HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 16Ai*? PSI 1 Th, Tmoi4WNitooto* 1110$001000 3, 1W United Church SS .Prosents Concert On Monday evening, the teach- risen have rocitation. " ors, officers and scholars of Choruses by the intednediates, Mein Street 'UnitedChurch Swn. piano selection bY Helen Nifhit- dity school met for the annu4 Ing,fiaZeiten,13,Q , and numbers by Bonnie Deerr and Grace Afc christm4s sPart'Y for which *Amt. Kenzie on their band, instra., A. Ranson 'was chairman. oleos added to the program. The primary, tinder the leader- Mrs. Ii M. Smith and her sillin 0 Airs. A.J Swizer, sang class presented a him on the pevaral niamberS, Janet Davis Christmas story. Santa paid a eau; a solo and Michele Ear- visit with gifts for aU. aritrIONRC.01101:0111WIR1OICIAPROIrailgelogOil We herald the holittay season with. warmest wishes for the health And happiness of all our loyal friends and good neighbors. Merry Christ- mas, everybody! BETTY & ARTS FQODLAND Phone 72 Grand Bend From all of us to all of you, our sincere wishes fpr a holiday season of good cheer. PEARISO & THOMPSON Esso Products Phone 52 Grand Bend .1ccongc.c.cconctccic.ccigcolccm, Mac.Laren Pharmacy PHONE 149 • GRAND BEND •AvitlhavAvir,Ab untrartraniritri_LIMIRs... ..infattra_Cratigt_ kriLlgrit_rarit 104 • 4.•"•'" 'r4^' •••• „••••'' 14 4 ri• 40- I 1 • ratton & Hotson GRAND BEND wish 11 their friends the • Comment; About Kirkton 111y; IRS, HARO‘p. :DAVIS !Ladies Guild And W-44. 'The Ladies Guild and W.A. of S Raul Angilean.. Church met at the rectory Thursday eve- ning. Mrs.Q. Pau read. the Christrna$, story. A letter was received, from. Miss, S0rey, ,prayer partner at PunnickY. Saskatchewan,, thanking the la- dies for then! Christmas. gift of a cardigan and candy for the children's stockings at the school. Tbe W.A,. epert was :ead. At the :Guild meeting the tre.a- surer's report was read show- ing a successful year. $20(1 was. voted to .the church wardens. After the closing of the Guild meeting Rev. Peter Dymond took, the their for the election of of- ficers. W.A. officersejected for MB are: bon. president, Mrs. DY - mond; president, Mrs. A. Ir- vine; Vice-president, Mrs, T. Creery; secretarytreasurer, Mrs. M. McCurdy; Dorcas convener, Mrs. Copeland; .fleral _convener,. Mrs. McCurdy; birthday box, Mrs. B. Bladder; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Wackier; thank -offering box, Mrs. C. Dobson; Huron church news, Mrs, Creery; prayer partner secretary, Mrs. G. F'aul. • President of the Ladies Guild is Mrs. IL Davis; vice-president, Mrs. G. Paul; secretary, Mrs. Wm. Blackler; treasurer, Mrs, E. Humphrey; pianist, Mrs,•WM. Blackler;., press,. Mks. Davis; decorating comMittee, Mrs, J. Bounden and Mrs. B. Bladder. Aft�r.the election of officers there was an exchange of Christ- mas gifts and lnuch was served by Mrs, R. Humphreys,-.1VIrs. J. Roundel', Mrs. A. Irvine and hostess. holiday season in Mexico. S.S. oChristmas Party . . A Christmas party was how. in the basement of the Anglican Cliarch Saturday. evening for thewchildren of the sunday school. Rev. P. Dymond welcomed everyone. Ken Blackler acted as chair- man for a program of songs, re- citations and a skit. Santa Claus made his Annual visit and dis- tributed the gifts and bags of candy. • W.M.S. And W.A. The December meeting of the W.M.S. and. W.A. of the United. Church WaS held in the church basement. Mrs. Glen Allen led the wer- . V- 1 ingRIRCOF?•ligintragfg0 • May your faltily hearth be warm with happiness at Chtistmas . . . may its good cheer long glow in your memory. This is our sincere wish for you. • LEN' PLACE? On Bluewater Highway, Phone 52r18 Grand Bend • Afppy ehristma From all of us at Flears, we send along best wishes to our friends and patrons for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. eason's Greetings FLEAR'S BAKERY Home of Good Baking 't! iragigCCOMMOlitg.C.OURCIRCCCCOsilre.CCROUROMPACCRAtigt.10 Phone 142 Grand Bend -4- k: • t4 rrP- YEAM OF INtECRIfY AftSMANSHIP9 &ISADIPOR v • News. 0. . romarty Iy MS$4, K. McK1113-Alit gvining. Auxiliary The December meeting .of the. Marian Ritchie Evening Auxili- ary was held at the home of Mrs. A. McLachlan, with the president, Mrs. Lorne presiding. Mrs- Gordon Scott .and Wits. Elliott eonducted the devetional. Mrs. ,Calder McKaig had the topic alldread the star of the Queen's visit to Ottawa from the Glad 'Tidings. Mrs. Elden Allen read a chapter front the study book. Several .Christmat .carols were Sung. This being theannu- al meeting, the new slate •of .0f. - Beers was presented- • President is Mrs. Lorne Elli- ott; honorary presidents,. Mrs. Sarah .Scott and Mrs. Lila Mc Kaig; vice presidents, Mrs, Wesley Russell and Mrs. Robert. Laing; secretary, Mrs, •Gerald. Carey; assistant, Mrs. Prank Haniten; treasurer, Mrs. John Miller; assistant, Mrs. Eldon Al: len; organists, Mrs. Gordon Laing and Mrs. Sam McCurdy, 'Work committee, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Wilber Miller, Mrs. Gordon Scott and Miss Ina James; nominating cOromit- tee, Mrs. Lorne Elliott and Mrs. Mervin Dow; welcome and wel- fare secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler;'. supply secretary, Mrs. Ted Storey; Glad Tidings secretary, Miss Alice Sorsdahl; flower committee, Mrs. James Miller and Mrs. Eldon Allen; birthday box treasurer, Miss Anita Sors- dahl; auditors, Mrs. John Tem- pleman and miss Wilma James. At the service on Sundayafter- noon,Rev. S. Kerr administered the rites of baptism to Bruce James, infant son of Mr. .and Mrs.. Jellies Miller, . and Janet Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Scott. . A special Christmas and white gift service will be 'held next Sunday, with the children of the Sunday School and CIT girls taking part. The junior choir will ship service. A number of ca- rols were sting, Mrs. Gallop read a Christmas story and Mrs. F. Switzer favoured -with piano instrumental. The roll call was answered by 22 members each naming her favourite carol. Yearly reporta are to be prepared for the next Meeting. Mrs -.L Switzer read. a poem to open the W.A, meeting. During the busineat it was dedided to make a $50.00 donation to the local church fund and to the Missionary a n d Maintenance Fund. Cookies, christmas cake and tea were served TizY the fourth line group. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams and *Gail of Woodstock,. Mr. and Mrs. Harold O'Brien visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams on Sun- day. •• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Zubrigg and family of Stratford visited Sunday with Mrs. H. Copeland and Miss Ethel Copeland. Miss Marjorie Donaldson, of Clandeboye was a guest soloist at Kirkton United Church Sun- day morning and a weekend vi- sitor with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eveleigh. Mr. and Mrs, Robert W. Clark left on Wednesday to spend the Re -Elect Director -A. 0. Elliott, Exeter, was re• elected Huron county director of the Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing Association at a meeting in Clinton Friday afternoon. AN INDISPUTABLE FACT "It is an indisputable fact that the more types of outlets the greater the total consumption". We quote Premier Manning of Alberta. He added, "We have to face the fact that the net re- sult of the alcoholic beverages is to the detriment of seciety." In Ontario we „know well the truth of his statement. In spite of this truth however wet vic- tories are due as much to in- difference on the part of vOterS as to anything else. The liquor interests knoW the obvious truth quoted. That explains their con- tinuous campaign t� open up new outlets. One of the greatest triumphs this year has been the vote in Kitchener. Ten additional liquor outlets were opened as a, result of -the wet vote. That city of only 60,000 population now_ has 47 legal liquor Millets. One close ,observer of the vote in Kitchener and elsewhere has declared that there actually melba to be a decreasing inter- est on the part of Church people in opposing further licencing, If true, surely this is -deplorable. —Advt. unite with ttie senior chair providing special ,Cluistmas Hibbert Little .k.assies The third meeting a the Hib- bert Little Lassies Club, was WA at 41)0, home of Mrs. Arthur Kemp with -eighteen .inembers Present. The roll pall was an. swered by supper menu, • Arrangements were made for tbe all day .Meeting. The ,cook- ing consisted of coddled apples, raisin sponge, and a .detnontitra-: lion .of •making tea biscuits out. of two different kinds 0 flour. - • The next meeting Will be bald on Dec. $0 at the borne nf Mrs. Carter Kerslake. The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. was held on Sunday .eve. eve- ning. in the Sunday School room. Miss Margaret Coleman presid- ed, The Scripture lesson was read by ,Miss Mildred Howe and the tow was given by Alex -skating party was :41: - ranged for next Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Margaret Arin visited with .Mr. and -Mrs, Harry Elliott in Windsor during the week -end, Mr. Alvin Cornish, Ilay,lvisit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker, Mr: and Mrs. Robert Hamilton announce the arrival of their baby son, • Hensall - Continued From Page 6 S.S. Christmas Concert The Sunday School rooms of the United Church was the set- ting on Tuesday evening for the annual Sunday School concert. itev. C. D. Daniel was chair- man. Numbers on the program in- cluded recitations by Ricky Bu- ehanan, Gerry Drysdale, Larry Jones, Brenda Neakes, Joan Slinnions and Teddy Mock; readings by Bob Mickle and Allan Roszell; trio by Nancy Kyle, Bryna Bell and Susanne Rannie; solo, Jack Chipchase; duet, Gail and Donna Richard - On; duet, Joyce Flynn and Sus- anne Kyle; Selections by the primary class of the Sunday School, Mfs, Park- er's, Mrs. Loraine's, Mrs. Doug Cook's, Mrs. Robt Cook's Miss Laramie and Mrs. Spencer's classes, and chorines by the iffr Stocking up on Cheery wishes for your Merry Chrigtmas! Ailsa Craig Saw Mill. Phone 6234-3 Ansa Craig ,00.811k:741P:r"* ire*. tibk041171111 ON,"1111 Ringing bells and joyful voices herald a happy Christmas season. We extend to your our sin- cere Yuletide greetings and best Wishes. May peace on earth and good will be everlasting in the hearts of all men, everywhere. Bailey Florist EXETER 0,14'40,003WitingitiOAlit4411414likitCOM0104 .. Harveyts Taxi Phone 102 Exeter Nowl: ilkoduot .From Baseline Sy MRS, ARCMS SIWAS Mr: anti Mrs. Oliver Baker visited: nith Mrs. Baker's ino. Vier, Mrs. Beer in. Mitchell ,on. Wedues.day. Miss Nereen Walkom IS spend - lug the weekend with her me- ther, Airs. • Mrs, David Reiland .and 'Ed- die spent Friday and .Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Brio Westman, in London, Eddie re - mining for the -Christmas hall. days. Mr: and Mrs. is spending. ,Christmas with their daughter,. Mrs. Baker in ..George- town. Mr. Arthur Alan Spept the Weekend.' with his father„ Mr, John Rinn. .and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLean of Guelph .and. their .daughter, Mise Catharine McLean, stewar- deo, for T.C.A., Montreal, spent' theweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trutt and Betty of Toronto spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. A. De- war. Mr. and Mrs, . R. N. MeAI- pine of Parkhill were guests Of Mr, and Mrs. Duncan MeNaugh- Mr. Allan McKim, nephew of IVIrs. Fred Parkinson, is spend- ing Christmas holidays.' with re- latives in Winnipeg, Man. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parkinson visited with Mrs, Clara Thorpe, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Hill, Lambeth on Sunday, Brownies, Miss Beth Goddard accompa- nied at the piano for the carol .singing. Mr. C. Christie is superintend- • ent. Santa Claus distributed Personal Items Dr. William Jeynt of London, and his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt of Itensall, are spending Christ- mas with Mr, and Mrs, Laird Joynt, Toronto. MigifiVRICCOIIRAfggi 1 Have You Bought Your Christmars Sais COPRIRCONCIOWROWICIACCOMPOPKIKCO .1,11 • 0 01..; 0((4 if 4' •••• • • May yOur heart be filled with peace and gond will on this happy day. T. -Pryde & Son Memorials PHONE 41 -4P o • • t . I A 4. A EXETER tigirafgraggV.V.ifeliltrililAraignifitlitgt.CCRAI 4f. • 4.44ii,...r.eie •*e^ '4- oiiaay reeti n St's hail and hi -ho! Santa's on hie way! Now's the season for fun and well-wiallinti; sop happy holiday to all! ov-YRtrowcir Iccc,c.cincc.cicoritcyn, a_ a, a a_ a_ a_ a 4 A 4 .4 A .4 A A 4 4 4 t 4 t 4 A 4 4 .0fr •". • A ingiui of warm wishes and, our Sincere thanks to all our good friends and patrons.Mey you enjoy a happy holidaysoason. Mid, Town Cleaners MatiagOment and Staff PHONE 33 • EXETER. Plant and Office • 230 William St., Exeter OtonfitittgiMiCOUrighOVIiii yard of thanks and Season's Greetings • • to the many friends we have been privileged to serve. We wish you and your family health and happiness for many years to come. •Lou Bailey Says Irwin's Ladies Wear s And Their Staff Exeter • Hensel! *Clink% widaittygootc.0.&441! wgitoritfi4 "YRREM SAMTSIRHC OT YDOBYREVE" And we Miran it . • • Have a Happy 'Holiday, Everyone! IF IT'S A CAR YOU WANT 'T'O BUY GIVE LOU BAILEY A TRY! 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