HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 12• 12 Tho Times.Ativocoto, Ostoombor lit INT \ "Out of my way— we're having lemon pie tonight" • You can't blame the man, if it's pie made with Jell -b Lemon Pie Filling — the fresh -tasting, • ameoth pie filling that's sure to be wonderful every time. So easy — no lernons to squeeze . io touble- boiler needed ... takes only minutes to make. (Ja 11-0 fs a registered trade mark owned in Canada by General FeadS, Limited.) J E IL,L=0 LEMON PIE FILLING. liktitOURC#M#3q#40ilittgitflirlVtOMOZ,C1 iloptimo de/AtMle MERIZ/ZY BATH ROOM SCALES From $7.49 HEATING PAD, $5,95 to $9.95 de 4114.A17/IP 1 Riot Iii,40014%. Camera Gifts Kodak, Bell & Howell,'Argus Projectors, Film, Bulbs etc. rSIVIONZRY Ph. bona wthing Pew, 24 t\t'll11:11111,,"".. onvillopiti 1.00 to 3.95 ANDREW JOHNSTON DRUGS . I. F ETEP, 'T'44ao4"AIWA; ,JENNY IIND CANDIES 447 141011114100101010101010041011.101 CENTRALIA GUIDES PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS—Gid Guides of the First Centralia Company began preparations for the corning holiday season at J. A. D. McCurdy School on 'December 16. Among their activities were the assembl- ing Of colorful, seasonal centrepieces for their mothers and the decoration of a Christmas card tree which will pe presented to Mrs. Helen Chambers who, until recently, was their Guide leader. —RCAF Photo Songs,Playlet,Election 'Highlight Yule Meeting With a background of music er and Mrs. Arnold •Lincienfield; provided by 1G choristers, ac. relief and supply, Mrs. Ray JOry companied by George' Godbolt and Mrs. Ted Wright; literature sand press, Mrs. .Carfrey Cann; on the auto -harp, all school age group leaders,. ' Mrs. Douglas children, of Group 3 members,*Insley, Mrs, - Bill Johnson, Mrs. an interesting -Christmai Meet- 'Beverly Skinner; Ways and ing was held by the Woman's Federation of James St. United Church with Mrs, Gerald God - bolt's leadership. The group enacted a candle - lighting service, and a playlet entitled the "Christmas Mira- cle." Mesdames Robert South- cott, Glenn Mickle, Elmore Mc- Bride, Fred Huxtable, and Harry Jeffery, Douglas Insley, Robert Dithiey, Eric Carseadden, Lloyd Cushman and Arnold Linden - field took part. The ChristntaS scripture lessonwas read by Larry Snider. George and John Godbolt, Susan and Brenda Dinney (if the cherus `sang duet numbers. . Both Santa and Mrs. Santa paid a visit during the evening •and distributed. gifts to the chil- dren, For the business part of Lite meetingthe president, Mrs. Car- frey. Cann presided. All seere- taxies reported on their year's work. It was decided to give a donation of one hundred dollars to the - building fund of the church. Mrs. Lawrence Wein brought in the •new slate of officers for 1958. President is Mrs. Robert Smithcbtt; honorary pres., Mrs. H. J. Snell; past president, Mrs. Carfrey Cann; vice presidents, Mrs. Harry Cole and Mks. Gerald Codbolt; recording seey, Mrs. Glenn Mickle; ass't, Mrs. Geo. Vriese; treasurer, Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield; ass't, Mrs. Norman Walper; corresponding see'Y, Mrs. Aubrey Tennant; secretary for Christian Citizenship, Chris- tian Stewardship and Missionary Monthlys, Mrs. Gordon Koch; Baby Band, Mrs. Douglas In -- ley and Mrs. Robert McDonald; Mission Band, Mrs, Glenn Fish- Kippen East WI Treat Children Children of pre-sehool age were guests of Kippen East Women's Institute at their Christ - ties meeting on Thursday after- noon, Mrs. Stewart Pepper was hostess and Mrs. E. Whitehouse, co -hostess. • Itheitations were given by 1)i- anne McKay, Brad Finlayson, Janice Eyre, Barbara Gemmell, Donna Jean Whitehouse and Katherine McGregor. Miss Mar- garet McKay eommented on the motto "Christmas—Whitt does it Mean to your 11/r. James Mc- Naughton. told a,Christm as story and Mrs. Pepper gave the history of the Pepper farm. Mrs. McDon- aid and Katherine McGregor fa vored with piano solos. Roll call was answered by naming Christ- mas cake ingredients and jell- ing where they ct front. A donation of $10 was voted to the Children's Shelter at Gede- rich and pyjamas made by the members will be forwarded to the Wat. Memorial Children's Rospital, London, '111 January. Mrs, Pepper and Mrs. Alek McGregor recently took a course in hooked ruktnalthis and Mrs. Pepper offered her borne for classes in this art Canine/icing January 7. A gift was present- ed Mrs, Verne Aiderdicewho bad made Christinaa cakes for, the draw for the past two years. Gifts were also presented to those who sold the most tickets ift cOritlectiOn with the draw Than and t ob McNattabton, Jack Caldwell and Mrs, Eldon •Jar. r off. Members ekehenged giftt and Santa gave treats to the guests, Tree eommittee MIS Mrs. toss Broadfeot and Mrs., William. Caldwell; treats, Mrs, Alt Mc - 'Gregor; lunch, tilts. Siti. dab'. Mra, t. Whitehouse, Mrs. William tell, Miss Margaret MeXay, Mrs.. Xyl,Mrs. Campbell tyre, Mrs. Wilmer troadfeot, Mra. JAMS Me. Nikughten And MO, Glenn Slae. in, Means, Mrs. Winston Shapton, Mrs. Larry Snider, Mrs. Reg. McDonald, Mrs, Norm Walper, Mrs, Gerald Godbolt, Mrs. Mer- vyn Cudniore; pianists, Mrs. Ken Ottewell and Mre. Beverly Skinner; •Church comniitteC, Mrs, Robe Southcott, Mrs. Harry Penhale; parsenage committee,- Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Mrs. Carfrey Cann; flower committee, Mts. John Schroeder, Mrs. Elmore McBride; nominating commit- tee, Mrs. Carfrey Cann (4 years) Mrs. Mervyn Cudinote (3 years) Mrs. Lawrence Wein (2 years); choir gowns, Mrs. Norman Wal - per, Mrs. Elmore McBride, IVIM Don Harris, Mrs, Bilk Johnson, Mrs. Eric Carscadden; visithtg comniittee, MrS. Harry . Cele. t• Mrs. Lloyd Cushman. Each person brought a toy for the nursery and an exchange of Christmas gifts among the members concluded the evening. • Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling , ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress 409 Main St. Phone 522 'Y GO BY' 'Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prep.. HairTeemiets, tisltintO Individual S011ne, Peresanents Arsteial* V4'4.‘' k"4•4444.1k..44t04.' 41' .0 • Golden. peach haves, tree.ripened to hisolottS prfeotioit , 5cciety Honors. Three With Life ce.rtif.icates Life membership :certificates were presented to Mrs. J. Q. Cochrane, Mrs. Alvin Moir - and and Mrs. Harry Strang of coon W.M.S. at the annual meeting held at the home of Mrs, W. G. Cochrane on Thursday evening. Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs, S. Kerr and. Mrs. L. Learn made the presentation. A Bible crossword puzzle was conducted by Mrs. Wilijain Sil- lery who was in charge Of the program and presided. She was assisted by Mrs. A. Whilsntitit and MISS Mary Erskine. The Musical portion of the Program included two solos by Mrs. V. C. Green, inatruntental by Eli- zabeth Cochrane and a duet by Mary and Elizabeth Cochrane. Devotional exercises w ere taken by Mrs. David Miller, the theme being "The Marvel of Christmas-," Rev, B. Kerr .conducted the election of Officers. Mrs. Alvin Moir was •elected president; Mrs. 8. Kerr, honorary Presi- Girl Guides Meet Here Huron DiVision Girl Guide8 from Goderich, Bayfield, 2urich, HthSall, RCAF Con- tralia and Exeter attended a Patrol Leader training at the Scout House co Saturday. Fifty Guides were welcomed by the Division Comthissioner, Lauret- te Siegner, and the morning get- sion was opened with the Guide Prayer. Miss Una MacDonald of God- erich Instructed the girls in flag ceremonieS, colour party pre - cedar& and camp -fire singing in the morning. At noon members of the Local Association, Mrs. Robert Lax - tort and Mil. Simnions served a hot drink to the girls. The training in the afternoon waa given by Mrs. Erie Ellig- ten of Stratford. The theme of the afternoon training wits Pa- trol Corners. • Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER PermanentWaving Hair Styling and Shaping *Tinting end Cold Waving .Phone 146 .Make A Date to get -your permanents, gets., bleaChes, tints, etc—now for those iMportant holiday par- ties- at the • .HI -LINE Beauty Salon SPECIAL ,Customers receive ticket On. a FREE $10 perman- •ent. Draw December 28. *ARGAREY COWARD, Prop. Centralia Phone 750.w1 Exeter OPEN MONDAYS BEFORE XMAS & NEW YEAR'S dent; Mrs. Wi1ljau SUtery and Mrs. T. PrYde, vieePreSideats; Mrs: ft. IL Strang,-seeretery; Miss AL E. Brown; OS.% Mrs. Carman Cann, treasurer; O. DOW,. cisal. Secretaries are: literature, Mrs. E. Oke: supply, Miss L. Bellantyne; glad, -Tidings, Istrs, F. Whilamith; life. -ineinbership, mrs, L. Learn; welcome and welfare, Mrs, J, 7'010r; honte helpers, airs. Herr; ',childrenof church leader, Mrs. ,Tack Pryde; C.G.L.T. leaders, Mrs. Art Witil- S.mith, 'Mks Mary Ann t rskine; G. Cgehrane. M. Kerr, rot. Taylor,. Mrs. tOhkee hoegssIVI. isS. Brown assisted Elinwilie Institute Hears Minister Bev. H. C. Wilson gave a talk on'tethleh.em at tlie Christrnas meeting of Elimville Women's Institute held on Wednesday.. A demonstration .of Christmas decorations and Christmas :gift wrapping was. given by Mrs. floss Skinner. • Christmascarol singing was a part of the pro- gram for which Mrs, .lackson. Woods presided. Mrs. Woods gavea report of the district executive nieetie.g held recently in liensall. President Mrs, Delmer, Skin. ner conducted the business. A collection ter the Cbildreres Md Society at Goderich was taken. A donation of $10 was voted to War Memorial Hospital, Lori - don and $as to the Ladies Auxil- iary to South Huron Hospital. Modern Beauty Salon ' 314 Main St. .Phonal4f HIGH STYLING PERMANENTS If4IR'TREATIYIENTS Pearl Henderson,. Prop. .4.44.4"•, Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI 244.10yR SERVICE 0141411434441014~.4445014441i4.:#14#940111130410014110MCCO pamper her • at Oiristrnaa with auliM qinte Be0aUse the lady you have in mind . • likes to feel pampered because she simply loves beautiful lingerie...choose her per- "sonal gifts frOm our drifts of lace' and nylon...56 pretty, • and so daisy are for! FREE Tickets On The $500! IRWIN'S T. PHONE 474 • Other Last. Minute Ideas • At • Irwin's .* • . Hosiery Handbags Scarves Sweaters Blouses Skirts Car Coats .Pylamis • GIFTWRAPPING FOR MEN Gifts Can Be Exchanged Up • To Jan. 5— No Later Please 1110434.0111404101.101#10fRIOPPAROURRIPAROMPARPMC0100 a .• • ( • 0 4,,,eh4t7, E NYLONS Look Ladies! (Offer Good Until Saturday, ' January 4th Start Now» • FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 4 YOU CAN GET A PAIR OF GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER Be. autiful Nylons • For Every $29.00 In Cash Register Tapes At Drury's Red And White Market! Sie then, on display NOW! Why not do all your food shopping at ORURY'S and got sows, pairs. They will make BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, • Low Pates FREE Nylons Lots Of Parking::: STORE HOURS: For Xmas Season Friday 9 10.9: Saturdayi9 to 10 Monday Alt Tuesday 9 to 9 • Open Monday, December 30 , RURY' South Ind Of Exeter •I4 4 s A A Q I I 4? 4 et , 4 A 4 .5• 5 44 4 4 a c c '1 i( tl t; fluhtnhIlflNhIIfl