HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 7,441111
o °Ur frien4
ds nod
neighbors ... greetings 01
sincerest ;ashes for
the happiest ehristnsas
VolA eVer enjoyed.
:Cook Bros. Milling Co.
PHONE 24 ,... .' HENSALL
4 • .! .
We wish to extend a very Merry
Christmas to everysine we've met
or had the pleasure of doing
business with over the pest year.
We sincerely hope that your pat-
ronage will continue and that '58
brings you joy and contentment.
E. L. Mickle & Son
• w. ;
• * ` •
reetin s*t''
, ...May the joys of
thia most gladsome season
come to you a thousandfold.
And may your heart be filled with the spirit
of Christmas always.
Armstrong's Restaurant
PHONE' 538 And Staff EXETER
if •
If nobody cared What happened to you,
And nobody helped you along,
If everyone lust Idoked after himself
And everything went to the strong,
If nobody cared lust a little for you
And nobody thaught about met
If all stood skins in the battle of life/
What a dull world this would be.
Lift is made sweet by the Molds that ,we meet
And the things that in common we share,
We Want to live not because of ourselves
But because of the peep!, who care. ,-
It's living and doing for somebody else
On what life's splendor depends,
And the joy of this life when you sum it all up
Is Wild in the making of friends.
AO here's to my friend* and a with sincere
For Merry Christmas and a Gay New Year,
With a hope for pleasure and health to you
• In 'all the things you say and do.,
fl '58 Should be a year of trial,
Meet it Won't you with a smile.
YWr task will always be More sincere
If you correct the mistakes you ninth!) 'last year,
Mare 4s one thing, mere for you to remember,
4 am at your service from •JinuarY through Diteembird
Since reiy Yours#
OS* gitag0100103014104401441
Henson PupiliVrite
liensall schoolchildren took
tirne out from their studies to
tell Sputa, Claus 'what they'
like for Christmas. Their 'let-
ters are reproduced here exact,
ly the way Santa received them.
For most of the children, this
wastheir first ,attempt at MI-
p.osition and they tried to Spell
Many words they- bad neer
seen 1.)efore. No one 'helped
UnfortunatelY; suane does not
Permit publication of all the
tetters. The ones .whieh, do ap-
pear were 1lot necessarily cho-
sen :on a merit or any other ha,
Dear Santa,
Pease Oa not- come down the
chimney on Christmas Eve.
You might_ Of your red and
white suit all dirty. How is
Mrses Claus. I hope she is fine,
Dear Santa I want an electric
train and shoulder pads, Bobby
of" an Orfenig., has ris mother
back and don't forget to give
him some toys too. We used to
tease and make fon of him.
That was a naughty thing to
do was it not. Goed-hye, for now
Your Dearest,
Brian McArthur
9 years old. grade 4
* * *
Dear Santa Claus,
I won't a pare of hokey paints
and some candy, Thatis all I
won't for Crristmas. If you will
give me that I will be sadafaked.
David Smale '
Your friend
9 years old, grade 4
* * *
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Santa
are feeling fine. I would like a.
one foot and two or three inche
high black dog as a companion
for my dog Mackey, and some
more train track. I also want
a picture of you and Mrs. Santa.
My cousin would like a dart
Your's truly
Bryan Fink
Age 9, grade 4
P.S. I hdpe you do not catch
cold on Christmaa Eve.
-* *
Dear Santa Claus,
Please will you give toys to
the poor and hungry people. It
is soon Christmas and hope you
are not too busy -to read my
letter. I have everything 1 want
so you won't have to bring me
any toys. But you can give toys
to the poor. I wish you a Merry
ChristmaS and a Happy New
Year and please may the elves
also have a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
I hope the deer are all ready
for Christmas Eve.
Hope you are not Working hard
and hope everybody is well.
Lots of love to Mrs. Santa
Claus the elves the deer and a
whole lot to you.
Your friend,
Ann Mickle,
9 years old, grade 4
* * *
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like a fineay teeres
Doll and some dish's and a table
and some charse and a wacre
for Christmas.
Santa bring Daby a new wache
and bring Mummy a new
Love from Arlen
Arleen Chipchase
* * *
Dear Santa Claus
•I would like a baby ters for
Christmas. My Mother would
like a new Dress for Christmas.
And I would like a toy dog for
ChristMas. My sisti would like
a drass for her doli. And my
Daddy would like a new shrt to.
And I hope .you bring the uthr
chilrn things to for Christmas.
'Kathie Henderson
Age 7, grade 2
* * *
Dear Santa Claus,
We have a nice Christmas tree
at school but we have not ours
at home but we will soon have
it. My brother Jimmy works at
the C.N.R. in. Guelph. I would
like a -doll with a basket ancl,, a
high hair 1 want a printing
press and a baking set. My
mother would like one set of
Salt and pepper' shakers.
, Thank you from
Colleen Bonham
Age 8, grade 3
* * *
Dear Santa Claus,
I have be a good girl all
year, An my brother Doug is a
good boy too. I would like a
racrar player. An my brother
Doug would like ' a train for
Christinas. We will leave you
serne milk and sandwich.
Thank You,
Suzanne ICyle
Age 8, grade 3
* * *
Dear Sante Clans
Want a rifle for Johnny I
want a pair of skates for Harry.
want yo uta give my mother
and father a hokey game.
Thank You
Bobby Moir
Age 8, grade 3
* * *
Dear Santa Claus
would like a •frontear land
gun and toy sate. My sister
would like a tooking set and a
Walking doll, My Brother would
like a train that plugs into the
wall. My little sister °would like
a pull toy. My Motherwould
like a can opener. And give
sonic to the poor. Thank you.
Bruce :Parrot
Age If grade 2
04 lew
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Thi TiloMoreAdv404, DecoMbor 23, 1047
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DEAR SANTA --Pretty Cheryl' Little, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
"Buck" Little, Hensll, dreams of Santa Claus as she writes a letter telling him what
she'd like for Christmas. The 'letter penned by Cheryl, who is in grade three, and
others written by Henna Public School pupils, appears in this Christmas edition,
Dear Santa,
I do not mind what you bring
me. Thank you for the think you
gave me last Christmas. Please
bring mybrotrer a teadebear
and a train, a baby doll, little
lion and a kitecar. Please bring
mother a dresses a teakup and
please' bring my father a shirt
a tie and a, pipe.
Your friend, '
Ann Sawyer
10 'years old, grade 4
* * *
Dear Santa I would like a real
puppy, and for the children who
have no home give them all you
Yours truly,
Wendy Moir
9 years old, grade 4
* * * •
Dear Santa,
I want a Roy Rogers gun set
and I want Canada to have lots
of home for people who have
Clark Forrest
9 years old, grade 3
* . * *
)ea t- Santa
I would like a bone for my dog
and leave me something for
goodness -sake. I will leave a
cup of coffee on the table and
a piece of toast. I will leave you
a rabbit for a pet in the eve-
ning. I'll hang 'my stocking near
the fire place. Our Christmas
tree is just a small one so you'll
have to bring small gifts. I
hope you don't have any hard
work Santy and I hope you make
it around to every girl and boy
hope you can. but one thing
only be sure you leave my dog
a turkey bone.
Your friend,
Glenn Harburn
10 years old, Grade 4
* * *
Dear Santa
I would like a payer of figger
skates and would also like a
tobogon and a pair of slippers.
I also would like you to give all
the little orafan children 'kind
mothers and fathers. Well that
is all for how. I have been watch-
ing you on T.V. and the story
time princes. How is Elfy and
Grumpy. I hope they are fine.
Dianne Koehler
9 years old, grade for
* * *
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like a doll with hair
that you can brush and I would
like some clothes for it. Could I
have a baking -set and a toy
vackumcleaner and some
clothes. My sister wants a doll
with hight heels and she wants
some clothes too.
Cheryl Little
8 years — Grad DI
* * *
Dear Santa Claus,
Thank you for what you
brought me last year. Will you
please bring me an iron? That
is what I mostly want. I still
play with what you brought me
Your friend,
Barbara Schwalm
Age 9, grade 4 '
* * *
Dear Santa Claus
For Christmas I, would like a
Our sincere thanks and
4. best wishes for a happy holiday
to our friends Gad patrons. F
• - •
• Exeter Furniture
Betsy Wetsy doll. And a doll
bugy to. John and Donld would
like a dumptruck. And I would
like a car cote. I will lev you
and Elfp some Christmas cake.
My big sister Jeany would like
some eya rins and some high
hels to.
A very Mary Christmas to
you and Elfy.
Please don't forget the Nor
Brenda Noakes
Age 7, grade 2
* *
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like a toy store with
plastic people and kounters with
meat cabbige and apples, And
a doll buggy and a two wheel
bicikl my big sister would like
some bgamas and blows blows
my brother and low would like
some shirts thank you for the
toys last year. I will leav cake
and milk goodhye Santa.
Your -frend,
Joyce Flynn
Age 8, grade 3
.‘ R.R. 1 Centralia
M. the hoortArarnOng
spirit of Cioistmos shino
upon you throughoutthe yew.
E. L. .Chaffi
& Sons
Just a friendly
greeting to thank all
our kind friends and patrons and
to wish them the very merriest of holidays.
F. W. Huxtable
Phone 153-W
The author of the favorite
children's Christmas poem
"Twas the night before Christ-
mas," an eminent New York
divinity professor, felt his cre-
ation was below his dignity tand
would not 3dniit he wrote it for
20 years.
* * *
There a r e Scandinavian,
French and ancient Egyptian
legends which claim to have
given the Christmas tree to the
world. The first authentic men- •
tion of a Christmas tree is of
one in Strasbough, German, in
With all the
warmth in our hearts
we wish our many friends the
very happiest of Holiday Seasons.
tomoviiii4„ 44„1444„ 4 44444444.4444441.4443
From Your PONT1AC-BUICK Dealer
Pearson: Motor Sates.
15 James,Sf, rt,hone 405
Phone 78 Zurich AND STAFF Phone 60$ exlifer
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