HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 10!i ThTiereiPA0941109,, Dicehlher 194 457 !Receive Silver OWARIginfrinCIRCIRCRRACCONRCOMO On Anniversary New Orthophonic ti ":. • 0 0 0 , • ^ It 44 tt t A 11: ; r " 4o AA • kA At St -4 Av4.4 AA yo 4' • • A-4 • 'tel ••• AA 1.1.; 4. ?PHONE 18 ICAVICTOR The Mark 11/,34peaker High Fidelity Victrola" phonograph. 4speed req. ford changer. Walnut, mahogany ar limed oak finishes. Modal HF191. FREE $20 Worth On High Fidelity, Records Your Choico m199.95 SANTA'S RECORD HEADQUARTERS Snelgrove's ACROSS FROM THE BURKLEY ti*FACRACCROMMCCOMPIACC.C.C.0 , For Late Shoppers At CCM Skates, Bicycles 1! Tricycles, Toboggans * * * Dolls, Toys And Games Famous Diriki Toyis * Ilectricql Appliances k " * * * * Sports Equipment Smart Hostess Gifts • TIIA0 UAI R HARDWARE Out/TV ofir FR P12/CE5 PHONE 27 EXETER - FREE COUPONS ON THE $800 JACKPOT MgOggig1101391.013gfACCORRAiritCPAROZ 11fr. aad Mzs4rrairk Wildfona Celebrated their Over Weill anniversary last 91,10$443% Mem. bera of the family gathered to how:Mr them QP. 0114 ,ogcaaton and 11:1r- and Mra. Wiltifong were presented with several gifts of silver. Best wishes came .also from CalgarY, Alberta ad Hazelton, from their •daughter Marg.: aret and. son, Bob, Exeter Soldier. Passes Course Gunner L. T. Davidaen. Exeter,. was among the 70 soldiers Who. graduated. last week fropi. course gealifYing them as junior N.C.0.'s at Port Osborne Dar. raCkS, Winnipeg. For the past eight weeks, the class has been taking an inten. sive course in leadership and in- struction along with all the basic training drills and. skills. Candi- dates come from regular army units. Hog Plan —Continued from Page 9 A decision has just been made, the meeting learned from Bert Lobb, chairman of the Huron Hog Producers' Association, to establish a hog assembly point at Clinton. The site chosen, said Mr. Lobb, is the sales .barn at Clinton, and the probable date of opening is Tuesday, Jan. 14. The resolution asking for the hob producers' vote to be de- cided on the simple basis of •whether .or not 60 per cent of those voting are in favor, with- out reference to the percentage of those entitled to vote, was approved unanimously, after be- ing brought before the meeting by Wilfred Shortreed, R.R. 1 Walton. Other members of the resolutions committee that pre- pared the resolution were: War. ren Zurbrigg, R.R. 1 Gerrie; Bert Lobb, R,R. 2 Clinton; An- son McKinley, Zurich; Simon Hallahan, Belgrave. Officers Elected Winston Shapton, R.R. 1 Exe- ter, was elected president for 1058, succeeding Douglas Mc- Neil, R,R. 6 Goderich, who hes been two years in office. Warren Zurbrigg was promoted from second Vice-president to first vice-president; and Gordon Greig Wroxeter, was elected: second vice-president, J. Carl Heming- way, Clinton, continues ie office as secretary -treasurer and coun- ty fieldmin, The annual meeting was at- tended by & capacity crowd of about 300, which required extra chairs in the auditorium Of Lon- desboro Community Centre. A turkey dinner was served at noon to about 200, by the mem- bers of Londesboro Women's In- stitute. , Douglas Miles, . agricultural representative for Huron, intro- duced Mr. Connell, and also con- ducted the 'annual electien of Federation officers. Other speakers included John Hanna, Wingham, MPP for Huron - Bruce; Mrs. Alex McGregor, R.R. 2 Kippen, representing wo. men members of the Federation; Rev. J. T. White, minister of Londesboro United • Church; J. Carl Hemingway; Don Middle- ton, Middlesex fieldman for the FederatiOn. FREE! FREE! Electric Train. Free Tickets on a Real Elutric Train with Each $2 Purchase brew Dec. 23, 10 p.m. THIEL'S TEXACO STATION. 'No:4 and 84 Hensel! 41, SUNSHINE TOMATO JUICE Ayiiner, 48 oz. tins 3 for $t St, WILLIAMS GRAPE JAM 24 oz. jar . 3S% CRISPY FLAKE. SHORTENING Sehneider's ........ ..... . .. 2 lbs. 450 SHERRIFF'S FRUIT PUDDING 111/2 -oz. tin .... 390 FANCY HONEY POU PEAS Stokely's, 1.5 -oz. ting . for 33f PHONE 14 ASS'TED CHOCOLATE COOKIES Cadbury's Regal, 1/2 lb. 350 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 lb bag 1 . .„„„890 MAPLE LEAF SALMON 73/4 o t. tin 450 INSTANT MASHED POTATOES Preneh's, 71)z. pkg, 270' WHITE CROSS TISSUE Price 2 for 24 JOR OPEN FRL &SAT. NITES, WED. AFTERNOONS EXETER STAR IN HS SKIT—Keith Hodgson, 'right, plays the- bash- ful suitor and Earbara Hodgson, left, is the object of his affections in the play which will be presented at SliDHS commencement this. weekencL —T -A Photo District Farm Forums Proud Of Communities The topic for Monday night's discussion, "The Rural Commu- nity," was one that is familiar to all forum members„ and the answers to the questions as to .extent of the community and what things make a difference in having a good community were varied and significant. Parr Line Forum Parr Line members, meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, El- don Jarrett with 10 adults in attendance, judged the size of their community to be 10 square miles. They felt 'f th6 GoldenRule is applied and one is a • good neighbor that they will have good neighbor, They have churches, community centres, 4-H clubs and Women's Institute, and they believed the farm forums had helped to get better acquainted, Good roads were also a contrib- uting factor to a good commu- nity. In this particular community, the majority of young people are too small to take part in outside activities and for those who are old enough, there are 4-H clubs and garden clubs, and junior farmers. There is free skating in the local arena every Satur- day. "We believe our young people are very fortunate and well satisfied," Was the conclud-7 ing Statement in their report. Winners in euchre were Mrs. Gordon Love: Mrs. Hugh Love, 'Gordon Colenian and Stewart Blackwell. Next meeting will. be held on .January 6 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell. Elimville Forum Elimville members estirhated the extent of their community to be 20 square miles, embracing 150 fahillies, They agreed with Parr Lind that churches, church groups, 4-H clubs, Junior Farm. ers, Junior Institutesand farm forums all .help to make a good community. They felt that their community had enough activity to fill the needs of the young people. The next meeting will be in Elimville Hall on December 30 with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Johns as host and hostess, and the showing of films. They inet on Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, Sr. • Unique Forum Unique Forum members, after considerable discussion, estimat. ed their community took in an area of 50 square miles, eempris. ing approximately 250 families, To the list of things that make good community, mentioned by the Previous forums, this forum adds supervised sports and recreation for everyone, good schools, and also good farm prices, They felt their • cOmmunity filled the needs of the ybung people to a certain eXtent but most of thein leave the commu- nity for. entertainment and work. Santa Claus arrived, and pre- sented each with a little gift. A special treat of ice cream was given by Mr. William Vdighoffer, The home pf Mr. and Mrs, Del. bert Geiger was their meeting plate, and the next ineoting.will be at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard INIerner, oi January 6. Fairfield Forum Six square Miles, 23 families comprise the community served by Fairfield Forum, according to the estimates of the members Meeting at the home of Mr. and FORCOACCOl'Arll'a0 Mrs. Murray Elliot. Fadtors con- tributing to a good community is neighborliness, a central interest such as farm Arun's, and a fair degree of •prosperity, "Smaller farms make a larger population and keep people closer together," was their cominent,e . As this community is close to a larger centre, containing com- munity centres, skating rinks, theatres, and churches; it only. fills the need of young people to "a certain extent, and parents 'and young people co-operate to pro- vide what they need in good living The next meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lamport will be a Christmas party, 'Hilicrest Forum • • Hillcrest forum members thought five square miles would cover their community with about 20 to 25 families. Their community as a whole borders a town of 500, They felt good leaders were necessary to make a good com- miinity and they Should be back- ed up by 'the fullco-operation of the community; Message From Greenway Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Curts visited pn Sunday. with Arid Llgott'sl, 01tno.11181) .ogn: and. Cynthia:Of Mr. Russell Brown returned home from St. Joseph's. Hospital on Sunday. . Miss Jeanette ,Steeper 01 Sand Hill spent the weekend with her parents,- Mr. .and Mrs. Bruee Steeper, • Mr. and ,.1‘11s. - Anson. -Coleman of Zurich visited on Saturday with Mr, ,and Mrs. Carman Woodburn. After drilling for oil on the farm of Mr. Manuel Curts for some time; without success, drilling operation d were stopped last week, • The Sunday School •Christmas conceit of the • 'United Chureh will be held • on Sunday evening al: 8:30 p.m.. . • ' • GINGERICH'S,,ear6 1.1EAT,ING"INGINEER., 'CALL US, FOLKS CJON'T kCP REPEATING. AlZt -7110%1IT, IV:vc1;:rtt•IG.1 ‘" A vuted GINGERICII'S HEATING-LIGHTING-PlaIMBING °it BURtirN(ratit cONIXtiOniNG EOWPMENTA$UPPLIES , gmrkt E1laitIcALIIEPAIR11(6 34.-zuktc mato REwitioltit illfiltlrafrafgrarafgfillfg LOTS OF LAST WNW E GIFT SUGGESTIONS AT Hopper -Hockey FURNITURE PHONE 99 Open Nights EXETER v Free Jackpot Coupons! Ot07100410,00nOttOwiROCOSItOlt0M.004 Usborne FPI A .Plans Activities - At_ ta mocking o diiectors of ifsborne Federation .of Agrietti. lure last week, the executive dc. Bided to contribute RA Per member., towards prize .money „for the 4-H program sponsored by Exeter Agricultural Soeiety. A committee was set Up to Plan a public tueeting towards the end of January. The members agreed to co4 „operate with 'Women's Institutes in the caliper ,campaign. in April., Gov't Alters Vote Rules. :Supporters of the marketing programs welcomed the newa Tuesday that 'requirements - for approval Of plans by producers have been reduced by Ontario Agricultural .Minister -Goodfel.- loW following .cereplaints frorn the Federation Of AgricUltiire- New, standards require that 51 percent of eligible producers in seven major 'wheat -producing counties approve the scheme as well as 51percent of those who vote in the rest of the province. The distinction should .bo noted that in theseven counties the regulations state that 51 percent • of all producers .must favor the. scheme while in the rest of On- tario the 51 pereent is required only .of those who vote, regard. less of the percentage of • those 'who are eligible. The seven Major counties are. Huron, Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford, Esse; Kent and Lainbton. Vote on the wheat plan, origi- nally set for December,. has been ' postponed until January because Of the confusion existing over • lista of eligible prOducers. The lists are being revised. One Federation. official said the change would be -"of some help" but he would have pre- ferred that the requirement be 60 or 65 percent of all those who vote, rather than 51 percent of those eligible • to vote because, under the latter plan, any pro- ducer who does net vote auto- matically casts, a• ballot against • the plan, - The Ontario Federation, at the request Of the wheat producers, has • accepted responsibility for informing farmers about the vote and for encouraging them to cast their ballots. t The Federa- tion has decided not to tell pre d.ucers how to vote but will en- courage them to become ac- quainted with' the tactile.. Mr. Goodfellow.said .onc. of the chief reasons for dropping .the 60 per cent requirements: was the misundeittanding it had creat- ed. 4 In respect to ineeing the needs of the young people the concensus Was that the town and district have been formed into so many different organiza- tions that it is difficult for any- one of these organizations to be successful. ettmomotoottottutputwouttonotoutowtottoutuomillmuttolgttittiontiwouttwitotttuttoototittlitmffitit, 1 1 •Siri$11 to take this opportunity to advise all my friends that on December 31, I am retiring Ana ,giving .up- my Insurance Ageucy..and to .express my sincere thanks for the husiness with..which they .have.: Insurance Agency Changes Hands After 30 Years 6 favored rile over the past years, 1.- My successor, Mr, john Burke, is well ,(1041- i fiecr.to give your insurance problems every con- . sicleration an 1 wouldtherefore solicit for .him the same co-operation you have always shown to. Inc. E. C. Harvey . . lbonssioonnnonnumontionowloppinminnonniffinonnomomonpininniminnuntsnonnoopentionnoP. o§monionnonsnwnponno.moppoloninnotonnonnumnonntlinonnonnnnnonnint ...... onnnonormoninnt., 1 444. Take The Whole Family Out For Christmas Day' Turkey Dinner Served from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Boxing Day We Will be closed all day Boxing Day to give our staff A well-deserved rest after the Christmas Day rush. Phone 538 Armstrong's Restaurant North End Exeter 4411/Ilit111111111111111111110111111 ..... .... 11111111111111111411111111Mn111111111111111i111111141111111 WCOAVIIICCIlittanfily1AVACOVIO*0.44W3f4LCCONOtC.MOVM4 44 4 4 'to A • 4 4. 4 44 4 4 44 An Avalanche Of CHECK YOUR. LIST HERE — BROWSE AROUND OUR STORE For Grown -Up "Boys" Rifles, Shotguns , Portable Took Saws, Drills, Jig Saws, etc. Hand Tools Jack Knives Flashlights Electric Razors For "Kitchen Helpers" Aluminum Wear Floor 'Polishers • Carving Sets Steak -Knife Sets China Ornaments TV. Sneak Soft Chrome & Copper Canister Sets 4 For Boys And Girls Wagons Tricycles Flying Saucers Wheel Barrows Hockey Equipment B.S. Guns Toboggans Electric Trains (See thein in adion!) Toys Of All Kinds For Everyone INGLIS WASHER aria ' INGLIS DRIER Hostess Gifts Electric Clack* Electric. Corn Poppers See Our "GIFT TABLE" • For Bright Mk Ideas. Lindonfilldis Ltd. PHONE 181 Open Fri, Sato Men., & fuel. Nights • EXETER . FREE TICKETS ON THE CHRISTMAS JACKPOT OngtOWSPOItiging0tAttir601011010434010443401010**011 ' s 4 t. A + 4 t. 1 A 2 4