HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-08, Page 1TBNI BIiILi1INGS
tat ••v•w.{.
1 love the ladies, every uoe—
The leashing, ripe brunette,
Those dark -eyed daughters of the was,
With triremes Week ea (n,
What netnews in their glad ..e glow !
Wok mate their cheeks disclose,
Agri is the little dimpling there,
Yong wiling Loves repose.
I hive the Ladies, every oat —
Th. bleeds so soft and (alt,
With lookerso wild and taaguishiog,
Aad height and golden hair,
How lovely are their .ylph•like forms,
Their alahaater hue,
And their blushes, lar more beautiful
Theo rou•buds bathed in dew.
1 love the ludic., every ooe—
E'es thou whoa comeliecomeliestm
A* ragged a the oak hat's bone
A buedrad winters' storm..
Th. young, the old. the stout, the thin,
Thi abort u well as tall,
Widows and wise', matrooe and maids,
Ob ! yes ! I lova hem all !
I levo the ladies, every one—
Nose but a wretch woold flout 'em ;
This world would be a loaely place,
Uwe were left without 'ern.
Bat, lighted by a woman'• static.,
Away all gloom 1. driven, the moot humble home appears
Almost a little H
I Inn the Ladies, every one—
They're Angels all, God bleu 'em !
And what can greater pleasures give
Than to comfort and cares 'em
1 call myself a temperance roan,
Bo I'll drink their health in water—
Here's to the mothers, one sad all,
Aid every mother's daughter.
NORTON'S RLEatl-N'I"S ltf' .1v:ir:N-
Elements of Scientific - Agrleulture, or the
Connexion between Science and the'Art
of Practical Farming. Prze Emmy of
the New York `State Agncultsral Sock',
ty. By John P. Norton,.Al. A, Professor
of Sctootifc Agriculture in Vile College•
1 2ruo. 'pp, 20l . Albany : Era -toe if.
Pease Id. Co.,.No. SI, State Street.—
We have looked thro- ugh Profeaaor Nor -
tone's new Treatise vete some degree of
care, and findit well adapted to the'pnrpose
for which it was mainly composed, namely,
to anpply correct elementary instruction in
Scientific Agriculture, for the nee of
schools, and iegelring young erten, engaged
se the business of farming. The applica-
tion of scientific principles to the art o(eel-
tivating the earth, management of the dairy
the breeding and feeding of animate, See.,
b treated of in simple language, with
scientific accuracy, and io considerable fel-
nese. The publication ie alike creditable
to the talent sad industry of the author,
ever studied the subject thoroughly can for bulk of soils; ,ul when they come to the From the Christian Examiner.
a moment doubt. It is s perfectly safe con- rnoet nugurtant part, the detection and THE NINETEENTH CENTURY-.
coeclud1un when any man asserts, for to separation of there small quantities, they —
stance. the enure simplicity and ease of probably either fail to find them at all, find Concluded.
'salynng a soil, that hie anaiveu would them when they are not there, or dad •Ito- The aim of this age a to Imre and apply the
not he of a very accurate description. gather too much. -•dapieneee of Iwo', to th• wane of 011111. It u
Chemistry Is a science that must be Btu- 11 view of the foregoing remarks, how ihoroughy to cumpreheud and yo+seen the mare -
died earnestly and perseveringly, jest like tnc•,neiderate, and how uswiee, are the "sl world, en make u • eu•dige dwelling for ib.
any other branch of knowledge which has • atareatents of those who would lead the soul• by per feet acgeamtance with s11 io natures,
wide range. In order to know what ts in • sot! farming community to think that each mao and perlret eummaed of a!! its eq !t a to
g g y make the intellect of mato compel with Isis
and to determine what are the quantities of is in a short time to acquire the skill to de- will coequal with his needs. The progress
its constituents, an intimate acquaintance termer, all problems of a chemical nature, already made in this direction, niece the close of
to necessary, not only with the substances that may present themselves in the course the last century, assures indefinite progress for
themselves in their almost endless relations of his experience. It cannot bo acquired he time to come. The history of the Int sixty
and changes ; but with great numbers of by any Intelity!ent man, but he ean only ac- or seventy years Ms hero a continued invasion
other substances from which they must be complish it at er a long course of study.— of the inauirnore world he ,otell geuce,—a eon-
devlinuuished, and wfth which they are When he has gone through with this course, tinued interpenetral*.. a we may ton •peak, til
likely to be confounded by an inexperienced still other rifficuttiee present themselves; "toner with mind. �1te •cteoee of. petro ry hu
perform. to make perfect analyses, he requires • orad: mise discoveries dunug this peered than
daring ail he ages which preceded it. Mechani
%V. can only determine quantities by Irboretorr, and rather expensive apparatus cal invention- hie kept pace with ecieotiic die -
means ot certain chemical processes : most of various kinds. covery, marrying science with art fot the procre•
of these depend on the addition of other bo- A good analysis must have his undivided atter. of use, and nuking the knowledge of the
dies, to • solution in which are 'dissolved attention, and even then will oceupy hiro school a .olid cootribation to the cunlaru et
those that we wash to separate. Suppose not lees than from ten day' to • fortnight: 1111.
now these bodies which are thus added to and what is to become of his farm in the One sett of this atuoni.hiag progtLen in the
p to baa huleeo eo al -
be Impure : obvious the whole result will moan tone? On the other band, if he de- application of knowlel
be erroneous ; the chemist then; mut know votes himself active)
to hie practical pur most noltibited faith i■ the capabilities of name
how to dtstiaguesh with certainty between suite, as every good farmer twist for at and the pewee of man. lie half • century sae,
some prophet had predicted the discoveries and
pure and Impure substances, and to tell leant a large pontine of the year, his L hemi- invrnuone familiar to his geestotioe,—had pre -
what the impurities are. cal knowledge roots and be soon lose• his dieted, for example, hat is fifty yearn men
When be knows all of these things, there facility and aptitude for making reliable would communicate by lightning, and take per
are still a great number of minor but very analyses. Iran co wubeann, amputate limbs without
important poiota, that require attention.— The truth is, that the two pursuits are pain, or make he voyage from America to
Ile mus; use absolutely pure water, must dissimilar; the chemist may and •boutqq Europe in lees time than was thea required to go
Mier hie liquids through paper tbat hay know much of practical agriculture. but from Beams to Belnmore,—such • prop
very bUls arh, and must weigh everything still his main business must be ehesystry; would have found few ao bold a to prokw their
upoo a balance that is esoeitIoe to at least the farmer may and should know much of belief In it; notmary, certainly. as the mo-
ths tenth of a grain. science. but bis daily occupation must be pi&13. Bat at pretreat, oo vaticinatton a to what
which predicted
dicted the red of he world to
1 might go on and mention other requi- in the field. His leisure time may be more easy happen in the way of material improve -
sites to a gond asalyia, but theme already greeably and profitably employed is gaining resents before the twentieth ceomry would mem
noted are sufficient to show, that great •cientigc knowledge, but the business of ince-dibiet. So great is the impulse which, in
care, skill, and experience, ire absolutely analysis, and accurate chemical investiga-
eesential In thi. business ; that uninatrue- tions, must be left with those who are to
ted persons oriel constantly be making it; all points alone which practice cao not
mistakes of the most flagrant description. explain, must go to them.
The worst difficulty of all ja that in But some objectors continue, 'It is an
many cases, not having even knowledge immense tax on the farmer that he roust
enough to know when they have ,gone have every soil analysed, every manure
astray, they actually rely upon their own thoroughly examined; these investigations
work as trustworthy, and lead others to do are unattainable for this reason. by the
so ton. great majnnty of the community." This
Results produced by such proficient' are is qnite true, but it is no less true that the
unhappily too common, and are always oro- great majority will never require such
duclivo of harm wherever they go. Thh minute analysis. if the soil"' in a partieolar
farmer who knows even little or nothing of district are ail formed from the same'rock,
even chemical names, perhaps is not coin- one or two careful analysis will suffice to
patent tojudc,e of a good analysis : ho can- determine the general character of the
mut tell the d.tTerence between a pretender whole. So with mannree; a few analyses
to scientific knowledge, and one who really of any particular kind will settle its value.
knows something that is true and valuable. in whatever part of the cnuntry it may be
Ile takes these erroneous analyeie 11 used. in cases where there is any thing
his guides, and probably falls at once into particularly obscure or puzzling, in s "oil or
some serious mistake, by attempting to .a1- field, chemical analysis must be called upon
ter the supposed cenetitutton of his to solve the gneeu, 0.
After he has been disappointed in -this way In most situation's, se knowledge of these
a few ti nes, he to very apt to condemo all enhjeeto increases, the intelligent farmor
scientific agriculture se ridiculous, awl of will daily be come more qunlificd to expert -
0o avail for any practical purposes. meet himself, for particular purpnees, using
-What 1 wish to impress in. this c000ex- manures of known composition: he may
ion, is the necessity of canteen in coming thug frequently aerie°, ununited, at just
to such a decision. Let it first be consider- and important enncluerotut.
qI. tf the experiment. to tw carried out Ther, are moreover, some point+ upon
have been properly and tarefnlly madule, which the practical mao may experiment,
so that there could be no mistake in that without becoming a chemist, and without
direction. Let it next be ascertained that previous instruction,
sad the discriminating judgment of the nu physical obstacles are in the way of suc-
valuable Society which has been the meanscess, and d it is found beyon 1 doubt that
there has been no error from either of these
of calling a forth. We should be happy to
.e• it introduced into all the ec•hoole, and causes', then let the farmer conclude—not
the family of every farmer, of Otte country, that cherniairy and scientific it►.•.ugatioo
aro useless ; but that the results of en
We shall present our readero with a very entity-
contents. tots obtained were wronkly, interpreted, or
brie/ and imperfect synopsis of
The author fiat degcnbee the organic I that the examination were incorrectly made..
and inorganic constituents of plant+, There iA truth in science, but a ie out
whence and how supplied. Soils, their every one who can draw It out ; and the
composition, clarification, and management. proper course in eases of an unsatisfactory
Manures, their varieties, nodes of action, nature. is to distrust the orae and not the
and application. Composition of cnitivateJ general principles•
crops, with their application to the purpo- It is luny to show that there are very
nes of feed
u Milk and dory produce serous d�ticu!ties, other than th,ee which
generally. Nature of chemical analysis, hive been already mentiooeJ. in the wry
and thea applications of geology to agricul- of making perfect am ity•es. Wo will take
DD coils as an instance. Where mention has
ern These topics, in re, are so wiplaineth' oth leen made of the inorganic substances to
ori rata collateral oat.re, are .o explained If
and illustrated, as to bo readily undnretood
by personas who have pail brit little, or no
previous attention to scientific auhjects.
Toe author's views respecting the analy-
sis of soils, kc., by practical farmers, are eo
much in accordance with our own, and" so
well calculated to correct a (.lee impression
which baa made of late years considerable
progressin the public mind, that we subjoin
witout abridgement, his remarks under
that bead. We should be sorry to insinu-
ate the slightest doubt of the ability of
chemistry to assist the farmer In the practi-
cal details of hie daily vocation ; something
bas already been done in advancing the art
of agriculture, and much more, we believe,
reaming to be accomplished, by, invoking
the aid animate ; but to suppose that any
practicable educational system will ever
convert the farmers of & country (that is
seefi as pursue tbefr calling for a living) in•
to expert analytical chemists, appears to
its perfectly wild and visionary. Many
tbst .peak and write upon there matters
seem to have no definite conception st the
time and p•tfeeee, the deep and aecurate
knowledge, with the habit of delicate ma-
nip4ulattoe, which are required in every
sYbtfietory analysis of organic compounds.
Thb femme must remain content to leave
this besieges in the hands of those to whom
such matters properly belong. An imperfect
w [fsia is wore, thea treeless, for any Pa-
paws, either practical w theoretical.
• *ATma{ 0, ien•ancAL •RALTe1e.
Among,all et the sub�J �sits that have been
gr1Y11ikid is the eotllsMtratfee of farmers,
�?fi keit tie *oali of agricultural'.mprovemeet
Feed, noes has bene fees understood, that might be noticed in this ronseetto• — shameful The d h h is its own organum and in las relation* with heavy one, andq
BurcaLo hut' 31.
FLoca.—There was less enquiry to -day,
and common brand. Ohio a shade lower.
Grain—There is Out little engniry for wheat
and we have no transactions to notice.
The markt dull. Corn in firmer with
good demand for freight and distilling; hold.
ers are above the views of buyers which res-
trict -d .ale•. Tho market varies from 52 seem more bitter than sow. ' hall we thalamic
10 53c ; melee 3'00 leu -'.a high mixed at the abolition oCthls evil aloof Shall we demand
i.3j;c ; 2200 ditto at 521e. Boyers' offer an earthy immortality for man? -' T;* last
52c (reels.hat dealers will not moot them enemy that shell be put under," rays Bt. Paul,
AT TIS{ asp of TOY va•a.
nngement, ao grnupisg awl alJnsr,u1 of •pliers PROCEEDINGS OF PARLIAMENT.
wt I sphere, no ever pesetra'• that toner world
cid command its teams The great•. part of Yesterday at Half past Three o'clock P.
his Lls will be spear in that Wiese, aad be will M ., ills ExcaLLRncr TOY Govgr'ioR Gs -
be happy or mieenble eCeonlwg to laws of his i•Ya.L proceeded in state to the Chamber d.
owe nature, neer which •oC ely bas so power.
tho one dreams to bianmlf as races.. ot pri- I,YulsLaTlyy CuuvetL, in the Parlia-
vete happroeto in ooase•ue8C( of them ampro.ed meet Redding, attended by Colonel Bruce
methods and social arrar.grmeuu which we ►ane anti the members of his Staff. A gourd of
kern contemplating,—he dreams. Mak• the honoorof the 7I.t was in attendance. A
earth a garden. drive want from the face of it, considerable number, of stranger', anti -
and ignorance and vice. Let tomparoe• be din: mary !.die., were a.semhled in tie
secured to all. Build palaces instead of huts, Chamber. The Members of the Legisla-
anJ lets tiara as iuvrrous a he New Jerusalem tive Council being aseemhled, His Excel -
1.1t their domes into skies ateempered by art to
perpetual ble,doels. Let here be no forced le^cy orae pleased to command the atter•
tasks, no °itidiug of the laggard will, no painful dance of the I,egl.IaUra Asrembly, and
bracing up of the dawiluie mind; but oily lotion that (louse being present, the followiog
which invite, and work which is play. Fashion Bails were assented to In Her Majeste.
a world alter your own heart, and know that a Name by his Excellency the Guvernur (at
day in that world will hen the wane properties neral, aiz :
et joy ty,d sorrow that a dry has its this. Our An Act to alter the rates at which tee -
joys and our Sorrow/ grow from rhe mme root: fain Sitoer Coins shall be • I •gal Tender.
we cannot culu.sir the one without culuvatisg An net to facilitate Reftproca! Free
the other also. '• to all minds awakened and Trade between this Province and the other
reflective;" toys Martinet', there vises sad
British "forth American Province".
accumulate"• secret land of dm.satiefaclioa; •
dark, mysterious speck of care upon the heart, An Act to extend the period for the
which tures to s point of explosive ruin in bad Election of Cowmtesionere under the Act
men. to • seed rat frui11ul sorrow with the good." fur the improvement of the River du Chene.
There is a certain quantum of Mtteroes in An Act to amend an Act passed in the
human lite, which no change of c,rcumsiancea fifth year of the Reign of his late Majesty
and oo improvement in the outward ccndltino ot ling William the Fourth, intituled, " An
Act to prevent the moose eeeeey multiplica-
tion of Law Suits and increase of Costs in
Action♦ on Notes, Bootie, Bills of Exchange
rut. There goes a notion in the world, that' and other Instruments."
min was bore to be happe, and that, if he tails An Act to oblige the trinity House of
of this end, he has mined his deottnation u Quebec to laydown Buoys to mark the
ere. If happroeen means enjoyment• aothisg shoals in the orth Channel of the River
can be more (aloe. Enjoyment a not the demi. Si. L,awree4, and to facilitate the 'i'ra-
suioo of man. Rather a is something which a Regi- Cape Tourmeote to Isle aux
Heaven permits by way of compensation to those Reauz.
who, by reason of untoward circumae , bane
brae can, has Iron '• en to scientific pursuits,
failed to accomplish their tree destioanos. Es- Ao Act to incorporate the Hamilton Gas.
y g' 1. meet ie for children, and be ■n, and slaves. Company.
so great the number minds employed i■ these Phe mature mss, oral cooduioned, and rightly An Act to authorize the inhabitant Houa-
pursuiu, so iflooding
the stream of inventionsa y
which is drily Gooding w with new weeders, fulfilling the ends of humanity, can do without holders holding Lands in the new Settle -
that we have ■Imuu lora the power of surprise.
it. For him labor and production, and commit ments on the borders of the, i aguenty form•
The wo•derfal has become the order of the day. growth in wisdom and well -doing, supply the' Ing' the second Municiphl division of that
I[ is didcu!i to contrive of ■ray thing is thin place of enjnyment. If we inquire who are the County, to establish a Municipal Council
kind, sty discovery or iaeeeiion, that would happiest men as a class, we shall find that they therein and for other purposes.
rail wrpri a alt cot earn a uiroey to the ate those with whom It a mover of dotobt
g yj whether from day to daythey have enough to An Act to extend the period limited for
moon or a telegraphic communication with Jupi- eat. The happiest we remember to have seen certalo purposes to the Montreal Registry
ter. We seem to be standing for ever on the pV Act.
eve of mime further and more -momentous devel- were the luarooi of Maples, whose outward con-
opeweot, in deity expectation of egryethiag gree- dition is as low and forlorn as that of man ..ina An Act for tendering a Written Memnr-
ter and more fruitful of blessing than has yet been
civilized community man well be; and the sad- andum oeceaeery to the validity of certain
realize haunted by dreamt of • time when dem we have known were those whom fortune promisee and engagements.
nothiu (hal is desirable of material good shall and their own a:T.,rts had raised Jtighest in the An Act to amend the Law relating to
be impes•ible. social scale. It might almost seem to be • law Slander and Liable'.
A°d-e w, enppo•e this tendency to material of human nature, that the poorer, the more da- An Act to remove an error in the ACh,
perfection to proceed, until theon process which graded, a man's condition, the happier he is; dividing the county of Bertbier into two
which jetranelegb(on sstance into manner wiehhntind,t,and repcess laces and,
adthe scale of (life, her the mors thoughtful, and, the higher we rise
sensate* mance w!th iotelli¢ible forma rod ser- more earneet and the more ad life becomes.— An Act to empower Municipal Corpora -
incepts forces,—which wbsid,zea and organizer's Increase of happiness a not one of the results lines to eubseribe for Stock In the Great
end urethan zee all things,—nota this proceea is which we are authorized to anticipate from the Western Railroad Company, or otherwise
con.uI hated. Auppoae the conquest of marc growth of society. Whatever may be the aspect to aid in completing that undertaking.
to be mplete. Suppose the intellect of mao to
and destination of society, the individual has hie An Act to amend amd explain the Act
pease he entire sphere, so that the F of shall owa discipline and destiny independent of socia- relative to the Side Lines in the Township
mot 1 nor the eye rest on a epnt where the ty, which no degree anti no results of eoeial im- of Oegnode. , p
human mind hes not wrought. What thea y— Pr'oeernent can supersede. And of that disci- Surpose the earth to be completely organized plies and de,:iny, sorrow is a Heaven -appointed An Act to extend certain Provincial Acte
from pole to pole,.. -every obstruction removed, and indispensable element.
Yet ____theless. __ .1:_ meow, _ "mild this Province.
every waste subdued, all its powers in subjection,
all its uses brought out, all its peoples civilized,
and the whole covered over with prosperous
communities. and want and war and vice done
away,—what then ? The capacity of this planet
in relation to human organism is yet unfathomed ;
but it is not difficult to conceive of a time when
the uttermost limit of that rapacity shall be
reached: when the child of earth shall have found
the goal of his culture, and the limit of his ac•
tion, and the bounds of his habitation. Suppose
that time to have come;—what then 1 1a say
thing yet wanting to complete the ideal ofplane-
tary life? One evil still remains,—an evil to
which the very aheence of all other evils might
seem to give additional tenor; that is, death,
which, as termioetiag such prosperity, might
man can ever remove. And, perhaps, if we
should noteri•!i it removed. it i• the bitter oil
of he kernel that gives to all fruits their peculiar
Gaeor,—to the fruits of the tree of life among the
to that fizure Provisions.Mesa Pork ' " ns death " Suppose that last victory accom-
heavy and vires vin way, $10. 0 a 10. pl •lied. We have then •race of immnrtala in -
D g ehabiting ■a esrhly paradise endued wah every
50; nates 117 bbls. \Veatfirn City inspected advantage which the limits of their nature allow;
11 i[l1 b.10.
About a dozen additional errinls at
progres' a legitimate and worthy object of human An Act to amend as Act intituled, "Art
endeavour, and one for which we are called, an Act to incorporate " La Societe St. Jam
social and moral beings, to labor with our might. Baptiste de la Cite de Quebec."
If human enjotment is a constant quantity, hu- An Att to establish a survey in front of
mu well-being, physical, intellectual, moral, is the Ninth Concession of Cornwall, [front
a constant growth. If we know any thing of Lot Number Twenty-two, Westerly, to the
he counsels of God, we know that he has ordain- limit of the Tow'behip], a the governing
ed that man should grow in all the dimensions ot
line of the eatd Concession.'
his bating, toward the perfect good(' the Divine
origiarhl whore image he bears. If we know An Act to divide the Country of 1luo-
any thing of human obligation, we know that tingdon Into two Districts for the Regf.-
every man is bound to promote this growth in tralio0 of Deeds.
the measure of his endnwtnente and ability. if An Act to determine the mode in which
we know any thing of he Jews.atieh regulate the aide lines in certain Cooceuioas in toe
individual wellbeing, we know that, just in Towndhip of Edwardsburgh shall be rue.
proportion as a man gives himself to this object. An Act for the protection of Mill owners
and consults it in hit pursuits, and merges his in Upper Canada.
private ends in the common good, he consults An Act to amend the Act to Incorporate
his own happiaees. The secret of all happiness D
ism lose sight of self, and to live in some object the Lower Canada Agricultural Society.
which tasks all our powers, and absorbs us An Act to extend time for paying up the
wholly, increeecd Capital Stock of the Bank of Up -
No mao is complete in himself. We are fog- per Canada.
menu, complements of humanity, and humanity An Act to authorize the Company of
Proprietors of the Champlain and Saint
Lawrence Railroad to extend the said Road
and for other purposes.
An Act to alter and amend the Act re-
quiring Mortgage* of personal propeaty Is
Upper Canada to be filed.
An Act to amend the Ordinance incorpoe
rating " The Advocates Library of Mon-
An Act to facilitate the admission of
Evidence of Foreign Judgments sad certain
official and other documents.
An Act to remove doubts as to the right
of the Crown to recover coats In terrain
canes in Lower Canada.
An Act to &mead and to continue a
amended the Laws regulating the Inspec-
tion of Flour and Meal.
An Act to incorporate the Quebec
Workmen's Beoevolent Society.
An Act to encourage Emigrants from
Europe to the United States to use the St.
Lawrence route.
An Act to extend the Acts for the forma-
tion of Companies for constructing Roade
and other Works, to Companies for tho
purpose of acquiring Worke of like nature.
An Act for the better establishment and
maintenance of Common Schools in Upper
An Act to transfer to the Municipal
Council of the Municipality of the Town
of Three Rivare, the ailminiatration of the
Common ufthe said Town and for other
An Act farther to amend an Act to in -
corpora's the St. Lawrence and Atlantic
Railroad Company, ad other Acte relative
to tbo saut,Company, and to extend the
power of the sasd Company,
An Act for making one uniform provision
• reepecting certain Official and other Oaths
to be taken in (bis Province, sed for other
purpose• therein mentioned.
An Act to emend the law respsctiog the
Office of Coroner.
An Act ter relieve Ministers et the Wes-
leyan Methodist Chnreh in Canada from
the oblig••lon to obtain Special Levee*,
in Order le keep Regis of Baptisms,
Marriages and Belisle in Lower Canada.
An Act to revive and continue for a limi-
ted time the 'Act making prevision for a
Geological Survey of this Province.
The Commons having been dimmed.
Hie Excellency left the Chamber and drove
elf among the cheers of the crowd wbo had
every circumstance in their condition adjusted otos. We have no true life except in cnonec-
wiih even measure to the scale of their being.— tion with the whole to which we belong. Our
om is to come out of ourselves and
ive in
wile, as in Table I, p. 60, 11 must have Q'iebec, among :hem the Clansman, from ••seeemwto heedeal fo alled(a FattherthIrathu ethic tour hht edwh le; to const tate ourselves efficien (mem
been noticed that the proportions of some C'aagow, wt'h a cargo of Iron and 27 pas- dreams mance go. And now that his paradise
hers of the universal man; to lose our life part,
of them were quite small. •o much so as to sengen. Three vessels reported ashore is finished and encored to him, will man rest that we map find it jn humanity more abundant
seem of little importance. It was, how- below Saguenay, one of them supposed to utisfiedl Will he wish to abide for ever in this and more bleat. F. II. H.
ever explained that rho presence of these be American ship; also another ashore in- last estate? We fear the golden vision will not
minute quantities was absolutely necessary side of Kamaraska Island, and two others bear examination. The gold all vanished when Bosco e, July 25.
eo much eo that our cultieatdd crops would at Cap -R .sior,—one with a general cargo, we attempt to fin it with a steady thought. Littlefield and Professor Webster had an
not thrive without them. and the other with Gilts. and Railroad Iron. Leave nothing to desire, and you leave nothing interview yesterday in the gaol at the de-
co enjoy. T■ke from man his expansive power,
Half a pound of phosphoric acid in i00Ibs put sed end to his devaopement, cot off his pro- sire of the latter, a ho said he could not
of earth, is • very unusually large proper- Gentlemen of the jury,' said a Western grew, and you make him the mon wretched of rest until he had acknowledged that he had
tion, even in our most fertile s Hall • lawyer,' you are met here on one of the beings. done Littlefield great injury, and asked his
pound in 100. makes but • (I figure most snlemo occasions that ever happened forgivettese—he said that he had told the
when we come to give the co tion of a since i hada brief. The defendant beinga "Our hearts moat die except they breaths
g The air of fresh desire.' truth—lent he (Webster) know aothnog
single pound; it a only five thousandths ot stout, able-bodied man, rushed like an ae• about the sledge -hammer.
a pound. Now one pound is ■ far larger '1.110 upon my client, who is a fail young � The one thing that man cannot endure is• limit.
quantity of material than cao be used with widow; and why did not the thunder of Ile will have nothing beyond himself. Show
safety for accurate analysis. The instru- heaven blast him, when he stooped towards him the garden wall impassable of his paradise,
meets employed. and the various methods bar, stretched forth his arms like he forked and you make it a decorous prison. get him a
of opp�tion adopted, are such am, in neatly lightnings of Jupiter, and gave her a kiss on boundary never so remote, and hie beet will
all calk to forbid the use of a large brtlk ibe mouth 1' beat against
hie earthlyy imit mortality \indsseek anotl eher
or weight of the subetaoce to be examined. sphere for him when once he has reached the
Consequently only a small fraction of a perfection of this.
pound is worked upon, and from this all of We come back to the question proposed at the
the bodies present are to be *operated, even k h onset. That society is now advancing admit,
down to small parte of • single grain. of 00 doubt. Bat whether destined to advaee
it brooms at once obvious, that very indefinitely is not on clear. There would seem
great are and very good apparatus, and no to be in the earth's capacity a limit to human
small portion of •kill, are requisite to an progress. Bat even that limit rimy never be
reached. The earth hag Its owe destination
analytical cbemiet in the determination of d S k g .part from man's. Nature endures es penia•
these minute quantities. I. lay of the nen( types. Geology shows us that successive
chemicals need in the aealysie, are impure, races of animals have become extinct• and one
the imporities of emir.* have se intluemee type of earthly Uel' is replaced by another, from
upon the result: hence the chemist must A FACT.—A member of oar Anti -cruel- the trilobite to the mammalia, whose head is
know the properties of many ether betimes ty to Animals Society, was the other day moo. is it aboard to suppose that some Notre
beside those upon which ben at work, to reeohniw atoll, in like manner, sweep mao
order to be sun that be is not adding "moil aeeoeted by an old woman with ' Prof, sir, from the earth to make room for other oegu,a-
0thing01.1 which will prove injurious to the ao- 01111101111-
ret you • member of the Society for the tion., with see, attentions in the 'aide of life
curacy of hie rill p e prevention of cruelty to animals P '( am,'
was this reply. i am very glad of whet.'
A WILD Wogaty.—The Hartford Times
say. that a beautiful girl, about 20 years of
age was taken into woods about three
miles went of that city, on Sunday in a
state of Bootie insanity. She was discover-
ed in a state of nudity and when pressed
would leap ordinary fences wit b agility of a
ser. he spoke two or three languages,
hut appears to be of Irish descent. it is not
known where she belongs.
There is Mill another, oniony marl points rejoiced the old dame, ' for I can tell'* of •
Ci.crnNAT/, July 51.
TNI' COOL.SRA o;v Tea DRcswii.—The
Board of (Health report la deaths by chnlera
for the 34 hours ending at noon yesterday,
which *bows, a favorable change. The dis-
ease is also abating throughout the West.
Navavli.t.R, July 21.
CIOLRRA AT NAanv,LLR,—The excite-
ment io this city in reference to the chole-
ra has entirely subsided.
A great many persons who left precrpate-
ly have returned, and business is beginning
to resume its meant bnekoese.
The official report of 7esterday shown
but 5 deaths from rho dmeeaee.
.The farmers are now in the middle of
their hay barrette and the crop will be car
vied in good condition, it a said to be very
light 10 some nieces.
ae to bring oat new adaptations of the planet for The wheat fields in this neighbourhood
which hoer n furnish eo k 1 Or look magnificent and many of them are pet
e orga ♦ key
nge- ready for the sickle. The crop will be a
iibty the earth itself may undergo such changes r (hers to no (limo( the n ah-
b� bi satiny of than who have p»tteded ¥is procaesws neeemey for the eeterni•a- hu owl been married three weekaland her
other bodice, a. to offer a new field for man, when ty will be excellent. Judging iron the
fta.Zponeders, than that of anafyti- thin of potash, soda, and phosphoric acid, hes►anil walleye her Wig fun.'—Bulk Jour. 'u pr"mot eapabilitiei, iersnd and cosmic, sir. appearance of the fields it wit: he a difficult
amine] tN applied to agafculeare. when all are present and is eembieatioe exbaosad. Bei them are drams ora will not mat tar to wrest aha handaoms per
to len
y'tlittikte abd ikwkles have labored with ether bodies, are fa the (east degree A recent philosopher diecnvered a method Puranc. awards to the haat omnia at the Prnvin-
1 ,tabii"k it til a feet, that there le no eomplicated and difficult. w»y ways e! to ovoid being duensd t 'Hew --how Errr w ewes." The err adnoere, and end Show is Septemher from thus vicinity.
IrtYis probably demised to ad.aae. the•ed►A indeur• {_Nin ata Chronicle.
Ib ebetilttif Ibyattl�btloN, beyond determining them an descrfA.d is boob; —how P WO hear .vi►y body asking. minable times n the •
M of material and social S
rat afterr lite 1Nfeatse by a (low daps of come of these ere al h.r Amity, and all Never rue hi debt. improvement. Bet when we stay for ever, we An Italian Astronomer, living at Naples,
: Uta' a large portion of the Arming require moth shit aeb knewledgre the
usually have beer lad fete the belief rt of the operator, that be mayword Somebody who has evident) been abroad enososad the horoscope of ph,lnse phy For has Just duenvered another asteroid revoly-
Ir i»1 eve a net a category for earth -here ['stores— tog between Mars and limiter In nor solar
t AMU pfuup Dr IbeGWtfone tate establfeh - amities errors. These betties it ori 1 b. re a g deal 'al' that ' if an nes Vas front- Human progreu u u renhl► manifestation, y t m Th makes eleven. The strap
ri �a1�Y • o thew owe ttNt nab acetum, because they me meet by ^' compliment, L presume to that city, which
piotlghmgg, Med as Well as theme! seems— Story to b. .zh.nst.d by ertappA A cam- mat dere a ma die of when hn'a lora- Mraewhile, tae es fnrera of sori•e► what it ie the residence of iia diecoveret. Parthe-
filled 1bed.t could do it. iv.( . I er m nstrrcted 17-o•e ye ra of a=e 1 DUI es of age. may, the ieteriw drably d th• ,ndi.ide.l a not
~ y e.se.te'yly effected M he program" of the nee. nope being, u our classical 1111010111T11111,1
1 , t •Itep idiMa. s� us fMtal y gR mecca, may detannins ire% toots', or CwateTr.w PRieesnrsv — Be at peace Thr i•d eldnl has i,,,, own eMrmed sphere a term us, the anciecl name of Napics.—Car.
they 1p law de all tbsir own testy- membered, ars among the most hwportaet (tag he will not con» borne •bores.' mast have its period, hough modetsrmiaabte g ha• been christened eP,tr(kennpe, In
.f war! ]lett
e t d he
ve i Meld
teddies, thee• bed'', *bleb make op the well all wkisd but N"mu with their vice•. which be live., and ee perfeetiom of social tr- of Cees. end Enqui -;r.