HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-28, Page 16Pap 111 The, TimepAdvocete, November 29.. 1957 Masonic Lodge!Forty Merchants • Enjoys At.Home !Give Away :Gifts The Irving Masonic Lode Forty acan and Cominunitr .beld its f math annual At -Home .business men. are again snonser-; and ladlee night tarkeIt banquet their annual pre -Christmas • and dance in the- CP111.111.111111Yi draw but this year all will be Aientorial. Centre last Wednes-!cash draws and not merchandise day•evening. as here494ore. Eaeltdraw will The W.A. of the Clandeboyebe made at 3 panbeside the Vniterl.,Charcb. prepared for 30i1,Ninway Motors Ltd. and the ,almost 400 were present: person whose name is drawn Which necessitated considernble-' has •to be present O. be eligible. last-rainate change •of plans. on• December n, 14. and 21, At the head table were W.M-:tbree $10 coupons will be drawn C. P. Corbett and Mrs. Corbett.:.aud on December 24 a MO bill Harold Corbett and and several .other cash prizes Nes. Corbett, P.D.D.G.M. Myr- Will be awarded t sozne lucky ray Hodgins. and Mrs. Hodgins,!nenc " • LI.M. Cf,'Culbert and Mrs. Culbert, P.M. R. E. Lankin,1 Medway •Gradvation Chaplain Don •Chown and Miss Charles Bramwell. chairman Rota -Cliewn. of East Middlesex High School During the .evening. W.M. C. Board, was in charge of cere• P. Corbett presented P.M. 1-1. monies at the Medway School Lankin with a gold cigarette commencement last Friday night. lighter inscribed, as gift froron The speaker was A. G. McColl, The lodge to the senior P,M, superintendent of secondary The guest of honor was Miss schools for the London Board of Sharon Moore, "Miss Michigan" Education, who was introduced Who was .accompanied by her by IL R. Fisher, Medway prin- Maher, Mrs. Gladys: Moore. .emal, who was on the Kirkland Mrs. C, J. Corbett on behalf of Lake H.S. staff when Mr, Me - the lodge presented Miss Moore Coll was principal there, with a bouquet of roses. Miss After the presentation of a• Moore in expressing her thanks wards and diplomas, there was -said how happy she was to be a reception and tea, and a dance back to Lucan where she lived in the small gymnasium, as a child on Alice St., with her George Reintjes, award win - grandmother, Mrs. Rd'. McLean, . ner, was vaiemetorian, now in Florida. Margaret Culbert, Alan J. The M.C. for a short musical Ready and Heather M. Stanley program was J.W. Arthur Me- received secondary school grad - Lean of London. Solos by Larry'l Lewis .of Grantor,. and duets, uation diplomas.1 solos and comic numbers by Marshu, and Jo -Anne Ribson, won by Mr. Ken Carter. made up the program. After the dinner the evening The door prize, a chair, was was spent in dancing. lllll 1 ll 1411111111011111 lll 111111111)111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llll I lll 1111111411111111111 llllll 1 lllllllll 11111111111m Lucan Dry Goods Make our store your shopping centre for Christmas Gifts LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 37 ,,,411111111111111111111011111111111111111111/11111111111111111 lllllll 111111111111111111111,11111111/111111111111 lllll 111111111111111 lllll llllllllll 11111110110 lllllllllllllllll lllll 1 llllllllll ;11,11111111#111 lllllll 1110111111111111 llllll 1111111111111111 llll 1 lll 1;11 llllllllll qt Country Western Dance LUCAN ARENA Every Saturday Night • MUSIC BY THE PLAYBOYS Stars of CFPL-TV and CHLO Radio • Daneirig 9 to 12 Admission 75 fognissouniolomummut ll lllll 11111111111 llllll llll 1111111111W lll l lllll 1411111111111 lllll 111111111111111111111111111110 lllll lllll pratorawa llllllllllllll 11111/II lllll 11/1111111111.1 llllllll / lll lllllll 1 lll 1 ll 11/1 llllllll 11111111.11111111 llll Mit • I Take Advantage Of Our Lay -Away Plan Today It's the "Best Way" for your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Get in on our con- venient lay -away plan for your Xmas merchandise today!; It's the kind of shopping you'll en- loY J. B. Ready Hardware Phone 45 AND DRY GOODS Lucan ,, • llll ll llllllll l I lll 31111111111 1111/$111,1111 llllllll troll llllllllll lllll 1 l 111. lllllllllll 1st Lucan And District News Phone 101 1.40c4O Correspondent: Miss Lina .Abbott eturn Reeve And Council, Elect New PS Members Anglican Guild Plans Projects The Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity church held, its Novem- ber meeting in the Parish Hall last Monday evening with the president, Mrs. Kay Egan, in the chair. Mrs. Harold Hodgins read the scripture, lesson. Rev. J. P. Prest spoke briefly on White Gift Sunday, December 1. In the attendance centest Mrs. Bond's and Mrs. Ryan's groups led, with six each. It was decided to cater for the Ashworth baptism party •on Sat- urday, November 30 and also for the Lions Club and their guests on December 2. Mrs. H. Bond and, Miss Lina Abbott will be in charge of sell- ing tickets on a lace table cloth. The Guild decided to provide bushel baskets to be placed at the back of the church for White Gifts next Sunday. Most of the evening was spent in completing plans, discussing menus and assigning duties for the annual bazaar to be held in the church basement Saturday, December 7. One innovation this year will be a white elephant table in the Country Store and also the sale of good used clothing. Draw Skeds For Minors Grim.. Convenor Don Buddo of Ilderton released the Lucan and District Minor Hockey Associa- tion schedule for the coming season in bantam and pee wee divisions. The bantam teams entered, Lucan, Ailsa Craig and Ilderton, will play all their games in the Lucan Arena. The four pee wee teams en- tered come from Hensall, Ailsa Craig, Ilderton and Lucan. Hen- sall will play all home games in their own arena while the others will use tl2n Lucan ice for home games. IBANTA31 SCHEDULE November 30—Lucan vs. Ailsa Craig, 2.00 Decessiber ^ 7-11derton Vs. Ailsa Craig 2.00 14—Lucan vs. Ilderton, 2.00 21—Allsa Craig vs. Lucan, 2.00 2S—Ilderton vs. Luean, 3.00 January 4—Ailsa Craig vs. Ilderton, 2.00 11—Lucan vs. Ansa Craig, 2.00 25-41derton vs. AilsaCraig, 2.00 VeltruarY )—Lucan vs. Ilderton, 2.00 6—Allsa, Craig vs. Lucan, 3.00 10—Ilderton vs. tteart, 3:00 22—Ailsa Craig vs. Ilderton, 2.00 All games played at Lucan Arena. PtIE November 30—Hensall vs. Merton (at Luean. 300) Ansa Craig at Lucan, 1.00 December ' 6—Liman at Hensall, 1.00 7—Allsa Craig vs. Ilderton (at Liman, ).001 13—Alisa Craig at Hensall. , 7.00 34—Ilderton at Toucan. 1.00 21—Lucan vs. Aliso. Craig (at Lucan, 1.00) 28—Lucan ys, Ilderton (at Lucan, 2.00) Hensall vs. Ailsa Craig (at Lucan,1.00) January 4—Hensall at Lucan, 1.00 i0—Lucan at Herman., 7/00 11—Ilderton vs. Ansa Craig (at Liman, 1.00) 18—A1laa, Craig at Lucan, 1,00 Hensali vs, Ilderton (at Lutan, 2.00). 20-11derton at Herman, 7.00 24-11derton at Hensall, 1.00 20—Lucan vs. Alisa Craig (at Lamar,. 1.00) 31—Ailsa. Craigat Hensall February I—Lucan vs. Ilderton Please Turn to Page 19 t or: " • yowt 4 CIIRISTAM • czam Be suro you have the correct postal addresses. Cheek your mailing list how— ' Have you forgotten anyone' Buy plenty of tamps ahead of time. Pack your gifts hi sturdy cartons, wrapped leash piper and •••••••• '1& pa trot* with strong cord. Vet Otirreet pottege *ha safe delivery 'have ynair pareel4. weighed rat. Your local Post Office. Print address, r- ' address too, both outside and inside parcels. fittpdrialki Check' Post Office leaflet delivered to o; bottle hit mailing dates to dIstrot point and remember for local deilvery, MA your oarcels and cd s ult or helot December Ilth. • , CANADA POST, 6FFICE 0 After a major election battle, last year, Lucan ratepayers gave their municipal representatives .acclamations at the nomination meeting Friday night. Cecil H. Lewis, wlio defeated former Middlesex ,warden, Har- old Corbett, last year, Was ac- corded his third term as reeve. Councillors Mrs, A. E. Reilly, ROY Stanley, Charles Sovereign and Ivan Hearn were retarned. Three new members ---.T. Ready, C. B. Culbert and C, H. Stanley—were named to the school board to succeed George Paul, Clare Stanley and Tom Hill. Four others,'—Williarn Smith, Ralph Rummell, Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Paul—were nominated but did not qualify, • Harry Lankin won the PUC seat by aeclarnation, Triple Trio Wins Aw,ard At the St. Thomas Rotary Musical Festival last' Monday, Lucan girls brought honor to their parents, teacher and school when they won the Triple Trio award. Participating were Heath- er Acheson, Beth Black, Dana Culbert, Bonnie Drennan, Cora- lyn and Ilene Donaldson, Judy Haskett, Donna Thomson and Marilyn Culbert. Heather and Dana got 83 on their duet and marks for solos were Donna Thomson 86, Mar- jory Donaldson, Clandeboye, 85, Dana Culbert 85, Janet Kehl 84, Ilene Donaldson 84, Bonnie Dren- nan 84, Heather Acheson 83, and Beth Black 80. Institute Assists Children's Work Final. arrangements for the turkey dinner for which the Lu - can Women's Institute catered' on November 27 for the London - Middlesex branch of the Canad- ian Cancer Society were made at the meeting last Thursday afternoon in the auditorium of the Community Memorial Cen- tre. This is the first time -an ari- nual meeting has not been held in Hotel London, so the Insti- tute feel honored. Mrs. C. H. George gave a re- port of the area convention held in London in October. Miss Lina Abbott read the report of the other delegate, Mrs. IrVing Gib- son, who was absent. At the December meeting white gifts will be presented for the Save the Children fund. In lieu of the November collection for Dr. Hitchmanova's U. S. C. relief work it was Voted to contribute $10. The sum of five dollars was donated to the War Memorial Children's Hospital, London. Mrs. Wes Hodgins, vice-presi- dent, presided for the meeting and urged all members to take part in the novel Christmas gift display to be one of the high- lights at the December meeting to be held one week early on December 12. The secretary announced the date of the millinery course with Miss Dorothy Hutchinson in charge would be March 13, 14 and 17.. Hostesses were Mrs. Guy Ry- an, Mrs. William Cochrane, Miss Kate Bowyer, Mrs. Gordon Pan- ting and Mrs. A. E. Reilly. G: C. Thompson' Pneumonia Victim George Christopher Thomp.son, infant son of Mr. and, Mrs. George Cole Thompson, Con. 12, Lobo, passed away Thur'sday, November 21 at his home fol- lowing an attack of pneumonia. Funeral services were held from . the C. Haskett and Son funeral borne on Saturday, Nov. 23 with the Rev. J. P. Prest of Holy Trinity Church, officiating, Interment was in the Granton 'United Church 'cemetery. Hockey News In the South Middlesex Midget Hockey League last Monday night, at the Lucan Arena, ANA Craig 'defeated Byron; Lucan defeated Merton and Oakridge Acres defeated Lambeth. , IP ThEY GAVE:Aitl OSCAg. POR COMFORT WITHIN - OUR SYttEM FOR HEATING WOULD SAwS0411..? • 4011' 111Loca•widioormar•to,.• a ad GING ER1Cfl ,HEATING -LIGHTING -PLUMBING BURNING -AIR (ONDITPONIN(, fpul Nat on SuPPLIFt ZG lf ( T 1 t C ttiwP NP An N, MOTOP 711PICK Chatham Group Inspects Church Last Friday night 40 members of the Chatham Pentecostal church visited the Lucan church and took the service. In the United Cburch, being Christian Youth week, Lynette Walpole and Fred' Lewis, two commission conveners, read the lessons, A special notice was read re the Martin Luther film, sponsored by the Evening Auxil- iary to, be presented Sunday evening, December 1 to which members of the other churches have been invited. In the Anglican Church flow- ers on the altar were in loving memory of George Christopher Thompson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George ,Cole Thompson, and those on the chancel steps in memory of Mr. Hilton Ban - ting. The first fall meeting of the Anglican Men's Club will be held in the Parish Hall Monday, Dec, 2. Rev. R. H. Anions of Ailsa Craig was the guest speaker last Sunday for the morning and evening service while .the Rev. J. P. Prest took his services. On White Gift Sunday, Dec, 1. the members of the W.A. will receive corporate comminion at the morning service, Y.P.U. News The theme of last Sunday's meeting of the Lucan-Clande- boye Y.P.0 was "Stewardship" and was in charge of Jeanette Blake's Commission. The meet- ing was conducted by the presi- dent, Alan Ready, Helen Kestle, Marjorie Sovereign and Mar- jorie Donaldson •led in the de- votional period. The sing -song; was in charge of Mrs. Murray Hodginst The nominating committee to bring in a slate of officers in- cludes Jack Park, Marjorie Sov- ereign, Heather Stanley •and Doug Thompson. ' It was decided to hold another party and dance in the Stanley Hall Friday night, November 29. Members voted to give a donl ation of gifts at the White Gift service December 8. School Officiais Plan Gift Service, Last Tbursday evening the, teachers and officers of 'the United Church !School met .in the :church parlours to discuss .plans for the lithe Gift service to be held on Sunday, December 8. Two boys and two. girls, .freln the Primary, three boys and three girls from the, Junior and three members. of the Intermediate departments will take part in the service. The White Gifts will. be sent to 'Northern •Ontario. Plans were also made for the annual Christmas party to Ue held Friday, Dee. 20 with Mrs. Murray Hodgins convener; Mrs. Dave Park, Margaret Neil, Mar- lene Revington, Rose Reving, ton, Sherry Walpole, Mr. Harold Whyte, Jack Jerk and Terry Cul- bert to make the arrangements. It was the decision of the .group to omit the exchange of gifts this year, Scout News, , Luca' i Scouts, Terry Culbert Paul Conlin, Barrie Black and David Whyte last Saturday at- tended the Patrol Leaders.' Con- ference at Exeter followed by dinner at Armstrong's Restaurant. CORACCROPROgfrafg M.rv•Vp:: es Sid • or You Sure Can •'Rely or.n The. . ,,,,,,,,,ammemornmormrmr 4.47...../ 444 "SAFE -BUY" Used cars .and Trucks Offered 'At tucen. Motor $eles. All the cars are winterized and ready ior good, dependable winter driving. Lucan Motor Sales Your Mercury ,,Lincoln -Meteor Dealer Phone: Garage 112, Car Lot 222 Lucan t 41/4111111111MuM11111411111101/111411111111111111111111M1111MMIllionunoilill,1111111;111 llll t CfACIRCAPAC.0114011MOURCOMP.C.0001 -2•Week Special Nov. 28 - Dec. 14 ) 4 Off ON ALL GE Appliances, Hardware, Paints Take advantage of our sale to buy Christmas presents, Mixers, fry pans and toasters" feature our GE Appliance line. Everything in hardware from shovels and forks to bolts, nuts, and nails. We sell Pittsburgh Paint. INSPECT OUR DRY GOODS DEPT. FOR CLOTHING & RUBBER BOOTS Attfield's General Store PHONE 98 CREDITON 104*,4444444i0,01414*630444,*0107,..01CCIROMACC010, BOL N,Et only car with 1 1 1. 1 1 QUADRA•POISE ROADABILITY. I I 40A* CHIEFTAIN SERIES—COnveitible de ad, ider tayksaatir are./ • Here is the luxury ride in the low price field ... and it's standard on every '58 Pontiac. Deep coil springs on all four wheels cushion , you in complete comfort•while annoying diving and bottoming are reduced to a minimum. And to keep you even further ahead, Pontiac now offers the amazing Ever -Level Air Rideas optional equipment in every series. 111111111 NM MN MI NM al Mai OM 1114811 WO mos an um •with AERO.FRAME • STABILITY .044/!“, nosson00/00, •• • ,... " ll BOLD with CIRCLES OF STEEL NEW SAFETY re4911k, 41111W PONTIluppw New if • LAURENTIAN SERIES-. 2 -Door Sports Coups . fay/ e thaveedeOlice.aer yak 4', 1 I, With Pontiac's all-new body design, you're protected from every angle . literallysurroundecl, above, below, front and I rear, with massive beams of steel. • Moreover, this new fortified body is completely„insulated from 'road sounds and vibration by rubber' mountings that cushion .the 'entire I cernprtinent. Now, you can travel in a silent world of luxurious security! 10.1.11 mos am ea am ma an am Nu 1111 mg ow le I• i 1 : IIULIJ w th Ivi f 1 1 1 1 1 PAittSaraNk--, • • .4 Iola/me kor' ogle "ndJusPrl' /bayou odelydeeft ,fiedh.kri Jed 1 With a 30 per cell tiftcreate in rigidity, Pontiac's new X.frame provides a car foundatioh unequalled for solidity and stability. What's more, the um AcrooPrame makes possible a silhouette that's almost three inches lower . yet headroom and foot. room have been ineteated5 and there is actually an inch incite I clearance with every' 'S8 model. A onotAL /Woks YAW* 11•••••••••1,110do -NEW DIRECTION 'STYLING,. . ll iiIdd4 iUhithfrif ead/as kiip a red lad la adomaitae There's a stunning blend or boldness and simplicity in all Pontiac's eight peat tries ansi 30 darzling models, Ne W for '58 are 11 spectacular Bonneville series . the inoclestly.pri ed Chieftain Convertible • . the breathtaking Pari ionic Sport models and a glamor. 00 Laurentian Wad, The I3old New Pontiac is at your dealer now for you to tee tut tliitre, ZURICH ilEARSOil MOTOR SALES EXETER Phone • Pontiac Buick GMC Truck Ottifor WIC Phone 60$ ) ) 14 4" 5. E oi