HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-12, Page 13Finds 1887 Bill Of Auction Sale A 70 -.Year-old auction sale bill WAS. James Oe, uncle of the that was prteted et the .,seter :publisher of The Times -Advocate. Some of the tne that was "Nimes boa been brought into, the Ucd n printing the sale hilt at Office by Mrs- j„ IL Paton, of that tin o is still used. .Plandeboyo. . Terms •of the eillO were $5 and! It was a sale '44 farm stock and Luncier cash, over that :amount 10 implements held 'on Lot; 23, .Con- ,monthte credit OR furnishing ap- eessien 4; 4e Way belonging :proved joint notes; 7 ppr cent (its - to 111rs. Paton's father,. Abbott count for cash on erecia amount. Lewis,. Jr; the date being Friday,. • The pill was printed by' "Stearn December 9, 1987, The Alletioacer ts 111111114 Pr 3 3 IW,CRICOWCOVil,CCOUgraliVACCMailra DON'T.MISS SANTA CLAUS . Kidsr in our Basement Toytown • SATURDAY MORNING 10-12 FREE TREATS for kids bringing their parents, • BEAVERS HARDWARE r '..Cornish & Co.' • CERTIFIED. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish L. F. Cornish D. 'Mitchell - K. Slade W. sou0hard. • .21 DUNDAS ST. Dial 2-26$1 LONDON, ONT. 0344410:4401.044t04t0i0t00044`040,4 Th.!rin ops Here 1. You'll "Roc CIASSIFIED RA. ES • 25 worth or Nu 70; Mere Than 25 Words 20 Per Word 200 .OFF if ad paid with order or bY Saturday followino the loot ineortion SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS ,400 Moro than 25 Worth --,, 11/40 Per Word RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Semi -Display clessifleds (Restricted to one: column). First Insertion .9110 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions. 640 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon, pool sALE FOR RENT SERVICE$ WANTED 1.-tucos,E T,INI ", T, down. L SPRAYING - Anyone enter, e-plece bath, twelve heater %visiting to Inter eattle sprayed Ana heavy- sitar rangetle eup- for live. phone Hill eVateon, Deehe plied. Also - sitting room, sv cod 37-re10. 5112,:le elee partly. furelelted. Store. Ilene heated, at 429 Mein $t. John 'Wavl Apts., apply Mrs. ailttelys neure, piono 34$ Exeter. leo • REAL ESTATE DRAIN TILE 4 Inch 5 33 per Del'd '5 inch 8ii per Det' 0 inch 110 per et Del'd 7 inch --------145 per M 17t1 per M Dad $ •rienac,lirs and Elbosss Stock Prices for 10', 12" and 14" on .11equest Make Him A Happy Motorist Elginfleld (11101)8 193 Liman 111.1n TOYS! TOYS! Beavers Basement Toytowp is open all year round, Gifts for chliaren's Paties, birth- days to, for all ages. 'Beavers Hardware. iitfn '54 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, plee and clean, radio, heter, new tires, piltme 2117-W Exeter, ItOYAT., TYPEWRITER, liew 1057 "Citadel!' model potable, regular 5119.e0, special clearance at 590! Idea.' Christmas gift. Exeter Times -Advocate, Phone 770, 28:5;le:19 PEED TURNEPS - Earl Ttatz, Phone 166-r-5 Dshwood or Ervin Riz, phone 161-r-1 Dashwood. 120 PUREBRED PUPS, German Shep- herd.' black and tan. Apply Har- old lerb, 1(01, 2 Zurieh, Box. 144, phone 79-r-1. ELECTRIC sTovia, heavy dutY, 4 -burner, reasonably priced, Ap- ply 220 William St.,Exeter. 5:12c • Experienced Chain Saws 1---1VIcOULLOUGH (oneman) 1---4.E.L. (two-man) 1-1TYDRA-FLEX (two-man), HOMES FARMS C. V. .pickarci ligXeiter MODNIVN 2tlx•ooin home. Large bright living room. Small diniug room. NIcelr arranged kitchen. Three-piece bath. All floors. are covered, 'Walla plestered. FAIRY Insulated. 011 -burning furnace. A complete home. eloderately priced,. 2-STOR.E.Y REHM: Voitr bed- rooms, Living room, dining room and gone kitchen. Tbree-plece bath. This is a compact, well,. bellt home. (load roof end par, Ocularly fine basement with steel ftnenace. For a short time this borne bought lor $6,000.00 cash or $0,500.00 on very easY terms. . SeIALL ITOM"E in very choice locetion. Convenient kitchen one 3 -piece bath. Oil heated, Everye thing in good condition. Sultable for couple or small family. LOW priee. Terms. REDUCED m10E-Choice, brand new 3 -bedroom home with at tached garage. • Nicely finished %Rohm Bathroom in colour, Floors coveree. 'High basement with of T- burning furnace and tubs. This houses is beautifully finnshed. $4,000.00 cash evil! give you possession, 93 elan c e easy terme. APRTMENT ITOUSES--Teet us give you the details. EARMS-We have several we will be pleased to show you, To buy or sell, see ' C. V. Picitare, Realtor and General In- surance, 394 Moen St., Exeter, Phones 155 and 628. 11:eitfe BRICE' HOUSE, 6 -bedroom, new oil furnace, 2 blocks from Post Office, $6,500. rt, Balkw111, Xxeter, phone 89-J. Ttro FRAME HOUSE, 7 -room, 3 bed- rooms up with 3-plece bath; 1 bedroom or den and 2 -piece bath down; hardwood floors down;. oil heat; adjacent to schools. A.ppIY 236 Andrew St. . 1119:26e • Radio. TV :Service -Will buy any kind, ot hem*. limey *r Bey, xell or ri e• Ital. 'Cot I.8, Frank TaYlote lexe: ter. etre 'MISCELi.ANEou$ 'TIP) VILLA Eventide Villa. a bottle for elOor, ly eitizens, is now (vim at 30 &enamel tit, Exeter. 'rho Villa is tiader the management ef Lesjardine, Exeter. 9:1 atee Savings are featured and work la gua.ro.nteed when 0411. 03 Huron St, BEV all SEEKS FRIEND -A quiet MOO- lan gentleman. Proteetant, in his YOt; lalo 60's finds life deePeratelY lonesome Moue. Has a good home In ventral limon. Would like to correspond with a lady of the same kind, who has reasonably goest income. with •peoaa mew 1 marriage in, view. Write Box IT. Exeter Times -Advocate. • 13* 9:12e1 Well Drilling Water Guaranteed -,- all contracts on no. water, no pay bAS18, dens steel equipment. Contaet; W, HOPPER. 4 SONS Drilling Contractors, Seaforth ritones 601)-r-43 04' iir,1,1,14 5:12:1a:no BABY CHICKS POR SALE MIXED CHICKS In a' wide choice. Pullets (I nclu ci 1 el g .4111.40 en - Cross), some started pullets avail- ahle. Broilers far. early 1958 dee ilvery ebrathl be nu order. Have dual purpose coelterels, Complete llst. llray Hatchery, 120 :Cohn N., leamliton, 017 Eric Carscadeen, Exeter, plione 246-W. 12c Priced Reasonable All Guaranteed EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT PRONE 508 • EXETER' RABBIT, mature, healthy breed- ing stock,. New Zealand whites and Flemish Giants; also Young tock, Albert W. Shirray, Hen - a11. 12* EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING 'MACHINES - Electric liortables. by the week. Hopper - Hockey Furniture. phone 00, elx- titer. Rio MAXURE LOA.DER learnt Hand. Will fit A or B 50 or 60 John Deere, used one season. Apply Russel (Desch, ILE* 1 Varna, phone 687-R23 Hensel], 19. LADIES' COAT, black' Hudson seal, size 90-42. May be seen at Brady gleaners. le* CAR C0A3", size 6. green and black 03113014, fur collar. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 12c WANTED Floor Sanders •A�VOCTL '12 NOTICES.. Oen of the drairmee worke; a. A s*pecial animal rete stuell be imps:need, levied ana collecte4 over and above all other ratee, uPon the lane in respeet. ,of which the said money shell he eefficient. for the payme NOTICE for e.uteuerity to make 0 lowing eliargee for telepleonet vire effective ea at • 40.0%tarY 11)1111, lexcloolge naive et of rineinal anti 11u5l 1.Siii Jeterrat 30 provided by *11e e3, 'Read a first time 3134 gecond time thie .5t14 day, of Nevember, 1997, Renezi third tittle end Patieed this Use day of Eceerneer, 1957. le:19:23c efAY elteNICITeele TELEI'II02NE SYSTEM. Application For Tess 43,111111410*.lk Itersidence a.76 per P4/9 7.4wo-Party Llue liersd Btlislenif,e23,5per .ssr 354 Per 31::11; Unite -Party Line ton clreatlie baying 3 to 10 leleelsonetO • Multi,Pa.fl 141377111.41Pin1114.1ec5: 1S 3,130 pr 14P 11" 10)1 eireulte having 11 °I. TrlInirein nsift1 1;e141)11...nlees?ser 131034' The hoe1434(138alp.n7:11)?°01.31M1Y4ne0 TtfuelnlYterParladteuPelia$1ulb"beeriableir° eiddltjone airlic.a5t0tennpor month ll in eae New subseribers as in the pad will pay an additional $1.50 pee p4onn4in t,lieficeni',41401,:cx ear4st.re, )tenai0313 3e113. phoe 031 1330)0 1.2 9 per month hell, 13fl)A13 Extension .80 per month Extension .60 per month bell, large Serviee Connection Charge (instrument not hi place) $2.5 Service Conection Charges (Ins(rument In place) 1.00 elolang telephone on same premises 2.00 .111 Thfxg eclia nilaeoey Pay Station l e Call 11 set for cradle tzet as.00 Rates _1eor VAgere, Floor Polishers Vecuurn Cleaners, Tools, Etc. Als.kvEns ioNtutrwArce. oseter LOST LAST I'VINTER. - 6 or 7 music dictation books. containing write teu nruide selectione and mane Was written On sewer of some of these books. Recovery of books is Imparative end would he ati- preelated. Phone 637 Exeter, 12c NOTICES 'TOWNSHIP OF snarium BY-LA.W NO. 20-.1957 Used • Cars For Reale, For Parts Or Scrap EXETER AITTO WRECKERS .4.011 Sales Phone Exeter $72, Grandl Bend 8 183 Wellington Ste V. (Across from Canadian anners) 11:14(112 1 FLOOR,. ipsul brie, living room fireplae, 2 bedrooms, fall bath, nice kithen. full cllar, furace, hot water tank, central locat)on. 2-STOREYHOUSE, large furnace, 3-plece bath, hot and cold. wter, heavy duty wiring, garage. Early • posseesion. 11;28t1e slums HOUSE, 3-bedrooro, In good condition, less than half cash. balance by month 11140rent. Why rent? 9:12tfc NEW le,STOIttle frame. partial basement, 3 bedrooms, full bath. 50 • , Write, phone or come: W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435;Earl, Persons, phone 607, Fred Cole, phone 526-W. Sales- men. • . lltfc 50 ACRES; pertly clay and dark loam, es:nice:Aston 19 Stephen, 1 Mile notah of Corbett. Small barn, g ar a g e, hen house, 2 - storeY dwelling .covered svith 1215431 brie, svoodshed attaeshed. ;John elcGin- nes, RR. 2 Dashwood. 12;19:26* WASTE PAPER - the .pereon who took the waste paper from our garbage pile Tuesday morn- ing wants more, eve have a base- mept full for the asking, Don Southcott, 396 Andrew St. el* N 011 T Te X ELECTRIC "push button" combination radio and record player. Plays 10 records; beautiful tone; large speaker; plus 2-1 dozen. records (78): 53e.00, Phone 184 Lucan after 6. 12c FON HOUND, young. Apply 43d A.lbert St.., phone262 -10 Exeter. e* 82 ACRE FARM, buildings, 'good loll: Selling for health reasons. Apply Paul Poole, Rae. 3 Allem Craig, pbone' 601-r-5. 12* Rua: BRICE. HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, cempletely reconditioned, very central location, new automatic oil .furnacel R. E. Balkwill, Ex- eter, phone 9-J. 12tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS um, 0A:ix-Apply 6, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. • 12c BABy CARRIGE, •twin Gertdren. like new. Phone 01101.01), • Hunter 2.3390. . 12:19e PEED TURNIPS; also registered Hereford bull. A.pple 'Whitney Coates, R.Tt. 1 Centralia, plione 39-r$ lirkton. • 12* WEANER P108AMA y Jacob HovIss, RR, 1 Hnsall, 0131. 12e ASH SIFTET1, galvanized iron, revolving type, a, drum. Use- ful the many yokes, Willittin Pr earce, Exete, 120 LANrrn,A014 P0An; regletered, 14 months old, from 'rported and ontstattrUng stock, 5125.00. Cann's UM Tad, lee FOR RENT 4 , the Estate of Hilton Wilmer Banting, deceased. ATTENTION. FARMERS -Prompt courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides, Cell collect for over 300 'lbs., Tel) ANDREWS, 951-7,11e Seaforth. Aesociated with Darling. & Co., ot Canada Ltd. 11:14-12;26* 110103310.01.• apartment, furnished or unfurnished, in Exeter area. Sufficient for family of 2 adVs and 3 children., Phone 2-2070 1:14 Dec. 12, 1957 'Poach. Ont. In the past Year the system WAS required to move all lines along :Hwy. 84 due te new ltigb- way ronstructIon between Zurich arnuo4st Hepnasrati, dlillee'13 et el. iTitchselfr0 age, were replaced with new cable. During-. 1958 the tame type of work.113 experted, to take plaee along Hwy. 21, St. Joeepit 10. Bayflelde Soon thereefter it la anticipated a. ince prnject 'tern take place from St. Josepli to •Gran4 Bend. in reeent years toll hitsInees out of ferand Bend Central Isas increased very rapialy to the point that at this date it com- prisesa', very substantial portion ot tabeevese,e°,natonwY'severr,evilinal* t."bula sre sCi- netts at this Central has to wine extent grown beyond the scope of the present fe.cilttlea, and ie. 13 the desire of the System to Improve, our plant at Gran(I Bend, so that we mIglat ImproVe the service and the resenne at i12a point. et is hoped that some lin- px•overnent can be completed in time for the 1958 Season. Due to these reasons knd other Increases in costs over the past. few years, it has become necee- eery to charge a. higher rate. It should be noted that the rates listed below are still lower than other Systeme operating In this area. It has also been decided to charge urban accounts on 8. quarterly billing system. Here- after all urban users win receive an account on the first days of March, June, September, Decent-. ber, which will incluee, One. quarter of the annual rate and all long distance tolls due. Rent- ers will pay their total rate in quarter In which it becomes due, W 11 e r e the Individual ineurre large loll accounts we will re- serve the right to bill more ire - gently. Long distance toil tickets will be :nailed with the 133313011113, A By-law te raise 5200,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. 'rhe Council of the Munclpality of the Corporation. of the Town- ship of Stepben, pursuant to the provision of the Tne Drainage At, EN'ACTS FOLLOWS: leThat the Reeve may borrow front time to tine subject to the provision of this by-law, on the :redlt of the Corporatism. of the said muncIpa,lity, such sum not exceeding the whole 5200,000.00. as may be determined by the Council, =, 8.014 11157Y in manner hereinafter peovirled issue sle- ben-titres of, the said Corporation in such Aunts as the Council new deem proper for th.e amount as borrowed, with coupons attached as provided In, section 4 of the WO Act; 2. That subject Co the provis- ions of Section 10 of the Tile Drainage Act when the Clouncil shall be of the opinion that the applicatioe of any person to -bor- row money for the purpoge of construction of a tile, stone. or timber drain shoeld be. granted In whole or in parr, the, Council may. by resolution, direet the Reeve to issue debentures as foreSid, and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount ap- plied fo, and rney lend the same to the aeolicant on the 00111910 113' a, cbarge is to be disputed it must be done so withm la (lees of receipt 1.1101001 ana the tieltets in dispute must be reteroed. This will mean that paid accounts will not be forwarded for tax roll collection. It Is Intende that this bil111115111314313t130(1will spread the System revenue influx more evenly throughout the Year and cut interest costs. It will also spread She users cost- over a greater period of time. Application" baS been made to Tbe Ontario Telephone Authority If individual nr tweeparty line serviee la required beyond the Village limits of Zurielt, Deshe woes]. and Grand Betel, there evilt • beean additional charge for eXtrie mileage ef forty-five tents S. month for each Ii -mile or frac. thin thezeof for individual line and twenty -fled cents 1)4.I. month ar feach 45-nole fraetIon there,. of for each party on a two -13117 line. • Service may be furnished on * season basis for iemyorary reel+ dents when the telepbone corn* pany has the necetssary available. This season eervice will be etxpelied fnr a minimills of seven months and the e.xehange rate, service 130110331311011 charge, and any construction and hie etallation cbarges applicable, are payable in advance. If the seazone al subseribris wishes to retain hid teteplume from year to year, a suspension or serch vine arge of 51,00 per month will apply dur- ing the months the telephone 11 not in use, In which calm no re. connection charge is applicable. Any representations to be mad. In the Authority eveth respect to t12113 applicatinn should be sub. enieted on or before December22, 1 947, and addressed to Atte Ciealr. man, Ontario eTelepholie eauthorel ity, 7 Queens Park Crescent Baste Tronto, Out. Tf you desire aey further in. formation in reference to the need for increasing the telephone rates, yost may apply to the undereigned either personalist, bY telephone or by lette. Yoursevery truly, Itegiaald G. Inaaita Searatanr.. 12;198 London. ww.tatioligiccomiotzonottosImpsamitolictifitcoovuorssolommit All person having olefins . . against the estate of lailton Barsting, late or the Town ehip sit MeGillivray, in the County of. Middlesex,. who died on or about 19th November 1957, are required to file particulars or same with' Bell & Laerghton, so - Hatters of Eeter, Ontario, by the 21st day or December 1357, hfter which date the estate will be dietrIbuted having regard only to those elailms of which notice hes been received. Belt & Laughton Solititors foretbe Executors, Exeter, Ontario, 8:121100 In. the Estate of William. Henry Ratz, doceasetl. All p er sone having claims tgatnst the estate ot 'William 11eury Rate, late of the Village of Creditors, In the COutity of Hureit, R.tired Parttime who died on or about tto 10t11 day al! No' vember 1967, are required to file particulars' of 8£1.1110 Bell Laughton, solltiters of Exeter, Ontelo, by the 21e1 day of De ember neXt, after which date the eetate Will be distributed lowing regard, only to tleee. claims et 'which notice has been reeived, Bell & Laughton, Selloltors era the Executere. Exeter, Ontario. Make This A Christmas 13 STORE on Main Stret, opposite the Post Ofice, Available thet, 1. Apply at Timee-Advocate. 0:19t1!c AP.AIITMENT Furnished end heetd, ,,pelvate bath, suitable for two pope' avellable December 1, Apply 70'3011n St, East. 211.013 APARTMENT, upstairs, 3 themer rooms, overlboking simmer of Highways 4 and 83, $53J10 enrowth- ly !imitating heat anti wa(er. Tamer; 7, • 1315tfit 1)1,'IeT(111 SPACE evilable, lle )'oorne, IVOII located 11011 et Ilighsveye 4 and 83, Phone 1. 19:9f11 3-110051! A P A It E X T. neetly decorated, heatd, utilities Ineld, ettentelied or nefuenlelted, A,ptely Harvey's Exeter, 12e A A It Tel X le ll-retn, 13eW12' d 5 ed r t 6 (1, modern. Apply 11.11 Main St, Exeter. • 1•11* APARTMENT, elifureltesed, 14itte ere hot weter 11 bed - 106111. tf Ocala bath 10 013. Apply Petilittle Mite., 10 NOM St, /e. 12:121fe General Electric ULTRA -VISION is' the finest TV you can give • your family. There's a perfect GE set for you. :Whatever your taste, vihateiler your budget, GE offers the firiest you can buy - anywhere. You get Automatic Fine Tuning, the Slim, Trim Look and the Stratopow er chassis with up to 28 tube functions. And, remember, your GE guarantee is backed up by our trained service department. PORTABLE OR TABLE MODEL 5;12;100. BUSINESS OPPORTUNtTIES OIIA N W ANTE 1) - Unexpected cliange eausets veto:new Huron County. Splendid opphrtunity for Yeae-rourtd Ineome, leer details evrite RewleIghs, Dept, I, -e02- 901, 41105 Richelieu, Montreal, Que, 1913 etiiitiC047404.3q0308.311.11.01M01.808.310 LAettlE APARTMENT', bertiritielle ed, heated, l•plece bath, nil 11(111tes pakl, privete entrance, OW le dew:flown area, rent reiteeliable, Apply e1e11. Whitney Crttet, .11.11, 1 -Centralia, 11116116 4-110021 APATITetleNT, 133ferett hettne 18 Itetersil.Exeter diettlet. Very reetiertable rent. Atleiy lien Mdele 1911006 Ileetiall 6$3-r-14 1 2* 110138101 Moto 3-becis, rot* hoithe, etietvell leetttlen; eerie seith Oil ftifnte. It, Te, Mcetpr, orione 8aele 121.1e, HELP WANTED 'Illeetellele, motherly itouselteenee Pequired. Ph re e e,Irs. Wein, sleeve, 854 (ettings, 120 NEED EXTRA MONEY? We need women to sew by hand or Machled, ready -Cut baby eltdee, eparethne or fullthith at hoteel 45,186 Men oe Weinen to address enVeletiet heid eteleare letters fee mallirig. Simle, Muse', nrefftable itetneWork, For inteenletion seed a :damned atideeteied envelope leg Sheppard Aenelett, 603A.I1 Cor - devil. Ste Winnipeg, Attie, 5;12;19:266 Te 19 hi X T A CAIT? Work eilere time. We need wOraen 113 ileW or Address eirvoliVON. lee WeeklY Doeleible. Send etanmed, eelf -11(1311'0118ec) erivelbrie, elex'81 VCHED: WANTED Iltty Tewitship School Aloe 1 e quiree bee nealltisid teacher fdr rues! lic1i001. Mae" to cOmmence JaittlikeY 1, 1858. APPIleatte pleatits state qtteliticiaioas, oxporionto, ratnim, Itiepecter• religieft, and tittlary OXPeeted, lf, W. Sentel ery-Tedetterbe Zerleh, Ontarite 1;12e GE 'Floor Polishers E Coffee Makers GE Dry Et Steam irons GE Fry Pans GE Automatic Toasters GE Tea Kettles GE Vacuum Cleaners Q4.444.,444.44,74,44.4.4,04.0%.,444.04...14.4.44,..44444.14.44",„ FREE COUPONS ON THE $900 SHOPINEXOTER XMAS JACKPOT 4.41 Automatic Laundry For Only t399 G -E AUTOMATIC WASHER With famous Activator washing. Simple -control lett you stop, skip or repeat any cycle, 3 -Zone washirig ation cleans thoroughly and gntly. 'Choice of 1 to 15 minuteS actual wash time, Water temperature selector. 5 -year '‘varranty, GE AUTOMATIC DRYER • Now high speed air flow system dries clothes fast at saf, low temperatures. Smooth porcelain enamel basket cannot snag or wear delicate fabrics. Drying time selector gives you "oxactly right" drying oval Buy The Pair for t399 RUSSELL ELECTRIC votm. HOUTHOLV •IPPLIANCE DENIM FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 OPEN RMAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS AND WEDNESDAY • AFTERNOONS 01010441.10101.01041010111 01010430340441011 WPC algOn comounotvit*