HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-12, Page 6The Time:-Ac4yocatet December It '1.957
ippen Comments
MtI.11A,! Meeting
The December Meeting of the
W.M.S. was held, at the church
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Joe
¥Icl~,ellan,vice president, chair -
cd the Meeting and Mrs. Robert
'McGregor and Mrs,. Norman
Wickert were hostesses.
•The devotional was taken by
Mrs. Harold Jones. Christmas
4rols were sung and the study
book was .given by Mrs.Russell
Consitt assisted by several other
W.M,S.. Officers
• •Macs. Russell Consitt was elect-
ird president of the W.M,S. for
1958. Honorary president is Mrs.
Emmerson Anderson; vice pres-
s idents, Mrs, John Anderson,
Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs.
Reward Finkbeiner„ secretary,
Mrs. Wilmer Jones;. treasurer,
?ors, Morley Cooper; press sec-
retary, Mrs. Norman Long;
Missionary Monthly sec,, Mrs.
Archie Parsons; Mission Band,
Miss Dorothy Turner; Baby
Band,Mrs. Ross Broadfoot;
community friendship secretary,
Mrs. Ralph Turner; Christian
stewardship, Mrs, Ross Love;
supply secretary, Mrs. Emmer-
son Kyle; supply committee,
Mrs. Archie Parsons and Airs.
Robert McAllister; pianists,
Mrs, Ross Broadfoot and Mrs.
Harold ,Tones; sunshine and as-
sociate member secretary, Mrs.
Eldon :Jarrett; ehristian c,itizen-
Ship, Mrs. Stewart Pepper,
W.A. Officers
Mrs. Alex McMurtrie was
elected president of the W,A,..
Honorary president is Mrs.`'
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!Harold Jones; vice presidents,
Mrs. Robert McGregor and Mrs,
Verne A'iderdice; treasurer, Mrs,
Edgar McBride; secretary, Mrs.
Egbert Faber.
Personal Items
a Mrs. John Cooper, accompanied
by Mrs. Alex Whitfield of Lon•
don, recently spent a few days
in Royal Oak,Mich., Detroit
and Bloomfield hills, Binning-
, ham, visiting her Sisters, a
brother-in-law and friends.
Air. Fred Nichols of Birch
River, 1►ianitoba Is visiting his
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and: Mrs. Lou Clark Sr„ also a
niece and nephew, leer. and Mrs,
G rdoti Wren.
The Christmas concert at
Tuckersmith school No. 2 is be-
ing held at the school Dee, 17
at $:15 p.ni,
Mr, .Powell of Seaforth was
the winner of a fruit cake in a
draw at Dickert's store last.
Mrs. Wni. Kyle was the lucky
winner of a set of steak knives
donated by Purity Flour at Em-
iuerson Kyle's store.
Mrs. Jean Kyle of Clinton vis-
ited last Wednesday with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle.
The Christmas school concert
at No. 4 Stanley is to be held
Dec. 17 at 8:15 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graing-
er, Mr. and Mrs, Don Hendrick,
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau,
Mr. and ,Mrs, Alex McGregor,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor
of Hensall Co-op spent Monday:
and Tuesday in Toronto and
while there ^attended the annual
co-op meeting and banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Seigle,
Jimmie and Donnie of Centralia
visited Friday afternoon. with
Dir, and Mrs. Robert Perkins.
Miss Carol Faber spent Sun-
day in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon. Kerr of
Winthrop visited recently with
the latter's parents, Mr. and
Elston Dowson.
During the Remembrance Day
service in Hensall, the pipe band
which led the parade was Exe-
ter Legion's, not the Bannock-
burn -band as previously re-
UiVi firi7/r47/r "'aeTA•t7/ tillApii 4f'f7I47Irt7/rV Alti flick)
\\.1 To
That we, still Have
'from for the whole
many suitable gifts to choofe
Stop And Shop At
Wilson's Rexall Drugs,
O greAO R/daggr ACCilfsari 0
And District News
Mri. Maude Heddon, Phone S.
Mrs, Archie McGregor, Phone 052-r-31.
Legion Elects
Bill Brown
Hensall Branch No. 468 of the
Canadian Legion at .their dinner
meeting on Wednesday elected
William Brown as president for
Others named were: vice-
presidents, Phillip McKenzie,
Roy Smale; secretary -treasurer,
P. L. McNaughton; Sgt. -at -Arms,
Leonard Noakes; executive, S.
McArthur, Fred Beer, Jim Tay-
lor, Robert Sangster.,
Ernie Chipchase was appoint-
ed coach of the Legien Pee Wee
hockey team
A donation of $25,00 was :made
to the Hensall •Christmas tree
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary
catered for the turkey dinner.
W.A. Elects Officers
The W.A. of St, Pauls Angli-
can Church, Hensall, met at the
borne of Mrs, Charles Fiford •on
Thursday evening and elected
officers for the 1958 slate, -
P'resident is. Airs, W. C. Good-
win; vice-president, Mrs.. R. R.
Middleton; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs, Fiford; Dorcas secretary,
Mrs. William Taylor; prayer
partner, Mrs, R. Taylor Sr.
Wins Kinette Cake
Mrs.Laird Mi ekIe was the
winneof the Christmas cake
drawn for on Saturday night.
Reeve N. Jones drew the win-
ning ticket. The project was
sponsored by Hensall Kinettes
with proceeds going for welfare
work. Mrs. Irvin .Armstrong,
president of Exeter Kinettes
made the cake, •
Win Yule Fowl
At Legion Bingo
Winners at the bingo Satur-
day night sponsored by Hensall
Legion were: chickens, Tom
Dougall (2); Bill Noakes (2);
L. Jarrott; 'Bill Parker; Mrs.
Clarence Reid; Gordon Cole-
man; Mrs. Jim Bengough; Mrs.
Bob Baker Sr,; Mrs. Reichert;
Mrs. Wm. Brintnell; Mrs. Sam
Ronnie; Lorne Hay; Ernie Har-
Special games — Turkeys,
Jack Corbett; Mrs, Clarence
Reid; Mrs. -Ernie Harburn; Mrs.
George Varley; Norman Hep-
burn; Bert Horton; Harvey
Keys; Tom Dougall; Mrs. Mae,
McLellan; Mrs. C. Wilkinson.
Door prize, turkey, was won
by Mrs. Bob Baker Sr.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Dilling and son
and Miss Bernice Dilling, in Sar-
Mr. John Mitchell is spending
a week with his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Dr. D. McKelvie, Robert and
Anne, of Essex, were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs.- E.
Shaddick and Bill.
Gerald Wurm, Exeter, was the
winner of a Christmas cake at
Thiel's Texaco Service Station.
'i1D►":iCt fes:ll rl6U.r' Lr::ii ll fir:3l f/r rgiragggi '.IRWRIR iMfllflZllZagilrlZT�lg
Shop In
Win A 7 -Day
X111 expenses, including plane fare and sightseeing tours, are paid ilt
this once -rota -lifetime prize offered by friendly I•iertsall merchants, A11
ya have to do is SHOP I1 IIENSALL you get a chance to win with
every $1.00h purchase. Dravir Christmas eve.
Council Refunds
Tax To Legion
A grant of $5.1.48 'was approved
for Hensall Legion by Hensall
council at its meeting last week.
The grant represents a re-
fund of the taxes paid to the vil-
lage by the Legion ;for its build-.
ing. It does not cover county
This is the •first time such
grant has been made by council,
A number of other communities
make similar refunds.
Other grants included $200 to
recreational committee and $10
to the district Girl Guides asso-
E. L. Mickle was reappointed
to the SHDHS board.
Clerk J. A. Paterson reported
tax arrears were down to $2,000,
less than four percent.
Reeve's salary of $100 and
councillors' salaries of $75 .each
were paid.
Council instructed the- PUC to
install • a street light on Eliza-
beth street north of King street.
J. Taylor appeared at council
meeting requesting the light.
E. R. Davis reported the coun.
ty road work had been com-
pleted. Some of the catchbasins
would have to -be raised in the
Constable Davis was autho-
rized to allow transients to stay
overnight only no oftener than
once a month. •
Reeve Norman Jones was em-
powered to declare December
26 Boxing Day.
United. Church Notes
Rev. A. J. McKim, of Wesley
United Church, Clinton, ad-
dressed the Young Peoples Fire-
side meeting in the United
Church here Sunday evening
with Y.P. societies from Varna,
Kippen, Brucefield, Exeter, -Cen-
tralia and Elimv Ile as guests.
Huron Junior Farmers' choir
led the music.
Next Sunday will be a White
Gift 'service and baptismal serv-
ice and on Tuesday, December.
17 the annual church school
Christmas concert.
Vets' Ladies
Choose Slate
At the Christmas meeting of
the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held
on Tuesday evening, president
elected for 1958 was Mrs. Wil-
liam Brown; vice-presijents,
Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Howard
Smale; secretary, Mrs. Lawrence
Baynham; treasurer, Mrs. Bryan
Sergeant -at -arms, Mrs. Harry
Morton; pianist, Mrs. Edgar
Munn; assistant, Mrs. Baynham;
executive, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McClinchey
Mary Taylor, Mrs. H. Bonthron, and Jerry were recent visitors
Mrs. Alda Simmons, Mrs. J. with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mellick3.
in Goderich,
Mrs. Stile's, of Varna, visited
during the past week with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Cameron.
Mrs. Keith Lindsay and Pam-
ela, of Napanee, are visitingawith.
the former's parents, Mr.. and
Mrs. John Henderson and fam-
ily, this, week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles and
family, of London, were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Sangster and Mr. and Mrs. Len
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Cook, of
London, visited last week with
Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Sangster.
Miss Anne Linstra,. of Exeter,
was a recent visitor with her par-
arents, Mr. and Mrs. Linstra.
Mr. Fred Kennings returned
this week from a five weeks visit
spent with his daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Red-
den and family, of S. Catharines,
and with his sister, . Mrs. Mary
Gable, of South,. River.
Mr,• and Mrs, Sim Roobol visit
ed over the weekend .with. Mrs.
Roobol's brother, Mr. Anthony
Geldersland, at Ridgetown. While
there they, went to Chatham to
see Mrs. Geldersland, who is a
patient at Chatham, General Hos-
Pan Parties
For Children
The annual Christmas tree
party for the children of Hensall
and community will be held
Saturday, December 21 at 2
p•ni. Following the arrival of
Santa Claus and opening Gere-
monies treats will be, distributed
to the children after which a
free ,show will be held in the
town hall,
This event is sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce and
Legion Branch 468. Committee
in charge are William Brown
and Alf . Scholl.
Kinsmen Pian Xmas Party
Hensall Kinsmen held their
dinner meeting Thursday eve-
ning with president, Jack Drys-
dale, presiding.
Past president Bill Mickle pre-
sented five new members Jack
Deitz,, Tony Charrette, Murray
Baker, George Beer and Earl
Soldan with their Kinsmen pins.
Plans were outlined for a kid-
dies party for members ' and
their children to be held Sunday,
December 22, the Sunday pre-
vious to Christmas..
A fishing film loaned by the
C.N.R. was shown in charge of
Frank Ellwood.
Lodge Plans Christmas 'Party
Amber Rebekah Lodge at
their meeting Wednesday eve-
ning discussed plans for their
annual. Christmas party to be
held Wednesday, December 18,
when members will exchange
gifts, and will,also bring gifts to
the meeting to be donated to
the Children's Aid Society at
Goderich. Noble Grand Mrs. Wil-
liam Caldwell presided for the
meeting, . •
Nursing Home
Changes Hands
The Queensway pursing home,
Hensall, owned by Mr. Earl
Burtt, has been sold to Mr. and
Mrs. Orville A. E. Jones of
Lucknow, who took possession
,on December L
Mr. Burtt, who came to Hen-
sall from St. Marys a year ago,
was unable to continue with the
nursing home owing to i11 health
from the results of a recent fall.
Mr. Jones was a flour miller
at Lucknow, and Mrs. Jones
was - on the staff of a • private
hospital at Lucknow for four
years, and was a graduate of
Clinton Hospital. They have a
family of one son, Kenneth, and
one daughter, Louise.
Mr. Burtt, while in Hensall,
made many friends who regret
his departure. He left for St.
Marys Thursday of this week.
Personal Items
Henderson. Mrs. A. Clark was in
charge of the election.
Mrs. Luella Hall, of Blyth, Zone
Commander, will be invited to
install the officers at the Janu-
ary meeting.
Discussion centred around the
Christmas party for the,"l:Red
Cross Erie Reid Old Soldiers
Home at London,, and Monday,
December 16, was chosen as the
date, when some thirty men at
the home will be entertained and
presented with Christmas par-
cels, and served lunch. In charge
of the lunch will be Mrs. Gordon
Munn and'Mrs. H. Smale.
Mrs. Ron Mock 'and Mrs. Ines
McEwan were chosen a commit-
tee to look after a Christmas
gift for a war veteran at West-
minster Hospital.
It was decided to send Christ-
mas baskets to shut-ins. Presi-
dent Mrs. E. R. Davis chaired
the meeting.
Bingo winners were Mrs. Aik-
enhead (2), Mrs. A. Joynt, Mrs.
J. Henderson, Mrs. A. Clark,
Mrs. Alda Simmons, Mrs. Edna
Corbett, Mrs. H. Smale. Mrs.
Davis and Mrs. Ronnie were re-
sponsible for the Christmas deco
rations, and Mrs. Ronnie and
Mrs H. Bonthron convened the
News Of Cromarty
By MRS. K.
W.M.S. Elias Officers
The December meeting of ,the
Woinen's Missionary Society was
held at the home of Mrs, Calder
Mc'K'aig with Mrs, McKaig pre.
The service of worship for
Christmas in, the. Glad Tidings
lyse followed and the candle
lighting ceremony observed.
,Those taking part were Mrs,
Sarah Scott,.M
, Har rs, E. Moore,, Mrs'.
Hou ghton
g , per , Mrs. K,
McKellar, An interesting Christ-
mas story wa,s read by Mrs. Will
This being the annual meeting,
reports were given by the differ-
ent secretaries and the treasurer,
The slate Of officers presented
by the nominating committee was
President :ts Mrs. T. Laing;
honorary president, Mrs, Sarah
Scott; vice-presidents, Mrs. Cald-
er McKaig: and Mra. M. Lantond;
secretary, Mrs.. T. L. Stott;
treasurer,. Mrs. W. Harper.
Secretaries are: Literature,'
Mrs. J, M.ott;..supply, Mrs.
Sarah Scott; glad Tidings, Mrs,.
M. Houghton; exchange, Miss M.
Currie. home helpers. Mrs. M.
Houghton, assistant, Mrs, J.
Seett;press "secr'etary. M'rs. X.
McKellar; brgenlsts, Mrs.Wilt
141111er trs. J'.' Wallace; audi
tors, Mrs. L. 'Sorsdahl and Mrs.
Grace Scott; nominating commit-
tee, Mrs. F. Allen and Mrs. F,
Harburn,- visiting committee,
Mrs. L. Sorsdahl,
Persoflel Items
Mr. and Mrs, Calder N:el{aig.
Visited with relatives in ..Mitchell
do Sunday,
Miss Alice Sorsdahl spent the
Weekend with' her friend, Miss
Charlotte Batten, Monkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace
and sons, Carlingford, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Lamont,
London, and MrS. Allan•MeLean,
of Filmore Sask„ were Sunday
visitors with Mr: and Mrs. ;Lloyd
Sorsdahl 'and family,
Phone 102
J at
Friends •Shower
Jean Armstrong
Complimenting Miss Jean Arm-
strong, bride -elect of this month,
Mrs. Jack Simmons entertained
At her home' at a miscellaneous
shower when 40 neighbors of the
former school section were
guests. Mrs Harold Elder and
Mrs. Don. Gooding- assisted the
Mrs, Jack Drysdale was host-
ess at her home on Saturday eve-
ning when a number of Hensall
friends presented the bride -elect
with a cup and saucer shower.
Mrs, G. Corbett, of Toronto,
entertained a number of Hensall-
ites, friends of the bride, at a
shower recently.
A number of friends of the
bride -elect entertained for her in
London where she was formerly
on the teaching staff for the past
several years.
Auxiliary Elects
Mrs. W, Mickle
Officers were elected for 19$8
at the Christmas meeting of the
Evening Auxiliary -of the Hensall
United Church held Monday eve-
,President is ` Mrs, William
Mickle; honorary president, Miss
M. Ellis; past president, Mrs.
Jack Drysdale; vice-presidents,
Mrs, Ken Elder, Mrs. . Robert
Reaburn; secretary, Mrs, Doug
Cook; treasurer, Mrs. S. Rannie;
pianist, Mrs. William Fuss; as-
sistant,. Mrs. A. Shirray,
Stewardship secretary, Mrs.
Gordon. Munn; literature, Mrs.
Walter Spencer; supply, Mrs,
Bryan Kyle; cards, `Mrs. Hugh
McEwan, Jr.; friendship, Mrs,
Don Joynt; social, Mrs. R. J.
Drysdale, .and Mrs. Raye Pater-
sonr Mission Band leaders, Mrs,
C, Christie, Mrs. 3, Cornell, Mrs.
Earl Dignan, Mrs. E. Chipchase;
recreation, Mrs. Ron Mock and
Mrs. Lorne Chapman; press,
Mrs, Maude $edden; flower,
Mrs. B. Ferg, Mrs. Jim Taylor;
nursery school, Mrs. Harvey
Keys and Mrs, John Heal,
Theladies of Chiselhurst Unit-
ed Church werespecial guests.
The devotional was in charge of
Mrs. Ron Mock. Guest speaker,
Mrs. 0, Winter, of Zurich, spoke
on the history of "Yule Burning."
Instead of the usuhl exchange
of gifts, members brought
Christmas gifts of children's
clothing for the mission at Cross
Lake, Man. Mrs. Don Joynt and
Mrs. Doug .Cook were in charge
of this project. They also sent a
Care parcel to Korea.
Mrs. Russell Broderick, who
recently took up residence in
Exeter, was presented with a
gift, Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs.
W. Fuss rendered a vocal duet,
with Mrs. Shirray accompanying
at the. piano, • and Mrs. A, Ross
favored with a piano solo.
President Mrs. J. Drysdale
chaired the meeting. The school-
room was decorated in Christmas
motifs and committee in charge
were Mrs. Raye Paterson and
Mrs. R. J. Drysdale:
Mr. George Thompson of Lon-
don, England, will arrive here on
Sunday, December 15 to spend
the Christmas holidays with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, Charles Fiford and -
family. Mr. Thompson will
spend two weeks here.
Miss Helen, McDonald of Pori
Elgin and Mtss :Phylis. Smith of
Waterloo, who aro .attending
Stratford Teachers' College,,
.spent last week practice teach-
ing at No.. 1 Tuckersniith, under
the supervision of Mrs. Laura.
belle Reichert.,
i L• L L• L 'i L` L L L L L L• L �.t t t�j l t< 11?�1: L� tr
?Ieer!4mo17/ 4th! 440.4
Time Is -Running Out
Gift He Will
Choose A
Be Proud 'To Wear From
T. C. Joy rt & Son, ; Hensall
• Viyella Shirts in Plains and Tartans
• Curling Sweaters and Tams
• Wash and Wear Cotton Flannels
• Jackets of All Kinds
• Lined and Unlined Gloves, Black, Brown, Grey and Natural
• Sisman Bushmaster Shoes — 6" and 10" Heights
• Arrow White Shirts
• Sport Shirts — Stripes, Checks and Plains
• Currie Ties
• Tie Bars, Cuff Links, Matching Sets
• Sweaters by Warren, Tony Day, Forrest
• Car Coats by Bantamac, Victoria
• Slippers, Flight Boots, Matching Shirt and Pant Sets, Caps,
Tie ind Sox Sets, Belts and Scarves.
All Gifts Boxed Free!
Don't forget that with every $1 purchase you get a FREE
TICKET on an all -expenses -paid BERMUDA VACATION.
A -N -D
'That there is Free Skating every Saturday afternoon
in the Hensall Arena.
t ,
' r
A , A
�'�... Here's the tow -down for a BUSY SANTA CLAUS,
Peentliktos there's an easy 'way of
beating that last-minute rush for Christmas
presents—and it leads straight to the B of M`
branch in your neighborhood;
Where there's a
there's a way!
..:t? p_it, agitlrla iltbilikt Owe'
retAt old tearc►ptk...,
1f you are a busy Santa Claus with a
long list to take care of, be sure to in-
clude a visit to "MY BANK" on your
shopping tour. Here you will find a num-
ber of gift -ideas that are guaranteed to
give special cheer to everyone on your
"what -do -they -need?" list.
Youngsters rank high on
anyone's list and there's an
extra, special gift that's
bound to make a hit a
Savings Account, complete
with passbook designed to
appeal to the small fry. And
wait 'tii you see the gay
'yuletide passbook cover —
just right for the occasion.
.,.a'ttd of 1.t/r .
Tor the hard-to-choosc.for, . r.
festively -decorated cheques /f•
that come in Christmassy • f,411 AM
envelopes and folders pro- � ,o
vide a short-cut to your 4-4,,,,,,,~
shopping problems, For out
of-towners, who like to buy .
for themselves, practical
II of M money orders enclosed in holly-
decked envelopes can save you needless
Worry and guesswork. ,
And if yotc are an employer, you.can give
your staff bonus a yuletide lift by using
special 11 of M Ch1•istmas' cheques.
60444 96i4e 64lhi
Fiteter llratcls i
to o Aiwa, avows
C. B. SHAW, Manager
Centralia (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Thursday
Grand Bend (Sub4gertcy) i Open Mon., Wed, and PA.
Crediten 14ranclr' CLARE IRWIN", %Wet
(Open Tuesday, Thursday tad on Priddy 4.so G p.m.)
Dashwood' (SubMAgency): Open Mon., Wed & 174
Hensall Branch, KENNETH CHRt5 IAN, Manager
Lucsn Branch: IACIt STEACY, Manager
4. A
r 4
A' A