HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-01, Page 317 lit ay a attend to om..M of tee a ihmo plIwm will be devout
.11 MM'i..kattlea► boo a 1v siii aid f t of the
.sol a f he Normal ea/ ae«t 8.heele Jeered-opowdelet« ial meaas-
otteasireire-estt•t7 d details MAO Kit s4" A wrist .d cranes ac...at et
#� hien- eery Mr~'se reid� hes beam Opt, end
etrOli bee delarthle uced so to tis wlth..t. ,4,• appro.
IMO ▪ M ; li Ise rated wit esti au �W. hes
i tired Neth Im the Ste s !to yolk to
Iso {� �M Mattel ssoomr-t I Mink the em••eselo.l ow-
. :(11.1'1') t.11•. 03 it It 1't plaiskare Hip Tommie Qommluee. replied
$ul Thome ww of the club. leabliolieled MOO 1 MO mew wearer e,
» he k RAdi elleiftee Ds ef.i.mf, MN bees a imam odaUN
P� -- of de State .f to the Legsiemee le w see Ie pgkNag a
salary e( tr; gmeMbff primwmlr Mistily Mooted to /Au -
softer aper heed Ohr*fmm aid pewees
If ta be mid that the law baa mot expressly
esfkeelee 1 the peillicatio et ea edecatiuoal
parultoal by for Chid $ayeriate•deat of
D.001 I reply, nether hes the law es-
pg�rssonr@�f� sutbonsed him to take stops to
Peer sk a Provincial Normal Sehoel,-
yit be had dime se, sad is doing se bee, I
thigh, as well as is estabiiabiag • Jemraal
,/ )btaced�e,s. bet carried into effect the
provisoes et the law.
[Woos withdrew. ]
Adjo.rsed WI td -morrow, at half -past
maim hi'41000 per w.sm: aid I
hoe reties to how that his douse see
mishit ei verities on se reeposele as
dowel the came siert less. The emote
stork 1. CO Savoie. 0dete there has
otiose w*0SS to de with may matters
easaseWd▪ d{wwiith the Stop Normal Scbool;
' of the Oho
1 sseedsctatl by malts of prlaad forme,
Sol ilm thaidass erd: b. ptrsatissa steam
44seg 1 the I iethly ataM u Ae1rist cor-
n ea BeheldJSaroel, • espy of �wlhWk r
of the LLeg� ietonh firtmiesel Mb 1. sooty Soho./ So
is W Sats.
The atelier clerk Odle office Is a panes
et good stoaioal sdseslise--a etas of yeas
rel let.11igsace sad ability --bas beam salsw-
1i imlomat
the imolai of his 4•w for do
.Meed. , t hetes to Dobbs, at bis own
egp..ee. Oat tie sacrifice of e year and a
quarter's eatery, and made !Wesel familiar
Eadi as several Edawties 'flee•� departments tet* of the vett
Fleeciest Beard i•
Ireland, and oriented with the high taste
mosiale of the Beard. He baa assisted ma
is the Aloe Mer ease i have bad charge d
dt, mope dsdse hie oar's shoot en my
...emmesdedos. Tb. duties of the Fdo-
•ad.o cies so Wry digerati from those
d am maim or pest odea. •d revere a
4111breat .Wee et goah6eatiodh. 1 doeire
Obese, sad oto tier, to ald me who OW me
dimply Oterented h the dames tad objects
Wif4 Bios a. I de, and who well study
Std {shot M Ovoid tbe interests of educe
time sad k..wlelgs is every possible way;
wed Snob,/WM� he iIN anew Is regard to
both is •sed r eoi the jollier clerks.
le Mamie* Wary of the jrmior clerk,
1 dare eq • possly med.atcal copyist
,might b..btahsd ter Imo thea ££(73. But
1 Wet is f dmp•NmsM, abs w>;ele sbjeet of
. Which is Sto presaws edeeMes, it O demlra
tale sed Mope/tem. that each ons' eNlsy-
d ps•ege god settiOmepo, and M w.. tby
sof impUat eeafl/emse, and shsrieb as islel-
l!ttg(otiMM sial redoes ambito for the alma
*teal sal .wi4 '' of the coo -
N &ss beim es es* mmyy object u
sedition poems d 41is d suiptiw as my
assbtauto, as to week set permit .t rl(bt
*50(5 •N b/reoww �q.slif.stios. as btu
Bare ed the iheeleeld Nermat wed Model
Ssbdl&.. 1 bibs* 1 liars bees ors eesehd
ds Wheaw's. The eilisieecy of my 4. -
pottiest ie p.emeeed by /he talent,
geese Sad seal et each pe,... c aected
with ih sed J de wet tbimd that L173 per
seams W tee •'e 0ueee..g• ad aid a
Tseng cash, mob IN 1 lav esatiened, to
eeawesrese bin time sad his lib tie as em-
piwymsset is *blob .very woollies at et-
prioee% MOM ad k.eerledge may be
resdswtl etateservely useful A sealed
deet was allowed, sb..t two yore .imee,
es the emeeleawea Moe of the
Board d Rl.satles; sod the mow Seboot
Art grimily Miaow the despise et she do-
. --Os Saturday motets( last
or new Market was armed, •d every
emoted. Weitarted before breakfast
to was, as we tb0gbt, the first purchase.
hat we were e(resaMy dtappot. ted by bed.
tag some moralist from market, and many
mese to the est of percba.ing. The sup -
ph, t. quantity tad quality. was creditable
.like to the feeders of stock and the butch-
. sm. Where all are aaxiow to do their hest,
it would be invidious u se to 'ay this or
:hes Oaf! bad •oeset4.g remarkable is it.
"Palk d eeatralisauo0 to politic•I ec000my,
what M 11 compared with a good, carie,
welleopplied market, where every exertion
is made to present food is a tempting form.
Cosestemstroa of ideas ,s all very well for
legation oil wruglen, but give es a eon-
eeteaatree of beef. mutton, veal, fruit veg-
etables, etc. Pepe has .vales
Tha mow oredy of we•kiad a etas.")
Yat we beg lave to theseot for a while from
the dogmata of the great moralist, and slog
is ear tura,
" Tbe proper study of rraakied i. food."
To mute! effort, we keow oothtag u a
Uri that can compare with a food
t of Tse-
hrsaklbt. door, supper. Ws are
Quo. Com yes age Myammo
which 1 the ss.I1 sse4es sad, ether
r expo
tses et year mhos eaa be reduced. hoose des
repot to the oisiwy et the public 51u.
atss l-Aae. 1 ssamat•--Isom( made it my
seedy sod emlilis. M de u mesh ea poet -
Ms M whole espouse em peseiblr.
Quee. Are the clerks emrpleye l is the
Sb.eti.s Ogee to anyway seespied h the
,d.41g, tr1S•Megb •1 "'Otis' •p of the
•• J.srmat sJ L[eseties.w-Ass.. 1 write
tb.„>iditoetai artistes Sod make the metse-
lWss ego:; the Noire eierk oiled* wad
the Ebturirmsf. Lasre neared
4164474er4 rrmteibetr ewe
G OMM motives weld itrtislew; mud
reads the good*•-w►isi he .scally deo is
the oeuelegs, d opo` se biome office
bore Too_ Jester Meek Olsen.. the
,,Jeered of i/s1s1M 11 liseehe to whom
K i rectum roe emir doing Ohms boom
erbo WOO ..grind. Irwin this, dem.
1. eeme.ties with the Jetenielq/ Sdees-
sirm, bee bees Lame se cal app.rtwlag to
the duties et IW llib4'Mi Mee, Ml as a
re attae eeutzistMes to the oilier ties
obis& (yeepang movie fear bpudr sd
neither tome Oohs mot Oldeell myself par
. ameem.)
a • r meeswtio h sweeps the
seiON eet deter god; MEOW,
.0555 .g a com-
ebleMir t •f
SN sibilimOsemohishl bwe pad open
Mel MONO WOO .L....d' Mdameike
IMO OW been , . ..ommtrM h
rersiyy so
to M.b.t 4S 4gMsmteem
ebbe petbbeltb •11f_
ime)>kst was etki d, lkgel tMn
b ug
that •leoeleidkees that ehoe hese dens is
eetiiseile hi So g.Wag or the Jetfoil gf
�maAr mfr W bg WOW* *OM tM
Maw ofsp vibe, sad WW1 mill lee '
rely, y, est.dy onetlaumd1 Ottibe p..
=UM item �� Ibon
), hat
aM hale 4 it boo
lied" �-.m . Ole7
Ostaldo*, bet mot Graham to: we have o-
ver got the I.agtb d the vegetarian system
tet : we west swear OW tee may sot, but
se al probability we meter will.
Ter aught we keow, it may Wowing to
this stabboresa of ours, that we are not
frapeessdsstal smooth to see things in the
cams twist of view that some of our meigh-
be.. do. Among those things we may
waataes a fee: -for lost mice, we dont see
the chases a Tory has to be returned for
Linsola, is preference to a Reformer, and
leant stall do we see any probability of
Gas. Rykert ■upplantingtbo Hon. W. 11.
Merritt in the affections and Parliamentary
support of the .l.ctore of Lincoln. Mr.
Rykert'e perusal influence With eo Orange
Lodes inducing it to do u a favor for bum,
wbat was refused to be dons for B. Foley,
Esq., Wats of the Niagara District, nor
yet the fact, bowover flattering, of the he-
alth et the. member .io aomtaation being
drank by as Orange ge, are not ergo -
meets of tomb wed t with the yeoni•nry
of 44. county.Wsl may Mr. Rykert say -
',Nave me from my friends."
Then ere other things we dont happen to
see, owing perhaps to our mental vision be-
teg impaired by animal food: such, for in-
stance, as to the propriety of any man be-
teg wmpelbi to pay the expanse of his ne-
ighbor's earthly pilgrimage to heeveo.
Amor the tbinp we cannot understand,
may ales be noted, why any clique or incor-
porated company should seek for support
frees liberal ms chew of the Hese of As-
sembly, to saddle oe the country a monopo-
ly dnr.etly opposed to the interest. of the
W. caanot, for the life of u., see
.by the Hoa. Francis Mocks and D. Me-
FuGsd, Esq.. 11. P. P.. should be cajoled
hie sny effort to Wore for r Fire Inset --
ammo Company, a bill prohibitory of foreign
eeespsaies, when nine -heaths of the people
mold eppoes it, only give them a chance
to *levees their opinion to its merited We
eta toll those gentlemen who have been
Mewed to take action in this matter, that
they will find that they bay. engaged them -
.elves in almost unpopular ernes. of legit=
lotion, and more, we will say a perfectly
i/reaie.hli ons. They maytnve them -
'Orwell the Notable, and the country the
expose. re well as avoid the unpopularity
at such • coarse, for the mors they invest-
igste tits subject, the more deeply will they
he aeuviseed that they dont possess the
power of .eating the views or practially
•Eaatisg what the JV degree Aurae/ Coe
pasty wait to accomplish. -rat. CatA.Jovr.
3.a1 oemideet that alt puttee poiestOd 41
disability ea appears pity be pesos' sell -
else pdisative in detail of the meow .1
Ude Coley, vast sad loporteet *4w
.41 ester se.i1y epos the day pre-
sodag s .cheme so obviesely le the ad -
voltage of all, if eeerge1eeily serried sot.
He who wads a sample of flax, of wheat, of
moreliaatabls timber, of .ratslte ore,
licellse masef.cter•, or say other speci-
osa indicative of our progress, coedit tea
slid resource., performs a patriotic duty, in
Woodier his aid towards removl•g the film
which darkens the eyes sod tightew the
pares -strings of the British capitalists ;
may more, he assists la erecting a finger•
poet is Europe, which will direct the Eml-
great to oar shores, • id thus teed to s1
early and complete development of those
resources which It 1. now our interest, and
already our pride, to exhibit. Who can
doubt u, at the approaching convocation of
mations, Canada, be absent, that tbeir
claims to as important although compara-
tive equality, much as they hautbois vaun-
ted, constantly and justly as they have been
urged, will be jeered at aod disregarded /-
Tweet. Globe.
The Am&ean steamer Atlantic arrived
at New York on Sunday morning, at 4
o'clock, -in 10 days and 13 hours from dock
to dock.
Cotton advanced
Coro advanced ed a Is.
Flour firm.
Slight advance in American Provisions.
Coffee 1. dearer.
The demand of the American Govern-
ment on Portugal continues to excite atten-
tion. Tb. Berlin papers ars filled with
commoot. on the Holstein treaty. No
party In Germany seem satisfied with it.
A man named Mr. A Walker was arrest-
ed ender suspicious sircumstancee at Paris.
A loaded pistol was found upon him, and be
declared it was bis intention to ehcot the
President. He is said to be insane.
The Arid arrived at Boston 6 o'clock,
15 min., 'Tuesday night.
The political news from England is an -
In the Hoose of Common., on Friday, a
resolution was adopted, amid profound
silence, for an address to her Majesty, to
give direction for the erection of a monu-
ment is We.tminister Abbey. in memory
of the deceased Sir R. Peel. The address
was ordered to be carried up in the usual
form.Mr. Goolboar8 then moved that the
Speaker issue hie writ for the boron,' of
Tamworth, in the room of the late Sir R.
Pate, the man who struck the Queen,.
has been transported for coven years.
The new electoral law will disfranchise
six million electors, or two-thirds of the
whole body. The Assembly has confirm-
ed, by a majority of 137, it vote of the
previous day, that every leading article
should Ise signed by its author.
USTRIA:The mercantile letter from Vienne, of
the 5th instant, mentions that owing to a
report, that a reduction of 800,000 men was
to be in the army, and a large number of
artillery and the premium on gold and silver
has experienced • fall.
There is very little news from the south
of Europe. We have nothing fresh from
Panoral respecting the American claims.
The Queen of Spain keeps Madrid In a mot
interesting state of anxiety. .
W. us happy ia-bei.g able to aanooace
that dsative steps have st length been
Mia M promote the representation of
Coeds at the great industrial Ezbibitioe
to be held W Leaden le 1831.
Th. Special Committee of the Legisla-
tive Aaambly hu reported, and recom-
meads that local fain be held throughout
the Proviso, ad that ore general Provin-
cial -reit shall he bold in Oct., for the eol-
lsatiee d soh modiste as w111 beet exhi-
bit.alae totalities and mores, of the Colo.
my. SelssUoae will thea be made and pri-
ests nwaWed, the prize articles beteg mom -
Milted to Loathe bee of charge. With
Atom this object, the Cemmlttee recommends a
ra►IM cnmt of 3.1000, ad It is expected
mr-1W the contributions from localities will
to L1000 or £1300 which together
will term as ample food, ealeelated to ie -
7M rosiest wader et 04..'..'s by the
Tomos, et the Strath of the Gila, has caul*
id •a order to Moue for a detaabmeut .f
Ualted States troopers& preened eo tbt
peiat for the pnNcliee e( emigres's, tiled
fee the potatoes. d the merdsrers.
Meows etgrual deetteeuso at the dot
all hinds of tending ss'erials have eaves -
cod in prive, sod for some time to come, we
thick will N Wei above their late teatime
The Ortega misers aro paying thele tax
without oppoitiou.
le ab. Upper 8.emanate there is Lane*
excitement about land titles between thou
who wish to ..tale upon s part of those
immense claims of Capt. Sutter, and others
who bate purchased his right to many of
the beat localities, and bold them for spices -
Pacific City, near the mouth of the Co-
lombia, is drawing very considerable atten-
tion ameog business men. (,butte a number
of buildings have already bee. erected there
lately, and several large improvements are
in contemplation. An able firm of Bae
Francisco Is about to ply a steamboat
between Pacific City .sd the upper waters
of the Columbia.
From the British colonies we have had
several arrivals lately. bringing crowds of
p ger.. Quite a trade bas sprung up
with that part of the world, and root of
their products aro to be found 01) sale in
this market. Front Chinawe have a late
arrival, goring notice of the death of the
Emperor. 1Ve are in receipt of late dates
from the Sandwich Islands, but there is no
news of interest.
WASIIIN•TON, July 90th.
To -day Mr. Fillmore, Pre.ident of thew
United States. sent in the following lint of
(-sbinet appointment.. which was confirmed
by the senate in executive cession.
Hon. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts,
$ecrctary of State.
lion. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio, as Sec-
retary of the Treasury.
Hon. James A Pearce, of Maryland, as
Secretary of the Interior.
Hon. Edmund Bates of Missouri, as Sec-
retary of War.
Hon. William A. Graham, of North Car-
olina, as Secretary of the Nave.
Hon. J. J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, as
Attorney General.
Hos. N. K, Hall, of New York, Pest;
master General.
' Mr. Weaurua has e.tersd oo the duties
of his office.
at)1;elsf, N • p� -
Fleur.. --Flame lea; 7w iimenwiewt eotast • egalliMillblesr hal'
• 21• ltd; do. No. 1, Ste W . fftk deer nee tgt� �t DE T1J gl ler be
81 a foe. WOO dolt, Sod Sinemet of i. abs•~ •tweerlNd� r Msst'F.h
bosom Oiling the week trialIOW 5.'tb, i
r4.. .m file y«t sda7 w Mer ed ~ 4 �Mr•hs��i4
04. Oetaeoel, N .nava.. 14••1 a 11/411.:10111 bo.W Mae•t •q perasm dee• -,
V►best. �'NU Upper Csam� N ]hrkN'• *bti
feeIwww Casein rs4 M Ad pts l i� !t)«v. - .,
coned ad rsfsaed. �/ei.Wb. Alb Ilya ►ttl0. 4/ler
M.NraIs .dee o1 Nees Perk it t1t la
other grads. se tresssettoos esteapt y r.- NOTICE.
tail. DEG to isaiesew t all that i1 may e•.•asir
Ades is red doomed ed the t..d..ey I that 1 bare oad•r • power of Au.r•s greet-
rpwarde. Sales to -day at Ns W ter petty d to WILLIAM STORY, act hire is
sad fes. per pearls. olio' all moseys dee ase either by Not..(
Fneighte.�-But few vowels o4hei.R Seta bead sr edierwsw, a.d era■t discharges for rte
hes boom who to Liverpool at its llid Sed eegr• AO 1 booby regrew all pers•usiedrbted
Ashes 30e. No lwmdos oe ma.gow.hep te me forthwith to mole the sons ad sere
is port. sena
Mort•NtmayJuly 24. JOHN LANCASTEL
Floor dull, peadisg the receipt el the painsb. 9s« if May. 850. '3.41
Aaii s advice..
Ashes continue le demand. Pots toady
are worth 33. a 13s 3d; Pearls 11..
si 11 is 11 11 11 I 11 11 1 1 1
agricultural Society.
• downtrod tomdeney. Hares de •yle, forthwith rued
THE 34ew of FALL WHEAT wilt tab
place at tee C.dbnree I.. (Mr. Eltis'1, a
Wedusday the Seth day of A.eest nest.
Th. 8ohiety will sell by public sectio4 two
thorough bred DURHAM HEIFER CALF8,
three months old.
Terms --0.e years 'credit -approved eodonrd
estea will be required.
God.rieh, 90th J.ly, 1850. v3e24
An Excellent Tavern & Tavern
Stand for Sale.
Lou Or Tne EnOLtaa STsarsa ORION.
-Tbe distressing ioteligence of the loss of
this steamer, on its passage from Liverpool
to Glugow, reached us yesterday, in the
telegraphic report of the "Europa'." news.
It will came many a sad heart in our eom-
munity'for among the names of thaw
drowned are Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of
Montreal, and we need not add that few,
very few, of our residents were so widely
known and so universally respected and es-
teemed as, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Beyond
the few words in the telegraphic despatch
which we publish to -day -we have been,
unable to learn anything of the particulars
of the wreck of the Orion, but expect that
we shall receive full accounts of them to-
day. There is every reason to believe that
Mrs. Smith. (sister of Mrs. Scott and wi-
dow of the late William Smith, Esq.,) and
their only child -a fine little girl of some
six years old -who accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Scott on their voyage home, were' on
board the Orion with them: but as their na-
mes are not mentioned among the drowned
their relatives and numerious friends here,
may still hope to hear of their having es-
caped the fate of those, whose loam they
mourn.-Mowlreal Herald.
Washington, July 90.
Gen. Taylor, I regret to learn, leaves his
business affairs in a very unfinished, and
somewhat doubtful condition. When he
left for Mexico it is stated, that is three
sealed lettere, he left directions for the
management of his property in case of his
death there, in which war supposed to be a
will and these three letters were not open-
ed till after his burial berg, -beat no will
was amdeg them, and the ditections applied
to a property which is sow almost wholly
changed in its form.
Indeed his family 'towhees no bottle, and
therefore hire. Taylor, it is supposed, will
not return to Lonisiana. His plantation
on the Mississippi has been sold since he
came bete, to enable him to purchase a
sugar plantation below, so that that home
is lost. Previously however, he had pur-
chased another, midway plantation, bat
that has torpid out to he a very unprofita-
ble piece of property, making no crops, in
. of beteg flooded repeatedly .-
Theo the homestead is goes to make one
payment on a sugar plantation, oo which
something like seventy or eighty thousand
dollars must now be due -and the middle
plantation is under water. Probably, some
of the Presidential salary wan relied upon
to meet the further pa moat on the Sugar
plantation, bat that .sJiry he gone.
You see from those cameral fact., that against the back window, estrying sway Crow,. John
THE above Tavern is situate on the tor-
ner of Lighthouse street, adjoining the
Market Square, a1 present occupied by Mr.
A. Donoogh. A liberal time will be given
for all or part of the purchase money. For
farther particulars apply to GEO. ELLI-
OTT, Sen. Esq., Township of Goderieb,-
W. McCONNEI,f. River Sable -or to 11•
B.O'CONNOR, Oodsiich.
Godericb, July 14, 1850. 6-ettltf
WILD D.SR IN Tex C,Ty.-A dear ehaae
for a Deer. -Yesterday afternoon a dew
came into the city, and in the chase rushed
into Main street among the large and fash-
ionable ,totes. closing quite a sensation
among the bucks there. it tame dowh
Court street, and over the fenced of the
gardeos on Uammond street, and made •
leap and dashed at the back wiodow of
Mutiny's crockery store, into'•od through
the store ; then across the street and dash-
ed into the largo and brillislpt window of 23-4 C. CRABS.
genre. Hemenway be Hersey, each pane
of which cost 575, and 'smaabing a large
astral lamp, and trotting across the glass LIST Or LETTERS,
show case. When headed ofd; it leaped
through a side light of small demensions, REMAINING is the GODERICH POST
and made his escape across the street, jump- OFFICE, to 3rd J.17 1850.
iog over a large load of lumber, into the Acheson Robert Morrish Charlotte
dry goods store of T. C. Strickney, leaping Alcock Mus Moo .on Oliver
through the window and under a railing, Alexander Wm. Mavor Thos
Sol es taking h Hurried iurvey, war spree- Anderson Thomas Moller Robert
ted by the large mirror in the rear end of I Begs Wm. - McMullan Mrs C
the store, and rushed against it, mashing Betohemoir Julia McIntyre Joseph
it to atoms. Brick Mary McKenzie Euphemia
This shock caused it 6 sally beck, but it Barber John McGlade Michael
immediate) recovered, and trotted along Beat Samuel McCurdy Patrick 9
the glue show cue, ad when headed, it Ball James Maepbereo. Wm
glibely dodged sad escaped from the same Baird John McCoy Robert
hlace when it entered. 1n the chase it Booth Robert McGregor Andrew
ashed ahead into West Market place, and Stake Metb.w McLennan Martin
into the store of J. A. Whitmore, where it Bedford Mime T. Nicholls. 1
made itself exceedingly busy among the bar- Berwisk H. C. Neftel A D
rel. and boxes, Datil in its fright it dashed Brows Charles O'Con.or }J B
(YConnor Joseph
Palmer George
Peek Leonard 9
Pace Thomas
Park Joh.
P(aseebeckor M
Pier Margaret
Rutledge William
TO BE, SOLD, -An Excellent
Farm of Land.
Lets No. 15 sad 16. on the 14th cen-
ces•ioo, Township ef London, containing
200 acres, 70 of which are cleared. The Lad
is of a Superior quality, end well watered. It
is situated ten miles from :b. Tows of Loadoo,
on the Mac0,lamized Rood. There is • Frame
House and two Frame Bans on the premises. -
It is io the centre of a populous locality. The
place is well adapted for a Store or Tatter.
Sund. This Farm is well entitled to the atten-
tion of penoes desirous of going into business.
There is also a good Bearing Orchard os the
said Farm, and will be sold on very reasooble
terms. For particulars apply to Wm. McMa-
hen, on the sdjoioiag Lot, or to
Tows of Goderieh.
July 3rd, 1850. v3.29
Farmers, Thrash out
Get CASH for your WHEAT !
. . DiVii iJ(1N COURTS.
E sent. DiviNes Cows For the Usitrd
J. Ceuau.s ef Moo Fort► ad tir•ee, wit •e
held at the times a.1 Plow* 1,41"1w1:
iN. JNeieem.-Cent homer at Gedrrich,-
ltd Aoso... T. G. sMagee. tee., Clerk.
its. Diid .-Deeki• s Tower. Hero Roof
-Ind Sepsemb.►, Rehm Coe. Esq., CMk_
3d. I *0..-.-Wootr.Tanw. Dtrm(.ed, W
lleptresb.t Gorge Wiiiiame. Esq.. Clerk.
4th. nudes..-Qelehe 'Mets Leedom _W.
13 (senDiMensa-MeMsense Casey,th•
Sept. Jamie 00111114. Eos14
., Clerk.
Diair1.m--S.be.l hose 9t. Mary's. eh
Bryt. James Caleeme,
TO. Sistin a s( the Drool p
Cm will row -
wore minesret 11 w'Mmsk. A. M.
ole v1l ACLfliftfll•4. all C.
G.derieb, July 181h, '50 �a•aal
LATEST News lin !
'Ile ..LNibmm beg hew oh IAMB the
Farmers .f Harem, mad 55 mieesimmoresed tbu
they taw eemmaoed doe mmmmfiet seef i�Q•r
ASH KETTLES. Mete *or wall
ww.ad. Sad aro determined to ION es
Cbe•per than ay Imported. Any Kwje
defective from lead, or air bake. will le
beck withle two r.o•tbe from dare ofpmrebiiN►`
Goderle5, Jose 13th, '50. ersodl 1:1 b...
)ERSONB 4.01 o. of settling es *ON
1 Durham Road in the Towed/ripe lei
Gleasig, Bmsti•ck, Brant, Grommets. Kok.
less ad Kincardine, must apply pereonellg „
at the Office of the undersigned, and no 1st;,
cations will be confirmed except such as sow).
made io accordance with this requirerm.atw,,
All assignments of interest in location
without the knowledge and approval of the
Agent, will be considered IS a forfeiture oE,
alt right in the locatee or _easier**.
Chown LAND Orrca,
Bentinck, County of Waterloo.
March 14th, 1830. . . thio
THE Subscriber will pay CASH for any
Quantity of
delivered at his Store previous to the First
day of September nex',-or he will advance
Cash on the same, and Sell it oe Commta
@ion either in Montreal or the Milia on the
Welland Canal, es may be agreed on.
Goderich, July 23, 1850.
from 7:9 to 14:90 and Crockery, which
he wilt Sell Low for Cash or Produce.
General Taylor died is a very unfortunate the whole sash. and striking upon the Churchill Arthur 1
time for the interest of his (unity. Ile had wharf bolo*. But not yet overcome, it Connor John
pretioe.l howl et to Ciol.Illiee's marriage rallied sad made its way along the wharf to Cribb Mary Ann
with hie daughter, settled upon her a eon- the store room of Moore. Fake is Dale, Craig William
'tamable nom in money. in the window of which it was caught and Cruse William
Mrs. Taylor accompanied by Mrs. Wood then slaughtered. We learn that Mr. Campbell Coli.
and Blies, went from here to the Eutaw Hticksey s mirror coat rivet one hundred Campbell Joh.
Hones is Baltimore, on Toeeday evening. dollars, and that the destruction caused by Crighton Donald keid Alexander
Col. Blies remained to pack op bre papers this deer'a visit to the city, and the exciting Darning William Richards Richard
and books, but will follow this evening.- charm, was not lees than $4000.-g•agor Donongh Andrew Ralph Thema,
r ld Whitey and a favorite dog, are eon- find. Dotherty George Ito...lobs
signed to Capt. Boyce to -day, an intimate Donoughue John 3 Smllye James
friend of the late Preoldeat, living on MaLaI 5.LV Q , , i ..„ .--Oe Seer. Doncae Andrew Maunders Henry
•tg'w'�- Dees a spirited epedties . Georgetown Heig►tee-Car. N. Y. Er*
'�- P eloped
The City ofTorooto and the Comity of pram,
Yesly by Moir representative bodies, bave,
d•t nth.d tees Islahltobise a Pei* 81 T.- CALIFORNIA ITEMS BY THE LAST
Nide tee the odlestlem of articles from the STEAMER.
Upper Proviso, ad have made liberal
'too ta W albs projeet ; sod the Me- The istelligesoe from the mines is of
pbpW Imetitats, ei% Very Isolable seal soot • oaten an to peeve that then will
by e.dsrtahert • . eoas•nties be o greater q aatity et cold dug cot th4
to targe it to to owe anttaal $zlibfdee, wooer them ewer before. Ws .cere•iy
.1106•11M ar &ready to Sept. most. The it& know whvalley, Mello Joogota or the
bie•heeled 1s titsto bar aloe subeeribed Msevamatl4, hes et out the richest epee
Mee= gm toward, the farmat(en of a been' meas ; bet M. geld mutes from both rags-
` Yat` epss to the •osp.titioa of all ole le s.lieien tpNeMtte te prove that
the_ kte'. Ire Saab Sed es M b4*Nd that theme weir b.0 IttU3 •.envvei�gaaoce 1. the
amoustieg M molly 060 win be .aeertiee that the eV in kss.lhu.tible. it
f11Mda ` llrm fled at Termite the pries articles Sate hes been feted 5.o m. far mirth u Orta,
others N sedt to My &twistt• and as far soma me the loafOies star Las
ed eel Mks to the Prmvhefa1 Fahca appears. Aerobe.. Theo M he a ridge .f
M dee pMe fir the often the*, and geld Wang Mets 7 g the win)*.twoes tel, is be transmitted less.e to leegth of the ebe.{yy .Imeet earth and
Lido. M wm petite ebesrge• swab. The ore has hems rteb.r in alts
Ilk its easels, se taste liberal w meawtsiee d Tams Asides W eves Ire Ego
18110141 11 Sae this ;.M we miss d Madpees
day owes, lest, oboist eight o'clock,
whilst two yomnf lads won bathing in a
part of the river, a short diseases above the
bridge, oft of them owned Matthew Ryas,
was, by the other and •ono man who
war Weeding os Ohs beak, �tl to cry u
if in distress, immediately after w►ie► he
disappeared ceder the vertu., though sot
before an effort was mad. by his compan-
ion to twee him by thrusting • plank to-
wards Mm. The alarm wen gives as geiek-
ly •e pontble, a large somber of people
•..Med %pee Wilmot', although
entltie arrival of the Messrs. Bison .ad a
young w named Heater. the body t►a.
*offered to room to the water. Thai..room
young man, with that true courage which
always exhibits noel( most readily is the
manse e1 hemrsity, lest no time in thele`
iso ad resevwea` the body, from which
h.wos'aw, the vital .p vk bed fled. A eoro-
'rssv'e lepton wet held a hu hours after-
wards a.d a verdict returned according to
the feew shoes sa►rated.-Brost. Harald .
Fuser Mrs Thom
Finnan Henry
Grin Jobe
Unease William
Hawkins John 9
Harty John
Heessey Jolts
Heddee Jobs
Hambly Thomas
Henry George 2
Hogan Patt 3
Hudson Jobe
Hooter William Jr
Holmes Joseph
Johnston Thomas
Joao E R F.sq
Jones Win
King John
Liddel Rnbert 9
I melt Edward I
i An tier Pierre
Lavin Dominick
Morris Prince
imeaStiles Simon
Savage John
Steep Peter
Stafford Stiles
Schneider Rev P
Doby James
Doyle James
Shea Patt
!Stewart D etrid
awesome George 2
Sbapberrd William
Tebutt Edward
Valentin* Barthel
Vanstone Sonnet 9
Wtlsrm Molyseuz
White)) Mark
Walsh David
Woodward Mia
'Williams Rev lobs
Webster Daniel
Whalen Joha
Yates John
KYDD, (0.1 Muter.
OTICE.-ilIe Partnership.
heretofore exleti.g bayou Atgxasoaa
BARRtRa7eR Oen and Cswaths JAMS Wsws
of Stratford, as iron Founders, carried ea ander
the name, style and firm of Orr d Wilssu, L
this day dissolved by mutual eaaarse. A11 debts
des by dm sed firm, will b. paid by the said Al •
exaodar Berriagtes On, to Mosel! debts chute
the said firman to be paid kothwith.
Witness. A. D. ORR,
D. H. LIUA... C. J. WILSON.. '
Dated at 1'ltntfotd, tide 18th day sf lase, A.
D. 1850.
-The aabseriber Mole bed PARK I.oto
Noe- 433, 434, 433. 489. 4r� sed part of 49,
sear the metre of the Tows of STRATFORD
surveyed and laid out into oar-lo.rab sere Leas.
would respectfully call the atw•clob of Police
wiahiog ie become poetasters to the same.--,
Free and soiae•mbered Deeds w111 be granted to
those purebaalog, or bond for Deed will be gives
to those wbo cutter pay for Lou aril dews, as
sub a length of time se ratty beamed epee.
For paniealan se to Price, die. apply R Mr.
D. H. Liza,,, Solicitor, Stratford, with where
the plea of the Property lie..
Stratford, 18th Jame, 1860. 3v-.99
NOTICE.-Tbe Sub fiber begs to inti-
mste jo all that it may concern, that
the 5th Difision Court having been remov-
ed from Clinton to Broeefkid. The Clerk.
duties of that Court will be •needed to
"drying him absence at Bucefield," by Mr.
Dos. McMillan of that place, Also at bre
office at Clinton.
No• 6, Division Conn
Clinton, 9314 June, 1830. v3a3I
Goderich, Canada Wella,
a ISO.
A Quantity of
If en Potash
s,"bn-At.dlafedt.s.M7loaked,Tht from
LiverpoolLI S vBia Mk•ei,ohedtreaal,
BA nd tJ•bliukd Calieon.
do Cotta Tars, aorta °Nears
4.. Thwy Prins
H.ewy'.'t rt.t Qnlitl Pak Brandy.
Qr. Casks Petered Be'wo Sherry Wise.
do. " Pert do
Aad in oddities to the above, as seeertmseet
of HARDWARE, &e. dre. which the ssbseri •
ben po
porw.Uma very 1.w.
.90 N. B. 4EYMOUR dt Co.
REMAINING in the Stratford P. 0. up
to July 115, 1850.
Ander on Duncan Kennedy Andrew
Anderson Jame. Rilterborn Rtt. A.
Ambler David Lewitt Sarni.
Allen lain.. Murray WIN. or Joo,
Ltoyl tis
Merry ewe Wm.
Brecon Pbuhp. Murray James
Brown tales
Magill David
Carey Jose, Mclsae Rob. F.
Carly Jobe 9 McMaalerT4.e
am$*.WtI mThos. (NomW54m,
Caen Daniel
Cewly Peter Ryer he
Cassell Pak. Rory Masr *
Draper Thee. Rowan Wm.
tltt.oa Cha. Rndg r Wm.
Posher Jahn Riehardsoe thin.
Hub R,,iNat L,eeraerd
F lou Hugh SherrieThen.
(teat Wo, H'ewart Joe. lion,
(haIy Jahn H'bb•l.l Wm.
[Neter Matthew Akalsm Flim.
Holl Harsh 1Vnghs AWxr.
1►„se Genrgo W ate.e Jar.
Jot IN I a1harine 1 Whole Warhol
KtemaaGot shah Watlbreige Jot,. E.
A. F. MI('KI.E Post Master,
5 'I' 0 K E S,
I111)CllltGt (t11 WEugaist,
July 1900. 20-3