HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 194
Prize Winning, Fiction
, .
, s mas
Like. .acift bithen spilled. from
• -pilloW;; :thq SAW swirled slewly .earthward. ,It coated: every -
:Meg with .a thick layer
blemishod icing . which glistered
-most brilliantly. •on the roof .of
a tiny brown house, and on the
branches- of ,a lone -cedar tree
which stood 1)J .a lone sentinel
in the yard,. "
ln contrast to this winter Ian-
* ta$34 and was ;the inside of • the
antinuated::bouse.• Only, a few
faded Christmas Wreaths hung
in the windows and only the ne.
veasary:. furnittire was .arranged
rhes, ,essaya_ won Saalt pri-
sea 'the SHIMS CentOoti,
lion for -Cheistmes 'fiction
sponsorod. by The Exeter
"leen Noakes roCeired first -
:prise for bor. "chelatmott
Eve" Second went to post -
Ain* Harburn who Wrote.
"Two Citristntesle and third
was awarded to . OeVitt .0u --
chorine for "The True Mom
hunched in a creaky rocker
And gated Wigtfully thrOligh.
* *
Qnes.he bad .enjeyed Crrist-
Mas, Yes, even ;welcomed its ar-
rival, but new it meant nothing
to her, PUring her daYe as
4001 teAcher, the jOy of her pu'
nils had filled her heart Wititnn
indescribable ,gletv. When.' her
husband had been alive, and
her sea -young, Christmas had
0 been a beautiful .and toying ex..
s perienee«
Her husband had. been. dead
in the inadequate Space. Th
only occupant of the house, hits
• A ‘. .8. t. • - • married and waS raising his
At a it • • •
for Many years, And her son had
It 'is 'our fondeSt
Wish that you enjoy
every happineSS1
Phone AIS Crediton
• -
Mall the joys.
Ns happy season. be
yOurs ou Oluitmas.
own Wady, He had little time
and money for an old ldy, eVeli
if she Were his mother. Nobody
had time 'for An old lady eve -
lily during the Christmas sea.
Was this her opportunity to rid
the world of one of Its old Mt,
wanted brdens?
Deciding 'was a most, difficult
task hedaus,0 net everyone
walked by he house without stop-
ping. The boy aeress' the street
caed.for her; he ran errands for
her and helped her, She told hint
aeries Of het childhood, 'The boy
was not her only friend though.
There was Wirt. White. She was
friend, but Mrs.White had
not been to visit for almost
half a year, U Mrs. White were
not her friend then Mrs. Walker
Extending our
sincere wisheS for
a liferry Christmas!
Phone 83 CH:41ton
Laughter, smiles, quiet
contentmen . . all are
part of the Spirit of
Christrta8. May they be
yours in full • measure.
Phone 31-W Crotliton Crediton think cleary; she" was tited san
her thoughts Wandered back over
fil/ Ov A the years. While Staring at the
iAtrAC•#-**1 il/gr'r pa ets of the Oeeti Bible, 'h
who always sent greeting cards,
Was her friend. This year though,
Mrs. Wallter had sent no friendly
card greeting. Surely, then MO.
Clarke was her friend, but Mrs.
Clarke had gone to the city to
live with her daughte. Mrs.
Clarke Would not visit Miss* MAY
this. yer.
Who then were her friends?
Did she hive only One friend, a
little boy? Would he too forget
Iter becatiSe the was just an eld
lady? It certainly was bleak
Christmas whith lay befere Miss
May this year.
* *
Mis$ May had 'never felt to
lonely and friendless'. Never be-
fore had • she spent Christmas
Eve Cone, and never before
had she cried ott•Christmas Eve.
This night Wis a night for sing-
ing and rejecings but she could
do neither, Even reading the
wmiderfol story from' her Bible
could not give her eourage to go
on alba. She mild no longer
Two Christmases
The snow blew in great gusts close and still there was no •sign *t Sittng' On the edge of ilia
around the tiny cottage set back of work. cot Playing it French folk stag..
in the hills of Northern quebec. Mama had Always put away On a harmonla. The Site was
Mrs. Mercier at At a smelt a,good Supply of food .fOr Omer- biitning brightly and her happl
table in the roomy country kit- geodes like, this and so they nets filled the room. f'Opti smiled
chen pOndering over a list laid knew that they would not starve, and „knew .by the parcels WitY
out in front of her. On a cot In She bad knitted socks .fer pp* Manta had been working so
the aouth corner of the kitchen and Pierre and Made a Scarf herd,
by An old black range; ber oWn tor herself. To her surprise there Was a
son, Pirre, lay pale and weak. Unknow n to papa she had IMO turkey hanging in the
A noise Was heard on the back made a dolen. arons, four paira woodshed and the. smell of pine
stoop as a deer elOSed, of socks and quite A few more brengrt her -attentioe to the
'Papa?» inquired Mrs. Mer- scarves, One day she let early most beautiful Christmas tree
der, and he wine wearily in in the morning for -town. which glistening in one corner -of the
from the woodshed, cold and dis- was five miles away. By need kitchen. Looking bewildered
heartned She matted to him, she was sitting in the general from one to another they all
latighed as mama unwrapped
her precious Inirchases,
"Papa," she ased, "why is
the turkey hanging up out there?
Put it In a pet and get it roast
ing. We • cite have two Christ-
mases because I have A turkey
With a mischleviOus grin on
his fact papa said “Yes Mama,
we can wefl afford twe Christ-
mases because the strike is over
and Our son, Pierre, Is Much
better. Then., he gave her a be*
tiftd, velvet dress, a match for her
eyes and A contrast for her gray-
ing hair « Be put his arm arotnid
pheierrreashisthgeiyftsmerrily handed
"Yes nape, we have wonder-
ed for mAny days if we would
have a Christmas at all, but
now we have two. Why not share
It with our Peor friends, the
The TieserAolvticattt. Diceolier 23• 1917 %P
koOsving only tOo Well the woeds store warming her Almost froz-
which he was about tO say, ee hands and eating the lunch
"No, mama,i there will be no which she had brought with her.
merry „Christmas this year, ,Fifty Mr, Devant, the sterekeper,
of us and no work with Christ- allowed her to lay out the things
mac se near." The men whn which sbe had Made for dm.
worked in a coal Mine had acme play on a cOunter,
on strike and it seemed as That afteroon, only. a le*
though it wOuld remain that. way deys before Chistmas, people
for some time. !Ars. Mettler (Not town flecked into the attire
sigaaled to him with her eyea because they knew the farintril
to keep the bad news front would be selling their-
Pierre. She did not want to let here. When four retina came
him hear and spoil ChristreaS all mania'S knitting and selling
entirely fOr him. Right there and was sold and the twenty 001101
then she decided that no matter she had received lasted Only
bow bad the situation was, her few minutes. She bought gifts
son, who had been sick with for her family, decorations for
scarlet fever for months would the tree, fruit „for a Christmas
have the most wooderful Christ- sake and a huge turkey. With
Alas possible. 01 her parcels piled high on
That night as they sat around sled ler Pierre she went home
the fireplate,' the wind roared with a light heart and a Cheery
and lashed.Pering out the win- smile,
dews, one could see the MOW *. * * Ponta/10W' ,asked niana,
whirling into giant drifts. Papa Papa bad supper on and Pierre "A wonderfnl,idea" declared
and manta sat close together looked muelt better when she papa and Pierre; and truly it
holding'"'a hat which she had game in through the door. He was.
prepared earlier in the day. Tina
list contained the great Plans
tveeks away. They were going e ThTrue Meanin.g
for Christmas, now • ohly • three
Glad tiding, to ell
our frieode mid patroall.
We *lilt for the.
fulfillment Of
yor hope/ and prajerp*
110+// end always.:
• W. L
1 : Contractor — Plumbing end Heatini
icv 4i, av
dri ted into quit sleep.
• As dusk crpt stealthily a-
cross, the long day fled quickly
before the sdark pursuit. Tiny
stars began .to peek oautionsly
, thrOugh.,,,theligitiont; An& finally
one hue . star stepeed before
the Others tO shitie in the east-
ern sky. -Enhancing the still
scene, d elicate and • intricate
shadows intived eantiously about
on the set snow. That lone cedar
still guarded the old haute, but
he did so with a new air of
prouthiess. His atint Were laden
with frealLsriow glistetted
in the light of the great star,
and lie held his head etoudly tip
to the heavento bathe in the
celestial. ' glOw.
to have Christmas tee, tun
key dinner and all the trim-
mings. "With great hopes they DAVE DUCHARME
tucked 'Pierre in bed and went It happened one snOwY Decern- Arriving there he wilt not
peacefully to their own in the bet in a big canadian,,city. The greeted by the _expected batterY
Attie of the house,
time was around Christmas and of newsmen but by a cheerful
in this city the hustle and bustle' band of ruddy-cheeked children
* * * of our hurry -up world Was re- whose clean but shabby clothes
Papa was up early in, the vealing itself, in itt truest form. were coritrasted sharply against
mornitig because it seemed as - Located in .the • shoeping distmetropolis were ,. their sparkling dispositions. As
though he would never get used rlot of this'
soon as the superiors had quieted
to being without a ob. ut
many gigantic stores which lit. the overjoyed tots Mr. Murdock,
on his heavy fur coat and'.t at
erally bulged Ire& meriting till still hoping that the reporters
and Went . out to feed the small .eight With the throxigs of bar-
would show up, proceeded to
flock of fowl and an old cow
gain -hunting christmesshop_ pass gut the presents. One by
which they kept in the Mr pers. One store, however, out. One these gifts were apprecia-
shack behind the cottage. T e did all others in the magnitude tivey received and finally there
snow was piled up very high of its Chtistnias ainteal to the were Only two more, boxes left
and it was necessary for him tO buying public. The brains be. hut just one little boy to re -
shovel a path to the barn. Later bind this appeal was J. P. hiur. ceive, thein..
on in the day he would hive dock, wealthy owner and clever , Forcing a smile through his
to push his way through the matiaget of Merdock's depat- disappOintment Murdock said to
the tot "My aren't you luekY•"
Mont store.
snow to the mine three miles Looking tip innocently the or
away to rejoin the men as they * * *'• ,than asked 7
Waited to start work when word Murdock was a wiry ha -
It was very .dark when ,'Miss
May awoke. She Must have been
asleep for niany MUM. WhY
did she have to awaken. When
there was Plausible need or
reason ler it. NO one would have
eared if she had never:awakened.
'The Lord. must have cared Or
He would have bestowed otei-
nal SleeP upon her. He worked m
strange lwAYS, but this tittle this
Work was plainly befOre •het
The toOm was peat end tidy;
a fire burned Cheerily in. the
stove, and wood was stheited
neatly in the Omer. There oa
the table flooded hy the Holy
Light, lay a titian dederatiOn
dieting the Nativity.
Besidelhit lay a note for Miss
Art Clarke
theli oii Agertt
s rp ,ecause now you'll receive
. eyed little man Who used every
4ma-Oenalvelir a breakfast of hot oat- pothlble legal meant .to iffake two presents' instead of one."
orridge, coffee, Mine- money. Reasonably Amiable Again the little boy looked
were wait. down. at the boxes. "No. one's
made bread and jam, papa and when hit schernes
manta discussed the weather ing, he was ornery as a rattle- forurni, mm'ari hdeeeiscSindowq°nieetitre'ed. for
and the strike which was likely snake when, they were itot and
to end soon. Pierre awakened c hristmthe first time the rib scene
as to 'him was jest an- which had been set up by the
and loOked about hilii and ate his °thee gimmick he cOuld success- fireplace in the room. Then as
parents, Re lay there thinking fully exploit to make the foolish Murdock gazed at this awe -in -
With a contented expression on purchaters our MOney into his
his face. • • already overstutfed bank ie.. spiring sight the tiny orphan
up the larger of the two
"Mama and papa," he said, eount. His favotite trick at this i•
"please don't worry about me time of year was to give free presents end laced it beside
the effigy of the Hely Babe. •
and Christmas. I had a wonder- mink bow -ties to men who That sante afternoon a new
ful dream, that everything watild bOught ,thir wives mink coats sight appeared on the busy'
turd out as you, have plannd, for Christmas. Although the
it& de
I know it will too" store's official meto was ment stores tod. street Where the huge part-
Thre in the
Day after day Mr. Mercier good deal mere for a geed deal
pushed his Way wearily to the less" MurclOck's personal motto window of Mutdock's depart- .
Mine and every day lie would seemed to be "give a dinie anMent ttore, replacing the stuff -
d ed Santa's reindeer, bells, and
home with the tafne sad get a dollar." Other deeorations wat the mari-
exprestion and the sante sad * • * * ger scene and Other replicas ,tif
words. Christiliae Wet now vety Thit particular Christ/rigs, Nativity pictures.
litirdoeit hit upott aft idea Whieh Abote these seettes replacing
My. It Was from her friend, lie thought Was hit best insire- the "bargains for Christmas,'
and was an invitation t� join thin yet After long considra- sighs were the words "Let's put
f Clitiatmas cle- tion. he decided to donate a httge Christ beck iit Christmas."
To all our friends and patrons. Wo
wish you alt the pieesures and joys
thet come with the' Holliday 505100
Rether's Coffee Shop
Cordially wishing
ypu all a jolly,
Yuletide Seasenl
iherit Creditorl
44' -
To our inatitt alblidS• and
patrons whomade we
usWeletote ereditort
send goo dilt very beat
wishs, tor a Merry
Phone 911 dreditott
Best viishes for
• this joyeati
seasOn to all of
our very gbOd'
friends and patrons.
Phone 50,
ig4.0RAIROtt irrrfggiran
brations. . amottnt of food, clothing, and •
• , t : tolog • too • •:Aeil A'
Now her tears were tears of toys to one of the •city s arlfr 0444 44 t#41.044.0„ tefirt_coot,
happiness, and through them she orphanages thinking that t is . • u
saw the Star shining steadily on act would get him much Wer -
the lone cedar. That sante light able publicity. With this Motive
which had illumined the land hi mind he had two trueks load.
now flooded her heart: she must ed With goods for the orphaits.
thank God, "Glory to God in the Then two days before Chilittriat
highet and On earth peace, good he deliiiered the. goOds tO the
Svill toward men." orphanage in person.
Plan To Aid Needy
in Crediton District
Treate ler shut-ins and help
for two needy fainiliet Was f
vored by members of Crediton
Womee's Institute when they
held the Christmas meeting in
the CoMMIlnity Centre. .
Vice presidefit Mrs, G. Zwick-
er ptesided for business period
when reports were-givn ahd
dentitions of jant anjelly were
Presented for South Huron Ilos-
Intel. and Canter SOcietY gift
cupboard. Plant were made for
faintly night to be held in Jan-
uary,Mrs, Gordon Morlock re -
Ported on Senior Cititens Night
and Mrs, Molitor repcirted for
the library board.
Mrs. J. 'Wade presided for the
nrograthand opened With a
Christnias reading. Carols Were
sung and piano solos played by
/eat Krueger. Topic --"Progress
of tight, from .Candie t6 Elec-
tricity" was given by Mrs. E.
M. Febrile and a story of the
Parsons family was Loki by M.
W. Meek. Readings were given
by Mrs, 'Weber and Mrt,13ishep
and a trio sung by hirt. Pahr
eer, Mrs, Weber and Mrs. Bish-
ExhibitS Aitere dendla,
table and door deeoratiOns. Gifts
vete exchanged
and Mrk. Harry BeaVer.
Mr. and Mr. Ian Grigg end
family, Bash.wOod, and Mr. Arid
Mrs, Gordon AppletOli of Grand
Bend With Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Austin rahrtter
and soh of Willwdale" atid Mt.
and Mrs. Wallace Pahrher and
faitilly of London with hit. and
Wirt. Everett Pahtner.
Mrt. Irvine Falitner Enid Mrs.'
Mabel Ewald, of Eitchent, P/O
cid Mrs. Robt. and
daughters of Trenton and Mr.
Calviii Fahrrier of Setith Cayuga
with Mr, altd Mrs. Emery Fehr -
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robert -
soil and daughter, Aerie, Leedom,
witliMr. and Mit EdWin Beaver.
Citizens spending the holiday
Season out of town litchidei
Mr, and MM. Wesley Wein
With relatives PittShutt.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Oestricher
With relatives in Windsor._
Mr. And Mfa. Sos. Pinkbeirier
ivith their son. Eugene, in Hattie,
Mrs. SaltUel Lampert with
members of her family in De-
Mrs, hi, Feat 4Atith Lewia Feist
arid family in St. Trona.
ii and Mr Sehenk end
1)ertenti Items Mr. And Mit Lmtert with
Mr, and Mrs, William Wod, Mr, and Mrs. Edwar Schenk,
01' and ,daughters of Wiedsot
Visited thirleg the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. ..totpit Woodll.
Jantes Breek, Who has been
a patient in St. Anaaph.aEotpttal
for the past few WeekS waS
Mrs. H. Was Nola
Valid and hits, Pattline Ness
with le. end Ered Feist
end Willy Iithetter„
UV, ited litrt, 'Olen Streine
taken tri Hie lleyWenti N'tirsing and .son,. TIMMY, With relatives
Bettie in Batter on Friday. 111 Wattrift
Mr, and MrS, Martin -MORO lMittlitri .ilittiti •
tit Cideieli Visited on Sunday With The United Church Misittlit'
Mr, Albert' Morlock,bandband d held their .Clitiattnat Med.:
WO Jelin Wade of Macdonald, Mg with An attelidante Of V,.
Mad., is :spending the holiday Frances latkton .and ElySt
Season With Wt. Wade and fain- ,Litilinert Werehi .etargt - IA the
ily. , program. thi4istbas wombats.
Holiday visitors with reatiVek 'Were given by several members..
and friends iit Own Meade: ' IThreeit XeliiitY. the retiring
Mr. llowerd teaver of nrsidnt, toelt 'charge Of the
ton and Miss Gertrude fleaver business after tvilich thetet wits
lorouranountgouncitionototriccootit .contitigootitigirs itid Mend -Of Detret With lkfr. 1ft a*e allite 0
At thie loyous Christmas season
. we extend to everybody
our heartfelt wishesior a happy
holidaY,* prosperous New
Red And White Market