HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-12, Page 8P $ The Times -Advocate, , December 12, 1957 1,0A44/44,174MAHM41:114111111111A11,11.1.1.flAMAIMIACIIIMIMAIMUMMIRM81140111401.110,MIlitalitillIWILIAMII1ukt THIS BY MRS, Just in case you have net been able to bake a Christmas dake we are giving you this "Week .a recipe for an unbolted cake which the donor, Mrs. Ross Krueger, Crediton says is de - Vicious, Unbolted Christmas Cake (Mrs. Ross Krueger) 1 15 -oz. can sweetened, con den,sed 2 cups chopped dates • 2 cups large raisins 2 cups, red cherries 2 dups green cherries Modern Beauty Salon 314 Main St. Phone 349 HIGH STYLING PERMANENTS HAIR TREATMENTS Pearl Henderson, Prop. "THE TIMES ARE BIG WITH TIDINGS" mmoCAutbor's NAme Below) • Hardlya day passes but we .are informed of pro- gress, being made in our constant fight against disease: Research work- ers are always looking for new drugs,antibio-. tics and map -made chem- icals. Each one is clinically tested against every pos- sible ailment with the hope that a better way of treatment will be found. Millions of dollars are often spent to perfect a single new drug. As so,pn as R. new drug is released for ,safe use, we stock it in our pre- scription department. It is remarkable achieve- ment that the average charge of all the pre- scriptions di s p ens ed is less than three dollars. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE. Exeter 447 WHEN YOU. NEED A MEDICINE. • • Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions.- May we com- pound yours? ,s • • Andrew Johnston Drugs Main St., Exeter PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS (1U -1-M) Copyright 10.57 (11W2) *Quotation by Robert South ey trACIRVCOWCfPfe THAT M. S. N FAINIC E 4 cups graham wafer crumbs 1 -cup blanched almonds 1 'Cup walnuts, broken 1 cup mixed- peel 4 rings candied pineapple (o- ing different _colors) 1 dozen marshmallows cut fine with scissors 1 tpsalt tp. each nutmeg, cloves and allspice Roll wafers fine, Add salt and. spices. Mix with other ingredi- ents. Add can of milkvand mix thoroughly. Put in pan lined with waxed paper and let stand two days in refrigerator before using. * * We know it"is late for Christ- mas pudding recipes but maybe you will have to make another for New Years. This is that famous recipe used by the Eve- ning Auxiliary of the Delta Rho of First St. Andrew's United Church, London. Many pounds of this pudding are made and sold every year. The reeipe is pub- lished in their handbook of fav- orite recipes "Our Best. Delta Rho Christmas Pudding lb. fine dried breadcrumbs IA lb. flour 1 tbl. and 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp, soda 1 tsp, each, nutmeg and mixed pastry spice 1 lb. suet 3.4.1 lb. brown sugar 1 lb. •dates cut up 1 lb. seeded raisins ;la lb, sultana raisins Ib, currants 1/2 lb. mixed peel I) cup chopped apple ' Rub fruit thoroughly into dry ingredients. 5 eggs; grated rind and juice of 1 large orange; . 2 tbl. corn syrup and 1 tsp. almond flavoring. • Combine liquids in bowl then niix into above ingredients. This. mixture is mist but notwet, Pack firmly into well -greased honey pails or other cans. Cover with foil •wrap. Steam 3 hours if in- 1 and 2 lb. puddings. Larger ones require 4 hours steaming. Turn out on rack to cool. Wrap in waxed or foil paper to store. Before serving steam each pudding 1 hour. Dashwood Church Wedding Scene A red and white color 'scheme was ehosen by the bride,. Carole Emily Webb, daughter .of and Mrs. Miltoi Webb, Dash- wood, for her wedding to Thom- as E1nie NuneS, London, on S aturday, December 7 in Dash- wood Evangelical United Breth- ren church amid. a setting -of poinsettia h mums' and fern. Res, W. F. icraZ performed the 3 O'clock eeremony. Mrs, Lorne ifleinstiver played the wedding music and -accompanied the soleist, Mrs, George Ken- n edy, Ilderton who sang "Per- fect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer." Given in marriage by her father the bride was -lovely in. a floor length gown of white Bel- gium imported velveteen with, .chapel train. Touches of, re.em-'' broidered Alecon lace accented the neekline and bodice with long, pointed torso waist, A shell hat of lace studded with pearls' and sequins held her fingertip veil of French illusion. She car- ried a cascade of red roses and white carnations, Her attendants, Miss Lucy McKellar, London, as maid of honor, and Ann K. Taylor as bridesmaid wore cocktail length dresses of. red imported velve- teen in princess sheath style, - With matching feather hats, Judith Anne Webb as junior bridesmaid and Diane Miller As flower girl were gowned in red velveteen with matching head- band. All attendants carried cas- cades of white mums and,ivy. * * * * We have just room for a quick- ie cookie recipe. Hedgehogs (Mrs. Ross Krueger) 2 cups dates chopped 1.1. cups shredded. coconut 1 cup, chopped walnuts 1 eup brown sugar 1 tp„ melted butter 2 eggs unbeaten Make into little balls and roll in coconut. Bake in moderate oven till light brown. In 1956 there were '100.884 bi- cyales produced in Canada, and 124,167 bicycles imported. Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress 'Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. Flair g'reatmenta Tintlnor ;Individual Styling, 'Permanents Manicures', reclaim 409 Main St. • Phone 522 colowcrfprowcro Flowers Capture The• " Christmas Spirit • AZALEAS • .FOTTED MUMS • POINSETTIAS •• CYCLAMEN • CU'' FLOWERS • MISTLETOE at HOLLY Sot Th. YULETIDE CORSAGES AND BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS TABLE CENTRES Now On Display .Reder,Florist EXtreft ,IrsiiwsrawairAfriiir5Prafritirt.1irmr-urirftyitpuritrorap% Howard M. Landon, London, was groomsman. and ushers were Milton (Ted) Webb and Donald Nunns. • The wedding reception was held at the church •where the. bride's mother received in an afternoon dress of turquoise swiss crystal with black acces- sories and the groom's mother chose turquoise with black ac- cessories. For travelling to New York City the bride donned a black wool jersey ensemble with gold accessories and bronze intim corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Nunns will make their home in London. Guests attended the wedding from Woodstock, Toronto, Lon- don, Windsor, Port Colborne, Wallaceburg and'F•arithill. Mrs. E. Shapton President Of WA Mrs. W. A. Oakes, Clinton, was guest speaker at the Christ- mas meeting of •the Woman's Associationof James Street United church on Thursday af- ternoon. She based her talk on "My Commandments for Liv- ing" :or "Living 24 Hours a DaY." Mrs. S. B. Taylor presided for the program and the devotional was conducted by Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mrs. H. L. Sturgis 'fa- vored with two Christmas solos. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Whitney Coates? Mrs. H. J. -Snell presi- ded for the election of officers for 1958, the slate being pre- sented by Mrs. E. D. Bell, con- vener of the nominating com- mittee. President is Mrs. Earl Shap - ton; immediate past president, Mrs, Whitney Coates; vice-pre- sidents, Mrs. William Kernick, Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mrs. 0. S. MacNaughton; 'recording sec retary, Mrs. W. C. Allison, asst., Mrs. Rufus Kestle; treasurer, Mrs. S. Hendrick; asst., Mrs. Laura Harvey; corr. secretary, Mrs. H. C. Rivers; asst. Mrs. T. Dinney; literature sec., Mrs. A. Idle; press reporter, Mrs. James Smith. Committee conveners: Mrs. ,H. Hodgson; membership, Mrs. F. A. May; church, Mrs. Stan- ley Love and Mrs. S. B, Tay- lor; parsonage, Mrs. Allen Fra- ser, Mrs. E. D. Bell; nomina- ting, Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs, Alf Hunkin , and 'Miss Vera, Coates; emergency, Mrs. E. Shapton, Mrs, Wm. Xernick, Mrs. Wm. Allison, Mrs. S. Hen- drick; visiting, Mrs. Petty Pass- more; groupleaders'Mrs Pollen, Mrs. J. H. Jones and Mrs. Whitney Coates; represen- tatives to C.G.I.T., Mrs. F. Tay- lor; junior choir, Mrs. Hedley May. Re -Elect Officers For Caven Circle • Mrs, 0, Emmen and Mrs, H. Laing were reelected .co -presi- dents of Caven Congregational Circle for 1958 at the December meeting. Viee•presidents are Mrs, Fred 81111)1'0ns and Mrs, Ken ?Xe Laughlin; secretary, Miss Alice Pfaff; assistant, ,Mtg, N. Stan, lake; treasurer, Mrs, W. G. Cochrane,• gift committee, Mrs, L. Kirk and Mrs. J. Wilson; press reporter, Mrs, A. JcilinstOn; moose committee, Mrs. L Learn, Mrs. A. Whilsmith and Mrs. Wil- liam Silkily; flower convener, Mrs. N. Staniake; pianist, M. William Sillery and chureh flow- er committee, Mrs. W. G. Coch- retie and Mrs. R. Laing, The officers were installed by, neV. S. Kerr, Tbe devotional was taken bY Mrs, Sillery, Misses Phyllis Canto and Gwen Simpson favored with a duet and instru. Mental male was played by Mrs, Robert torydie. An exchange of gifts was !Wore of the Meeting. Hostesses wort Mrs, Aivie• Moir, Mrs. 2d Alobostori, Mrs. • Oke and Mrs, L. Learns Beverley M, Neil Shirley Genttner Weds Saturday In a Setting of red carnations, white mums and ferns in Main Street United church on Satur- day, December 7, Beverley Marie Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil, Exeter, be- came the bride of Carl Welland Turner, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Ralph Turner, Ailsa Craig. Rev, A. Rapson performed the 2 o'clock ceremony and Mrs. A. Willard played wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Ken Flear, London, who sang "Because" and "The Lord's PlGarvneev"' in marriage by hep father the bride chose a white floor length dress with bouffant skirt of tulle over satin. The lace bodice trimmed with se- quins was topped by a long sleeved matching bolero with collar outlined with seed pearls. A headdress of tulle and sequins held her fingertip veil of French illusion, She carried a white Bible crested with Better Time rosebuds with white ribbon streamers. Miss Patricia Sillery, maid of honor • and bridesmaid, Miss Pauline Stinchcombe, London, were gowned alike in red velvet with princess waistlines, V neck- lines, full skirts. Their white feathered headdresses were stud- ded with sequins and they car- ried. cascade -styled bouquets of white carnations and Better Time rosebuds, Brenda Marie Brintnell, Exeter, as flowcr giri wore a white velvet dress ,with matching headdress trimmed with red sequins, Her bouquet was a cascade of red carnations and white rose buds. Tom Stinchcombe, London, was groomsman and Russell Hunter, St. Catharines and Jim Turner, Parkhill, ushered. A wedding reception was held in the church parlors. The bride's mother received guests wearing grey blue peau de stile, dress withmatching feather hat and with - rose corsage The groom's mother chose teale blue satin -printed dress,winter white accessories and pink car- natinn corsage. • Decorations for the reception were white pom poms and red ribbons for tables. Serviteurs' were Jocelyn Howey, Barbara Tuckey, Ruth McLean, Marion Belling and Phyllis Merkley. For travelling to New York the bride donned a black and white dress, grey all -wool coat, white and turquoise accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Turner will reside in London. Mother Entertains Mrs, Murray Neil entertained for her daughter Miss Beverley, bride elect of Saturday, on Wed- nesday afternoon and evening: TIfe groom's mother, Mrs. Ralph Turner, Ailsa Craig, assisted in receiving guests. Pouring tea in the afternoon Were Mrs. Laura Hunter, SL Catharines and Mrs. Ray Hod- gins, Ailsa Craig, and in the evening Mrs. Gordon • Hunter, Exeter and Mrs. Alice Hodgson, Ailsa Craig, presided. Serviteurs in the afternoon were Misses Rena Murray and Myrland Smith and in the eve- ning Mrs. Ray Rader and Miss Joan Parsons. Displaying gifts and trousseau in the afternoon were Miss Paul- ine Stinchcombe, London, Mrs. Tom Smith and Miss Pat Sillery and in the evening Mrs. •Dotig- las Brintnell. Misses Stinch- combe*.and Sillery. • Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving Hair • Styling and Shaping Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 • Heads Auxilliary Shirley Genttner , was elected president of the Junior Auxiliary of Trivia Memorial chhureh at the meeting held in the parish hall on Tuesday afternoon, vice-president is Sandra Hunt- er; secretary, Lynn Page; Dor, CAS sec'y, Linda Wells; treasur- er, Marion Bentley. Leaders are Mrs. Nelson Wells and Mrs. Norman Knox and study book leader is Mrs. Walter Bentley. Toys were purchased and sent to the Yukon as the Lenten proj- ect. Eighteen articles were made by the members and entered. in Diocesan and Doniinion corn - petition 'and ANT MOM' prizes' were won, The sum of 525 was donated to the restoration work 'of thehurch. The study .of the Philippines was completed' and scrapbooks on the study made by the girls. Colored slides on the Philippines were also shown. .- Plans were made for a Christ - Inas party to be held on Friday sponsored by the senior W.A. The Deanery J, A. Festival will take place in Exeter this year, Make A Date to•get your permanents, sets, bleaches, tints, etc. now for those important holiday par- ties at the • HI -LINE Beauty Salon SPECIAL. Customers• • ticket on a fFREE 510 perman- ent. Draw December 28. • • MARGARET COWARD, Pre12- nlcvspisvis-wAvavAl•AvAvA-vAvialAvAlkaetA-vavAvvAvAvAvAvAltA-4A4A-444A444.44e1 Centralia Phone' 750-W-1 Exeter APPari',•wa7115,Will,Pit.ff?,ViiVilfAliarileaPilltit' liritraFilltitranTh rigillfrittetig0430•44•4i#11414J/AUV,411141114-V..1-4M0411,444411teiCC.C.4a4t4144*.#4441,1411444•4 A 4.7, 47" kV 47 • tagift013114414104114.4414041410404141041143040111:0141101414•4441441440 Site .0p The In VVOMEN • Your Lite - We,Gift .Wrap Shell love you more when the,gift you select at Irwin's 'is the right slie. Ask her to fill out this chart and bring 11 to us. Names Ai 14 DAUGHTER MOTHER SWEETHEART Z P NIECE DRESSES . SLIPS HOSE. BRAS CAR COATS • GOWNS • "' PAJAMAS SKIRTS ' SWEATERS BLOUSES Irwin's have many other wonderful gift sug. -gestions* for women. We invite you to come • in and browse. Irwin's LADIES .WEAR Phone 474 • Exeter FREE COUPONS ON .THE $800 JACKPOT! A illpt,titi • • ri fender yoUtig green peas . . dainty ands raistma AT HOME It's a wonderfully heartwarming time of the year It's a wonderfully heartowarming time of ' the when homes must look their best. May we sug. ' gest you visit here, whether you' want something new for your home, to give it a lift for the hall - clays , • �r whether you want to chooselFurniture Gifts for the family or friends. Just come in and browse to your heart's Content. You won't be urged to buy. PE r- FURNITURE • ,8 4' Floor Lamps A Table Lamps Occasional Chairs Smoker Stands Mirrors r, Hampers Cedar Chests Sewing Machines Sewing Cabinets Magazine Racksi • " Deski Ash Tray.' Card Table tetS Foam Pillows Luggage • End Tables • .Coffee Tables • Hostess Chairs Chrome Dinettes Flower Stands China Cabinets PHONE 90 Froo Coupons On The $800 Jackpot iXETER Chesterfields 01040aig B0101 410104011410itigillAt0101 s01010101104111%0440110dieifittritigir010010401 1 11 — • c -.:.:041141* -Mr s.