HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 10+h.
P $0 Th. Thwt.-Aciv...t., Dec.mhor 23, 1957 !Letters To Santa •Claus
Our Warmest
.loishes. tor a •
Book Shop
W. Wellington „Phonia .5744*
I I guess yott •Are very biia..51
.Dear Santa
The Time.s-AdVocate to reprint I .Wocl. like ;a tram -
%stile of .the letters he recelYed Ricky joy .
Again this year, Santa allow.ed My Sister sod like a doll.
this .year. I have been ,a geOd •
little' girl all Year • I hue idrs.
from gxeter School •stp-
dents. The letters are repro.- ; * * • * Santa .Clang, feeling allfight
would like a Teddy Bear . and
dined alreost exactly the Way,
oRane. 'TWO ANP THREE guards for my skates,. My sister
'the childree .wrote thent---they
have not been, changed or cor.'
'reeled. Dear Santa, ow .are Yon how I td like a set 'et dishes awl a
would watch. There is an Irish family
Readers should rementher Mrs. Santa?
the first letters written by
that. in many eases, these are ;pretty Miss Canada doll and that just 4neved in a conntry
the pretty skating dress and a
rip and my bother 'would, me !nete.thilibigespe dyeeinugaraet
taking t eNgoernt good Pia house so don't forget them, How:
students and ,they have never
•- seen many of thewords they ' 4
il-low are things doing at the
^ ''oad grader a rocking horse.
have attempted to spell. - !North Pole? Is elfit getting into
pRAD E ONE Mischief? merry ChriStmas.
. .s.
abounding in au Dear Santa : Susan Batley
•, my Brntr wants a red wagon * * *
the spirit ustijoy, I want a gun pins •dot) wrok hrd I
,. By cps you Met gat tird and I Dear Santa,
, of this holy time. dod want you le ,gat Ord So dad I hope you have a Merry
\wok htd eae
.4',....at ' . (all) rut. (right), Christmas. will you Please bring
inc a cow -girl suit. my little
k,. Bruce cher
Bother would like a train 1
„„..• t 0.,-` ,,. ..„ - , ".. ‘.., '' . * * * also would like a baton My
..,.;;;;%,,„;z1...„ 4,....4.L. -,..z.,-;,..t... -1.-Z1.4.-:1•...4.1.-•*-t:-.4.":7%.t...":,4-7%; Dear •Santa,father wantswia new hat. My
mother shes that she had a
/ .-7,- 'New Or your elfs, And Iluow • new sweler. I hope you are not
, reene s Variety Store thing to eat, I Want a doll for
anr you, I Will lief you Some- working leo hard.
Christinas. Johnnie Wants A , ,Ann Creech
, tihne. Dote for git The trcirtirt in
the Hoscptl,
Dear Santa
riffit14,10101040.11110;.0*CC,CR.C.P.0.01C001,0 Bonne went
* * *
Xay theiiiy; of
this Holiday seasoafall with
abundance upon you and
, . ..... yours...now and through all time to come.
4 -
Special Christmas
Dinner Menu
Celery Harts, Sweet Pickles, Salt Almonds, Fresh Fruit,'
Mixed Nuts
• Soup -- Consomme A La Royal or Tomato Juice
Grilled White Fish, Brown Butter
Grilled Por is Chops with Pineapple Ring
Breaded Veal Cutlet with Tomato Sauce 110
Grilled Pork Cutlet with Apple Sauce 1.10
T -Bone Steak with Strip of Bacon 2.00
Sirloin Steak with Fried Onions , ......... .... .... 145
Fried VirginiV Ham with Pineapple Ring '1,25.
Dear Santa, •
will give *SometlUng 1p you
Santa. I have a batty brother
'and he is 2.. And 1 em 1, -Me
brathe wood like an Indian torn
tom ,and he wood aninial, And
wo:eci. ae a :animal Aim& and
a flashe ray gun.
Billy Fairbairn
Dear Santa
1 will leav a samre,ag, (sand-
wich) My Mother Wod like a
dool singk.
My Father wod like a bath
I have been a good boy I
would like a eareh sat and a
recardplir a gniture I hope Effie
isn't had and would likea foot-
ball game good -by Santa I will
Writ to you next witer.
Michael C
* • * *
. Dear Smite;
How is Mrs. Santa? Would you
Please bring me • a ' pair of
boxingglaves for my brother and
me. and, a, hockey sit and for
my brother a hallyeebtar and
for my dog a rubber bone and
my cat a stuffed inalige. I wish
you a merry Christmas •s'and a
happy new year.
Ilan Zeehtlisen
care of Rndoffph and dont let
the -other raipdear. .eall Mn
unites. Merry 'Christmas from
Eleanor Stanlake.
* * *
Dear Santa.
I would like a •doll with some
clothes. My brother would like
a big -train and some games a
storybook. I will leave you some
inilk and. ,some .cookies and a
merry Christmas.
...... ..... tr .. llllllllllllll 01101111 llll 411.1.11 iii 1 iii ii i 1 i !!II,Ttljtill$11111
Looking In With Liz
More Ytile,
I filtilliell tomil Mr mullet 11100.timmi ilmilmortortir it Itilimito titetelmil mut.
Last week the Hansen Sisters any relatives ,here and twe love
told, us about a chocolate feast to have our showbusiness friends
at Christmas but they have other , around us at this time of year,
holiday inPmeries. "When,' was We serve a buffet supper, tur-
seven and Andrea four, Dad , key, ham and so, on and nny
went to•Sarnia," Florence told mother:in-law sends :dozens of
me. "He was leoking, for work mince meat *es from Winnipeg
$14)0 and just before Christmas the and ' our friends -really look for -
money he sent home was lost, ward to them, they!re, terrific. ,
Our Christmas -dinner was shred- '"My ' loneliest Christmas was
ded wheat and hot milk mixed the one I spent in New York, It
with salt tears. We thought it was iny first ear awayi,
was the end of the world."home," Shirley Harmer toldl"m"e.
The Hansens are of Finnish ',George and Jill Corey -and,
descent and their most treasured exchanged Presents in the lebby',
:gifts 'igre'.**vel' 'bakes that were of the Barbizon Hotel. ,r;
irtail many years godby an un- Women." Shirrs favorite' gt1
ale 'in . "The first one I ever received
At Christmas time the girls from George, .beautiful edqing$
Play the violin for senior citi- andnec ace." heep''; a., good girl., -will 'leave
1.4505 yens, crippled.children, the blind' The Murrays will be ;yodz„sOthething. to eat.
and the needy. "And we love from Hollywood for ChriStinas, to:ft, ,
doing shows for people like that "We 11 spend. Christmas Dag4'et, • 10,re/1..61111th'.
1.25 more than anything else," said my home in Oshawa," says' Shir.z. • a .
Florence. • ' ley, "George thinks my mother :•4 • * *
Cliff McKay always makes it is the .liest cook in the world.. I '! • ' ' •
a point , to appear at St. Chria- do too, „ Dear 'Sinta- Claus,
topher House„ a settlement house Like many other' stars whore MY two sitters from London.
in Toronto where he arranges a coming, haute .for Christmas in want a Betsy-NVetsy doll. and
turkey dinner for the young Canada .Shirley and 'George rivi a 'figure skating drO'gg a new
players of a basketball team he be appeaking on -TV's, Ha* pair . of hoots a. new *dress a
sponsors; for the Helidays show. • baking set and a• cowgirl suit
• Wally Koster tries to sing a My Christmas wish and. that with ,-gonholsters with ' cowgirl
few songs on Christmas at of all/TV personalities I haVe boots and a toboggon. I Will leave
places like Red Cross Lodge and mentioned-conl,d well be surnined something for you to; eat on
Christmas tve,' • •
", • ,Lynda J. B. '• Blanchard
* * *
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Santa Claus?
Does Elfie get in a lot of trubl?
I want some books 1.0. give the
children in the Hospital.- And
for the others Would yob,just
fill their stockings, And I. wish
you MerrY Chrjstmas
* *.. . .
Roasted Turkey 4rith Cranberry Sauce
Roasted Young. Chicken with Apple Jelly
Prins, Ribs of.Beef with Brown Gravy
Leg of YoungPork' with Apple Sauce
Mash or French Fried Potatoes, Butter, Sweet Peas.- '
Green Apple, Raisin, Cherry and Hot Mince Pies, Christmas
Cake or Christmas Plum Pudding with Wine Sause.
The Exeter Grill
Dear Santa Claus, ..• •
Dear Santa 0C1tus,.
1 would leke a tractor with a
trailer nisi =Wei' .and a harro
w. And i would lcke a bible.
• Your fraend,
David Sparks.
* *
Dear Santa.
would like to have a. PenY
for Christmas or a Hockey 'Gamo.
if you please. I hope you .will
have a nice shegh rkle.
,Chrtstmaa gve, Good-hy.
Your friend
Alfred Aquiline
I have been a good boy all
year Santa,
I want a army ,rettudieg • rifle
and a barn set and -a live :gold
fish and a hockey gailte.4'., and a
cowboy. suit.
" •Lote,
Erie Swartzentruber
Happenings In
Mr, and Mrs. Val ICI. of
Hastings, Michigan spent sever-
al days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. William Sims and other
Miss Nancy Passmore, Thames
Road, is spending several Weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Par-
sons, Murray and „Margaret,
Mrs, Arthur Rundle attended
the trousseau tea of Miss' Elaine
Bell of Kippen pn Saturday,
Mr- Mauriee Love accempat
tied by Ids grandfather, Mr,
Simon Greb, left on Sunday for
Sarasota,,Flaida; where Maurice
will spend a copple of weeks be•
fore returning while Mr, Greb
will remain. 1
Mr..' Norinan • Hyde of Ridge -
town spent tbe weekend with
his, parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey. Ilyde and family, .
Mrs. , Lloyd Reynolds visited
last weelc with her parents, Mr.
and -Mrs, ,Heerit,Stuart and fam-
ily, of.
* * * . The Story hi •
Dear Santa,. Elimvklle
what thae want first And. after ,Seiond Line In
Please' gixe all the poor people,
you dd.. that, 1" would like- a
hunting knife and an. electric
And will leave something for
)3etsy: Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Cooper
and; Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
trian , and an Old
guests with Mr. and Mrs,' Rus-,
is Your friend,
:Linke Nagel
.. • ICin'g of Crediton.
yntrto eat. ' • 'Cooper. were Saturday evening
M. and Mrs, Chas, Stephen,
• * .* Mrs. Thos. Bell and Mr. Harold
. •
Bell attended. the funeral Of the
Dear Santa Claus; late Mrs. Phoebe Hannah of
I would like.a. Brownie' camera Seaforth on Monday.
and a coniplete, Cowgirl suit and The Winchels‘a: School Con -
a housecoat, • cert Val be held in the church
' And don't forget the girls auditorium. on Thursday eve -
and boys in the hospital. Santa ninTteat Eflitani5 vatre.. y.p.u. enter.
be for I close my letter. hope
CyohlirtstwZt egeemtesn 'coldsanta before tained the Zion Young People at
wish a social evening on Monday eve -
Alfred and you a heist*. Christ- sling. • 1
pias and a happy Ney Year W.M.S., And W.A.
good -by Santa.. , The Chris' tunas! meeting of the
LoVe4• W.M.S., and; -was'
Keller held •on, ritla'stia-,,,f4"ritaon in the
.,pear Santa, * ." elitireh' • w,itlt
,,..•T'or Christmas *--'1 want a Thames Road arid Whalen Asso-
'34kilfg•!,;Set,'!'ar•'Set.'• DialteV elatiens as' guesta. 1,1•4„,
CidLr Set and dolls clethes, If Mrs., Win. Routly, W,1V1:„.S. pre -
J do'bat :desert/6' these things, aident, took the. eltair. Mrs. Phi
gNet.soine to :the pcior; have' lip Hut read the. scripture. Mrs.
Christmas means so many things": •
The warnith of 'a. glowing fireplace,
Children's eyes wide with wonder
Gaily wrapped packages and brightly
lighted windows—the old beloved .earols.
One could name a hundred joys IV the
Christnias season, may they all be yours. .
ICCOVICROWCretrfAirr .£ it it
•• • e•"`',71,.,;"
PHONE 401' 439 MAIN ST.S,
Sunnybrook Veterans Hospital. up in. the 'words. of Carol Stark-
EVery Christmas Eve WallY man, although of the Jewish
and his wife entertain at a party faith: had this to say in a re
that has become 'an annual af- cent. letter.' "I do have a wish
fair. "My wife and 1 don't have for Christmas. I wish that Peace
on garth' Ooodwill towar`ds, an
ie /# was m*t. just:a phrase at Clest.-
- Inas time but -a way of acting
t •
, • ,
The year 1957 :is `drawing to a ,elose, Your
Coutlekwishes me to expregs. to you OW 4preciation.
of the pilviiege Of being able.to .serve you during tbe
year. We •Ive endeavoured to, give' you sountirlidnest,
government consistent with the needs of 0'1( vatiOUS
departments., We believe this has been aceoniplish6d
to a marked degree.
Dear, Santa,
, I :want, a bride. doll and- a
all yedr round. If lights On the farm. ,•,- ' ....,-;.„.•,,,,;,,,,.•., .... -
treeS.'.at Christmas make for a IvlY big- :sister wahes,,A4amera!,
better .1 understanding of fellow MY, big brother Wants anTeleetrie
marl 'then • let's leave the lights' Aram. .
,. , . .
up ail the' lune. " Love, "
Merry•:'Christrirai, Liz, • Btenda Watson
• •I • • • • t
Ws ,sincerely wish you a very 'Merry
Christmas and hope that 198- will be happy and
prosperous for us all •• •
At •
4 0
ft •
Phf1jundation of ail. .
busift41 ::iriendship
and With"
it give ics; greit,Pleasure:
to exteAd' ' Our very. best.
wii1ie to 'those ;. whose
wilOsei friendships .we ,trea-
sttre' .
poorowt riniroloorro*#*,ortifterrolcx
"' • : •••••
William Rhode. of Thames Head
favoured with ' an instrumental
and Mrs.' Selves gave a read -
leg. Carols were sung.
Mrs. W. Filcc' of Ilderton •was
the guest speaker.' Miss Ruth
.Skinner on behalf •of the ladies
thanked the. speaker.
in die true star* al,the
Yuletide seasons cre wiXyou
a riek alsundavree a( 'wrath?
happiness and contentment.
rhe best Of every.
thing for you and your
fansily...not only during
• the Holiday Season,
. but alivays...this .
is our sincere wials.
Linderifields Ltd.
t • toWALOVROW03130413441010A1
4' t
, •
rid All The toys
La ry Snider Mai
Where Your Patronage is Appreciated
4 '