HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-01, Page 4TUR gid goTt Miami* #�! bar. t s� d b'r'ae ' 2 t Wives. elle -- " --- _..�.Ki • mesa � „� saes i860, lS 6�111300�A1R'!'NlllR/�IP►eretA�9eR 1Cbdab PJYearL wsa sacs uv best d effete' banquet; ba root us as old, tat.. fey' of theedacN is the Pala Aase tasty �i Seeds ¢ I) mast, sad d;owes (Yeas teal s eN pass epeitsllr viiia . de year !y ibis 1ontM •F►•'e baso as slightest •tuouon. Qud"el NI a tissR% Jeoumh, wet• the eiceptlos of pan decked lemma u a eple.dN Nss►vtio. It bis sppe"red la * solvated Rl� kens, somparud wise test year. it is MM- y���� � gular that Nes l)rleum bee bttbet:o /i ; o" WA/ hest, escapade' -Neto Y.sk 1J"retkl. • Wheat, An Arise Pascertoa.-At the fellow- second hest, ship meeting in the West Churoh, Isyse- o( hie ptlisa. near, no Monday lest, in the abseoos of the thinl best, ys.te/ wawa. ' whet( aro You 1i/reenter, old Joke McLean, the well- '� �tb known 11i L bialerias,led :ie �ro lied, 'Nines ell the respect •hewn g pesla nt.- P Pa to the no .mal estonishmeet of the miou- me is owls, to ety garment it a but fair ter anJ alt aaasmbiod. Althouib ibis setrt- that they should participate In the feast.' sn h to is his 104th year, yet he feehegly A man out came to the Kh..J4h, saying, 1 : sinfully Sung lb. good u1d seresast- 'Etfetdi, I have need of an ass to -day; bare i,ig times of French sed Martyrs. mad that. the kindness to lead me your's.' too, without the (east faltertsg, in whish 1 have not as u• here,' said the Khc .b; all present cordially jwsed. - Hortrifey at the same moment the eternal be i5 W /'st , bray N timetable. at 7 O Nlag wOM Ye tlfM,f M a V11111f)) .n;.a ret keel flit 1pa Alf• rWH's wedelns s OMA teeroz ping away, and 4vtarned to pt.'s* sad sew trousers, the scene of (eattvtty. Ile was neared with honour at the door, saluted with e shower of compliments, au4 coLsluotud to the highest seat. Ae the dishes were pr"- /ented to his, h.j 1I1 d 1n ugh the sleeve .1C4'.Jah taYarldt f exclaim. 0 0 best, 0 16 0 0 10 0 0 15 ) 0 10 0 o 7 6 Harley, 0 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Rye, 0 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Oats, 0 7 6 second est, o 5 0 Peas, 0 7 6 second best, - u 5 u Clover Seed, grown in 1850 (one bushel) 0 7 6 se'r)n(I best, 0 5 O 'timothy Seed,(onc bu) 0 7 6 second best, o 5 0 Firkin salt Butter, 56 lbs. packed 4' cured, 0 12 6 second best, o 10. 0 third best,, o 7 6 Newly made Butter, ten puunt1s, 0 7 6 second best, 0 0 Cheese, 25 Ibs. 0 12 6 • second best, o. 10 0 third best, o 7° 6 Maple Sugar, (cake 25 lbs. produced on ex- hibitor's premises, 0. 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 third best, • 0 5 0 MANUFACTURES lit iMPLEMENT>,. Fen Yards of Holme made Fulled Cloth, from Wool grown by exhibitor, and spun in Itis family, (all Wool, web of 1850,) w0 15 0 second beat, 0 10 0 third best, 0 7 (1 Ten yards of Home *Well. uade • Flannel, all. wool; do. (not fulled, do.) o 10 0 second beet, o 7 6 third best, . 0 5 0 Nine yards. Blanketipg, all* wool, do. (twilled, not ful- • led, do.) • *0 10 0 6 j second best, 0 7 6 third best, - Ten yards Linsey, cotton & • wool, (not fulled) 0' 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Best New Double Wagon made by a member ofthe Society, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Best Plough, any improved kind, for one year, 0 12 6 second best, 0 7 6 Harness -Best set' of Double, - -0 15 0 second hest, 0 10 0 For any Agricultural Implement, made by s member or membere of this Society, of an un- proved desciiptioo, to be decided by the Judges. O Prise in discretion of Committee. BY-LAWS. (y 1. No Animal gaining the first prize one year, can take it in the seine character the second or O soy other year; but may show sod be entitled to O a certificate from the Society, or such other honorary reward as may be decided on, escept 0 Balls, Stallions, Boars and Rams, which may O show and carry arae prizes for two years. 2. That a Subscriber be only entitled to one 6 prize fur Butter sod Cheese, or for Grain of the rime kind. 3. That Stallions, Bulb and Boar!, most have served within the Society's Dietricr, the season previous to the show (except to eases of extra rremioms), or exhibitors of each to give ea ob- ligation that they will serve in their season. 4. Balls mast have s ring or screw in Their nose, wuh a rope er chain attached, to prevent accidents. S. That the prise for Hellen be not awarded to any animals that has previously had a calf. 6. That the quantity of Grain and Seeds ex- hihited, (Pease and Indian Corn included ) be sot ler than two Barthel', and r.ie.J by en ex- hibitor, from a field of at least two acres, (unless the quantity of tend and grain or seeds be other- wise speei4ei:) and the ('heese and Batter. nr other Farm Produce, exhibited, to be produce from exhibitor's farm, heed or stock: sad that all 0I Ewe, shown (except Fal Sheep) shall hare Buckled • Iamb to the first of Aaguot previous to 1 t6. Show. 7. That all competitors for prizes glee to the Secretary notice of the description of Sock or Produce they intend to show, before, or nn the day previous to the day of soy Annual or Gene. ral Mhow. 6. Teat all Steak and Produce exhibited. most be on the `round precisely a even o'alnch of the day a the Show; the Judges will a1 that hour eater on their duties. 9. No article or animal can be shewo for two prizes the same year. O 10. That for the eneonregemea of those Members who may introduce improved Stock; OI if asy animal entered for competition he deemed O by the Judges worthy of the first prize, and if the owner of the same prove to the estisfsctia of the Judges that such specimen of •rock bee been imported or pare breed not of Stock Import- ed from Great Britain or Ireland, he abaa re- ceive double the amount of premium otherwise 'monied, bet only for ooe year. 11 All Stock to he property ofexbibitor three month, before the Show. Judges will have tr.- centenary power in withholdl•g prizes; and no pinna eta be lodge of his owe property. (See Roles tee, skew tad twelve•, F. PLOUGHING MATCH Ts ►.e at the Farm of S. Fryf gl., Req., on Fri- day. the eleventh Oehe6.r. Plough to be of any 0trdertch, esot•ini•g100 acre. -30 of which ekai•eri The mound to M ploughed by the prrtoa. cleared. Tbs land Is of • superior qualt- q. or by nee of his family, or servant owe ty, and well watered. 11 i sittated exact- ly pr!•ioa.ly El: 3r rd sad hired. Niue: t nine stela aterom the town of fitted iebex oa In. el Hit : 2nd. LI: 3rd, IS. ; nth, In,,; 5th, y So Le 0 0 Time we hour. A.te• s, 10 the Florae Rod, and at the junction of OW A. M. Quantity a l.es, hap as wr each.- different rods; and m tt is m the ower of Ferret. 1r9 a peptises as proep.rous locality, it is ex - 6A Fair will As held for the she of Farm fleetk celleelly adapted for a Tavern Nand or a .f •vary DeeenDUN, sa oho day of 8hnw i Store. T64a farm le well entitled to the O Ostniwr. 111.• Gn,s, R..4,..be., w h. sbnwa atteeImn of perenns dnmrou. of sn oltgibl. (/ •t Mrs Ibyler', Farmer's ian. R.6srnp. :wily bfar bu.inma, mai watt b. end Os t ou hr Member., to bs pard oa a belor. 'i0tb 0 August soli r.ry rsagsM•blo terns. For paruculare 1ft1IN 1 1: LINTON, 3...'y apply to 11. 44. LI?.ARti, Lead Agwl. Stratford, 99th J,eu , 18J0 •Js!! Goderich, June 10, 1OO. fee -310 'ler said the mart. 'do sot 1 hear yon Centel,M 41reetrn.-Very few people au braying to tie stabler take hot the pains they ought with cah6a- 'Wbat!' exclaimed 'he Khojab,'t.ea44 tree. When they are cur, no matter how - you take the word of an ace is proles., they are left to bring writs; so matter to mise?' whin, nor hew many. Now, the fact ie. It happened once that the Kali ( j bat wheal the opr.els begin•te some they of Mary -Hisser (a village sear Conete r Dnpk) got drunk, and fell asleep in hie vise. yard • the Kbojah, walking with • friend, passed hy the place, and seeing the Kesie cooditioe, stole his grows and placed it upon Me own shoulders.' W hes the Katt awoke, and mused his gown, hei summoned his attendants., and seeding them in differ- ent direction", commanded them to arrest the persns with (Ahem it should be discov- ered. One of the °Meets rocognieed the gown on the Khnjah's ,back, and s.i ing bon, dragged Mor to the Melikeweb (the public inbusal) When the Kazi saw him, Ne demanded: elKbe ah Effendi, when didat thou find this gown?' The Khejih answered in a loud voice so that all the speelators might hear: 'As I was wailing this n.ornfsg with a friend, we esw • Kast, so reckless of the holy law he was appointed to idminierer, that he lay in an open field, dead drunk and asleep. My eompamun, in indignation, spat upon and kicked him; 1 took hie clock, and put it on me. 1f it be thy property, i am wilting to resign it to the.' 'No, so, Kbojah.r cried the Kant, , ala -m - To cure a fellon take some flour and mix ed foe hie reputation; 'it is nude of mise! it it w ith cream into a panto and put it on u is Rose of miner a poultice then Noce it when ripe. 'humid be all rubbed off but tea beet -n► et Stoat. two; testier(' of which, a multitu le of .mall ones an allowed to grow, not any of which bring good hearts, and all are, f.•r the most wort, but • poor apology for greens. When the cabbage is cut, the leaves ehnuld be ent of the stem, and as soon as the hada of the stamp begin to grow, rub off or cut all that arenot wanted, leaving one of the strongest and beet to grow into a Lend, which It will do in an is - credibly short time; cgnalling, and more (vegnenity excelling the firet heed i1.n!(, in flavour end appearance. -Farmer's .Uuedk- ly Visitor. Vu.rARI.e RF.calra.-To prevent the horr•r from injuring apple trees. The borer late its r•g,re jest within the hark a few inches from the ground, in Jane, two pound.. of potash to ooe bucket of wa'er- waeh the tree in June, and the ligtud de- stroys the stage, and will prevent the recur renee of the evil next year this is the com moa practice of the orchardist* in Massa- rhneetls, and is successful. -Portsmouth Journal. Aweer. Occt'aareca-Sir CAifdrrt Bur- sted !o DeatA.-The -most heart-rending calamity that ever oceured In the County of Ottawa, happened last week in the town- ship of Bristol, (or Clarendon,) to a family by the name of knox. The circumstances, as far u we have yet been able to ascertain are most extraordinary, being briefly as follows; -A few days ago, Knox, (the tether) laying visited the village of Smiths Falls, was returning bome by the Rideau ('anal, and while one of the steamers, be was wishing to enter • private apartment of the Seat, unconsciously, (it being disk,) en- tered the wheel -house and stepod upon one of the paddles of tho wheel. At this mo- ment, the wheel, which was motionless when bo entered, begun to move. and made several revolutions before he was enabled to disengage himself, which he only succld • ed in doing after several of hie bones were broken, and otherwise mutilated in a molt shocking manner. But the moat lemon - table pert of our story remains to bo told. While Knox was being conveyed home in this state, and when within a abort distance of his own residence, his wife who was at home with seven ehildree, hearing of hor husband's approach left the house with the youngest child io her arms to meet him, leaving the other six, (the eldest about 14 years of age,) at home. During her ab- sence the house took fire, and all within it was consumed. Nothing was to be seen upon the return of the mother, but the smoking relics of her late habihation, in which were then found the charred remains of her six unfortunate children. Out of a fancily of nine, the mother and ono infant' alone remains unhurt; yet what must bo that mothers anguish? in one short day six of her children a taken from her, she receives& raturniortueband mutilated and almost lifeless, and becomes Iouseleae. Such are the details of the distressing oc• curreice so far as wo have been able to gather them from authentic sources, and we hope it may never again fall to our lot to describe so sad &n event, -Ottawa Ar- g a A. I t •mfrs Tus lernit.e.-Two boys go- ing home ono day, found a box in the ,toad, and disputed who was the finder. They tougtit the whole afternoon, without com- ing to a decision. At last they agreed to divide the contents equally, but, on opening tho box lo! .ed behold! was empty. Few warms have been more profitable than this to the parties concered. A person reading a paragraph in the pa- pers, that a large piece of land was washed sway by an inundating, but that the ac- count was not fully confirmed, was cut short by a gentleman-'Tbat if it was "von true, there was no ground for the report.' There is . place down oast where the sheep are so poor that it takes six of them to cast n shadow. it is a place something similar to that in Jersey, where the bogs aro eo poor that tbey have to stand against the fence to eque.l! RNAa0lARLu RRrt0or.-in court tho other day, a 'canoes being asked bow ho knew that a man and woman were man and wife, replied-'Becsuee ho haul often heard the woman blow the gentleman up.' The evidence was held to be conclusive. Tan ('YOLRu(A ire TUN Cuuerev.-Tho rraiele, locomotion, caprices, and uncertain- ties', of thus destroyer, are els gnlar and on- aeeounlable. This time last year, the di ease wan raging intensely in our city, mal- tfeeti.g itself singularly eneeeh, rMeS, en tin .venue" and outskirts pt the city, while • the Jen or and More crowded pert wee eomperu*ively free from the pe•Il!oner.- But thiln year not the least symptom of thr- iftiness. he diems. hes appeared in our p'•polat•• n, and the health of the city generally is more than es tally good at this 'onion of the year. Or, the other band, while one place us ex. • not from di , other planes are vise's,, wteh greet severity. At Nashville, the ch dere, it is said is of a very malignant and fatal type; at Pittsburg and Cincinnat' u abs agile appeared this year, ae well as at 8t. Louis, though .t "either wt tie latter pl.eae with the sante intemtty, sod to the • ime extent •. last year. le Denote, s.peolally the Illinois river, at felt., ravages have boot great, considering the size of the elite.; and the towns o" the Ntoeieeippi, geserall . have bad 'noel of these Stray more, chiefly, beweiver, from the M,sostt of the dead or dying from A( UICUL (URE. AT • Meeting of the Committee of the Sine. ford Agricultural Society, the following Premiums were ■warded, to be shows Is. et the Society's ninth Annual Exhibition, et Stratford, on Tuesday, the first day of October, 4850. - Horses. For the Lest I3rut(x1 Marc and Foal, .01 0 second best, '15 thud best, 7, For the t 3 years old Filly, Of `GLlding, 0 12 second best, . 7 third best, 5 Best two year okl Filly or Gelding, 0 10 Second• beat 7 One year year old Colt, 0 7 second best, .0 5 Span of Farm Horses, geldings or mares, r 1 0 second best, , 0 15 third best, 10 Cattle. 'Three year old Bull, anis not more than seven, 1 10 second best, 1 0 third best, o 10' Two year old Bull, 1 0 second best 0 15 One year old Bull, , 0 10 se and hest, 0 • 7 Milch Cow and Calf, 0` 15 second best, 0 10 third best, 0 7 Milch Cow, 0 12 second best, 10 third best, 0 7 Best `2 yrs. old Heiler-, 0 10 second beat, o 7 third best, o 5 Year old Heifer, 0 7 second best, 0 5 Yoke of Working Oxen 5 year old and upwards 15 second best, 0 10 third best, 0 7 Yoke 4 year old Steers, o 10 second best, o 7 Yoke of 3 year old Steers, 10 second best, 0 7 Yoke 2 year old Steers, 0 7 besot l bat, o '5 Best Fat Ox. 0 15 second beet, o 10 Fat Ctiw ot Heifer, u 10 second best, o 7 Sheep and Hogs. I..ou over 2, and under 5 years old, 0 12 second Hest, 0 7 tllinl beset, l) 5 Year old Rale, 0 10 second best, 0 7 Pair Ewes (see by-law) 0 12 seer nal t, o 7 Single Ewe, 0 7 scci)ntl hest, to 5 Best Fat Sheep, 0 10 second beat, 0 7 third best, 0 5 For tr best Boar, 0 15 second best, 0 10 11reedim Sow, Iwlbutg 0 6 6 O 6 6 0 0 O O 0 () 6 6 O 6 11 6 (1 6 0 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 6 6) 6 O 0 6i 6 0 6' Cumpeay, Is this day dt.eolitd by metuet eemsel . The beams will a future ►e carried co by Win. hesndy alone, who i hereby au homed sod ., to arrange all mat tora cuaaested with the luwedinte buwseee of the lab Firm. 04M. KENNEDY. G. BUTCIIART. JOHN SPENCE. thereon, 77tH Jou, 1860. 5191. NOTICE. THE Seb.eriber Ionise twee appointed Agent for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAI. AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, kor.• by ultimates, that ba is preperwl to receive Sub• ecriptions for Stock Is the Proprietary Branch, sod apelicatiooe for Insurances la the Mutual Branch, and t0 give such information ou the subject as may be required. JOHN CLARK. Goderieh, 9&b Sept. ept 1804. 2,-s34t. FOR SALE. 0 'IfREE MILL PRIVILEGES, close to the Lake Sere, and at 6, 8 and 18 ini'os from Geiatisl. with small Farms et- tschod. Alco-OXRHUNDR ED Betides, fereS in the new laid out Teta Plot of Wicklow, on the 18 mile River, sod oa the main road from Goderich to t6. flourishing settlement' in the new county of Brace. 'Terme-One fourth of the purchase mos- ey down, the remainder in Four instalments with interest. Apply (if by letter post- paid) to the proprietor, IOiIN HAWKINS. Goderich, March 18, 1850. 3r-n8m6 PLANS AND SPECTRICATIONS, THE Subscriber be tears to inform the Iababitants of the District of Huruo, and the neighboring Districts, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and u preperd to give Plans sod Sp.ci6ca- tioos of Public or Private Buildings, liridg- es,Mill Dams, kc. 1Lc. kc., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, ou the most reaeonablo terns. His thorough knowledge oChia profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies him fur any undertaking in the line. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. ke. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 6th, 1849. 9v-s71f N- OTICE. -The ■•derig•ed hy power o[ Attorney dated the 27th day of May, i850, given him by Thomas B. Woodlilf, to toilets all ontstaading debts dee theist* Firm of Miles and Woudi,ff, .ad himself peeeosally-regsest an immediate settlement of ape sarn or they will be given to the Clerk of the Division Court for collection. BENJ. PARSONS. God.ricb, June 12th, 1850. .3.19 BAYFIELD TANNERY, ONE mile North of Bayfield on the Lake shore. The subscribers will pay cash or leather for bides, and will tann on shares hides eo entrusted to them. And from having: a thorough knowledge of the bum - nese, they can confidently promise the pub- lic a good 'article. \VILLIAM IIALL, • IIENJAMIN ROSZEL. . Goderieb, Apr i 19, 1860. van 12 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! ••• snbecriber offers for SALE bis GRIST and SAW MILL, attested in the Township of McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three miles of Flanagan's Corner.• The Mlle are now io,operation,and newly built. The Privilege Is the best oa tho River, and situated in the best Town- ship in the County of Iluron-well settled, and Roads opened in all directions to favour it. The Machinery and materials are of the very beat quality, and put up by the ve- ry boat Machinists. 'For Particulate in- quire of James Crumhie, Esq., Galt,:or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, 15th January, 1350. Sv.Gtf l"The Galt Reporter will insert the above until forbid. CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich Mille -and Ciah for Cherry Saw Logo at Godermh and Bayfield Mills, by WILLIAM PIPER. Goderich Mills, 5th December, 1649. 46-tf F.ARblER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. FRANCIS FiSIILEIGH begs to inform his friends, and the public generally. that he has eetahli.heil himself in the above Village, and hopes by strict attention to the comforvand con- venience of Travellers, to merit a .hare of their patros•ge. Good Stabling and an atteeetin Groom in attendaeee. Mitchell. May 1516, 1!50. " 3v -s:5 S'PRA'TFORD IRON I'oUNORY. -Tb subscriber hayt•g purchased the taut- est of Mr. C. J. tVil•on in the above Es- tablishment, is about to continue the Moi- nes on bis own responsibility. In returning thanks to the public for the very !there! en- couragement received by Ota k Wrt.soa, he begs to intimate that hewiU coaatn:ray keep oa hand an assortment of Sctperior CA•TIS ON, consisting of C 0 0 I( INC, Parlour, and Box Stoves ; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most improved Moold.,-.M.4LT R01,1,E:R.V, Terrine fad's:, Snide. Rollers, 4-c. THRASHING MACHINES of a superior deeeriptioo to any hitherto introduced, and bettor adapted to this et:es- try from their lightness of draught, and strength of construction. A call from in- tending purchasers is retreated before per. teasing elsewhere. The above will be sold at Low Rates (or Cush or Trade, oratsot' responding rates on approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford, 20th Jeae, 1850. 9r -.YO TO BE SOLD. -An Excel - I tet FARM, being LOT No. 12, MAIT- LAND CONCE8hlION, Township of t. • I r )IIE aebserilsubarne isbvm iiei.6tbitas'- �//.,i,.a.ds�� 4y� 40i �0�� ".w"'.e71t"r". n•+ {EtIAl1�l1 N Odsi� ."d It. victsNy, lire M V s« , sired • Lars• Supply et the LATKIIT im- 1�r a4 nus ese �oVKD PA7" I'h.MN$ of �' rF► t �a a (y les a00 k ING, .BOX , �: R „r R `r *1 AND I'ARLOUR STOVES, ALFRED W, OTTER, whits he oars few SALE of ee {RLUUCKD MR1CLa Pon CASH. a• fGeneral Agent 4 COI1,Yey+0 id The i)abecnber elm keeps e" head, se ttsosl. at his OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Ss - mew mseut of W1ARE of every description. Tke .eb.oriber isles tar oppertsoity of retur- ning b4 M.ewe thesis w thio, Publ.. for the very IIWmI fill►twnags be 6.. received aim* he bis been is bwiScie lis Ged.ricb, and hopes by strict atusotioo to Wais.u, and moderate pries, to cooties* to Neely, • eltare el the public patronage N. B. -GRAINING. PAINTING, GLA- ZING. PAPER and BEI.1. HANGING rented os as heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Gudericb, 6th Sept. 1849. 9v-a31U TWO GOOD FARMS FOR MALE. ONE within 4 miles, sad the other with - to about 3 nide" of Gotsrieh Tows Plot., Tbs first is I. ;T 10 to 1st Coaocs- eton, Township of Goderieb, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, Is bounded at the one end by Lake Iluron, and at the other be • Public Road, --and the second is 1.0't' 8 in 8th Concosaioe, Colborne, W. Division, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- iic Reade. For Particulars apply to JN(). McT)ONALD, Esq. Goderielt, 19th June, 1849. n9-tf HURO N HOTEL, GODERICII. TAMES GENTLES, would respectfully its - el form the iohabit►au of Goderich, and iu'vi- cioity. that he will cu.ataatly Keep horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. ler which he respeelfuUy solicits tee patronage -oaf the psblie. JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 1649. r2.33-tf New 'Tailoring Establishment IN QODERICH. TIE Subscriber begs 10 aaoouoee to the 4.- 1 habitants of G.dcnch, and its ricinity, that he has commenced business in the above line. in she Room adjoining 1f. HORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square, where he will be pre- pared to ezecote all orders in his line oe the shorten notice, and et moderate charges. N. B. -Cutting done u. the .hennas apnea JOHN ADAMS. Ooderieh. Oct. 17, 1849. .SOs17 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CL),II-P-.9NY. ' • TUE Suberib.r having Loon appointed Agent of the "CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE CO.," ie prepared to receive proposals for Aeon - ranee, and will bo happy to afford to any person the necessary information, as to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON* Goderich, 3th Juno, 1849. .5s 9t( KINCARDINE ARMS. (Near the Wharf Roderick,) BY H. MARLTON. THE above Hotel 6u good aceemodetion for travellers, Stabling, kc., kc. The Packet Mary Ann will leave Gode- rich (wind k weather permetting,) regular- ly twice a week for the Kincardine Settle- ment. For freight or passage apply to Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arms. Godorich, March 1616, 1860. n8 -v3 PVIIIPT TDB BLOOD. M OFF AT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS TM high and earied celebrity when thewre•.aLse pt Medicines ihare .egeired for their invariable elleaey Y ell the shore which they profess to erre, ►es rendered W ural practice of p.aag set only eneseeewry, ea eawer- thy of theta. They are limiest by their fruits ; their geed work, testify for theta, and they thrive sot by the AS& of the credulous. iMr iZ.L m_,__.11EGI t✓ ISTHMI. ACVTs eat CBRONIC RHEUMATISM. AFFECTION'S of D4 BLADDER and RID\'* ¥S. 1173.10171 FEVER! & LIVER OOMPLAtIIrTIL- te the weft, Oed west. where these dios,.. pMa0, Sher nil he roved laminable. Plaistow farmers. .ad Mire. who nem me three Med.nms. .41 Dever afterwards be without tear. BIL1oCS CYItlL IC, dad FEROL1 Loore•ess, SSL. CO*?IPtouts. 001.05 a& COUSINS, Car/LV., comeestenore third web /mat mews in Unravels*. CURRUPT HUMORS. DRUP3iEs. DTSPIE11111e, No person with this di,lreshte i we. World dear wive these re.W.aas r ad.aslr. ERUPTIO\S a Um Shq. LItYSIPELAS, PLATY LE. F,RCTYESL mai ADEM. For OWonereealba nee Ion enmity tis. medltal.s .1* he Seed • r/...'..U, W offer wards. Oder ..drams Mew tM arses wielmt s • Mara of Ur dismR-a ewe by them a,drraw a pers•m•a- TRY NMI. as SATISFIED, AND NE CURED. roULMrsi d GOMPLEx1DN. OMNn66AL DMHILIMT GOUT. OSDOHNZSGRAVEL. HRADACH1& B. Viers WS. 1Nw4RD reran. INYLAMMATOR Y RNE024• TTITw.L r1IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOBS r APPA• LlVals 0031 LAZNTI, LEPROSY, LOOSR.VtRS. af2RCURIAL DISEASE'S. - New and le .Otitis satire& all 'be eget d Msieirf WS. lank .sr lase the meet p•erb• peei.ntisa d Serteeenlle. owns,- SWEATS. NEIrOoR outrun,. NEtnOtla COMPLAINTS d all Mee.,' exeeerc wino tl0Nta. PALPITATION of IN HEIST PAINTER'S OMOUO, r I L D s. The nein*, Nora3r of Ons ,aedhdsw sea ,oesd d no of r teen dandies by the wb of thees in 74-11 aha... ANS nibs heed. ride. both, tear, rdeb amid spa., twada4. M0wYA sere r•reifi.(w the U�w Stedi eeed thee. ok 11,b- , 0 amp Pwsaswls tweet *tO�lay Rv5R .r 21.000 be ase 1416AD, mein: RT THOMArs IfU1�UtEtii/ + •ALTawzVgf. IwtLLIlwrn, eeeT'ga Lea ►aMI�tIA.' ' O ecRo►ut.A. oA ZIatn'R EVIL, fella 77 ones see um aquas, tN�os- .w1atarra. ULCER 8, if eery description. • • Beet end Jae/ Real .. . . m W dn S Olen • . . Hob. a'e .. omn Jtr rem by Owe Y.did,s. Pant. .it .t•.Nt..M.50, ,.wise. „atom mud esp.". -- Int am(* m *Nemo Y•arned- Peon( be ewe.. Tela! de no MOSSO Se...a.--.1I&M .- iII LIPI IILL$ MD PAMIIII BITTERS LINlia p.r .Dara. oriel� M PU()1fT TME BLOOD. el Te yeari*nEssPttWtiit�{ .tom try the you. COLLECTOR OPABCOUNTN, 4.. SM, 0OtbERSCIII. Oct. 1, SAM. 1-si JOHN SIVA CIdAN, BARRISTER AND ATTOINE:Y AT LAW, NOTeltai SGfeae8oficftsr he N try flea Gia o16ee is Welt eiremt,GoIteralk Goderieh, god Jasttmry, 1860. 11,64411 DANIEL HOME LIZAIII, ATTORNEY AT LAW', sad Conveysaeer, 'Solicitor is Clint ll'l"M• ore Has his office u formerly, in Strutterd4 Stratford, 2nd Januar', 1160. ev-e40 N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the lat. arm o. Strae6aa k Lizars, centrumto act a. Agent and Counsel for Mr. 1,1•1111 IV aft matters rehired to him from Stratford, WATSON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE WAT6f0N of Roderick, BARRISTER AT LAW &e. Ae. had GEORGE WILLIAMS. of str.tfra, lata dew fine of heeler, Weller sad 11'fl ns.. Banisters. die. Temeto, Irwiag ibis day efseered isle es.-put.erabip, is the herder. trod 'Pears. also .( Law. Ceeserav stat Cwwusseevo, will u future Mep tent OScse at aaderiab.54 Stretked, re.peetire1y, seder the wee, aryls .ad fins of WATSON sod Wuj a,ss, Dtxtz Waiso,, Godericb, O.e•e. WuuAss, Stratford, 94th December, 1849. 91•-a4TM R. WII.LIAMM, & Go. CHEMISTS AND ottuao 5P5, And Owes' Dealers is (3norrwa, Liftree% Paints, Oib, Mes1 's, Dye Stat., He dwsse..10.. STRATFORD. Preeeriptiees diap.a.d with emcee sed promptitude. 3v -al S. . J. K. G O O D I N G; AUCTIONEER, W 'LL attend SALES in say part of the County o0 r.uoaable Terms. Ap- ply at 6i. Residence, Light -House Skeet. Godericb, April 4th 1849. v -La DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKE -Rt 7arse doors East ij the Cada (bee's. WE IIT -43T8 HET, GODERICH. Angu.t 1711, 1849. 2v -a39 R. YOUNG, BOOT and SHOE Maker, one door West of Mr. George Vide•o's, ]Aaoksmub, Front street, Goderich. Apri: 9116, 1660. van i JOHN J. E. LINTON. 0 TTTTT 1.1111. t •. 6tamissioner Queen's Benc4, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. DAVID H. LIZARS, WISHES to intimate to the iababltaets of pederich sad rho ..rreesdieg revelry, .bat he las eemmeeeed bssiser se Coaveyeeeer, General Asses sed Aomeetast, ad by wads - eon attention. •eeara.y, sad aromas chbgerb hopes to be useful to mei es rosy esgsip bb serves. Thew wishing to rapier 64. rate/ of the above brasehes will *see call µ-tbe Resutry Office, Ligbtbo.m •treete Goderieb, 13th March, 1850. iS411 DR. JOHN HYDE, [LATE rant 45.40, IE ID II ( A\ IL 1himur.9 STRATFORD. Jelly 31, 1849. b s9a WM. REED 110U718 AND SIGN PA ZR, 4•s.„ LiGHT-HOUSE 1ST. OODERICH. Oet. 9S, 1849. 25.10 TO LET, TFIAT two story Frame Dwelling Hees lately occupied by Jedp Alibied, and im- mediawty mimeo els preeset r'-ideSee. ret Isms and (artier patieeMrs apply to ALEX. Y. R088.Nuss6 Oestriol, M., 93, 1850. vas ksi DAVID H. LIZARS, AUCTIONEER. IS prepared t. attend Sales is soy part of the Coital Colest.w *exist meet ;asaos- .64. terms. Apply at the Registry O8cq. iair6abons. street. Goderich, April 11, 1860. .440 ;0 NOT ICE. TETE Subee ibex bsvieg RBNTSD 4b. WAREHOUSE and WHARF Wow - fog 1e the Mouses. Darespest, oaf IMaoIlas. ilea eatabtiehed himself ea a ' 00awaa5Sa Ates . YatbaYR. Any orders ev /roes the ilIr- eh•st. of Glodevie6, mil.=row))(tatttipt ■ttentioa. 30111111 Window, Meveb, MN. • • v se aaeatlN. .r And rhos remove all disease from the system. No paper llisee"tiaMti y {{ttrtNrs "re A r trial will lees We LIFE PILLS sot paid ap. Enke. do prlbealn.t Ift'SIIktNiea- P M GE N I X 8 I T f E ft $ ►.reed the reran aroma. to`. to de se. • n ' rlrlo. In the eeliwattoa et ere" petlset. AaT IedlvidNl lia�'ksap,aAre. The g«niw aileron stylise. are es.. ,et •5 le db 'p••••41• fee gin eeo�Ila • ��kkafpp�p�en .ed bene. lyeil4r wMa • b4 •�f� esyellh «py gtsh..h a' • �... • n "Reese, God 5s aveudei4 *0 ddfr�n' centro. rr Ail Now. be es rake U a dnwMg of tensest Ms Wall drew re SW most =.ttfg� �'iN f io 0ae., by V* .h smarm risk* tl• nay e5. vary 1lilt/.tEllS MOO pp .ad w. T'�. wmp.sad 1..061.1. an (}eM .; .. .,..� lA1.efe.e bas oho pieces:• t wit► wb1M + 1; +tr7t / n oar Y w M sears the iia r•+•+•► 1h eve. I, • tlagas M�YZ�� bee rhes w5e wrapper,: Isar we d., be T�"r"1rF,Is t tau they cess mr •a es seat tee.► *OW. ;is woe, e". trtd.ttttlttlar. lirnt iMRa tae Pw.:'A•eti Qatar. FIleee bele e►, wLiwr YAW Tea I ` m�M"k b Geer to' Kaes. Out is use. M!<OOI a, PI,O�, sabae�nest 1e f tYefe fA�1.at. ebonies liberal t►,P54 .M1sei 4tttM' lis. N, ItiM.. rag "se