HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-08, Page 4SwaT CaArToa os Ktwlow, ■T vsatoua For bent span matelhawi Airr.ow.-W hes a Baltimore girl is ki.. Homes orlidawei, ed she Days she is taking chloroform, mad mums meessible u Iuag 5. the operat►oo For brio/S y. artl old Last.. -belt. piper, jinn and upwards, N bis a Tea.essee girl is kissed, she d• Second best, (larms, 'sew put that r, ht leer sre, weere you got it from.'-Tfr-Pager • thirst do When a Buck frit a kissed, silo Best 2 fears old Bull, thrown up bp, 001.0 Band ejaculates, ' Miss second best, fol eras' bow they ay.' -Cls. paper• third do When a Louisiana girl Is kissed, she gels miffed sad says, ' I'd like to see you do that again -1 would "--ell. 0. Delta. Wb.. a Toledo gut is kissed, ahs acts on the principle : 'If any one muck Thee on one cheek, tura to bum the ether aleo.- Teiedo Republican. Whoa a Chester girl is kind. she *aye, ' Now, if you du that agaio, 1ll retaha'.e-1 well.-Vtliag. Record. We may add to the above, that when a Pbtladelph,a girl IS kieeeJ, she ea,., in the most innocent manner imaginable, ' Yes, you may go and ask my father.'-Phi1ud l- p♦da Saturday t,e..ing Post. Since the locks elf eta of kissing have been explained se for, we may as well state that the New York girls Are so accustomed to being kissed, theydon't know w hat to say. 'They take it wl'bout note or com- ment.-1Vew Turk Sunday Nets. When a kiss is'stolen ' from y Caouck girl, she give. a queer look, and threaten- ingly says, ' You had better return that, mighty quick, ynung fellow, if sou know when you are well utf'-Juunal and Ex- press. An exchange papei trays nearly all sui- cides in tete country are by foreigners. - Yankee rarely eke away with themselves for evert one Tlithke bee has a chance of be- coming President; and, at any rate, his curiosity prompt, hon to live oo, just to see what he will come to. ' Don't you understand me, J:n. 1' then dered the old man. 'Why you n,t.st be quits a foul. "' 'True, l'in very afar one,' meekly replied Jim. THE PLEDGE. A pledge we make, No wine We take : No brandy red, Te turn the bead ; No whiskey hot, That makes the sot, Nor fiery rum, That ruin. home; Nor will we un By drinking gin; Hard cider, too, Will never do; Nor brewer's beer, Our hearts to cheer, To quench our thirst we always briug Cold water from the well or .pring. So here we pledge perpetual bate To all that can iuioncete. 1 II ten k I )t•et is and Meelsorialn', 1 o 0 A Ni .11 ude o/ m1NMl4m CtJURT t1I) .1NKet'4, ind BLANK MONIS Stilt NOTES, fur ash el the lllpal 3 0 0 Olde. Every discnµfoe o( BOOK sod o JOS Printing executed with neatness mad G. dispatch. O O 1 O O 15 10 O 15 10 Best one year old Bull, o 15 Second best, o 10 third do o 5 For best matched Cow and calf, Second best 1 o third do o For best Mitch (OW, O secon(1 dO, o 10 third do. u 5 Best 2 year old Heifer, o 10 - second do. o 7 third do. O 5 For the best Fat Ox, 1 0 o 15 o 10 o 15 second (10, u 10 third (10. o For the best Yoke. Work- ing Oxen, o 15 second do. o 10 third do. 0 5 Best -1 years old Steers, o 15 two nil da. o 10 third do. O 5 Beat 3 years old Steers, 0 10 second do. o 5 For best Ram over two years old, second do. third do. O 10 o Befit one year old Ram, o 15 o second do. o 10 o third do. o 5 o For the best Ram Lamb, 0 10 o o 7 6 o 5 o 0 15 10 15 IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLI('. EZRA HOPKINS, of West Flamborough, having for a few months past been acting a Travelling Agent for the WASHINGTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., takes be pre - seat opportunity of thanking the Inhabitants of the Wellington District for the very liberal pet• renege end eneooregement which he hsereeeivsd at their heads ; and has now the pleasure of in- forming them that he is duly authorized to act also for the GENESEE MUTUAL, the former Institution being exclusively devoted to the in- surance of Farm Stock and Boddings, the latter taking risk. in Towns, -and both on very mode- rate terms. Ter WAsntnnroN C offers peealiarad- vantages to the Agricultural Interest, taking or- disary risks at one per cent., doing an immense amount of business, having • very large cash capital os hand, end promptly sealing I'll claims 'against the Institution, -Capital, $384,009 ; Members, 37,986. -both being dsily increasing. Tet Gtatszt Courasr is intended to Insure against Firs in Towns and Villages, and the rates are cosegoeotly higher in proportion in the risks being greater; but in consequence of the large business done, little more has hitherto been required than the first payment for dyyeing the. Dail thirteen years the A•aessmenu Yate rely •vented two per cent, Qthough during that pe- riod some of the most diss,'unix Ares ever koowa have occurred. Omits', $4n1,125. EZRA HOPKINS, Agent for the Wellington and Huron Districts. April IRih 1849. N. B -Parties wishing to have their property insured in either of the above officio, will forward their views, and oblige E. H. by leaving their names and place of residence with caller of the following gentlemen : Jinw Grootssoso, Cambridge. Homav E:sr, Tnoets SPARROW, Berlin. R. Rim•ensoa, Agent for Guelph and the neighboring Townships. 3v-015 > NOTICE -rl To the Clerks and Bailiff's of second do. third do. For the best Fat Cow,. 5 CI Exhibition O OF FARM H•rOCK and Produce Domes O tic Manufactures, lac., by the Hurue District Agricultural kioelet) O An Exhibition of Cattle, Seeds, Domes O tic Manufactures, Sze , &cc., will be held at Goderich, Friday, the 27th of Septeoiber, O when the tulluwiog premiums will be awar- ded : HORSES. For the best Brood Marais Foal, £l second beet, Ll third best, Fur best 2 year.' old Filly, second beet,' third best, Best two year* old Colt,, second best, third hest, Best Span of Farm Horses, second best, third best, CATTLE. For tho beet Milch Cow (which shall havo had a cat( in 1850, second beet, third beet. Best two yrs. old ileif, second beet, 0 1 third best, Best Bull (not over 5 years old, 1 5 second best. I 0 third beet, 15 Beat three year old Steers, 15 second beet, 10 third beet, '7 Best Fatted Ox, 1 0 second best, 15 third beet, 10 For beet Fatted Cow or Heifer, 1 0 second beet, 15 third beef, 10 SHEEP AND HOGS. For the beat Ram, 1 0 second best, 15 third best, 10 Best Ewcs (pen if 2) having raised a Lamb to 1830, 1 0 second best, 15 third beet, 10 For the Best Ram Lamb, 1C second best, 7 third best, 5 For tbe•best Boar, 1 0 second best 15 third best 10 For the best Sow, (she shall have bad pigs l0 1850, and the pigs to be shown with the sow, 1 10 second best, 1 0 third best, 15 GRAIN, SEEDS AND -DAIRY: For best 4 bosh -Spring Wheat 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 0 O 15 o second do. third • do. For best 2 ween with Lambs, second do. third do. For best 3 Fat Sheep, second do. third do. For best aged Boar, second do. ' third do. For best Breeding Sow, having pigs in'1850, second do. thiel do. For FALL WHEAT, 2 bushels best, • second do, For 2 bushels best Spring Wheat, o 10 seoolid do. • 0 5 Best Barley, 2 bushels, 0 10 second do o'5 For Oats, 2 bushels best, 0 7 second do 0 6 Pease, 2 bushels best, o 10 second do. 0 5 o For best 60 lbs. Timothy seed, o 7 6 second do. 0 5 0 For best ten lbs Ruta Baga seed, o 7, 6 the Division Courts. TETE increased demand for Summon= and other BLANK WRITS, in con- nection with the businea of the several Di- vision Courts in the District, has warranted ue in printing them in much larger quanti- ties thea heretofore, and consequently ena- bles us to mill them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officers re- quiring these Blank Forme, that from this date, Summonses and all other Write he - longing to the Division Court. will be Sold at the Signal Once at the reduced price of Two SH,,,I.tees ASD Slxr*RCI ran IluvnaaD. ,j gT SUMMONSE:S required by the New Di.- 8T ►J triol Court Act, and all other MASK FORMS need in the i)isrirt and Division Ceara, on Sale at the Signal Office Also, all tied. of JOB PRINTING executed oo ibe shortest entice, and on moderate terms. Osdeneh, Joty 19, 1849. AGRICULTURE. Ata MEETING of the Member.' of the rI► Illaejlard Agricultural Society, the following Premiums were awarded to be compered for at the Society's 1th :'•nnuil Exhibition, at St. Mary'., on Tuesday, the 18th September, 1850. For the best Stallions, LI 0 0 second best, o 15 For best Mare and bolt, 1 0 second best, third do Best 3 years old Filly, second best, third do Best 2 years old Filly, second best, third do o 13 O 10 o 15 O 10 o 5 0 10 n 7 O 5 0 0 0 o 15 o o 100 o.5 0 O 10 0 o 7 6 O 5 0 O 15 0 O 10 O o 5 o O 15 o o 10 o o 7 G O 10 b O 5 o O O 0 O 6 0 O second do. o 5, For best 61ba Fresh But- ter, o 7 second do. 0 5 For best Keg Butter, 0 1:) • second do. 0 10 For best Cheese, twelve lbs. or upwards, 0 10 second do. o 5 For best 20 lbs. Maple. Sugar in cake, o 10 second do. o 5 For lket ten yards:fulled Cloth, 0 10 o second do. O 5 O For best ten yds. Flannel (all wool) o 10 o second do. O 5 0 For best ten yards union Flannel, '010 o second do. 0 5 o Forabest pair Fine Boots, o 10 o second do. 0 6 (0 O 0 0 0 O 0 1 1 10 0 15 u 15 10 0 15 10 10 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T1IECOPAKTNERJHIP heretofore est tiling betwaa the usJer.iga.J u a Cun,peny, ie tet. Jay diesul.ed by mutual Consent. The bowmen will 1n future be carried o0 say Wm. Kennedy slow, who is hereby au- thorised and empowered 10 smogs all mat ter. committed with the immediate bustoeas ul the tate Firni. WM. KENNEDY. G. ButchART. JOIN SPENCE. Saugeen, a lih Joss, 1850. Si22. NOTICE. THE Subscriber having been appointed Agent for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE:COMPANY. here- by intimates, ilia. lie a prepared to receive, Sub- scriptions for Stock to the Proprietary Bench. sad applications for lasurances in the Mutual Branch, and to ries such information tau the subject as may be required. JOHN CLARK. Goderieh, 2Gth Sept. 1849. 2,-a341. FOR SALE. THREE MiLL PRIVILEGES, close to the Lake Shore, and at 6, 8 and 18 aures from Goderich. with email Farms et• uteri 'd. Also -ONE HUNDRED Building Lot's in the new laid out Town Plot of R 'clow, on the 1.mileRiver,an \\ c.donthe s n U u main road from (i••uderich to the flourishing 15 0 settlement,' in the new county of flruce. 15 0 'Terme-one fourth of the purchase mon- 10 0 ev down, the reminder In Four Instalment. 7 fi with Interest. Apply (if by letter poet - t, paid) to the proprietor, ( JOHN HAWKiNS. O 5 O RULES OF TIIE EXHIBITION. 1. All Stock Exhibited shall have been the bona fide property of the exhibitor three months before the Show, and all other art'• Hem shown must have been produced on the Farm of the exhibitor. 2. That Stallions, Bulls and Boar., mast havo d within the Society's l).trict the' season previous to the Show, or the exhibitor of such to give an obligation that they will serve to their season. S. That Bells hive a ring or screw in their nose, with "rope or ebain attached, or secured In some safe maceec so as 10 prevent danger. 4. That no competitor be°stilled to more hen one prize for Butter and Cheese, or for (► grain of the same kind. O 6. All Subscribers having paid the .ab O scnption, and only such, to be entitled to eompete. C' 6. All Stock and Produce to be on the $bow OratndbyMena o'clock, a.m. of the day of show. F..DW.iRD LONG, Secy. St. Mary's, July Is, 1850. 0 6 0 snout/ best third best Best two bushels Barley second beet rs 15 10 ( Godericb, March 18, 1850. 3v-n8m6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 PLANS AND SPECiFICATIONIS. THE Subecriber•begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the Ihbtrict of Huron, and the neighboring Districts, that he ha. Established himself in Stratford, and is prepard to give Plana and Speeifitla• tions of Public cr Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dims, Lc. Lac. kc., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. His thorough knowledge of his profes.ien and his practice as Builder, quglifiewhim, for any undertaking in the line. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON. Builder, etc. lee. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March Gth, 1849.- 2t-n7tf OTICE.-The undersigned by pnwer of 11 Attorney dated the 27th day of May, 1850, given him by Thomas H. Woodlilf, to collect all outstanding debts due the late Firm of Miles and \Vood'iiT, and himself pereonally-request ao immediate setilement of the same or they will 0 I be given to the Clerk of the Division Court for collection. BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, Jose 12th, 1850. v3o19 BAYFIELD• TANNERY, 0 0 •0 0 0 0 0 third best '7 6 Best two bushel.' Oats 15 0 second best ,10 0 third best • 7 6 Beet two burr/leis Peas 15 0 - eecnnd best 10 0. third beet 7 6 Best bushel Timothy 10 0 eecowl beet 7 6 third best 5 0 Best 50 Ibe Salt Butter 15 0 second beat 10 0 third best 7 6 Best 40 ibe Cheese 10 0 second best 7 6 third best • 5 0 ROOTS. Best acre of Turnips 15 0 second best 10 0 ' third hest '7 6 Best acre of Potatoes 1 0' 0 second beet 15 0 third beet 10 0 Parties competing for the above Roots will be required to pay an entrance fee of ie. 6d. Beet one-fourth sere Carrots, 10 0 second best MANUFACTURES. Best ten yds Domeefic made Cloth, 15 second best 10 third beet 7 Best pair dome,'tic man. Blankets 15 eeoond boat 10 third beet 7 Best ten yds dome. mado Flanpol, 15 0 second best 10 0 third best 7 6 The above mannfactttree to bo from the Farm of the competitors, and the growth of the prevent year. IMPLEMENTS. For the best Lumber Waggon made within the limit. of the Society's District LI 10 0 • second best I 5 0 FALL WHEAT. -The Show of Fall Wheat will take place at Goderieb, o0 Wednesday the 49th day of August. For the best 10 bus. Red Wheat!, L2 0 0 eecnnd best, •1 10 0 third best, 1 0 0 For the best 10 bus White Wheat £3 0 0 second beet, 1 10 0 third beet, 1 0 0 Parties to whom the above Premium. may be awarded, will be required to sell 20 hellhole same as sample (if required) at five shillings, currency, per bushel. The Society will give two Premiums of Five Pounds each Inc the beat imported Durham and Devonshire Bulls, Prem 2 to 4 years old. -Also, a Premium of £2 10s for the best Imported Bohr, either Hampshire or Yorkshire. 7 6 ° CASH for WHEAT 0 6 ` T ih. Goderich Mills -mod C.eb for Cherry 0 L Saw Logs at Goderieb aid Bayfield' Mille, 0 by WILLIAM PIPER. 6 1 Goderich Mills, 5th December,4849. 46.1f TOilS.tett DR. fit'A. Mc itt 11, CA N he eoeeelted N all Imam M THE Sokreeribert begat. iodate the Iebabitasts of (ioderick sad iu victeity, that he has re- ceived* Large 8eppppl1e el the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X , AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for SALE at very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Subscriber also keeps ON band, a mesal, at bis OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Su- perior assortment of 'I'I N WA R E of every description. The subscriber sakes this opportuity o(r.tur- ning his sincere thanks to the Public for the very liberal patronage he has received since he has been in business in Goderich, and hopes by strict attention to bamess, and moderate prices, to continue to receive a abettor the public patronage N. B. -GRAINING, PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER and BELL HANGING carried pis heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Gcderich, 6th Sept. 1849. 2v-031 if 'ONE mile North of Bayfield on the Lake shore. Th'e sub.crtbcrs will pay cash or leather for hides, and will tann on shares all hides so entrusted to them. And from having a thorough knowledge of the busi- ness, they can confidently promise the pub: tic a good article. WILLIAM HALL, VENJAMIN ROSZEL. • Godatieb, Aril 19, 1860. v3o12 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR. SALE!! THE subscriber offers . for SALE his GRiST and- SAW MILL, situated in the Township of McGillivray, on the Bis Sable, within „three miledof Flanagan'. Corner. The Min are now in;operation,and newly built. The Privilege is the beet on the River, and situated in the beet Town- ship in the County of Huron -well Nettled, and Road. opened in all directions ft, favour it. The Machinery and materials are of the very' best quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Machinists. For Particulars in- quire ofJames Crumble, Esq., Galt; or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. 'McGillivray, 15th January, 1850. 2.500 07•The Galt Reporter will iosertth, above until forbid. - RULES OF THE EX*1IBiTION. 1. All Subscriptions to be paid ogor be- fore the 10th day of August next. 2. All Subscribers in arrears to the Society, who may wish to exhibit anything at the Show, are to pay the Treasurer the sum of Teo Shillings, o0 or before the 10th day of August. 3. All suhecribers having paid the sub- scription, and only such to compete. 4. All Steck exhibited .hail have been the &own ,Me property of the exhibitor a month before the Show, and all other ani- - i. cleared. The land is of a superior quilt - cies mn.t have been produced on the Farm ty, and well watered. it is situated exeet- nf the Exhibitor• ly sine miles from the town of Godertch on 6. All Competitnrs for pollee meet give t . Huron Road, and at the ignition of sex the Secretary notice of the description of different made; and as it ie in the center of stock and pro/Ince they latent, to show, en • populous and pro.peroee Ioeahty' 01 a ex - or before 4 o'Clock F. M. the 28th of Sep- e.ilently adapted Inc a Tavern steed or e timber. ,tore. This farm is well entitled to the 6. All Stnek and Prodnee In he on the atesetion of persons desirous of an eligible show ground by 9 o'clock of the day 01 eft.atime for busts..., sad will be said es show. very reasonable terms. For particulars R. G. CUNINGIIAM, See. apply to D. H. LiZARS, land Agent. G.denc:t, April 240, 1160, odertch, June 20, 1850. tv-oto FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. I'R.1NCIS FiSHLEIGH begs to infirm hie 1, friends. sod the public generally, that he has established himself in the above Village, and hopes by strict atiention to the comfort sod con- venience of Travellers, torut a shore of their paeruneze. Gond Stili and an atteeotire Groom in attendance. Mitchell. May 1Stb, 1850. 3e -o!5 faTRA'l'FORD IRON FOIINDRY. -Th subscriber ha•ing purchased the inter- est of Mr. C. J. 1Vlleon in tho. Above Es- tablishment, is about to continue the Bay- nes on hie own reeponsibthty. In returning thanks to the public for the very liberal en- couragement received by flea k W'iLsoe, he begs to intimate that he will cnnetontly keep on hand an assortment of t4npertor Case nos, consisting of C 0 0 K 1 Y G, Parlour, and Box Stoves ; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the meet improved Moulds,-.8f4LT ROLLERS, Turning Lathes, Rstdeh's Rollers, cf-c. THRASHING MACHINES of a superior description to any hitherto introduced, and better adapted to this coun- try from their lightness of draught, and strength of construction. A call from in- tending purchasers fs requested before pur- chasing eleewhere. The above *01 betook' at Low Rates for Cask or Trade, or at eor- respooding rates on approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford, 20th June, 1850. 2v -n20 TO BE SOLD.—An Excel- lent FARM, being LOT N.. 12, MAIT- LAND CONCE8SiON,Tows.hip of Goderieb, containing Macros -30 ni which TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ONE within 2 miles, and the other with - to about 3 miles of Godench Turin Plot. The first Is LCT 10 in let Conces- sion, Township of Goderich, CONTAINING 16.1 ACRES, Is bounced at the one end by Lake Huron, and at the uther by a Public Road, -sed the second is i.OT 8 in 8th Coocesatoo, Colborne, %V, Division, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- lic Roads. For Particulars apply to JNO. McDONALD, Esq. Goderich, 13th June, 1849. u9-tf HURON HOTEL, GODF.RIC11. TAMES GENTLES, would respectfully in- s/ form the tnbebiunu of Goderich, and its vi- cinity. that he will coostaotty Keep horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. for which he respectfully 'solicits the patronage of the public. JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 1849. v2.33 -if New Tailoring Establishment IN GODERICH. THE Subscnber ergs to uaom.ee to the in- hebisaots of Geder,eb, and its vicinity, tbat he has commenced business in the above hoe. in the Room adjoining 11. 1HORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square. where be will be pre- pared to to all orders ie his line on the shortest modes, and at moderate charges. If. B.-Cettiog done on the shorten notice JOHN ADAMS. Goderieb, Oct. 17, 1849. •2n37 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Ct),II PANY. /THE Suberiber having bees appointed Agent of the "CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposal. for Aosta. ranee, and will be happy to afford to aey person the.eeceesary information, as to the principles of the Institution. • • JAMES WATSON- Goderieh. Sth Jona, 1849. • ' .2n 9tf KINCARDINE ARMS. (Neer the Wharf Godertck,) BY If. MARLTON. TFIE above Ilotel has good accomodatioo for travellers, Stabling, Ste., Sec. Tie Packet Mary Ann will leave Gode- rich (wind k weather permitting,) r ular- ly twice a week for the Kincerdinte ettle- ment. For freight or passage apply to Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arms. Goderich, March 25th; 1850. n8-,3 PQIipi TIE BLI'IP, MO FFAT'• IKEA-ETABLEx LIFE PILLS • PHCENIX BITTERS . The big It and envied ..teem, whoa 11ew pee-eniee.l Mdieb4.s haze acquired for their io.aruble efficacy to all the due.. which they prolate to cure, has motored the maul praetors of pi,aer mot ooiy unnecessary, but uosor- thy of thew. They are 11,o.. by their Delo; their rood works testify for Wan, and they thrift not by that faith el We credelteu. :fir 1f111L-L OLD ANL all — — 4I ASTHMA, ACUTE .ad CHRONIC RHEUMAT)SY AFFECTIONS of the BLADDER end KIDNEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS t LIVER COMPLAINTS.— In the worth a,ul wet. whew thaw diseases prima. Ihey wRl be found In.enable. Planter, farmers, and where. who mea w thews Medtto.w. will aver afterward. be without thee. BILIOUS CHOLIC. an/ SEROUS L...r..., BILIS. COSTIVENESS, COLDS At COVG?HI, CHOLIC. CONHUMP 1 ION. 1.'..d with gnat awes ie the des..., CORRUPT HUMORS, DRop8IEs• DTIPEPSIA. No person with One dolma** die wee, Nm.W Mar moue these .4.4.00.• kreaedietel,. ESUPTIONS ✓ W Baa, ERYBIPELAB, PLATO LS:CC Y. FBVBR and AGUE. rent is .brae wee tem eoss ..try Naunchain. will 1e, found a .iW .MF. wed .Maw ..Dani). pica ne1.,w Maw the mrwm select r • Men of the awe• -a core by theme awdiewe ■ Renhaawt- TRY THEM, St SATISFIED. AND SE CURED. FOULNESS e/ COMPLEXION. •NNERAL NEIL IT OMIT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL. I EAD4CHES. elegem Mac, INWARD FEYER, INFLAMMATORY RHaU.MA rISM. IMPURE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. LOSS el APPS, ms, LIVXIM COMPLAINTS. LSPROer, LOOSEN'RRS. ■awRCURgA L DISEASES.— Newer bile to eradiate Meaty es tM Abets of Mercer, inn Mei, saw than the time powerful peeeanstiee nl hnerrtnius. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, PIERrOUC COMPLAINTS ,t/ all *Wet, ORGANIC AFYEOTIONR, PALPITATION d Me HEART, PAINTER'S CHOLIO, FILMS. The wigtd pem•Mbe of three .wive.er w ea** of rile of m yeah wooden* hr dew of the Iva IY•.lekr .1... ►A/N'B k the IoM. a+. beet. hila. Wet. mM .main K U U SI A T I• M. Tae alli•W swab Ms Made 4.....11 beam of was( M the ark Meier**. MUMS of BLOOD to abs IMAM, wr,rv. ILA [TANS IWELLINOS, •OROCIJLR. 5. StZ3r0'• *OIL, le so wow einsik deserbookos W OWNS. n( lYaat i. are eibeeltselle r*nwibd k► Ogee H•4aiees roan Intl 4s .omen edbM.Y,e then .em. sew (Ma aaMeo. M ees.eard. Rolla end berme* 711/ 1.11E PILLS AND PRIEIIII BITTERS PURIFY THE 81000, Aad thus remove all disease from the system. ♦iisyla trial .ill lee. is. LIFE PI L l 3 mad P11111111X 81 T T E R 3 wyesd the rowel of reeve - MU. ea the eetf.ut0.e of ...sty pollnl. TTe game..f the .Atte., an enw pet 9 te seen ere.pppp••n ••st thele taper with s r•euph0t e.Wd •• Meter. Geed Rariva," ..efalei.g .be Antler. ate. • .110.6 k • *swiss oM f artM w y Noe wall *root Ole., by wheel wrapy• whiney the reify we very •axil) ase w. Ass .toppers sec e.fea,l,ame ere ee yrigew . ther.M* thew wee pe..w. Was .0h weie, afar,.n tea be .e.e.d Nate.e peals.. De ..dal. mid da mn bay these with pRw wv.paq beer ram +. he 110011.11/the tamp e... beet nee we •e SedS ts*I Ne. prewared liedSOIL WILLIAMS_ P. IMO TIP4e. 1111 le elw.y, oases sr ries' leets *ow Ted . ►e. etas y BENJ. PARSONS. Role Ag'o*t GOderieh, Jas. 28, 1648. j'• Qeetria 1,5 Ft,0411- 4t, Goderich, Sept. 131b, 1846, I. LEWIS, HA RRISTER, 80f41C7Te1i, Jane, 1848. GODFRICH. ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Cenveysn err COLLECTOR or ACCOUNTS, ,(ic. 4„,. GODERICH. Ont. 1, 1849. 2-025 JOHN STRACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LA W, Solicitor in Chanter y, Conveyancer, NOTARY PUBIJC, Has his office in West Street, Gotland Godnicb, 2nd January, 1850. 2,_eee 4•C., DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,ltd C.ay.yaaccr, ioliejter is Mutters 4'c•, HAS bis office as formerly, la Stratford. Strut/old, Ind Jsausry, 1.50, tr_,ty N.Ban-Ki. Rtriasban, of the late firm o Straebae , k Lissa, continue* to aet s. Agent sad Camel tor Mr. Liners 10 a'! matters referred to him from Stratford. WATSON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE WATSON of Godrrich, B1RR/STER ALAW.&e. Le. sal T GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Stretford, late of the firm niHector, Weller sad Wiille m Barristers, Ac. Toronto. having this day eatefei into co-pannerehip, is the Praetiee. sad Pepin - moo of LAw. CMAeunv and Coe Ira, will in future keep their Offices at Goderieb tad Stratford, respectively, Moder the name, style and firm of WATaow and WILLIIW. Dins W.Tsos, Ga4rick, 2 Ggoaoa WILLIAM,, Stratford, 241h December. 1849. 2v•047tf R. WILLIAMS, & CO. CHEMIS,TS AND DRUGGISTS. Aod General Dealers in Groceries, Liquors, Paiuts, Oily, Varnishes, Dye Staffs, Hardware, ere., 9T RAT FOR D. Preeeriplies. dispersed with accuracy and promptitude. 3.-e1S. J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, W 'LL attend SALES in arty part of the County on reasonable Terme. Ap- ply at his Residence, I.igbt-Hou.. Street. •Goderich, April 4th 1849. , v -9a DANIEL 'GORDON, CABINET -.MAKER. Three doors Ecu orlhR Canada Ce'.. Op*, WEST-STREFT: OODERICH. Aligned 2717, 1849. 2V-n3I R. YOUNG, BOOT and SHOE Maker, one door West of Mr: George. Vidian's, Blacksmith, Frost Street, Godericb. April 26th, 1850. ti. $ JOHN J. E. LINTON, • NOTAaT rent:4c. Commissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, - STRATFORD. DAVID 11. LiZARS, WiSHES to intimate to the iahabiueu of Goderieb and the eonoundiog voyeur, that be. has commenced besinea as Cnoeey.nrer, General Agent end Accountant, and by anida- one .uention, accuracy, and moderate charger, hopes to be 'Ireful to such se may -require He een,cea Tho.e wiehisg to employ biro io say of the atop. breeches will please cell st the Resistry Office. Lighihoaei street, Goderich, 13th March, 1850. 13-.4 Dit. JOHN HYDE, (r.•ra some ceaao,] I I1E.11D II C Its HEItIL, JdSTRATFORD. y 31, 1849. 2v_o^t W A.I. REED, HOI',r)c .•ixt) ,'ICN PAINTER. fl'c., LIGHT -HOUSE 8T. OODERICH. Oct 25, 1649. 2eaJ1 TO LET, T(IAT ewe story Frame Dwelling Hesse tritely occupied by J.dgs Acland..04 i. - mediately opposite b1. present residence. Fat terms end tfutl,er particular, snpiy to ALES. M. ROSS, North St. Gcderich, May 23. 1850. ,3e16tf DAViD A. LiZAR3q,, AUCTIONEER. IS prepared to attend Sales in any part of the United Counties on the most reason- able terms. API'ly et the Registry Office, Lighthouse street. Godericb, April 11, 1860. y$ -ti 0 NOTICE. THE Nnh.erilier having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF bolo's - log to the Mears. Davenport, of ibis plats has established him.sU as a roawAansa •ND -., t mnceAST. Any orders or commission (rein the Mer chant. of Godericb, will receive pro.pt attention. JOHN Ma1reWAN • Wiodsor, Marsh, 1849. .aI0-71tt the taxon Signal, is ,.srvrn Asn PVIL'sORD MMT ,wUR*n.I BY THOMAEI MA('QUEEN, - :Dives tan r•erarsvem. orrice .engee•sQt•aR, .IOD.UICIL ••• Book and Job PsieNag( .:exceed with seamen' and demoteh. TIRea or vas Hones RUBY- —T711 61(Ii.- LINGS per a.eern if paid etrietly taadear'• or TwiLva AND MI Peseta wjtb til, expimth's of the year. No piper disenwtineed setil *waste ars paid ap, unless the pabna►er ttbieb.tt Idled i tag* to do ee. Aey iedivideal is rite cosines become/ re .poeeible for sit asberiben, .411 rectos seventh cepy gratis. Fr All letterseddrewed to the Editorialist pest , er they will not be tikes colt 41 tits yetSt OlICS TESTIS Of AIM.TUree. Mxii es sad under, Ent iaeerties,••,.LO t f wl•eegwentissefrifen,••-••••. 6 s'i Ten tees sad ender, errs i*reerleef.-t•9 3 t Each seba.gwes'I is.rtfo . 011 Ike., 66 d Over tee See., Stet ea ..eerie, per 0 0 4 Eneh Dal ST A libels/ 40AM*A loxia :N J them 110 Wands, sr she mina's 'cod 4 I• .. a l k • •: ' q.i.t•r