph Kenda; Zurich, and, a grade 11 -student at South Huron District High School, He was. popular the village. • . Oie ,of .the youths, 'Leo •Zini- Mer, 17, has been charged with criminal :negligence .as a .result of the. accident, He 'received minor injuries, The third youth, Clare Regier, .17, owner of the car, -suffered a brokencollar bon, face and scalp laberations, The ear, a 1954. model valued_ at .$1.,4011, was' Wrecked. Witnesses to the .accident - said the caws, alone oit'lbe street prior to, the . crash..it.had .been 'travelling ,south, on the eat gide of the road, when it veered• across and.. struck thetree on The right front side: Ml three occupants were thrown from the .• Large crowds of mourners at- tended' the funeral serVices. The burial. ceremony was held De- cember 24 at Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, -and. requiem high mass was sung .on December 26 at Se: Boniface Roman Catholic Church, '.Zurich, conducted by R. Father ,Doyle, Pallbearers were friends of theArOuth R o.n.ajd Bedard, In Crash George Suplat„ Donald Gascho, Warren Regier, Gerommo Ge.of- trey And. Wilfred Hoffman, Reties his. father and mother, the yenthas survived by a !sister, Helena, and a brother, Joseph, The father is _employed at Kalbfleiseh planing Mills dur- ing the day and he wrapped bread at :night for the Tasty -NU Bakery in order'to keep his eldest children in high ..sebool.. He and. Silvestro, who also help. ect at the bakery, had been wrapping -.bread the • same night of the accident,' -.'The ,.yoUth, who would have been. r on December 20, .attenci- ed . sehools in 'Yugoslavia and Italy before coming to Zurich where he completed his primary education, -His activities ineind- ed hockey, badminton. Stamp eollection, playing the accordion and. church groups.- OPP • Constable George Mit- chell investigated. Dr. V. .Gulens, Dashwood, attended, • Pick Roses In December Roses in December (Chris).- -Inas roses) are found ih the garden but pansies at .this time of year are unique, . Mrs, Luther Reynolds picked nine- pansies in her garden on 'Christmas Day and took them out to her son's ,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds to grace • the Christrn as . dinner table. Mr: Charles Jeffery also Pick- ed a pansy near his house on the day before. Christmas.' SH Hospital Official, Bank Manager Dies Cedric •.E. Shaw,: 'who for the past eight years has been man- ager of the. Exeter • branch of the Bank. of Montreal, died on Thursday, .Deeember 26, in St. Joseph's Hospital, 'London,fol- lowil an • attack of coronary thro early Mon- daynthrrifiig,‘ ,• Mr. • Shaw had' been in.' 'his *tidal heaRbt,tild:looking 'forward to the Chrignrias season when he .was taken •Suddenly: -ill and removed to the London hospital in the Hopper -Hockey anabtil- ance. Since corning to Exeter, Mr. Shaw has taken a keen interest in community affairs and was known to. his -friends. as "Ted." ;His greatest community service at 'treasurer- of the South''Ilitron -Hospital from the tinie.the Lions Club first organ- ized -the drive for a hospital in 1952. ,He has also been active in the work of the -Lions Club 'and was 'a member of the Masonic Order • and •the Exeter Lawn Bowling Club. Mr: Paw succeeded' James L. Henry as manager of the Bank of Montreal in Exeter in Sep- tember, 1949, coming to 'Exeter front the Ingersoll branch. In 1940, his first appointment was manager of the Elora, branch where he, lived for seven years before' being :transferred to In- gergill. He had served, as ae- ceontant at Hamilton, Orillia, Owen' Sound and Brantford, Mr. Shaw, was a native of S Which. was nanied 'after his' grandfather, one of • the earliegt settlers. Of that .district..He .is survived by. his wife, whose maiden name .was Adelaide Hebert; one daughter (Joanne),. Mrs. Dr. W, A, Sib- ley, of Cleveland, -Ghia, 'and two grandchildren. The funeral setvite Sattirday afternooft was held from.. the Trivia Memorial Church with the "Reetore Rey.. N. D., 'Knox, officiating, The pall -bearers Were two nephews, Wing .Ceinniander N. Broughton, of WAWA, and John Broughton,, of . Toronto; Jacin,H, Steacy, ?hanager of the Monta. To B.C. Di.. J. M. Harvey formerly 'of Olds, AIta. is now situated at the Miller' Bay Ildipital At Prince Rupert, •B.d. Dr. 'Harvey was married recently to Doris Marg- aret Of Calgary in St. Stenhen'S Anglican church, Cal- gary. , " : Dr. Harvey- '5 native of Exeter:: • '58 thrby Under Way • l'.rizes galore Ate in store for the first-hbrli of 19$8 in this area And, like lag year, it's not only the.first, baby virho- .wins . booty but the first calf and - litter' of pigs as well. , txeter have donated every.; Seventeen merchants' in thing from a taxi ride, res- taurant Meats and hair treat- ment to silver SPOonf cloth- ing, and infants' Supplies to' the Naw Year's baby and its pa rent S The host of prlies it 011t- lthed On page 16. ,Callit'S Mill Ltd„ EXeter, *gaiters special feed free' to fermiers who re- - •Port this first tall And first iittr of.pigs In the distriet, The race is di • Montreal branch at Lucan, and Elmer D. Bell, Charles H. Mac - Naughton and Ulric Snell, Ex- eter. Among those attending the funeral were Miss Irene Shaw and Mr. William E, Shaw, of Shawvillel Mr. and' Mrs. C. E. Heliert; Frederick Hebert, of Toronto; 'Mr.' and'Ilfis. Martin Hebert and Mr. Peter Hebert, of Port polborne,, Membert , of the -Hospital „Board and Of tile ions Club' met at the parish hall and *attended the service in a body. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. • SILVESTRO XENDA Killed In Car Crash ' . Price 'Per Cepy 10 Cents AND 'MAY IT BE A 'PROSPEROUS Ready to wel- conie 'Nineteen llunired and Fifty -Eight' hi. a royal way are, Ruth Ann McBride and Sally Acheson. They'll be, *afriong -the thousands 'hi this district who'll bring in. the New. Year with gaiety in the hopes 'the. spirit will last throughout its 365 days. The Times-AdvOcate; -i1S staff, correspondents and contributors join the girls in wiShing everyone good health, happiness and good fortune, during. 1958. — —T -A Photo Education, religion, conserva- tion and hospital services were in the limelight in this district iri 1957. Continuing demand for larger add more mddern schools ate up •a considerable portion of the tax dollar during the year which comes to an end tonight. Two new schools and two new ad- ditions were opened. The $150,000 •SHDHS . addition, providing five more classrooms for the expanding secondary school enrolment, was opened in February. School, officials pre- , • • " • wn „OP Jackpot a es Best Yule Yet Grand prize of $500 in the WO years later, is employed in "Shop -,in -Exeter Christmas Jack- the kitchen of Rether's Coffee pot" provided a New Canadian Shop during the evenings, family with "the best Christmas The mother said she had a pre - we've ever had since we came monition about winning the $500. here" "L told several pedpI was go - 61 et Was nine-year-old Det big to win it," she said. ale 'off Fritz, son of Mr. and Mrs, Erie P'ritz, town, who emigrated from Germany several years ago. His sister and two brothers, shared his good fortune Christ- mas morning.. "It was wonderful," exclaimed Mrs. Fritz, who works evenings Le bring in extra cath for the farbilY, "We reallrrieeded it." "The children all got nary elothet, some toys and we were able te buy new beds for thein." Detioff's special gift •was a big hockey game. He ilk, sports a new cowboy shirt, pants and sheds. The other children Garble; Seven; Charlie, .tWO, and John Erie, One received new pyjamas, sWeaters, pants and Other APParel, - .1Iest benefit front the gift as tar as :the parents were con- cerned was that they were able to Wipe out gime debts they, had accumulated while trying to establish their home here, "The first thing we did was to pay Off everything We owed," Said Mrs. pritz, "andthat made us feel a lot better."She explained that 'she had been in hospital three Writ* Sitthe she WO to Canada and 'the bilis had been costly. Remainder of 'the prize abed -$120 has been. deposited ad& gone hitt $01t$ xg6. works 't IttOkr.Statiott Centralia. Mts. rits, tidui brought the family out Area Activities During 1957 dieted the extension would prci- vide accomModation for another three years but additional space will be needed after that. An enrolment of -14900 was seen in 1970. ' The school's academic year was highlighted A.ly the winning of the greatest 'number of awards in its history. Public schools opened in the area included' the $120,000 Hen- sall school; the $40,000 addition to the Zurich- school and the new $50,00 Separate school building in 'Mount' Carmel. Still unsolved was the problem of deteriorating schools in Mc- Gillivray townshipi Pressing need. Mr a solution was indicat- ed when two new members of the board, elected last year to oppose any major 'expenditure, came out strongly hi favor of new' aceommodatioif at the No- vember nomination meeting. Churches continued to improve, too. CaVen Presbyterian,' Trivitt Memorial. and. Zion United Church. were rededicated follow- ing extensive renovation pro- grains. Whalen. United and other A variety of activities will churches made major improve- bring in the New Year in this stewardship, indicated the grew- ing support being given by lay- men in the churches. One 'hundred EUB clifirches were represented at a convention in Dashwood. It was a big year for conserVa- lion. The Ausable Authority's second major flood control pro- ject, Morrison Dam in Usborne township, was all but coinpleted. A similar structure was being considered at. Parkhill. Work on development of the Pinery Park began in earnest. Contracts were Jet for dredging of the river at Grand Bend. The Hagmeier suit—the court action which prompted the or- ganization of the Authority—was finally heard and district muni- cipalities were absolved of near- ly all responsibility in connection with the heavy floods around Lake Smith. • Controversy over the provision of surgical. services at South Huron Hospital — a bitter issue for several weeks at the begin- ning of the year—was all but ' forgotten. as the Association took a major step to improve its or- ganization. Thanks to the gener- osity of a Hensall rhan, Dr. James Bell,'who donated $35,000, the Association let a contract this fall to construct a nurses' residence. The year was a particularly bad one for fires, with $150,000 damage estimated in over a dozen blazjs in the area, most of them on farms. An attempt to organize a mutual fire pro- tection system for Huron county indicated 'that this monnting problem may get more atten- tion. —Please Tint. to Page 3 Lots Of Activitiesj- To. Herald '58 • DetIolf, who hopes he'll be able ments, . . . district, when he goes to high school, ot perhaps' the gt e a t e s t Exeter Legion plans its animal Mr. Fritz, who came to Can- Stride in religion was' taken late welcoming dance,' complete with in the bank for Detloff to tise iii the Y,ear when the six•inonth- new types of novelties and noise - to buy a bicycle some day,.Said long teeter . program, involving makers to herald 1958. he had about 40 tickets in the eight district churches, came to nibther sent him to the draw. He signed them when his i.a. successful climax with house- Anther big eelebtaiiee win be Veeel...Y to -house visitations, This pro` 11,1heliscl yttarAirnitinsitgrhclitICISubR'set83tdaeu.rant store to buy regd. The boy is in !gram, which raised budgets and A special show has been book- -Please Turn to Page 3 ' reneWed interest 10 spiritual ed for the local theatre, which _ . will rill a matinee New Year's day. Some arenas in the district will be open to allow young folk le skate in the New Year, Many in the district will be bringing in 1958 at private house parties. Farmeiir. Dairy Hord', talls•.BerinudaVisit, Sohn N. Young, ILR. 3 Lakei. side, has too many Ifolsteins to -take that tempting trip to 13cr. ituda which he won in the Mint - mat deaw Sponsored by Hensall InetchantS. "I'd like to go but 1 have 40 Holsteins in the barn and 1 don't know of anyone 1 tan get In look after them," Mr, Young told. The TirncslAdvoeate, teSides the 34 -year-old farm- er is a 1;athelor anti he tioem't know whom he'd take along with hill) Mt the alt.exnenses.paid Week's vacation for two in the sunny south. A former HthsaIl resident. Mr. Young has asked Moan 1' • merchants for his prize iri 'cash. "Perhaps I'll take a trip next sUmMer," he .said, The winning tieket was drawn by Polite Constable Ernie Davis Tuesday night Min thousands of eimpont whieb had eolletted in the huge barrel, Merchants have been giving out toupons with MIT $1.00 purchase for over a month before Chrigutas, io charge of« 'the draw were Lorne Hay and Waiter* Spencer, Mr, Young's Lather owned the New Commerele Hotel itt Hen - sail 80 years ago. The trip whi- ner received several Coupons When he- visited friends in he village 06ot-two 'woks before Christmas, Oh, Where To Find it AnnOkiiiiiiMOntt . . ,,,, , 11 Ctitittil Nolitts 15 COnlitt# Events 15 Editorial I Entitiahitliafif 15 0,iittei Navin / romirtint Facts 1 Mansell . it, 1 Liken 14, 15 Seem 12, Is Want Mt • II Zurich 4 t 4 4,, . J, SOUTHOTT Publisher • The beginning of the New Year, 1950, sees The Exeter Times -Advocate taking ,anothez forward .step to bring 'to tile attention of the public the adr. vantages and crpportunities that are to be found in what has been termed by many,. one of the garden spots of Canada. We have done this by taking over the subscription list of the Zurich Herald, which for SQ many years has faithfully served the coin- " munity .of Hay and Stanley Townships and along the fast-growing Blue Water Highway district. • This was brought -about by a series of dram. e. stances beyond control. A mechanical break -down at the Zurich Herald printing plant effected, sobner than expected, a discontinuance of publication a the Zurich paper and believing that the district could best be served by The Exeter Times-Adyocate, Mr, Chester Smith, the publisher, approached us to take over his subscrpition list which we have already done. It will take -a few weeks to amalpmate the two litesitTsittooryg.et things running smoothly and provide the news. and the coverage we hope to give to this new • Convinced, as we are, that there is .a future fer the splendid agricultural district of South Huron and that the prosperity of all the villages that com- prise this area is of the utmost importance,' The Times -Advocate will seek to champion, not one centre, but all whom we serve. For our readers we hope to have a con,plete coverage of the district and with the increased cir- culation 'covering so wide , an area our advertisers are assured of a market seldom found by a paper , published in a town the size of Exeter, To the subscribers of the Zurich Herald whose interest and loyalty to the home -town paper .has extended over many years, we extend a warin wel- conie to, unite with our 'family of readers which extends across Canada and many .parts of the United •-* States. We hope to'continue to bring to you the news you like to read from home along with the neWr>,:]. covering a wider area than formerly. .., . . , 'It .4vir,. -Smith,Ani)ublishing4the 'Herald, -bas-been- ably,assisted for many years by,. his geed. -wige. They continue to ,operate his job printing plant and, will fellow -publishers throu.ghout Huron County: While ' span was 5tiort. About 15 years ago The Times-, -;• munity welfare and were highly ,regarded by their cots of production and a shortage of skilled labour Advocate took over the Hensall Observer and with ,amalgamated. For a number of years papers were • better newspaper for South. Huron district. required to produce a paper, many of the smaller -..;..,., have ;:been actively associated in church and 0111- each purchase this paper was enabled to increase. Sn.iith. their scope and usefulness. Another paper, the: lottcan ' will be honored in full by The Times -Advocate. Sub- , Zurich Herald. papers have gone out of existence. It was in .1.923'''.:7-: that The Exeter Times and the Exeter Advocate were ... published at Crediton and Dashwood but their life ;,‘ by The Timei-Advdcate. , reluctanly giving up the newspaper Mr. Smith will also co-operate with us in providing a bigger and scriptions in arrears are payable immediately to. M... Sun, was also published in the district now 'served With the changing of the times, increased :....::: All paid -in -advance subscriptions to the Herald sWfieicehave acquired the use of the name, the ., ., „, ',•::::: • '' -. The Times -Advocate Is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation, papers can be sent only to subscribers who are paid in advance. However; to give our new Zurich readers an opportunity to -be- come familiar with The Times -Advocate and to put their subscriptions on a paid -in -advance basis, the . paper will be forwarded to all persons on the Zurich Herald list for a limited tine. Start The New Year Safely Although the district suffered One fatal accident over the Christmas seaton, the quantity of -yuletide mishaps was excep- tionally low. Outside of ,the fatality, only one reporta.b10 accident was re- corded by pence. "We hope .this continues over New Year's,” said OPP Con- stable Cecil Gibbons, in charge of the local clethehment, He warned polite will be conducting special patrols over the holiday to nab dangerous drivers before they get a chance to cause tronble. "We've been instructed to be tough on drivers who are cele- brating," said Constable Gib- bons. "We don't want to -spoil a good time for anyone but it's 'not fun if a driver is endangering the lives of others." • • "If you're planning to drink over the holiday, leave your car in the garage," h, advises. -. A Turkish air cadet at. RCF Station Centralia, who rented a 1957 car from a firm in Loden on Friday, didn't think .the ' clutch *as working right, While he was driving on one —Please Turn to Page 3 V‘• NINE,YEAR.OLD WINS $500-11)etloff Fritz, grade' three student at Exeter Pbfle School, won the final prize of $500 in the Christmas Jackpot sponsored fryExeter EusintOrnen's Association, Major itE, ?deity, who drew the winning ticket L'',Orik 110,000 coupons given away by merchants, presents the check to the blond young held aloft by Santa. At right is Andrew Johnston, president ot' the Assoehdi