HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-12, Page 1737 8, 4, ) A .8 4- A. 81 BOOTS For the Coh Weather Insulated, rubber & leather,, never a cold foot. Rubber Footwear for men, boys " children. 4 l• A 44 .4 4 A 4, .4 4. A- SKATES For Everyone SLIPPERS RoMeos, Plaid. Slippers for men, boys & children. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY Wuerth's Phone 252 Exeter Free Jackpot Coupons Dancing, Zurich Community Centre Every Friday .Night Music by the MELOD1E MAKERS Admission 75p Sponsored by Zurich Lions Proceeds for Children's Park Lyric Theatre • THURS., FRI. & SAT. ° December 12, 13 and 14 44. "BILLIE, THE KID" * Robert Taylor * Mary Howard NEWS " CARTOON MON., TUES. & WED. DecoMber,16, 17 and 18 "THE LEATHFR SAINT" * JohnDerek * Jody Lawrence & ADDED SHORTS ( 11* 4, 4. 4 4. 8. .4, COMING - "FUNNY FACE" * Fred Astaire * Audrey Hepburn Clandeboye Comments $y MK PATON 4dles Elect 'OfflOors :Mrs. Andrew Carter was re.. elected president. of the W.A. at Ui Joint meeting of the W.A. and .Gulld of .St. .Jaines church held in the church, schentroeni. Honorary president is mrs, J. P. Prost; vice president,. Mrs. Emily Tomes; secretary -treasur- er, Mrs. Karl O'Neil; Dorcas corrimittee„ Mrs. A. •liendrie, Mrs. J. Hewitt and frs. Roy Mer pianist, Mrs.. James katon. President -of • Ladies' GUIld is MrS. Ray Hodgins; vice, presi- dent, Mrs. Ernie Lewis; seely.treas., Mrs. Cecil. Cartes; :ass% Mrs. Roy Cunningham, • W.A. president Mrs. Andy Carter, presided for the meet- ing and was assisted in the de- votional period by .Rev. J, Prest, Mrs. Karl O'Neil and Mrs, Wil- fred, Cunningham. The financial report given by the treasurer Mrs, show- ed allocations had been met. The Christmas meeting will be held •on Friday, December 27. Personal Items 88 Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Simpson visited with their son, Clifford, recently, Mr. Simpson is im- proving following an accident when he was a patient in Vic- toria •Hospital, London, Mrs. Omar Cunningham., Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cunningham at- tended the Glencoe High School commencement exercises re- cently, The former's son, Mr, J. Ernel is the principal of the school, -.Mrs. Lynn Sawyer and son, David George, spent two weeks with her mother, Mrs, Emily Tomes, who is improving at her home, She underwent an opera- tion and spent Several weeks in Victoria Hospital, , Mr. and Mrs, J, Wilson have sold their home here to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evers of Lucan. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson have taken up residence in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynas of Lon - My ThAnks to all those who voted for me Bill Musser don have taken up residence in the 'village in the 'home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lewis. who. have taken tip, residence :in ...orento. Lucan News _-Continued Front Page- iS Refused A further adjournment of the charge of breaking' and entering the C.N.R. Telegraph office: .here against Wilfred Chauvin, 31, of 'Windsor, was orderee. lYlagis. trate F.,' G. McAllister .m County Magistrates court, :Chauvin was arrested 10 days ago by Police Chief Dennis At- kin& charged with breaking into the office...on NOv:. 22. ,Chauvin sought bail in court but Crown Attorney Alan Baker requested a remand to Dec.. 6 to complete in- vestigations.' Magistrate McAllis- ter instructed Chauvin to apply for bail at his next appearance, Linen Turf Club g facts ,Officers Neil McRann was named presi- dent of the Lucan Turf Club at a meeting last Wednesday, Past president is Dr. L. C. Hall: vice-president, Don Abbott; see,- treaS., Jack Hardy; board of di- rectors, Norman Hardy, Clifford Shipley, Roy Hodgins, -Dr. L. C. Hall,Don- Beating', Clarente Young, Sheridan Revington and Murray Abbott. Chang, of Dote . • ' The December meeting of the Lucan W.J. -will be held in the Cornmunity Centre today (Thurs- day) 'instead of Dec. 19, Mrs. Paul Thomson, of the Pentecost!. alChureh, will be the 'guest speaker. • , Personal Items. Mrs, Richard Hodgins, Misses Ashy and Edith and Dick, of To- ronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs. C. W. Itawkshaw, and called on Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Murdy and fan3ily, To all those who supported me at the polls . . . A Sincere Thank You Glenn Fisher ••• New 4-81EAIVI HEADLAUVtPS light the way for C)L.A0.erncobility. Lo-Litee (outside beams) give 150 feet more visibility! HI-Litee (all four beams) 0114 More light in an improved pattern! Reduce glare for greater night driving safely! - 0-1050-A4 NOW! SEE THE FEATURES OF THE FUTURE AT YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER'S! .-.714 Battle Of The Vette Exeter Mohawks (Undafeataci In Three Games) Luian Irish (10-0 Wihnors bye'. Blackwell) , IN. A "BIG" DOUBLEHEADER Firit Game At Luton Friday, Dec. 13' Exstek moHAvyks VS. LUCAN IRISH - 6:36 "Will LIMOS MeV. Their Irish *Up?" Second Game At Exeter Saturday, Dec. 14 LVCAN IRISH. VS. EXETER MOHAWKS '9:00 "The Tribe Is Oh The Warpath" Three Win $10 in Village Draw The first a the Lucan littsiness Men's draws was held at the side of the NU -,,Way Motors At 3 p.m. Saturday In the height. of the weekend snow storm n spite of the weather, only four nanteis were drawn to get three winner* The absentee was Joanne Van Russell, The thre'e SW winners were Helen Thompson, .Shipley Sickle'', and Cecil IVIullins. Ticket holders have to be present to merit 4 prize. The next draw will be Made at next Saturday, School Board, Moeting One of the main Items dis- cussed at the Public School Board meeting at the school last Thurs. day was the setting up of a school Patrol system. - C.O.I.T. Mrs.- Charles Sovereign had charge of the worship service in the United Church par- lors last Monday night, She told the story of "The Light of ,the Lighted Lamp." The sum of $29.51 was realized for checking wraps at the Ma- sonic banquet. The annual Christmas party is c. . an e vesper service Dec, 22. During the craft period, col- larsand hymn -book markers were .completed anfl, Christmas corsages begun. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs, Maurice MeDen- ald, Joyce and Mrs. Will Dickins spent last Sunday in Springfield, the guests of, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Noels. Guests with Mr. and Mrs, Hen- ry Hedging includedf Mrs, Gar. field Needham and Ivan, of Bal- lymote, on Friday, Mrs. Garnet Isaac and Doris and Mrs. Ada Ings, of London, on Saturday. The draw on the lace table- cloth sponsored by the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church was made at 5 p.m., Saturday, at the bazaar. The winner was Mrs, Will Dickinfi of Princess St, • Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Smith spent last Thursday in Thames - ford, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kilmer. This was Mrs. Smith's first trip since her recent illness while in the west. Owing to other activities the date of the Coursey school Christ- mas concert has been changed from Dec. 16 to Dec. 18, Messrs. Donald and Billie Bent- ingspent the American Thanks- giving with Dr. and Mrs. Ken Banting, of Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Bennett have moved into the house vacat- ed by, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laughton and family, on William Street.' f - Wayne Culbert, who was hos- pitalized after - being knocked down. by a car while delivering Report ,On Thames Rood I By MAL 0. 11.,, ----------- Zxotar were out** on Sunday Waite Gift Anfl with )4r. and Ma. Wee Pao- gix.clay whit* ob .Mooting The annaa,1 8•M Dias Meeting took the form of .4 :turkey. banquet on Thursday evening 41. the church basement, TVventy-six members Attended. ! The meeting came to order; with the, singing. -,a-Christinas carols, Mr, Ethirm .con-! ducted the meeting. Mrs. Lorne Passmore and Mrs. Abner Vasa - more took part in the. worship' service, Mrs. Edwin Miller read: the, story "The Legend -of the. Week Madonna." Mrs. William Rohde took 'charge of the business.. It was . decided te go carol singing on Friday :evening, Dec, 20..TWQ couples are to take, charge' of meetings beginning in January.. Rev, Hugh Wilson took charge of the election: of officers for 1958. Presidents are Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jeffery; vice • presi- dents, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Stew- art; sec.-treas., Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cann; greeting cards sec, retaries, Mr._ and grs. Lorne Passmore. • papers, will be confined to his bed for a week at the home of his grandmothee, Mrs. Lorne Beattie, London, Mr. and Mrs. d. B. Hillmer of Oakville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. )y. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Legg and family of R.R, 4 Komoka were Sunday guests of alra. Kay Egan,. Mr. and Ars, Robert Coughlin, Judy and Don, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Young and family, of Clinton. Mrs. Annie Fairies left last • week for London to spend the winter with her family. Mr. John Blair who has been hospitalized in Calgary hospital following a stroke, is able to be home. a Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett spent a few days this week in Toronto, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins arid family. Mr, Fred Ford and son, Robert, of Detroit, were Saturday visitors with Mrs. Irene Coursey. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holines at- tended the funeral of the latter's uncle, Mr, James. Rustling, of Windsor, last Monday. The flu seems to have again bit the public school and is in- terfering with practices for ,the school concert, scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 19, in the eom- munity centre, COMING EVENTS COMMUNITY CAROL. Concert, sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi, James St. Church, Sunday, De- cember 22, 8:30 pan. 12c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCE Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane; Organist 10:00' a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship White Gift Service Christmas, Music The Sunday School ,will join with the congregation for this special service. Nursery for children up to six years. 7:30 p.m. - Vesiper. Service by C,G.I.T. Christmas Concert on Wednes- day evening, December, 18 in .the Sunday School room, ZION C! -PORCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.ne.-Worship <Test Fr The Soul" 11:15 a.m.-Church School 7:30 p.m. -Evening Service "The Child Grew" • MALI STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. RapsOn 'Organist: 'Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.-theCliurch School' m 11:15 a.. -Worship •Service Nursery .Class up to three years in the Primary Department. Beginners, ages 4-6, will with- draw during the second hymn. The Answer Is God , Worship Him As A Family Every Sunday ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD R.Y. K. L. torn, Phone 65 11:00 a.m.--Service 2:15 p.m. -Sunday Schro/ T1E BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van .Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m. -Worship Service "Christ .Came t� Redeem Us" 3:30 p.M.-Sunday School • Friday Evening -• Young People and Ladies' Group Tuesday Evening - Choir All -Welcome JAMES' STREET , UNITED CHURCH Rey. H. J. Snell, Pastor 'Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. 10: 00 Lin. White Gift Service in the auditorium of the church. 11;00 a.m.-Morning Worship Christmas Communion and re- ception of new mem.bers. S er mon Subject: "In The Darkness, Light" Anthem by the choir. , 7:00 p.m. -Evening Worship C.,G1.T. Christmas Vesper and • Candlelight Service SoloMarion May Duet: Marlene McBride and Sandra Waiper A VVarin Welcome Is. Extended To All CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH • Sunday, December 15 9:45. a.m.-Rev. 3, Gritter EngliSh Service 2:15 p.m. -Rev. G. J, Ileytema Dutch Service THE'ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. N. D. Knox, CA., Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Advent III 8:30 ext. -Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.-Stuiday School 11,:30 a.m.-morning Prayer CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev., W, F. Kroft, Minister Mrs, Kan' Metre', Oroanist Sunday, December 15. 10:00 "Roadg to Bethle- hem" 11:05 a.m.-Sunday School 1:30 p.ht.-"Gretins Around the Manger Cradle" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION • EXEitit Sunday School 1000 to 11:30 a.rn. • "Teach Me thy Truth, 0 Lord"Supt. Stint. Stanley Saucier, Zurich 401101811841111 ' Watt lll i ll 'Service. Sunday, '.December 15 2:15 THAMES- ROAD MONONITE MISSION 1 'Th Licorice :giltitiet as Pastor EVERYBODY WELCOME or[tovudffiviittitrimotiotowolinfloviumuniftwomiin'mmuntworitiouttniinutwormimomivoiami. The conirnittee in ehare were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Milt, er, and .Mrs. Abner Pass, renre and Mr. and Mrs. I,oree Passmere. ?Personal items Miss Ida Ifall of Lon400 spent the weekend with :hr slater, Mrs. %Minn' *Word sind Mr. Elford, Mrs. Renry Robde of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin were guests on Saturday *volts with Mr, and Mrs. William Thomsen of Exeter, the occasion being the birthdays of William Them, son and 1Villison Rhode. Mr. rld Mrs. Murray Carpen, ter, Dawn and BiRY Of Fen,. shawe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert King and Terry of London were 1, guests on Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs, William Johns. 'MOTO. OVA; J1 Miss LaurelPees of Toronto service Mr. W ' Is spending this week with hos, charge When grandparents, ItOY, liugh and nia$404 !TOM -the Sunda .Mr. Wtiton. a member froeat m. were ThursdaY eYening tarnalg Abney in Mr, and Mrs. Cerald Bell of , Ofg,ad a white SIM 44e0t$ with 108 and xxs, Lioyd bAsket at the frog of $ 'Ito be sent l Mr. Kenneth I.uther of Sarnia '44 at °Q4ate' erich• visited on Saturday with Mr.1 TOY. Hugh WilSon and Airs, Chas. Jeffery. 'four ehlidren: Janice The Sunday ,Sehoolconcert, Alexander, daughter Mr, will be held in the church base- Mrs. Self. Akleaander; Da moot on Thursday evening, Dec. Robert Bonner and 13 and the public school goneert George Bonner, sons Of Mr, sts4 will be ha eld in the algbase, Mrs.George Sperm; icipith 844„ mot eu Tuesday evening, Dec. 144 Passmore. son of Mr. 114 I..0011111. l ffilin11401110/01 lit MAIHRIMISIMIM oo Solo 4144i1WIS/111M1318111410tinfliniIMOW no iMrs, Lorne Passinere. Mrs. Donald. Pees, Neil and 1 Laurel of Toronto visited recent,. ly with Rev. and Mrs, Wilson. .1 Visa Ida Rail of London, Mr. and Mrs, Donald BY and Rob- ert, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam El- ford, Ronald and Doris were guests on Sunday with Mrafltt Mra, Lorne Elford, .5fr,„ and Mrs. Edgar Rodd of 1 • UbiiC iteTSk.atipst Friday, Dec. 13 .8;00.,10;00 FM. Exeter Arena • T4H18:: o m0000 :1:141:$01110:40iiipplilf ll 11 l l ;MUM ll ;;;;;;;;;;11;;;11 ll ll !; ll 1.111$111;0111;111011;00;11;1111806111114 Arena , „„ Activities! THURSDAY,, DEC. 12. .4040 ;30-r-ACAR FRIDAY, DEC. 13 4:oo.4100--0katleir 3800-10;00--Publle !Mathis SATURDAY, DEC. 16 8100,12:00-3111nor. Hockey Skatioir 3:30-5,30--rfaure skamosc 0100 -Lucian vs, Exttii• Mohnvitio MONDAY, DEC. 16. 6130-10130-ACAP TUESDAY, DEC. 17 2:00-4100-4,0011e.: 7:00,11:00-Curlhir • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18 . 3 800•4806-BEirinnets Mating' 4:00-5,00-3katlida 7100 -10:00 -Bantam, Midget • Hoelkey ' - A Fowl Bingo Exeter Legion Hall Wed Dec 18 Doors Open 8 p.m. Games Start:9 p.m. IS REGULAR' ROUNDS .FOR CHICKENS , 10 SPECIAL ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS • ' Turkey Door Prize ADMISSION: 50¢ Special Rounds & Extra Cards 10¢, .3 for 350 ' SPONSORED -BY EXETER LEGION.BRANCil 167 rT South.Huron -District .High School Presents its Annual Variety Program and Commencement Exercises HirTime Revue Singing! "Good Night Sweetheart" ."My Task" • "Roses 'of Picardy" Dancing!. Group Dancing 4. Thursday, Dec. 19 Intermediate Certificates Secondary School Graduation Certificates Board of Education Awards • School Orchestra o Grade 9A, B Boys' Tunibling Drama t 1.Act Comedy Friday, Dec. 20 ' Honor Graduation Diplomas Commercial Diploma's" Lions Club Awards , Student CouncyAwards etc. - Program Starts 8 p.m, Reserve Tickets Can Be Purchased From Students ADULTS S00 CHILDREN 25g Sonia Comes To 'Town! 4., Bring The Kids To Exeter Service Clubs' Annual Children's Christmas Party •EXETER 1 Saturday; December 21 TWO SHOWS! TWO PARADES 12:45 and 2:45 p.m.! Boys and Girls May Attend Either Show - But Not Both . if NOTE -Children takitielitect .th meet Soon Bros., ilatet. Garay. for "troths tip Main Street to Lyric Theatre, ALL PUBLIC AND PRE,SCHOOL CHILDREN IN TOWN AND DISTRICT WELCOME . Spossisonid by Exeter Loolono Moot agid Itiosoith •