HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 12Ow 12, Th. Times-Advocat,, Docombhr 23 1957 OTOURPRIONRC,OPi< M *my .thanks for giving :us this opportunity to terveyou in 19564 Hope 44 continue to bill so favored ,in 1957. 'Happy holid4Ys1 Glenn Lockhart North End White Rose PHONE 691 EXETER (` it1t 1141 s1 es o ate° anti Soy *II a iok5 foe 001 ir eodshiP Xtra thtov6 Hunter-Duvar & Sons Ltd. And Staff PHONE 38 EXETER W. G. SIMMONS APID SONS LTD, John Dors •Plsertti tquiprrnt 0;140Pg 0100401043414010107$ E:ark ern With. 5iat Floor Se.en est In Pcuitry Tes.f Y REW DIXON l • And what have ? It you were building a iaYllig , ,Q @ Well, basing You decided. pen, what desi n would �. R above Your Gonappars choose g you R w kl ak lrif u combined t thep slat This is a uestion that the :lay-.'^' `C floor with the windowless pen, ing .beta prajeet being carried mss rd is 4t3 6 g,i ai,76d you would get the advantages; of :out at S#i.DHS this year is at- w trade -capacity, economy and efficiency. tempting to answer. The flock To cage «a 715 266 6.0 20.411 of feed; This is, of Bourse,. only of lay -Line ieghorns has been Por , as 27S0 1740 s.s is.700 a short! period test with a small divided into four groups, all fed Dart: number of birds but it is food the same, but hurled different- Pen i5 1528 600 4.7 15.0s4 for thought. ly. v . Altwitapea m,mtm aammmmaanaam.11maaalialolid. littmlllilltmmtnislI mullisimOtml umn QAAAAAu mitt Group ono (Ont to A Gage) This groupp consists of 12 cages each containing one bird. The advantages of cages Are obvious in that: • (a) There is no fighting among hens, (b)' They are off the litter and less liable to get disease. (c) They do not eat eggs, (d) The eggs are clean. (e) NO roosts, Ilest$ or, litter IS needed, Cr) You call spot the noa-pro- ductive birds quickly and dis. pose of them. There are three disadvantages: (1) The equipment is men- s' 6, And all through ~ the streets, (2) The pen will not „hold .Noor Mother and burry enough birds, .to this store and unit (3) It takes more work to care for the birds. :to buy certain prese.,ts Down TQ Earth D, 1.:HOOPER Nolte IltldSet From Cre ditaa East By MRS. W. MOTZ Personal [tsM* Mi. and. Mrs. Harry Lewis and Son Eber and. Mrs. Leonard. Wein spent Sunday at Grand Rend. with Mr. and Mrs.. Alec Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Weit and son, Gary, spent Sunday with her parents, bar. and .Mrs. Corn er near Larkhill, 11fr. ,Charles Anderson went to Amherstbnrg last week where he will spend the winter" months with his :Son,. .Jack and wife and family. David, the youngest son of Mr, and WS. Frank Glanville, who bas been ill with pneu1n nia, in. South Huron hospital was brought .home last week. Robert, the youngest son of Afr.and Mrs. Edgar Horsey. of Ridgeway who has joined the Airforce and is now stationed at Clinton Radar School visited his aunt and untie, Mr, and gra, Wm,.- Mott last Thursday, Christmas Merry -Go -Round s SOhit Ills sOmewhere, d 'Twas the rush before .Christmas, up on during the last week or Ing all this the Christmas trete so. Group Two (Two To. A Cage) This consists of 12 cages each is purchased, brought !tome, put 'Iother's household list is Ion up, .decorated with the orna- ger than the gift list dark mems, lights and those snow-; fruit cake, tight fruit calve, balls made of'soapflakes,, that Christmas puddings, rttince pies somebody found out how to make --the list goes on forever this and .generously plastered over indicates another lig of this magazines. so that little ones fruits, nuts, etc. that are needed could make them themselves. I to make the first list. When bet whoever invented them didn't these two lists more or less blend, have any children, or the ma- these list conies to life—the-dreth to forgot e dtin'seho taught t'chit- love- thenuulist a decst listwhich which g forts ly messy fun,, especially for 'the oration list. Father after one who has to elean up after- seeing the g gest list decides he wards - but. that's Christmas. should make a list of what is Fully, we Set to Christmas heeded for the punch line, which Vie, All the food is ready,. the means another list for mother in turkey is getting its first taste, her way of thinking, of plumpness with the stuffing Then there is the.hidden list,beginning to swell, the rich guarded well from the childreodor mixes with the tanglness 6f --- the household gift list, that oranges and pine, hot mince secret exciting list of what has pies and popcorn balls, The pan- to be hidden, oh, so well. Up try is ready to burst, the frig until' recently the attic was a won't hold "another jelly, the fur- godsend, but that nowadays nature shines with wax under isn't a private storeroom any- the coloured lights, the stock - more. Parents have to have the stock- ings are hung, each mined in ingenuity of seven Sahta's elves case Santa might snake a this- to find hiding places. Soon we're take,- The little ones are sleep - going to have to borrow a large ing and d dad are bus and weather balloon or - sky -hook and hang our gifts from the sky they finally kick off their shoes ;until needed,'to listen to the Midnight carols To add to the confusion natu- before going to a well-earned rally there are the children's but short rest to let Santa get lists — what they .want Santa on with his job, to bring — the list mother says Sure and it took a month to they can send to Santa — the get ready for ane day,, but look - list of -their presents to the im- Ing bac]( there was fun in it fox mediate family, which includes everyone somewhere along the the dog and all tile- eleven Oats„ weary days and if we didn't so remember me on Christmas like it we would have changed morning trying to avoid eleven tate pattern long ago. Who would mechanical „Tice being •chased do their Christmas shopping in by:. eleven assorted sited kittens June and sit down to watch others having all the merry times — I bet if they do they find some forgotten .items that Just have to be picked up ' to get them on the Merry -Go -Round of , Christmas, So a Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good -Night. i�rebe its —. u,..001 1, that word con,iu.e Iai1 itautea aLlu IASL$ 011 orlgrnally containing two birds. b11LS tilat 010Le tt0,441 11.4u;Auib Trusprogram is designed to "Qyour AtJ alI Jur wecn.a overcome the three disadvan- "uW aut+aw uC pug J.Awu e."'"""4''cages of the singie.bird cages, vvnat. a lour Group Three > (Slot Floor Pon) •lire no, is lung, the inuney is This is a pen 1Q'x15' contain- sh011., allu to tu,i all 4.0101 Ytc11'e„ ing 98 birds (originally 1110.) giv- just uuAA t Seen/ > u novo uuI „vdµa ing each bird 13 square feet of you ureanit;u tip tat tit► wl"' t.to floor spate. These birds are on J1alnea.Ute zvr�. a slat floor without roosts fed We sirup alounu; ux uvulae vim; from ,suspended tribe feeders and see tats anu .iu.aL tom; ar►Agait uu proviQed with two eontlnunity pretty weu ser wousit acro what - nests, sit, put naturally we Li4At`t •stri,ie The advantages of this pen wiuie the iron was not -» mat, arewouldn't oe 1.Alristntas snug - (a) It enables you to cr6wd ping, Ivo, we traiieu into inner the pen as space - consuming store's looking over tele semi: - roosts are eliminated. uons, deciueu they woulun t uo. (b) It frees the poultryman Next week, going over our of all litter problems. (c) Itis sanitary, lists againtlruugut ox triose ' !ta (d) The, eggs are remarkably inanebungs awe ueeuitue forauen thefirshopstane w clean. question. W,nat do we draw? .ti Group Four (Dark Pon) . prank. All those gifts were gone. This is a windowless pen Well, something had to be 12'x15' containing 38 birds (or- done, there was a deadline for iginally 35) to provide 5 square overseas and long-distande matt, feet of floor space per bird. so wearily we urag our feet, They have roosts and a drop- clutching our list, dragging along ping pit, deep litter, eohlntunity a couple of children,' wnu. Won - nests, tube feeders and the elect- (ter what, it is all about, and Why tris light burns 24 hdurs a day. can't they just look at the toy The advantages of this pen shops and net bother going any- are: where else. a(a) Elimination of windows Naturally, the older ones are lessens costof pen. off the leash, and are dashing (b) Elimination of windows madly from one toy store to the lessens heat in summer and cold other comparing; el:pertly d in winter. p (c) There are no' cloudy or sunny days and so cbn'ditions are uniform. And what are:the results? • (1) In none of the pens have we had any mortality. (2) On the slat floor we have had two broody birds. (3) The egg production is shown below: PRODUCTION RECORD •4 o 7. ' Fig �44J 4M °j ee tm >;.v OK F:r trA• A:+ 1 it; 2 39 41 12 2a 3 62 52 5f 61 4 61 ' 66 61- 79 5 62 6 58. 511 71 S2.. 798 SO a 67 62 70 Fo Av. 54 • 49 61 67 (4) The feed conversion is as foilows (the feed is whole .grain. with enough concentrate: in krum- hies form to give 'a protein ton tent of 15 percent): m111 and cats, being chased by one you, the merits of each indivi' black Heintz variety dog that dually, and declare openly that seems to become a dashued upon so and so's better - the main these occasions and goes in reason I find being that they ow- every 'directionat once. I ned didn't yell, at them too of- wouldn't be a bit surprised to ten "Not to touch the toys.". see the turkey taking' a hand in I often tyonder,..why they put the, flame ..sometime during the those little- signs "Do Not Han- dle." What child is, going to read it and how many obey it? What grown-up can resist trying a mechanical toy, or touching a beautiful doll, making a cradle rock, or push a puck around a hockey game? What wonderful temptations for a child -- how could little fingers resist. Touching is part of the Christmas excitement. Somelibw or other finally the shopping •for distance and near home has been finished to a certain satisfaction, ,'wrapped and decorated to fit the gaiety of the season, some parcelled. in brown wrappings with many: stickers and sent with father to the post office, Atonally figuring that he has more time to stand in line than mother who had My- riad' householdchores, to catch ,ttir�9r11ls'.�s�lT/r1 ,�yL1y��y�►�y�� ��►� ,yj�y�►y�jy�� y�►y�► ��;LJ:.1�►:.i/:.L�l�l/:Zr✓it�f�Zl�3�Sf117/'Z�n� Of thanks tie 6ttf .ta my good frictide for. tout 1oya1 ptetensee throughout the 'tit May yeti an enjoy at. tett happy Holiday Season cad *Neer Win Billed w,tb 36S days at health, happiness and good` feilewsliit4 Exeter Motor Sales .And Staff PHONE 200 EXETEl • l Rota 4 a A7 ►4401.7►+ #r t101 41. 40.:40 !�7tin a Mond with ow {of Y G l 1{1 . pettona s ster+d r►r� be pest year, we e beet wishes tot the *Aides. •oar Phone 190 tl� F. ,A: May&Son: Exeter fr L►irf/`Zl ilfi►t',L+'i P'it►li3OACIf Otti gI�t:,�1Oilre•: