HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-08, Page 2HURON SiGNAL. Tu1;UdtJAV. AUGUST i CLOSE AI rrlE 8E281014. ohs .lest them. ♦ rowel a..IrwfMtto►ee tar leo meth of aha h144•P".t' w 1. . pruned,"eL,dsd ieasessaa et rood-. twee•il* E10017 rather Wawa fee ser ..issue. renciple, i. the true chamois ass depLLup straggle. Asd ea Inc peened- iag,te asthma sed uulltg.se, err pleased tar het a mu Iw the very iede nits tenth that he •• route totes tb • Reform what," it may mS- ly be predicted shit hmppoestetest will bete • result of the melouty of Parliamentary Ewiass. ,gees Snob,. d the Provincial Patlla- .wst u about to close, soil it is re.oeeablt to Bat et .H the diuppd.W hottose, we have tunas. that every ,.an who takes as intermit u the drepe.i .ypathy with the&i-ppeblm.et the affairs and lemmata of ('.nada, will calmly o/ t1. soul ell T,wiea. They' pact, dear, ►a• reflect on sod inquire tato the resale -and it 1. j °Ya»' °tit inn trembled. hot os... 1 Coed Int se reasonable to believe that diWreat wee will arrive at differed institution is refit.°n to tie teflon nonan. of the B...io Ws are se pieva.crmoager-ori have so pl....s in vehoiag coags of ninth, ea to roasts. es sed ho and whispering toe the sere d everydte.ly, diatom/Nurse is, isterewgI We severally Is- elin to look oe the bight aide, and we, there- fore, feel mach regret ie acknowledgeg that ths principal and immediate result of the 8eseioe is pati& diseppnial.a1L It would be oro mush to my Nal way kudy hes teen disappoised, but it may very safely be a..rted that .very party feels diseppoided la the resale d the 8e,aioa.- W►.th.r Ibis general disappointment hen aloes from any positive sod flagrant tergiversation and lock of priseiple no the part of the Oo,rr.meet. or frau the iset That °anhind .Iweve eruct tee sank might Se question d very difficult solo - doe, and one which we .snnot pant to dseide. The vague promisee or pledgee which are int. Sorrell take° frim candidates for P°rliamenery hour*, do not allow room for any charge of bench of promise or violation of pledgee. A, map •' come. oat oo the Reform ti.bat," or os the' ••Coniendive ticket," sad nobody sok. any more oboes him -he r e0ve. th..apport of the party, ..d not one of the thnaond who vote for him can posaihly know anything of the man or his principles, farther than the very animpor tat flat that he sod he wu • Reformer. Tbi• indefinite manner of pledging, or rather, we should say, of ezpouedieg piineiples, leaves no ne room to eherge the members of the Gov- ernment with ioeonsietenry or a violation of fish -we remember little of the promise or de- claration which they made at the iivatings- but we take it for granted that they were net mach stereotyped declarations es are In comment on, and which, with a little extra "tet," eat be made to men eyerythieg or nothing. •Aud although we acknowledge thot dlsappeiatmeet which we, Is oommoo with the tea of the soon - manly. have experienced, yet we have net 'ef- ficient data to womnt es is shot/tog the Mists - try with a breath of bite ; the else, of the Beoia, we tbI.k t1e honest method of dealing with them, Is to judge than b, the Ai' of the Seesin mtbee than by the ledeflalts pro- misee of tomer years. W. heartily wish the missions of the Soeslm had ben mon worthy of eologiem Stan they really are. It bac been • osier S.wlo--tthe opposirio bas bees very week, red very mederete, and, been, the Acta that hays barn paced, may be takes me the rolaotery bead &&fibra Ave of the Genie - meet. The School Bill is the oly art of Ila Session ankh no be milled Icd, o, that e eel - canted to proles" permanent aril. This, thee. 1. one aide of the hennas, sed is the other cine 1e a member of geed nenseroa Ton is, for !ethane* the As.ewest 11I0 -t1. Pest OS.. Bill -the Jury B.H. sed s 11.11.1 d ether hoe pallia, bet .islet .ceras whole ere m houses law. ad whi► will leave a luso bailees. to fair of the G.vmssl.t. Awl en l..g se de heed arty M evil era a.e b the way of pros -en and. temente, right ss• ea Mo- deles lit a wbdeese of the ems 1• ewe►. Ws de sea noun . ,s of the policy of esehrwreng wee to as. diner. 11 the o eta sheik we door me Jsaat.M•, sad. eons the when, teeID i , .n 514.1* thes tire, Am. era • NO beam 0.1010400 as redo by the Aw obis& ase. s Neely Nies aloe& have bees lase. The Aero of 4 £.Mate,.- ttm w onm.s8r e M iib ef Imgeave.tasse, sad terse -ala Baldwiv mad lb Heat. may tau bus emu ep to whet aha paler es - peeled then ie • toren. pnrenp.ss the the .hie tele in sin irpshke re the ars. ate mbar • Imp these d te Imo we Sae the so 'mimeos. Mm of peals °•smeestea Nes- kh4J. -ps owes tau sass, end tha..l+e...- d.aa ave .w fwedd se soy sedan• of the deep.asr oa.sg•b bilge 4 hers es - vise. wegesese mei hem seers thramme la •slew of yieNloy. mid. Gwen *de mew eseolae • wtlp Into teegaeaiw d an M remompst tbocrM me 1 m ale oltgee and pelltie•1 .arm ebb. , r..sempte-Ib Pekoe ailed is Caen& was Ikjg Os lisps lag Lew rwfeea-e lues. majwfy of the I.....ast.ce w1. the Waitron a their hod .e Lewyva, sed es there le se 1Mlrapb is hems Mer. that ma proneet M e ng'i.la...44.117 against their ewe is mets, the bap° d 1r *Cos we Gans and irre"s•1. The lisped 6eaalal miens Is. ..der the mum ei,eumetaa..s, • .am of the mow elasa. The von . who wield otic financial reform ars the . most interested is preeesresg it. sed all heeded is "meso i.•e w saterml feats, Man'suitably sad Is dieepp°i•tutent. The Dins*. Coen 11511 introduced by Solicitor Gerard Melloasld ie • *rep in low reform greater thee timed rs•w Lolly be expeetd from as Assembly .f Lawyem sad may, la het. be regarded amine el the meet 1..- .fe1.l Ace of the Senia. A Dill 1. 0.ed sed replan the pnetiee is t1. Cogan Coen. ho- trod... by 11. Ho. ler. B..I.a, 4 Norfolk, eta wbiet ie espeetad lo harem" low, is another sum i• the d.r.aure d law keform, bet being framed by • Lawyer, it redeem. the nets by .li- stag ghost thirty per not toff she 8►er.d . h..: forty p.r ted off the Clink's h.k seal fn per mel of the La.ego►'. fen / Thi a is finally la ✓ emiss« with the lows of beams sante, bet. fi11I, ti b a i.pnr.s.et-aud,.rreaid7, a mesh se costal r.sierefly be imputed from .aieh iy sinamstee.re l.nos. we nnnot nota the *omel.hios. that 1.w.rw far the Ministry may hamat disappnist.d pahll. expeetali0 ds►iag t1*• pr...at Senn, • r..y considerable share of the dimppastin..i is • ttribetable to the immoral or extravagant sa- wnei the v;peeleum. M.eh d the holt lieu with the p..pl.-then is a lack dmnntnce- d .seeney_e/ rretb ,a the polltitieal er.dr.i, net d the Legislator. dose, but d the people mhos t►• primmest party tot lope power ! They saw. Is dui rapidly apre..►ug faun, Rohm Baldwin .ed Finds Niacin antes the orlon rot of the sent•s este spw.nkr, ..d petting fin to the cupcakes oboes d Caudle. Leine, *kite dee Irl vestige -of BriMI fens, uni Brims► ut►.rity wee being trampled a by • revelator ser, d.s.na.y ! Poor, dee Twin. how biter Meet he their dieappoistaat is lading libel t1. Lake. ad laaitedo• o/ t1*e ceeatr, are jest. - bat when they .pe to be -that Frena Husks ..d Robert B.Idens are an lief ler mrM►wvea is tearing op, and .,.rester/, sal d..uoyl.g thine as they app..ed, and that 'herds., t1. wham .f the gad old Tories Is lose .mtaia t1441 feet. ICP les '.111 be nee by a copy de Patties la another solemn, that the t.hateta.ta of M.Oil- livn, sod B.ddulph are again. to get rid .f their .osnedes with Hors.. The Peskin of Wm. Carter and others, iehab•uau of three Towm- shipe, praying to be attuned to the Comity .f Middlesex, hes already bees pn.ested la the nous of A..embly, end Imo t. &nether pitiire en the same ahject frau • differat piny. We wish them neon., for satinet each tepare- tone may be partially tent -nee to the inseams if the limos, sad unbend, sees the tow& Gaderich and a few iadnldala. Yet belietis' as we do, that " t►. grimiest poselble geed te the neatest possible •amber," a the rely the puk- e,, we cannot see why the obeli' iah.bilaw e/ 11iddelpb and McGilllvroy should be mbjaud so very gnat i000,al.s.ee sad aspens to oblige of Maett a few individeafa OT To C .-" C010001 Edge 'or the Ponies! Mashie.," is tee bag .r leow- doe is ed present tsar., tad rdt1..gh *trees, is rather ..vert -but if me freed "A Cues. - sleet," will clew as se make a low dight atlet- attsa, w* will endeavor eo End nom for 1t la eat Seal e QT Ws ate indebted to the Hon. Solicitor Gemmel McDonald. sad the floe. M. Ca.. fee eaadry Parliamentary papers. Communications. DIVISION COURTS. Camel. Warmish N. pi rails." The D.ereetee met•taiaed that be was sculled te mango for teen paper 1. orrt,J. Th. J.dp ant the NAVE.... Iles try this/Amt. sed Radad Net In war sodded te niers Millie. far mit.age. The seat di.patd item wee - Clerks bas.Itntsess N, copy 64, Search ltd, 1 6 Entry d 6 seapone•s, 3 4 Serve' du 3.. mlbage on du 6e, 9 0 6 Witnesses Is° 6d, attachment • ►.. . T. u s. ffd 1 to peeeee d (loud. na byea The is allowed by the First Ifni. Jury 8s, Serving l. 64, het for It. &alma, It wu alleged that the pods Debt (a• yob 4 wide) had bees kept to a paewr.- field at t1. rota Tea abdliap pre meetb. bet is wee Ro.f.J that b1 1he,alove Aet, 1. was nu• tied to 3. 9d per day. It ►aa.I.a4.b.es maoer- taimed that Mr. W alias*, the Bailiff. paid for the keep OM. cattle eel, 9s 6d, so abet by 111111 item note. the your Baihf, who runt 4.• hy ►u .Oe., pocketed n Imo than t'creeg, SUIn.ga. At the sloes of the Biwa` it was foetid, that the rota allowed by the Judge, to a suit to te- ener L3 la 3d. aa..id to the large ..m of Peer Porno Sin.ea NAtl/iags 4. Sedan Peace. ahead this case he allowed to form a prece- dent t. Lenient" Coate tbro.gboat the Province, it ma.t be headset that se poor tone, or timid ilea, would treetops a &than ►.m..0 ageism soy .1.ise brought eat so instant v• a Cowi,aad cawing tad b)..tip might .00 ride r.s.pad ems 11. Ind. 1 de act pressing to blaine ay of the parity..oe.en.d la the cs.r-1 do sot eves blase the Ba.lif, slabo.gb he doslated his was rennin to a►. She most of hie office, foe thin la homes eaten, altlach wt at of its meet amiable Haines ; bet who leeks for ami. - him is • Baditf t Yet is is s .esm.rsbls Int, (et whish Cooed Mesta isle a ed err.) that elle sew plait of I.eki.g beekm Fins Veneta for high feta, lea enraged the sew Bat - la, W &Lars. ; and that eat obsess Sidi&, Mr. H. Reed, ad sthem mover nursed Is it, bet if Bailiff Witham. be right, the Law is west, sad oaths to be weeded f rtbwitb. Still lees da 1 blame Jedge Mead, and bort as as Aimee n hes Gen, 1 a►.rf.11y bar testi- mony le t1*e *gum. pilaus with whish be ie- ve.agates .tory ease teat mum before Yin. sad N ►e seethes desire to deal impartial notice to all pori, and to that eau 1. skewed a desire to thhes the arro..ne claim made for seen, if he °mid rely en sew te do it, sed fives remisd.d tot Bailiff that laio bad spokes of wavier tore Filuas Shallow d hie claim. Bet ben the Harriet.,, eras to hie prohssieal habits, with men pentanes & flippancy, rotted. each a en- enoie*, tad 1 feel p.rfeedy satisfied that Judge Asked is doodles the differed Potato of the ease, did se honestly to the best of We tediums t, bet It sane .ae.dingly wraps that se math e►ald 1e lett so bat judgm.at. The Legislature has famished se with vanes Division Court Ase, .h on avowedly Weeded N amen, or exMali its predecessor, and... one of these GO tae as the E11t1 Visions. Yet here we find a Judge w1*e fob himself at liberty to walk beck .ver the bade dell Asea Diautre Coen Acts te sasses. banal( the Find Vietai°, .hap. xvi, emitted " As Ad to ngelaes the esu of lents' distresses for call Rena sad Pe.dtw.," Wen he alas dinner what hoe lits Bailiff Is j..tly entitled to in a ordinary sit for OSe Pond O°e S►illist and Three Pesos. Hose. there meet be something Radical- ly wrong, sad I hop that you, Mr. Editor, and other pe►lla lamination will denies mune to bring the matter prominently be- fore the Legislature, that a Division Court Bill may he paned a plain, -So .naaa- kesble in its provuioos t►at it may serve to Rule the Judge., and thee prevent them from Reling to each an *cleat u has bees exhibited is this cam. i may kens* explain, that this was an attachment ease which served to inerts... thereinto. Th. Bailiff bad called with the ..mmoes twice on as day and becalms he fared the house .hot up, altho.gh he knew well that . Religious mooting was held in the neighborhood which .igbt sc.oant for the eircnm.tana., he reported to the Plain- tiff t hat is hie spinus the Defendant, was cortvesling himself to evade service, spot which the Pl.inti6 swears that b. ha. good reason to believe and• dome verily believe that the Defeeda.t is concealing himself to defraud him t1*. Deponent epos which as atteebment issues forthwith. Toss what was Intended as a protection to the Creditor against hie fr.sdelawl debtor, may be twe- ed into as *woe of opposition agm10.t the poor but honest debtor, so long as the whole process L allowed to depend nue the mere opinion of a Bali . Io this cam the unfortunate debtor wait by this proces put beyond the pale of the Ihvi.ios Court Act, which provides that every Defeadael . hall be served at least sic clear day. before the day of trial bat be woe served with three papers on Wednesday and his cue decided on the following Saturday. Another way in which a vindictive Credi- tor may increase sesta to as i.d.6ntt. amount, 1. by , an number of witnesses. .1. this eat the net was proved by Iwo wKessees, a third wee called who mid he knew nothing sheet ter, but when the Bill of sot. was made oy eaten witnesses were charged at 34 6d sub beside. mileage he. It was wteadied that the Defendant could only M witwred to pay such witnesses u were celled said examined to Court. The Judge .4o'nl this to be a great evil and that tf net check- ed, a l'leintily might brier 60 .r IM Pe- nnies, ho .truck off the one who keel. nailing about the case, and although It may fairly be inferred that the oaten were of the same .ort, he cor1J devise so ether remedy than to .end fur the Platserf who swore that he conadered them all nestereal and ni.e.mry witnesses, but whin eked why he did not call them, he eajd hie .spat did not consider them .ee.teary, yet the D.(endeot was addled wteb thin co.to.- This hi as evil which ought to ba rs.edied in ally new Bill ; parties who Issas '.tase- es and do •ot call them should pay them. I have to apologies for the length of this stational, oa its troth to every put you may rely, and although I do sot give .y same to the public at large. You have ttv e nd it is at the eervtee of any tee pereeref- ly interested is the matter. The BIR d TO Tal sorrow OT vee MOON notal.. 8v, -it will marbly be edenheed that few quietism are of more tmpertem to the people el We thu that of chap Law -besot ths ration attempts that brae bee. an w sew tee- ing made is ear Legislative Aa embly, *it'd'', iter uses. And bee the het, that • Bill Is raw be- have Me Mertes es *mud the jenedlati. of Davi- dee Coen' to a nick higher amain thea Uric tame, weeny lake that Itis the gesenl °piure that them Cutts, as sow o...u.atd, pram a IoniaNn felt titedel of what Law Coots oegbt M b•, old 1 feel omen that no perms at all see - veinal whit IIs pure! eroding of t1*... Curie wilt...setae that seder ay eaeeivvble einem- sums% the sem et a mit 1• the Divi.ios Gun see 0511, M Wee .ze ad the amuse sod for,se Is albs she ear la the higher Carta Bet the hA.way eau will the. that the olliciak of let Cent, eat, win et..a serves, s apply the -- or to wee the some hr boyod ths a- ssess wed fee. • At the lest stetter/ of Division Court Ne. I, held la 0.derish, a.as. woo tried by a buy who had 4 the Plelaei6 the fall 'menet sued for, .sourly, 13 M 3d. with nets. The debt was pond, bee wart Clerk eosld set tell what the assts wen, they were allowed to lay over. Some elms slew he made op a Bill of sosa amounting es 14 41a /0d, see Item dwWeh was Bailiff's stem L3 la Thie w demurred to by the De- f.sdase'e wet, rood the mater well referred 10 the Join, who °ppo.ated Wednesday, the tW slime% to vpa the gentian oldie Bailiff. seer At that .eeueg there appeared for 'the Iln0ht • B•n,mer leased fa the law, and for the oweie.l Dehodast,a apreb.oiooal Gentleman wh.n brute hobby is se eerie.' cane in th. Nehru Cert, the oily ave is whub his uni- ties lass elmomble. The first psis t on wbiob a dt.ee.elss wee miesd. was, by what Staten tin IhMld•is few were related, -(or the defende it w.. •lauded that by the 8th Vie. chap. 37, srL ami. he was .wetiv.a6ad tre the soned- ed.Oleos te•Mt An ad, ilia wadi of the SWIM ore, w Aad he it epee tad, That in lin of sit e&ola of nee M the .red recited Act d, Nen Mal he pant& .s WWI pnerading is the mid Daytimes Court, sad to the Clerks, sod Bai- liff/of the mid Curti reepwetfvely, the tees whit\ i e sot deem to the uhd.k err lair dM stuaesed, sed a..MM." New, to soy mss e( seizure espenty, this mut app.nr quite eomle- wive, bet as tee said schedule da. aot.l4w • siath pan d the h.e charged in this ease, the Waren Dernom. nested that he bad a nght te fell book upon t1. Ent Vie. .hop. tri. as Ao whish seeks. so Amiss to Diemen Carts, bi- ome e thee by the A.t 4.11 .•d 3th Vic. chap. 3, we. 33, le is provided abet fess. ter ...vie« 0d rales shall be within the p..vieiese a/ mid /firm Vic chap. set, alie.gle W Bek Vi.teru we a Au to emend the 4th mad Sth. Tin lodge said he had mlertai.d great double este this view of the eon end he had t( ...a it resters del.beratioe, with • ense te she 4.eidm .f this ea.. d • em, he he had dissented that while ss.. svui.f eaten 37, 8th Vienna, re- pealed the sends led fees aseesed es W d► talo V.tori., it w West recording •ootio.53, whish referred to the Pine Visionia, therefore, f.ntwith.taadieg the apparently essel..ive weeds w ed no ether, he r.1.1 that the Bailiff might .- veil ►impel) el the fees allowed hy tit tint Vie. ,\aper zri Tbie decision newel • door in► th• dtmi.eion of the whole of the goo; bet nee item Pelmet Shilliap fm miler., ht.s4131 en a ken d,seassi s. The 301111'. et .hat B. oeg 8°msseee, $eni•g Nieties fee Jon, 4 Mileage, err / / 0 Iwni•g se Atmeh..el, 9 3 Mileage 1 0 e d tee hong geeetlaed, he oimit..d that he performed all the work oe thunes day, sad m- I T. G. MORGAN, ty .revelled .he distenos nee. Clerk 1.1 Division Court. Fat the Defeed'nt it was eewedel !hat ht Gorman -Ft, illy 34th, 18601 emld only elsri a miner, as the Art .r. tamisty.071. y • mu. 0.14w tn.nehae 0aL1en lroerri eAI' . n• WL Calelrot►. •• tyre from the Clerk's Ace to see 8amma. or To Setif. fates oto attacb...t, 119 9 4 By beset, 13 5s, O 9 1'11 6 3 1 3 17 17 to 3 a 0 1t It 10 Received the fill amount of the above w it in loll Iron Jobs Clarke, Seq. T. G. MORGAN, Clerk lel Dianf.s C.i.rt. 3lrm. No. 1 Division Court. 111001n• re. MCxt•In.. To argue can for Mr. Willman, bailiff, nn W'minenday 21th July, buries Judge at Clerk's office. sat LIST'S ♦cC0m11. Serving Summons, 10 Mileage, 0 Serving Notice for Jury, 0 Mileage, 0 Levying on Anselment, 0 M nage, 0 Appraising goods mend, 0 Paying f impish/ere, 911 ed ooh, 0 Keeping poeae.ioo of goods 6 days at 3. 9d per day, 1 O 6 6 0 O 6 5 9 6 a 6 9 0 6 0 4 0 6 12 9 d P. A. The Baillff'reterned 911. -It having hove decided bybis own reference that he had ed te distance by two mile. MALI', 95th July, 1850. D. Beery, Eegaire,-Bir,-We th. sedersiped Inhabitants of the Township of Biddalph and McGillivray, do regent that you will gall a pab- ho Meeting immediately, a1 the most icor plan, for the porpoee of taking iato eeeeidertia the propriety d Politiopng the Legislative As- sembly iodinate throe two Townships (rem the County of Huron, one of the United Counties of Hera, Perth and Brute, sod unite the aforesaid Townshin to the County of Middlesex. [Bigeed] James Barber, J.P.,.Perer Logan, Monk., Wt . Williams, Thos. Lewis, John W. Man, Jam.a Caren, Wm. Has, Wm. Rise, A. C. Rin. J. Monde. flannel Bradley, David Man, Hoary (,'Neill, Wm. O'Neill, Thomas Neill, John Harem, Elia Harem, Pat. Conway, Robs Hodgins, Dean% Ludas, Meroht., Thos. Collis., A. 8attou. la compliance with the above Requisitim, I mesiaae sad sppoin Ts..day,the 30th of Jily, lesaat, at 2 ...lock, p.m., at Mr. Patrick Tla.- spa's iia, at MoOilhvey. [Sig.d] D. 81t0F7, J. P. At a Patine Mooting held by the I,bibita•te of the Toweehipe of Bi ldolph and McGillivray, et Fluapa'o Tavern, on the Lada Rod, on the 30th net. for the parpeee of taking into coeeidentise the propriety of Petitioning the Legislative Assembly to din.iw the aforesaid two Townships from the County of Heron, sad o uch them to the Coady of Middlesex, when the following person were thorn, viz: Daniel Shoff, Esq. animas, and Patrick Finegan, Secretary. The followisg Resolution were proposed and aasiMessly tarried :- t. Moved to James Pen, Esq., ..cooded by Mr. Robt. Haden, sad Remised, That coosid- er ns the antes of the Teesside. of Biddelp► sed M.Oilliveav, sad ib. man great iseoovusi- eseee the ishabitane tonne( are exposed :o. is consternate of their base attached to the Canty of Hone, sad the ocespe.ty they en se- der of tr.telhat sere.s.able diseine, is iuelr that sienna d the year. ad through had made, for tmomen°g peblis bear .t Goderiet. ad eo•s°fssieg tis .umpratieely e.a41 distaste of the mid Teewthip. tars. Leona. the County Te.s 4 tGY.sa► Onlibigneterfacilities Nat mist d • `'n with the latest, .t ie the ops,.e of the meesiy, that tthe oath tee Towss►.ps esght, elvish, , es he sereno& to the Cower d Mtdb.e, named 1 etre Cosy et 3ee.. t. Mored y Leeman Berry, T. C..rsad- d by tared Se•dl.r. sod Rotelved. That a esmr.Moe d lav be esmpmed d Ms idewtsg Gestelesorth,ver : M. boos tater, how Peso. Peru* yiamtla. D Naf, seed Arum ♦arta, to lona 'Crewing le rues.., w.eeree se sorry ince gibes aha Lus nowesm.a t. Mewed by J.... Ibe e, W ove.sded y Pause 70. r . sod Rmod.ed, That Mt Chaim i sworn impose d the Remie- ti... d M M..us te Wes hares. Vs M P ► math the rptee there he eel be gad r- owel • am the w eeee .ad innm r hew the w ees.ed mo seem O. gar=C1mm. Pavers ►t.... et. ir.na •pOGrl.mr jibs Jtlyb lDlb PVZE LBO 0.111111,111101FDINTRICT aA>B Al 11C11I00L. G.ad, Willow C.st 1.41 lege, tiler .1.a A.Mi.m C•m3a.l1 d. J.ei.reses, Th.... Womb& EagIV 0sammor, t.wi r slam Charles Rich d. Jouise dna, g4,0.d Leese Soipew, William COotpbrtl. £..4ish, Mair elem. Witham C•rlsebell. do. June slam Rewieed Sane. Hnimy, Seems Masa. Willem Camelot!. da Jester elem. Charles Rah. Gwpeby, Smiw cram, William Campbell. e Janne eine, Al.rude" Rdesnson costa i Isere with yet for the laepeelen es Arid. etiu, Willem Campbell. aha Omrlois. I and, Sir. yes, obedt. eery*. til Pr.e(itsoaer is Ma Amos Cowl. "Goderieb, June loth 1860. 55 .sot NIOe1 v.. 5.1110. ercxeilWOl• 0..mons 10 0 6 O 0 6 3 0 6 O 0 4 O 3 O 3 6 O 6 0 1 0 O 1 9 It 1 0 Binh Entry 7 Subpoenae Serving d.. Millais on do. 7 Wltnws.es Attaeho.ent Baliffe Coats Ole d•. 13 19 4 O 6 0 O 7 ed 11 10 3 1 L7 15 1 do. her bevieg .rived most of the gen- tian proposed at extra ban daring the cur - easy.( the yew, Willem Campbell de. de. Jannis elms, John Elwood. Gessam y, Suer slam, Alenrder Wallas*. de. Jester date, Thom.. Weedlig. Withal', 1.t John Elwood. de. tad JIM*. Hsgnrt. Resiaatios, 1.t Tomas WodliR. d.. ted Wluiam Caepbru. Weaker, de Anemias., de. EXPLOSION OF THE AMERICA ON LAKE, ERIE. A telegraphic report received last even• lag from t1*e town of Frio on Lake Erie communicates the following:melancholy io- letellirnee.:- Thib morning wheel of Barcelona 05 hoe dowawerd paroag0. the .turner .4ess i- wo Id - 1. Assistant Eeriner's body wain fined alder the ennk. The deck. of the i11 bled re- set are literally tete up and otherwise In- jurred. 86e was towed Into Eno by the .Aleiwata. As near as can he aeeertai.ed. .27 ars scalded. of whom 9 are deed, 6 le 8 buy,, perk'', mortally wounded." -Globe. se estops& her steam chest, instantly inegg est of the Assistant Engineers sail oder peresse, •• well ea dreadfelly a fag several. 13 of them mortall Provincial parliament, From a. (abbe. HOUSE OP ASSEMBLY. SATURDAY -July 3711*. P.titloee received and read :- Of the Rev. A1Jruw Balfour, Minister, wed others, Church Wardens of the Scot Paul's Church In the Tuwsabip of Kiosay, and 8t. Mark's Church in the Township of Durham,lhd►ct of lit.tranos., praying that .I$eur.e be adopted to choline ell labor on the Lord's Day in the Portal Dupartmenl olithe public service. Of the Grated Division of tits Sons of Temperance of Cae•da West, representing one l.Lodred and fifty one Subordinate Di- vision*, praying that the Bill for the sup• proration of Intemperance may by passed unimpaired. Of the Muoieipality of the Township of Waterloo, praying that the County Sat of the proposed County of Waterloo may not be established at G.It, and that no divi°iuo be made of the said Township of Waterloo. Of the Municipalityof the Township of Wellesley, praying tat no division hounds of the Township of Waterloo until the County Seat of the proposed now County is decided upon; that a our Muoieipality be formed out of the South halve. of Patel sad Muyborough, aaJ added to the mid proposed County, and that t1*. County Beat thereof he oot estab4,bed at Galt. Hon. Mr. BADGLEY, from the Standing Committee au Pr.vate lulls, reported on the Bill to alter and amend two several Acts respectfully in the h and eight year of Her pru.eat Majesty's reign, 'Mating to too Trust and Loan Company of U. C.; and the Bill ad Report wore committed for Monday text. On motion of Mr. ROSS, the Report of the Select Committee on the guinea Wa- ter Works Bill, was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr.MALI.00H, the Coon ell's amendment. to• the Bill to incorporate the Bytowo and Montreal Telegraph Cum- pacy, were taken lata consideration, and agreed to. Mr. TACIII: int►odeeed a Bill to °onlin- ue and amend the Act for the better suoos- ragement of Agriculture in Lower Canada; --snood reading on Monday nest. On mottos of Mr. PERRY, au Address was voted to Hu Ex..11oocy, for a full and complete statement of all moneys paid to religious denominations, churches, congre- gations or Individual ministers of religio°, or the widows or families .( minister., from tits year 1814 to 1810 inclusive, spei- fyi.g the °amen of parties, receiving, the t Dates, and amounts paid t. each, showing from what fund the ane was paid, whether from the Casual and Territorial revenue, or from the mends of salsa or rent of Clergy Reserves, or from any other public fend whatever ; also, a similar statement of all grants of hods, of whatever deseription, made to the various religious denomina- tions, churches, .ongregatioao or individual ministers of religion, /or any purpose or pretension whatever, sh.wiog the nature sod terms of the same, the date of the grant and intent of .t1*• land so given, made or granted in each reip.tive ease, with the same or names of the party or parties re- eening the same. 10o motion of the Hon. Mr. Merritt, the ()Dymond Bill, from the Council, intituled, "An Act to prolong the time for the comple- tion of the Gilman Breakwater, !rubor mod Pier," win ordered to be read a second time on Monday neat. - An engrossed Bill to iocorporat. the Pi- lots for and above Quebec, was read the third lime, and passed. lion. Mr. CAMERON moved, that the Bill to exempt a eer►aib amount of goods and ehattles of certain kind., front seizure, under eceeut.oa in °i►i: asses, be oow read a second time. Mr. SMITH of Froatenao mored in a- mendment, abet tA. Ball be read a second trine this da rex months. Y..s.-Messes. Armstrong, Badgl07, Att. Gm. Baldwin, Cameros of Cornwall, Cartier, Chabot, 8o1. Gen. Drummond, Porter, Powder, Poerquu, Ceugy, Guillet, /leeks, Lacoste, Att. Gen. Lafontaine, Limmees, McDooald (Kietrotoa,) Meter - land, Melees, Methot, Meyers, Nel.on, Poeta, Price, Robueon, Roes, Slott of Mout/wee, Mot/wee, Smith of Frontes , Bu- s/00m , Teske, Tholepins sod Viger,-33. Nara. -Meer.. Bell, Burnt t, Cameron of Koonil1w,tt, F.rgu.aa, 711.1, Holt/Dee, Lome, Mount, Perry, Richards, k South d Weetwenh.-1t. A• engroe..td Bill to Incorporate the Q.rbe. sad St. Andrews Railroad Co. was reed the sects& dime and pawed. A. eegreeeed Bill, to remove certain &Nebo repestieg the finishes of the Act e t the last Suwon of the Pantaloon of this Preemie, foe aeteedreg the Charter of the Udver.,ty. of Tor..te, sad to provide for ths reetiteteos and endowment of Regius t ad Profeeeorehipe, Lectureship*. Fellow elope, Scships, Ezlib,tins., Prizes,and other ro in tie said University, an.. with t1*. lege and Royal Grammar School of Upper Canada College, forming as appendage thereof, win read the third oma arril pissed. On motion of Mr. FERGU88ON, the order of the day (or the second reading of t1*. Bill for the erection of certain tematory in IJppr Canada into a New County a be called the County of Grey, and for certain purposes relating to bush new county, wit discharged. Hoa. Mr. CAMERON of Kent moved, that the bill to prevent the seizure and tale of the homestead in satisfaction of dgllt, in imitate considerations, be oow read a Wooed time. Mr. SMiTH of Frontons° moved, in amendment, that the Bill be read a sewed time this day six months : Ys•s :-Memi.nra. Badgley, Att. Gehl. Baldwin, Cameron of Cornwall, Cartier, Chabot, DeWitt, Sol. General Drummond, Dumas, Fonryrein, Golfo, Guillet, thinks, Eacost., Att. Gon. D.afoataine, L•Terriere, 1..m,eur, Macdonald of Kingston, McFar- land, Methot, Prince, Richards, Robinson, Ross, Scott of Bytows, 8mith,(Frontensc) Stevenson, Tache, and Vigor. -98. NATE-Mesieur.. Bell, Doulton of Nor- folk, Borritt, Cameron of Kent, Fergusson, Holme, Laurie, and Perry. -t. The Rill to emend an Act to secant the right of property in British Plantation Tits - e els navigating the inland waters of this Province, and not registered under the Aet of the Imperial Parliament of the United Kingdom, pseud In the third and (earth caof the reign of his let. Majesty King years William the Fourth, intituled, "An Act for the RegistenogQ of British Vessels, and le (militate tran.(ore of the same, and to pr. - vent the fraudulent assignment n( ley pro- perty in such vaeel.," was read the second time, and ordered to he engrossed, and read the third Btu on Monday oozy. .. • 2,101/41, res. I J*3ON mixt: jah4441714fty44:141111: to rovers all double u to C.vwn IM.ffltoL1otl the late bt District sofWall i By -Leg .Is ua6 feat la•ds," sed to provide for the collodion et the raw t om 1p si.bp,54..14 car -L.4% he M• W r, MALLOClf otetvd in amsaldanot_. That the 8.11 be reed a sowed time thle day IdAFor tL. emeodmcot-33. Against -11. A Message was received from the tegi.- Iatue Cu uncil, agreeing to a followisg Bills, without ameedebest :-818l 10 Meer. pont. certain persons under the oa.o of the Vaughan Heed Compeer; BSI to paras lauds in Upper Canada to he conveyed to Trustees for Burial places ; Bill to coatis.• for a limited Dine thereto mentioned the Act for the better defence of t1*. Prone., and to regulate the Militia thereof ; Bel to amend the Aot to iocorporath the ll.c1so• ice loctitute of the city of Termite: Bi11 to e nable the Provi•ciatGoversment fe die - pose of claims against certain Co.pasioe for Loans rnaJo to them under ths soden • ty of certain Acte of tho Parliament of Up- per Canada ; Bill to appropriate the.0neye arising (remit/utter" oo Tavern Lioness Is the county and oily of Mosinee', towards defraying tho cost of the new court hoses to bo erected io the eity of Montreal ; Sill to grant further powers to the Masthead Fir., Life and Inland Navigatioo Compsay, and to change the name of the said Gaper - ' lion; And also, with the Proofs lac & enu on which is fnu°died the •ogrossed Bill t. enable John Counter to obtain s Patent for making Stoves of a now pattern and on • new principle. Tb. Moose went into committee ea the [fill for abolishing Impnsonmeot for Debt and after sum* time spot theme, the com- mittee ruse and reported ptugress, and re- quested leave to .it again. And the question being put, Thal the commit a have lave to sit again, %bi lout► divided :-- Ye.19. Nays -39. On online of the Hoe. M►. BOULTON, the said Bill was referred to the Select committee on t1*. Hill to sheltie Imprison- ment for Debt, excepting he .sea o/ hand, and to extend the remedy by Writs of Es.- s•tios. Tb. r.malnistt Orders of the day were postponed till Monday next, upon a divisive; Aud toe Hoee adjeursed to the same day. PARLIAMENTARY PROCILEDiNGA. le the House Inst night, Mr. Bolisitnt General Maedoseld's DivWoa Court Bill passed through Committee with some amendment., Mr: Haldwi.'. J.ry Bill was also passed through Committee of the Whole. The House was engaged till a Ian beer on the diaureioo of the.stitsate.-Gie1., Astral 9rd. PROROGATION OP PARLIAMENT. We undentaad that it Is Intended that the Ilouse shall be prorogued o. Friday, iootead of Thursday, as formsely stated. - Globe, Aug. 3rd. FURTHER NEWS BY TIIE CANADA. ENLAND. The proceedings of Parliament are d too general i•terest. Hit Thomas Wilde Ins bees promoted to the " wool rack." The present Sir Robert Peel, has leen .luted for Tamwortl without opposition. The cholera has broken out in I.oMdoa. Weather and Drops are very .ati.festory. Boston Yankee Professors of Biology are exercising their art in Great Britian, but ineffectually. PRANCE. The law evilest the Press hes blas passed by a large majority. it insr.amms the amities mosey eooraotsly, and stamps are imposed. Every article mut bia signed by the author. The 6nameel 1a busgrad, mod export° emetic ineres•ed. INDIA AND CHiNA. The overland mall reached London es Fnday. The dater art Calcutta 1st, Mad- re, Juno 811*, China 93rd May. The political iat.11igsoce u of so hopor- (.ne.. lodia was tnngsil. A serious epidemic hest broken tet st Canton which resembled theellow fever 11 the Wert ladles. it is said to he hiva- risbly fatal, and in most eases in shout If boors. Tho shelties was raging frightfully 53 Casbodia. Dutnrb•nee. continued et Baku folioed. ' A(1STRiA AND HUNGARY. Tbo butcher Hayrms has been dismissed in disgrace from a1 Uoveremeot o/ Hea- Fuy , DT TltaoaAr'tt, Friday, Miguel IL ENGLAND. The Ilouse of Commons have voted £2000 per ania1ti , to the family of the late Duke of Cambridge. Tho British Government aro about to purchase for 110,000 the Danish forts es the coast of Africa, making the line of Wit communication and def.see cootplete. The Landon Times eye a latter frees Marseilles dates that the American Cor- reue Eris which was anchored there, bad on board the Turkish Minister, who wait proceeding to Washington. The President of the Chinese CW ee% died very soots after the Emperor. RANCE. Leal. NapoleoFn po.itivol wood w, twenties any Mloi.1.r to the demand o/ the majority. -Globe. ARRIVAL OP T1111 STEAMER 0A - NADA. New York, July 31st. The Canada arrived at kalifs: at 7 dshtd thio morning, and sailed fol New Yo/H with 176 passengers. Cotton advanced -Floor Is 111 le My, prices nominal -Corn is dull, 1. lower.- • Provisions -Beef is .xoeodingly doll -MOM Pork, mon eogtlry-Prl.e attrauta ass at- tention-Bacoo, tome guiltier is fair de- mand for Indeed, better de.criptiose lo.k- ing op ; Hams, da11 ; shoulder, largely called for. The roe* arrived at Liverpool at half - pmt 5 os Wredss.dar torula , 101 days from New York. a sMA11 the day previow al ialf-jest 3. 1 f e Nr New York. At the latest dates LM' alt IM ora off Ltebolt, bet ths pp.* WM. i'be Mu with re fffbM to the i eed twee/ Porters iced W BOW States