HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-08, Page 3Veinal
Ne ding delete bet *ea hostilities en
weleally eeeered betweee Deemer&
the Ihilideise. Mee, linjouteet resielM
Shelf •te eau., ee a large ugh&
he of*. tweet, Iler thei lumped par-
er remieriag the Deere. sU lis sash.
Via Overlsedntel Wage twit weelut
they iway
stelae trem China.
The Cameneseial hasty betimes Chloe
Itie UAW States has been coacluded . -
The Ceased Company are isteratioed
tomeaseeme a liett of mom Steamers of
t ale. alit pewee for the continence of
Sid pammegers betviellia Liverpool
New 'York. The new hoe will be
y ie‘peodeat of the present It...
The. Quota of Spain has been delivered
a use whe only lived a few minutes.
A diffisally Ina arisen between Spain
;Portugal la soosequeoce of the mir-
age et the Quos suttee with Conde
outesnolse, the son •f Dos Carlos. The
vanish Bladder ha. protested against
la albums ea a great breash of the quad -
eel. treaty.
16. lose of the Viceroy caused no• des -
adieu among the Goods of the Galway
no.- Glile.
From the Diddle Magazies.
How many assaciatiioas dee to the mind
t he same Moons ! The brilliant vile
elegant 'cholas, the most charming poet
senrimassi 0111 literature possesses ! Hie
nutty sad tersatility were quite as re -
enable ea his fusty sod command of
lady. He has. been admitted, by rare
• of personal until, to have been,
the angle exceptiou or the late Chief
maim Beebe, the most attruti re of com-
ities.. As attempt hue in some quer
..,.s burs beard. been made to repro -
Moore as surificing to society talents
t for greyer penults time convivial
presets; and it has been insinuated
at he wanted that mealy eternoess of
wester, wittiest which tbere un be no
reoaal digaity or political soesietency.-
km facts of Moose's life overthrow, of
benurehea, mach haineations. It would be
ffieelt, Indeed, to point to any literary
Uncles. who Ine, during the wirrissitudee
aa eveatlul age, more hoeorabli and
teadhstly adhered te the ease. elan ard of
piniem--gashis isicepte. His honorable
, wen compelled to pay
enema puede, incurred by the error of
depot), at Bermuda (for whom. acts be
as legal, reepoesible),eabibits the mais•
mese id his oaten. He eistermined, by
t labor, te pay off the vest demand
pen bias, even (Mogi its made him a beg-
! Several .1 the Whig early earn. for-
ted un offered to • maaner:most erodes-
te away to @Best • sulescriptioa for the
ei payee( •ff the poet'i debt. ren-
ames( them wan • debut. young
lemma, with wake shook aad iatellee -
sal upset, who, while traveling for
le health mi the Cutiatiate had met
nom with whom he journeyed fee a cen-
time, sad from whom he parted
Ali as into... admiratioa of the poet'•
tea sad manly character. The young
eldessaa-then far from befog • rich man
hauled the liat with eleven hundred
eds. The tact dimenee to be reseeded
• the boner et that yetis( uoblensaa, who,
y eloW and etre degrees. has num t. les
rime minister Eugland - Gerd Jobe
Of the fact of Moore'i steadfastly refut-
e( to accept the sebeeription offered to b.
for hint by hie aristuratie Whig
nude, there elm be in doyen whatever;
n d the matter is mons creditable to him
sines the fact ie remembered that it was
net he himself tithe committed the error hy
which be was reniered liable to the judg-
ment give what him. He might also
have sheltered himself under the example
• Charles James Fee, who consented to
w eep • provision made for bite by the
'seder. of his party. But Moore detested
all elemmuyeary Md. He speaks in owl of
his poet vigereee puree with contempt of
that elites of " pettriots" (t. wbat vile taus
to tentage In profaned !)
!' WM hawk their seestry's wrings as beggars
de their Seem"
itojeerning at Paris apon that ete.
01810119Mnees received • very remarkable
o r. Barnes the editor of the Times, be-
came severely ill, and was obliged to recruit
hie health by a year's rest, and the editor-
ship of the Times was actually offered to
Kum who, in telling the story to a W-
heat living Irishman, mid, "1 hae great
difficulty in refusing. The offer waa so
tunpting-to he the Thews for a twelve
* meek r Th. offering him the editorship
of " the daily miracle" (u Mr. Justice Tel -
heed celled it) might, however, have been
only a resole garret of his aristocratic and
political ?floods to bring him back to Lon-
de. where, for • variety of reasons, social
sal political, Ilia company was then very
Then le • very interesting cirenmetance
conneated with the birth of Moore, which
demons. mooed. The fact of the birth, as
every one knows, took place at Mangier -
street, and Its occasion waa at a motnent
eiegularly appropriate for the lyric poet
being whined into the world. Jerry Kel-
ler, the telt sed humorist, rented apartments
in the house of Moore's brother, lo Aungior •
strut, sad had • dinner -party on the very
day ate. poet's birth. Just as the guests
were ametabled, •ad the dinner on the ta-
ble, ft was anneeoced to them that Mrs.
Moue's ecceedienciii hnd taken place, and
that site was is • procarions state, the phy-
statue particularly enjoining that no none
should be made in the beau: •iliflicult met-
eor, when Keller, Lyeaght, and other coa-
sted inte were aesernbled. What was
to be &eel Owe of the company, who
lodged nue him, volved the diffieulty by
Pr that the hest shored be adjourn -
wee e0 muddy,. 18.1 1* required • stesinef.ess ereirred eoefeeelsre, alma aeseiliswe Tall W manna\ •WO C.o.'s. -Ws
Vs. Corry brought s very Mateeme wise- ..h. does, the word of the piteous ie es- regret W standees ate weigher draw's, the
sinner prettily oreenneeted with Buclut- hard to no credit. put mght or tee days has bees rather es -
Milan 1;01theese, eat ereauted it, with a 11 the circumstance disclosed on the trial favorable for the *snag of the Wheat stop,
head!, ineeriehen, to Moore, who wrote are relied oe to support hie etatemeet, the whelk ie several phone ba. base ...what
in reply, the fullowteg lines, , be- reply Is, that those cireurnetasese ItiMired by the :ageseeive heavy raise that
Ibme, before prietadt--• 'urged in Ills favor before the jory, sad they have 'alien, accompuied web remarkably
TU JAMES CORRY, ESQ., bare decided agasnrit el.. TI. theta of worm weather. There are •ull many large
on bite Italian ea • rammer tiff A wise- tbi. appalling can are before the er•rld; 6.14. of wheat yet standing in this and the
na•in eh . they will hereafter fill one of the gloomiest &distilling Counter..., •nd we fersently hope
This Ids, dear Cern, who es. doubt, pages in the record of snub ainuagat civ*- that • kind Previdenee wed enable the hos-
heed men. bondman to reap and agents one of 16.
It is undtsputed, that on the 23rd day of mut abundant grope of wheat that was ev-
Nov. 1849, John White Wobst•e • profess - sr raised in this country. We Ire happy
or 0 Huvard Iltuversity, and ie the 11edi to say that the tiering Crepe, with a few
cal College io Boston, did, at mid day, in solitary exceptions elf Hering Wheat, never
his room, in that college, within a few feet better or most promising of an abundant
of the place where he daily stood and de. yield, shoo they do at presont--(Portllope
livered scientific lecture. to • large class of Wateluan.
young men, with unlawful violoace take
the life .1 1),. Pittman, • respectable elti-
zon of Barton, who bad come to 18•1. room
at the repeated requests of the prisoner.
That after taking Ms life, he eviscerated,
and in s manger most shocking to human-
ity, mutilated the body of hie victim, bur-
ning parte 01 11 in a furnsee, •nd deposit-
ing other parte of 11 10 different placos In
the building, where they were fuuod by
persons who were seeking altar e. ark
Rumbles much friend Fwart's vitae -
Whoa &et ib. roey drops come out,
flow bearish!, bow clear tlity shies !
Aid this, • while they keep their Ilia.
Se free from every abater with some,
That they "mold smile, did you bet Mai,
That darker drops would .,.r Guam.
But soon the reby edit roos shore
tech .0,0.0* makes the sad truth planer -
Till life, like old sod cruet, port,
Meru sear its .1*.., !impinges strainer.
TAU friendship can alone 000(51.Alone can inch the drops to penu-
lt notes bright as once ihry were, ,
At least unclosded Wore' the glee..
Nor, Cony. Could a boon be mine,
'nm hue, if life grew lik• old wine,
To have thy friendship for its stratum
Tuonas Kamm.
Beebe:to, June, 1825.
With the exception of the British Whig
(who seems to be the slave of precident and
etiquette) we observe • most unanimous
expression of contempt for the late paltry
conduct of the House of Assembly with re-
gard to the fourth estate. We rejoice,
too, sea that the people of the County of
Oxford have taken up the subject in the
proper spirit -as a question involving their
individual and national rights. From the
British Americas, we learn that • requerit-
ion, embed by upward. of e00 persona: had
been presented to the Sheriff, who had
called • mooting accordingly, oo the 3016
ult. This is as it should be, for 118. peo-
ple, from apathy or otherwiee, fail to pro-
tect the palladium of their rights, the day
may not be very far distant when they shall
bare no rights to pratect. A balf-gaeged
press might hays suited • eerie-barbarousagi,
age, but an oulightened people determined
to be free, should demand that their press
west be free also.
The Canadian House of Lords tried their
bead, tbe other day, at • little display of
bunkum, when one of their number was
summoned to attend • committee of the
lower bongo. We Audit thus reported ea
the Globe.
Hoe. Mr. Latium called the attention of
theHouse to a question of privilege. A
*1 16. House, the Hon. Mr. Suet,
MAP, had been summoned to attend a com-
mittee of the lower House,
STRARRIL said the lower House
had no, power to summon any member to
attend a sommittee. The proper course
would ban bun to request his attendance
by menage.
Tin Lords lord It over the Assembly, and
the Assembly lordlt over the press. Now,
if the people had sense enough to say to
the Lords, "You must be the Lords of our
err -allow, or mane at all," and to the Com-
mon., "Be gone! make room for better
men:" and to the preps, "Ile yean;" we
.bould then be able to realize the feet,
that we live in the 19th century!
On Wednesday, in the Assembly, Mr.
Cameron of Kent, brought forward a motion,
twitcher' in very temperate language, set.
know lodgth
ing e right of the p1111 10 be pre-
sent at the debates in the house, and, after
a discussion of three or four Inure, with
elated doors, the vote wee taken, when
there appeared for the totationi-Messieure
Boohoo of Norfolk, Boulton of Torontu,
Cameron of Kent, Ferguson, Holmes,
Smith of Durbarn.-7. "Agaiost it 54.
This p*the cap sheaf oo the whole affair,
awio mote to damage the house in
the eyes of freemen than all the tom foOlery
of which they had Mee previously guilty.
TheHowie bas now fairly thrown down the
(.0.1101,tlet, and it remains for the people to
take it up. The coateet lies between the
people's mown and the fictitiges runes.
ens • triune:sal Par emelt Cleo. to
the tsetse!
That after killing him he robbed his Me-
lee. creditor, by taking from him two notes
of hand, signed by bitnee)f, to which he hod
no right, mei committed still another crime
by making false marks upon the notes, and
that • jury of bis country, empannelied ac-
cording to law, under the direction of four
of the five eminent Judges constituting the
Supreme Court of Massachuseeta, after •
long, patient, and impartial trial, and after
hearing in his defence the argements ,of
learned and eloquent counsel, upon their
oaths found bim guilty of murder.
Upon tho verdiet„ the Court pronounced
the awful sentence of death. In such •
case there should be obvious and coulee
ire retsina to authorize the pardoning
power to interpose sod arrest the sword
of justice. 1 do not see these reunite.
The combined circumstances of the ease
force me to the cooclusion, that the safety
of the commuoity, the inviolability of the
law, and the principles of impartial justice,
demand the execution of the sentenoe.
I hope it is not neceseary for me to eay
that it would hare given me unspeakable
pleasure to have come to a &Tenet result,
and that I would do anytbiog on earth in
my power, short of violating duly, to alle-
viate the suffertags of &crushed and broken-
bearted family.
Cosa alt Chamber, 190 July, 1850.
FisieVIST.--Oer fanners have jest MR -
Rammed to cut their wheat, whish is in gen-
eral • most excellent crop; indeed, w• de
not recollect having ever e'en a better
prospect yield, -the ear is full and the
grain plump and perfectly free from injury
by blight, rust or fly. TM hay ha is
pretty generally ended, and we are happy
'rehear from various parts of the county
that the crop will far exceed expectation;
tbe market price at ;intent ta from $6 to
$8 a ton, but will probably bring a much
higher price next winter. The oat crop is
"there without meth prospect of anything
like a reasonable yield, exsept in tbe west-
ern put of the conntry. A conedenble
quantity of Buckwheat has been sown,
which, owing to the recent favorable
weather, will probably turn out well. Rye
is being eut, and is an ge crop. Bar-
ley is rather short; toddled, we think many
of our distillers will be limited in their busi-
ness. without the influence of the "Sons
of Temperance." Green mops owing to
the recent rains, have taken a fresh start,
and although they may be later than esu•I,
will nevertheless make • fair return. -Sint -
cos Stan dant.
The following Is the concluding part of
Governor Brigg's addrees to his Council,
refusing to commute the sentence of Pro-
fessor Webster. Tho unhappy man cm being
inifirmed of the decision of the commit ex-
pressed himself resigned to his fate. The
der:anon was unanimous, with but one ex-
ception. Mr. Copeland, • member of the
Council, voting in favour of commutation.
The Committee on Pardons, consisting of
the Lieut, Governor and tope other Coun-
cillor., efter e full, careful and patioot hear-
ing of all that could. bo offered by the
friends of the prisoner' and by others, who
were pleased to be heard in his behalf, came
to tho unanimotis opinion thst there were
no sufficient reasons to justify them in re-
commending the Interposition of eximutive
They recommended that the Governor
be advised to have the sentence of the law,
as pronounced by the court, carried into
effect on the 30th day of August next. The
Council, with but one exception, concurred
with the report of tho committee, and advis •
ed the Governor to carry out the sentence
of the court u recommended by them. lo
carefully and anxiously examining, and con-
aidenng the case, I do not feel authorized
by any considerations which have been pre-
sented to my mind 10 .01 aside the deliber-
ate verdict of the jury, &neat the solemn
decree of the law, ai 1 by the
highest judicial tribuoal of the common-
wealth, and disregard the opinion. and .4
.me of the Council.
If the ern:ornateness of the killing, as eta -
ei 4.84 hales slue by, avid that the viands ted by the prisoner, areeSken to 6. 1,'.., it
eat wine should be traoeferee thither.- may be well questioned, whether the Rine- 1 TIM HARPRST.-Ths Farmers In this
"Se !Netted Jerry Keller, "belt ee; let us utiveComseil could interfere with the nee- neighborhood are busy in t • harvest field.
seinen pre re flaka." Thus, in the hour hue withoet violating the Netted laws 'ti: Laborers are scarce and ages high. A
erfeastiag, just u Keller dropped one .1 61. tbe land. man who can swing a eradl gets a dollar -
best witticisms, was Moore'. birth rotes- In his charge to the jury in this case, tb and-a-balf withont qnestion• The crops
tired ley a .lawn pen. Chief Justice stye: If is a settled rule, are most abenitant. We are told tbat the
moon had her friends whom, he loved that 110 provocation with words only, will nantity °tyrant that will be harviseted their
TUB Cecil. 10 *1111CSIITSD Sr•eise.-The
harvest throughout the country le now
finished, and we are satisfied the amount .1
wheat produced is greater than ever before.
In the Western States, wnere eons has
heretofore been the principal crop, an l51-
11100'0 amount of wheat hati boon grown
this year. In Missouri alone, the surplus is
estimated at five hundred thousend bushels,
and this is one of the smallest wheat grow-
ing States. The corn crop has suffered
somewhnt in almost every direction, in con-
sequence of droutb, but that occurred be-
fore the grata began to .1erm, and should
the month of Any mit prove favorable, •
greater amount of corn will be raised than
ever known. All the crop. suffered son-
elderably which fell in the course of the
late gale, which swept from Cape Fear to
the Northern Lakes, but that is, compara-
tively. a small portion of the groat territory
devoted to egrieulture.
The cotton •rul sugar crop. suffered
putty in coo•equnce of the late spring,
•nd the many overd iWI to which it has
been eubjected. Indeed, from all we Gan
gather, it is probable that both these crop.
will fall far below the average, and hill poet -
'ibis they may be even below those of last
year. In Texas alone have thou crops es-
caped the detester to whish in the other
Southern States tbey have been subjected.
A large portion of the most productive
lands heeled State have thie year been de-
voted to the production of anger cane, and
it is probable that Texas will be one of the
principal States in the production auger.
New York Herald.
- -
let. For more than t- hree year. ha. this
measure been called for by 17 petition-
ers from more than 40,000 electors or both
motions of the Province. If the will of
the people be respected, it is sow the time
to prove it.
Sclly. In England and in France, a man
whets guilty of cruelty to anirqels, is pun-
ished by fine and imprisonniZtv Why
should not a T keeper be punished,
who makes • trete of depriving met of
their ream:in-while depriving them of their
health and their money, and earning them
to Wu their time, and frequently their
lives 1
3417. The Sportsman Is allowed to set
his snares for partriges and deekduring cer-
tain seasons 0( 16. year only. because it is
necessary tbat their yonng should be pro-
tected -and .8.11 16. Tavern -keeper be al-
lowed to set his snares day and night, and
and at all times of the year, beneath the
feet of the drunkard 1 and shall we tarn •
deaf'ear to the cries of children who are
perishing from want, and ought not oar
bowels to yarn towards the wife whose life
is embittered by every species of evil of
which the Tavern -keeper is the cause.
4thly. By punlshiog the Tavernheeper,
who intoxicates any person, no restraint is
placed upon private liberty, as some people
pretend. On the contrary, it protects that
liberty; for where drunkenness exists. there,
can be no reason ; and where reason fail.,
no liberty can exist. The Tavern -keeper,
who intoxicate. any person, is the worst
enemy 01 6*. liberty -nay more, 8. is its
-5thly. The law eannot, It is Arne, reach
the drunkard who becomes intoxicated and
remains within the precincts of his house.
Bet when the drunkard exhibits his hidious
immortality and supreme degradation before
the eyes of the public, Tim LAW CAW Aso
wusT bring him within its grasp, and pettish
him ; otherwise the Legielature forgets the
protection which 11 owes to the virtuous
wife, the timid maiden, aud to the whole of
6thly. My fellow mestere may, at his
will, be guilty of his own death ; but if I
plane • dagger into tho bosons of a fellow
creature, bogus° he asks me to do so, or if
I place in hie hands the moiderous weapon
with which I know he will kill himself in
my very sight, 1 am a murderer deserving
of punishment, I cannot plead, as an excuse
(or my crime, *8.1 18. victim was free wben
he wilted mo to render him the deplorable
service of depriving hen elite.
The Tavern -keeper, therefore, who deli•
vars liquor which is made an abuse of in his
house. and thereby becomes the canoe of
one of the greatest inirmitiss of which a
man can be guilty, and the eeplorablo con-
sequences of which aro incalculable, as res-
pects indi•iduals, families end 'society in
general, Ms nee:rause to offer, and ought
10 8. med. answerable to them for the evil.
6. has caused. Tux aaaaa ca.
have had a succession of heaver taint, 10 -
unwanted by • 'rum, clue state of (Instr,
peculiarly unfavorable to the "winning"
and housing of the outstanding grain, plum-
ing it at the same time in considerable dan-
ger of growing in the sheaf. A good deal
of wheat yet remains to be cut down and
only • fraction of the fruits of h aa has
as yet been lodged safely under the barn
roof. Every report we bear strengthens
the fact of • good crop. Wheat bas fallen
to six yolk aliening. per bushel. New
wheat, of fine quality, bas been already
ernund at both of our mills.-Diessfrin
TEM C&01.1 MID TSB HsavItsT.-Tho her-
nia in this vicinity is progressing with all
the rapidity of agricultural eurgy. Some
fields of wheat are already cot, and others
harvested in part. Farmers say the crop
is decidedly good. Spring wheat has im-
proved so much wialin the last week or
ton days, that there're more than a little
hopo that a tolerable ingathering may yet
be realized. Oat. Ins also greatly improv-
ed. Tho crops in goueral look well.-
Oskar/ma Refer -Wee.
Tile WIIRAP CROP OP 1850. -There can
hardly be a doubt, any longer, that the
wheat erop of the West for the present
year, will bo the largest over raised. With-
in the past ten days we have received state •
merits from all the States in the Union, and
while none of them speak of less than an
average yieid in any locality, may nay the
crop in particular districts will be of full
average .izo, awhile not • fow speak of con-
siderable sections wherein will be garnered
much more than the usual average. And
not only is the crop a large one, it is also a
very good one. The grain is spoken of
universally OA mond, plump and heavy. In
one or two localities, • little rust has been
'pekoe of, hat it appeared late and was con-
fined to the straw, and nor hen have we
any mention made 0( 51.8 wheat_ -
Cincinnati Gaz. Jody 124.
4104 eteeee
o•vcs, IV 07' CE.
1 E0 ie letimste le he ishaescasts of the
Teweellips ol Goderieb, Statilms sad Col -
home Mat soder • power of Astons', from the
RON DE '111.1YLE, dawd :Mob April,
am astherined is diepeos of LAND*
Ir. whips, Lad to grent Tole n...4 for
to wallect all Moui.. dat hale,
• for the eame.-and 1
ewe to
De thee me
Terence, IP* ,11017, 1110.
Facelleney Otiverese
Ms bee* pleased to make the ft.
apporstmestra era :-
The Ravened Egvirtne Runes, D. 1).,
to be Chief Superiatoodeat of Scheele,: fur
Upper Canada, under, the Act of the present
Simeon of Parl:aussini for the 6-1ter cola!).
lirchisent and mainionsace of Commie)
Schools to that pert of the Province.
The following persona to be and compose
the goosed 01 Pohl'. Inspection for Upper
Canada, ender the aforesaid Ael, ,is
The Rev. Egerton kr onion, 11 1)., Mel
Superintendent of Scheele. Th. Right
Re• . lerucois Moro do Chanteuse', D • D
Roman Catholic &shop of Tonne+. The
Rev. Hilary Isines Graimett, A. M. The
Hon. Samuel Healy Hankies, Q. C. Jo.
mph Curran Mennen. Esq , 11. P. P.
Hugh Seobie, Eng. James Meet' Howard,
Eeq• The Rote Jetts Jennings, and the
Abrabarn Mars% of Commons, and %Vil-
liers+ Harris of Wellington, to b• Inspectors
of Fish, in :and for tbe County of Prince
Edward, under the Act 3 Vas. eh. 21.
Jean Pierre Premix, &quire, to be Rotel.-
trar uf the Second Itegistretioe District of
the County of Megalith, in the room of
reheard Thurber, &quire, tosigned.-
ihe se
mid to greet
hereby meow all
flues ile Tryle, ketheith
per a ve item.
11108 MERCER
°Mynah. lith May. 1850. 3v -o13
11 BEG to intimate to all that it may coacirta,
1 that 1 have wader • power of Aintree, graat•
• inl to W 11.1.1AM irroaY, authorised him to
collect •Il moseye dee ins either by Note of
head or otherwise, and grant discharges fhe
or t
Man Aod 1 lieney mows' all pereou•iodebied
10 Leo feitliwith to utile he wow and save
Durrarsaino Acciparr.-,On Thursday
evening lam, as Sergeant Jenkins, with his
wife and wife's sister, • young child 6 or 7
years of ago, was retnrning home in a small
bora from a " pie nie" held on that day a
"Barker's Point," Pittiohnrgh, ono of the
oars became entangled with tho weeds at
the edge of the channel: in attempting to
clear which, the boat became depressod en-
mewhat on that side, causing Mr. Jenkins
to bend • Milo in the same direction. Upon
.ming this, Mrs. Jenkin., beii.g afraid that
her husband was about to fall into the
water, very imprudently sprang tip to catch
hold of him, when melancholy to relate, the
boat upset, and all three were thrown into
the stream, between fielfe !eland and Bar-
riefield shore. The other boats returning
from the sante place were at some &mance,
one of whieb, however, arrived in time to
save the husband by the hair of the head,
when jest sinking for the last time. The
wife sank a second time before the could be
reached, being on the other side critter boat:
and the child never roe* at all. What
adds to the melancholy disaster is, that tho
unfortunate woman was, at the time, far
advanced to pregnancy. Tbe bodies* were
found next morning, aod an II:pees was
held by Coroner Baxter, when the jury re-
turned a verdict of " accidental death:" hot
the jurors, in accordance will the evidence,
expressed their opinion very strongly on
the imprudence of tering abut on such an
occasion, or indeed any occasion, so small
as this skiff was, being at best only suitable
for owe porson.-Kingetora Neter.
oderich, t5th day Alsy. Oat/
DIVLS101V C0171:1'8.
TlIE nut Division Courts for the 11eih.,)
Collative of Iloron Perth mid Brace, 5411 10
held at ate times and places lollowisa:-
let. Ihrunee. -Court home at Gedericle-
lot October. A. F. Morgan, Esq., Clerk.
Yd. Ditision - Dunkin's Tuvern Ileron Road
-2nd September. BolterCase. Esq., Clerk
3d. fecision-Wood's Tavere, Stratford, fitir
&retention (Leine* Williams', Fol., Clerk.
4th. Dirision-Quieks' 'ravers Loudoe Road.
13111 September. George Carter. Esq., Clerk.
5th Dirision--McKenzie's Inn,Brecefield 14th
Sept. dimes Gordon, E.q., Clerk.
6111. Dirisioa-tichool house 141. Mary's. Iitlx
$eyt. James Coleman, EMI., Clerk.
The Sittings of the Sever•I Courts will co -
malice peactually at 11 o'clock. A. M.
NOTICE. 30-5-511•
ILIERSONS deeirous of settling nn the
Durham Road in the Townships of
Glenely, Bentinek, Brant, Greenock, Kitt-
ies' and Kincardine, must apply personally
at the Office of the undermgeed, and no lo-
cations will be continued except•such as are
made in accordance with this requirement.
All assignments of interest intocatione
without the knowledge and approval of the
Agent, will he considered as a forfeiture of
all right in the locatee or assignee.
Bentiock, County If Waterloo.
March 14th, 1850. v3w7
NO'FICE.-The Partnership
heretofore existing between ALEX•RDIR
of Steamed. *shoo rounders, carried on under
the name, style and firm of Ort & Wilson, is
this day dineolved by mutual unseat. All debts
doe by the said firm, will be paid by the said Al-
exander Barthian)* Orr, to whom all debts due to
the said finnan lobe paid forthwith.
Witness, A. B. ORR.
D. H. Llama C. J. WILSON.
Dated at Stratford, this 18th day of Jane, A.
D. 1850.
-The sebecriber having had PARK Lots
Now 435, 434, 433, 432. 431, and part .1 429,
near the ceatre of the Town of STRATFORD
surveyed and laid out into one-fourth acre Lots,
would respectfulls,call the attention of Parties'
wishing to become purchasers to the same. -
Free and unincumbered Deeds will be grassed to
those purchasing, or bond for Deed will be gives
to those who cannot pay for Lots cash down, at
each • length of time as may be agreed upon.
For particulars as to Price, &e. apply to Mt.
D. H. Liaare, Solicitor. Stratford, with wham
the plan of the Property lies.
Stratford, 18th Jane, 1850. 3v -a29
MONTREAL July 39, 1850.
Flont.-The Market, during the present
week, has continued without animation or
demand --and prices are nominal at our
quotations, viz., Canada Fioe.por bit. *01;
Superfine, No. 2, 21s to 21. 3d ; do. No.
1, 21s 6d to 22s; Fancy and Extra Sup. 22a
3d to 13.; SOOT 19. to 19. 6d.
Indian Corn. -Holders have lowered their
pretentions--and good yellow western Is
offered at 24100 without buyers.
Wheat -No Upper Canada offered. --
Lower Canada Red remains without altera-
tion in price. Sale. to a trifling extent
having taken place at 4e 7t1 to 4. 84.
Provisione.-NAalee of Beef. In Pork
the transactions are of a retail cbaracter.
Ashes. -A further advance bas taken
place in both kind., and sales to come ex-
tent have been made for pots, Ms 6d to
36s, and pearls, 31. 64 to 31s 9d. The
market this forenoon does not, however ex-
hibit inuoli activity, and prices are rather in
favor of the buyer.
tho 15th nit. an attempt WAS made
to burn the Astor Hoare, New York, by
placing a quantity of lighted paper in a cal-
ler underneath it : but before the fire had
time to spread a war discovered and extin-
guished. No cause man be &feigned (or the
motive which led to this attempted sot of
Tho Halifax Recorder of a Into date says,
that the Home Government have fmme-
teed a rate of interest of 4 per cent, on
At North Eaathope, Lot 19, on the letli
WS. John McGregor, ef a daughter.
At Stratford, oa the 3d 341* 7.1.,
Reid, of • daughter.
ill attic?),
Al Stretford on the 18th tat., tor the Rev.
John Male, Jou, KIRLT, Esq., of North Last -
hope, to Mr. Ave GRIM,, widow cf the late
Mr William Green of Stratford.
At North Essatope, Nit. 34, on the 12th ult.,
by the Rev. William Bell, Mr. Preen hfcLer-
LIS of North Eaethope, 10 CATRIRIXR, eldest
daughter of Peter Cretar, Esq , of N. F.:whop.
•ugurs 2 -Highlander, Kincardine,
Mary Ann, do.
4 -Franklin Moore, steamer, Permit,
Agnes Ann, Fishing Islaa&.
7 -McGregor, Kineardian
Avail 1-F.mily, &able,
3 -Mary Ann, Chatham,
4-Frankhn Moore, Detroit,
6--Ilighlon.ler, Eiecardiae,
111 c regor, do.
6 -Agnes Ana, Sarnia
1VOTICE.-The Subscriber begs to intl.
ill mate to all that it may concern, that
the 5th Division Conrt Laving been remov-
ed from Clinton to Brucefieid. The Clerks
duties of that Court will be attended to
during hie absence at Bucefield," by Mr.
Don. McMillan of that place, also at tile
office at Clinton.
No, 5, Division Court.
ClIntonf25th JUIM, 1850. v3.21
../gricultural Society.
/THE Show of FALL WHEAT will tate
1 place at the Colborne Inn (Mr. Ellis% on
Wednesday th• 28th day of August max
The Society will mil by public auction twos
thorough bred DURHAM HEIFER CALFS,
three months old.
Terma-ons. yeah credit -approved endorsed
maces will be 'eget:ed.
11. G. CUNINGIIAME, Serey.
Goderich, 20th July, 1850. . v3024
An Excellent Tavern Sr. Tavern
Stand for Sale.
rIIIIE above Tavern is situate eft tho cor
• ner of Lighthouse street, adjoining the
Market Square, at present occupied by Mr.
A. Donongh. A liberal time will tie geren
for all or part of the purchase money. For
farther partionlars apply to GEO. ELLI-
°TT, Sen. Esq., Township of Goderich,-
W. bleCONNELL, River Sable -or to N•
B. O'CONNOR, C'voderich.
Goderich, July 14, 1850. 2-et3tf
TO BE .OLD -An Excellent
Farm. of Land.
rjEING Lots No. 15 and ln. on the 14th emi-
t/ cession, Township of Leedom ennesining
200 scree, 70 of which. are cleared. The Land
WAGGON MAKER ARO BLACKSMITH, ei ol a Superior quality, and well Modena 11
tec. aaaaaa onn, is militated ten mile. from the Tows of Leedom.
LLIAR now received a NEW STOCK of oe the Maeadamiced Road. There is • Fraine
IRON, every desoriptlon, ind &nib: ciewno‘rteeearnea ftrarpeurioeuesieloose prizereic.
ready to execute any orders in his line.
Stratford, 3rd August, 1850. 115-t3*41.54 Th"iltir:triV-1.7%:iiVe!T°107heTs7teelen-
nee of remises desirmis of gotog into forainera.
pees of constructieg the Quebec) and kale
; For Sale Cheap ! ! There le also a f0011 Bearing Oreherd ea the
L3,00(1'000 sterling, to be used for the par -
n o: Farm, and will he sold on very reusable
fax Railway. A nounmi: WAGGON. Fn -intro of wins. Fur luminaire apply to Wm. fileib•
The Now York Herald nye that there 't-- Pat. Carrel, at Mr. Genres Brown's, b... oa ,b, imisepter Let, ,,, te
hee be ea ne rain for the last you in the Sen. Lake Shore, or George Brown, Junior, JAMES McMAHEN,
Canary Islands ; that every thing there is Eaq• Gnciench• Town of God,er3ianwh.
parched up, and that • famine if all but August 6. n95-0 Jolt 3rd, 1,150.
mere thee Mr. Corry, end 6. 6.. Ion epee minify • mortal blow. Then if upon pro- 1•11, far exceed. that of any previoui year JEJST RECEIVE!), Fanners Thrash out
mead an exquisite proof of eel friendship yoking language, the party intentionally -probably doubles t. An intelligent A new Mowing Mochine has lately been .4 LA R 0 E ROPPLY OP AND
in the following lines. which are very ale revenge himself with a mortal blow, it fa fanner who has net travelled about 60 1 aa 4 In the Wend State., which a Ito -
feeling to reed at the present thee. tiereitionably murder." mese menu the country, baleen'. os that cate
her paper ducribee as follows. It NEW G001)
On mu occasion, Moore and cerl were he only new faet brought to light as to the. meantIty of land, warn/ with role seems capable with a *pan of horses and
S 'Get CASH fiir your 'WHEAT
enjoyed, by mediell advice, to &On pert the killing depeede upon the word of the den frimie, le et lust a third arger than pp• man, on smooth mowing lan4e, of do SUGARS, TEAS, Nails, SALT,GLASS Subscriber pay CASH for any
wine, whole they wino sojourning for their Know. It will hardly be pretended by what appears to he eel apart foe fallow.- ing the wotk of shoot ten run. It outs from lift to 14x20, and Crockery, which 1 (loantily of
health at Bellbton; The aka Pens aqui soy es., *6.1 18. decleratiou of a person The mop awhile' therefore ie stub larger the grass elette sod clean, and 1 it he will Sell Low for Casts of Pteclute. MERC11.4XT.411LE P4L1. 1r HEAT
/dem was wee perfectly ottelitialde to their nailer DSO Dine@ Of bath, shortie] be permitttbie year than it is bled, to be n•xt. evealy distributed over the grouna, i• a 2" C. CRABS. dolt retie? sI his Store ;reveille to ,the First
frieedehip, sod they dereeted port wine with ed to outweigh toe doings of the coon and pea pries§ are realtied tlemeande will Its conditioe to core well without the labor of floy of September nine -er lee will *deuce
perfect antipathy However, they were Jen sad rescue hire from the , nal up..atiair Imre. TM 110per emit del, stints'. Wise dm machiee et perfected.
81' () k E S, ce.e on the Rentra. IIRCI It ne Colony.
".4.. G&W. w h regrind obedience.- which are to follow Utter . It however te Mill demanded. I,
••• mesh any and inch• ars made se the ei• nn posher In Nullities! of oe the
Mean got the pert wise from Iles wine- er candidly Mated by Dr. Putnam, in Ids market. bet our ewe. The Immo of the practies1 use ef it Will enigma, we have no 411)cnnat a n 6 Drugatet, Welland Canal, se may to weed on.
merehent (west; bet in trtUallieg from 'able srmnuet, and by gegen' of the p•ti- rams on again fn that guar- doubt 11 .111 be retarded se a high!, value- WEST -STREET. GUDERICH Godeticb. rule 23, 1850.
Lemon it jete been omega fie ierWe, sad those presented la Ivor et ansutetJes, t5 t5t.-J11o54 Angriest, ble addition to fanning implements. ' July 1650. 20-3 C. (:R ABB.
4*.scr41144'ich' ...819111911 '
"tile 1111.11.08r "