HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 1ply
K $1,000 Grant
o Centre Board
k"Xcter council approved an
itdditioual grant of $1,000 to the
eotnmunity .centres board Rion -
4 slay eig'iitover, the objecttoalof
,Couneillor Ralph Bailey, consist-
cnt critic of the board's .deficit
• This ;second grant brings total
Assistance le the board during
r• 1057 to :$3,000.
Financial statements prescnlcd
by the centres 'board to: council
indicated a deficit of •about $2,500.
,. Part of its debt will be relieved
by the; $1,000 grant. •
Despite the board's discourag-
ing financial picture, Reeve Wil-
liam, McKenzie, a member, said
.4' '"it's in. -the best shape it has.
•.ev'er been at this time of the
Mayor Pooley, 'also defending
• the board, said- it would not have
required a second grant this year
if•the grandstand had net re-
iuired :painting, an expenditure
of $1,300.
(Earlier this year, council
agreed to. help. pay for .painting
the grandstand after the board
reported this work should be
done to preserve the structure,
but it could not afford to do it
.along )
As he has before, Councillor
'!Galley again asserted that tax-
payers should not ,have to cen-
tribute • towards the cost of
operstion of. the arena and park,
considering that they were meet-
ing debenture payments on the
arena •a.s well. He said numerous
ratepayers •have complained to
hint about it and he felt action
should be taken.
11e again questioned whether it
Was necessary to iia de both a
recreational director and en
arena Manager for the town. ".I
think, this situation should be
investigated." • conducted there.
Councillors • •who serve on the He also complained that town
"board anti the recreation. council organizations did not support the
said the -management setup had .arena. On .a number of occasions
been thoroughly. considered when they have turned down opportitni-
ties 'to use the facilities.
Reeve McKenzie said he felt
the centres- board and. the rec
council should work -more closely
together, perhaps to the. point of
holding joint meetings.
Councillor Bailey said he was
not complaining 'ahout•the opera-
tion of the board e e the
ns were to t h:
overhead expenses w e o h i;
All members of council but
former Rec Director Doug Smith.
Deputy -Reeve Chester itMwhiq-
ney said he, toe, had received
protests about grants to the
board, . but other councillors
denied getting:complaints. "I've
heard nothilrg but good about our
recreational program," said
Couneillor floss Taylor. •
Confusion arose over the rela-
tionship between the go urnunity
centres board and the recreation-
al council, who share costs of the
salaries of Recreation Director
Larry Heidcmat. and Arena
Manager Alvin Willert. The two
men are hired by fire recreational
council but the board is supposed
to contribute half of their
salaries through grants to the
council. At the moment., the
board otves the council $2,200 for
salary payments.
Councillor Bailey tried to pin.
point the reason for the beard's
$2,500 deficit,
Reeve McKenzie defended the
grant by stating the arena would
cost the town money even if it
didn't operate, He said members
of the board worked' harder than
those of any other board in the
town to try to keep the .costs
down but they receive little
thanks for their efforts.
"I've been criticized for mak-
ing a 'rake-off' by working in
the snack bar, but I've never
received a cent for it."
Part of the reason for the
board's diffieult position, he sug-
gested, was that the gymnasium
could no longer - he used for
money -raising • activities because
its space had been cut down by
the erection of a• snack bar and
a, storage room. Dances and
indoor sports, once popular in
the gymnasium, are no longer
Honor o Clerk
In Stephen
e .hen.
Retiringclerk and , treasurer , h felt
of Stephen
, Mor -
oi-lack Crediton,
was h noted
council members and t.ustees of Bailey voted for the grant.
•erediton, Dashwood and Cen-
en- Clerk -treasurer C V. Pickard
triapoi�'laes last
dM'indicated counci1 will show a sur-
ReeveJohn Morrissey said r. plus of about $10,000, less the
USBORNE BARN' BURNS . Barn owned by Hotirard Pym, R.R. 1 Centralia, prominent
unior farmer and, d -I -I. club leader, burned to the ground Tuesday night, Two head
of Mx. Pym's .Holstein herd Were lost in the blaze, along with a large quantity of
hay, straw and grain. Exeter firemen rushed to the scene but the fire was out of
control by the time they. arrived. , , " —T -A Photo
Oufstanding' Successes
!!Morlock had given generously of
anount f the rant to the Uoard, Area
his tithe and talents to the town- It appeared earlier that the year
ship and. the esteem in which he »right have ended with a deficit
eras held indicated the confi- but taxes have come in well and
dence and loyalty of is support- some expenditures have not been
ors and co-workers, as high as budgeted.
The -reeve hoped the retiring Coupcil approved the purchase_
clerk would assist his successors of three coats and hats for fire -
in becoming acquainted with men who have been added to the
their 'duties.
Presentation 'of a, chair was
made by Edward Lamport and
el rry+ Beaver. ; of out -,of -town fire calls for which.
The event took place at the an payment was not guaranteed, but
nal social cvenin held for
no decisions were Made. The
township off tial em 3o ee .
� t s
�, s'• p.. -Y brigade 'was ;called _to; t�va_, tai,
and tlmeir wsves.,.Di'riner •.was �.
served'`b 'Crediton W1
brigade. •
Members discussed with • Fire
Chief Irwin Ford, the answering
Please Turn• to Page 3
GordonRatz, *lin 'is retiring
as deputy -reeve of the:'township;
Was resented with. old scuff
si" links by his successor, Glen.
s Webb,
Euchre was enjoyed , during
he evening.
i'oundary Crash
.a a x.600
0 m e $ b.
'Friday afternoon* about five
o'clock, a car driven by Russell
King, of Stephen Township, was
in: collision wit ha car . driven by
le.ployd - Hutton, of Kincardine.
v`Cle a'cciden't took place a mile
south of Exeter.
Mr..' Hutton was taking his
wife 'home from hospital. His
car took to the ditch close .be-
hind a . hydro. pole, No one was
injured:-P.C. Cecil E. Gibbons.
'Damage exceeded $1,600 but
no one Was hurt 'when cars.eel-
lided at the intersection of the
'l 'erth=Huron boundary and eon=
;cession 14, Hibbert, Monday. •
Cars driven by Jack Brand,
RR'2' Bayfield, driving north on
fife ioundary,; and Russell, R.
Tepper,- Strattlord, eastbound on
the' concession' road, flipped into
the ditch after crashing at the
"•OPP" Constable Cecil - Gibbons
Investigated. ' -
Two cars, both driven by per-
sonnel, from RCAF Clinton, col-
lided an.No, 4 highway, southof
I•lentail"'early Saturday morning
causing $150 damage.
Jean Leclerc „was travelling
north and Donald Byrne south
before they met;: OPP Constable
•George Mitchell ° Investigated..
`Ministers and laymen_ report-
ed outstanding success at the
final supper meeting of the sec-
tor project, held in James Street
Sunday School parlors Thursday
evening, with representation
from the nine congregations par-
ar-ticipating.Rev. Olen Strome, of Crediton,•
chairman for the project, pre-
sided and was `assisted by . Mr:
Malcolm Blaekburn, of Toronto,
i representative,.n'
o f'
official ai
• t were < rr e iv d :from]
epor s € e.e i ,�
the :,various charges and in all
'For Ipperwash In#lux'
The army needs accommoda-
tion . urgently. •
Major J. Preysner, 'of'tl a First.
Battalion, - RCR's, , told The
Times -Advocate- this week that
HONOR CLERK—Retiring Clerk-
treasurer F, W. Morlock was
presented with a chair recently
by municipal • officials of
over 150 families will need
places to live as the battalion
moves into Camp- Ipperwash,.;.its
new Canadian home after a two-
year tout in Germany,
"Someof our igen will have
to leave their families with par-
ents living from Halifax. and
Winnipeg," the major said.
"Accommodation is a very def-
`inite problem. We have can-
vassed Grand Bend, Tliedford,
Parkhill, Arkona, Forest and
Port .Franksand still Have found
quarters for only' 125 of the 350
families coming to this arca, We
have eighty more places on our
•list which' have -not been- taken
Major Preysner and Second
Lt. S. G.° Richardson, who are
supervising location of RCR,
families, began listing accom-
modation available in Exeter
last week.:A list of vaeant apart-
ments and homes -will be furti•
ished personnel,
Clerk C. V. Pickard is assist-
ing • the officers and will list
names of Exeter people who
have places to rent.
'Exeter appears Wile a pretty
nice town," said Major Preys-
ner, 'and it is connected to Ip-
perwash by good highways. We
think it would be a good spot
for RCR families to settle."
In Germany, nearly 85 poi. -
cent of the battalion's „families
lived in married quarters near
the Canadian camp.
SANTA -VISITS HURONDALE—Makin ., one of his.numerous trips to School concerts
area, Santa Claus listens to requests of Hurondale school children following
in • tlr� � � t1, , ,, . , , . �'
their program Tuesday night Santa will preside at numerous community parties
Oa weekend, e ... 'DA -Photo
cases glowing reports , were
made of thg success of the plan,
both financially and manifested
interest in the spiritual life of
the congregations,
Some spoke of the scepticism
which prevailed during the early
part of the campaign owing to a
lack of knowledge of . what' was
intended. The highlight of the
project ..:wasthe comtnissioning
of the canvassers ,.previous .to
the everymembercanvass and
the splendid ,re er:ts ,o# the ,eat)!,
p flo ing
v ' `s � brought back o w
asses b7,g l b
then- visits in the home.
Eight churches ;have estimat-
ed budgets for' the current year
2 The estimates
totalling 6 985.
for 'next year's budgets total
$81,131 which -indicates an in-
crease of -,.27 per cent. One con-
gregation••.reported..:an. increase
of 60, ,per cent. Some 384 calls
were made in homes, with 85
more calls to be completed.
".Reporting 'for: the various
churches were Rev. Alex Rap-
son for Main Street Church;
Carfrey Cann for Janes Street
Church; Harry Strang for Caven
Presbyterian. Church; D$nald
,Toynt for Hensall United Church;
Howard Johns for Elimville
United Church; Ervin Eckstein
for Dashwood . E.U.B. Church;.
Tom L. Scott for Cromarty Pres-
byterian Church; Ray Morlock
for Crediton E.U.B. Church.'
Unique Program;
Zurich' Lutheran Church, while
not attending the training die-
ner meetings, used the program
at the •same . time as . the other
churches with'very great suc-
cess. One special, feature of the
program for the' Zurich church,
was �n the process of visiting.
As the visitors entered the hones
to present the story of the
church, the presentation was
begun and completed with pray-
Summary of laymen's reports:
New people . have come to
church, And some churches re-
port higher church attendance
ever since the program started
in September.
Unusually good congregational.
meetings, -
The training sessions and
teams reporting back after visi-
tation was truly inspiring, The
enthusiasm of the visitors was
the highlight.
Two diuretics used a second
card for commitment of time,
services, etc., to• great advan•
Changed Minds
Many who were opposed to it,
are now;convinced of the merits
of the setter program.
Some people not considered to
be likely visitors, were very
willing to do it,
Other church visitation pro
grams have been hindered by a
lack of visitors. Here there was
no problem in finding •sufficient
More people were working in:
and for the church than at any
other time. There was a greater
fellowship and better feeling
than on ahy other occasion,
Where o
Find it
Anno'unc mints , $
Church »bets 3
ComingEvtnts 15 '
Editoriets 2
Enterlainnent . 15
Perm News 4, 10
p'ehlinilne Pacts 12, 12
Dema ll '6, .1
Lamm 14, 15
$pate$ , .....
Want Ates 4,11
The .program might have
moved more smoothly in the
eerly stages if it had been more
fully explained. The congrega-
tional dinners . did accomplish
this. .
Y Ie - Iss
u ue
M. n: a.
' ,
Special Christmas 'e • i
p ... dtt Bn -:
of The Tim"es-Advocate will
reach subscribers ,in this.
area .Monday oz next week.
The edition, which con-
tains seasonal greetings from
town and district merchants,
will feature a four-color front
page, special Chris t m as
a r t i c l e s. and features for
Letters to Santa Claus from
local children, 'one of the
highlights of last year's edi-
tions, will be included.
Owing to .: the rush of
Christmas mail,,sotne of the
correspondence for• The
Times -Advocate did not ar-
.rive in time for this alien.
It will be printed in the
Christmas edition.
Tlite (15xeferTrinies.
Eighty,Secand. Year
EXETER, ONT., DECEMEER 19, 1957 • Per 'Copy
Osborne Blaze
J'arnes St, Class
Treats Orphans
About 55 :members of Mrs. M..
C, Fletcher's Bible Class of
James Street United Sunday
School motored to London Tues-
day evening and provided Christ-
Mas- .entertainment for a Pro-
testant orphanage.
The program consisted of
songs, carols and a visit from
Santa for
who provided pre-
sents for all,
Following the visit to the
orphanage the party toured Lam-
beth to view the Christmas
decorations •in that village.
On their return to Exeter a
hot lunch was provided in James
Street parlors by. some of the
mothers of the group,
Santa to Busy
On O Saturday
At least he in e ` three communities in
e n
this district are planning Santa
Claus parties for children on
Saturday. -
The• Exeter party, which fea-
tures two parades and two movie
showings _ and treats, will be
staged by . Exeter Lions this
year. Expense is shared by
Legion, Lions and Kinsmen.
Hensall Cham b e r of Com-
merce, Legion and Kinsmen will
provide treats and movies for
boys and girls in that district
starting at two o'clock.
Dashwood Men's • Club will
sponsor a Santa .Claus parade
and distribute gifts to children
in a program which starts at 3
Grand Bend Legion on ws11 holdl
a party -for children,,of that ,dist-
rict 'Thursday afternoon at 110,
1l1tivi.es° and treats: will be pro-
Only SLD Crash -
Just Minor One
Safe Driving Week was just
that 4in this area, according to
the local detachment. of Onta-
rio Provincial Police.
Constable Cecil .Gibbons' said
only one minor - accident was -.rd-
ported from December 1-7, the
period designated as nation-wide
S -D week.• • -
"We. hope that kind of driving
is evident over the Christmas
and . New Year holidays," com-
mented PC Gibbons.
( Two Holstein calves, a 1.-01.
• ling stocker, 3,000 bushels Of
mixed grain, 40 loads of eut bay,.
a quantity .of corn, a, grinder -and
milking machine went up in
flames early Tuesday rilerning
when fire destroyed a large bare
owned by Howard ;Byrn, 11,R. 1
Centralia, concession six. Orr
insurance, is estii»ated. at swell •
over $15,000,
Over 30 Holstein Cattle„ 'and
The loss, • partially covered .by
20: Hereford, stockers were saved
before flain:es drove rescuers
out . of the building. The build,
Mg was razed in a little ur
an hour. -
The barn, a high one :about
50x.80, . was• one of the largest ill
.the, area.
1 The blaze is believed to .hays
' statred in the granary , although
, origin . could not be determined
because a• large section. of . the
1 1 barn was ablaze before the.`,fire
was noticed', • '
N r 1 Only the • day before, .owner
. J i Howard Pyin .had taken careful
WINS $1-50—Ervin Ratz, RR .3, !Precautions against fire after no•.
Dashwood, won the $150 draw in'ticsng the ,grain was getting '•hot.
Exeter Businessmen's Associa-;He removed three small _truck-
tion's Christmas' ,jackpot Satur- ;loads of.grain, some of whiClt.
as charred, to make sure tile
daynight, ticket Vas 'select- (�• a , s
edby gCorible John Cowan, t danger had been removed. '
Prize this Saturday is $500. :The blaze may have started
from a light bulb in the :granary
, I whigh had been screwed loose
B.• G'Ifts earlier and was believed dig -
The barn is on the farm pur-
chased several years ago fronso
borders tit*
En s Herd'mand am
Coming .
9 UP
Merchants lit district centres Ffarmirewhere leWawas spottedTd Pym lives.
by _ .Cliffves.
will be giving ;away big Christ- Jaques, a' neighbour, and Teter'
mas gifts to their customers Bilstra, who rents the home Lott
during the next week. the former I•Ierdman farm, abqut,
In Exeter, the final prize of the same time, They and other
$500 in the month-long Christ- neighbors ,got the cattle <out • .-A
was jackpot =draw, • will be The owner, who specializes'tnl
R. E. Feeley
ooley will pick
ick .the win-
dh. ihrey
• has
eemloepnetd ath
ociga11•awarded Saturday night Mayor Holstein cattle, has a large herd
ning ticket.e.s,illents"ione ,on. He's been active n Junior
nsthlleiran e. buacl nprfarmer work and hasbeen 4
. leader of Xxeter Peiry Dairy441 Club
for a number ofyears. ,,'.
Since the fire, the cattle have
housed been h e in the barn„ of 11
neighbor, Squire , Herdman.
Christmas eve: ""
Winner of the Hensall draw
will receive an all -expense -paid
one-week vacation for two
w a in
'sunny Bermuda. Sight -seeing.
tours and plane fare are -includ-
Lucan's top .prize will be a Skits Sanas
$10.0 bill. A number of other cash
awards, will be given away
Christmas eve. -
Winner of.: file draw in
Exeter's jackpot .Saturday$150 night A skit whose local_ is a local
was Ervin Raiz, RR 3, Dash- restaurant and which pokes fun.
wood. Father. of two children, at some local institutions is one
the Shipka man said there were of the features of the SHie
Time for '57, the annffal corn- 1.
mencement variety show Which.
will be presented Thursday ' and
Friday nights this •week. . .
The play is written • and pro-
duced by students in -grade 13
Batu res
"lots of places for this money.
It's the first big prize he's ever
Constable John- Cowen made
the draw.
WHO WANTS TO SAY GOODNIGHT? --,-These SIlDHS coeds wilt perform in the kick -
line accompanying'the number "Good Night Sweetheart" n the annual revue ,this
-weekend. They are Marlene McBride, Merle rnoblauch, Leslie Kenyon and Pain Mac -
'--T-A Photo,
esources Commission Chairman
✓grns Against Stream Pollution
The time for correction of lit organic material which de- ;they are sprayed. This resulted
stream pollution in Ontario is lirived streams of oxygen, killed I iri evaporation of site of the
a and the province's food fish and created septic and of -;wastes and soil percolation of
at handa
roeessin indusiry Must do its fcnsivc conditions iii the water, the balance.
share, Dr. A. E. Berry, genal' The Ontario Water Resources The food processing industry
manager and chief engineer of Commission, Dr. Berry states, I must take steps to carry out its
the Ontario Water Resources Ates undertaken a program for R part in the anti -pollution pro -
Commission, said in Toronto prevention of stream pollution t gram now," said the :0.tv'.R.C,
Tuesday. [ by canning plants, The cottiiriis• #official, "The time foe cbrrcc-
1.1e was addressing .,a meeting sten, he added, is co-operating 1 tion of stream, pollution is at
of the Ontario rood Processors' with the industry and is work,. ; hand. The. new Water resources
Association at the Royal York ing with •a conttnittee appointed i Cornmission „Act provides for
Hotel. to study methods for econorrwcal.,heavy penalties for:violation of
k"ruit and vegetable canning and effective treatment of these 1 stream sanitation standards."
in many places in Ontario gives wastes. [ Dr. Berry said the coiitinission
rise to serious problems in waste Two methods of lreatt'nent ap- j. has , made surveys of plants'
disposal With the problems ac- speared promising. In one, the causing water" pollution, anid that
ceiu(Uated during. seasonal 4per• lagoon system, wastes are stored , "action is now being taken to
ation of so many - of t
a y the plants, and 'purified,. during the canning �, have appropriate measures put
Dr. Berry said. Wastes from tan- season; in the other, spray irrl- • into effect.'
ning "factories and other food gallon, fresh screenedwastes Dr'« Berry is a. native of Wood•
prooessing plants Were strong aro piped to pasture land where hart ,
and its' exact contents are being'
kept secret until the first. per-
The review will also feature
singing -and dancing number s by
students of . all grades M. the
school, A 125 -voice glee club
render several numbers. A girls'
glee club, mixed quartet and a
male quartet are among' the
other musical groups. •
Three different kicklines will
be presented during the show,aa
Well as 'sevetal waltz numbers.
The high school orchestra will
open' the program and several
solo numbers will be -presented.
Members of SHDHS board Will
present certificates, and special
awards to the students.
Sell-out crowds are expected
both nights.
London Ministers
Hugon County Medical Society
held its Christmas .mneeting• at
Armstrong's Restaurant spon-
sored by the Exeter medical.
staff. Forty-three persons were
present including the wives of
the doctors,
It was the first titre that such
a gathering was held in Exeter.
The .speaker Was .ft.ev. fir.
Goth, of London, who spoke ori ,
"Around the World in Sixt7
Days," He touched on Japan*
China, Hoeg, Kong, India, Africa
and Europe,
Fevora were 'provided for tho
ladies. The restaurant 'watt
beautifully decorated for the oc.
TB Seal Drive
TO Set Record
Contributions to the Ch& tiff
seal campaign of Huron
TD Association nearly
more than last year,
E. D. Bella said this we•.
West figures indicate
$8,480.60 has boon raised fr,
county tinea November.,m
pared to the total of $l1,Y117I«'M''la
year., •
There was only one oaile,.
came lip lit niaaigtrate'S C
Wednesday a l rneotl. +Calyi'lt
Cutting was lied *MI c'a
for tre3pg� ssi* et the RCA
Statieno Centring,