HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 8r P The rmee-AcIvocett, December it 1937 Wins Three Birds In Legion ngo oiltitincotto101034.43403144104,104.41 LOTS OF k,AST,MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS AT • Hopper -Hockey FURNITURE PHONE 99 Open. Nights 'Tit Christmas EXETER Free Jackpot Coupons! .01#43COUggriwaiorA,CriorAccolmoilc IN: THIS .BOTTLE :Iflf GINGER. .I%1J1 ALE * Greater Thirst Satisfaction .* Genial Hospitality .*'Perfect Refreshment At Any Time Family • Size 5 FULL GLASSE pig winner at last week's fowl bgo sponsored by EXtterLe gion. was Tont Yellew, B.R. 3 'Exeter, who went home with a • turkey and two .thiekens. Other winners were: Turkeys.—Itobert Carey, Fry AleLellan. Harry 'Walter,. Mrs. Russell .Schroeder, Charles Wet horn, Roy Pepper, Mrs. George Davis, 'Garnett McCain), Mrs, • Norman Norry, Mrs. 'Cuddle, RCAF Station •Centralla (deo prize); Mrs. Archie Ryekman and Ray •Smith •(Attend.ance- spe• dais). Chickens—Mrs. Osgoocle, Mrs. Robert Harvey, Harold 'Clark, pearl Hendersen, Mrs. Don .Gra- vett, Mrs. Ray Broderick, Artk. ur Priggs, Johe Stevensoni liam Laverty, Hector Heywood, Mrs. Hamilton, Ross Parsons, Ralph lionsberger. This Week In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS 5,5. Christmas Party A Christmas party4was held in St. Patrielc's P,arh Hall Q.11 Friday evening for members of the Sunday Seim], Rev, F. Dy- mond as chairman, called on a number of children for recita- tions, songs and dialogues, Bingo was enjoyed by all for a short time. Later Santa Claus put in an appearance with gifts for all the pupils. A social hour followed. W.A, Annual Meeting On Wednesday Afternoon the W.A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mattrice McDon- ald, Lucan. The reports of the year were read. All obligations were paid in full and the sur- plus voted for the church bud- get, Mrs. W. Y. Dickins presided for the election of officers which followed. The same officers were elected with the exception of Mrs. M. McDonald for social service , treasurer in place of Mrs, R. Greenlee. A Christmas box was packed for a veteran in Westminster Hospital. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Abbott and Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Abbott and Rowena, Mr. Allan Tindall and Miss Mar- garet Burtrum,. Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan. Relatives in this community received word on Sunday of the death of Mr. W. J. McCool, Tra- verse City, Mich. His wife was the former Miss Jennie Atkin- son of this district who prede- ceased him in 1923.1 Mr. and Mrs.. Don Maguire and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Denfield. Mr. and Mrs.. Murray Abbott were Sunday evening guests With Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and ,farailyly.ere Sunday eve- ning guests with kr: and Mrs, Jim Barker and family. DAIRY T4 ILO YOU SAY THEVRE ACTING THAT WAY BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO GET SOME WHIPPING ? I SAID SOME WHIPPING CREAM FROM H1611LANDIKLIWRY. YOU Rom. Tuckey- Beverages Season's Greetings TME AMSTERDAM SYNDICATE, •ANEINNEINImml n tottiorroiP yraffce tnarergeon the Pouse of Seagram sittet 100 YEARS OF INTECRITIII ‘liCRAFtSMANSHIPd & TRADITION' .:Dash.wood Ladies Aid- Mrs, A Francit Last Of Famay Net $1 400 in Year .Mrli Arthur FrArieis. Whose maiden name was Agnes Lillian • The Annual •Christnias and: annual Meeting of .Zion Lutnerall. • baclies' Aid was held Monday evening with: 40 members pres- eat. In opening the ineeting, the president, Mrs. M. Monier, read a poem. The treasurer's, report slinwed that Acerb' 11,400, Ma raised during the yearand near- ly 5700 remained in the: treastirY. Mrs, Kenneth Keller, Mrs. B. ftestennhyer and Mrs. K. Zorn, whohad been appointed to pick E mission prNect to sponsor, brought in their report:, and the. ladies. decided .on a cow for New •Guinea, with twe :alternatives: supporting a married seminary student for .a year in Formosa or two. single stndents n For- 1110Sa for one year. : The ladies voted to give- :8100, to the :Sunday School for fabrics for curtains to make ten class- rooms. Paint will be purchased to paint the basement; Insteadof .Christmas gift ex- change, a .collection..for missions was held. , Of this $25 will be donated to the church mission treasurer, •the. balance will be given to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League. Officers for 1958 are: Presi- dent, Mrs, 11T. Merrier; vice- president, Mrs, Ervin Rader; secretary, Mrs. E. Koehler; treasurer, Mrs. Effie.Kleinstiver• flower and treat fund, Mrs. Al- bert Miller; card secretary, Mrs, Herb Wein; pianist, Mrs. Edgar RestsmaYer; auditors. Mrs. Ed- gar Restemayer and Mrs. James Hayter; librarians, Mrs, Rud. Willer and Mrs. Eimer Rader. Group 11, with. Mrs, Ken Kel- ler,. Convener, presented a ' skit, "The Christmas Spirit,", followed by lunch. - Baby Baptized. " Carolyn Mae. infant • daughter Or Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Keller, of London, was baptized on Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church by Rev. K. L, Zorn. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Keller were sponsors, Miss Elizabeth •Bartliff,. of Clinton, spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tieman, • Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Haugh and Shirley were Pastor and Airs. K. Zorn, Mr. and vIrs. Ed Nadiger and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lert, Mr. and Mrs, . 'Elmore • Pfile, Mr. and y s. Mrs, Elmer Rader %Ian, Air. and Mrs. Urban nd Dashwood The regular meeting of the Dashwood Women's Institute was held Tuesday evening with 16 members- and two visitors pres- ent, Donations of $5.00 were inade to the War Memorial, Hospital, London, and Sr, along with- the Salada Tea prize-winning layette was sent to the Children's Aid at Goderich. President - Mrs. Arnold Kuntz announced for Mrs. C. Irwin that the • next meeting would be a social evening. She also reported Girls Conduct Yule Service The annual Christmas vesper service of the Canadian •Girls in Training was held in church- es across Canada on Sunday evening., In Caven Presbyterian church, Miss. Mary Ann Erskine -led in the service. Scripture lesions were read by Carole and Bonnie flogarth and Mary Shaw. Mrs. Art Whilsmith, C.G.I.T. leader, presented the meditation. The pageant of the candles was de- picted by Grace McKenzie, Judy Wilson, Donna Ersman, Diane Swartzentruber, Mary Shaw and Bonnie Hogarth. Mrs. Irving Snider was guest . organist. Ushers were Carole Lynn Fin- nonds, Enid Palethorpe, Caro- line' Simpson and Angela Web- ster, James St. e.G.1.T.. In. Tames, St. -United church the C.G.I.T. occupied the choir loft. jeanette Taylor led in the worship and 'scripture passages were read by Jane Farrow, Heather 1VlacNaughton and Joc- elyn Howey. The pastor Rev. H. J. Snell led in meditation on "Tice Mean- ing of Christmas." "Christmas celebrates the giving of a gift which out -Shadows eyery gift that has, been given. It it the clay set' apart for rejoicing—the birthday •of the Christ -Child," said Mr. Snell, Pat Cann, bonnie Doerr, Dor- othy Kerslake, Louise Hockey, Helen Hendrick and Ann Hockey led in the pageant of the candles. A solo was Contributed by Mar- ian May And a duett by Sandra \Yelper. and Marlene McBride, Naney Boyle led in the reading of the Magnificant. Ushers were Marlene Mac- Millan, Marilyn Jory, Shirley Henderson and Marilyn Frayne. After. the -services' the girls gathered;Aa the cluireli parlors for social hour in 'tell of their, Tuesday • eVenin g meeting, Mrs', Ken Ottewell played a medley of Christmas carols and Itectimpanied, the girls in sing brig the carols. Mrs. Lloyd CuSh• man Old a Christmas story. A collection was taken for Muscular Dystrophy fund. pow Hitiothttott 0000 to WOW o to 0000 to ietiotiotttoothifilk, Garage • Sunday And Evening Service t Open this Sunday, Wedfies- day Aftertidon, and during the eseehiag throughout the week. Larry Snider on the executive meeting,. held in Hensall and the rally at Londesboro. Mrs. Harold Rader, convener ef 'Canadian Industries, 'as ellairladY. She and .Catherine Rader sang a •dtlet. Mrs. Stewart Webbread a poem. Mrs. Ted Rader commented on the topic, "Christmas Trees — a Canadian Industry." Christmas decorations were on display. Several carols were sung, Dashwood .Marry .Maids The sixth. meeting of the- Merry Maids was held Wednesday eve- ning with ,eight. :members and leader.. Mrs. S. Raker present. Mrs. Baker discussed fitting A skirt. • She .said you could tell by the • s.wing of a skirt whether it was sewn properly, Facing was discussed, and the storage of woollens, The proper method of putting in a zipper WAS shown, Roll call for next meeting is "What I enjoyed the most in my project,' personal -Items Mrs. Edmund Bruer, of New Hamburg, is, visiting- with her mother, Mrs, Jacob Seiiroeden, The Walther League, of Zion Lutheran Church, has been busy enlarging and erecting the nativity scene on display last year on the church grounds." • Miss Erma Wein, of. Clinton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein. •""•' Mr. Jerry Guenther, of Wind- sor, spent the weekend with Mrs.. Letta Taylor. • Miss Anne Taylor, of London, Spent the weekend with Mrs. Letta TAylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storrnes, of St. ThOrnas, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Tiernan, Mr,f and ' Airs, James Poland and daughter, of -Campbellford, spent the weekend, with Mrs, Cora Gaiscr. Mr., and Mrs, Ernest Hutchin- son, of Preston, spent Sunday in, town with relative& Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family, of London, were Sun- day visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta, of Waterloo, spent the 'weekend With Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wei - berg. -• • . Mr, and Mrs. Glen Brown, oP Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Mr. William Wien. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. Ervin Rader and faniily, were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elutchinson, of Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Rader and family, and Mr. and .Airs. Elgin Rader and boys. . There will be a parade to the Dashwood Fire Hall on 'Satur- day at a p.m. sponsored by the Dashwood Men's Club. Santa will distribute gifts to the chit-, dren. liarrisen.,. died in Excter, Wadi- nesday, December 11, „in her 90th year. 'She. WaS 'born at Roger, and was the 144 survivor of a family ,of eight, In 1992, she was united In marriage with Ur. FraliCia, and for 25 'years they resided on a farm in Lisburnenow occupied by their son, Bay. After leaving Ifsborne Township, they resided for 20 years on the second con- cession p1 Stephen Township, and in 1937, they retired to Biter, ,where Mr. Francis .died. in 1950. Surviving are one son, Ray,. Of Usborne; three daughters, (Ferne) Mrs. Wilfred -Shapton„ ,f)f Stephen; (Gertrude) Mrs. An- drew Hamilton, •of town, and (Iva) Mrs, AlAnfgra. Belling, of Pt, Huron, Mich. The funeral. Saturday was held from the Dinney Funeral Home with Rev. H. Snell. officiating. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. The bearers e were Winston .Sbapton, John Baker, Stanley Francis, Ray Stewart, Don Bel. ling .of Pt, Huron and Jack 01- len-Bittle, of Toronto, "I hear they're starting a new cainpaign against malaria." "Dear mel What have the Ma- larians done now?" Sunbeam Steam Irons ,s13.95 • GE Fry ?ens 10" • $1845 Beatty Floor Polishers $45 Proctor POp-Up Toaster $15.9t Beatty Stainless Steel VVasher WITH TRAP -IN Cooey Repeater Rifles *1995 Fisher Hardware. Phone 29 FREE JACKPOT COUPONS Exeter • Indies' helm a fame, ow hadi PIONEER, • . Repairing everything from fences to farm bnildings, clear- ing new acreage, cutting winter firewood . . these are just a few of the time -saving, money -making ways farmers across the country are using light -weight, easy-to-serv,ice Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer saw can help you to more/profitable farming! SOLD BY: Exeter Farm Equipment EXETER, ONTARIO 4 1 J• ' See the complete. range of Pioneer. Chain Saws priced es low as ;204.95 These food buys belong on your 'Prices Good Until CHRISTMAS EVE Shop „git your SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET for Merry Christmas SAVINGS . . . We're open Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday Evenings Before ,Christmas. SWEET MIXED PICKLES R°6s-Elm° 29c TOMATO JUICE AYLIY10513Z2 TINS E 2. FDR 27c MINCE MEAT WAGSTAFFE'S 2iPCIIE STA 39c. MIXED NUTS FANCY GOLDEN LB 43c 2 LE 79c INSTANT COFFEE 2m5txgPkt-613TuR ,1.23 CRANBERRY SmulaWHOLE OR ...IELLIEO OCEAN SPRAY IS:CIZ. TIN 25C POTATO CHIPS SNYDER'S LAR 10-04 BOX CRISCO 3 LAN 1.09 1 OGOLVIEOATS twicK cooKING5 ASS'D MALLOWS CAKE MIXES GINGER ALE 5Sc Lw. 37c 49c 39c 3 MR 1 LI• AVIO'S FIVE STAR L. PKG. WITH FREE SLICKERS PILLSBURY REPEAT.cirP'ER KIST QUARTS CHERRY PIE FILLER OLIVES Tt.1F-FtD, ICE 80XJAR CLUB HOUSE PIMENTO* 7 VARIETIES PLUS DER 2-29c C. O. tsivirrH's (11-0 3 9c 2. TIN 399 -DZ 16 -OZ. 57c GIANT TIDE ;C. g g 's • 65c PEANUTSIN SIELLPREEH-14 CIA STED 3 IC Full Assortment Of Candies, Nuts Fruits And Vegetables Arriving 'Daily , t I nnOtOr'S i AI _. 10 . IIEfiftilYffilitittifflittiViEEVIIIEMIIIIIillitifilittri • PHONE 52 'FREE 'Delivery Frozen Food SPECIALS' Zero Pak Faricy . , . PEAS 2 gig: Zero Pak Faney—Corp KERNELS •12-0Z. PKG.. 22c Zero Pak Fancy PEAS:and CARROTS' 2 gig: 370 1: Zero Pak Fancy Sliced Strawberries 15-0z. Pkg. 37c. Ice Cream York 1/2•Gallonnsik ALL FLAVORS 00 Devon Sweet Smoked BACON Mita. 650 PRODUCE . • No. 1 APOTATOES,.. • 5o4,n, nA.4,St...05, • • Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 tn.. 29c Crisp Grain CELERY 'HO*RTS , • 23C New Waxed. TURNIPS OD MAR -E' FRE Porkiog, FREE ',Stockpot Coupon* itarg*