HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-23, Page 55 t
" I 5
.Charge Driver
in Hit An.c1 Run
Pellea 11,ave. 'ehargerl Peter'
Gridzek, Kippen, ,over a hit-rtin
accident Friday' in •witIchthea'
cars. were involved and damages,
ametinted to ;800. •
ThQ Kippen max; was appro.,.
bended about an hour after the
accident on. No. 4 highway, south'
of Exeter. The front licence, plate
of Ms ear had fallen off at thscenee
F'OliCO Said Gridzak was •fel-
InWing a north -bound ear, a
German model driven by. Donald
Bell, Exeter, when the latter
turned into the 'servicestation,
of Hunter-DUvar and 'sells. The
Kippen car, apparently trying
tq pass, struck the fender of a:
truck, .driven by Wilfred Menthe,
which was coming
out of the station, then crashed
into the rear of the Bell vehicle,
driving it 'across .the boulevard
and nearly into the gas pumps,
Gridzak did not stop.
OPP Constable Harry Reid in-
Note Correction
In School Issue
In order to clear up some con-
fusion which resulted. from a
Times -Advocate report on the
sehool question at the McGilliv-
ray nomination meeting, •and a
subsequent correction, the fol-
lowing statement has been ap-
proved by several members 9f
the trustees for publication.
Mr, Arthur Simpson said at
the nomination meeting that
when the trustees 'went to inter.
view students at London and
Stratford teachers' colleges in
March, they received no applica-
tions at that time. He did not
say that no applications were
ever received from normalites
this past year, which was what
was reported in The Times -Ad -
Applications were received lat-
er but Mr. Simpson unintention-
ally neglected to mention this.
The board hired one teachers'
college graduate for 1.he 1957.58
As the Christmas chimes ring out
once more we send wishes for a
Happy Holiday to all our friends.
John Webster
Haply holiday wishes to you,
our friends and customers,
and sincere thanks for
the pleasure of serving you.
May your Yuletidd be bright
with ali the SealiOn's Joys.
mine 44 • p
Canada Packer's Ltd.
\ IViatiationient arid Siff
• PH$NE 256 EXETER !
.4 44,iib, •
liOtwilriACOA 4 IRINCIPAOM afittigtilPi*COMI
PERFORM AT SHIPKA—These four girls presented a pantomime to music during the
school and church concert held at Shipka Wednesday night. Left to right, they are
Barbara Mellin, Dianne Gaiser, Judy Ratz and Dorene Mellin, Teacher Don Finkbeiner
was in charge .of the concert; Rev. Alex Rapson, Exeter, was master of ceremonies,
Honor Outstanding Pupils
At Commencement Revue
Awards presented at .Com-
mencement included:
Student Council Awards
Bill Pollen, Voldemars Gul-
ens, Beverley Sturgis, Loraine
Taylor, Helen Taylor, Beverley
McLean, Ted Norminton, Jim
Crocker, Jules Desjardine, Don -
bid Peterson, Bob Clarke, Bill
Lavender, ,
Student Council Highest Aca-
demic Award, Voldemars
Paper Staff Academic Achiev-
ment, Bev. McLean.
Underwood Speed Award, Alma
Canada Packers Award, 'Don -
Kids' Teams Busy
During Holidays
Plenty of action is on tap for
the Exeter -Centralia minor hoc-
key leagues over the Christmas
holiday season.
Wee Wee, Squee Gee, and six
pee wee teams will all be en-
gaged in a 'number of hockey
games between Dec. 21 and Dec.
Also included in the pro-
gramme is minor league curling,
girls' hockey and skating.
The schedule is as follows.
For Exeter and Centralia
December 21
8:00-9:.00—Wings vs. Marlboro*
0:00-10:00—Bulldogs vs. Roya,ls
10:00-11:90—Rockets 'vs. Terriers
11 :.00-12:00—Wee Wees vs. Squee
December 23
9:30-10:30—Rockets vs. Royals
10:30-11:30-1V.ings vs. Terriers
2:00-4:00—Skating .
Deeember 26
•9:30-11:30—Minor Curling
2:00-4:0 �.—Skating
December 27
9:30-10:30—Marlboros vs, Bull-
10:30-11:30—Rockets vs. 'Wings
1:30-9:30—Girls' Hockey
December 25
10:00-11:00—Wee Wee and Some
December 30
0130-10:90—BuIldogs vs. Terriers
10:30-11:30-11arlboros vS, Royals
Bantams, Midgets
In Doubleheaders
Exeter's four bantam and
midget teams will play a pair
of doubleheaders on Dec. 23 and
Dec, 30. The four clubs will con-
tinue with the second portion of
the holiday programme in Jan.
uary for which the schedule will
appear in the Dec. 30 edition of
the Times -Advocate.
Schedule up to Decelnber 30 is
as follows.
Dettember 23
7:00-800 p.m.—Spitfires vs. Aces,
8:00-000 pan.—Marturys vs.
December 30
7:03-8:00 p.61.—Aces vs. Wolves
8:00-6:00 pan.—Spitflres vs.
Last Week's Sedrest
E8eter 8, FOrAsat 2
Iv'oreat 4, l't. Edward 3 WO
ElackWell 0, Zurich 0
• (Ittittnit U. Rt. Edward 9
Merton 6, Lucftit 5
W)' AD
Exeter .....0 0 0 1010 1,
Cflthto 6 1 A 62 02 ,
P01.68t. 4 ;t 0 44 4S ,
11 3 5 '12 73 .373
1 3 '23 31
Ilderton •— 1 4 0 20 42
1 5 0 27 33
jeliture G. Me* t
23—Itixoter nt CkiT
20 —1' Alt an at r °rest
27-1Iaeklvell at t.tican
28.--Vorest 01' IIiICh
30--Clinten at illaclAtVell
1...ucan at Ildertott
nCAi 1•NtsiletteN
teat 'Week* Snores:
COmbinell l Tecli-Wing
(1; r)
PrTS1 28 11 1
Cadets 7 4 3 9 40 42
rombinea 7 9 8 0 92 44
Teelt-Wing 2 3 0 92 33
34,11, 0 0:30 o.nt.1
Cadets vs. r1ee13.'5Ving.
Jail. 0t$1',15 PA.)
VL CdnIblhei
" • • tukl..AAAom.AAAA1a44bmaunA4AAAIAA.AAAduuu4A,,AA,$AuaAiAWtiilAiaA44:AliALIAYII1 •
Lion's Club Awards
Highest Aggregate Marks in
each farm,
Grade 'IX, ' Cornelia Verkerk;
Grade X, Jane Horton; Grade
XI, Dick Charrette; Grade XII,
Rely Tinline; Grade XIII, Vol-
demars Gulens.
Academic Shields
Grade 9 — Cornelia Verkerk,
David Noakes, Mary Creces,11-
ze Gulens.
Grade 10 — Jane Horton, Bill
Marshall, Marion Turkhehn, Den-
nis Cann.
Grade 11 — Dick Charrette,
Paul Wilson, Bill Etherington,
Allison Clarke,
Grade 12 — Rely Tinline, Jane
Farrow; Julija Gulens, Bill Pol-
len. -
Grade 13 — Voldemars Gul-
ens, Beverley McLean, Donald
Peterson, Ted Norminton.
Honour Graduation Diploma
Awarded to those who have
completed their Fifth Year.
Marion Creery, John Clarke,
Robert Clarke, Jim Crocker,
Jule Desjardine, Medd Desjar-
Woodham LOL
Elects Officers
Woodham Orange Lodge 492
elected officers for 1958. W.M.
is Burns Blackler; D.1VI., Har-
old Davis; chaplain, Cecil
Camni; recording secretary, Al-
len I3erry, fin.sec'y Ronald' Den.
ham; treasurer, Herb Hopkins;
marshal, Johnston Robertson;
lecturer, Fred Jamieson, dep.
Robert Marriott.
Committee, Hugh Berry, An-
dy Knox, Cecil Camm, James
Miller, Emerson Paton; audi-
tors Hugh Berry, Cecil Camm
and Tyler, Herb Hopkins.
White Gift Service
Sunday in Woodham United
Church was 'White Gift Sunday
when the combined service was
held at 10:30 a.m. Rev. J. Slade
assisted by the superintendent,
Norris Webb, had charge of the
The choir came up the aisle
!singing Christmas carols follow-
ed by ,the teachers and scholars
and occupied the' centre pews.
The White Gift service included
a poem by Orrie Thacker, "The
Meaning of Christmas," scrip-
ture reading by Marian Thomp-
son; a story by Donna Mills and
a talk by the pastor, Rev. J.
The children; • led by their
teachers, dropped their While
Gifts into a basket. The gifts
were money to send to other
schools and children for Christ-
mas gifts.
Visits Newfoundland
Mrs. 3. H. Slade has returned
to her former home in Carbon -
ear, Nfld., to visit her parents.
iter mother has been an invalid
for sirne time and the doctor
gives no hope for her recovery.
Mrs. Slade expects to return on
December 28 when Mr. and Mrs.
Slade will move to Port Elgin on
Sanuary, 2 to take uptheir new
duties in Port Elgin 'UnitedChureh. Church,
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Amos
,and family of Kirkton visited
With Mr, and Mr's, Lloyd Smith
On Saturday evening and Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Johhs of Sarnia
were weekend guesta,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie VocIden
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Camin on Sunday afternoon,
Marie Langford df Eighth Line
was a Sunday visitor with Bar -
,baa Chatten.
Mrs, Lawrence Copeland and
Donna visited with Mr. And
Mrs, Wesley Spearin on:Sunday
Mt. and Mts. Ed Curlbcrier
and Bob of Centralia were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Blommaert.
Mr. and Mrs,..Roy McCurdy'
and baby of St. Marys were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. -Ira McCurdy,
Mr, and Mrs. Mil Timing
arid family were Sunday evening
guests of WTI'. and Mrs. IlarveY
Dunnell, Eighth Line.
Mr. toid Mts. Joe Bloillnlaert.
Spent Sunday evening with 1d7.
and Mrs, Xdfl Keller, of Dash-
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brian, Mr.
and Mrs. J�eBleitInaert attend.
ed the Chestinat party held at
1Centralia by the staff of the Of
& -1
ere Meas.
AAAIOL 44,410
dine, Jim Etherington, Michael
Farrow, Carol 'Fletcher, Volde-
mars Gulens, Helen Herdman,
Tom Lavender, Bill Lavender,
Bev. lVfeLean, Ted Norminton,
Connie 'Ostland, Don Peterson,
13ev. Sturgis, Nolan Taggart, It-
raine Taylor, Joe Zimmer,
Graduation Diploma
Commercial Course
Pat Beaver, Ruth Clarke, Be-
verley Dick, Alma Hern, Anne
Commercial Diploma
Pat Beaver, Ruth Clarke,
Theresa Dietrich, Beverley Dick,
Alma Hern, Anne Houlahan, Do-
rothy Jacques, Donna Matlock,
Joyce Peters, Iris Tomlinson,
Esther Turnbull.
Pentecost Youth
Prepare Pageant
The young people of the Exe-
ter Pentecostal church are pre-
paring to present the pageant
"Beyond the Scenes of Time"
at the church tonight (Monday)
at 8 p.m, Mrs. H. Butler will be
in charge.. •
Choral communion will be ce-
lebrated in Trivitt Memorial
Church of Canada on Christmas
eve at 11:30 p,m. and Holy com-
munion on Christmas Day at
9, a.m.
.Mrs. E. McQueen
.Active In Society
Mrs. Edgar McQueen,. 1.0.0
life long .resident -ot.Hensalt ;died.
suddenly at :SOW). Baran Hospi.
tat when she had beentaken by
.ambulance a short time before.
She was a member of fle.nsall
United church. and .active in the
Woman's Missionary Society and
for many years was treasurer of
Exeter -Hensel' br auph of
She is survived by her hus-
band, two daughters (Dorotlgy)
Mrs. Paul Sedley, London;
(llva). Mrs. • Edison Forrest,
Henna; one sister, ¥r8. Robert
Higgins, 'Exeter.
Bonthrone fimeral home is in
charge of funeral 'arrangements
which at .time of writing have
AO been completed..
Mayor Fetes
Carrier Boys
Mayor B. E. Pooley enter-
tained newspaper carrier boys
to a hot dog banquet Saturday
afternoon following their second
annual meeting in the council
chambers of the town hall,
The group, organized by the
mayor a year ago after persis.
tent complaints of their abuses
of town hall privileges, is respon-
sible for proper conduct and
maintenance of the facilities,
Wes Sims was elected presi-
dent, and Sheridan Penhale is
vice:president. Bill Perry suc-
ceeds Dale Turvey as secretary.
Carrier boys include Don
Cooper, Bill Heywood, Dean Mc-
Knight, Lloyd Moore and Jerry
Over a year ago, council denied
the use of the ,hall to delivery
boys because they neglected to
pick up wrappings and abused
the building by fighting and
"cutting up" while they were
preparing papers for delivery.
When winter came, the boys re-
quested use of the hall again,
and council reconsidered on con-
dition of good conduct. The
mayor formed an executive to
deal with protests.
Council reported Monday night
there had been few complaints
wtsh to extend my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
my kind friends and neighbours
for their visits, cards and treats
while I was ill at home and dur-
ing my stay in St. .Toseph's Hos-
Pital. Special thanks to Jack
Hartle for help tag 'with the
chores and those who helped
pick the corn and take up the
turnips. It was all appreciated
more thaui words can express.—
Russell Brown, 23c
Many, many thanks for those
'wonderful gifts and congratula-
tions sent to us on our fortieth
wedding anniversary. — Mr, and
Mrs. Barry Cornish. 23c
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kading of
the Blue Water Highway will be
at home to their friends an De-
cember 31, from 7 to 10 p.m., on
the occasion of their golden wed-
ding anniversary. (No gifts,
please.) 23*
Tim TirnwAsivisoto; Dommbor %I; 1tS7 PalOP
Ontario Hydrr
Exeter Public Utllities
May evc...y glitteringamill
eft your Christmas basil
z esdese die leppinsii
thatveer lei& jos dweeitsont
trolkloy Season.
Mathers Bros.
Phone 321
Cifit4ifttitWift#4 iii44.144:0104:0444044311111410.4441004.MOVNIO
•Uhatever else might be lost among the yearS/
let us keep Christmas. Let us hold close this aay,remembotrins
family and friends. May yours e'fc+very' joyqus Holiday,
surrounded by all whose love and friendship you cherish. ;
MacNaughtonSeeds Ltd..
Exeter • And Crediton •