HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-28, Page 15f 1 .1# .9 E • 1. 4 J •4. 1 t .44 4 X 4. A s • 1 g• 444.4 OPMIKOTOrtioligningigigirgi MOIRA GIVE GIFTS THA ENDURE THIS (NRiSTMAS TIIAQUAIR HARDWARE Qui-it/Tv Ar 1,z1/R PR/CE.5' PONE 27 EXETER Famous "Dinky. Toys" CCM Skates REDUCED TO ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES Clever, Distinctive Hostess Gifts Our finest selection of novel giftware,is now on display. ' 114 •••••,40.%,4, )111Milf k •1111 ..r:a.0 Admiral.TV - Sales And Service Free Coupons On .The $800 Christmas Jackpot TRAOUAIR HARDWARE au/ii/7y Fr'9/1? PR/CE5 ri-40N E 27 EXETER OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITES AND WED, AFTERNOONS IN DECEMBER Mlitaritupgigigtatotiedurip4044431103% I V -- We'd 60 .Years 'co.ntinued, Frein Page 1,6 Elsie,. and One brother,, Fred Genttner, 'both. of Dashwood, They have 14grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Messages of congratulations were received trim Queen lia bath, 'from Prime Minister Die- fenbalter, Elston Cardiff, and many others. Mayor R.. E. • and Mrs, .P901.0Y, MI Bev. p, and Mrs. Knox were $110Sta4 Speaker At.Caven Outlines Changes At the Thankeffering meeting of Caven Woman's Missionary Society held at the manse on Thursday evening Mrs, T. L. Scott ':of Cromarty, a member of .Stratford Presbyterial execu- tive was guest .speaker, She spoke of some things which Thankofferings make possible "Onr missionaries., are now going out to the mission fieldsas ad- visers. and not as leaders or di- rectors — the whole. missionary picture is Changing" she said. A service of Thanksgiving pre- pared. by the Adult Work „Com- mittee of The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church was led by' .Mrs. James ,Taylor assisted by Mrs. Alvin Moir and eight mem- bers directed prayers of inter- cession. Mrs. William Sillery and Mrs. Eldrid 'Simmons sang a duet. An interesting letter just re- ceived from Mrs. S. Moore Gor- don was read by Mrs, Sillery, The Gordons are returning home from Formosa via Africa. In the business period it was announced that the W,M.S. books Would be closed. December 15 in order that all reports should be in on time. Mrs, Sillery extended cour- tesy remarks to the speaker, and hostess and her assistants. Correction—Last week it was mentioned that' Mrs. Russell Snell had taken the study book ar the Women's Federation meeting in James Street church. It should have read Mrs. H. J. Snell who presented the study. Watch Clock and Jewellery Repairs. Over 36 Years' Experience Certified Member of Canadian Jewellers' Instktute We Hay,. An Excellent Stock Of * FINE DIAMONDS * WATCHES, CLOCKS * JEWELLERY, SILVER Ring Sizing Engraving Prompt Service Albert G. Hess Zurich Ontario Stratford' Church Scene Of Vows Jacqueline Lillian, Jeffries and lieveriey A. McNicot „exchanged wedding Vows On Saturday, No veinber 23, before Itev. 'Reuber itt Centennial ,Cluirch, Stratford. The bride is the daughter of and Mrs. ,Clifford Jeffries, Stratford, and the' groom is the MI of Mrs. Mabel 'MeNieol And the late John McNic01, Kiritton. The bride chose to her wed- ding a champagne wod suit With ice blue .accessories and. a cor- sage of red roses. - Attending hi' sister, ,Miss Shirley ,Jeffries worea mess green wool ',suit with winter - white accessories and a, corsage of yellow =MS. • Leroy Traquair, :Stratford, at- tended the groom, Receiving at the 'wedding re- ception the bride's mother wore a blue wool dress with a corsage of pink and 'white earnationS, The groom's mother wore blaek, with pink carnation corsage. Legion Group Elects Slate Officers for 1058 were elepted at the November meeting of Exeter Legion Auxiliary on Mon- day evening, President is Mrs. Stanley. Frayne; past president; Mrs. Eugene Beaver; vice-presidents. Mrs, Gerald Campbell and Mrs, Graham Mason; secretary, Mrs. Gordon MacTavish; treasurer, Mrs. Douglas Triebner; asst., Mrs. Russell Tiernan. Executive, lYfrt. Gerald Wurm, Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, Mrs. Mur- ray Green, Mrs. .Andy Bierling, Mrs. Cliff Brintnell; sgt-at-arms, Mrs,- Norman Norry; standard bearers, Mr8. William McLean, Mrs. Max Harness, Mrs R. Kay, Mrs,' Gerald Lawson; pianist, Mrs. Gerald Lawson; press re- porter, Mrs. Russell. Tiernan. Conveners: flower, Mrs. Cliff Brintnell; social, Mrs. Max Harness; birthday parcels, Mrs, Will Parker; banquet, Mrs, Eu- gene Beaver, ,A donation was voted in aid of muscular dystrophy. A Clest- rues party for members and their families will be held en Monday, December 16 and the group will eater,to a hydro ban- quet Friday, December 20. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Lloyd ,Reynolds. McGillivray WI Discusses Health Home Economies and Health committee arranged the program for the November meeting of McGillivray Women's Institute held in West McGillivray Hall. Mrs. Earl Morley and 'Mrs. Garnet' Hodgins demonstrated a hot supper dish as given in the extension cOurse., Mrs. Parry Thompson, who is taking a first aid course with the St. John's. Anibulance eorpa',' demonstrated bandaging and gave various ORDER YOUR Christmas Cake TODAY! Once again we are accepting orders for our well- known quality of Christmas Cake. As usual, we will be baking light and dark cakes. 'Remember, just phone 151 Dashwood and your Cake worries are over! • Koehler Bakery PHONE 151 DASHWOOD • ; Avuottitommtimoomitiouniutclou BEST BUY IN 35 MMI Beauty CANTOR $64.50 2.8 Lens, Rapid. Film Transport, Coupled Rangefinder, eumi-Frame Viewer, Guaranteed. ARGUS Automatic Protector k $69.95 Yashica 21/4 soLJARE REFLEX $46.50 Anglo Flash Unit $9.50 Anscoflex . $19..95 Fiash Unit' .... '4.4.4'1.1111411 . tttt .... ... SOS WEI PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION With each camera we sell, we offer Fat prniession. al advice On its use—this instruction wil: be given to the recipient atter Christmas. Phony 341 • 0,11ti PitOTO4R APS ER Lucan Parsanal Items Mr. Bob Coleman has been off 'work for the past week with an attack of fig. Euchre The members of the, Lucan Orange Lodge held a seven -table euchre in their recreation room last Wednesdayevening. First prize winners were Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mr. Clare Paton. Lune hand prizes went to Mrs. Walter Dobbs and Mr. J. Hay- ter. The electric frying pan was won by three-year-old Janet, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lucan. Her ticket was drawn by Mr. Mitchell liaskett. The lucky „draw for the blank- et went to Mr. Lloyd Hern of Woodham, His ticket was drawn bY Mrs. Wilson Hodgins, C.G.I,T. The Lucan C,G..X.T. met in the United Church parlors last Mon- day evening. Mrs. G. E. Nichol, son bad. charge of the games and Mrs. Chas. Sovereign bon - ducted the worship service. The story of The Young Oak Tree Was read. During the business session it ,was decided to purchase two dol- lars worth of Christmas seals and to take the grooming course after Christmas. • Grand Bend -- Continued From Page 15 day from -St. Joseph's Hospital, LOndon. Mr. D. G. Stanton spent last week in Toronto. Mr, John Lovie, of London, had the first finger of the right hand cut with a power saw last week, requiring some stitches, and he was confined to the hos- pital for a day. It has now been taken out of the cast and is doing nicely. Cpl. Chmaberlain has been laid up for the past week with a severe attack- of influenza, but is now back on the beat. Little Misses Mary Lynne and Elizabeth Kennedy spent the weekend with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flear, in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Luther, Larry and Linda, spent Sunday afternoon in London attending the christening of their grand- daughter, Sharon Lynn Walms- ley, in Cronyn -Memorial Ang- lican Church. helps in home nursing. The motto "Health is the greatest possession; a hale cob- bler is better than a sick King" was discussed by Mrs. Reg. Wil- • we will check your BATTERY and REGULATOR free of charge. son. The scripture was read by Mrs. Cecil Dixon. Appropriate readings were given by Mrs. Aaron Scott and Mrs, William Luther. A donation was voted to the War Memorial Hospital; London and plans were, made for the turkey banquet for the Federa- tion of Agriculture. 4 CigifiligfiligirMIFiiiiiinffriffaFiiiggfigggigiggOORFORARMAiggiggiggRAPROMONWHI 911111,01. 'Narcotic Addicts Number 5,000 The Exeter-Reasoll branch of the Women's Christian Tempe- rance Won met at the home of Mrs, Frank Gunning Etn Wednes- day afternOon. Mrs. C. W. Down conducted the warship service assisted by lYfrs. Berman Powe, In a diSel,ISSien on 1141.00-C ad- dietr9 it MO revealed there are 5,000 in Canada with British Co. lumbias Ontario and Quebec having the largest numbers. A .clinic for these addicts has been opened at IVIhrtico nearElie di- nia for alcoholics. It will acco- modate 25 patients. Letters were read from Miss Consitt, Mrs. Geiger, Lon- don, a farmer member .and Mrs, James Nelson, president of the Ontario W. C. '11.11-• fl i 7.; r111.10 rIrli 11110 11114 fIrrill111114 411 rill! r 1.01 10. Orr 114 31;1411.41.4410; fir ... orr..11 rrrin Orr; sr; 0,; for The 0111144041401 401#944# ; WHO 4#4114 WOO* 0.4 MAW WM CLOSE For The Winter OPENAGAIN ON APRIL 15 Monetta Menard's Tavern # onus, Grand Bond Santa Says For The Tops In Christmas •Presents Give Your Family A Now 1958 Meteor Now On Display at South End Service „ • ". Seen Above Is The All -New 1958 Meteor Hardtop In Rideau 500 Series.. FREE .OFFER 1•3 To all those shopping in Exeter during Christmas Opening Week, South End Service. PHONE 328 Russ & Chuck Snell EXETER rr °44111-J67iii4iielle 107#71441* COUPONS • Receive your gift certificate coupons at our store and,get in on "BIG" CHRISTMAS JACKPOT EVERY GIFT LIST... LARGE OR SMALL FINDS rri pERFEorGIFT IN 7NtS STORE FNOM Tables And Lamps • Chairsfor The Family Pictures And Mirrors • Cedar Chests Eureka (Best Buy) Vacuum Cleaners BISSELL Carpel. Sweepers 4 3,4 We Deliver PHONE 20 MAIN STREW,' A ; A040100100100101010MOINC010103110101 4143011000:0101:031:0044413011013NIMMOVIONIM0111000110101010:014010