HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-08-01, Page 2� l
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♦ MiM"'Q se
**Mee *a .f1 5*' ef1�J� DN►.nl
imseiee. seem *l �• Mstimeou
whisk we Ines Waif pIMlehed lee viewsee to
ie. R Si! toed this SOMA Sin..d
Asir erynir le .ppseaaty taarsaati by the as-
eumpeise shes the 81gsa1 a sat a Cfor-grit
journal t We de sot easety sedas•tesd tbla-
Ose •00(500 sf hominy mono as hem being a
good party -m.0. We suet expect to see a Go-
venmoat Muse woole policy will equate with
est .puler.. es/ we have wt eves ate idea of
e.ar e*ntyytag • midge a womb we will be
Wane afield ae alaeo*i 0 olive or opiates. la
v.dsetabie1 ago ae•paambility ti • public journal-
ise, we a.►mewi•dp .. ebligatiee . endorse the
view* se j.itify the policy d asy roam or peaty,
e,� tile. lea popsy and those dew• may
boppam te emere•peed with our ow■ coevictioea
Awl Uwe a nets becomes a ,bectiber 0 tie
llko.s deal. w Meer eeppM• That he is
w{laieg N pay for the views sod Modem of
ewnn prdsokr party -we believe he isteade to
pay fir ear 0/ 0iwe. ad ie cosmos Immesh to
er eabaeribers, we (rel booed tee all questions
iiieepertaaee. to publish oar ewe *pintoes. lf,
therefore. Claar-grWsm weans the honest .1 -
prowess of opiai*s, ngardleos alike of feet or (a-
ims. hem any mate se any puny, thee, we are,
all .,se have hens, • Goer -gree. Bet it Clear -
grittiest meow i combs, geikhlieg, mod (action•
oppo*ittse to lb. Goyenmoa1, or wish to tern
est the preens Miaiatry, thea the same princi-
ples( freedom of opiates that tsduw. no to find
(salt with cumin m•meres of the Admiostra-
tioe, compels es u d.0Noee Clear- gra usm as se
ammidgeted kaiueeg. Flooding fault, honestly,
wit► certain measures of the Goveraaet, is one
thi.g. sod tersisg diem ma is another-thwe le
• vast difference between the two -la the first
ems then is at least • possibility of doing good
�a the weed, there is the abeolnle certainty.
of doing evil. W. expreeed our dislike of the
Represeealiea Bill because it win founded on ne
de6od or ju.ifiable pri.ciDk. 1. gave the Vil-
lage of Corawafl our Representative, while
emalies c.0laiaing 1.g times the pop*lalioe of
Cwswall, had cooly .se Representative. The
chief geed tet oe.W result from an ladle,* of
too Repre•eaatioe, is first, the destrectio of
these link sesta of corruptive, such u • COM:
wall e.sstitaeney ; ed second, the ;dinei.iabies
of the Executive kiloton* oo the people's R.-
prewalativea We ,poke favorably of the Re-
premeatatioa Bill d last Session, because we un-
derstood it woe eak°latd to accomplish these
remits. The Bill of the present Bemion intend-
ed to eo•oi'Oaece sod perpeteate the rotten -bo-
rough -protein, wed, therefore, we felt that we
.odd not defend it -we coeld not have voted Ise
it had we been a member of the Iloew. and
beam* we ogres with oar friend of the Batbont
C.mrisr, in dipeting the policy ol those 4oeroala
which boyo de•oonad the Hoa. Malcolm Cam-
eras *ed others, as traitors, simply became* they
did .ot support Mr. Lef.0taiu's Bill. We have
so faith is this practice of ab.sisg men with ir-
ritarl.g epithets. because they do sot vote jest
ea we wish them. No good,we thiak, can re-
mit from each triose-s*d, besides, it to very
fregneetly waist. We regret that we would
met have voted ler Mr. Lakaune'a Representa-
tion Bill, and yet, we would sot wish to be call-
ed a eviler ! We wrote somewhat bitterly a-
apiget Mr. Hiscks' School Bill, tad had we
bees u the Hew, we would have voted Wet es
bitterly. became we believe it to be worse alma
• end a.eevtma, ..d wholly unweetby the liberal
wird of Mr- Hio.ke. Bat while we disapprov-
ed 01Iia Represeot•ttos Bill -whim we heartily
dafik. the Scheel &11, sad whin we are far
from ►mss pleased with mar other mytop and
dosage ef to Miaatry, and their party -ret we
wallow mist ie paging dem ww. We did sot
enlist gobs obis to endorse a dolled the entire
peeler lithe pretest r mer other Oev.mmit-
bet we balla•ce the gad against the evil, ad
altbosgb Are is son• anima' devil, then is
also au Bassi of good. And leekt.g at the
Mat history sad the prosiest panda of politleal
portio., we we tweed to the eeeeiawee that the
must Miert. altbeegh fer from bells perfect,
hen, severtbaeSte time more god a Potet•ce&
LegaktIOO than as7 edam whe►•v. ruled -end
ore eyes sew tore likely to be ireful then arra
others wbab t.y be prepared and 'axiom to es -
permute thea
Ir a i diessweable duty t bid raft -foe that
rasa* w0.arer de lied kelt except when duty
mss pel• u M de It. We expiated to be able to
.void nee iieg er raiders with •e adoration
that • High Tory Papist bed bees oemawaeed is
G•derieh, four er fire week* age, woke the om-
Mees tate of the Hives L.gfief. We bad pert-
ly suede op ver mid that we would not settee
It. lees.,', in the first piece. we ase se beme6t
whisk the /.bite es• nnasihly derive from being
tetd of the birth «deed' d these little ephemeral
•g.lb-shwa that s rt,g op from momentary en•
pule, or chariest, se which ere umetirnse celled
1.0 .1ieteue mealy, •e Byron would have said,
ge a sett of doe..rierr, for some poor creatures
who supposed themselves pregnant with poetry,
sad know sot bow 0 Bing forth. Brach little pub•
homier ere Mot iossh'a gourd; ',workably abort
Eyed,end dell" 1N7 merit • MI,M; -sad
is ib'»soud phage, we had reedrd sot to es -
doe thi. LeraliM.b• ease w5 sabuted that the
hero,, p os90imr•r hod blsmerd a( befog ,toad
It for the purpose et ening the Lewd ! ! be -
ears, f recede, the Nil"ul had tell tree tether
0sp.leabe troths shout Mbe.l muter, ted Di-
,ioloe Coon Clerks : and we tinged we mold
vsr7 idly egged to •Ilew the 100 pounds and
the p.00ehnl of doggerel rein es be pt rid of
without •ev semi• entre fee M. li beton,
I1er',, taw whatever mlgbt laws hose the
hesseabl°ad coigne Calmer. moth* Ir pee -
shame. • pclsties press. wad Woolens kneed
to the diegrooeble '^r' -4 -'-taw of a museum
prnprat«, tb.'. le nosily • wrong drpsinge
00 deo pen of won. u4ivideals, to Tdeee evil
coligivitrop l if II R�rwnl
yjtkmt•a-Ls. e7 Re.. Charles Ylete►er.
ti r♦ y js � y OM M Lbw: Gibbose. �_J� Cadet Mr NtYktel.
1011W is� � Ave. ea ea Iron emeammie7, %ell MsD°esl(ie tom i_iu•r . jser es hog lobs C m J Helmea do
tsages he aolas..ltiew of Neil kettles. 1* awe, will +mikes ossa be meheeited a riot ween Wad I11rd--Jame. bubbi.. Mt Patio•.
that M Calraei' Loring N se he &M ies of Ades oho Geo sod fortes en their Tosrtb-Eta. Holm*. Mr. Nicholls
*l all the • wad .hese--Ea b R • l Lope
mew the aa►taV eple• rent Jwyb
�rropae t . - •
w.erW of tsiL /Year has Ives Mr` Pixie W atso. or Mr. Andaman,
• - BIOw. lir its*.
yerpa Hltmil1.. done to ad01001 aha intrests b .*w. Ye Pei s.
teat WW bet ,•.roe.0a footles wee ptep5.t*r- Msee•• Besead--u
•soy einem, that they .Maid rola esenty i• se prosperity ef tie town ef Oodeeich t Ws Third lope Desla de
(;dent►, wed oda wooer psalmody hila the law tete wrestles to be aseweted by the trades- h Emma O*baldtetoe do
saerohcatieS.1 the sten Meal which their pr.- me* ad weeklies toll elf the awn. Why
.0»4100 received is the pa0tlon ti the Mayor- ahoeld these cora have say this' w do to ease»•
dLy ! sad a the aembrr of the paper pabil.bed tog the property of Wisest %editortees working
hist wee►, then u u artiste, a at cwt a ba'
ewe The? hoes w /»herr 10 ""a• -tial
attempt to drag up all the hod tulles sad Iodic- pay se Mete, reed should they tare the property
toes ee.dsst w►a► •Mreeterned the first at- of the tr•dewra a sake ode -walk... the
the street., they world la all probability expect
weep r elect the first L...d Mayor. Our read- would out tote i►. mad to
ire etc already swan of theca diepr.eefel facts, that the tradrwas p
sad brace we loaves* issliaatiw 0 repeat them. seosmmoden awn with the aide walk. Mr.
Neither de ere totted te follow the writer to the Wat•oe roay good Lawyer het ud hit. Hama -
the oa bi-
f.op ata tMwglsoat he Carriages! shallow sspbia- toe may be e' g•On,
try sed is*. We merely intend W1. of Oodench do sot prosper on law sod
et quote the subsumes bene suaast sad c.p. pkrett, we advise them reit 0 keep thew as is
A.did u. Is speekag of the vote a the Council their proper place, and we premium that oar is -
for Mayor. the writer wishes it to be understood geese* shalt, at all times,be exerted to keep them
that those who voted for Mr. Rich, did eo oo se- where they .hoard be. that Is, a f., as poriblo
toast tel hie very .0pr110r claim• sed qualifies- Irom every thing utvulviog the interests of the
stone, .ed thou who voted Ger Mr. Peruse did p'iblte. We hope the electors of St. Andrew's
se merely tcrarm be was a Radical. Now, this ward (of course we do not mean the proprietor
i. either • falsehood ora wilful misrepresents- ti the British hotel) are sow fully aware N
rhos, .d although ascii a imputation or teeing- the error they committed in raising ap Dixie
stifle, spina the character of Mn. Panora, Watson and Merges Hamilton to exert • supre-
'nigbt be pardonable io • common pnl-hoses to- mar over the interests of working men. We
per, it will not be pardoned i0 a mac prsteedior trust they are sorry fer their mediae and will sot
10 be qualified to eo.dect a public /.nal, in the be guilty of a similar error ie (inure. if work-
io men fro 011111 to be i• 101110 b.
Tow° where Ma vie•
top a soots 10 everybody anything but the men kicked and cuffe d open-
whopttee or Mn.topper. Thebe auselon tele -the mere lick.pt hal aerie of broadcloth
woo noted for r- I'anions.c did so because his costs and Idle errepnee, they most learn to d* -
is me has should
daily scteri t i• the world, ins the idea of being repreeOtd by Dixie Wet -
is •ooh .s ehorld ever ehaneterie every Chief opium
Magistrate, and without which a Magistrite aoa aod Morpe Hamilton -they most .boos
mut be a curse and rota blessing to the cos- teprers aures from their own class, mad ave to
inanity. Mr. Pumas' supporters did not conceal elect men who, in point of erfueese and honor,
their reason, for supporting him, neither did they are inferior to themselves, and re nevertheless
emcee' the cause of their opposition to Mr.Rieh. impdeui and heartless enough to despise them.
And if ever a mera had jut cause to say, " sra These are the men who, in compsity with Isl.
ma from my friends," it is Mr. Rich -for we Walsall, Esq., have prevented the Meoicipal
6 di hl 1 t the Act from being properly acted oa in the tows
dr 41'
sist tele egnstmbie asaniw m Near ed MN WI ft Me tvs sol tar M�wa b
tsar sub, well wool d, hod pieta ba
Mod M .evnesas r eau Se.....
I will tell res hew we wen semis �F' f the level �►••-
taes rises. Om res web w pawed p me ,�gleior A
,tdetseet, thiel-furlgod amil• Imp will . t/esk SeDeai 1Rgtst. AR
every Leg Hosts., plumped at the seed with (ora. s
sed, the rand alapb••l he sad s tette
with shin nest est free thea
eo sane. metettW4 The psNi• wb* ftteait • lies,. Wi ren a tht 11.01
Fourth- them seem inertly epwer to tar dt/sthn' d ` each d the local
Wromag, Ci.rk-E1. by Rey C Fletcher, as- ( About Ml(u bei ism Shin pleas Mwfih et Lee kin
sated by D Ammo sad R Mod.rwell. Lop - low I am -- writhes hem, • ., . with a low psoiMthM
half rte ism ';....vole 1 an beide (either Truisms
to r e p _ net et Ttrasherr, er bah
First -George COAL. Mr Nicholls. .host • m yyw
Semed-Geer s Noire- M:. Plain. 114 wiggos, with • basins We m7 ser and the rows •r leve to"
Third --David Attu. Mr hl0°. epilog embalm ant of ver wasps lee eq wen. from air to um", sod iiia ,
Fours►-Joh• Elhau. Mr N. 1 tbuk 1 hear you »7 " 1 wool/ ti• "...,....._.1114". la a tts°jority of inetancoe, Involves
IV-laa dagttfo-Ex axis Cleft's heed. bow they .ma." /mall, messes nMmn see 'i •l prtamplw or ¶•wttosr of Marr
e int-lr ell. Cook. whist
lir Nicholls their wise." eU. it a rather vavnlsttgbe, out of outputs*, a demure for idefmatiN ea
Beeeod-Elisa Tebbett de hot y.s shall bar.
Third -Cath Coale do Now was*. toy div. yea with le hero the doubtful poloist mode• o reaMdingr r
Fomrth-Elis H.40'.. do wp7 we Mss mer sons, 1 sees will give yea as school improvements of rows ked. Is
Ra.dias-E1 by D Watre• l:eq •eo••at. bet n taw be i. Rhyme lmsiimrs.tbm• this dist td s �.
First -lase Holmes Mr Niobolle we otestawbs. by b.tLMat fair sr nem. ware psrtemaI is, sot to deal in dry tesbnsai-
pieeod-Oeo:o Nain Mr Neiro Baal a prs*l•imee Weed, tall ash ..S eldu tier, Mt N give every pueblo (mmsMos ;
Peird-Eliza Taylor Mr Patios dies. to impart correct wawa, and Isepir proper
Furth -Corollas Coo Me dogs The first thing 0 »gap err gen. the 0040, of meteor is regard to lee (asst object, ad
Fifth -Ellen McDoinW do the day. .ntereete of the School System. The
Sr/bag-Ex by D Watson Eaq le to collect Shoes heron Ada MY law sou Legislative &Moot Grant la to be esseslly
lint -Elias Lux do astray, apportioned to each city, towel, vile/ ad
Becood-Elle• McDooaW do While some an at t►a we'll eerpe7d• steel• township. as will u county, in UP (1�
Third -Eliza Mr Patton look sot for woad oar sok, amid Notified to the Muoicipst (islls-
lre•aisg of digerest Words -Ea by Rev Car T. male* •fin 0 boil ver tw, sol a 1t*1•ss .tis ; and the data of that appoints/in
food- with eetl0Wry moat be utwlly eolloetd (rem thaw
First -George HN•iroolmes
Mr Nairn Theo 111.Lancaster cooks oar repeat,
tiecood-Jane Holmes Mr Nicholls slsHl, lee•dties ted sxamimed, wDab often esnn
Third -James Dibble Mr Patio• And bawls' all good appetite, we make a hearty eoesidetpbk troulto and eerrespondeite,
Fwrlb-Elia Taylor do moil. ie of d•kortive Returae. Th.
Although the Examlostion was kept eel o.til Our dishes rhes erten washed ape t4e bedclothes gsa*cf•1 'oper0eios •slesdr (Y the �-
aer six o'clock, the Junior .lar could not be quick we stow, stat Rotorua Is 11. oilier will .how) set
examined, eaeepl i• Arithmetic, -the whole a- Asd built( picked ■p all the tops rover the hills only to *very moo teipalityr bet te every
mount of'prise were act awarded is epee -pence, we g0, eommoa school tttodv 441 puha* mid is
they were therefore, at the close d the Entitle- At half -pmt twelve r papa" at.M. w5 gip Upper Canada ; sod lee vareepe 8t•mid ha
■ tioe, divided unwept the Teachers pressor, 10 spin to Med,
be distributed by them to the moat meritorious *ad eat oar barge. broad amid shame. sad gob. returns must lee.eempfled fer m! At „veil
children of the respective Schools. The somber or talk se need- School Reporta-a work for the 04sir
of books given to the Teacben were sixty-five.
At half -poet eve or thereabout., we amp lee clerk of .Dine months. 1s oddities to this
[8igoed] J. H. Wight's riper. men the cootie/mum and gtartrly r -
The hefted bobble, tee partake, amid brad out ..sats, p'e .theins of reboot bill., sorw-
A Wort time ego the Municipal Comecil *NU' oar p,edcethes. oodsnes on IM 8cbool rove-tvlid ie.
Township of Goderich, appropriated the sum of
AS fir the parpor of purebaaieg pries to he
gives for the purpose of coconragtag Comma
School Educatioa in the Township -amid ,irinn
to be adl.dged according to the appearueo
mads ata competition to be held foe that purpose
at the School Home, of School &retloe No. 3,
o. tie 26th day of Jely, carteat.
On the day specified, depending, with their
respective Teachers et their head, appeared at
the place appointed (tom cis tithe Scheele, with
bright co0ot sad glowing bosoms, lee
the coming control ; and eotwiihstandiag of the
busy season of the year. the Examioet0e wee
attended by a very respectable number of the ia-
telligeot friends of Edocatige is the arigbboer-
The bonne.' of the day wee commenced at
note, and was kept up .aril 6 o'clock, p. m.
with deep micron, and was thea .lord becalms
of the lateness of the boar, keetas each made
which both the spectators anti those mon imnee-
diately toterestd, meld bare wish to have wee
The appearances made by the Schools woe
creditable both 0 theme/Ives sod to their Teaob-
er.--.nd especially so, whin it is kerma that
the present attaiomeet5 of the pupils have beau
arrived at soder the most di•adnntageomo eir-
..m.,aoces,-.either proper maps, nor books,
nor other apparatus are provided for the School.
_-and the only wonder is that the Teachers have
d "silkily t please or serve Mx oeceedd o well ea they have dose.
declare honestly, that it is en • y cruel, n
h 11 thrust of Goderi°h-these an the mea who arvooW
Gentleman bimwl( to b. thus
*onuei 7 I ns petitioning the Legislator for an Act to remedy
apoe the notice or tae public b7 iga010. se •. pie
principled men. la short, if our freed, the the errors which their elf -conceit tied arregeaee
Loyalist, will content himself in publishing the ban 0teaa"O°ed We are 1e. »ve15 it 00?
C0osel'e little rhymes, and ouch other little •molars• 00 James Watson. Esq.. not because
items of local news as he mea cosvenit*tly pick we think he is 1 .. to blame thin the others, bet
op, we have •o objectio0a to bid him " good because he belsge to a differnt claw. d• is a
. ped," bit if be intends to wain a party war, prosperous Merchant .ed has a decided interest
t ad to attack the oharacur of man mach ',moil- is the prosperity a the 1001•, sad • r►gkl 10 tato
or to himself, then he will find to maageeist, a part is the management of is affairs. He
sod may perhaps make for discovery that he can Lae made a considerable amount of properly m
only ply " second fiddle." tad peso that upon a the place, and whether he made it off the class
pretty Low key. And With these remarks we to which his fried. Dixie Watson and Morgan
Irwin a penial of the following article: Hamilton belong, or off the clew of which Win.
Wallace and James Bisset are member', is best
MORE PETITIONS. known to himself. His conduct in this Council
affair, will not elevate him in the estimation of
Wa eedentad 1141 • /eddies for • ►*medial the thinking part of his fellow -townsmen. For,
Aet to enable the Towe of Gederieb, or rather,
we suppose, the Town Csuacil, to act in accor-
dance with the Mooicipal Corporations Act, has
boss got ■p during the past week -sot ata pub-
lic meeting, as one would reasonably expect,
bet by the two w *bre* idivideals who have all
aloes exerted the whole of their little influence
to prevent the set from being wrought r it should
have been ! We earnestly warn the iohabitenu
of Goderich not to sip or cooeteeance any such
petitios, because, ie :he first piece, 1t is ea in-
sult to We intelligence sed combos -geese of the
town ; and because, in the second place, the Le-
giokture would laugk at such • petition ! Why
was the Town Council of Ooderidb prevented
from acting is the legitimate way in reference to
the provisions of the Corporations Act 7 Sim-
ply because Messrs. Dixie Watson, Jamas Wt -
sou and Morgan Hamilton, wen unable to elect
William Bennett Rich, Esq. Mt er of the Town.
Le the mooch of April, whoa Benjamin Parsons,
Esq.. was sleeted Mayor. by a majority of seven
to bar, why did not the Tows Conseil proved
to busters, is conformity with the Act? Simply
because Messrs. Dixie Watson. James Wetsou,
and Morgan Hamiltoe felt mortified with their
defeat, particularly 1 it had resulted from the
inflame* ad independence of wotktog men. It
was the firm time re Gederieh that Weptndeat
iadaotry had displayed its wperi01i11 over the
ridieeloes pretensions of • meek aristocracy,
sed, 0, it was bitter. About three weeks ago
wises it was proposed that the council should inset
sad call out the Statute labor, and agree apes a
rate of Aweewn0•t to be levied for wheel pur-
pOees, &.e., why was it that after all manner of
soesultatioOs, •d deliberations, sad half promi-
see Meson. Dina Watsotn James Watson sed
peeps Harnihos did not attend the said meet -
lag, and lbw prevent the necessity of this " re-
medial Act," that a sow to be prayed few? -
Simply because it was e.animo»Iy eeoeleded
that it would tippet' . . \ miser to sit
at a Cowacii Board with such mea as Willie
Wallace •ed James Bisset Now, we have
ever deprecated the pnetiee ti the demagogue
in pondering to the prejudices of the multitude,
end a eade•votiag to foster jealousies god bad
kelise below* the different alums ti Iiteiety,
homage we believe weeh jealooeiee to be • swinge
impdimeat to all propene and improvement --
Bat beteg fortunately sae of the multitude, we
own that it does hurt our feelings when we see
• mer. me•hroom species of eminency terming
op the sew at honest iodu0riooe working men.
Aid voce the last meeting of the Comity Coon-
etl. ohm Mn. Dixie Watton protested against
William Wallace taking his seat se Reeve for
the Town, ad »id sly, "nosh a
rep,0sentet.ve ti0,derich 1" we admit this we
leave had a mach crone minim of melded than
we ever bad before. Not because Mr. Waimea
t►osgbt proper publicly to express hie e0tempt
of • wsekutg mac. bat, became there should he
footed wehieg mos in Godericb who 'mold ,feet
Dina Wstses to a dtitios where h. Meld
Time ear pemredtap k w mins 1'we beiedy
heegbt r view,
O.s.017 spelt it mem slam, 's a writers to
Teo tseum t.T. .04. 11. LI/7.
whether he err wt ° 7 o P e I th R Too mach praise cannot be gives to the Tows
political Sty, or vett ereoexioga 7 made
• .ere. John Holme.. Eeq., sed aha ntber mem-
tool or dupe of worm tare then himself, public hen of thq Towesbip Meoletpnt Coeseil, for
confidence will ba equally shaken- 11 in Mir, their exertions in originating and eondaetieg this
that Mr. I)1.1. Watson gave it as his legal opi- the Township will consider th ompetition-and every �money ell ex-
nion that the election of Mr. Parma on the paodd which hu bets devoted 1. aha Parch". of April was illegal. But Mr. James ofIhtrust that tie above competitive Mostly the
Watson did not believe one word of this -nor
did Mr. Dixie Watson believe ore word of LI.- first trod • aerie Ike nature tth»sgbwt the
Mr. James Wat»a in our own sorties a► thm other good rseolu 'vireos Som t a *se we
affirmed that he did eta then es • ha.e.Iread7 tad. will se th. iutrod.cties lar
It they mere Maier. on e
• f h wre form set ti tooke sed lar/ m•pa, a". ether mp-
that ° wad loodl ho that aa.apt
h f b
meeting • ifl they had very Comoro° Schsol of a full supply .4 a eel.
.0nly uewer 0 choose a Major, i the?
Cosurrres Roost,
Meloy, !!ad July, i650. S
•Paeoserr:-Hoa. M►. Bado's', Hos. RP.
Bulbs, Mr. Butillier, Hes. Mr. Cabe -
roe, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Creches, Mr. Cbri•
tie, Colonel Gluey, Hee. Mr. nisch% Mr.
Holmes, Mr. Hopkise, Mr. Merriam. Mr.
Polio le, and Hos. Mr. Visor.
The Chanute beteg about Col. (logy
wee called to the Char.
Mr. Hopkins proposed that it be,-
Rewrioed.-Teat, to the elision of ibis
Committee, the office of Amnia at Com-
mi»ioner'of the Board of Wake should be
°hal fished.
Ordered, -'11.1 the tics- Mr. Cameros,
• Member of the Committee, be Examined
tette ng the above proposition.
Quos. Chairman. -Here you held the
aka of Assistant Commissioner of Public
Wake 1 -Ane. 1 bare fora period of eigh-
teen months, for the last four of whfc6 1
truesettd the whole ►resines with ease,
there being at that time so Chief Commis-
Quer. Mr. Hopkins.} -An yon of opi-
Mos that there M any otittty in the eontin
imam of dist Deice 1 -Ass. 1 am ef opinion
there is so utility is the of the
ogles referred to.
Qom. Hoe. Mr. Bulbs.] - Why 1-
Ans- itssssee the dates of the name of
Chid and Moistest C are the
eases. Tey cassia*, ted order replies to
all , Report on all applica-
tions emd Petitions **stented with the De-
partment, and sign all touchers for pay-
ment of snooty.
Qtes. Cheiruas. • it sot necessary
that use ef tem slwiye a In et -
traduce I -An•. As their abuse* is out-
weeal, the Secretary might be authorised
to gigs those papefe; practically the Sec-
retary dose all the witch. i ea of */lotion
the whisk of the duties of the two Com-
mk.eesere w be performed by use officer
is two bosn per jay, because the Secre-
tary does all the The
Provisoes' Mbitratere settle disputed
chime. which is w part of the duties of
the C •
Que. Mr. HgMso.)-1• it the dory of
the C se vine and report on
all Public Woolen -Ase. 1 conceive it is
use of thus* Sloe's upon which to Com-
mtetooters may devote as moth time as
toy can soon, hot one that is melees to
the pa►lie, imemmeeh as the Commissioners
an not eciesttie as: they arc rmidt►et
Seginuere perfectly competent, whocdui?
to a to perform that a.rnos. I should have
thought it improper whoa I visited the
Weiland Casal b bele interfered with, or
given as7, opisies as to the oaten er pro-
gress ed to works.
Qs*. Mr. Bo tiilir.)-Had you any
other duties to ahead te, which were attach-
ed to your libation as Mantua Com•
videmeeter of the Pehlke Works 1-Aas.
No. 1 bed no other defies.
QUO'. Icon. Mr. Badgtey.]-Wen you
a Member of the Executive wnemeet to
virtue of the okce of Assistant Commis -
Moyer of Peblic Works t --Ave. I was a
Member of to f because it was
thought politically expedieot,bot sot in vir-
tue of my office as Assistant C
of Public Works.
Oe metiers of Mr. BowtiUier, it wae,-
Orderel,-Tet the Hoe. Mr. Tache do
Woo appear before the Committee, as :e
examined of the 'object of to sees of
Assistant C of PAU° Works.
Oris e[r-Ther the Chairman M maw
to Hesse fee a M u to Hemorabis
the egi•4tive CewcU for leave te Hoe.
Mr. Toshio to *rood to Committee.
Oder5,,-Tet to Hes. Mr. Merritt
ell the Hes. Mr. RelOsoea, Mashers of
to Hews, be wlwsd to slued the Coat -
rides as to -.wove.
The Ri.gwid Morro. Byre's*, D. D.,
pial8 or Aebooli for Upper
Cassis, ers0anld la, ted ..b1Nt,d As -
rues te the Quotable' proposed b him by
the Commitee* l i last sittime-whitb
me a blows : -
QMr. Wwad yes upleis to the Com-
mittees the eaters tattle delis* of to Clovis
lentis Rese0Ues OMs., and give fe.r spas'
a pantos. Without this, fair competitve is sot
sot councillors what right bad the? 0 Pn1M1 of the question, and as Education adequate 0 the
against the election of a Meyer. 1f Dixie Wat-
soo did not consider himself a councillor what
right had bets coma before the Coity Council
0 protest against William Wallace being re-
ceived as Tows Reeve? He certainly did not
pretend to be the mouth-pieeo of the awn ti
Goderich, and is so far as his individual interests
are concerned, itis a matter ti 0017 small conee-
queofe to him who a town -reeve, or whether
there is any town -reeve at all. Bet, the same
Dixie Watson did, cm • former occasion give his
ether legal opiaios, u the effect that the Commit.
at its first ovation in the month of Jutary, had
tut power N .d jeurn ! .red then es the ninth of
April he pee his Legal opinion that the Council
bad oo power 0 slot a Meyor, because at the
meeting in January they had neglected to ad-
journ : 1 Now, with all due deference to the
professional knowledge a Mr. Watson, we think
that ther'two fogal opinions were not value (or
one, straw, sod straw is not likely to be dear at
present. The troth is, the legislators did not
este oos farthing whether the Towo Council of
Goderirh elected their Mayor oa the wooed
week of Jasiry, or the second week ti April,
providing the Couocillor agreed •moeg them-
selvse. Med had it been possible at the meeting
ea the sioth of April, to elxl Mr. Rice, Mr.
Dixie Waimea would, is all probability, have
offered no " legal opinion" on the subject.
We base .ow pointed out the men who pre-
vented the M•sieipal A et from gots' isle ep.-
ntio0 in Godorieb--we think we have also peiet-
ec' out their motives for doing 0 : •ed the mo-
ttvefor new petitiooieg fora remedial Act, may
ceremony be discovered i. the tact that Meseta
James and Dixie Watson are Trustees for the
Commas Schools of the teem, and, is the prelim
went• of the people; Wo impowlbilit7.
Sap. C. S., Township of Gederieb.
Godericb, 30th July, 1850.
rabort* bees considerable (se that printed
by order of th1 legislative A..e.bly shows)
but whish, I hops, will be len Is Mester-
mitosis applications sed calls at the elks
for information, advice, kc., by mune
interested a school matters, basldasthe
venal voodoo common to all Mbe dgsat-
m'ote. AU the letters reports, and ether
dugouts received at the *Mee, meat be
endorsed and 11d away : all the elitist
lettere sad documents out from the eines
went be eopied twits from the *righted
drafMut the astapp for
boob el the eiaethe post, sad y;
Mut the appropriate
mon] of them are copied • third lime fee
speetal use -as is rmepue% to the whets eL
tbbee�hoo ewn.posdence es the 8.1.04 Lew lob
before ParIIeweet. Now, the meehesi•n
pert of thew Neve is the
by the
two clothe In the ?d•etties Ode. -lbs
color clerk b.4. . esides, � mein ates
cIak .tabus him. Beadwr
clerk affords moth aeoataeee to N daily
in giving aforation to parties s pills' at
the once, and acts no my &poly is my
ab•snce-hs bovine lherosglsty stet .ad
,mastered the School Law all Saul Sys-
tem, both is its principle and regime detain
and applications.
2nd. In respect to the e5son4 Masai ef
the dories of the Education OSce,-dos*
relating to the Provincial Normal sed Mo.
del Schools, -i observe that the ergotism el
this most important d• seat of em
School Stators, has added stub t0 ell
responsibilities sad duties of the Westies
0e -much more than I had islesd.4
anticipated. It bag, of eosrss, knee t• me
to originate and devise s,sry< ousec-
t•d with the est•blishe's. sad booties of
the Institution ; the appeentao•t of *Goers
and their ditties, all the details of its go-
vernment and system of 1, sod
augers@ for improving IM o. - y and
ocfu4ness. The delrberaties ad dop•iss
these utters have required w 4itda time
as the part of the Board of Edemetelet after
they bad bees brought before it. Aad
501 ▪ 10 * i ban takes so the
I leafSesehtgi
nor i* any wry ...voted the Kemal the
Masten to the Snidest, is the ealml
School, the Masters bare ever sines its
•stablitrte0t, bad almost daily esses�
Cone with me rumens(
matters concocted with the °pent:pee of
the Inetitutios. The aditesel &dim
which ham devolved eyes the seeks clerk
from the establishment of the Normal sed
Model Schools. have al.* beam beyond say
thing which t bed anticipated. Pb. low
simply provided that be should b0-11 Re-
cording Clerk to the" Board of Sdsestis4
and enter all its proceedings ins book to
be kept for that purpose." But is oddities
to that, .red Rivi.g Douses of all mettle/
of the Board, it has been fogad oit'imklg
sot only to conduct the correspeedos's,
but to manage al: the financial affairs e
the Normal and Model Schools tbroroesgg\ the
Education Omer -a duty from *\k\ the
office and its clerks are exempted is the
eeighborisg State of New York. Of
course the ssecones of all the orders ail
plans of the Board is under ay dimities
and upon my respoeaibilily ; and the mice
clerk i1 responsible to me. The system tett
management is as follows :-Every thief
dopa or procured o* b b*lf bf the Norms!
and Model School.--iooloding Sunset
furniture, repairs, books and staUOua
takes pees through the Educatiob Ode1
An order, according to a prescribed priaM1
form, mit be cot into the °Mee, eight bf
the Masten of the Normal School) adhelg
Aid to the Chief,;Stperinteudeal, (er
article required tin either 8cheot, whet
of booker' stationary or repairs ant
premisse. If le be a matter Of std
cootingeocy, the Chid Ssperisteedest or
proves the order ender arural itlels°s
a the Board ; if H by tleazi ,lp"'
penditore, be bye 11 loses b
its cossidrsties she
ease, the exesatiss 0f the orbit It pit/
ed to she water shot, who
the bake ad awiesary he
she hotted atoda.t,is the *real
sad two b u Weed ad fifty Mile is the
School --stores them .bay b a
for that permits he ilea
oat es the order
!ling away abs orders,
bills of all treacles 4th
Ito .0 t• eempase UM Itwm .
with the visas ant the0th 1
coasts furnished 051 rrdkd lilt' 1
each .sorter. It -elect
suits! *leek to pe peep all
Um Chief Sepo, ret west idpdi .
at the std aa((ese\ oeMIr' , tat
has se a tha u1 el Wags e►, sea- as else the gelarki sf the
.e*eka gawfeg is sspaeia• sows. Alf beats �� wilt �eeeeaey d the /sells gee.
re10isai,.0 field et Ns. >t ores lustiest, Need vele sass era smAd IeGWSq M roes Qlsth•1- 14°"4441.-.1-.4; t, heap Ns
Sant.•, Jsly 27, 1850.
TO int tn*Ton O1 Tea trvade 110a*' -
Der Sir, -It is with much Oeuvre Leem-
masiate the followieg item ofiakrmettms. As
*emend Temperance Meeting woe held ie the
Ueberns School House, oa Wedgy 0eoieg, the
92d a . bat by a raw de elided is fn-
mis Total Abstisame Society, to be celled
Sable and Waris Creek Total Abstain**
The persuasive elega•o, of the slave,
Rev. Messrs. Logi* and 8kaimes. may
from the fact that 93 peruse aped
edge, appointed • committee, and Ind the
e ' to be held is ()ember. ef whish
ce wit given b7 the SeerMrv. Mr.
a. T. T.
be i0f
due n
B. G.
have a botter opporteaity of dioplarisg hb sea -
tempt for their elate sad its Interests. William
Wallets is es hooted ida.lrieaa tndesma*. •d
a a keeerledp of the poetical busiaer of 6k ie
at nest Neal to Mr. ie Wane. H. a me
.f the ends wheels hes and tame the tows
(▪ Godeci.h, ad it a .0y mob wee se he who
w truly repsesat the low* r ite i•tageta-
The gnat, the member d moa 11. Mr. Wal-
let* ie a oommweity, AO rester will be its
wealth ad prosperity, bet the more Mr. INA,
Wotases the greater will be the poverty ad the
aposew and mow the rife. Ad ea laag se
wsebiog ave s*• be se ishttatd ee to snake
CosseilMn ee slimes of tram. of sash roes e
Diiw Weems Gad Merges I1•milg u.
Kaxnwrtt-s, Commit BI.1fs.
Saturday. Jose 29, 1850.
My Dear Wife, -We emoted hen yesterday
about half -put 6, and eaeamped shut* way from
the Towo ; we beve travelled about 1110 mine
since leaving Dederick; we have therefore. ac-
complished one third d oar peony. gad have
every confidence that we shell jest her secce.a-
fol with the remaining part.
i am very happy to inform yet the( 10y health
and strength le so mach improved dist 1 doubt
dem, I was more hearty during my life time,
seitler is there any symptom of sickness Maws
say tins. We leave this place for the Salt Lek*
or Mormon Town, this evening 1 »pp***. There
have been several trains of M0(1.00s wise Myo
preceded as, there are otben 0 leave os the ith
d 3e1,.
Thio place is 1.300 relies above 1
we took what is culled the Northern Rose.,
through Iowa city. I gave yea a dight Wen le
ti OUT journey to Chie•go, tied will briefly 1.11 yes
bow we get along afterwards. tithe 11th of
We lef4 Chicago se the no niag
Ivor, with three strong bat light waggon., each
( affairs, t becoming oawhat prnbeble drawn by four Cuadra Poems. 31.0...- Bmit
o a urs, i a
and Brows in the first, Watkin sad WARimee
that they may he weed on for the Teachers -ie the ecoud. td hereon. Duk sed i.seegotr
wages TI.r. a sO reboot tax. RNnember ie the third, Du. M.D••eld sad 1 rode se hese-
this ! back, eneempisg eat lee the stet ties u half -
post five, and every eight SWOT. The reads w
Sines writisg the above the Council has met extremely geed. grass sad water andel. W
and isomd • writ for the election el • Camillo' the bones tip of appeal u7 the wee" fie
for the 8t. Patrick's Ward, is rose eif Mr-
their jemmy.
00 rho tw.1hh Jasu vee 510514 the Mtstia
Muds 31cLesin•, resigned. eippt at Albeny, sept is me veggies a the ego
_ ppoeos�l. aide, moagaltoss i. twartr w. artim5d
Red Ce4u Riva by (airy .mid ps* 4 !hoop lows
QT Oar lest 11011. to Beaja aIs Hdams, all.
Eel., M. P. P --t W. B. Richards, Eq., 311. -,This meld* eesetry by w 5155545 m7 p'.4
P. P., sed to the Hee. Malcolm Cameros ise .Os..p. less 1 tbougat It IF" 10115 gee
Parli•mentery papers. Are it ieNo' Ribes ti s* pr hills.
. serol .Ina w i1M
atm The .wap
sed the And *f -
tea r god tet a hats may us* m0 the cowls
0f k4 . without meek Wr�.14514 done
' ef"Are
pps.•.e,aannee�� e.mi•ds me »
b.•.1•i *54 •went.' of iia tbroagbO _..lam
P01 T111 11V11011 41011111. am. a elle. The gig 1rougbou 1 a ustimt•d
CQ i��ln,uLiuOrCOMMON SCHOOLS Me►, a d ia,yseatisg AMS every itset•a-
L11 mma TOWNSHiP OF OODERICH. v s m,1.. ge se ew1agew1 sae& 0Mh dews
Meemployed b M/rlgrlMr
At a TowesbiaP F.
Bohol Gede,teh Tow•att a /Tudor 11141 *41441 0tewd hem Ate egad t1m fltavu t test Otreld i' i thine
DAso V this romper, ..g, mew
day of holy. 1450. the ktlowig Premium wow veal staters utast. WO \55+ W soy mud .- te the ' ..a to be to keep le tush boob,, , M1MIM
un t the lest 1 to fees, weekly, hem t
11. Jobe Flliest. adt e7 Mr. M oa gleet aha W wa the Jos . we wum N es/ M ego N er•wl sod Mads) Master*, aku mole t M
the feet pewee ef t gsAgMp it the school best rbY lsww M
Grapeia : weaAr iso* w4dl ��i�li proper tad other busks
Q•.grspIy- lir. by Disse Wt..0, Eq. Os ago -Swl cuss (mod red dm *Mho of ill 8.--.0 . OM - fes
1. Is* T. Nara. Nelms, (inmoriy s* a piss d abase a are gee eekung t. oo e
Iii. Rev Robartw. Mr. Oe6uldose•a oversaw y�misg A n if
& gest O►e.mee-Ee. N Rev. Jeha the 11y..I, Ni. M.r_q. Me- Deas sodemu" sead Ltii7l debobs /M M►. eltsd a1 W l'
Firm -George Wain. Mr. 1Nhla Mr 0481,-.. wwe w� 8*0.1 abode= ID U Gesell �y =INA 116
bosa4-F.lieh.th 'Melee. Mr. haw meek, wMr�w bei bias" swasIra 1110/ tt�sgl its
7tiiM-Aron• Debbie. de *me eh -edema se sue ow ors* �118 SIM