HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 11.1 4 0 .• 4 4 .4 •k ; • ,41 ,.1 ; .014 0 CLASSIFIED RATES hit NeedRudolph To G:uide You ese 25 words or less 70c More Than 25 Words par Word 200 OFF If ad WO with order or by :Saturday followingth. Jost insertion FOR SALE DRAIN TILE . 4 tnch 50 per M Del'd 5 inch 95 per M Dent 6 inch 1111 per AI Derd 7 Inch 145 per At Del'd $ ineh 175 per Al Del'.d T's, Y's and Elbows In Stoelc Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on IletIlleet • RYDALL BRICK AND ,TILE 'ListrrEE .11tfn Elginfiela Phone 193 Lucart 3 TV TABLES -Mark and flow- ered; fttr coat, size MI; teen-age boys' suit. good condition, Apply Apt. 5, 459 Alain SL' 10e LOYAL TITPEWILITI3R, o ow 1057 "Citadel" model portable.. regular 5119.50, spode) clearance at $90.501 Ideal C hr 1 s t m a s gift. Exeter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 28:5:12;19 BARS!' CARRIAGE, twin Genclron, like new. Phone Clinton, Hunter 2-3390, .12:19c rex HOUND PUPS ••-- 'Ready to run. Apply Frank Hicks, Con - 19* SET 3....$ -TON TrtEmc. RACKS -Will fit Ford or Dodge. Apply Earl 'Whiteford, ILA. 1. Olandeboye, 19* X ITCHEN TABLE --,..Larg p, Stilt - 0.1)10 for rumpus 'room or /are kitchen. Also cable spring for single bed, $5.00 each. Apply Ross 'W. Hern, Graviton A.R. 1. Phone 4-r-7 Kirkton. 194 FOR SALE r01,3 CORN -flood quality, by the ton. Apply Alvin Glngerich, Zur- leh, phone 00-r-0. 19:25 30 PICS -8 weeks old. Apply IL Carroll, RR. 1 (.entraL1a, one lAtean 9-r-2. 19* r.ovs' SPOILT COAT All -w001 •tweed, grey With pink fleek: SUP 14: in exeellent condition; $12. At Grady Cleaner& ; 19* ("ASH REGISTE11--National, reg- isters tip to 520. Will aell for 520. Lloyd Ford, phone 209, Ex- eter, 190 1100E33V PANTS - Almost new, thick padding. with thigh sizard and padded down Side of lege. size 44, 57.75 when new. Also Seout uniform, 12-15 years of ace. Phone 731-14I-12 Exeter. 19e TURKEYS For Christmas and New Yeare. "It will pay you to get our piicest, All weights. , APPLY SE,VERCREST PODI.THY Phone 171-r-14 , 39:23c OIL SPACE I1EATE11-Large else, with circulating: fan, good condi, Con. 'Have installed oll furnace. Call be seen at 91 Huron Street West. Phone 599-W-1 Exeter or itaeh wood 38-r-17. 190 LAST-MINUTE GIFTS FOR GOLFERS Bags, Clubs, Hood Covers Second -Hand Cart, Balls etc. M. C. SANDERS 190 Main•St., S Phone 597-W 190 TOYS! TOYS! Beavers Basement Toytown is Open all • year round. (lifts for children's parties. birth- days etc. for all ages. Beavers Hardware. 9tfn people compete in the oil business Did you. know there are more than 10,000 people engaged in'the search' for oil in Canada? We know it, because we run into plenty of them each time we try to lease promising oil lands. • Did you know there are hundreds of skilled chemists and engineers in Canada's 42 refineries? We knowit, because our own technical people have to work hard to stay ahead of the. others in producing better products at lower cost Did you know Canada's oil companies employ thousands of salesmen to . market their products? We know it, because every day our own sales people are competing with salesmen from other companies. • Canada's hundreds of oil companies wage vigorous competition. The result is increased efficiency, and' benelltsto the consumer'. IM$iAL OL ILIMITiO FOR ME GIRLs'w111T101. COAT - Size 14. wine. May be seen at Nlia.Town Clee.ners. 40* ELECTRIC WELDER - "Used. in good condition. Lorne D. 73ecker, Dashwood. 19c TittiCK PLATFORM -11 ft.. with stock racks. Apply J.liovius, 11•57• 1 „Hensel/ 19* FOR RENT STORE on Main Street, oppealte the Post Office. • Available now, Apply at Tinles-Advoeate. 9:19tfe AP.6.11TAIEN'p 'Furniehed and heated, private bath, 'suitable for two people; available December 1 Apply 70 John St. East. 21tfc APARTMENT, uPstaIrs, 3 cheery rooms, overlooking corner of llighwaYs 4 end 83, 535.00 month - 1Y including heat and 'water, Phone 7, is2stcn OFFICE SPACE available, 73• rooms, well located at intersee- I•ton of Highways .4 and 93, Phone 7. • . 3.5:5t lin APARTMENT. unfurnished, heat- ed, •hot water supplied, 2 bed- room, private hath romn. 'Apply Penhale Apts., 704John ,St. E. 12:121.fc 11111),SITTING 1100111, large, Un- furnished, heated, 2-p1ece bath, all utilities paid, priVate entradee, reasonable. Apply Airs, Whitney Coates, Rat 1 Centralia, phone 29-r-3 X Irian n. 12* 4-1100.51 APARTMENT, in farm 1101110. in Hensall-Exeter diStriet. Very. reasonable rent. Aptily Ken Elder, phone Hensall 683-r-14. 19* 2 -BEDROOM HOUSE; also 3 -bed- room house, central location; each with oil farnztee.• R. E. Balkwill, *Exeter, phoxie 59-1. 12.tfc FURNISHED HOUSE - Furnace, hydro, hot and cold water on tap, convenient to Herman and Ex- eter, 11911 exchange for boarding high school boy or will 'sell or rent whole farm. Please apply by •December '28 at Lot 27, Con-. cession 11. Hibbert Township, or phone Dublin. 42-r-11.' 19:23c 3-110o20f APARTMENT ed,. hea.te(I,, private bath with shower, separate .entrance; no pets please: available January 1. Phone 400-W evenings or cell at 160 William' St, ' 79tfc HCIUSP3-2-beclroom, Main St., • oil ftirnace, .Apply William Thomp- son, 11,11.• 1 Centralia, Piton° 103- r-4 Kirkton. • 19* 5. -ROOM APARTMENT, down - stair, • 3-plece • bath, space heater and heavy duty rangette sup- plied. Also bed - sitting room, partly' furnished, Store, 1/x40, heated, at 429 Main St. -John Ward Apts., apply Mrs. Gladys Henry. phone 348 Exeter. ' 19* REAL ESTATE HOMES FARM'S . C. V. Pickard. Exeter 2-sToREv BRICK- Four bed- rooms. Living room, dining rooxn. and good kitchen. Three-piece bath. This is a compact, well- built home. Good ,roof and par- ticularly fine basement with steel furnace. For a short time this home can be bought for -56,000.00 cash or 56,500.00 on very, easy terms. • SMALL HOME .in .very choice location, Convenient kitchen and 5-pieee bath. Oil 'heated. Every- thing in good condition, Suitable for • couple or small family. Low Price, Terrill. REDUCED PRICE -Choice, brand new 3 -bedroom • home with at- tached 0,rage. Nicely finished kitchen. Bathroom in' colour. Floors covered, High ' basement with of 1- burning furnace and tubs. This house is beautifully finnshed. 54,009.00 cash will give you possession. B al a n c e easy terms. APARTMENT HOUSES •••• Let us give you the details: • PARAIS-We have several we will be pleased to shotv.you,. ' To buy or sell, see, C. V, Pickard, Realtor and General_ In- in/ranee, 394Main St., Exeter, phones 155 and 628. 11:211fe ERICK HOUSE. 3-bedioont, new oil furnace, 2 blobkit front Post Office. 56,000.. R. • E. Balktvill, Exeter. phone 994. 7tfe 'FRAME. HOUSE, • 7.room; 3 bed• rooms tip with 3 -piece bath:. 1 bedrodm or den and, 2.p0ece .bath down; hardwood floors down; oil heat; adjacent to .sc,hools. Apply 235 Andrew, St. 12:19:260 1 FLOOR., inatil brie, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kitchen, • full cellar, ftirnace, hot water tank, central iodation. • 2-sTortny HOUSE, large furnace, 5 -piece bath„ bet and cold water, heavy duty wiring,. garage. Early possession.* 11 :28tfe FRAME.: HOUSE, • 3 -bedroom. in good condition, leak than half cash. balance by month like rent. Why rent? • 9:12tfe NEW, 1.-STOR.MY frame. paitial basement, 3 bedrooms, full bath, 54 Write, phone 'or cOme. W. C. Pearce. Realtor, Exeter. phone 435; Earl PersOns, phone 507, Fred Cole. phone 536-W, Sales - Men. •iltfc 50 ACRES, partly clayancl dark' loam,' concession 19 Stephen, 1 mile north of Corbett, Small barn, garkg e, hen hoose, 2 - storey dwelling covered with insui brie, woodshed attached. John McGin- nes, 11.11. 2 Dashwood. 32:19:26* RUG BRICK HOME, 3 -bedroom, completely reconditioned, very central • location, new automatic Oil furneee, 11, EL Balkwill,• Ex- ;Mei% phone 894'. 'Mao Exetet 3•131001700201 Moclerii hoitte, lIving room, kitthen, attchaed garage, full basement, oil heating, 54.000 dO . 11-VEDRODAl 110:510, 1ivthg reent. Icitehen, dining. room, •tirlialied haSement, garage; 59,0004 55,000 dow. BRICK HOUSE, ideal tor duplex. 2 bathroOme, 4 rocinte tin, 4 (deo1 down, coal furnaee, 51.500-52,500 l (107IN41I71' STOttE, near Exeter, including equipment.,11,000. We invite your inquiries and listings, ri. M. 8Aitic0n144 fatal tonfole Phone 315 41, Grand Ebnd Mayas, Agent' • Phone 112-W ' 10* LoT-84,xiss,,. north tido et Vie. terla St., 11h blocka west Meth, Phone :143-R EIeter 136 tleeen 70 aTi. and 2 pan. 106 LOST LITTLE BEAGLE 2l'01,11s10-14tale, blkelt, white and tan, 10 years old, Reward. Exeter Veterinary Clinic, 135 Hilton St,. PhOtte 870. 106 WANTED .„ .„ Iota any ktnii of horses, heavy or light. Uuy. sell 04' eXehange. Call 1^48. F1'41.1* Taylor, 13xeter. Otto 100 73 kLES ST RAW- ,1.pplY ti sell 'Orley, ppone 176-r42 3•3;•- e Used Cars • For Resale, .For Farts Or Scrap. Exprpt AlliTO 'WRECKERS • And fialex Phone Exeter - 972, Grand send 8 383 'Wellington St. W., (Acres* fipin Canadian Canners) 11:1401» ATTENTION, EARAIERSPro in p t _courteous collection of all dead and disabled .farm animals and hides, Call collect for over 309 lbs., ED ANDREWS, 851•,r-11,. Seaforth. Associated with Darling gs Co., or Canada Ltd. 11:1442;26* NOTICES TO CREDITORS ln the Estate of Hilton Wilmar Banting, • • deceased. A,11 persons having claims against the estate ot Hilton Wil - mar Bantlog, late of the Town- ship of McGillivray; in the County of Middlesex, who died en. or about 19011 November 1057," are required to file particulars of same with Bell ,3c• Laughton, so- licitors of Exeter, °Marie, by the 23st day of .December 1937, after which date the estate will be distributed having- regard only to ,those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton °S °licit° rs for 'the Executors, Exeter, Onlarlo. • 5:12:10* In the Estate of William Henry Ratz, • deceased. All persons halving claims against the estate of 1Villiarn Henry Rate, late of the Village of Crediton, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on- or about the 10th day of No- vember 1957. are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 21st clay of De - bomber next, after which date the estate will be .distributed having) regard only • to those clahns of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solioltors Executors, .Exeter, • Ontario. . .5:12;19c In the Estate of .Miriam Weekes, late of the Village' of Exeter, in the County •-of Huron,'(formerly of the City of Brantford,. in the Cotinty' of Brant), Spinster. who died ortor about the 22nd day of November, 1957. Creditors 'baying claims against the above estate are required to send' full • .particulars of attest claims to the 'Undersigned solicit- ors on or before the llth clay of January, A.D, 1958, after which date the estate's assets will be distributedhaving regard only to claims, filed: • • . • DATED' at Brantford this 12th day of December, 195?. • Read and Innes, - 1274,4 Colborne Street, 'Brantford, Ontario, Solicitors for the E-xecutors, Frank Clifford Spackman and EVart Macdonald, 19:23:310 • In the Estate of James Albert McTaggart, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of James Al- bert MeTaggart, late of the Town of, Exeter, in the' County of Huron, Retired Dentist, who died on the 8th day of December 1957. are required to file particulars of SE1.111.13 with Bell & Laughton, So- licitors.of Exeter, Ontario, by the 4th day of January 195S, after which. date the estate will he distributed 'having regard only to those 'claims of which notice has been reeeived; Bell &•Ltughton, • Solicitorfor the Executor, • Exeter, Ont. 19:23;316 ' SERVICES I CA TTLE SPRAYING - Anyone wishing -to' have cattle sprayed for lice, phone Bill Watson. Dash - weed 37-r-19‘. ' 5:12:19;23c Radio -AV Service SaVingS are. featured and all work is guaranteed when you call. BEV 33 Huron St. Phone 450.W • 5:12:19c Well Billing Water Guaranteed -- all contracts on no water, no pay baalts. Mo- dern steel egiipment. Contatt: W. 10. HOPPER it SONS Drilling Contractors, Seaforth Phone* 469-r-13 or :95t -r -I3 5:12;1•9:23e MISCELLANEOUS FREE! FREE! Arri:ttotli;,660611,Esli0OALTAStt1E,70, We are giving away free A GE 11000 polisher on Cliristinas eVe. A ticket On thlei draw will be given for every $1, purchase VII Thursday, Irrlday, Saturday, 142621' da' and TlieisclaY, Credittin 1042 Phone 08 b•VENTIbt VILLA EventIde V141o,14, home for elder4, y oitiseis. 144 116* :1113611 at 90 Salitierik St., EXeter. 1TheVllla 113 1111d00"the litatitigeirlitflt Of IkIrti, L, Defijirdind, Meter. 14:l2tte MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES ...„ „, SEEKS leilIEND-A (inlet Christ.. in» gentleman. Protestant. 111 1119 late lies nada life deeperatelY 1011000n:0 living. alone, lias 22. .0045, home 111 central. Iiiiren. Would lll,o to correspond with a lady or the 8a211e hind. vilin 4800 reaeo na b 1 y goott income, with marriage in view. Write 11ox, Exeter Tin:ea-Advocate. 10e NOTICES. . . „,.....„ , TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN DY -LAW NO. 20---1057 A By-law to raise .$200,610,00 to 121 the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. The ("02111011 of the Atimelpailty Of the Corporation 01 the Town- ship of Stephen, pursuant* to the provision of the :lie Drainage Act, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Reeve may borrow from time to time subject to the provision of this by-law, on the Credit of the Corporation - of , the said. munelpality, such sum not exceeding the whole $200,000.110, as may be determined by the Council, and may it manner hereina.f ter provided lase° de- benturea of the said Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount as borrowed, with coupons attached as Provided in section 4 of the said ..Oct; 2. That subject to the provis- ions of Section 10 of the Tile Drainage AM when the Council shall be of the, opinion that the application of any person to bor- row money for the purpose of construction of a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted 111 whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid, and to borrow 5. emu itot exceeding the amount ap- plied for, and may lend the same to the applicant an the commie - tion of the drainage. works; 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the said money shall be sufficient for the payment nf principal and interest as provided by the Act. Read o, first time and second time this 5th day or November, 1957. Read a. third time and finally passed this 304 day of December, 1957. 12;19:23c HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Application For Rates D. ticric1.132, 109n3t7. In the past year the system was required to move all lines along Hwy. 84 due to new high- way construction between Zurich and Hensall, These lines for the .411050 part, due to their age, were replaced with new cable. During 1959 the same type of work is expected to take place along Hwy. 21, St. Joseph to Bayfield. Soon thereafter it is anticipated a like project ,will take place from St. Joseph to Grand Bend. in recent years toll business out of Grand Bend Central has increased very rapidly. to the 130111t that at this date it com- prises a very substantial portion of the company's revenue. We are aware, however, that bust- .110SSat this Central has to some extent grown beyond the scope 01 tile present faellities, and it is the desire of the System to improve our plant a„t Gland Bend, so that we might improve the service and the revenue at that point. It is hoped that some im- provement can be completed In time for the 1933 Season. Due to these reasons and other increases,- in costs oyer the past few years, it has • become neces- sary to charge a higher rate. It Should be noted that the rates listed below are still lower than other Systems operating in this area. It has also been decided to charge urban accounts on a quarterly billing. system. Here- after all urban users will receive an account on the first days of March, June, September, Decem- ber, which will include one- quarter of the annual rate and all long distance toils due. Rent- ers will pay their total rate in quarter In which it becomes due. 01' e the individual incurrs large toll accounts we will re- serve the right to bill more Ire- qently. Long distance toll tickets will be, mailed with the account. If a. charge is to be disputed it nnist- be dOne• so within 15 days of receipt thereof and the tickets in dispute must be returned. This will mean that paid accounts will not be forwarded for tax roll collection. It. is intended that this billing method will spread the System revenue influx more evenly throughqut the year and cutinterest costs. It will also spread the -users cost over a greater period of time. Application has been made to The Ontario Telephone .Authority for authority to make the 101 - lowing charges for telephone ser- vice effective es at January 1, 1958. Exchange notes Individual Line Business 53.00 per month Residence 2,75 per Month Two -Party Line Business 2,S9 per month Residence 2.35 per ntonth Multi -Party Linea Con circuits having 3 to 10 ilelms ietosiits) lti2.00 per month autiti,ratritviTrigi:e 2,00 per monh t (011 circuits baring 11 or More tolophonea) Business 1.75 per month Residene.e 1.75 per month The above rates apnlY only to fully mild up subscribers, Renter rate shall be an additioit- aiflio.a0tliao•nper Month in each claps - New subscribers as •In ihe pest Will pay an • additional 51.50 per month fat 10 years, SopPrIeilneini is::it trY Eharge,6 Extension tele- phone on sante 51.25 per Month EXtension bell, small Et:tension .30 per month bell, large .80 par month Servlee COnnettlon Charge' (Instrument not in place) 52.30 Servicke flonettlan f'hatga (instruttient in platie) 2.00 14rovliig tele0lion on 501110 nronitses 2.00 Local Pity Station Call .111 Exchange hid Style wall Etet. for cradle set 8 If individual Or two-party 10'11%0 sol•vIce 10 required heyond the 11111110 of Zurleti, Dash. woOtt and Grand liientl, there will 1,0 alt additional charge, for extra mileage 01 torty-five emits a 111811111 for each 1:1-iniltk or frac. tion 11100061 for individual line and twent7'41ve cents per 111011211 for each 37•111110 Or fraction thbre• Of tor beelt PattSt 041 9. two-party line. SerVite 1119.Y be furnished on 0 station bitsla for teniyorary resi- dents when 0110 telephone tom. pally tuts tha 100009010t9' facilities il.Vittlitbld, "Phis acitscin service Will be ettpnlied tor a minimum Of 116veit nunithia and the 'exchange rale, serVialf connection eliarge, and any conStructlan and in. Stalletlett Charged apPlicable, are tlayable 101 advance. It the seaso3l. el subscriber wiettee to retain his teletillont from Year to Year, a •Mtenensiell er service elittrge ol 21.00 1)03' mottli will apply dur- ing' lilt months tile teiennotie is net In Ilse, in which eatie 0re. cermet:thin, charge 144 ap1)ilcablO. .:A.ity 'representations to be Made to the Authority with respect to thitt application should be sub- mitted an Or holore 1,1eveuther 22. 3917, 03111 aildressed to the Chair. man, tintario Telephone Authm. ity, 7 Queens 1'4147 Eresianit deat, Toronto, Out. if you desire any further in. formation in reference to the need for increasing tile lelePhnne rates, you may apply to the undersignod either personailY, by telephone or by letter. Yours very truly, Reginald (I. Secretary. 12:12a • NOTICE RE NIGHT PARKING It la illegal to park any vehicle on the streets of the Town of Exeter from one 0.1n. to six 0.131. during the months of November to March inctuSive. • C, V. PICKAIID, Town Clerk, Exeter 10:03c TENDERS WANTED PROPERTY SALE NO, 4297 BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL. OR DEMOLITION 8 room frame house 18' x 24' and 12' x 15' Frame Earn 28' x 142', Frame Garage 19' x 24'. Frame Hen Heim 14' x 32', located approximately 2.i.; miles west of Zurich an south -side of ,I1Ig1iway No, 84, Tenders will be received 1»' the 'ENDERS SECRETARY 1100200 1412, EAST BLOCK. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 5:ONTARIO until. 12:00 NOON, E.S.T. on THURSDAY, TANI..7.A.TLY 0, 1938. Information and tender forms ob- tainable front The Tenders Secre- tary located as shown above 04 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STRATFORD. Highest or ellY tender not neces- sarily accepted. 19:2c HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA CASH? Work spare time. We need women to sew or address envelope/3. 550 weekly possible. Send staniped, self - addressed, envelope. Write: Box 812, Datiphin, Man. 5:12;190 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN ASSESSOR The Township of Stephen will receive applications for the posi- tion of Asessor for the year 1938. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 5th day of January 1959. Applicants will please state salary expected. F. IV. AIORLOCK, Clerk, 19:23c REAL ESTATE SALESMAN -For town and farm, "Hensel' and Ex- eter area., Car necessary. Apply in writing, Box 29 Exeter Times - Advocate. 19* LICENSED MECALANIC-Familiar with Ford products. Good wages phis group insurance and pension plan. Apply Reg McDopald, Ser- vice Manager at Larry Seider Motors, phone 624 Exeter. 19c HELM WANTED NEED ,EXTRA MONEY? We need women 10 sew by, hand or machine, readY.ollt baby .1101ocS• sparetime ,or lulitime at home Also men or women to address envelopes and prepare letters far mailing. Simple, easy, profitable homework, Vor information send a, clamped addreeeed e11velope to: 'Sheppard Agenclee, MAD Cor• tievii. St., Winnipeg, Man. 5:10:10:000 BABY CHICKS FOR SAI.E 3.00,NEARY- FEJ3IIUAILY broilers. They should he 011 Oiler. :Have wide choiee chicks. Pullets, some started, prompt shipment, dna PurPose .cockerels. Ask for 'cm. plate liet. Dray Hatthery, 120 John N.. Hamilton, or Erie Cars. Padden, EXeter, phone 246-W. 19e RUMNESS OPPORTLINIT 47,10,reTmiT_ 'eN knee net necatiearY. 445,.5% , ipere.tilnity01nes to rep 12400 o14 pa3 a iiPrali:gt!i.16en4:l fr, I t57dietaf;tii:3O ,lt.iN:1;:111r1ih:ru:.i.490011elo real, Que. 5111 [QUIPMENT FOR itIENt 40.1t:lo Wr.ING 1211311'4E5ES porta.bles. by. the week. 110PS• Hockey ,urnittlre. phone 14. • floorlanders (Igersw, T'lopr Vacuum dinners. TOo40. Etc. PEAVEns. HAnnWoms, intatoo 44310414:0444144144****414VtOUNI South End Service CHRISTMAS Car Buys '57 METEOR RIDEAU .SEDAN-tutoue 'paint, white- wall tires, radio, automatic 'transmission,wind- shield washer, full chrome disc, elock, special upholstery, '56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN-tutone, radio, pus1i button drive, '54 FORD SEDAN -dark green, new tires, '50 STUDEBAKER. SEDAN -new paint, snow tires: '50 CHEVROLET COACH -whitewall tires, ' A BARGAIN AT 5395.00. Be Sure Your Regulator Is Properly Set For Winter Driving GENERATOR AND STARTER REPAIRS OF ALL TYPES. . f EXIDE BATTERIES for quicker starting. You start when its Exide. Don't ruin that Generator with a cheap battery -BUY EXIDE. Season's Greetings From All Of Us To All Of Youl South End Service PHONE 328 EXETER OWLECOMMOURCOttittlAtOMOWiettii/A001MtitCOURCOVIll 1 'give AppliancaiGa rim tt. WHITE CHRISTMAS Appliance gifts, dear to her heart, win Christmas kisses for Santa, And no wonder! Modern appli- ances save her time and work, brighten her life'. Large & Appliances' BY GENERAL ELECTRIC PHILCO HOOVER See Our Lollipop Tree! RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUcEHOLV APPI 1,11NCF FOR SALES wirti SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 GET YOUR ticatitts OK 14415 SATURDAY'S WO DRAW 04:4041010010103104.0111010100104103043nnirtirCOMPIC darikirr