HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 13St f "v .6 •c A A A 4 r' 4 1 4 ) a( f Whalen Missionary ociety arksen .Ann�versary Ott- Wednesday,. December 4 the Whalen W.M.S. celebrated their 560th year with a golden jubilee service at 2: p.in in the pewly decorated .church. Former members Came from distant points• to be guests as well es the W.M.S. societies of .Zion, Woodham and Elilz}villa• a s the ... iia ladiesj failed to appear they own Cliristmas Meeting that day, The prograin :pelted with the president, Mrs, %vol. French in the .chair .and. ,the vice presi- dents, Mrs, Bili Morley Jr. and Mrs, Jack Finkbeiner also as. sistad the. president with the. ro r D am. Mrs. Milne- Pullen was pianist for the afternoon and quiet mu - :sic preceded the worship serv- Le& • Words of welcome to all present were given and a card from Centralia society and best Wishes from the Presbytery were read. Mrs, Alex Baillie gave the fifty-year history of the W.M.S, Mrs, Laverne Morley presented the Memorial message (which Ciai kas e re also xedmMrs. J. T. ng the 22 ..names, while Mrs. Grafton Squire placed a white chrysan- themum in the Crystal bowl for each member iwho had passed d s d p away. ,This was interspersed with the singing of "Blest be the tie that, binds". A solo "No Night There" was sung softly and expressively by Mrs, Ron- ald Squire. Mrs. Finkbeiner introduced :the guest speaker, Mrs. J, W. Whiting of Hazeltoii, B,C,, Who Is with the United Church Mis- sion Field at Hazelton and with her husband works. with the In- dians. Mrs, Whiting told of her work and the necessity of more nurses and funds. as well as Christian' ministers, The 60 -bed hospital is not ade- quate for all requiring medical aid and nurses come and go for one . reason or another, chiefly cupid, and it is hard to keep it properly staffed. all the time, The Indians. have become better housed and demand more serv- ices eryices of every kind but it is dirt ficult to bring many of them to the hospital, because of the dis- tance front rail and plane serve ice. At this time Mrs. Ronald James St. Group Aids BC Mission Mrs. J. 2. Whiting, who, with her husband and family is on fur- lough from Hazelton B.C,, was guest speaker at the Christmas meeting of the Afternoon Aux- iliary of the W-M,S, of James Street United church on Thurs- day. - She showed pictures of Wrinch Hospital with which Dr. Whiting is associated under the Home Mission Board of the United Church of Canada and the surroundiiig district. • She stressed the need of Chris- tian workers including nurses, doctors and preachers. Dr. and :Mrs. Whiting will be returning to Hazelton in three weeks. Mrs. Ii. Powe voiced the appreciation of the group and presented Mrs. Whiting with a gift of money to use as she sees fit. The worship service was taken by. Mrs. M. Grainger, Mrs. C. W. Down, Mrs. William Martin and Mrs.. E. C. Appleton and inter- spersed with the singing of Christhlas carols. A Christmas worship centre was a pleasing feature of the meeting. Mrs. S. G. Klatt favored with two appro- priate solos. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg conducted a short business session in which it was decided to have an executive meeting on January 3 to plan the year's Work, • \ SHALL FURNACE OIL Dependable Delivery and Keep Filled Service Art Clarke Your Local Shell Mont PHONE 8O•W EXETER e ii,iu ninmumii.iautlmnl.nfi. 'Squire sang, Mrs. Rlahre and Mrs. Bert Duffield collected the offering. An invitation to lunch in the Sunday School rooms gave every- one a chance to renew .old friendships and great was the hum of chatting and laughter, a pleasant scene and one those present will long remember. Ninety-five ladies were present to sign the white and gold guest book. During the lunch hour Airs. Bob Hamilton, formerly Jessie Brooks, lead brought along , the Life Member certificate ;given to her by her mother when si e was avery small child and Mrs, . French read the address with it ip 1910, The blue velvet case with its gold letters of on top and the address .that was truly prized by its owner as a loved memory of that mother and her devotion to the society and her child. A three-storey cake decorated by a former member, Mrs. Al- len. Jaques, with golden . roses, leaves and 50 years, was cut by Mrs. Alex Baillie, Whalen's old- est member, The basket of golden mums and the table bouquets„ golden candles and the guest book were donated. Thanks were expressed to Whalen by Mrs. Warren Brock of Zion, Mrs, W. Reutly, Elim- vine, and Mrs. McCurdy, Wood- ham for a pleasant and profit- able afternoon with hopes of other, happy occasions together again, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Rawlings, London, visited Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, Alton Neil. Mr. and Mr's, Melville Gun-' ning and Muriel Were at Niles - town Sunday uisiting Mr, and Mrs. Harold Noyes, • The W,M,S. and W,A. are hav- ing their Christmas meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Art .Abbott. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Johnson and family visited Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, St. Marys. Mrs. Wm. French, Mrs, Bill Morley Jr., Miss Elva Morley and Mrs. Melville Gunning atten- deo the Christmas W.M.S. meet- ing at Eliiiiville on Friday after- noon. Whalen school pupils are pre- senting their Christmas concert on Thursday evening of, this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald Squire visited in London on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walls. Mr. Ray Parkinson is ill at his home. Sue Ann Squire .spent the OES Donates To Charities Exeter Chapter O.E.S. niet in the chapter rooms oil Wednes- day evening with Mrs. William Bell and. Worthy Patron Mr. William Bell presiding. Ten dollars was voted to the War Memorial Sick ; Children's Hospital, London and $13 as well as gifts to Children's Shelter, Goderich. Following business the annual Christmas party' was. held with an exchange of gifts. Carol singing and impromptu numbers by all the members was enjoyed conducted by Mr, Lawrence Wein. C I�o al Guides Fete Parents By CAPTAIN LLJXTON Last 'Thursday night our Com - patty entertained their parents at our third annual ,parents' night. We were very happy to see So many patents present. • Five of our recruits made their promise for the first time, and became enrolled as members' of the Guide movement. Congrat- illations and best wishes for a happy and adventure -filled life along GuidingS path ge to Caro- lynne Simmons, Susan Dinliey, Barbara Janke, Shirley Gelit- tner and Patricia Ferguson. In the absence of our area Commissioner, the girls were etlrolled by Captain, in the ca- paeity of District Commissioner. Division Cdinihissioner, Miss Laurette Seigner,1 presented Sec- ond Class Badges to Linda. Johns- ton Linda Wainer, Marilyn Frayfler Donna Ersman, Grace McKenzie and Joan Dettiner. A Pioneer Badge and Camp- ers Badge were earned by Mary Page, A good deal of work .was covered in these Badges and we feel proud indeed tohave half Please Turn. to Page 15 inniliifliuiiii iii l,iii.uui3.ni,UnipOini luuiuAnti uuquulunaiili.i= .Just Arrived Let Us measure yeah . We have GIFT CER. TIFICA1`ES for Xmas! - FULL LINE OF NEW & USED SKATES ---BARGAINS =. RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR MEN, BOYS, CHILDREN Beware at sribstitutea - they calftt be ±epair4ed;e I SAVE TI•IOSE. SACKS - HEELERS ONLY 54 PAIR. =. s SEE WUERTH'S FOR SHOES Phone 252 360 Main Street it Liommo.'6Ilnliai000mttar>(Yom000nooY.1roko Yu.YY.f.YOYoolo`yarY.rtiri'.I...nt.(e....60.1 , s: weekend in St. Marys with Carol' Langford. Some of the pupils from Whal- en school, with their teacher Mrs. McRoberts, presented a skit and square dancing at a Christmas concert at the Parish Hall, Lugar*, Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Slhas. Whalen and Valerie, Prospect Hill, and Mrs, Jack Hera and girls, Wood- hare, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs, John Wbelihan. Sunday School Mooting The officersand teachers of the Sunday school met at the school on Monday .evening to i. d sense the work for the coming year. Mrs.L Morley's ovaria 11Zorley s primary class donated 19 aprons and 22 bibs from their givings to the Orphan's Home for Christ- mas. Mrs, Finkbeiner's inter= mediate class bought new hym- narys for the church. Drapes for the basement were donated by the Sunday school. Mrs. Bert Duffield, Mrs. Ray Parkinson and Mrs. Cecil Squire were appointed to buy Christ- mas treats for the children. Officers named for 1958 in- cluded: `1,sitperintendents, Bill Morley and Ken Hodgson; sec-, retary - treasurer, Gary F'arkin- son; organists, Betty Duffield and Elva prima ry t each- ers, Mrs. Laverne Morley and Mrs. Ray Parkinson; intermed- late teachers, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Mrs. Ronald Squire; adult class teachers, Gordon Joluison and Cecil Squire; ushers for S.S. anniversary, Grafton and Ronald Squire. Mr, Hamilton. Hodgins and Mr. Bill Morley were appointed to Organize g ze a teenage class commencing at the • new year.. !/i1rla!!lfllf/Zf/'•y►ZPACC Centrad CW1' Studies 1.,iturgy Rlr ANN; THOMPSON The .members at the Cathoilo Women's Leagtie met Tuesday, December 3.0 in the 3. A. D, Mc Curdy School. Mrs... Russ the ,president,. expressed her appre- elation of the large number In attendance. Mrs. Annany, third vice-presi- dent, .asked: the members to save the stamps from their Christmas mail. 'These stamps are sold to collectors and the proceeds are used for missions. Mrs, McCarroll, education Colt- vener, displayed one of the new books in the _chapel library. It is a book of Bible. stories,, beauti- fully illustrated, and written at a child's level of understanding. The'spiritual reading was given. by Mrs, J. W.Thomsan Thesee four weeks preceding Christmas are known as the season of Advent a time to prepare .the u. for Christ's birthday. The liturgy .of the church includes special prayers, known as the "Antiphons," which are said each day from December 18 to December 23. Mrs. Thompson read an article discussing these antiphons, and'distrlbuted copies of .them to the members. Initial plans Were discussed for the annual CWL bazaar to be held in the early spring. Mrs. Annany presented the program. Games were played, and the members particularly enjoyed C ri st anca ole sung both French ad English by Mrs, Paquette, The evening concluded with an exchange of gifts, each gift accompanied by a sincere wish for a very happy Christmas, "Is there much variety in the Army?" "Well, they have three dif- ferent names for the meals," i+P110 !/elf/: A►3 l/ii i<l1 IRI ,}till#„.„,,,,,,„„,1,AMAkWmoo.yA,,,,„..40.til:lt,0,44.„4, t11„„„„iAt6fk641.4.0RA1�f41.Winut.,„„.„,„,,,1,1d„ww,, I T •H 1 S i '�' THAT I By Mills. We were ;accosted on the street the other day and'reminded that we were giving you many rich and sweet ,recipes. The festive season is a popular time for entertaining and after the New Year we will all have to find ways. to stretch the :budget and lessen the .calories. We have had recipes for un - baked Christinas cake and .un. baked cookies and now here is one for uncooked plum. pudding given us by Mrs, Clayton Suns of C. ' reds ton, Uncooked Plum Pudding (Mrs. Clayton .Sims) X pkg. orange flavored jelly powder 44 Cup sugar 2 cups boiling water 1 .cup raisins 1 cup chopped dates 14 cup currants 1t cups broken nut meats 1 tsp. cinnamon . 3/a tp, clave powder Combine jelly powder, sugar and spices and add :boiling water. Stir until ''dissolved and set a- side to cool. Cook raisins in a very little water until .tender, Cool, add with dates, currants and nuts to slightly stiffened orange jelly, powder. Turn into individual molds and chill until set. Serve with: Whipped cream. s, * * * There's nothing that adds more color to a party meal than an assortment of moulded sal- ads. They also lend themselves to a variety of shapes and decora- tions and save the ,hostess many last minute worries about what = J. M. g. to serve gt>ests, - Here is a moulded. vorsion of l the cranberry -orange relish sup': Bested. by the Consumer section, Canada Department of Agricul- Lure. Cranberry * Qramp" ►bulli 2 cups raw cranberries. 1 .small orange 1 cup sugar dash of salt. 1.1i tbl. gelatine i3A cup cold water T,11,4 cupsapple o ni ce Putcranberries .ansi orange (rind and all) through the fod .Chopper. Mix well with the sugar and let stand overnight. Soak gelatine in the water for 5 min- utes. Heat apple "juice, add gala• tine and stir until -dissolved. Pour into ,one large mould or individual moulds previously rinsed with cold water, Chill un- til firm, Unmould and serve with salad dressing. This is nice Please Turn to Page 15 that avers homemaker will W I. - L.QTS OF 'LAST-MINUTE GFT :SUGGESTIONS A1F Hopper- Hock - FURNITURE PHONE 99 Open Nights TIi Christmas Exelr l 4 Free . Ja,ck o � Coupons! P cYtt0ci/s'1i'dgcrni L► fes: fes: caa a . :, c a a a , . r , , HOCKEY 0 _ TFIT A Stand -out Value-.7Perfectly, Matched -Leather Lined SEMI -PRO "Action -Built" HOCKEY OUTFIT Leather -lined boots are equipped with finely balanced, matched Tube Skates. A very popu- lar outfit for rugged defence or fast footwork in, forward position. HOCKEY BOOTS feature supple, black top -grain leather with contrasting tan trim; cross+stitched full -leather lining; reinforced toe caps; padded tongues; reinforced • box toe; combination last with narrow heel;` built-in tendon guards, moisture -proof soles. RIvetted-on high-grade chrome -plated Tube Skates have keen -edge hardened blades. An exceptional value! MEN'S SIZES 3 to 12 Complete 9.75 SELECTED HARDWOOD HOCKEY STICKS .691°2.95 430 Rimago 6698 (A) "STYLE IPMENi HOCKEY GLOVES (1) MASTERCRAFT BOYS' HOCKEY GLOVE -For 8 to 10 years. Brown split leather palm and back, cane protected 41/ cuff. 3 padded rolls on bock, extra roll on thumb A 25 12" overall, Pair • "KIDDIES" HOCKEY GLOVE •- For 6 to 9 years. Padded leather fingers, Leather palm, 44/ cane protected cuff, Excellent value. 3.45 Pair (2) gYOaUT1H''S" HOCKEY GLOVE - 3 Targe rolls 2 on rbbotk,Solid rlolls air thumb, 6" cane protected 4.99 tuff. 14"overall, Pair (3) "INTERMEDIATE" H 0 C.K .E Y GLOVE Large size for 12 to 16 years, Solid Indian leather, 3 padded rolls on back and 2 at thumb; 9 fiber protectors in 6" cuff. 5 .95 Flex -grip. 14" overall, Pair ' (4) MEN'S "SEMI -PRO" HOCKEY GLOVE Solid cowhide palm and back; 3 large padded rolls at wrist- hinged "armour -clad" thumb, 10 ' wide fiber protectors in cuff. 6 `95 y 14" overall. Pair - ■ s (5) MASTERCRAFT MEN'S HOCKEY GLOVE -Pre -curved fingers and palm, no breaking -in. Tan leather with tan cowhide palm, 5" moulded fiber thumb; 4 padded rolls at back, knuckle inserts, 10 canes in•r !J5 cuff. 14t/z" overall. Pair• • (6) "SENIOR" HOCKEY GLOVE - Smart ton leather with solidcowhide palm, 5 well padded wrist rolls, 7" moulded fiber thumb protector, sep- arate thumb, moulded fiber wrist - overs I. shaPape ed cuff, 16" 11.95 SHOULDER PADS (7) "JUNIOR" SHOULDER PAD -For ' boys up to 12 years. Adult style with fiber cops on shoulders and -padded collarbone pads. ■95 (8)*,YOUTHS' "MOULDED FIBER" SHOULDER AND COLLARBONE PADS Lined with thick blue felt. Laced front and back. For 12 4.•.g$ to 16 years, _ -_ (9) ADULT'S SHOULDER PAD -Felt padded leather shoulder and collar- bone pods; felt padded fiber shoulder caps., Laced front and S•ZS ., back _ (10) ALL -FIBER ADULT'S SHOULDER PAD - Moulded - t6 -'fit fiber gives complete coverage to collar b6ne and " shoulder. Entirely lined With thick • sponge padding for .com-645 • fort and protection -___ "Mastercraft" Hockey Outfits and Equipment - Top Choice with Young Canada . . A Canadian Tire Exclusive. MittSSitit ,:;h:;^••:r?"%`x'?^'�I 14.25 (B) ' 1 745 (C) BIGGER SAVINGS AT CANADIAN TIRE' (A), PLEASURE OR HOCKEY OUTFIT Exeepti6nal value at this bargain pride. Fitted with Tendon Guards to protect the ankles' sewn -In Web reinforcement for extra support, Boots feature sturdy dock pebble grain leather, felt padded tongue, Excellent aual.ty tube skates riveted to Waterp'r'oof Soles. BOYS' SIZESo YOUTHS''& MEN'S 11 ft* 1. Pella 6.9$ Sikes 3 to 12, Pair 1 00414 CB) "DAOUST LALONDE" HOCKEY OUTFIT Has 'all the fine features of thlf top-ratedmatter. Black grain leather boot with crass -stitched leather lining, built-in Tendon Guards, leathersoles; large padded tongues tohfrasttng red leather Mit, iveted t6 chrome -plated tempered tube skates 6f superior quality. Sturdily built for fast action and hard Checking. MEN'S SIZES --'5 to 13. 4 te25 Pair , - . - .W4« . ,_, 66,66..__. ----, (C)' 'Daol15t Lalond&' DE LUXE HOCKEY OUTFIT prafesfienoi-bulli boots with flexible leather -covered Steel Tendon Guards, Arch Support Insole steel shank 'spring herd, S,Stooth grain leather uppers crass -Stitched leather lining.Hotkey box toe with cut-off, pro -type soli, Riveted ta tem ire8 tube skates designed for speed and strength. A super outfit fbr fdlt-attion playing. MEN'S sl*1S--5 to i'2: half. 6666._:_.... 17 45 c.C.M; HOCKtY otfl'PlTS Erirrt eo do fe#flow a: a 6*ry" Last, pitted with c6c+ M.tube Sfcitet 29.9$ lei57I 9. P•�_ "'`.o'"s3:, ''.y,'mSw": Sifd'r,vai £ r' s` ,°r - 9 For 3 to 7 Yenta GIRLS i White Soots BOYS-, Black Beate e:.ukaa'w ,„ f,..@.^•'•.�t"..,r...,,tc',•.r.{Yri.,•e.<a i+4ioa..!«.:::;cr,.•..<{wo.{.4:s., v,v£: SHIN GUARDS (11)' SHIN AND KNEE PAD - Cane - protected thick felt; moulded fibre knee cop. Junior. -to, 12 years, Palr ___- 1.95 Full size, Pair - .. 2.29 (12) ALL -FIBER SHiN AND KNEE PAD -Extra leather -covered roll beldW knee cap, Full size, Pair 3.99 Junior. Pair _- 2.95 (13) SUPER.SHtN AND KNEE PAD•-- Extr6 size to protect thigh 5.75 and Calf, Pair a._-___ ___ r •,6666 >.:..,:66,66.. STOCKI NGS and PANTS N (14) HOCKEY STOCKINGS - National League colours. Red or Blue and White. Men's, pair • 1.89 Boys'. pair - 1.39 (13) SENIOR ;HOCKEY PANTS --Quilted hip and thigh add - ding with fibre thigh protectors; Ito laced front, Red or Blue and White stripes. Men's -32 to 44" Waist 4.98 Boys' -26 to 36" waist 3.75 6666.._..... W ._. _._.. PEE WEE HOCKEY SET FOR AGES 5 TO d. Real "prafessl6nal - tobking" gives plenty bf protection without flowing dowh the little fellow. outfit Include3 Shoulder'and Chest Guard, Leather .Hockey Mitts and shin Guards, Complete ..-__ a� HOCKEY STICKS rafted from selected, elearyrriInsd hardwoods JUM50=5eosoned hardwood, 36" to 38"; small-fry'site-_.:--_l _- AMATEUR -Ash 'heedte, "tough larrtinated blade; 48 to 49" long; 8 to 12 years; _---., COLLEG!--.Larninoled aim blade, straight tali ash handle. 80-82" long _..__ CHAMPION -Lacquered •Rack Elm blade, tathty hated, straight grail, ash handle ICE KING * Select ash handle; l66quersd laminated Rack EliA'i blade .69` 1610 1.35 1.65 1.95 $SmaIi Fry" Skates and Boots FO CES 3 YO YEARS, y YE "3 R Jl , Sturdy leather boots With built -1,0 ankle fupporfs, 6utside strap and buokte. eligned t6 give tiny ankles. the firm supdbit they neeb,Boats are riveted` to "easier t Staid ort" Selo. Pdirtubi skotdf--Sixa's 7 - t6 --I T. . 436 Main St. limier Phone 451 • Milton Iteithitte' s � 6666 6666..... 6666 » �. .. � , ...i. , ... � �..,� .. ,� �� ,l� y�,��yy� �t►,�y�#�►�► ' ��,��i�. �� �r iii,�iyy�t�y�y� 'y � � ,�r,�y� ,�i�,�w��,yy�,�y,� y�y y��y�i fail 10i1 1!'ti 1 1 1 Z 101 R10111>Rsl ifitOt l'<:101010i101t1110i1R 010110 0010ti *ira l l 1 1 '1 1 fill 010101/i1!>Il�it�R1 NAll iile't� 0 x' '0ili1! t.