HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-12, Page 11,4 FEDERATION ELECTS STEPHEN MAN -Winston Sha ton left R.R. 1 Exeter,was as named president of Huron County Federation of Agriculture at ts annual meetingin Londesboro Wednesday aftei.noon, He succeeDouglasMcNeil„'right, ds McNeil 'ri ht R.R.R,R, 6 Cede - rich, .who has headed the county group for two years. Guest speaker . was Hon. Ray Connell, minister without ,portfolio in the Ontario government, Ile 'substituted for Hon. W. A. Gogdfellow, minister of agriculture, who was not able to attend because of illness, ' CLUB WINNERS -Three area 4-H club winners inspect the five-year leader's certifi- cate presented to H. H. G. Strang, R.R. 1 Hensall,; at the Achievement Night m Wing- ham Friday. Glen Greb, left, placed fust in• the corn .clubs Mr, Strang is leader• of the grain' club; his •son, Gordon, scored top marks in the `grain club. Bill Ethering- ton, ton, right, was the winner in the sugar ':beet club. '-T-A Photo Require .import_ Controls District Forums Agree Necessary?" is Are They • Necessary? " is on.e of the most • important ,questions facing, agri- culture today, and was the sub- ject for discussion at farm for- =,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 e) LOCAL TRADEMARKS, ld! WE MUST NO`f ONLY' BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS, WE MUST BELIEVE • 114 PEOPLE • • Urns Monday -night, The first question to answer was "What commodities are• you mainly interested in?" and the forums in this district suggested 11111111111111111111111111111111111 illl11 i l 1111 lllllnl lull lllnil,. Start Your PigsH with Nutritional If you buy feeder pigs, we have two suggest- ions: 1. W0 r m them with PURINA. LIQUID PIG WORMER. 2, Give them a boost with PIGG STARTENA SPECIAL. Antibiotics in' this feed cut flown scours and give pigs': a flying start." G• ET' ON THE! NEW PURINA PROGRAM Shur -Gain Beef maker Cork* supplied aim mixed into your own bags. This con- centrate is manufactured right in our own 'plant and spray mixed with warns molasses, Let us save you money and then make money in your beef feeding 1. program., •You'll be surprised at the saving we. can give you with Eeefmaker Conc. Coiiipare the Bost and the results you get. FOR. SALE iNelson Water Bowl G that e11d5 all winter' wattling wo1'1'iesl It's autbniatie i and electrically heated. See our, unit demonstrated 1 in our cattle run north of town on Highway :$a. • GRAIN -FEET -SEED EiF1FR•1'Ar'. 735-•WHAIFN (ORNERS `*F•,. KIPJ<TON 15 pit, that they were interested in beef, cattle, hogs, eggs and poultry, beans, wheat, sugar beets, milk products and corn: • Unique Forum To the second question "What import .controls, if any, are af- fecting your • commodity?" the Unique Forum, Meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Klopp. with Mr, Carl pestricher acting as chairman, answered that import controls on Ainerican Bogs and poultry, mainly turkeys, have kept prices up. Controls on batter -oil also affects local prices was the statement, "Should import controls be used on your commodity and un- der what circumstances?" was the third question. Members of Unique Forum thought import controls . should be used under careful supervision: "Import controls on dumping are neces- sary" they said. , e Next week' this forum will meet athe home of Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Geiger with Mr, Thomas Meyers as discussion leaden on the topic "The Rural. Commun- ity." Parr Line Forum Members of Parr Line Forum in session at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Robinson conclud- ed that the present control- on milk products should be main- tained and also the dumping tar- iff should be kept up, , For recreation a few games of euchre were played with Mrs, Gordon Coleman, Mrs, Stewart Blackwell, John Soldan.• and Mrs. Ross (Love, the winners, They' will meet next Monday night at -Please Turn to Page 12 M • Second Section EXETER 'ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12, 1957 roh Lure Major 4- arm ew.. ... $ sof SOUT/f NUR.ON .and NOR TN M/OOL SEX ''"--- r r r rs H Awards utline Plan For Wheat s Producer Vote Nears In order to give fanners an opportunity to become familiar with the wheat producers mar- keting. plan on which they will vote in January, The Times - Advocate reproduces below the proposed regulations, almost in their ;entirety.. Soine sections have been .emit= ted but they are of a .purely technical nature. The following terms should : be explained: "Producer" means a person engaged in the production of wheat for sale.. "Wheat" means wheat of every variety, including wheat sold for seed, produced in Ontario. "Board" means The. Farm Products Marketing Board. "Local board" means the On- tario Wheat Producers' Market- ing Board. LOCAL BOARD The local board shall consist of twelve producer - members elected or appointed in accord- ance with regulations outlined below. - The local board is given all the powers of a co-operative corporation under F'art V •of the Corporations Act, 1953, as 'a mended from time to time. DISTRICTS. Producers shall be divided in- to seven districts as follows: (a) District 1, comprising the counties of Essex and Kent;' (b) District 2, comprising. El. gin, Larnbton and Middlesex; (c) . District 3, comprising Bruce, Grey, Huron, and Perth; (d) District 4, comprising Brant,;•Bal,ton, ,;O.xford,:.,Waterloo: 'and . Wellington; (e) District 5, comprising Haldimand, Lincoln, Norfolk, Welland and Wentworth; (f) District 6, comprising Duf- ferin, Peel, Simcoe and • York, and ' (g). District 7, comprising Dur- ham, Hastings, Lennox and Ad- dington, Northumberland, Ontar- io, Peterboro, Prince Edward and Victoria, COUNTY GROUPS (1) Producers in each of the counties named shall form a county grdup, • (2) A producer in a territorial district or fn a county not in- cluded in a , district mentioned in section 7• may beconi,e a mem- ber of the district group of pro- ducers nearest to his place of production. COMMITTEES There shallbe a committee in each district to be known as "The :District Wheat Producers' Committee". Producers in each county group shall on or before Febru- ary 15 in each year elect from. its members one • representative Shorthorn Group Chooses Pepper William Pepper; RR 3, Sca- forth, was elected president of the Perth -Huron Shorthorn Club at its annual meeting in Seaforth recently, Bruce Keys, Varna, is vice- president • and among the direc- tors are Anson McKinley, Zurich; John Peck, Varna; Roy Nether- cott and James Robinson, RR 1, St. Marys; Arnold Robinson and John Dunnell, RR, 6, St. Marys. Guest speaker was Dr,. Charles Rowe, who stalked on diseases of cattle, Machinery Dealer Wins Trip To US Mr, Fred I•luktable has won an alt -expense trip to ,New York for himself and his Wife for a week at his own convenience. He was top salesman in Zone 3 including Lambten and part' of Middlesex and Huron fol the International Harvester C n or pany.• to the District Wheat Producers Committee for the district, in which the county is located on. the hasis of 10,00Q acres of wheat seeded or fraction thereof for each representative. ELECTION OF MEMBERS Each District Wheat Produc- ers' Committee may on or be- fore March 1 in each year elect, from the producers in the dist- rict, members to the:local board. Each district will elect one member except District 1. (Es- sex and Kent) which will elect two members. No person will be eligible for election from, any district to'the local board unless he is a pro- ducer in the district but in no case shall he be elected to rep- resent more' than one district,. The members of all District Wheat Growers' Committees may on or before March 31 of: that year elect the member or; mem- bers, as the case inay be, .from' each district. to the local board, ,,I,II II u,ll lllll11, 11,111111,11111111111111111111111111„ullll, • I Fie/:man s Comments On Workshops ' By J. CARL HEMINWAY Tuesday evening, Dec. 3, Hur-;: on County Federation ,of Agri- culture. arranged a meeting of township representatives and the cemmunity programs branch, Department of'Education • Under the leadership of Miss Eleanor' Syracuse, a panel of Rev. Bert Daynard of Staffa, Rev. Doug. Brydon of Ripley, Mrs. Boyce of Grey County, Mrs. William Arnold of Ripley and Bob Secord of Hanover supplied information on the different ed- ucational and social activities available. ' The community programs branch -will supply extensive pp y ns ve as- sistance in the .organization and financing of folk schools, night schools, community workshops, leadership training or recreation- al leadership courses. I have.been wondering if a few of the townships might spon- sor a community . workshop on the history and development of farm organizations. It seems to me that farm or- ganizations are facing a testing period and knowledge of the past might. help us to avoid the pit- falls of the future. Never before has` there been, such concerted opposition to farm organization from those outside the industry. Stephen township held its an- nual meeting and banquet Dec. 4 with about' 200 attending. Re- ports were given by the differ- ent groups as well. as from the county organization. Doug Miles, our genial ag rep, expressed the appreciation of the depart, anent for the support given to the 4-H projects by the federa- tion. edera tion. Elmer Bell of Exeter pointed out the legal ' problems facing farmers and also .the advantages of establishing a basic -herd for income tax purposes. ,. The dance which followed was enjoyed by many who make this the "dance of the year." APPOINTMENTS TO - LOCAL BOARD The members elected to the local board shall at its first meeting after March 1 appoint such producer -members as are necessary to .�coniplete, the local board, When member elected or appointed to the :local board dies or resigns before the first of March of the year next fol- lowing the date of bis election or appointment the members of the local board. may appoint a producer -member for the unex- pired term. Each produeer-member ap- pointed a member to the local board shall be a producer in the district for which he is appoint- ed. Each produce -member of the local board . shall be elected or appointed to hold office until March 1 of the year next;follow- ing his election or appointment. REGULATIONS • Licences for Producers No person shall.commence or continue to engage in tche grow- ing of wheat' except under the authority of a' licence as' a pro- ducer of wheat. Every producer shall be -deem- ed to be the holder of a licence, Licence For Processors No person shall commence or continue to engage in the_ pro- cessing of wheat except under the authority of a licence as a processor of wheat. No licence as a processor of wheat.' shall. be issued except under 'application 'thereof. , • Licence For Dealers No person shall continence or continue• to engage in :the deal- ing in wheat except' under the authority of a licence as a deal- er in wheat. No ' licence as a dealer in wheat shall be issued except up- on application thereof. A licence expires with June -Please Turn to.Page 12 Two South Huron 4-H members -Gerald Wallis, RR 1, Granton, and Patsy Marshall, RR 1, Kirk - ton - were the top award win - 'hers of Huron County's 430 -mem- ber 4-11 program this year. Each of. the Usborne youths re- ceived wrist watches at the achievement night in Winghain Friday for scoring highest points in the beef and dairy competi- tions. Each captured another major award in addition, Wallis, who won the .Huron steer championship this year, also received the Tom Pryde tro- phy for top marks of all.county members. He was awarded 951 points out of a possible 1,000. A consistent winner of .4-H laurels (he won two trophies last year), Wallis was high member in both Exeter clubs in which he competed this summer. He led the poultry club.as well as' the beef. Patsy Marshall, another con- sistent 4-H winner, was awarded the Andrew X, McLean trophy for the second time and also're- c.eived a show blanket. Two years ago, the Kirkton girl won the McLean trophy.and she has cap - Lured the trophy for the' highest score for members under 16 years for several years. Daughter of Holstein breeder Ross Marshall, Patsy led the Exeter Dairy Club with 940 points and tied for third place among all county members, Winner of the top single award of the night - Elston Cardiff Citizenship Trophy was Bert Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth, who re- turned from the 4-11 congress •in Chicago the same evening, Bert, an OAC graduate, scored 940 points in the Bayfield Beef'Club,. tying Patsy Marshall. He's also active in church, junior farmer and, singing activities, Harry Strang, RR i� Hensall, was one of seven club leaders honored with five-year voluntary service plaques. He has looked after the Exete' Grain Club since 1952. Nearly 1.000 club members and their families attended the event to see a big array of silverware and $2,865 in prizes given away. The Huron award night is one of the largest 4-H achievement cere- monies in the province. The event climaxed the nine- month extension program con- ducted by Arthur Bolton, assist- ntag rep,' under the supervision. of ag rep Doug Miles. The two Hien and their office stenograph- ers, Mae Coleman and Helen Wil- son, had the evening exceptional- ly well organized and the hun- dreds of wards were presented without a hitch. Guest speaker, William Mont - calm, director of field services, extension branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, outlined the 4-H program and urged mem °e tomakelong-rangeplans b rs for their farming operations. He, was introduced by Bob -Al- lan, Brucefield, and thanked by Anson McKinley, RR 1, Zurich. John Strong, president of the club leaders' association, was ehairinan • for the • evening. A dance followed the presentations. Among; the , trophy winners were: Bob 7!otheringham, McKillop -highest score, first,year mem- her; Sandy Kamm, RR ;!, 14 - pen, runner-up, Don .Hemingway, RE 3, Brest sels --- outstanding achievement, grainclubs, Winston,Powe ll, RR 3, Vie# forth -highest score, swine club=;r Donald Carter, RR 2, Seafortla -grand' champion gift, IKenneth Papplc,. BR S, Seal• forth _-- grand champion wino showman. - Bill; Strong, RR 3, Dublin... grand champion showman, beef Leroy Rantoul, Whitechurch*. champion Ilereford cal# Norman Cartright, R1L. 1, I,ondesboro - champion , oat ex* Mbit. Next to Gerald Wallis and Patsy Marshall, Bill F.,ti.erington,, of RR 1, Hensall, was top mens- ber among the district clubs, He won first place in sugar beets and placed second in both the beef calf and corn ,clubs. Seven Top• 90.' .0 In Beef Calfl Cu.b Seven of the 16 members •Jog Exeter beef calf club received. over 90 of a possible 1,000 points to establish the best club .reg• ords in the county. Placing third to Gerald Wel. lis (951) and Bill Etherington (931) was Keith Coates, R.R. 1 Centralia, who scored a perfect 100 in judging and a total of 92o. Don Hendrick, R.R. 2 -Cre- diton, a queen's guineas "compe- titor, came fourth •with 919 and Ray Cann, R.R. 3 Exeter., wait fifth with 910.. Jim Hyde, B.R. 1 Hensall, ighq topped the club in answers and Tom Triebner, another guineas' competitor also received over 900, Other members were Allan Rundle, R.R. 3 Exeter, 896; John Etherington, R,R. 1 Hensall, :887; Lorne Ballantyne, R.R. 3 EXe• ter, . 868; Ray Miller, R.R. 1 Wpodham, .and. Glen Lamport, R.R. 1 I•Iensall, 848„ Don Them son, R,R. 1 Centralia., 833; Doris Cornish, R.R. 1 Woodham, 81.0; ML-•ielCornislr, .796, and Bill El• leer .gton, R.R. 3 Exeter, 773." Club leaders were Harold Hern, R,R, 1 Granton; Tonit Easton and John Pym, R.R. 3 Exeter. The club scored 100 per- fect , .competition. Tops Grain Group For Second Year Gordon Strang, R.R. 1 Hen• sail, won first place' in the 'Exe- ter ' grain club for the second. year in a row with a score of. 916. He 'received perfect marks in judging and. showed the best exhibit b at Exeter fair. • Garry Rowcliffe, R.R.1 Hen* sail, came second with a score;. of 901, including the highest marks for field crop. Lorne1 ne Ba lana. R.R.3 y Ede - ter, was two points behind Row- cliffe and Ronald Hon, B.R- 1 Woodham, received fourth place Honors with 884. Other members .were Dennis Cann, R.R. 3 Exeter, 881; Fred - Please Turn to Page 14 PRICE') SO 1,01 -.- 4.H CITIZEN -Bert Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth, .received the Elston Cardiff Citizenship Trophy for the outstanding all-round, 4.1.1 member at Huron's achievement night Friday. , .Murray Dawson, RR 1, Hensall, won the award 'last year : T -A. Photo Save On Labor Install Automatic Water Bowls BEATTY AIR CUSHY IONEO COW 'BOWLS d1111wH11u11n111111i1111111n1u,rrnr1n1r1u11111111nlnnur n111nnnnnro11u11u11rn1n1n11nili11f1u111rrwnlulnll.. 7{ AUTOMATIC -HOG .... Obtain The Highest Prices. For Your Poultry 1 Sell T''`rha 1w Riversde Poultry Ct.mpany, Limited LONDON hot% Co1Iiect • London ` 71226 Horisall 680,i' 2' atialai11aftlitIVi,iiii ili11ll1illfili111ii10111 iTIY11YYY1Ilbf0'1'YIniftanialal YtiaanfilitailifihAlti liYlillYeM111"!Y • BOWLS ' * AUTOMATIC HEN WAERERS • EASY TO INSTALL Use gsilir. or 'plastic pipe. Beatty Barn Fars 4 Improve stable ventilation, cut vet bilis. 16" fain, dust, moisture -proof motor and thermostat ..........: 98:00 Exeter District �rstr�t • COIOR Phone 28? 'Collect B.sido CNP Stalwiol N JO SENSATIONAL YEAR END SALE on' NEW and USED Farm Machinery) Come in now and get the deal of your lift All our new and used machines are on the bargain counter to make morn for 11958" shipments and get. set for 1958 business.: Buy or trade now and beat the .1958 prices that are bound to be higher to cover rising costs'bf labor and materials, Any way you' figure, you make double savings by makinp a deal now. YOUR ?RADEIN WAS NEVER WORTH .MORE` Besides slashing the prices of every tractor and machine , , , new and used y .. we are making big allowances on trade-ins. Your old equipment will never again .bring 50 much. 'Trade now, with no interest or at • eying charge before next work season, Take up to four crop years for the balance 'with' out special terms for this sale. SPECIAL PAYMEN? PLAN Uilo .?`O 4 YEARS ro $AYi Exeter Frfl1 gquipment PHONE SOS