HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 9RCM • •may/! ' \d t We wish you and yours a rich abundance of all Qf the lays of this happy holiday Season. Canadian Canners Limiter. From the Staff EXETER ETER arilgraiViViliVigggraggraffMCCOTIRCOMI Merry Christmas ots of sen We know are prig to ;be ''VERY happy On Decetnbe 25. • 1 .a I p e is M'FR'S 'WEAR '! • Lys rt coming your way with a ; friendly wisl jar s very %ppy'; iotid y. Exeter Dairy In alon CETER 0444 4 v AIRRIACCOMICACCOARRA 4.,�G¢ oh 76ontand all, we wish a Season bright as the Star of Chrittnias morn. • COMP#100 ALF::.ANDRUS .951.e joy of giving the thrill of reeeivitig.,,,all the warmth ,and good will of the thristmas season, We 'ainterely with for you and yours: 0101 7. CENTRALIA PARTY—The "fifth annual ChriStrila5 party selected students of the kindergarten. class are shown was held for the P.M.Q; area children at RcAP Station here with the guest a honour, Santa Claus. Centralia's J. A, D, McCurdy School this week, A few . ' RCAF Photo The Story In Clandeboye laical News Mr. and Mrs. kant Latimer of Sarnia spent the weekend with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy MeRanri. Mrs. William Cornish • is im- Preying. in health. - Mr. and Mrs, Bud Gilniour and Miss Helen Gilmour of Fort Erie visited with •Mr. And Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Tont .. Ginning, also With their grandmother, safra, Wm. Cernisb, over the weekend. arm Bill Downing, Karen ,and Joan „of Chatham visited with ithe former's parents, Mr, and Mrs'. Abner Renclrie over the weekend- , Officers Were elected' at the December meeting of the and W.A. of the United Church held at the home of Mrs. Will HonOrary 'president is Mrs, Edger RoulstOn; president, Mrs. Will Darling; „vice-president, Mrs. T. Collins; ebrt. Secretary, Mrs. Wilmer SOU; -treasurer, Mrs, Rupert , Williams. Christian stewardship, Mrs, Rupert Williams; associate ment- hes secretary, Mrs. Will Lewis; Mitsionary Morithly see.,. Mrs. T. Collins; Corriniudity friends secretary, ' Mrs: Arnold Blake; supply setretary; arrt. Lloyd Lynn; •secretaty Christian citi- zenship, arra. Will Darling; press secretary, Mrs.• Scott. President ot. the W.A. for 1958 is •Mrs, Wilniei Scott; secretary, Mrt. Alex MacIntosh; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Eaton; parsonage committee, Mrt. Wilmer Scott, Mrs. Rupert Williams and Mts. Tom Collins; press secretary, Mrs. Alex MacIntoth. Rev. Edgar rtoulston presided ter the election of, officers. Mrs. TOrit Collins presided for the W.M.S. And the suggested Christthis program was follOwed. Sunday ,Scheel Partrt '• ' The arinual Sunday SchoOl party was held in the -Sunday there was ari exchange of giftt. Santa Claus 'dropped in to As- sist. Rev, ROultton received a card with a notice, that 2 tur- key was in the Lucari LOcker stotage for him front the mem- bers of ahe W.A. Report On' Blanshard By MRS. 0LACiwytt HOPER Personal Items • ',Mr: arid Mrs, LeOnard Thee- kerf , Red .spent Sabin* with Mrk, T, Waugh rtif Lori- •Seturday evening guests' with Mr, And Mrs. Win: JOnes held birthday were: Mr. aed Mrs. Lloyd Thomson end family. Mr. and mts, Pied Thomson Mi. and Mrs. Max Bilyea and' fain - Mrs. Settle Bilyea, MrS, Mary Rudd; , ell of Glendale, Mrt, Gorden johet, Of Rannoch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martih of St, Maryt were ' SUMO gUests• of Mrs,. Jas, Mostey, Mr. And Mrs, Welter lOrtet of Glendale were MeridaY eVening atiests of Mr, end Mrs, Cedil Mr. Wes, Mritsey • returned 'joint oh Thursday from St. Jo. tit his bed for teVeral weekt with Mrs. Alittida HOpkins of Mit. chell is spending sometime with Mr. And Mra: Wm, Jories where the is conveleteing after having fractured her Aran, Mt, and Pitt, Kenneth Lartg. ford and Witty Were SiittdaY gtieatt Of Mr. and Mrs, Glad. WYti Ileopes end family. Mr, And Mrs,. Gledwin Lang, Were SattirdaY evening Visitors With Mr, And Mrs, Kenneth Lang. fOrd And Mr, mid Mrs., ItOSS Legion. Holds, Met of 'Le 10il • Mt Vithets Wet held in the tegion 1411 on Men- dAy night, There Were 14 nil. 'Mins were shown And Santa 'Anpeired 10 distribute A hag of caddy tad gift te each, Mrs; 'Eugene 'twat, presid Kippen Comments ° By MRS. NORMAN LONO Personal Hems Mr, Robert Thomson visited Friday with, his son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne) Schneider and family of Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl of Listowel were weekend guests of the latter's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. And Mrs. Norman Recent visitors ' with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson and Mrs. Vin. Winder included Mist Mar- garet Winder, Mr. and ' Mrs. George Winder and Miss Sadie Winder, all of London, Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Dash- wood and Mrs. Jennie Schilbe of Exeter visited a day recently with their mother, Mrs. Amelia Mrs. Brownlee who has been in the U.S.A. 'several months is at' present with . her brother, Mr. and Mrs. tddie McBride and Sharon visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and - Mrs. Robert Dalrymple and family of Brucefield on Sunday and at- tended the candlelight tervice at the Brudefield United Church, School Concert Robert Munn emceed the show their aneual Christmas concert last Tuesday. The music was in charge of Mrs. H. L. StUrgis, The • program consisted of readings by .rvan,,,BOA):?Benlii6- :Dick, Wilma Miller, Ruth Ann Clement, Ted. Stoneman, Peter Faircloth, Reg Dick and rf story by the chairman. Piano solos by Patricia Har- ris, , Verlyn Miller and -.Ruth the juniOrs,. seniors and all the ' Viedin solos by Nelson Howe and Robert Munn; three rhythm band numbers; a Merry Chritt- mas wish by Bonriie -Kerslake, Karen Sardrat, Janice Wright end Gordon Dick; duet 'by Ruth Ann Cotentin and Nancy Fair - cloth; solo by Rebert Munn. Highland Scottische by Marg- aret Hoggarth, Margaret Boa, Carol Roam arid Adeline Chap- pel; a country • waltz 'by Ruth Ann Colenian, P'eter and Nancy Faircloth; Reg Dick, Janice Wright) Patricia Harris, Karen Sararas and Bonnie Dick and a square deride by Margaret Hoggarth, Ruth Ann COlemait, Caro" Howe, Margaret Boa,. Bon- nie Dick, Nancy Faireloth, Pa- tricia Harris and Adeline Chap- Saeta appeared and •distributed Treusseau Tea Mrs. William J. Bell, Kip - pen, entertabied at a trousseau tea at her home en Satutday afternoon and evening in hotter Of her daughter, Elaine, ,bricie- elect of tilt Saturday. One hund- red guetts attended. Mrs. Bell and Elaine, assist- ed by the groom's mbther, Arthur Ford of Exeter, received the guests. and Miss Shirley Rern, of Exeter, neice of the guest bOok, White and red ear - nations fOrmed attractive houte decorations, while. a lace table- cloth covered the tea table which centered a three-tier wedding eake, flanked with ,red carna- tions and red tapers, Mrs. John Richardson of Ren- tal", and Mrs. .Arthur Rundle of Exeter poured tea in the afternoon and Miss Annie ' Silt, othy Marino of Lendon served. Pouring tea in • the evening were Mrs. C. Struthers arid Mrs, Franklin Skinner elf Exeter. Miss Lois McLellan of •Heitsall and Miss Bonnie Kyle of Kip - pen, served. The bride's trous- seau was displayed by Miss Daryl Tuckey of Hensall; linens, Miss • Gladys Moir, Hermit; shower and wedding gifts, Mits Showers For Bride -Elect Miss Elaine Bell, bride -elect of this Saturday was 'honored At a number of pre -nuptial show - Nits. Harold Taylor of Exeter was hottest Tuesday night at a miscellaneous shower, On Wednesday itight Miss Daryl Tuckey of Hensel enter- tained a nuntber of Elaine's school chums to a miscellaneous shower. The' ladies of St. Andrew's United Church held a Miscel- laneous shower in the auditori- um of the church on Thursday night.. Carols were sung with Mrs. Rost BrOadfoot as pianist. ContestS were enjoyed arid di- rected by Miss Marie Sinclair. Joan Sinclair favored with two Elaine was then called to the platform to .a. decorated their to open her gifts. The Address Was ,read bY Miss Pat Lovell and the gifts brought in by 'Mitt Bonnie Kyle and Mist Marie Sinclair. Lunch was served by Mrs: Wm. Kyle, Mts. IL Caldwell, Mrs., Duncan Cooper arid. Miss Bonnie Kyle. Mist Marilyn, !trousseau, Kip - Pen, wits hostess at a surprise Miscellaneous shower at her honte oft Friday ,night when 20 pleasant evening. .Tne bride-to- be was seated in a decorated. chair, Mitt Lois McLellan Of Rerisall reading the address. Comments About OW - Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mistes Lena and Leida dullent,. Lor- raine Black and Joyce Fischer, all of LondOn. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson visited en Sunday with the forth- er't -mother, Mrs, W. 6ibtott, mt. and Mrs. Mervin Elseon Spent Frida_y with their cousins Mr. and Mrs, Murdie Colbert,' Mr. and. Mrs, Allan Bitten At - by Mr. and airrt. Harry Detigall on Saturday evening, • 3E10r your valued iatreatage, many thanks' And nidy you reap et rith hartreit happinets for the holidays. South End Service PHONE 321 ken Chuck Snell EXETER This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM 'RHODE Personal Items In the Baby Band party in last week's news, Barbara Jean Mil- let's /tame was omitted. She was made a life inember of the Baby Mrs. Thomas K,'HOwse 'of Ayl- mer is spending the Christmas holiday svith her sister, Mrt: Wilson and Rev: IL C. Wilson at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. via- ited on Thursday last with tlae latter't brother, Mr, and Mrs. George Andrew, of Longwopd. Rev. Hugh Wilson attended Presbytery executive at Ontario St. United Chureht Clinton, on Tuesday evening. Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson Visited on Wednesday With the former's sister, Mts. Lorne Eedy Bruce Simpson returned home from the hospital on Monday .Publi Scheel Concert Mrs. Russell Mills and her school pupils put on a concert in the church on Tuetday eve- ning with a good crowd hi at - Mr. Philip Johns was the chair- man for the progrant which con- sisted rif- vocal solos, duets, ac- cordion selections, dialogues, monologues, choral singing, drills and reditations. Santa arrived and gifts 'and begs of dandy were distributed from a well -laden tree. Exchange Poetry At Bethel Party ,The young people 6f Bethel Reformed 'church, Exeter, held their annual Christmas party at the home of Gerben Wynja, Cromarty en Thursday. night. Hans Brand, president, who ehaited the Meetieg also took the Bible topic.• The group joined irt carol sing- ing and in an exchange of gifts, each gift having ,toein en- closed written by the giver. Rev. Vert Farowe closed the 741k tr.? MigineggirargroinggeinfrOMMONOM .Merry Christmas. To AU Our • Farmlriends We'ro hoping, and work; ing,. for hotter prices for you in 1951, Corbett Sales Arena Don 14, MacGrogor Phone 604.01 Parkhill ° NO SALE ON DECEMBER 24 lionoccooncogo7.1gormompirominto 0 come 1 411 ye fai-Ehful Riverside Poultry Co. PHONE 7-1230 , LONDON - AT EXETER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Christmas ileminds Us That People Come First Not for their good looks, not for their influence, not, for their money, not for their kindness . . They may be stubborn lazy, stupid, sinful, opinionated, unwashed or just plain tiresome. Nevertheless, they . come first! Ahead of money, ahead of - popularity, ahead of big ideas or success% When they offend us, how many times should we extend the hand of forgiveness? Seventy times seven, said the Child who was born on Christmas. -People matter. Nothing else does. Which, after all, is the reason why we're all in this Credit Union. very Merry Christmas— ' a happy, prosperous New Yuri Exeter Community Credit Union "Serving the Community" • Mel the Oleo/ spirit oi Chrittitilki cow to its year bent• daring Okla gIorfaaa easksis and nada ,10 liti$htilt IOUs' We ihrOilirltWitt !lib New t1100.0i, di:eon And Gerifiner . OM AGENT EXITIft